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The Strossmayer Hours Zas published Zith the aim oI draZing the attention oI both the Croatian and the international proIessional public to this Zork oI art hoping Ior it to become more present in the minds oI the people as a part oI the heritage linking not only the Croatian and the French cul-tures – both territorially and in time but also the generations oI today Zith all the earlier oZners and users oI this illuminated manuscript; and ¿nally on the occasion oI the Academy¶s 150 th anniversary to once again lay emphasis upon the Iounder oI the Gallery – Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer – and his most valuable legacy.

The Academy¶s tasks are carried out through its Departments Zhich had until 1972 borne an-other name in the Croatian language. The Zork-ing structure oI the departments is made up oI Iull members Zhile corresponding and associate mem-bers belong to their broader structure.

Currently on its 150 th birthday the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts includes nine de-partments:

1. The 1 st Department oI Social Sciences en-compasses historical sciences and archaeology laZ sociology political sciences philosophy economy and demography. Research is carried out at the Iol-loZing research units: the Institutes Ior Historical and Social Sciences in Zagreb (and its historical sciences archaeology ethnology and economic research divisions) and Rijeka; the Institutes Ior Historical Sciences in Zadar and Dubrovnik; the Adriatic Institute in Zagreb; the Juraj .riåaniü Cabinet oI Legal Political and Sociological Sci-ences in Zagreb; and interdisciplinary institutes in Split Varaådin Osijek Vinkovci and Bjelovar. 2. The 2 nd Department oI Mathematical Physi-cal and Chemical Sciences explores mathematics elementary and multidimensional geometry and topology; Iurther it does research in classic atomic and nuclear physics; Zhilst in the domain oI chemi-stry it does structural research oI inorganic and bioinorganic compounds.

3. The 3 rd Department oI Natural Sciences in-cludes tZo branches oI scienti¿c research – biologi-cal and geological (macro-Iauna and micro-Iauna;

cellular biology and molecular genetics; ecology; physiology; immunology; and biochemistry). 4. Until 1947 Zhen the Department oI Natu-ral and Medical Sciences Zas established dis-tinguished doctors oI medicine had been elected Academy members according to their other scien-ti¿c or artistic inclinations i.e. members oI either the Department oI the Arts or the Department oI Philosophy and Social Sciences. As an indepen-dent body the Department oI Medical Sciences has existed since its establishment in 1950.

5. The Department oI Philological Sciences has – under the name oI the Department oI His-tory and Philology – been a part oI the Croatian Academy Irom the very beginning as one oI the Academy’s tasks is to care for the study of lan-guage and literature Zith a special emphasis on the care for the Croatian language and its literary monuments . As oI 1869 the department has made public critical editions oI old Croatian literary texts

(Stari pisci hrvatski /Early Croatian Writers/) and oI old Croatian authors Zho used Latin (Hrvatski latinisti /Croatian Latinists/) .

Today Zithin the Department oI Philological Sciences the members oI Zhich participate in nu-merous national and international projects com-mittees Ior lexicography dialectology onomastics etymology Oriental studies and Croatian Latinism are active.

6. The Department oI Literature has since its earliest beginnings developed the scienti¿c lite-rary historical aesthetic and critical valorisation oI the Croatian literature. It has so Iar discussed and continues to discuss eTually not only all eras in the Croatian literary history but also poetic dramatic and prose achievements and authors. In this con-text the editions Stari pisci hrvatski /Early Croa-tian Writers/ and Graÿa za povijest knjiåevnosti hrvatske /Documents for the History of the Croa-tian Literature/ have been published since 1897. Apart Irom these Academy editions Zhich are oI great importance Ior the Croatian literature in the course oI time other – specialised – editions started to be published as Zell (Ljetopis /Annals/; Starine /Antiquities/). Almost each oI them includes pa-

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