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pers that have not only initiated the research oI the Croatian literary heritage but also oIIered critical valorisation oI the Zorks Zritten by pre-revival Croatian authors Irom the south as Zell as Irom the north oI Croatia.

In accordance Zith the neZ Statute oI the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts the De-partment oI Contemporary Literature Zas renamed to the Department oI Literature Zith the clear ex-planation that the Department had not even until that time been concerned only Zith studying the contemporary Croatian literature but also Zith exploring the national literature oI the earlier pre- -revival period.

7. The Department oI Fine Arts established in 1919 as the Department oI the Arts originally encompassed ¿ne arts architecture literature and music; it included as Iull members Bela Csikos Sessia .lement Menci Crnþiü and Milan Pilar and as honorary members Vlaho Bukovac Celestin Medoviü Ivan Meštroviü and Pavle Jovanoviü. Its Iormation enabled the beginning oI systematic activity in the area oI enhancing and studying ¿ne arts architecture literature and music.

8. The Department oI Music and Musicology. FolloZing the brieI existence oI the sixth Depart-ment oI Fine Arts and Music and its Music Section (1952) Stjepan Šulek interceded Ior an indepen-dent Department oI the Art oI Music to be esta-blished; this happened toZard the end oI 1953 and later in 1985 it Zas renamed to the Department oI Music and Musicology.

The Department oI Music and Musicology has been dedicated to the promotion and publication oI music Zorks created by Croatian composers and to scienti¿c research analysis and evaluation oI the Croatian music heritage since its very beginning. Distinguished Croatian composers musicians and musicologists had been members oI this depart-ment: Stjepan Šulek Boris Papandopulo Jakov Gotovac etc.

9. The Department oI Technical Sciences Zithin its scienti¿c projects carries out research in the area oI digital signal and image processing; explores the ¿elds oI oil and gas mining; deals Zith

the strategic development oI traI¿c routes in the Republic oI Croatia etc.

On its 150 th anniversary the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts is Iully aZare oI the Iact that a society must respect moral values iI it aims at being stable and civilised. The Academy thereIore Zishes to remind the Croatian public that morality cannot be introduced by a decree oI the authorities but that it may only be built Zithin the society itselI by the means oI conducting an adeTuate valorisation oI social phenomena Zhich may gradually lead to the knoZledge oI the good and social correctives needed Ior the application oI the legal norm and thereby conseTuently to the implementation oI the rule oI laZ in respect oI the recognised needs oI citizens and legal entities.

Based on its mission and role in the society the Academy endeavours – via its members – to establish the situation in the society in a scienti¿c manner and subseTuently to explore Zhat aim our society should be able to achieve in Iuture and Zhat eIIorts should be made in order Ior that aim to be achieved. As the advisor to the people the Academy – just as it suits the highest scienti¿c institution in the country – needs to assemble all the available scientists and scholars in all relevant ¿elds in order Ior the scienti¿c research to be ac-celerated.

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