Sabljak Tomislav

Date of birth:
- 02/15/1934
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
- Division for the History of Croatian Literature, Opatička 18, 10000 Zagreb
- +385 01 4895 310
Sabljak Tomislav
Academic titles:
- distinguished Scientist (05/30/2007 – …)
- full professor
Functions in Academy:
- research Adviser – Institute for the History of Croatian Literature, Theater and Music
- head of – Division for the History of Croatian Literature (2000. – 2020.)
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Literature (05/12/1994 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
- primary and secondary school in Zagreb
- B.A., College of Arts and Humanities, University of Zagreb
- Ph.D. thesis: Plays by Janko Polić Kamov
- 1958/59 – Literature (Literatures)
- 1964/65 – Telegram
- 1977 – 1980 – Mogućnosti (Possibilities)
- since 1975 – Kronika review
- 1964 – initiated a short story competition in the Zagreb daily newspapers Večernji list.
- since 1969 – fully employed by the Institute of Literature and Theater Studies at the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU).
- 1976 – founded the magazine Termin together with Fedor Vidas and Dalibor Cvitan.
- since 1994 – associate member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU).
- since 1997 – university lecturer.
- 1999 – 2000 – acting director, the Division for the History of Croatian Literature.
- since 2000 – scientific counsellor and honorary director of the Division for the History of Croatian Literature.
- 1996 – Marko Fotez Award, for Teatar Janka Polića Kamova (The Theater of Janko Polić Kamov) (MH, 1995)
- since 1959 – DHK (Croatian Writers’ Association)
- since 1965 – P.E.N.
- since 1979 – Association internationale des critiques littéraires, Paris
- since 1986 – Société européenne de culture – S.E.C., Venice
- since 1993 – Council for Theater, Film and Television at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Participation in scholarly symposia:
has participated in many scientific symposia in Croatia and abroad, and has participated in nearly all Krležini dani (Krleža’s Days) symposia in Osijek, Croatia. He has lectured at creative writing schools abroad.
Scientific projects:
Short Narrative Forms in Croatian Literature, project manager.
Translations into foreign languages:
poems, essays, reviews, and short stories translated into foreign languages, radio plays produced by radio stations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland. Published in several anthologies of Croatian poetry, short stories published in European short stories collections (1989).
Translations into Croatian:
some hundred theoretical essays on Anglo-American theater and literature, poetry, short stories, and radio plays by English and American writers.