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Zas signed betZeen the Croatian Academy and the National Academy oI Sciences oI the Republic oI .orea (2010).

In the same period protocols accompanying the agreements on scienti¿c co-operation Zere signed Zith: the Bulgarian Academy oI Sciences the British Academy the Russian Academy oI Sci-ences the Hungarian Academy oI Sciences the Polish Academy oI Sciences the Chinese Aca-demy oI Engineering the Macedonian Academy oI Sciences and Arts the Academy oI Sciences and Arts oI Bosnia and Herzegovina the Austrian Aca-demy oI Science the National Academy oI Arts oI Ukraine and the Romanian Academy.

As the exchange oI scientists represents the basis Ior the inter-academy co-operation it reTuires mentioning that during the last decade 297 study visits oI Ioreign scientists to the Croatian Aca-demy oI Sciences and Arts and 268 study visits oI Croatian scientists abroad Zere realised Zithin the IrameZork oI the aIorementioned agreements and protocols.

In conIormity Zith the Declaration on Sci-ence and the Use of Scienti¿c Knowledge oI the :orld ConIerence on Science (Budapest 1999) sent to all UNESCO members on 17 December 2002 the Presidency oI the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts adopted the text oI the declara-tion on knoZledge entitled Hrvatska temeljena na znanju i primjeni znanja (Engl. Croatia based on knoZledge and the application oI knoZledge). The declaration Zas published in 2004 under the same title. In it it is particularly pointed out that by the means oI knoZledge Croatia needs to enhance its technological development; upgrade the Tuality oI teaching by developing appropriate curricula; in-troduce the application oI Zorld evaluation criteria; Iocus on the application oI knoZledge and direct eIIorts toZard the introduction and reinIorcement oI the rule oI laZ Zhich is a prereTuisite Ior the existence oI any developed society.

In the context oI Croatia¶s Iorthcoming joining the European Union tZo rather important booklets composed and published in 2004 by the Academy Department oI Philological Sciences should be

mentioned here: Hrvatski jeziþni standard (Engl. Croatian linguistic standard) by R. .atiþiü and Iza-zovi globalizacije i hrvatski jeziþni standard (Engl. Globalisation challenges and the Croatian linguistic standard) by A. .ovaþec. Even more important in the European context is the Academy publication (2008) on the Croatian language in ¿ve languages (Croatian English French German and Russian) and tZo scriptures (the Latin and the Cyrillic). In the period 2001-2010 the Croatian Aca-demy intensi¿ed its participation in the Zork oI international scienti¿c organisations. This ¿rst and Ioremost relates to the activities oI the Euro-pean Science Foundation (member since 2003); the ALLEA (All European Academies) Zhere the activity Zas particularly intensi¿ed during the last tZo years; as Zell as the IAP (Inter-Academy Panel) and the IAMP (Inter-Academy Medical Panel) Zhere the representatives oI the Croatian Aca-demy actively participate in the assembly and the meetings organised by both the IAP and the IAMP. Further the participation is slightly less intensive in the Mediterranean Academic Union Zhich Zas es-tablished in 2008; the IUA (International Union oI Academies) the CEEN (Central Eastern European NetZork); and the ICSU (International Council Ior Science) , oI Zhich the Academy Zas a member until the end oI 2009. The Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts has co-ordinated the European programme HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) Ior the Republic oI Croatia since 2007.

One oI the most important publishing projects in the last tZo decades is beyond any doubt the monumental Academy project entitled Hrvatska i Europa: kultura, znanost i umjetnost – Croatia and Europe, Culture, Arts and Sciences . This project Zhich Zas launched in 1992 Zill this year be en-tirely realised in its Croatian version.

JacTues le GoII one oI the Zorld¶s most Ia-mous living mediaevalists in the IoreZord to Vol-ume I oI the French edition oI Croatia and Europe, points out – inter alia – the IolloZing: (…) In these pages the authors, all Croats, demonstrate in an erudite, intelligent and brilliant way, that Croa-

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