Obad Šćitaroci Mladen, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 01/01/1955
Place of birth:
- Cirkvena (Sveti Ivan Žabno Municipality, Koprivničko-križevačka County)
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, Zagreb
- Department of Fine Arts: +385 01 4895 169
Obad Šćitaroci Mladen, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
- Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- professor emeritus – Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (10/21/2021)
- professor – Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (1980 – 2020)
- professor – Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb (2005 – 2020)
Functions in Academy:
- secretary – Department of Fine Arts (01/01/2019 – …)
- member of the Presidency – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (01/01/2019 – …)
- deputy Chair – Committee for Property Issues (04/28/2019 – …)
- deputy Chair – Commitee for Academy’s buildings Renovation (01/07/2020 – …)
- deputy Chair – Working Group on preparation and implementation of renovation of HAZU buildings (12/14/2020 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Fine Arts (05/15/2014 – …)
- associate member – Department of Fine Arts (05/18/2006 – 05/15/2014)
Curriculum Vitae
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci (1955), DSc, is a graduate architect, senior research scientist, and professor emeritus at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Zagreb, the Department of Urban Planning, Physical Planning and Landscape Architecture. He also lectured at the Faculty of Forestry and at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb. He is a professor at the postgraduate doctoral scientific study of Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb. He has been teaching postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb (since 1990).
He graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (1979). He received his master’s degree at the Faculty of Forestry in 1986, after completing the scientific course “Design of Recreational Objects in Parks and Natural Environment”. In 1989, he completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Architecture, with his dissertation entitled “Reconstruction Methodology of Historical Parks and Gardens”.
In his research, published papers and professional work his approach is interdisciplinary, which correlates with his interdisciplinary education. His professional, scientific and academic work interweaves urban planning, physical planning, landscape architecture, theory and history of art and architecture, and protection (conservation) of cultural heritage. He has contributed to university education through several new courses taught at graduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Architecture and the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb.
He has written (with Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci) seven books, two of which have been translated into English and German. He has published 200 papers, including hundred scientific research papers and fiftyish papers that have been published abroad. There are about 270 reviews of his books and work in journals, the print, on radio and television, fifty of which abroad. He is author/co-author of more than 200 professional projects – regional and town plans, studies and projects in the field of architecture and landscape architecture. A considerable number of his projects deal with cultural heritage – urban planning, building and landscape. In many of his media appearances (print, radio, television) he has promoted the preservation, renovation and revitalisation of cultural-historical heritage and sustainable physical and urban planning.
He has headed and reviewed scientific research projects in the field of landscape and urban heritage. As researcher, he has participated in scientific projects since 1986. He has headed four scientific projects on Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (2000-2018). He was editor-in-chief of the scholarly journal “Prostor” for architecture and town-planning (from 2001 to 2013; www.prostor.hr). He is editor of several books and proceedings from scientific and professional conferences.
He has mentored doctoral candidates, scientific trainees, graduating students and foreign scholarship students. He has supervised 11 successful Doctoral Theses and 6 Masters Degrees. He is currently supervisor of four dissertations. He was also advisor to 10 junior researchers. He has been a member of numerous doctoral and masters committees. He is teaching Module Heritage at the Postgraduate doctoral scientific study Architecture and Urbanism (from 2018).
As guest lecturer he has delivered lectures in Italy and Spain, and as scholarship holder of the Italian government he completed advanced scientific training in Rome. He attended the architecture seminar “Andrea Palladio” in Vicenza (Italy). He has actively collaborated in teaching courses at the Faculty of Architecture, Polytechnic University of Bari (he co-supervised seven graduates from Bari and supervised two Italian scholars after graduation).
He is a full member of the Academy of Engineering of Croatia (from 2005.). By the decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, he was appointed member of the State Physical Planning Council from 2004 to 2013. He was an authorised architect-planner and authorised landscape architect.
Activities in Academy:
- Member of the Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research and Museum-gallery units of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (05/29/2019 – …)
- Member of the Working Group for the implementation of the Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem projects. The Ministries of Regional Development and Funds of the European Union (2019)
- Member of the Working Group for Drafting Draft Law of Ministry of Defence on Memorials of Homeland War, Academy representative, appointment of Minister (2019)
- Member of Executive committee for renewal and development of Arboretum Trsteno (Dubrovnik) (2014 – …)
- Member of the Working group for analysis of organisation and structure of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Bodies of Academy (2016- …)
- Member of the Working group for the development of a stategic plan 2016-2020 (2016-2017)
- Member of Scientific council for education (2016-2017)
- Member of the committee for self-evaluation of Academy (2015)
- Member of the Committee on Property of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2015-)
- Member of the Organizing Committee on the occasion of 120 years of building the Forum Isidor Kršnjavi (secondary school complex in Klaićeva, Pierottijeva Street and Roosevelt Square), the appointment of the Board of the Academy (2015)
- Member of Executive committee for renewal and development of Arboretum Trsteno (Dubrovnik) (2014-2018)
- Member of culturological segment of Committee for the Protection of goods in national interest, (coordinator for themes: cultural landscape, cultural urban areas, culture of space) (2013-)
- Member of Scientific council for construction, regeneration and development (2013-)
- Member of Executive committee of scientific council for Tourism (2008-)
- Member of the Editorial board of the Department of Fine Arts
- PhD degree, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (1989)
- Scientific training in Italy (Rome, Accademia dei Lincei) – scholarship of the Italian government (1986)
- Master degree at the Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb – scientific course “Design of Recreational Objects in Parks and Natural Environment” (1986)
- Architecture seminar L’Architettura di Andrea Palladio in Vicenza, Italy (1984)
- Dipl.Eng.Arch. – Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (1974-1979)
- Elementary and medium school in Zagreb (1962-1974)
Fields of scientific and professional activities:
- Architecture, Town Planning, Spatial Planning, Landscape Architecture
- Historical Development of Towns, Urban Planning, Architecture and Landscape Architecture
- Protection and Renewal of Cultural Heritage
- 1999-2013 – Head of Department for Urban and Spatial Planning and Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb
- 2004 – Full Professor, senior research scientist
- 1999 – Full Professor, research advisor
- 1995 – Associate Professor, senior research associate
- 1990 – Assistant Professor
- 1989 – PhD degree, research associate
- 1987 – University assistant
- 1986 – Master degree
Books (in total 44.000 copies):
- Studija zaštite i prezentacijskog potencijala arheološkog nalazišta Kuzelin i bliskih arheoloških nalazišta / Študija zaščite in prezentacijskega potenciala arheološkega najdišča Kuzelin in bližnjih arheoiloških najdišč, 2015; authors: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Marko Rukavina, Ksenija Petrić, Damir Fofić; Muzej Prigorja, Sesvete, Zagreb, editor Morena Želja Želle, ISBN 978-953-7820-05-3. (EU project)
- Dvorac Golubovec u Donjoj Stubici – prostorno-konzervatorska studija revitalizacije i obnove dvorca, perivoja, perivojne šume i Vilinskih poljana, Zagreb: Šćitaroci, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2008, authors: Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci, authors-collaborators: K. Petrić, M. Bojić, A. Denich, D. Krajnik, V. Ivanković and N. Božić
- Stadtparks in der Österreichischen Monarchie 1765-1918 – Studien zur bürgerlichen Entwicklung des urbanen Grüns in Österreich, Ungarn, Kroatien, Slowenien und Krakau aus europäischer Perspektive, Wien-Köln-Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 2007, authors: Wojciech Balus, Géza Hajós, Alenka Kolšek, Cordula Loidl-Reisch, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci and Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Jósef Sisa, Walter Krause
- Gradski perivoji Hrvatske u 19. stoljeću – javna perivojna arhitektura hrvatskih gradova u europskom kontekstu, Zagreb: Šćitaroci, Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004 (Award of the Croatian Academy of Arts and Science, 2005), authors: Bojana and Mladen Šćitaroci
- Vrbanićev perivoj u Karlovcu – studija zaštite i obnove, Zagreb: Šćitaroci, 2003, authors: Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci
- Manors and Gardens in Croatia – Slavonia from Zagreb to Vukovar, Zagreb: Šćitaroci, 2001 (book presentation in Royal Institute of British Architects, London), authors: Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci
- Slawoniens Schlösser – von Zagreb bis Vukovar, Graz-Stuttgart: Leopold Stocker Verlag, 2000 (book presentations in Wienna and Graz), authors: Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci
- Dvorci i perivoji u Slavoniji – od Zagreba do Iloka, Zagreb: Šćitaroci, 1998, authors: Mladen and Bojana Šćitaroci
- Hrvatska parkovna baština – zaštita i obnova, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992
- Schlösser und Gärten des Kroatischen Zagorje, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992/1994 (two editions, book presentations in Wienna and Graz)
- Castles, Manors and Gardens of Croatian Zagorje, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1992/1993 (two editions)
- Dvorci i perivoji Hrvatskoga zagorja, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1991/1993/2004 (three editions)
- Perivoji i dvorci Hrvatskoga Zagorja, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1989/1990 (three editions
Edited Books:
- Cultural Urban Heritage – development, learning and landscape strategies, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019., ISBN 978-3-030-10611-9, ISBN e-Book 978-3-030-10612-6, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-10612-6, editors: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci and Mrđa
- Modeli revitalizacije i unaprjeđenja kulturnog naslijeđa – multidisciplinarni dialog, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2017, ISBN 978-953-8042-29-4 (print), ISBN 978-953-8042-30-0 (e-book). Editor: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
- Cultural Heritage – Possibilities for Spatial and Economic Development / Prostorne i razvojne mogućnosti kulturnog naslijeđa, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2015, ISBN 978-953-8042-10-2 (print), ISBN 978-953-8042-11-9 (e-book). Editor: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
- Manors and Gardens – Cultural Heritage as a Generator of Economic Development / Dvorci i ljetnikovci – kulturno naslijeđe kao pokretač gospodarskog razvoja, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2006, ISBN 953-6229-49-8. Editor: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
- Contemporary Use and Creative Management of Manors, Castles and Villas / Suvremeno korištenje i kreativno upravljanje dvorcima, kurijama i ljetnikovcima, Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2005, ISNB 953-6229-40-4 (proceedings), 953-6229-39-0 (abstracts). Editor: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
- Arhitektonski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 1919./1920. – 1999./2000. – 80 years of architectural education in Croatia, Zagreb: Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb, 2000, ISBN 953-6229-12-9. Editor: Mladen Obad Šćitaroci.
Scientific research projects:
- Heritage Urbanism – urban and spatial models for revival and enhancement of cultural heritage – HERU. Project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ-2032) Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (2014-2018), principal investigator.
- Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture (2007-2013), principle investigator
- Urban and Garden Heritage of Croatia as Part of European Culture (2002-2005), principle investigator
- Physical Planning and Protection of Croatian Natural Environment (2000-2002), principle investigator
- Villas, Stately Homes and Castles – Compatible Use, Valorisation and Creative Management, EU INTERREG IIIB CADSES program, 2003-2006, head of Croatian part of the project
- Stadtparkanlagen in den Ländern der ehemaligen K.u.K. Monarchie / City Gardens of the former Austrian Monarchy, 1996-1998, project manager for Croatia and Slovenia
- UNESCO: Les espaces du baroque – projet interregional (1992-1993), coordinator for Croatia
Scientific work (selected):
- Scientific articles papers – author of about 100 of scientific papers, about 30s’ papers abroad
- Tutor of doctoral candidates, scientific trainees and foreign scholarship postmaster students – 11 successful Theses and 6 Masters Degrees, 4 are still working on doctoral researches, 10 junior researchers. Tutor on faculties: Architecture, Forestry, History of Arts – University of Zagreb
- Full member of the Academy of Engineering of Croatia (member of 1998, full member of 2005)
- Editor-in-chief (2001-2013) of the scholarly journal “Prostor” for architecture and townplanning (www.prostor.hr). The journal, active since 1993, has been internationally recognized, and has been included in Web of Science (WoS) base Arts and Humanities Citation Index since 2007
Professional work (selected):
- Authorised architect-planner and authorised landscape architect; authorised for projects of protection and renewal of cultural heritage
- Author/co-author of 200s’ professional projects – regional and town plans, studies and landscape architecture projects. A considerable number of his projects deal with cultural heritage – urban planning, building and landscape
Public activities (selected):
- Member of the Committee for the monitoring of the development of Management plans for protected architectural heritage of the City of Dubrovnik (2015 – 2018) appointment of Mayor of the City of Dubrovnik)
- Member of the Physical planning council of the state (2004-2013, appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia)
- Member of the Expert working group for Urban and architectural conservation and study of the public spaces of the Upper Town in Zagreb (2010-…)
- Member of the scientific council for technical sciences of Repubic of Croatia (2005-2013)
- Member of the expert-counselling Board for the restoration of Dubrovnik (2000-2014)
- Member of the Committee for State awards for sciences in the field of technical sciences (2000-2004)
- Member of commissions of City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Zagreb (1996-2013)
- Member of the Editorial committee of University editions of the University of Zagreb (1995-1997)
- Member of the Croatian national commission for UNESCO in the field of architecture and environment (1993-1998, appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia)
International activities (selected):
- Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Dipartimento di Architettura – mentoring Italian Ph.D student (Anita Bianco) on research during a six-month stay at the Faculty of Architecture University of Zagreb (2019/2020)
- Università di Camerino, Architettura e Design “Eduardo Vittoria”, Ascoli Piceno (Italia) – mentoring Italian researcher (Flavio Stimilli) in the research project Heritage Urbanism (2015/2016)
- Member of the Editorial board of scientific journal „Ybl Journal of Built Environment”, Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Szent István University, Budapest (2013-…)
- Politecnico di Bari/Italy – co-tutors of 13 diploma works (2002/2003, 2004/2005); tutor for two Italian researchers (2004, 2005)
- Lectures in Europe – Spain (visiting professor at postgraduate studies: 1992 – Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universidad de la Laguna Tenerife; 1999 – Universidad internacional Menendez Pelayo de Espana, Santa Cruz de Tenerife); Italy (Milano 2007, Troina/Sicilia 1996, Palmanova 1988); Great Britain (London 2002); Austria (Vienna 1992, 1993, 2002).
- Presentations on international conferences in Italy (Bari, Firenze, Palmanova, Milano, Monza, Napoli, Udine, Venezia), China (Shanghai) etc.; written works published in proceeding books and other university publications.
- Publication of articles of Croatian park and garden heritage in famous encyclopaedias (with B. Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci): Encyclopedia of Gardens – History and Design, Chicago/London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001; The Oxford Companion to the Garden, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006
Awards and recognitions:
- State Science Award for lifetime achievement, field of technical sciences (2022)
- Award “Fran Bošnjaković” University of Zagreb for the year 2017 for outstanding results in the field of scientific and professional activities, for the promotion of scientific discipline and profession and for a special contribution in the transfer of knowledge and the upbringing of young experts in the field of technical sciences (2017)
- The Society of Landscape Architects of Croatia appointed him as a Honorary/testimonial member (2017)
- Honorary/testimonial member of the Society of Architects of Zagreb for the exceptional contribution to the affirmation of architectural and landscape heritage through education and writting (2015)
- The Charter for a special contribution to the development and promotion of the forestry profession in the Republic of Croatia, Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb (2014)
- The Prize of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for highest achievements in sciences and arts in the Republic of Croatia in 2004 in the field of visual arts for the book Public parks of Croatian Towns in the 19th century in European Context (co-written with Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci).
- Third place award at the competition for the architectural and landscape design for the Theatre park in Rijeka, 2003 (coauthors: B. Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, N. Božić, D. Krajnik, V. Ivanković).
- The State government prize for science in 1998 for the popularisation and promotion of science.
- Commemorative ribbon of the Croatian war of Independence 1990-1992 (decision of the President of the Republic of Croatia, 1994).
- There are about 250 reviews of his books and work in journals, the print, on radio and television, fifty of which abroad.