Palinkaš Ladislav
Academic titles:
- doctor of Science
- retired full professor – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Dept. of Geology
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Natural Sciences (01/30/1997 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Ladislav Palinkaš was born on October 19, 1944, in Zagreb. He attended primary and secondary school in Zagreb. He graduated in chemistry in 1971 from the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, and geology in 1973 from the Faculty of Mining and Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb. He achieved a Doctorate of Natural Sciences in the field of geology in 1988 on the topic “Geokemijske karakteristike paleozojskih metalogenetskih područja Samoborske gore, Gorskog kotara, Like, Korduna i Banije” at the Faculty of Mining and Geology and Petroleum Engineering. Due to professional and scientific training in the field of geochemistry, he stayed in Austria, the United States, Hungary, Slovenia, China, Russia and elsewhere. During these shorter or longer study stays, he inspected 70 metal and non-metallic ore deposits at home and abroad.
He has established a fruitful international scientific cooperation with numerous universities and institutes around the world.
He worked at INA-Naftaplin (1972/1973) and then from 1973 to 1989 as an assistant in the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology of the Faculty of Mining and Geology and Petroleum Engineering. In 1989 he was elected assistant professor and in 1993 as associate professor.
At the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, he was elected in 1998 to the teaching title of full professor, and was elected as a full professor in permanent employment in 2002. From 1997 he was head of the Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Economic Geology, head of postgraduate teaching 2003 – 2005, head of the Geological Division 2005-2007.
During his scientific research and teaching activities, Dr. Ladislav Palinkaš has made an important contribution to the introduction and development of geochemical field and laboratory research methods in Croatia.
He was president of the Croatian Geological Society, and secretary, vice president and president of the Committee for Geochemistry of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He was the national representative of Croatia in the International Associaton of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistrv (IAGC), national representative in the International Mineralogical Association, Fluid Inclusion Section, national representative in the Central European Initiative, Geology Section, member of the European Union of Geoscience (EDG), etc. He was the head of numerous domestic and foreign projects.
Scientific activity of Dr. Palinkaš is concentrated on three main problems: 1. geochemistry of ore deposits (radiogenic isotopes, stable isotopes, fluid inclusions); 2. environmental geochemistry and geochemical mapping; 3. metallogeny of Dinarides. From these domains, he published two papers as the first author, and as a co-author of four papers in reputable international publications (four from the CC group of journals).
Ladislav Palinkaš – Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI