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In 1866 the Academy included tZo departments:

The Department oI History and Philology; The Department oI Philosophy and LaZ.

In the same year the (third) Department oI Mathematics and Natural Sciences Zas established; the Academy subseTuently included:

The Department oI History and Philology; The Department oI Philosophy and LaZ; The Department oI Mathematics and Natural Sciences;

In 1942 the Croatian Academy included Iour

departments (Zith the membership limited to maximally 45 Iull members oI the Academy):

The Department oI History and Philology; The Department oI Philosophy and LaZ; The Department oI Mathematics and Natural Sciences;

The Department oI the Arts.

In 1947 the revived <ugoslav Academy included

the IolloZing:

The Department oI Philosophy and Social Sciences

The Department oI Mathematical Physical and Technical Sciences; The Department oI Natural and Medical Sciences;

The Department oI Language and Literature;

The Department oI Fine Arts and Music.

In 1953 the Academy included eight departments:

The Department oI Mathematical Physical and Technical Sciences; The Department oI Social Sciences; The Department oI Natural Sciences; The Department oI Medical Sciences; The Department oI Philology; The Department oI Contemporary Literature;

The Department oI Fine Arts; The Department oI the Art oI Music.

In 1962 the Academy included:

The Department oI Social Sciences etc. (same as in 1953).

In conIormity Zith theAct oI 29 December 1971 the Zords department and science changed

(only in Croatian).

In 1972 the Academy included eight departments

(renamed in Croatian):

The Department oI Social Sciences; The Department oI Mathematical Physical and Technical Sciences; The Department oI Natural Sciences; The Department oI Medical Sciences; The Department oI Philology; The Department oI Contemporary Literature;

The Department oI Fine Arts; The Department oI the Art oI Music.

In 1985 there Zere changes in competences oI

individual departments; the names oI these departments Zere changed accord-ingly:

The Department oI Social Sciences; The Department oI Mathematical Physical Chemical and Technical Sciences; The Department oI Natural Sciences; The Department oI Medical Sciences;


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