Sutlić Željko

Date of birth:
- 04/19/1953
Place of birth:
- Karlovac
- Klinička bolnica Dubrava, Avenija Gojka Šuška 6, 10000 Zagreb
- +385 01 2903 516
Sutlić Željko
Academic titles:
- full professor
- Head of Department of Cardiac and Transplantation Surgery, Clinic for Surgery – University Hospital Dubrava
- Full-time Professor, Department of Surgery – School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Medical Sciences (05/18/2006 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
- High School – 1971.
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb – 1977.
- Faculty of Medicine, postgraduate course – field biomedicine 1978-1979.
- 1977. – General Medicine Practice
- 1979. – Residence in General Surgery
- 1984 – Specialist in General Surgery
- 1983-1984. – General Surgery – Addenbrok’s Hospital, Cambridge
- 1984-1985. – Cardiac Surgery, High Medical School, Hannover, Germany
- 1987-1988. –Humboldt stipend, High Medical School, Hannover, Germany in field of Education in transplantation by prof.dr. Hansa Borsta
- 1994. – Cardiac Surgery – Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, SAD
- 1994.– Cardiac Surgery – Buffalo General Hospital University of Buffalo, New York, SAD
- 1994. – Cardiac Surgery – Ambasador program, Texas Hearth Institute, Houston, SAD
- 2002. – Specialist of Cardiac Surgery
- 2002. – Fellow EACTS
Postgraduate courses
- Cours superieur de technique chirurgicale – Paris , 1991.
- The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 1994.
- St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital and Texas Heart Institute, 1994.
- Aortic Surgery – Innovative techniques from the European Perspective, 1995.
- First Course on Anatomy, Physiology and Surgery of Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Innsbruck, Austria, 1997.
- Latest Techniques in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Belgian, 1998.
- Less-Invasive Coronary Artery Surgery – IX Congreso de la Sociedad Catalana de Cirugia Cardiaca celebrado en Barcelona, 1999.
- Secundary prevention – Surgical aspect, Scientific meeting – prevention of atherosclerosis – Zagreb, 2000.
- III. International Symposium on Myocardial Cytoprotection, Pecs, Hungary, 2000.
- III. Congress of The Croatian Society of Extracorporeal Technology, Plitvice, Croatia, 2000.
- Meeting of Croatian and Slovenian cardiac surgeons, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2001.
- International Symposium Echocardiography at the Turn of Millennium, Zagreb, 2001.
- 9th Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting, Dubrovnik, 2001.
- III. International Symposium on Beating Heart Surgery, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2001.
- Left Ventricle Volume Reduction for Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Rome, Italy, 2001.
- Medtronic Education Course relating to the theory and practice of the Cardioblate(TM) and its clinical applications, Zwolle, 2002.
- 5th Annual Scientific Meeting – The International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, 2002.
- The Second Annual Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, Sr.Louis, Missouri, 2002.
- The International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, 2003.
- The Third Annual Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation, 2003.
- International Cardiac Symposium, Zadar, 2003.
- ‘Advanced Echocardiography: Standards and New Trends in Echocardiographic Quantization of Ventricular Function and Heart Failure, 2003.
- 1977. – Medical Doctor
- 1979. – Resident of General Surgery
- 1984. – Specialist of General Surgery
- 1981. – Master Degree in Medical Science
- 1990. – PhD in Medical Science
- 1990. – Assistant at Department of Surgery in Medical faculty in Zagreb
- 1994. – Docent at the same department
- 1998. – Associate Professor of Surgery at Medical faculty in Zagreb
- 2008. – Full-time Professor of Surgery at Medical faculty in Zagreb
Scientific and educational titles
- 1990. – Assistant at Department of Surgery in Medical faculty in Zagreb
- 1994. – Docent at the same department
- 1998. – Associate Professor of Surgery at Medical faculty in Zagreb
- 2000. – member of The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia
- 2006 — Associate Member of the Croatian Academy for Science and Art
- 2008. – Full-time Professor of Surgery at Medical faculty in Zagreb
Qualification thesis
- Masters thesis: “Transplantacija gušterače kod psa (perfuzija i pohrana segmenta gušterače za transplantaciju)”, University of Zagreb, 1981.
- Doctoral disertation: “Funkcionalnost endokrinog aparata gušterače psa nakon ex vivo ishemije i transplantacije”, Medical Faculty in Zagreb, 1990.
Organization of scientific and professional congressses
Member of organizational and scientific committees
- First Congress of Croatian cardiac association, Opatija, April 1993.
- Second Congress of Croatian cardiac association, Zagreb, October 1996.
- First international Croatian congress of extracorporeal circulation, Brijuni, May 1996.
- V. Central European Transplant Workshop, Brijuni, May 1997.
- First Croatian congress about atherosclerosis, Brijuni, October 1997.
- Second international Croatian congress of extracorporeal circulation, Dubrovnik, 1998.
- Second congress of Croatian surgical association, Zagreb, 1998.
- ‘New trends in cardiology and cardiac surgery 2000’ international, Croatian Academy of Science and Art, Croatian cardiac association, Clinic of Surgery University hospital Dubrava, Medical faculty in Zagreb, in Zagreb, June 2000.
- Minimal invasional coronary surgery and partial ventriculectomy (Batista)”, Zagreb, University hospital Dubrava, October 1996, Medical faculty in Zagreb and Croatian Academy of Science and Art
- The 9th Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting – Medtronic Satellite Symposium ‘Less Invasive Cardiac Surgery – Current State and Perspectives’. Cavtat-Dubrovnik, 6-9.6.2001.
- Teleconferencing – ‘Micro Wave Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation’, Zagreb, University hospital Dubrava, June 2001
- Endoscopic preparation of radial artery, Continuous education (Work shop) – Zagreb 2002-2003.
- Diseases of aortic valve, International symposium, Zagreb, May 2003
- Modern approach in treatment of mitral valve disease” – Zagreb, April,2005.
- Fourth meeting of Croatian and Slovenian cardiac surgeons, Zagreb, March 2006.
- Cleveland clinic in Zagreb – International symposium, Zagreb, March 2008.
- 2D and 3D transesophageal echocardiogram in peri- and postoperative treatment of cardiac patients, Zagreb May 2009.
- Chronic heart failure and Mechanical Heart Support, Zagreb, March 2010.
Editor of scientific and professional journal
- Member of editorial board “Acta Medica Croatica” (1991-2002.)
Membership and functions in scientific and professional societies
- Member of HLZ since 1977
- Member of Surgical section of HLZ
- Member of Croatian Cardiac Association
- Member of Croatian Society for Prevention and Treatment of Atherosclerosis
- Member of European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS)
- Member of ISMICS (International Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery)
- Member STS since 2002
Scientific and professional awards and acknowledgments
- Croatian Medical Association, for contribution – 1997.
- Plaquettes from Croatian Medical Association – 2001.
Additional scientific activities
- ISMICS – Muenchen, 1997.
Invited speaker
- The 1st International Congress of the Society for Extracorporeal Circulation, Portorož, Slovenija, 1997.
- Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, New York, SAD,1998.
- III. International Symposium on Beating Heart Surgery – Belo Horizonte, Brazil – 2001.
- First Branislav Radovančević International Heart Failure Forum, Portorož, Slovenija, 2008.
- Third Brane Radovančević’s International Heart Failure Forum, Portorož, Slovenija, 2010.
- 8th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Extracorporeal Circulation, Malinska, 2010.
- The 3rd International Congress of the Society of Extracorporeal Circulation, Portorož, Slovenija, 2010.
- 1st HSF Meeting Croatia, Portorož, 2010.
Additional professional activities
- Founder of Department of Experimental Surgery in Centre for Medical Science, University Hospital Centre Zagreb, 1985.
- Actuator of Department of Heart Transplantation, Clinic for cardiac surgery, University Hospital Centre Zagreb
- Founder of Department of Cardiac Surgery in University Hospital Dubrava
- Cofounder of Surgical Laboratory for Biomedical Research, first in Croatia in 2003.
- Consultant in founding of Department of Cardiac Surgery in:
- University Hospital Centre Rijeka
- University Hospital Centre Split
- University Cospital Centre Osijek
- Medical Centre Tuzla
Current employment
- Head of Department of Cardiac and Transplantation Surgery, Clinic for Surgery in University Hospital Dubrava
- Full-time Professor, Department of Surgery, Medical Faculty in Zagreb
Additional scientific activities
Manages educational classes in the field of cardiac surgery in University Hospital Dubrava and provides occasional practical exercise in the basics of surgery and perfusion in cardiac surgery (for perfusionists)
Educational activities
Graduate courses
Regular lectures – subject “Sugery”
Teaching experience: 5 years as Docent, 8 years as Associate Professor and 2 years as Full-time Professor
- General surgery and surgical propedeutics (1990-1995.), Clinic for Surgery University Hospital Centre Rijeka
- General surgery and surgical propedeutics (1995-2003.), University Hospital Dubrava
Postgraduate courses
- Scientific postgraduate studies Biomedicine, Subject “Transplantation surgery”
- “General surgery”, postgraduate studies, Subject “Experimental surgery” (until shut-down of the postgraduate studies)
Masters thesis
- Darko Anić: “Procjena biološke očuvanosti zamrznutih srčanih zalistaka metodom ugradnje radioaktivnog timidina”, Faculty of Science. 1992.
- Igor Rudež: “Utjecaj davanja otopine glukoze-inzulina-kalija na poboljšanje funkcije ventrikla nakon ishemijskog zastoja srca”, Faculty of Science. 1998.
Doctoral disertations
- Ino Husedžinović: “Hemodina evaluacija optimalne inotropne potpore u kardiotomijskom sindromu”. Medical Faculty in Zagreb, 1994.
- Boris Starčević: “Koncentracija cirkulirajućeg oksigeniranog LDL-a (oxLDL) i protutijela na ox LDL u kroničnih bolesnika prije i nakon revaskularizacije miokarda”, Medical Faculty in Zagreb. 2006.
- Kristina Brkić; “Biokemijski algoritam za praćenje upale nakon kardiokirurške operacije”, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb, 2009.
- Ines Lazibat: “Rizik pojave neuroloških komplikacija nakon kardiokirurških operacija uz upotrebu stroja za vantjelesni krvotok”, Medical Faculty in Zagreb, 2010.
Professional achievements
- Heart transplantation (founding of 2nd centre in Croatia, Univeersity hospital Dubrava).
- Introduction of use of fibrin glue in cardiac surgery
- Retrograde cardioplegia and warm blood cardioplegia
- Preparation of cardioplegic solutions as Buckberg in cooperation with Department for blood transfusion of Croatia and University hospital Dubrava
- Founding of new Department for cardiac surgery in University hospital Dubrava
- Organization and performance of multiorgan explantation
- Organization and involvement in international cooperation in multiorgan explantation of intraoracle organs (Eurotransplant).
- Assisted circulation and respiration in cardiac surgery
- Minimal invasive coronary surgery
- Operations of heart valves on beating heart
- Complete arterial bypass
- Partial ventriculectomy and other operations of remodeling of left ventricle
- VAT – Videoscopic operation of aortocoronary bypass
- Stentless biological aortic valves.
- Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation
- Biventricular pacing
- Endoscopic extirpation of radial artery
- Endoscopic aortic stent grafts
- Assisted heart
Scientific and proressional projects
Scientific projects
- Project manager financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of RH “Minimizing the influence of operational stress on cardiomiocytes (198-1980976-0975) (January 2007.-January 2010.)
- Researcher on scientific project with Prof.Bojan Biočina ahead “Haemostatic management of high-risk cardiosurgery patient” (198-1980976-0974) (January 2007.-January 2010.)
- Project manager of Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of RH “Inflammation markers after cardiac operations” (July 2002- December 2006.)
- Project manager “Prospective observational register of treatments of ablation with electromagnetic waves with additional syringing through epicard in patients with permanent fibrillation of atrium undergoing aortocoronary bypass operation”– ERA STUDY, multicentric study supported by Medtronic Bakken Research center, Netherlands
- Project manager ” Prospective observational register of patients with paroxysmal fibrillation of atrium undergoing Maze procedure with appliance of electromagnetic waves in frequency of radio waves with additional syringing during the cardio surgical operation ” – PARMA STUDY, multicentric study supported by Medtronic Bakken Research center, Netherlands
- Project manager “The effect of lacidipine on prevention of ischemic incidence after aortocoronary bypass operation” – LACICARD, supported by GlaxoSmithKline, Zagreb
- Project manager financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of RH “Investigation of models of assisted circulation ad respiration” (3-01-474). 1991-1996.
- Project reviewer run by Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of RH (3-122-05-009) since 1996.
Industry projects
- Project: Process development of production of homemade resorption surgical material in Factory “Unitas” in Zagreb (1990-1992).