Kos Koraljka, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 1934
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
- Division for the History of Croatian Music, Opatička 18, 10000 Zagreb
- Division for the History of Croatian Music +385 01 4895 320
- Department of Music and Musicology +385 01 4895 171
Kos Koraljka, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- Fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Professor emeritus (06/10/2014 – …)
- Doctor of Science
- professor emeritus University of Zagreb (06/10/2014 – …)
- full professor, retired – Academy of Music, University of Zagreb
Functions in Academy:
- member of Awards Committee (2/26/2023 – …)
- head of – Division for the History of Croatian Music (10/31/2012 – …)
- president – Awards Committee (01/30/2019 – 09/30/2020)
- head of – Division for the History of Croatian Music (11/26/2008 – 11/26/2011)
- secretary – Department of Music and Musicology (01/01/2007 – 12/31/2010)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Music and Musicology (07/24/1991 – …)
- extaordinary member – Department of Music and Musicology (03/11/1986 – 07/24/1991)
- associate member – Department of Music and Musicology (06/07/1977 – 03/11/1986)
Koraljka Kos, Croatian musicologist and music pedagogue was born in Zagreb May 12, 1934, where graduated in music history from the Academy of Music (1957) and studied art history and German language at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. She received her Doctorate from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana (1967), and was trained abroad (United Kingdom, Germany – Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Scholarship). Since 1970 she has taught musicological subjects at the Department of Musicology and Music Journalism of the Zagreb Academy of Music; Full professor from 1984 until her retirement in 1994, from 2014 professor emeritus. She also acted as a guest professor in Austria (Graz, Vienna). Since 1991 he has been a full member of the CASA; Secretary of the Department of Music and Musicology 2007-10, Head of Division for the History of Croatian Music from 2008 to 2010. She was president of the Croatian Musicological Society (1998–2001). She has published several books, more than 120 scientific and professional papers in journals at home and abroad and has often presented at Croatian and international scientific conferences. The focus of her profession is Croatian musical heritage in the European context, within which solo song, iconography of music, baroque period, pre-classics and moderns, on which she encouraged and realized several significant new insights and musical history interpretations. Main works: books Musikinstrumente im mittelalterlichen Kroatien (1972; published in Croatian in Rad JAZU as: Muzički instrumenti u srednjovjekovnoj Hrvatskoj, 1969), Dora Pejačević (1982; published in German in 1987, and as bilingual Croatian-English edition in 1998 and 2008), articles: Luka Sorkočević i njegov doprinos pretklasičnoj instrumentalnoj muzici (in Arti musices magazine, 1974) and Začeci nove hrvatske glazbe (in Arti Musices, 1976). She is co-author of the first facsimile edition and study Pavlinski zbornik 1644 (1991) and author of high school textbook Stoljeća govore glazbom, 2 (1987), 3 and 4 with methodical manual (2004).