Auburger Leopold
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- correspondent member – Department of Philological Sciences (5/18/2000. – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Leopold Auburger, a German Slavist born in Munich, March 24, 1941. He studied Slavic and general linguistics, as well as philosophy (philosophy of language), sociology and Catholic theology. He received his Doctorate in Slavic Studies and General Linguistics from the University of Hamburg in 1974, and received his habilitation in the field of general linguistics in 1980.
The majority of his scientific papers are dedicated to Russian, Macedonian and Croatian langugaes. His main topics in general linguistic works are the theory of variants, language systems, linguistic contacts and multilingualism.
He worked at the German Language Institute in Mannheim (1975–81), the Institute for Southeast Europe in Munich (1985-2000) and the Foundation for Science and Policy in Berlin (2001–06).
Since the early 1980s, linguistic Croatian studies have become the focus of his Slavic studies, and the problem of Serbokroatism is one of the constant research topics. In his book (Die kroatische Sprache und der Serbokroatismus, 1999; Croatian translation 2009), Serbokroatism was defined as “a linguistically dynamic program of equalization between Croatian and Serbian under the leadership and in favor of the Serbian.”
Auburger, among the first foreign Croatists, made it clear that Croatian and Serbian are two separate languages with two built systems. In many co-authored works in German he emphasized the importance of the Croatian language. Since 2000, he has been a correspondent member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.