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On 10 December 1860 at the Croatian Vice-Roy¶s conIerence Josip Juraj Strossmayer bishop oI Bosnia and Srijem residing in Ĉakovo made – under the motto: Through education to freedom

– the ¿rst step toZard Iounding the Academy. He presented Josip Šokþeviü the ban (Vice-Roy oI Croatia) Zith a 50 000-Àorin endoZment Ior this purpose.

The Iounding oI the Academy Zas oI¿cially initiated by the Parliament on 29 April 1861 Zhilst the oI¿cial con¿rmation Zas received on 4 March 1866.

:ith his historic thought that Athens was but a minor town, and ancient Greece but small in ter-ritory; yet Athens and ancient Greece were cele-brated worldwide for their intellectual and moral forces, and their glory will never fade (…) Ancient Rome had perished ages ago, yet the glory of an-cient Rome has not ceased ; Strossmayer reminded the members oI the Parliament that an academy of sciences presupposes a university (meeting point) of young people, who would for a more demand-ing spiritual activity be enabled and prepared . On 11 March 1869 the Croatian Parliament stipulated this by the legal provision on the founding of the university in the capital city of Zagreb ; Zhilst the learned bishop and the great patron oI the Croatian people donated 50 000 Àorin a sum eTual to the one donated Ior the Iounding oI the Academy and thereby initiated public Iund raising Ior the purpose oI Iounding the ¿rst modern Croatian university . In the period betZeen 2001 and 2010 335 scienti¿c congresses symposia and round tables;


267 lectures; 172 book and ¿lm presentations and press conIerences; and 312 exhibitions Zere held either in organisation or co-organisation or under the patronage oI the Croatian Academy; in the same period the Academy received visits Irom approxi-mately 40 Ioreign delegations.

The international co-operation oI the Croa-tian Academy oI Sciences and Arts is realised at tZo levels: on the one hand through the bilateral co-operation i.e. concluding agreements on scien-ti¿c co-operation Zith other academies; and on the other through the multilateral co-operation i.e. the participation and engagement oI the representatives oI the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and Arts in international scienti¿c organisations.

The Croatian Academy has so Iar concluded 25 agreements and one letter oI intent Zith rele-vant related institutions in Europe and the Zorld. In the period betZeen 2001 and 2010 agreements on scienti¿c co-operation Zith the IolloZing academies Zere signed: the Albanian Academy oI Science (2002); the Chinese Academy oI Engi-neering (2002); the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy oI Sciences and Humanities (2002); the Chinese Academy oI Social Sciences (2004); the SZedish Royal Academy oI Letters History and AntiTui-ties (2004); the Academy oI Sciences oI the Is-lamic Republic oI Iran (2005); the British Academy (2005) (reneZed version); the Shanghai Academy oI Social Sciences (2007); the Royal Flemish Aca-demy Ior Science and the Arts (2007); the National Academy oI Arts oI Ukraine (2010); and the Roma-nian Academy (2010); moreover the letter oI intent

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