Mihanović Ante

Date of birth:
- 11/26/1948
Place of birth:
- Donje Sitno, Split County
Mihanović Ante
Academic titles:
- professor emeritus
- full professor retired
- professor emeritus – University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
- professor – Faculty of Civil Engineering, Split
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Technical Sciences (01/30/1997 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Ante Mihanović, B.Sc. C.E., was born on November 26, 1948 in Donje Sitno Split County. He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb in 1972, received his master’s degree in 1977, and in 1981 received his Doctorate. Since the autumn of 1972 until retirement he has been continuously employed at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Split. Since 2001, he has been in the permanent title of full professor, as well as the title of scientific adviser with the registration number 030725. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the international journal Engineering modelling from 1987 to the present day. So far, he has published 112 scientific papers, of which 6 are in CC and SCI journals, 17 in other journals and 39 at international conferences. He is the author and co-author of 5 books.
The narrower area of his scientific activity is the numerical modeling of the mechanics of building structures. He is the holder of 10 patented inventions and another 15 patent applications. The area of patenting is prefabricated concrete and lightweight concrete constructions and elements.
He was the leader for over 50 master’s thesis, 7 master’s thesis and 5 doctoral thesis. In addition to scientific teaching, he was engaged in professional-engineering activities, at home and abroad, predominantly in the field of design and in revision of construction projects. He is an authorized revident of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction, in the field of Mechanical Resistance and Stability, Energy Saving and Thermal Protection and Noise Protection.
In organizational activities, he performed duties: Head of the institute for 10 years, vice-dean, 2 years, dean for 10 years. He was a member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Science from 1990-1992. and member of the National Council for Higher Education 1994-1998. In 2007, he was awarded the Annual Development Award of the University of Split. He is an associate of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and a full member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.