Piantanida Ivo, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 9/5/1967
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
- Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička 54, Zagreb
- Ruđer Bošković Institute: +385 01 45 71 326
- Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences: +385 01 4895 170
Piantanida Ivo, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- doctor of Science
- Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Ruđer Bošković Institute
Functions in Academy
- Chair of the Chemistry Committee of the Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (11/22/2022 – …)
- deputy secretary – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (2023 – …)
Membership in Academy
- full member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (5/19/2022 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Ivo Piantanida, a research advisor in permanent employment at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute and the title full professor at the University of Rijeka, was born in Zagreb in 1967. He graduated in 1993 from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, and immediately took a job at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute as a junior assistant. He received his master’s degree in 1997, after a postgraduate degree in organic chemistry from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and a Doctorate in 2001 from the Doctoral Study of Organic Chemistry at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb. He was elected to the position of research associate at the IRB in 2003, senior research associate in 2007 and scientific advisor in 2011. He was elected as a permanent scientific adviser in 2017. In the period 1997-2001 he trained in the laboratory of Prof. H.-J. Schneider at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken as part of a scientific collaboration between the IRB and the University of Saarro.
The scientific oeuvre of academician Piantanide contains 153 scientific papers that have been published mostly in renowned and top international scientific journals in the field of chemistry and cited more than 3,100 times (h-index 30, contribution bibliography). The scientific interest of I. Piantanida is directed towards the study of the interactions of small organic molecules with biopolymers, DNA, RNA, and proteins. By using a number of different spectroscopic and other methods and analyzing the results of measurements, it is possible to determine the ways of constant binding of small molecules to nucleic acids (intercaling, binding to the crack, electrostatic binding), to determine selective binding to certain sequences or special structural domains or selective binding to two-chain or single-stranded domains, etc. Knowledge of the method of binding is important for biological activity or development of diagnostic (sensory) systems. Until 1997, there was no developed methodology, knowledge and equipment needed in Croatia to study the interactions of small molecules with isolated natural or synthetic DNA/RNA polymers in biologically relevant conditions.
Ivo Piantanida, F.C.A. is an extremely productive scientist whose scientific results are internationally clearly recognized and extremely well quoted, and he is the most productive and cited chemist scientist of the younger and middle generation in Croatia. Furthermore, in addition to the achieved excellence in scientific research, his contribution to the development of science in Croatia is great, which is reflected in the initiation of research that did not exist in our country before and the establishment of the laboratory and its equipping to the level at which it becomes an internationally recognizable center of special knowledge.