Kovačić Dinko, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 9/30/1938
Place of birth:
- Split
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Fine Arts +385 01 4895 169
Kovačić Dinko, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- professor
- Professor (retired) – The Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Fine Arts (05/18/2006 – …)
- Born in Split in 1938. Graduated the high school in Split, 1957.
- Graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb 1963.
- Since the end of his studies he worked as a chief architect at various project offices such as “Tehnogradnja” and “Lavčević” in Split, and in 1979 he went over at the Institute for Architecture at the faculty of Architecture in Zagreb.
- Besides his work on various projects, he is a lifelong member of the Council for urban planning in Split. He was also a member of jury for many public and city contests, and a member of the prize-awarding committee for the awards of the “Borba” and “Vladimir Nazor”.
- Since the beginning of the school year 1994/95. he is an associate professor at the faculty of Architecture, where he teaches a course of lectures entitled – buildings for tourism and free time.
- He manages a group of the ninth semester students on their integral work and he is also a tutor for diploma.
- He is a leader of the summer school – Brač, which is organized by the faculty of Architecture in Zagreb.
- He got acknowledgements and awards for his creative work
- In the year 2006. he was in to Croatian academy of sciences and arts (HAZU) as a full member.