Petlevski Sibila, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 5/11/1964
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
- Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, Trg Republike Hrvatske 5, 10000 Zagreb
- Trg Nikola Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Literature of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: +385 01 4895 169
E-mail addresses:
Petlevski Sibila, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
- fellow – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Full Professor Tenure – Department of Dramaturgy, Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb
- Corresponding member – Académie Mallarmé, Paris
Functions in Academy:
- member of Awards Committee (2/26/2023 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Literature (19/5/2022 -)
Curriculum Vitae
Sibila Petlevski, born on May 11, 1964, in Zagreb, is an award-winning novelist, poet and playwright, librettist, literary translator and editor of literary and scientific publications, researcher in the field of theater studies and interdisciplinary science, full professor at the Academy of Dramatic Arts. University of Zagreb,
She graduated in Comparative Literature and English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb in 1988 receiving her master’s degree in 1991 with the thesis entitled “Theoretical Systematization of Branko Gavella”. She obtained her PhD in humanities from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb in 1996 (thesis on “Modernism, Examples from Croatian Theatre and Dramatic Literature in the Central European Context”). Since the year 1996, she has been permanently employed at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb. She became a Full Professor in 2009. She was awarded tenure status in 2015.
So far, she has written twenty-five books of various literary and scientific genres, edited eight scientific books, and compiled and translated an anthology of American poetry. She has written six plays (two of which have won international awards) and several musical plays/ opera librettos).
Sibila Petlevski is a corresponding member of the French Academy of Literature L’Académie Mallarmé (the only one from Croatia and one of the few women members in the entire history of the French Poetry Academy). She is a member of L’Académie Européenne de Poésie, and a number of professional associations such as the Croatian Writers ‘Association, the International Society for English Studies, the Croatian IT-UNESCO Center, the Croatian Society of Theater Critics and Theatre Scholars.
She was the president of the Croatian Center of International PEN – the world association of writers – and served two terms in the seven-member International Committee of International PEN. She is a member of several international advisory boards of scientific journals such as Interpretations, European Journal of Poetics and Hermeneutics of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts MASA, and the journal of systems theory – Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems – INDECS.
In addition to the already mentioned membership in the councils of international scientific publications, she was the editor of several domestic and foreign literary journals. From 1993 to 2015, she was a member of the editorial board and operative editor of the literary magazine Republika (renamed the Literary Republic). She was one of the founders of the newspaper for literature, art and science Vijenac Matice Hrvatske, whose literary pages she edited from 1993 to 1995. From 2001 to 2004 she was the editor of Croatian poetry in the international electronic journal of the renowned European poetry foundation The Poetry International Foundation in Rotterdam. Since 2003, she has been a member of the international editorial board of Sarajevo Notebooks.
She is the winner of the annual Vladimir Nazor Award (1993), the City of Zagreb Award for Contribution to Science and Literature (2015), the Petar Brečić Award for Theoretical Dramaturgy (2001), the T-Portal Award for Best Croatian Novel in 2010. She was awarded the International Poetry Prize Poeteka in 2004 (Drač, Albania). Her play “Ice General” was awarded the European selection Berliner Festspiele Stückemarkt in 2005, and her play “Lyrebird” was awarded the selection at the international competition 10th Women Playwright’s International in 2015. She was awarded the International Crystal Vilenica Award (Slovenia) in 2020.
Sibila Petlevski’s work has been represented in national and international anthologies. Her sonnets originally written in English were included in her anthology 50: A Celebration of Sun & Moon Classics, Los Angeles, 1995, in a selection of world classics such as Andre du Bouchet, Tristan Tzara, Mohamed Choukri, Raymond Queneau, Liliane Giraudon, Armand Gatti, F. T. Marinetti, Milo de Angelis, Rosita Copioli, Alfredo Giuliani, Friederike Mayrocker, Kurt Schwitters, Heimito von Doderer and Paul Celan.
Her poems have been included in several anthologies of Croatian poetry published in Croatia and abroad, and several anthologies of contemporary European and world poetry such as the anthology of the European Academy of Poetry “Poetry Europe“published by Dedalus Press in 2009 in Dublin, as well as in the anthology of world poetry “Anthologie de la poésie mondiale”, published in Editions Caractères, Paris 2020.
In addition to fiction and poetry titles, she has published several academic books and about 70 scientific papers, most of which belong to the category of original scientific papers in the field of art and philology with special interest in interdisciplinary theory of performance and theater aesthetics.
She was the president of the Croatian Scientific Council for the Humanities, the head of the Dramaturgy Department at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, and a member of the University of Zagreb Arts Council.
She has led several international scientific projects. The work of her research group in the four-year project How Practice-led Research in Artistic Performance Can Contribute to Croatian Science (2015-2019), supported by the Croatian Science Foundation, received high marks in international evaluation. She was the principal researcher in a project supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science – Discursive Identity in the Performing Arts: Bodies, Persons, Intersubjects (2006-2011) as well as in the project Theatrum mundi: research at the crossroads of art and science funded by the University of Zagreb in 2014.
In addition to a rich literary bibliography, she has published four monographic scientific books in the field of philological and theatrical sciences, she has edited eight books, compiled one anthology with an introductory study, and one textbook. She edited a selection from the work of Nobel Prize winner Nadine Gordimer and Branko Gavella’s theoretical writings. As the editor and author of scientific studies, she revitalized the scientific and dramaturgical opus of Vladan Švacov.
Petlevski co-edited a selection of scientific papers dedicated to the life and work of Academician Nikola Batušić: Permanence of the Act: Proceedings in Honor of Nikola Batušić / editors B. Senker, S. Petlevski, M. Blažević /, Croatian ITI Center, Zagreb 2011. She is the author of a critically commented anthology of American poetry. She has also edited four proceedings of international scientific conferences.
She gave invited lectures at the following universities: Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (2017); Faculty of Philosophy / University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (2017); Institute of Slavic Studies, Paris, France (2006); Faculty of Dramatic Arts, Skopje, Macedonia (2006); Faculty of Letters – ALW Amsterdam, Netherlands (2000); Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, UK (1998). She mentored PhD students at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana; she taught and mentored at the Postgraduate Study of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, and mentored at the Doctoral Study of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zadar.
As a long-time artistic director of the Literary Festival ” Literature Live “, she brought several hundred foreign authors to Croatia, presenting a pleiad of renowned writers, including several Nobel Prize winners, whose work she presented live and in festival editions. Through her public activities, she actively contributed to the reputation of Croatian culture abroad.
From 1989 onwards, she has had literary readings at numerous world literary festivals and has continuously participated in international scientific and professional conferences.
Participation in international literary events
- Struga Evenings of Poetry (Macedonia 1989, 2001);
- Vilenica International Literary Prize (Slovenia 1995, 2020);
- Cambridge Seminar on Contemporary British Writing (UK 1996);
- Poetry at Porto Santo (Portugal 1998);
- The Maastricht International Poetry Nights (Netherlands 1998);
- Festival of Central European Culture (London, UK 1998);
- Poetry in Lisbon – La Casa Fernando Pessoa (Portugal 1998);
- Literair Paspoort Festival: Dichter aan huis (The Hague, The Netherlands 1998);
- Villa Waldberta” International Munich Artists’ Center (Feldafing, Germany 1999);
- The International Poetry Festival of Barcelona (Spain 2000);
- Trnovski terceti – Poetry Festival in Ljubljana”(Ljubljana, Slovenia 2000);
- Nieuw Letteren Podium (Prinses Theater, Rotterdam, The Netherlands2001);
- Marché de la Poésie (Paris, France 2001);
- Festival internationale di poesia, (Genoa, Italy 2001);
- Voix de la Méditerrané (Lodève, France 2001, 2007);
- Poetry International Rotterdam. Seminar for Editors Rotterdam, The Netherlands 2001);
- Ian Smrek International Festival (Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002);
- Hermann Hesse Festival 2002 (Calw, Germany2002);
- Mobile Arteplage Mobile du Jura – Expo 2002 (Murmures of the World: The Last Poetry Festival of the World) Project by AMJ. Projektleitung Pascal Rebetez (Neuchâtel, Switzerland 2002;
- 19th International Festival of Poetry Trois-Rivières (3-12 October 2003, Trois-Rivières, Canada);
- 3rd International Poetry Biennale Moscow, October 2003, Russia;
- Journée Mondiale de la Poésie, (Frascati, Italy, 2004);
- Poeteka International Poetry Festival (Durres, Albania 2005);
- Berliner Festspiele TT Stückemarkt, (Berlin, Germany 2005);
- Festival of modernity. International University of Second Reconciliation. (Villa San Carlo Borromeo, Milan, Italy 2007);
- Leipziger Buchmesse (2010, Germany);
- Ex Ponto (2010, Slovenia);
- Festival Internazionale di Poezia di Genova (2010, Italy);
- PassaPorta (2010, Belgium);
- Druskinkai Poetic Fall (2011, Lithuania);
- Alte Schmiede Kunstverein (2017, Vienna, Austria)
Institutional functions:
- 2012 – 2014 – President of the Scientific Council for the Humanities / Republic of Croatia
- 2011 – 2014 – Head of the Department of Theory, History and Analytics / Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb
- 2002 – 2005 – Head of the Department of Dramaturgy / Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb
- 2013 – Member of the Working Committee for Scientific Research Strategy, Technology Transfer and Innovation / University of Zagreb / Croatia
- 2010 – 2011 – Member of the ADU Ethics Committee / Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb / Croatia
- 2007 – 2008 – Member of the Council of the Arts / University of Zagreb / Croatia
Memberships in scientific and professional associations:
- The European Society for the Study of English ESSE (member)
- The Croatian-Canadian Academic Society HKAD (member)
- The International Theater Institute – Croatian Center ITI-UNNESCO (member)
- Croatian Society of Theater Critics and Theatrologists (member)
- Croatian Writers’ Association (member)
- Croatian PEN Center
Memberships in international literary academies and art associations:
- L’Académie Mallarmé
- L’Académie Européenne de Poésie
- International Poet’s Circle Athens
- International P.E.N. Center (International Board member)
Awards and scholarships:
- 2020 – Crystal Vilenica Poetry Award
- 2015 – Award of the City of Zagreb for contribution to science and literature
- 2014 – 10th Women Playwrights’ International for the drama “Lyrebird”
- 2010 – Passa Porta Auteurs étrangers à Bruxelles (Literary Scholarship)
- 2005 – Berliner Festspiele TT Stückemarkt Selection Award for Drama
- 2002 – “Petar Brečić” Award for contribution to theoretical dramaturgy
- 2002 – Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, CEU, Budapest
- 1999 – Villa Waldberta International Munich Artists ’Center (literary scholarship)
- 1993 – Vladimir Nazor Award for the book of poetry “One Hundred Alexandrian Epigrams”
- 1991 – Fulbright doctoral scholarship (unused due to war).
Bibliography (selection)
Poetry (books):
- 1988. Crystals. Kristali. Zagreb: Biškupić Collection.
- 1990. Standing Jump. Skok s mjesta. Split: Logos.
- 1993. One Hundred Alexandrian Epigrams. Sto aleksandrijskih epigrama. Zagreb: Studio grafičkih ideja.
- 2000. Babylon. Multilingual bibliographic edition with graphics by Nevenka Arbanas. Languages: Croatian, English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian and Dutch. Zagreb: Pandora.
- 2000. Heavy Sleepers. Bibliographic edition in English with graphics by Nevenka Arbanas. Zagreb: Pandora.
- 2002. Libitina. Bibliophile edition in English with graphics by Nevenka Arbanas. Zagreb: Canvas.
- 2002. Choreography of Suffering. Koreografija patnje. Zagreb: Konzor. Bilingual poetry (Croatian/English)
- 2006. Joined Faces. Spojena lica. . Zagreb: HDP: Durieux.
- 2009. Joined Faces / Spoeni lica / Spojenalica. Trilingual edition, translated from English by S. Petlevski and M. Kovaćićek, translated into Macedonian by Igor Isakovski. Translated by Eva Tass
- 2013. Les mots de passe de l’oubli. Trans. Martina Kramer and Brankica Radić. Rustrel: Galerie Librerie L’Ollave.
- 2019. La oración azteca Caras unidas. Trans. Željka Lovrenčić. Tlaquepaque, Jalisco: La Zonámbula.
- 2022. Soiled With Earth, Drunk On Air. Prljavi od zemlje, pijani od zraka. Zagreb: Litteris.
- 1996. French Suite. Francuska suita. Zagreb: Meandar. Novel.
- 2002. Choreography of Suffering. Koreografija Patnje. Romanesque framework for poetry. Zagreb: Konzor.
- 2006. Night training. Noćni trening. Zaprešić: Fraktura. Novel.
- 2007. My Antonio Diavolo. Moj Antonio Diavolo. Zaprešić: Fraktura. Novel.
- 2009. Time of lies – Taboo I. Vrijeme laži – Tabu I. Zaprešić: Fraktura. Novel.
- 2011. We Had It So Nice – Taboo II. Bilo nam je tako lijepo – Tabu II. Zaprešić: Fraktura. Novel.
- 2013. Twilight State – Taboo III. Stanje sumraka – Tabu III. Zaprešić: Frktura. Novel.
Plays and musical drama:
- 2005. Ice General (Eisgeneral). Drama.
Berliner Festspiele Stückemarkt – Selection Award for the New European Drama 2005.
Croatian original translated into German by A. Bremer, Premiere: Croatian National Theater Varaždin February 28, 2007 (stage reading, A. Armanini and K. Krčar);
Radio premiere of HRT 3 (2006 Directed by R. Mesarić;
German version of the play translated by A. Bremer: Relations (3-4, 2006), p. 152-185.
Croatian version first published in Forum 2010 1-3, p. 213-283. - 2000, 2007. Cagliostro Forever, Drama in Verse. Opera libretto.
Originally written in English. The author’s translation into Croatian published in the magazine Kolo. Matica hrvatska 1 magazine, spring 2000. p. 275-433 with introductory text by academician Nedjeljko Fabrio. - 2007. Rimbaud’s House (a play).
The play was originally written in English. The author’s translation into Croatian was premiered as a radio drama on HRT3, June 19, 2008. - 2015. Lyrebird (2015) (a play).
Originally written in English. Selection Award and Stage Reading at the 10th Women Playwrights International Conference in Cape Town 2015 - 2016. Aztec Prayer (Mexicana), Libretto.
Written in Croatian. Composed by Mladen Tarbuk under the title “Mexicana”. Premiered on 8.11. In 2016, the HRT Choir under the direction of Mladen Tarbuk – Blagoja Bersa Hall. Zagreb. A recording of a concert from the Sfumato cycle. HRT 3 live 8.11. 2016 - 2019. Cagliostro Forever. Musical libretto.
Scientific books:
- 2000. Symptoms of Dramatic Modernity, Mansioni. Zagreb: Croatian ITI-UNESCO Center. (Petar Brečić Award for Theoretical Dramaturgy)
- 2001 Theater of Interplay. Gavella’s Contribution to Theory (2002). Zagreb: Antibarbarus. (Petar Brečić Award for Theoretical Dramaturgy)
- 2008. Drama and Time. Scientific essays and theater criticism. Zagreb: Mansioni, Croatian ITI-UNESCO Center. (In the final of the “Marko Fotez” award of the Institute of Literature and Theater Studies of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
- 2015. Theater of Shame. New Theatrology Essays. Zagreb: Leykam International.
Scholarly books and anthologies:
- 1991 Spin-off. An Anthology of Recent American Poetry. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska Publishing House. (Author of selections, translations, critical comments and introductory studies)
- 2004. Book on Water. Professional book in the field of ecology and mythology of water for high school with illustrations by Biserka Baretić. Zagreb: Kigen.
Edited academic books:
- 1994. Great Europe – Small Nations. Zagreb: AGM.
- 2001. Metaphors of Progress. Literature and Globalization. 24. Zagreb Literary Conversations. Zagreb: DHK-PEN.
- 2011. Spaces of Identity in the Performing Sphere. Zagreb: Fraktura: ADU. Co-edited with Goran Pavlić.
- 2011. Permanence of the act: a collection in honor of Nikola Batušić. Zagreb: Hrvatski centar ITI. Coedited with Marin Blažević and Boris Senker.
- 2015. Theatrum Mundi. Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Zagreb: ADU. Co-edited with Goran Pavlić.
Edited academic books accompanied by scientific studies:
- Nadine Gordimer:My Son’s Story. Petlevski S. (ed.) (1994) Nobel Laureates Library, Vol. 2, Zagreb: Školska knjiga. (Selected works of South African writer Nadine Gordimer, edited and accompanied by a scientific study, partly translated from English)
- Branko Gavella: The double face of speech. Petlevski, Sibila (ed.) (2005) Zagreb: Center for Dramatic Arts. (Selected from the legacy of Branko Gavelle Prepared, selected and accompanied by a scientific study entitled “Space of Exchange; a study on Gavella’s search for a methodology of cultural history”)
- Vladan Švacov: Foundations of dramaturgy. Petlevski, Sibila, editor (s) (2018). Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada / Akademija dramske umjetnosti. (Editor and author of the introductory scientific study)
Scientific papers (selection):
- Petlevski, S. (2021) “Bijeg od filozofije. Povratak Saturnu. nekoliko misli o pjesništvu Katice Kulavkove”. (“Flight from Philosopjy – Return to Saturn. A few thoughts on the poetry of Katica Ḱulavkova”) In: Kulavkova, Katica. Mitevski, Vitomir, Marković, Marjan (ur.) ПРИЛОЗИ CONTRIBUTIONS XLVI 2. Contributions of the Department of Linguistics and Literary Science of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (OLLN). Skopje, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA). 315-328.
- Petlevski, S. (2021) „Odustajanje od Metafizike“. (“Giving up Metaphysics”) In: Paljetak, Luko (2021) Odustajanje od dana. Split: Naklada Bošković. 83-91.
- Petlevski, S. & Gazarov, D. (2020) “Prekogranična estetika: inovativne metodologije proučavanja žive baštine”. (“Cross-border aesthetics: innovative methodologies of living heritage research”). In: Malczak, L. & Abrasowicz, G. (eds.) Od mobilnosti do interakcije. dramsko pismo i kazalište u Bosni i Hercegovini, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj, na Kosovu, u Makedoniji, Sloveniji i Srbiji. Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. 311-332 doi:10.31261/pn.3977.19.
- Petlevski, S. (2019) A Strange-face-in-the-mirror Illusion in Art Perception and Artistic Self-perception. International peer-review, audio / video. “Mirror, Mirror: Perceptions, Deceptions, and Reflections in Time” International Conference 9 March 2019. Birkbeck College, University of London organized by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.24959.66726.
- Petlevski, S. (2018) “Modeling the Model: The World Beyond the Immediate Sensorium”. U: Markič, O., Strle, T., Kolenik, T., Kordeš, U. & Gams, M. (eds.) Proceedings of the 20th International Multiconference INFORMATION SOCIETY — IS 2017 Volume B Cognitive Science. Ljubljana, Information Society. 44-47.
- Stepanić, J. & Petlevski, S. (2018) “Contribution of the Knowledge Competitions in Education related to Systems Science”. Book of Abstracts of the 5thBusiness Systems Laboratory International Symposium “Cocreating Responsible Futures in the Digital Age”.
- Petlevski, S. (2017) “Choreomanic NeuroDance and Its Aesthetics: Dance Research and Controversies Connected to Cognitive Neuroscience and Meme Theory”. Eds. Dalila Honorato, A. (ed.) TABOO-TRANSGRESSION-TRANSCENDENCE in Art and Scienc. Corfu, Ionian University Department of Audio and Visual Arts. 650-674.
- Petlevski, S. (2017) “An Early Concept of the Theatre of Interplay: The Relevance of Branko Gavella’s Theory for the Development of Performance Philosophy.” Performance Philosophy Journal, 3 (1), 216-232.
- Petlevski, S. (2017) FILOZOFIJA METODOLOGIJE: kako kvalitativno istraživanje u humanistici i praksom vođeno istraživanje umjetnosti može doprinijeti promjeni znanstvene paradigme. (PHILOSOPHY OF METHODOLOGY: how qualitative research in the humanities and practice-led art research can contribute to changing the scientific paradigm). In: Grgić, Filip, Martinović, Ivica (ed.) The meaning of the humanities. Zagreb, Institute of Philosophy. 121-135.
- Petlevski, S. (2017) “NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE CONCEPT OF DECADENCE”. Umjetnost riječi : časopis za znanost o književnosti, LIX (3-4), 261-295.
- Petlevski, S. (2017) “Eksplanacija kao unifikacija i eksplanatorni pluralizam: redukcija, asimilacija ili dinamička sinteza?” (“Explanation as unification and explanatory pluralism: reduction, assimilation, or dynamic synthesis?”). Narodna umjetnost : hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 54 (2), 7-26 doi:10.15176/vol54no201.
- Petlevski, S. (2015) “Fikcionalizacija povijesti i beletrizacija ‘Velikog rata’” (“Fictionalization of History and Fiction of the “Great War”. In: Senker, B. & Glunčić-Bužančić, V. (eds.) The First World War in Cultural Memory. Prvi svjetski rat u kulturnom pamćenju. Dani Hvarskog kazališta. Građa i rasprave o hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu. Zagreb-Split, HAZU; Književni krug Split. 74-105.
- Petlevski, S. (2015) “Redefining ‘Spontaneity’”. In: Petlevski, S. & Pavlić Goran (eds.) THEATRUM MUNDI. Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Zagreb, ADU Akademija dramske umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 23-49.
- Petlevski, S. (2015) “Matoševa simptomatologija moderniteta: modernizam, bodelerizam, dekadencija”. (“Matoš’s symptomatology of modernity: modernism, bodelerism, decadence”. In: Vrhovac, Y. (ed.) Matoš in Paris. Zagreb, FF-press; Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Matoš u Parizu. Zagreb, FF-press; Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu. 67-82.
- Petlevski, S. (2014) “Beyond Identity: The Dynamic Self at the Intersection of Performance Philosophy and the Philosophy of Science”. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 12 (3), 187-209 doi:10.7906/indecs.12.3.1.
- Petlevski (2014). “Uvodna studija” (“Introductory Study”). In: Švacov (2014) Klasična dramaturgija; antropografija antičke drame. ArTrezor, Zagreb. 5-36.
- Petlevski (2014) «Metafizika svakodnevice». (“Metaphysics of everyday life”). Nova prisutnost/ New Presence: Review for Intellectual and spiritual questions, Vol. XII No1, March 2014, 171-175.
- Petlevski (2014) «Tragom Vladana Švacova: antička dramaturgija u postdramskom vremenu» (“In the Footsteps of Vladan Švacov: Ancient Dramaturgy in the Post-Dramatic Time“) Dani hvarskog kazališta./ Dani Hvarskog kazališta, Vol.40 No.1. April 2014, 297 – 324.
- Petlevski, Sibila (2012) “Tipologija prostornosti u Gavellinom teorijskom sistemu i njeni poticaji za istraživanje u izvedbenoj praksi danas”. “Typology of spatiality in Gavella’s theoretical system and its incentives for research in performance practice today”. In: Dani Hvarskog kazališta. Hvar, književnost i kazalište / [Eds. Jelčić, Senker, Glunčić-Bužančić]. Zagreb; Split: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti: Književni krug, 2012. 171-218.
- Petlevski, S. (2012) “Redefining Spontaneity”. In: Medenica, I. (ed.) The Actor is Dead – Long Live the Actor. Sterijino Pozorje, Novi Sad and International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC) 14th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF THEATRE CRITICS’ & SCHOLARS. Novi Sad, Serbia, Sterijino pozorje/International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC).
- Petlevski, S. (2012) “Politika dokolice; umjetnost dokoličarenja” (“The Politics of Leasure” – The Art of Having Leasure”). Nova Istra 3-4. Dokolica. Istarski ogranak DHK: Pula, 3-4 (Year XVII. -Vol. 46.), 33-41.
- Petlevski, S. (2012) “Likovnost i poezija”. (“Fine Arts and Poetry”). Književna republika : časopis za književnost, 1-3, 76-90.
- Petlevski, S. (2012) “Peti red balkona – Fran Galović kao kroničar hrvatskog glumišta.” (“The fifth row of the balcony – Fran Galović as a chronicler of Croatian acting.”) In: Hećimović, B. (ed.) Naši i strani povjesničari hrvatske drame i kazališta, teatrolozi i kritičari : Drugi dio/Krležini dani u Osijeku 2011. Zagreb-Osijek, Zavod za povijest hrvatske književnosti, kazališta i glazbe HAZU, Odsjek za povijest hrvatskog kazališta:Hrvatsko narodno kazalište : Filozofski fakultet. 92-110
- Petlevski, S. (2012) «Perennial Modernity». Jereb (Ed.). 44th International Bled Conference, Bled May 8th – 12th. Slovene PEN: Bled. 2012. 58-67.
- Petlevski (2012). Redefining Spontaneity. Electronic version available at: International Symposium of Theatre Critics & Scholars. Novi Sad, May 26th – 27th. International Association of Theatre Critics (IATC).
- Petlevski, S. (2011) “Virulent Ideas, Memetic Engineering, Memeoid Identity, Aesthetic Warfare”. In: Petlevski, S. & Pavlić, G. (eds.) Spaces of Identity in the Performing Sphere. Zagreb, Fraktura, ADU. 15-49.
- Petlevski, S. (2011) “Zaboravljeno lice moderne: Viktor Tausk kao dramski pisac.” (“The Forgotten Face of Modernism: Viktor Tausk as a playwright.” In: Hećimović (ed.) Naši i strani povjesničari hrvatske drame i kazališta, teatrolozi i kritičari : prvi dio : u spomen Nikoli Batušiću / Krležini dani u Osijeku 2010,. Zagreb/Osijek, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU): Hrvatsko narodno kazalište: Filozofski fakultet. 67-78.
- Petlevski, S. (2010) “Dramski diskurs i istina. Parrhesia u suvremenom hrvatskom kazalištu”. (“Dramatic Discourse and Truth. Parrhesia in contemporary Croatian theater.” In: Hećimović, B. (ed.) Hrvatska drama i kazalište i društvo: Krležini dani u Osijeku 2009. /Osijek/Zagreb, HAZU. 206-217.
- Petlevski, S. (2010). Literary Search for Lost Justice and Identity. Russian translation// Sinii divan: filosofsko-teoreticheskii zhurnal. Blue sofa: Philosophical and theoretical journal. Issue 15 / Elena Petrovskaja (ed.) Moskva: Trikvadrata, 2010. 157-167.
- Petlevski, S. (2010). « Postavljanje vremena na scenu». (« Putting time on stage ». In : Drama i vrijeme – vrijeme kao dramska tema i dramsko sredstvo, forme vremena i slike vremena / Bašović, Amir, Anđelković, Sava (ur.) Sarajevo : Dobra knjiga, 2010. 177-191.
- Petlevski, S. (2009).Politika izvedbe/ Izvedba politike. In: Dani hvarskog kazališta. Nazbilj i nahvao: etičke suprotnosti u hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu od Marina Držića do naših dana / Batušić,; Bogišić; Pavličić,; Moguš, (eds.) Zagreb; Split: HAZU ; Književni krug, 2009. 302-320
- Petlevski, S. (2008) “Freedom, Obstacle and Time”. In: Verdiglione, A. (ed.) La libertà. Atti del Festival della modernità. Milano, Spirali – Università internazionale del secondo rinascimento. 253-263.
- Petlevski, S. (2008) “Intellectual Politics: European consciousness: literary, cultural and civilizational aspects”. In: Jereb, E. (ed.) 40th INTERNATIONAL BLED CONFERENCE: European consciousness. Ljubljana/Bled, Slovenian PEN Centre. 79-84.
- Petlevski, S. (2008) “Počeci sustavnog teorijskog promišljanja kazališne režije – problemi i dosezi.” (“The beginnings of systematic theoretical thinking of theater directing – problems and achievements”) In: Batušić, N., Bogišić, R., Pavličić, P. & Moguš, M. (eds.) DANI HVARSKOG KAZALIŠTA. Počeci u hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu.. Zagreb; Split, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti ; Književni krug. 183-196.
- Petlevski, S. (2008) “Recycling Memories” into Theatrical Concepts: the Politics of Memory.” In: Kulavkova, K. (ed.) Memory and Interpretation. Interpretation. European Research Project for Poetics & Hermeneutics. Volume No. 2. (2008). Skopje, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 215-231.
- Petlevski (2008) “Intellectual Politics Today.” In: Verdiglione, A. (ed.) La Politica. Festival dellamodernità. Milano 29 novembre-2 dicembre 2007. Milano : Spirali.163-172.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “Recycling” memories into Theatrical Concepts: the Politics of Memory. U: Scientific Conference “Memory and Interpretation”. European Research Project and Framework for Poetics & Hermeneutics of Interpretations: proceedings. Skopje, Macedonia.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “Branko Gavella: the Director as Thinker.” In: Cornis-Pope, M. & Neubauer, J. (eds.) History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries Volume III: The making and remaking of literary institutions. Amsterdam, John Benjamins Publishing . 215-217.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “’Tendem’, Vujčićeva drama za neizvođenje”. (“’Tendem’, Vujčić’s non-performance play”) .In: Batušić, N. (ed.) Dani Hvarskog kazališta, Prešućeno, zabranjeno, izazovno u hrvatskoj književnosti i kazalištu. Days of the Hvar Theater, Silenced, Forbidden, Challenging in Croatian Literature and Theater. Zagreb: Split, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti ; Književni krug. 518-526.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “Katarza smijehom. Obljetnica Ive Brešana.” (“Catharsis with laughter. Anniversary of Ivo Brešan.)”. Književna republika. IV (2006), 11-12; 29-36.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “Violence in Arts: Performing and Witnessing”. In: Kulavkova, K. (eds.) Violence & Art. Skopje, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts215-231.
- Petlevski, S. (2007) “Govor glume – recentna scena”. (“The Speech of Acting – Contemporary Scene” In: Anđelković, S. & Senker, B. eds.) Govor drame – govor glume: Zbornik radova sa simpozija Dramski tekst danas u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj te Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. Zagreb, Disput. 173-197.
- Petlevski, S. (2006) „”Mesnate mimoze” : rasap tijela, primjer iz hrvatskog dramskog ekspresionizma.“ (“”Fleshy Mimosas”: Disintegration of the Body, an Example from Croatian Dramatic Expressionism.”) In: Hećimović, B. (ur.) Krležini dani u Osijeku : Tijelo, riječ i prostor u hrvatskoj drami i kazalištu. Zagreb, Osijek, Zavod za povijest hrvatske književnosti, kazališta i glazbe HAZU, Odsjek za povijest hrvatskog kazališta ; Hrvatsko narodno kazalište : Filozofski fakulte. 154-165.
- Petlevski, S. (2006) “Introductory Notes to the Topic of Discursive Identity in Performing Arts”. In: Lužina, J. (eds.) Theatre and Identity. Skopje, Faculty of Dramatic Art. 49-61.
- Petlevski, S. (2006) “Small Form in the New Croatian Drama.” // Revue des études slaves. 77 (2006), 2-3; 43-54
- Petlevski, S. (2005) “Prostor razmjene. Uvodna studija o Gavellinoj potrazi za metodologijom kulturne povijesti” (“Space of exchange. An introductory study of Gavella’s search for a methodology of cultural history”). In: Petlevski, S. (ed.) Branko Gavella / Dvostruko lice govora. Zagreb: Centar za dramsku umjetnost. 7-38.
- Petlevski, S. „Bezbrižan kao djetinjstvo“ (“Carefree as a Childhood”). In: Miljenko Kovačićek; Izabrani prozori. Menadar, Zagreb 2005. 87-92.
- Petlevski, S. (2004) « Mala forma u novoj hrvatskoj drami » . (« “Small form in the new Croatian drama”). In: Anđelković, S. (ed.) Dramski tekst danas u Bosni i hercegovini, Hrvatskoj i Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. International Symposium of University Lecturers, Theatrologists and Theater Critics Universite Paris IV – Sorbonne, November 15 and 16, 2003. Novi Sad, Sterijino Pozorje and the International Association of Theater Critics (AICT), p. 31-41.
- Petlevski, S. (2003) « Kazalište riječi Ivana Slamniga » (“Theater of the Word of Ivan Slamnig».In: Rem, G. (ed.) O Slamnigu. Modernitet druge polovice dvadesetog stoljeća, Ivan Slamnig & Boro Pavlović. Osijek, Pedagoški fakultet u Osijeku. 275-284.
- Petlevski, S. (2003) “Bijesno pseto dvadesetih” (“The Angry Dog of the Twenties”. In: Batušić, N. (ed.) Dani hvarskog kazališta/ Hrvatska književnost i kazalište dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Zagreb-Split, HAZU-Književni krug. 160-173.
- Petlevski, S. (2003) “Jezik glume”. (“The Language of Acting”) In: Barbarić, D. (ed.) Promišljanje umjetnosti. Varaždin, Hrvatska, Udruga za promicanje filozofije, UPF. Petlevski, S. (2003) “Jezik drame” u: Zagonetka umjetnosti / priredio Damir Barbarić. – Zagreb : Demetra, 2003.
- Petlevski, S. (2002) “Gavella u svjetlu recentnih teorija glume.” (“Gavella in the light of recent theories of acting.” In: Hećimović, B. (ed.) Krležini dani u Osijeku. Hrvatska dramska književnost i kazalište – inventura milenija, II. dio. Zagreb – Osjek, Zavod za pov. hrv. knj. HAZU ; HNK, Osijek.157-166.
- Petlevski, S. (2002) “Na strani jačega: o dramskoj poetici Tomislava Durbešića”. “On the side of the stronger: on the dramatic poetics of Tomislav Durbešić”. Kazalište / ed. S. Nikčević. – God. V, 2002, br. 9-10; Zagreb : AGM, str. 84-87. Extended version in: Tomislav Durbešić, Drames choisis, Hrvatski centar ITI-UNESCO, Zagreb 2002.
- Petlevski, S. (2002) “Avangardizmi i anakronizmi hrvatske dramske moderne.” (“Avant-gardisms and anachronisms of Croatian dramatic modernism.” In: Batušić, N. (ed.) Dani hvarskog kazališta. Književnost i kazalište hrvatske moderne- bilanca stoljeća, II.. Zagreb – Split, HAZU, Književni krug Split. 96-107.
- Petlevski, S. (2002) „Veliko šetalište“. („The Great Promenade”). In: Donat, B. (ed.) Književna kritika o Slavku Mihaliću. Zagreb, Dora Krupićeva. 216-219.
- Petlevski, S. (2002) „Der achttfache Weg meiner Hesse-Lektüre“. In: Uli Rothfuss (ed.) Mein Hermann Hesse. Eine Hommage. Berlin, Ed. q in der Quintessenz-Verl.-Ges. 162-171.
- Petlevski, S. (2001) „Dvije Krležine godine: Dramaturgija utopije i dramaturgija vizije“.(„ Krleža’ two years: Dramaturgy of utopia and dramaturgy of vision”). In: Hećimović, B. (ed.) Krležini dani u Osijeku. Hrvatska dramska književnost i kazalište – inventura milenija, I. dio. Zagreb – Osijek, Zavod za pov. hrv. knj., kaz. i gl., HAZU ; HNK, Osijek. 164-173.
- Petlevski, S. (2001) «A Moving Target: Theatre Criticism and its Audience». Theatre criticism today : Pula 1998, Pula 1999, Zagreb 2000 : a selection of papers from three years of international Theatre Forum in Croatia / edited by S. Nikčević. Zagreb : Croatian Centre of ITI-UNESCO, 2001.
- Petlevski, S. (2001) «Mate Matišić: dijalog s jezičnim kodovima». (“”Mate Matišić: Dialogue with Language Codes”) Previously presented at the international scientific conference “Contemporary Croatian Comedy” March 9-11, 2001 “Croatian Drama” / Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 2001. Kazalište 2001, No. 5-6
- Petlevski, S. (2001, 2007) “Slobodan Šnajder: Zaručnica od vjetra” (“ “Slobodan Šnajder: The Wind”s Bride”). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Contemporary Croatian Drama in the Eighties and Nineties, March 9-11, 2000. Matica hrvatska, Zagreb 2007. Also in : Petlevski, Sibila. Drama i vrijeme. ITI 2007. 156-162.
- Petlevski, S. (2000) «Književnoteorijski izazov libreta» (“”Literary Theoretical Challenge of Libretto“). Krležini dani u Osijeku 1999. Hrvatska dramska književnost i kazalište u europskom kontekstu. Zavod za povijest hrvatske književnosti i glazbe HAZU, Odsjek za povijest hrvatskog kazališta, Zagreb, HNK u Osijeku, pedagoški fakultet, Osijek, Zagreb-Osijek 2000. 134-141.
- Petlevski, S. (1999) Razvojnopoetičke spojnice Gavella i Jhering – teoretičari povijesti glumišta. (“Developmental-poetic connections between Gavella and Jhering – theorists of the history of acting”). In: Krležini dani: Hrvatska drama u europskom kontekstu, Knjiga I. Zagreb-Osijek, HNK Osijek, Pedagoški fakultet Osijek, itd. 54-63.
- Petlevski, S. (1998) “George Bernard Shaw u hrvatskom ozračju”. (“George Bernard Shaw in the Croatian milieu.”) In: Krležini dani. – HNK u Osijeku, Pedagoški fakultet u Osijeku. 185-192.
- Petlevski, S. (1998) «Antun Šoljan – iskustvo zbilje» (“Antun Šoljan – the experience of reality”. In: Književna kritika o Antunu Šoljanu. Branimir Donat, Zagreb: Dora Krupićeva. 287-295.
- Petlevski, S. (1998) «Nepobjediva lađa na Panonskom moru» (“Invincible Ship on the Pannonian Sea”, Krležini dani u Osijeku 1996, Osijek i Slavonija – hrvatska dramska književnost i kazalište, Scientific conference in honor of the 90th anniversary of the Croatian National Theater in Osijek, HNK in Osijek, Faculty of Education Osijek, Department of the History of Croatian Theater HAZU, Osijek-Zagreb 1998
- Petlevski, S. “It is Not Theatre”. Most. n/a (1997) 1-2; 128-138.
- Petlevski, S. (1997) “Slobodan Šnajder: Smrtopis“. In: Branko Hećimović i Boris Senker (ur.) Krležini dani u Osijeku, Suvremena hrvatska dramska književnost i kazalište od 1968/1971. do danas, Druga knjiga. -, Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Osijeku, Pedagoški fakultet, Osijek. 94-106.
- Petlevski, S. (1997) “Antun Šoljan – navigacija žanra» (“Antun Šoljan – genre navigation». Nova Istra, No. 4.
- Petlevski, S. (1997) “Nadine Gordimer – Bringing European Ideas back to African Reality», English Studies in Croatia, Zagreb 1995, Hrvatsko društvo za anglističke studije, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, (0039-3339) XLII (1997). 285-298.
- Petlevski, S. (1994) «Nadine Gordimer – Stvaranje vlastitog poretka u kaosu». „Nadine Gordimer – Creating Ones Own Order in Chaos”, In: NADINE GORDIMER, Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1994. 343-361
- Petlevski, S. (1993) “Literature and Identity», Balkan Forum, An International Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, Vol 1. No. 5, December 1993. 69-85.
- Petlevski, S. (1992) «Antun Šoljan, iskustvo zbilje», («Antun Šoljan, the experience of reality»). Republika, 11-12, 1992, 46-53.
- Petlevski, S. (1991) «Ujevićev Perivoj na razmeđu unutrašnjeg i vanjskog pejzaža». (“Ujević’s Park at the Boundary of the Inner and Outdoor Landscape”). Dubrovnik, 3-4, Dubrovnik 1991. 172-188.
- Petlevski, S. (1991) «Strandova tehnika nepripovijedanja», (“Marc Strand’s technique of non-narration”). Republika, 9-10, Zagreb 1991, 131-142.
- Petlevski, S. (1990) «Pogled na novije američko pjesništvo» (“A Look at Recent American Poetry”) Republika, br. 9-10, Zagreb 1990. 137 – 152.
- Petlevski, S. (1989) . «Poetic Sign, Sound and Meaning». In: International Symposium on Poetry. Struga Poetry Festival Proceedings, Skopje : The Third Program Radio Skopje. 133-145.
Scientific collaborator on scientific projects:
- 2007 – 2010
Theater criticism as a history of contemporary Croatian theater
The role: Scientific Collaborator. Project code: 130797. Project type: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Project leader: Prof. dr. sc. Nikola Batušić - 1997 – 2005
Branko Gavella: history, theory, critique, theater culture
The role: Scientific Collaborator. Project code: 0130497. Project type: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Project leader: Prof. dr. sc. Nikola Batušić. Institution: Academy of Dramatic Arts, Zagreb - 1996 – 2002
Correlations between Croatian and Anglophone literatures in the 20th century
The role: Scientific Collaborator. Project code: 130714. Project type: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. Project leader: Prof. dr. sc. Sonja Bašić Institution: Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb
Scientific Collaborator on international scientific projects:
- 2001-2002
National Learning: Scholars and Cultural Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century.
Huizinga Institute / Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Amsterdam.
The role: Scientific Collaborator. Project leader: Prof. dr. sc. J. Th. Leerssen - 1996-2001; 2001-2007
History of the Literary Cultures of East-Central Europe. Junctures and disjunctures in the 19th and 20th centuries
Faculty of Letters – ALW. The role: Scientific Collaborator. Project leaders: Marcel Cornis-Pope & John Neubauer.
Head of international scientific projects:
- 2015 – 2019
International Research Project of the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) How Practice-led Research in Artistic Performance Can Contribute to Croatian Science. The role: Project Leader, Principal Researcher. Project number: IP-2014–09-6963. Institution: Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb. - 2006 – 2012
Scientific project Discursive Identity in Performing Arts; Bodies, Personae, Inter-subjects. Project ID: 264-1890666-2646. The role: Project Leader, Principal Researcher. Institution: Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb. Supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.