Kovačec August, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 08/06/1938
Place of birth:
- Donje Jesenje
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Philological Sciences +385 01 4895 170
Kovačec August, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- professor emeritus (10/14/2008 – …)
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- doctor of Science
- Professor (retired) – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
- professor emeritus – The University of Zagreb (10/14/2008 – …)
Functions in Academy:
- secretary – Department of Philological Sciences (01/01/2011 – 12/31/2018)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Philological Sciences (01/30/1997 – …)
- associate member – Department of Philological Sciences (05/17/1990 – 01/30/1997)
August Kovačec, Croatian linguist and romanist was born in Donje Jesenje on August 6, 1938. He completed his studies in Romance and Russian philology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 1960; Doctorate in 1965 with dissertation Opis današnjeg istrorumunjskog. He was proofreader of croatian language at the University of Bucharest (1960–62). Since 1962 he has been working in the Department of Romanian language and literatures at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (since 1983 full professor, since 2008 professor emeritus). In 1966/67 he specialized in Paris with A. Martinet and É. Benveniste. He has been a full member of the CASA since 1997 and secretary of the Department of Philological Sciences 2011 – 2018. He was particularly concerned with Istro-Romanian language (Opis današnjeg istrorumunjskog – Descrierea istroromânei actuale, 1971; Istrorumunjsko-hrvatski rječnik: (s gramatikom i tekstovima), 1998) and Jewish-Spanish language in Dubrovnik and Sarajevo, as well as with contacts of these idioms with Croatian language. His 1971 monography on Istro-Romanian received the Romanian Academy Award for best book of the past year on Romanian. He published papers on French language, comparative Roman syntax (coincidences between Dacia and Iberoromania), on Balkan languages and on Roman literature (Francuska književnost XIV. do XVI. st., Rumunjska književnost, u: Povijest svjetske književnosti, Book 3, 1982). At the Lexicographic Institute Miroslav Krleža was editor-in-chief of the Croatian General Lexicon (1991–96), then assistant editor-in-chief (1996–2001) and editor-in-chief of the Croatian Encyclopedia (2001–05). He received the National Lifetime Achievement Science Award (2009).