Tišler Miha
Date of birth:
- 1926
Place of birth:
- Ljubljana
- March 25, 2021, in Ljubljana
Tišler Miha
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in Academy:
- Corresponding Member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (11/15/1979 – 03/25/2021)
Curriculum Vitae
Miha Tišler Miha Tišler, born on 18 September 1926 in Ljubljana, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, until his retirement in 1995 Professor of Organic Chemistry, at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana (UL). In 1996, he was named Professor Emeritus of the University of Ljubljana and received a Honorary Doctorate of the University of Ljubljana in 2000.
Since 1970, he was Associate, and since 1977 Full Member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In 1979, Tišler was elected Corresponding Member of the of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Art.