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In accordance Zith the initial Regulations

in 1866 the Academy included:

honorary members (16) Iull members (32) and

corresponding members (number not speci¿ed).

In 1867 according to the same Regulations

the Academy numbered:

23 Iull members

17 corresponding members.

In 1876 the Academy numbered:

24 Iull members

28 corresponding members.

In 1900 the Academy numbered:

26 Iull members

51 corresponding members.

In 1918 the Academy numbered:

31 Iull members

62 corresponding members.

In 1919 the (Iourth) Department oI the Arts Zas

established and it numbered

4 Iull members

7 corresponding members.


In 1921 the earlier Regulations Zere

adjusted to the neZ conditions and thereIore altered. In accordance Zith the neZ Regulations

in 1941 the Croatian Academy oI Sciences and

Arts numbered:

29 Iull members.

In 1948 the membership Zas as IolloZs:

4 honorary members (Ivan Meštroviü / elected in 1919/ Pavle Jovanoviü /1919/ Lavoslav Ruåiþka /1940/ and Josip Broz /1947/)

31 Iull members (8 in every department) 16 active corresponding members 22 corresponding members.

In 1965 the Academy numbered:

67 Iull members

44 active corresponding members 77 corresponding members.

In conIormity Zith theAct oI 29 December 1971 Iull members Zere additionally named

FelloZs oI the Croatian Academy (F.C.A.) Zhilst active corresponding members became extraordinary members.

In conIormity Zith the same Act the Academy may number

70 Iull and

70 extraordinary members.

Both categories have the right oI election non-regarding the category oI neZ mem-bers to be elected.

hazu2.indd 329 08.04.2011. 1

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