Faltinsen Odd Magnus
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- correspondent member – Department of Technical Sciences (5/15/2014 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Odd Magnus Faltinsen, Faltinsen was born in 1944 in Stavanger, Norway, and obtained a cand. real. degree in applied mathematics at the University of Bergen in 1968 and a PhD degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in 1971 at the University of Michigan. He was employed by DNV from 1968 to 1974, was dosent in marine technology from 1974 to 1976 and professor of Marine Hydrodynamics from 1976 at NTNU. He was project leader of the Growth Point Centre on Hydroelasticity at NTH/SINTEF (1991 – 1996) and the Strong Point Centre on Hydroelasticity at NTNU/SINTEF (1997-2001). He was key scientist at the Centre of Excellence on Ship and Ocean Structures (CeSOS), NTNU (2002-2012) and is a Senior Scientific Advisor at the Centre of Excellence on Autonomous Marine Operations and System (AMOS), NTNU from 2013. He was visiting professor 3 times 1-year periods at MIT, USA and 3 month periods at the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan and INSEAN, Rome, Italy. He is a visiting professor at University College London, honorary professor at Harbin Engineering University and Academic Master at Dalian University of Technology.
Faltinsen is one of the founders of the international conferences on Behavior of Offshore structures (BOSS), Fast Sea Transportation (FAST), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology and has in addition been chairman of the international conferences PRADS (Practical Design in Shipbuilding) and ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. He is member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals. Faltinsen has been member of five International Towing Tank Conferences (ITTC) committees including two as chairperson, and three International Ship Structure Committees (ISSC).
Faltinsen is elected member of Norwegian Academy for Technical Sciences, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, corresponding member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.