Academy Units

The scientific and artistic work of the Academy is organized in its classes and scientific and artistic units.

Division for the History of Croatian Music

Head of: Koraljka Kos, F.C.A.

Director: Prof. Vjera Katalinić, Ph. D.

Opatička 18, 10000 Zagreb
Phone +385 01 4895 320
Phone +385 01 4895 321
Phone – Library +385 01 4895 322
Phone – Director +385 01 4895 323

Entity in composition:

Project: Networking through Music: Changes of Paradigms in the ‘Long 19th Century’ – from Luka Sorkočević to Franjo Ksaver Kuhač  (NETMUS19)

The Division for the History of Croatian Music was founded in 1980 under the name of the Institute for Musicological Research. Its task is the systematic exploration of all aspects of Croatian music within the European context, which makes it a unique institution in Croatia.

Seven researchers in this division work on three projects: The Collection, Cataloguing, and Processing of Written and Recorded Music and other Music Sources in Croatia, Eight Centuries of Spiritual Music in Croatia, and Croatian Musical Historiography before 1945.

The Division copublishes the Croatian musicological journal Arti musices, as well as numerous series of articles, catalogues of musical collections and music score editions. It also organizes national and international conferences, and carries out the mutual exchange of its publications with those of many institutions from Croatia and abroad.

The division has a rich library with more than 4,000 books, as well as music score editions, journals, music in recorded forms, and manuscript legacies.

A 15th-century collection of chants from a Zagreb church, written on parchment, kept at the Academy


Science research units

Museums - Galleries - Collections

Other units