Senjanović Ivo, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 06/04/1940
Place of birth:
- Split
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Technical Sciences +385 01 4895 172
Senjanović Ivo, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- doctor of Science
- Professor (retired) – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
- professor emeritus – The University of Zagreb (09/13/2011 – …)
Functions in Academy:
- president – Scientific Council for Maritime Affairs (04/02/2004 – …)
- member of the Supervisory Board – Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (05/29/2013 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Technical Sciences (05/16/2002 – …)
- associate member – Department of Technical Sciences (01/30/1997 – 05/16/2002)
Curriculum Vitae
- 1967 – B.Sc. in Naval Architecture, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
- 1969 – M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb
- 1970 – Ph.D. in Naval Architecture, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb
- 1967 – 1969 – Ship Research Institute, Zagreb
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb:
- 1969-1972 – Assistant Lecturer
- 1972-1978 – Assistant Professor
- 1978-1983 – Associate Professor
- since 1983 – Full Professor
- 1973 – Visiting Fellow, Department of Naval Architecture, University of California, Berkeley
- 1974-1975 – Visiting Researcher, Research Department, Det norske Veritas, Oslo
- Affiliate Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU, 1997-2002)
- Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU, 2002)
- Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ, 1994)
- Croatian Society for Mechanics (HDM, 1970)
- Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME, 1976)
- International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE, 1997)
- International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC, 1977-2000); Committee Member:
- II.1 Linear Structural Response, 1977-1979, (7th ISSC, Paris, France, 1979)
- II.4 Steady-state Dynamic, 1979-1982, (8th ISSC, Paris (Gdansk), France (Poland), 1982)
- II.4 Vibration and Noise, 1982-1985, (9th ISSC, Genoa, Italy, 1985)
- II.2 Dynamic Load Effects, 1985-1988, (10th ISSC, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1988)
- II.1 Quasi-static Load Effects, 1988-1991, (11th ISSC, Wuxi, China, 1991)
- II.1 Quasi-static Load Effects, 1991-1994, (12th ISSC, St.John’s, Canada, 1994)
- II.2 Dynamic Response, 1994-1997, (13th ISSC, Trondheim, Norway, 1997)
- II.2 Dynamic Response, 1997-2000, (14th ISSC, Nagasaki, Japan, 2000)
- President of the Permanent Committee of national symposium “Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture”, in memoriam Professor Leopold Sorta
- President of the Scientific Council for Maritime Affairs of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
- Recipient of “Nikola Tesla” award 1974 granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia for the achievement in scientific research in the field of Naval Architecture (Ship Structures) and publishing of the book “Theory of Shells of Revolution”, Ship Research Institute, Zagreb, 1972.
- “Fran Bošnjaković” award 1995 granted by the University of Zagreb for significant scientific, professional and educational contribution to the development and support of the Croatian shipbuilding.
Research activities
The activity is divided into the basic research of numerical methods for static and dynamic analysis of structures, and the applied research for ship and offshore structures wave load and response. This includes:
- shell theory with application to submarine structure design,
- numerical methods for time integration of linear and non-linear differential equations of ship motion in regular and irregular waves,
- ship chaoting rolling and capsizing, slamming etc.,
- ship longitudinal and side launching from horizontal berth by tipping table principle,
- torsion of ships with large deck openings,
- ship and main engine vibration,
- riser dynamics.
Based on the established theories the following computer programs have been developed:
- STIFF for determination of ship hull stiffness parameters for bending, shear, torsion and warping.
- DIANA for flexural and torsional ship hull vibration analysis; free and forced harmonic and transient vibration.
- POZAS for calculation of longitudinal and side launching of ships and floating units.
Professional activities
Together with his collaborators he has performed over 100 commission works for the Croatian shipyards and some foreign clients on submarine structure design, LPG cargo tank design, strength of ships and offshore structures, ship and engine vibration, ship launching etc. Some of the most interesting problems are listed as follows:
- Structure design of catamaran crane vessel, Shipyard “3. maj”, Rijeka.
- Vibration analysis of passenger-car ferry “Amorella”, Shipyard “Split”, Split.
- Vibration analysis of passenger-rail ferry, Shipyard “Uljanik”, Pula.
- Vibration analysis of marine diesel engine, Shipyard “3. maj”, Rijeka.
- Strength analysis of lower derrick substructure of Jack-up drilling unit “Labin”, INA-Naftaplin, Zagreb.
- Structure design of bilobe cargo tanks in Liquefied Gas Carriers, Hartmann Reederei, Leer, Germany.
Educational activities
He was the Head of the Department of Naval Architecture, and at present he is at the Section of Ship Structure Design.
As a Professor of Naval Architecture he has taught many undergraduate and post-graduate courses related to the plate and shell theory, submarine structure design, strength and vibration of ships and offshore structures, dynamics of ships and floating units.
For educational purposes he has issued five text books on plate and shell theory, finite element method and ship vibration.
He was advisor and supervisor for 68 diploma degree holders (B.Eng.), 19 postgraduate students (M.Sc.) and 7 doctoral theses (Ph.D.) in the field of naval architecture and mechanical engineering.
Publication editing
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of Journal “Brodogradnja”
- Member of the Editorial Board of the “International Journal for Engineering Modelling”
- Member of the Editorial Board of the TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA, FSB, Zagreb
- Executive Editor of the BULLETIN of the Department of Technical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.