Lehn Jean-Marie
Winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Academic titles:
- professor Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- corresponding member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (5/17/1990 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Jean-Marie Lehn, a French chemist and winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, was born on September 30, 1939 in Rosheim, Alsace province. He received a high education at the University of Strasbourg, where he received his Doctorate in Chemistry by working on research on triterpene conformation. After a postdoctoral study in the USA, where he worked on total synthesis of vitamin B12, he became an assistant professor at Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg (1966) and soon an associate and full professor in 1970. An extremely significant contribution to chemical science, especially organic chemistry, is reflected in over 320 scientific papers published so far, over 20 significant patents and over 10 books, or chapters.
His research has developed supramolecular chemistry as a new discipline, so the scientific public recognizes him as the founder of this part of molecular sciences. The recognition of the world scientific public is also reflected in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987. He has repaid the world public and numerous lectures in all known scientific centers of the world as an invited or honorary lecturer, and has participated in hundreds of scientific conferences. He is an honorary member of high scientific institutions around the world and has won dozens of international awards and recognitions.
His research areas relate to theoretical organic chemistry, dynamic nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, molecular dynamics and liquid structures, cryptates, molecular receptors and coreceptors, coordinating anion chemistry, supramolecular catalysis, transport processes, photochemistry, solar energy storage, bioorganic chemistry and biological application, modeling molecular devices and components in relation to molecular signals and molecular self-organization.
He was elected as a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Department for Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences in 1990.