Spicijarić Paškvan Nina

Date of birth:
- 18/12/1980
Place of birth:
- Rijeka
- Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka with its local unit in Pula, Ružićeva 5, 51000 Rijeka
- +385 051 355 807
Spicijarić Paškvan Nina
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science (2013)
- senior research associate – Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka (scientific rank 8/5/2023, job position 1/12/2023)
- research associate – Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka (scientific rank 8/7/2014, job position 1/6/2015)
- senior assistant/postdoc – Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka (30/1/2014)
- assistant – Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka (1/5/2008)
Curriculum Vitae
Nina Spicijarić Paškvan was born in Rijeka (Croatia) in 1980, where she finished elementary school (1995) and secondary school (modern languages department – 1999). She graduated at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb (Department of Hungarian Language and Studies and Department of Italian Language and Literature) in 2005. During her studies, she attended one term at the Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem in Budapest, Hungary.
From 2005 to 2008 she taught Italian as a private teacher and worked as an Italian language teacher at schools in Zagreb and Rijeka. During her studies she worked as a tourist guide in Croatia and abroad. Occasionally she works as an Italian language translator and has a good command of English, German, Spanish and Slovenian.
Since 2008 she has been an employee of the Institute of Historical and Social Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Rijeka with its local unit in Pula, where she has been engaged in the scientific discipline of Human Sciences, specialising in Philology.
In 2013 she wrote her doctoral thesis on Lessemi di origine romanza relativi alla sfera semantica dell’economia domestica attestati negli idiomi dell’isola di Veglia: analisi etimologica e lessicologica (Lexemes of Romance Origin in the Semantic Field of the Household Attested in the Idioms of the Island of Krk: an Etymological and Lexicological Analysis) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The field of her professional and scientific interest includes contact linguistics (especially Roman-Slavic), phraseology, toponymy, etymology, and sociolinguistics and is mostly concerned with the linguistic aspects of the Kvarner region on the Northern Adriatic Coast in Croatia. Within linguistic and interdisciplinary researches she has published her works in different linguistic and scientific journals and she has taken part in local and international scientific and professional congresses and seminars in Croatia and abroad.
Nina Spicijarić Paškvan – Croatian Scientific Bibliography – CROSBI