Secretary: Ignac Lovrek, F.C.A.
Deputy secretary: Vlasta Piližota, F.C.A.
Trg N. Š. Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 01 4895 170
Central: +385 01 4895 111
Research activities are carried out by members of the Department of Technical Sciences within the framework of the Academy’s scientific councils, institutes and committees, as well as in their parent institutions – faculties of the universities of Osijek, Rijeka, Split and Zagreb. Scientific research covers the fields of biotechnology and food technology; shipbuilding, marine technology and maritime affairs; chemical engineering; materials and processing of materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnology; production engineering; planning the development of petroleum mining and energy and environmental protection; applied and experimental mechanics, advanced methods of calculation of engineering structures; traffic and road development, construction; computing, electrical engineering, information and communication technology, network science, remote sensing and sensor systems; artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, robotics and image processing. Likewise, general issues of science and education related to technological development, innovation and economic development, especially new industries and emerging technologies, are investigated.
The Department currently consists of thirteen full members, twelve corresponding members and seven associate members who work with the assistance of the administrative secretary. Since 1997, when the Department was founded, the members of the Department have been prominent Croatian scientists – deceased full members Hrvoje Babić, Vojislav Bego, Tomo Bosanac, Josip Božičević, Petar Krešimir Čolić, Dragutin Fleš, Marin Hraste, Božidar Liščić, Vladimir Matković, Božo Udovičić and Mirko Zelić. The Academy’s most distinguished former members, who have contributed significantly to technical sciences, are – among others – Nikola Tesla and Hrvoje Požar.
The Department edits the journal Rad of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Technical Sciences, which publishes articles by full, corresponding and associate members of the Croatian Academy, as well as members of the Academy’s scientific councils and scientific constituents.
Scientific councils associated with the Department, the task of which is to encourage, organize, co-ordinate and assist research, bring together several hundred eminent scientists and experts in the fields of technical and biotechnical sciences. The Department members take leading roles in the work of the following scientific councils: Scientific Council for Crude Oil, Gas Economy and Power Supply, Scientific Council for Maritime Affairs, Scientific Council for Traffic, Scientific Council for Technological Development, and as well as the Scientific Council for Medicine and Technology – in cooperation with the Department of Medical Sciences. These scientific councils contribute significantly to the activities and recognition of the Department of Technical Sciences.