Sablić Tomić Helena, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 1968
Place of birth:
- Osijek
- Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, Ul. kralja Petra Svačića 1/f, 31000 Osijek
- +385 01 4895 169
Sablić Tomić Helena, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- professor Doctor of Science
- full professor with tenure – Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Literature (05/16/2024 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Sablić Tomić was born on 18 August 1968 in Osijek where she completed her primary and secondary education. She graduated from the Faculty of Education in Osijek. At the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, she gained her MA degree in 1997 (thesis title: “The Short Story of the 90s – the publications and authors of the Quorum journal”) and her PhD degree in 2001 (thesis title: “The Models of Contemporary Croatian Autobiographical Prose”).
She works as a tenured full professor at the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, teaching courses in literature and culture. She has been the dean of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek since 2006. She was the first ambassador (2018) of the Creative Europe Desk of the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia. Since 2024, she has been a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Department of Literature).
She has published the following books:
- Montaža citatnih atrakcija – u obzoru quorumaške proze, Matica hrvatska ogranak Osijek, Osijek, 1998
- Intimno i javno – ogledi o suvremenoj autobiografskoj prozi, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2002
- Slavonski tekst hrvatske književnosti, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2003 (co-author Goran Rem)
- Gola u snu – o ženskom književnom identitetu, Znanje, Zagreb, 2005
- Dnevnik nevidljivoga – moja godina 2007., Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2008 (photography Davor Šarić)
- Hrvatska autobiografska proza, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2008
- Kortars horvat irodalom-költeszet es rövidtörtenet 1968-tol najpjainking, Jelenkor, Pecs, 2009 (co-author Goran Rem)
- Bogdan Mesinger – esej, Oksimoron, Osijek, 2010 (photography Davor Šarić)
- Pannonius, Vrančić; pretapanja, Oksimoron, Osijek, 2010 (photography Davor Šarić)
- Grad koji šarmira, DHK Ogranak slavonsko-baranjsko-srijemski, Požega, 2011
- O strasti, čitanju, dokolici, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2011
- Uvod u hrvatsku kratku priču, Leykam international d.o.o., Zagreb, 2012
- ЗА СТРАСТИТЕ, ЧИТАЊЕТО, БЕЗДЕЛНИЧЕЊЕТО – oдбрани есеи, Медитеранска Академија „Браќа Миладиновци‘, СТРУГА, 2013
- Meandar – književna panorama Europe, Mediteranska Akademija, Struga, 2013 (co-authors Radomir Andrić and Razme Kumbaroski)
- Vera Erl – prostor i žena, Oksimoron, Osijek, 2012 (photography Davor Šarić)
- Dodir teksta, MeandarMedia, Zagreb, 2015
- Skriveno u oku, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2015
- U osječkom Nutarnjem gradu, HAZU Zavod za znanstveni i umjetnički rad u Osijeku, Zagreb/Osijek, 2017
- Kroćenje unutarnjeg nemira: ja, žena prostor / Taming of restlessness: I, woman, space, Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu u Osijeku, Osijek, 2018
- Kartografija ljubavi – Dunavom, Naklada Ljevak, Zagreb, 2021
- U osječkom Nutarnjem gradu, second expanded edition, HAZU/AUK, Osijek, 2022
She has edited the following books:
- Osječka čitanka – Sretne ulice, Matica hrvatska ogranak Osijek, Osijek, 2000 (co-author Goran Rem)
- Đakovačka čitanka – Put nebeski, Matica hrvatska ogranak Đakovo, Đakovo, 2000 (co-author Goran Rem)
- Nebo nad Osijekom – intimistički zapisi, Matica hrvatska ogranak Osijek, Osijek, 2003
- Franjo pl. Ciraki “Bilježke / Zapisci”, Grad Požega, Ogranak DHK slavonsko-baranjsko-srijemski, Osijek/Požega, 2004
- Slavonska krv – izbor iz djela Josipa i Ivana Kozarca, Znanje, Zagreb, 2005
- Ës a Dräva csak folyot – Szlavöniai horvät rövidtorozak (Tekla rijeka Drava – izbor iz kratke priče slavonskog teksta hrvatske književnosti), Jenekor, Pecs, 2005
- Šokačka čitanka, MHO/Šokačka grana, Osijek, 2007 (co-author Goran Rem)
- Zdenka Marković “Njegov posljednji san – iz ostavštine”, Grad Požega/Ogranak DHK slavonsko-baranjsko-srijemski, Osijek/Požega, 2007
She has written the screenplays for the following documentary films:
- Irena Vrkljan: samo albumi, knjige i plehnata kutija
- Božidar Violić: u znaku blizanaca
- Brane Crlenjak: umjesto fotografija, kotlić
- Bogdan Mesinger: traganje za obiteljskim vrijednostima
- Jasna Melvinger: dok se budem dvoumila
- Igor Mandić: nježno srce i sloboda lajanja
- Željko Senečić: unutra sam JA
- Borivoj Dovniković Bordo: e to mi je važno!
- Marija Sekelez: mi od pljeska živimo
- Vera Erl: u slavonskom prostoru
- Tomislav Sabljak: priče i susretanja
- Dubravka Oraić Tolić: u retrovizoru
- Andrija Mutnjaković: kuća kao tratinčica
She has received the following awards:
1997 “Josip i Ivan Kozarac”, an award for the best scientific work (Montaža citatnih atrakcija)
2000 “Fran Galović”, an award for the best book of native themes, in collaboration with Goran Rem (Osječka čitanka)
2003 Seal of the City of Osijek for Culture
2005 “Julije Benešić”, an award for the best literary-critical book (Gola u snu)
2007 Annual Award of the City of Požega for Culture
2009 “The Coat of Arms of the City of Osijek” for scientific contribution
2013 “Ars longa, vita brevis”, an award for the best translated book of essays in the Republic of Macedonia (O strasti, čitanju, dokolici)
2014 “Akademija Mediterana”, an award for the creative and literary oeuvre, Struga, the Republic of Macedonia
2017 “Josip i Ivan Kozarac”, an award for the scientific book of the year (U osječkom Nutarnjem gradu)
2018 “Stipan Bilić-Prcić”, a literary award of the Foundation of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (U osječkom Nutarnjem gradu)
She was the president of the Osijek branch of “Matica hrvatska” during the 2003-2007 period.
She was an editorial board member of “Kolo” during the 1998-2009 period. She is a member of Croatian PEN Centre, “Društvo hrvatskih književnika” (Society of Croatian Writers) and “Hrvatsko društvo Pisaca” (Croatian Writers Society). She has been an editorial board member of “Forum” since 2022.
She used to write texts on literary criticism for “Vjesnik” (column entitled “Dodir teksta”). Now, she writes them for “Hrvatski radio” (programme entitled “Kutija slova”) and “Forum”.