Vranić Silvana, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 1961
Place of birth:
- Rijeka
- Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, Sveučilišna avenija 4, 51000 Rijeka
- Department of Croatian Studies, University of Rijeka: +385 051 265 600
Vranić Silvana, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- full professor
- professor – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka
Functions in Academy:
- member of Awards Committee (2/26/2023 – …)
- head of Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka ( 11/29/2023 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Philological Sciences (5/19/2022 – …)
- associate member – Department of Philological Sciences (5/12/2012 – 5/19/2022)
Curriculum Vitae
Silvana Vranić was born in Rijeka in 1961. She won the Josip Juraj Strossmayer award for humanities in 2006 for her book Čakavski ekavski dijalekt: sustav i podsustavi and the Annual award of the Kostrena municipality in 2006.
Since 2012 Silvana Vranić was an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and in 2022 he became a full member.
Education and academic work
She enrolled the study programme Croatian or Serbian language and literature at the Faculty of Pedagogy in Rijeka in 1980 and she graduated on 1st March 1985. The title of her thesis was Fonologija mjesnog govora Metajne and it was written under the mentorship of professor Milan Moguš, PhD.
She successfully defended her MA dissertation titled Fonologija čakavskih govora otoka Paga (217 pgs.) on 12th February 1993 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb before the committee whose members were Milan Moguš, F.C.A. (mentor), Josip Vončina, F.C.A. and professor August Kovačec, PhD.
She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation Čakavski ekavski govori: sustavi i podsustavi (418 pgs.) on 12th October 1999 at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Rijeka before the committee whose members were professor Iva Lukežić, PhD (mentor), Milan Moguš, F.C.A. and professor Marija Turk, PhD.
She became a research assistant at the Department of Philology of the Faculty of Pedagogy (nowadays Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) in Rijeka on 8th June 1993, and on 22nd February 1994 she became an assistant lecturer. At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka she was appointed a senior assistant lecturer in the domain of humanities, field of linguistics, branch Croatian, on 27th January 2000. On 9th May 2001 she was appointed an assistant professor, and on 17th July 2006 she was elected an associate professor. On 19th July 2011 she was elected a full professor in the domain of humanities, filed linguistics, branch Croatian.
She has published three scientific books: Govori sjeverozapadnoga makrosustava na otoku Pagu, 1. fonologija (2002, reviewed by Iva Lukežić and Marija Turk), Čakavski ekavski dijalekt: sustav i podsustavi (2005, reviewed by Iva Lukežić and Milan Moguš) and Govori sjeverozapadnoga makrosustava na otoku Pagu, 2. morfologija (2011, reviewed by Iva Lukežić and Josip Lisac). She has also published more than fifty scientific papers on Croatian dialectology.
She has presented papers at five conferences abroad (3rd International Slavistics Conference Teorija i praksa nastave slavenskih jezika 1997 in Pecs, Diahronija in sinhronija v dialektoloških raziskavah 2006 in Maribor, Makedonsko-hrvatski književni i kulturni vrski, 2007 at Ohrid, 26. simpozij Obdobja – Metode in zvrsti, Slovenska narječja med sistemom in rabo, 2007 in Ljubljana, Prvi bosansko-hercegovački slavistički kongres 2011 in Sarajevo) and at about thirty conferences in Croatia, including many international conferences (International Scientific Conference Riječki filološki dani 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2006 in Rijeka, International Slavistics Symposium Hrvatski filološki skup 1995, 2000 and 2001 in Rijeka, Znanstveni skup o Bogoslavu Šuleku at HAZU 1995 in Zagreb, Znanstveni skup o hrvatskim dijalektima at HAZU 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008 in Zagreb, Drugi hrvatski slavistički kongres 1999 in Osijek, Treći hrvatski slavistički kongres in Zadar 2002 and V. hrvatski slavistički kongres 2010 in Rijeka, 4th International Lexicological-Lexicographic Conference Jezikoslovno nazivlje Dijalektna leksikografija 2005 in Zagreb, International Scientific Conference Josip Hamm i njegovo djelo 2005 in Zagreb, Rudolf Strohal i njegovo djelo 2006 in Karlovac).
She was a research associate on several projects of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia. As a research associate on the project Dijalektološka istraživanja u sjeverozapadnome čakavskome arealu (headed by professor Iva Lukežić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka) she studied Čakavian Ekavian idioms, idioms of the north-western Čakavian area, syntax and the basic vocabulary of Čakavian idioms of the island of Pag; as a research associate on the project Čakavsko narječje: sjeverni i središnji dijalekti (headed by professor Iva Lukežić, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka) she studied morphology and vocabulary of the north-western Pag area, Štokavian and Čakavian traits of the idioms of the south-eastern Pag area, as well as border north-western Čakavian idioms; as a research associate on the project Hrvatski jezični atlas (headed by Mijo Lončarić, PhD, senior research scientist, Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics in Zagreb) she studied the idiom of Kršan and submitted a phonological description accepted for publication. As a research associate on the project Hrvatski mjesni rječnik of The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography she studied the corpus of Kostrena, and as a research assistant on the project Onomastica adriatica of Vladimir Skračić she participated with a synthesis of linguistic traits of the south-eastern and north-western idioms of the Pag macrosystem. She is the head of a scientific project supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia titled Prilozi za istraživanje čakavskih dijalekata na području zapadne Hrvatske (part of a scientific programme Povijesna, sakralna i jezična baština zapadne Hrvatske), and within the framework of this project she has published a book on morphology of the north-western macrosystem of the island of Pag and is currently preparing a dictionary of the idiom of Novalja on the island of Pag. She is also a research associate on the project Hrvatska dijalektologija of Josip Lisac.
During 1995 and 1996 she participated in preparations for the organisation of a postgraduate course of studies Lingvistika s posebnim obzirom na dijalektologiju (sinkronijski i dijakronijski aspekt) (Linguistics with a Special Emphasis on Dialectology (Synchronic and Diachronic Aspect)) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and in the academic year 1998/1999 she taught at this course of studies under the mentorship of professor Iva Lukežić, PhD. At the postgraduate doctoral course of studies Povijest i dijalektologija hrvatskoga jezika (History and Dialectology of the Croatian Language), at which she teaches and co-teaches several courses, she designed the dialectological component. She was also involved in creating the programme of the course of studies in Croatian language and literature (as a single and a double major) according to the ECTS system. By co-mentoring a classification thesis she has also participated in the work of the postgraduate course in linguistics of the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. She has also participated in the teaching of a course in dialectology at the postgraduate course of studies Kroatistika – Hrvatski jezik (Croatian Studies – Croatian Language) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb.
She has also been the president and member of several committees for evaluation and defence of doctoral dissertations, and the president of several committees for appointment of candidates to research-teaching positions. She also mentored a successfully defended MA dissertation on a group of Čepić idioms, and is currently mentoring two doctoral dissertations: on phonology and morphology of Ekavian Labin idioms and on phonology and morphology of Štokavian Ikavian idioms of Gorski Kotar. She has published several scientific papers in co-autorship with undergraduate and graduate students.
She was actively involved in the Festival znanosti (Science Fair) 2009, the aim of which was to popularise science, where she gave a lecture titled O dvama čakavskim ekavskim poddijalektima na području Grada Rijeke. She is the applications coordinator at the University of Rijeka for postgraduate courses of study at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka.
Since 1st March 1994 she has taught seminars for courses Staroslavenski jezik (Old Church-Slavonic Language) (and as a separate part of that course Slavenska pisma (Slavic Alphabets)), Dijalektologija (Dialectology) and an elective course Dijalektološka terenska istraživanja (Dialectological Field Research) at the Department of Philology of the Faculty of Pedagogy in Rijeka (nowadays the Department of Croatian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences). In the academic year 1995/1996 she taught a course titled Seminar diplomskoga rada (Graduation Thesis Seminar). During that same and the previous academic year she was also involved in teaching Staroslavenski jezik (Old Church-Slavonic Language) and Dijalektologija (Dialectology) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Pula as an external collaborator.
After being appointed senior assistant lecturer in January 2000 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka she has taught seminars in the courses Staroslavenski jezik (Old Church-Slavonic Language) and Dijalektologija (Dialectology) which are a part of the Croatian Language and Literature programme (as a double and a single major), and later on she took over the lectures for the course Dijalektologija (Dialectology) which is part of the same programme (Croatian as a single major).
After being appointed an assistant professor in 2001 she has taught seminars that are part of the courses Dijalektologija (Dialectology) and Dijalektološka terenska istraživanja (Dialectological Field Research) which are a part of the Croatian Language and Literature (as a double and a single major) programme at the same Faculty, and since the summer semester of the academic year 2005/2006 she has also taught an elective course Razvoj i uspostava hrvatskih narječja (Development and Establishment of Croatian Dialects) which is a part of the Croatian Language and Literature programme structured in accordance with the ECTS system.
Since she was elected an associate professor she has taught the following courses: Uvod u dijalektologiju hrvatskoga jezika (Introduction to the Dialectology of the Croatian Language), Čakavsko narječje (/kajkavsko/štokavsko narječje, ciklički)(Čakavian Dialect (/Kajkavian/Štokavian Dialect, in cycles), Dijalektologija hrvatskoga jezika (Dialectology of the Croatian Language), Dijalektologija hrvatskoga jezika: leksikologija i leksikografija (Dialectology of the Croatian Language: lexicology and lexicography), Dijalektologija hrvatskoga jezika: morfologija (Dialectology of the Croatian Language: morphology), Dijalektologija hrvatskoga jezika: terenska istraživanja (Dialectology of Croatian Language: field research), and a course that is a part of the teaching module Njegovanje kulturne baštine: izrada školskih rječnika (Preserving Cultural Heritage: Compiling School Dictionaries) as a part of the Croatian Language and Literature programme (undergraduate and graduate, single and double major, teaching and general programme) that is structured in accordance with the ECTS system.
During the academic year 2009/2010 she taught a course titled Hrvatski jezik i zavičajnost u nastavi (The Croatian Language and Local Traditions in Teaching) at the Faculty of Teacher Education in Rijeka and their department in Gospić.
In October 2005 she was a guest lecturer at the Department of Slavonic Languages and Literature of the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. In October 2011 at the Harriman Institute (Columbia University, New York) she gave a lecture on the development of the Croatian language as a system and as a standard language.
She has mentored about thirty graduation theses in the domain of dialectology and a number of BA theses.
Professional activities
Silvana Vranić has published more than twenty papers and reviews of papers on linguistics in various journals.
She has taught at the School of the Croatian language for teachers and students of Croatian from the expatriate community organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Novi Vinodolski in 1995, and, for a number of years, in Rijeka. She has given several invited lectures for teachers of Croatian language and literature and for wider public. She participated in the compilation of the Academy’s Rječnik čakavskoga narječja, where she worked on the idiom of Vodice. She has revised a number of proceedings and journals, several books in the domain of natural sciences and humanities, accentuated several collections of poems and word lists by Čakavian authors, reviewed several journal and proceedings papers. She has also reviewed several projects of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and of the National Science Foundation, as well as a number of dictionaries of Čakavian idioms, several scientific books and textbooks. She has presented several books and proceedings.
She has been a member of the Organising Committee of the RFD since February 2002. She was also the editor of the linguistics section of the proceedings of the 6th and 7th Riječki filološki dani, and she was the president of the Organising Committee of the 8th Riječki filološki dani held in November 2009 in Rijeka and of the Šimun Kožičić Benja i njegova tiskara u Rijeci (1530. – 1531.) conference organised by the Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and of a number of local conferences, etc. She was also the editor of the Proceedings in honour of Iva Lukežić U službi jezika and of the book Grobnički govor XX. st. (gramatika i rječnik) by Iva Lukežić and Sanja Zubčić. She was also the co-editor of the special edition of Fluminensia 2012 containing papers presented at the Šimun Kožičić Benja i njegova tiskara u Rijeci (1530. – 1531.) conference. She is a member of the editorial board of editions of the Katedra Čakavskoga sabora Kostrena, the president of the Organising committee of the Život, kultura i povijest Kostrene conference and the editor of several issues of the Proceedings. She has been a member of the editorial board of Fluminensia since 2010.
Since 1999 she has been involved in the work of the Odbor za dijalektologiju Razreda za filološke znanosti HAZU, and she is also a member of other professional associations: Hrvatsko filološko društvo (Croatian Philological Society), Hrvatskogradišćanskohrvatsko društvo, and a member of the presiding committees of Katedra Čakavskoga sabora Kostrena and Katedra Čakavskoga sabora Rijeka. She is also the president of several committees for the preservation of original traits of the Čakavian dialect.
For a period of seven years she was the chair of the Croatian Language Section of the Department of Croatian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, and at present she is the head of the Department.
Silvana Vranić – Personal Page