Oraić Tolić Dubravka, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 08/01/1943
Place of birth:
- Slavonski Brod
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- +385 01 4895 169
Oraić Tolić Dubravka, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- doctor of Science
- Professor – School of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
- professor emeritus – University of Zagreb (12/16/2014 – …)
Functions in Academy:
- secretary – Department of Literature (01/01/2023 – …)
- member of the Presidency – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1/1/2023 – …)
- deputy secretary – Department of Literature (01/01/2015 – 12/31/2022)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Literature (05/15/2014 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Dubravka Oraić Tolić, Croatian literary theorist, writer and translator was born on 1 August 1, 1943 in Slavonski Brod. She studied philosophy and Russian language with literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and Vienna, and received her Doctorate in Zagreb in 1987 with a thesis on citation. From 1971 she worked at the Institute for Literature Science at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, and from 1997 until her retirement in 2013 she was a full professor at the Department of East Slavic Languages and Literature; Since 2014. is entitled Professor Emeritus.
In 2014, she was elected as a full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
She participated in the project Pojmovnik ruske avangarde, and was editor-in-chief of the edition of Enciklopedija hrvatske književnosti and the literary theoretic Biblioteka L. She has been the leader of international projects on intertextuality. In her essays and scientific studies, she initially dealt with the prose oeuvre of Antun Gustav Matoš (Pejzaž u djelu A. G. Matoša, 1980; Lirika i proza Antuna Gustava Matoša, with Zoran Kravar, 1996), then with main issues of postmodernist poetics (Teorija citatnosti, 1990; Paradigme 20. stoljeća: avangarda i postmoderna, 1996; Muška moderna i ženska postmoderna: rođenje virtualne kulture, 2005; Citatnost u književnosti, umjetnosti i kulturi, 2019) and culture (Književnost i sudbina, 1995; Dvadeseto stoljeće u retrovizoru, 2000). The book Čitanja Matoša (2013) is the result of many years of dealing with Matoš’s work from various perspectives, and Akademsko pismo (2011) is an extensive theoretical-methodical manual about the rhetoric of science and writing scientific papers. In her literary work, she was initially noted as the poet Oči bez domovine (1969), Urlik Amerike (1981) i Palindromska apokalipsa (1993). Epistolary novel Doživljaji Karla Maloga (2018) is an ironic novel written through a child’s perspective, while the second book Peto evanđelje (2016) brings travel records from Israel and Palestine imbued with cultural and literary reminiscences.
Translates from Russian (Valentin Petrovič Katajev, Andrei Bjeli, Velimir Hljebnikov). She also edited the documentary monograph Hrvatsko ratno pismo 1991/92 (1992). Her works were translated into German and English.
She received the National Lifetime Achievement Science Award (2012) and the Vladimir Nazor Lifetime Achievement Award (2020).
Dubravka Oraić Tolić -Biobibliography
Dubravka Oraić Tolić – Croatian Scientific Bibliography CROSBI