Kaštelan Andrija, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 10/30/1934
Place of birth:
- Barbat (otok Rab)
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- +385 01 4895 171
Kaštelan Andrija, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- doctor of Science
- Professor, retired – School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
Functions in Academy:
- secretary general – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (01/01/1998 – 01/31/2003)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Natural Sciences (07/24/1991 – …)
- extraordinary member – Department of Natural Sciences (11/15/1979 – 07/24/1991)
- 1960 graduated from the Zagreb Medical School
- 1964 earned his doctoral degree at Zagreb Medical School
Scientific specialization
- 1966-1967 M.D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, USA
- 1971 Centre Immunologie, Hopital St. Antoine, Paris, France
- 1974 Institut de Recherches sur le Maladies du Sang Hopital St. Luis, Paris, France
- 1960 General Hospital Sibenik, trainee
- 1960-1964 Institute of Physiology, Zagreb Medical School, assistant
- 1964-1968 Institute of Animal Physilogy, Zagreb Faculty of Science
- 1970-1986 Head of the Institute of Animal Physiology, Zagreb Faculty of Science
- 1973-2002 Head of the Tissue Typing Institute, Clinic of Urology, KBC Zagreb
- 1986-2002 Professor at Zagreb Medical School
Scientific and pedagogic profession
- 1968 Assistant Professor
- 1969 Associate Professor
- 1970 Professor
- 1983 Nominal Professor at Medical School
- 1986 Professor at Medical School
Membership and functions at scientific and professional societies
- Full member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Secretary General and member of Administration and Presidentship)
- Full member of the Croatian Medical Academy (member of the Head Committee and leadership)
- Honorary lifelong member of French Immunologist Society
- Member of the editorial board of the journal Periodicum Biologorum
- Member of the editorial board of the journal Collegium Antropologicum
- International Transplant Society
- American Society of Zoologists
- Societe de Biologie, Paris
- European Society for Organ Transplantation
- European Foundation of Immunologists
- European Transplant Coordinators Organization
- Croatian Physiologist Soceity
- Croatian Society of Immunologists (President 1977 – 1979)
- Croatian Society of Biologists
- Croatian Society of Geneticists (President 1987 – 1989)
- Croatian Medical Assembly (President of the Section for Dialysis and Transplantation 1981 – 1989)
- Croatian Medical Chamber
Awards, acknowledgments and recognitions
- 1974 Croatian Medical Academy Award “Dr. P. Ćulumović” for promotion of science
- 1974 The City of Zagreb Award for the first kidney transplantation and his contribution to the founding of “Jugotransplant”
- 1976 “Ruđer Bošković” Award for the scientific work
- 1984 Certificate-Acknowledgement for the profession “Allergist and clinical immunologist” from the Confederation of SFR Yugoslavia Medical Societies
- 1986 Diploma of the Croatian Medical Assembly for the contribution to the development of medical service, promotion of his profession and scientific thinking
- 1986 Acknowledgement on the occassion of the 20th Anniversary of dialysis and the 15th Anniversary of kidney transplantation in Rijeka
- 1987 Memorial Diploma of the Rheumatologist Section ZLH on the occassion of its 40th Anniversary
- 1988 Croatian Medical Academy Diploma for merits in the scientific work
- 1996 Order “Danica hrvatska” with the figure of Ruđer Bošković
- 1997 National Award for the scientific life-work (field of Biomedicine)
Organizing activity
- Founder and leader of the Tissue Typing Institute (Centre), Clinic of Urology, KBC Rebro
- Leader of the Repulic Reference Centre for Transplantation and Tissue Typing
- 1996. The founder of the Croatian registry of bone marrow donors as part of the International Registry (Leiden, Netherlands). Leader of the Croatian Bone Marrow Voluntary Donors Bank and Register
- Organizer of one national and two inernatioanal scientific meetings (The first Yugoslav workshop on histocompatibility, Zagreb, 1975)
Scientific projects – Monitor
- 1969-1972 Resarch in the Mechanism of the Immunobiogical Reactions, Federal Fund
- 1970 Therapeutic Possibilities of the Hematopoetic Tissue Transplantation, Republic Fund
- 1970-1973 Traffic of the Immunocompetent Cells, Republic Fund
- 1968-1970 Therapeutic Possibilites of the Hematopoetic Tissue Transplantation, League for the Struggle against Cancer
- 1972-1976 Transplantation of Dental Germs, Republic Fund
- 1976-1977 Cellular and Antibody Immunity to the Reel of Dental Germs, Measurements in vitro, SIZ
- 1977-1978 Development of the Immunity to Dental Germs in Rats, SIZ
- 1974-1979 Mechanism of Provoking and Maintaining Tolerance, USA project
- 1976-1980 Immunological Mechanisms of the Defence in Animals, SIZ IV
- 1981-1986 Immunological Defensive Mechanisms of Organisms, SIZ IV
- 1981-1986 Histocompatibility and Kidney Transplantation, SIZ IV
- 1987 Immunological Mechanisms of the Defence of Organisms, SIZ IV
- 1981-1985 The Importance and Role of Genetic and Hormonal Factors in the Manifestation and Development of Congential Adrenal Hyperplasia (Code: 62-23)The Role of the Histocompatibility Gene in the Inheritance and Etiology of Juvennile Insulin of the Dependent Diabetes Melitus (Code: 62-24)
- 1986-1990 Cadaveral Kidney Transplantation (Code: Molecural Gentics of the Central Histocompatibility System and Inherited Metabolic Diseases (Code:
- 1991-1995 Molelcural and Immunogenetic Researches in Diseases related to HLA (Code: 3-01-108) Histocompatibility and Transplantation Croatiatlansplant (Code: 3 – 01 – 109)
1996 up to now; Serology HLA
Participation in the teaching programme
- Physiology, Zagreb Medical School
Participated in all aspects of the teaching programme carrying a full class load from 1960-1964 and from 1986 since now (from 1964-1986) has participated in all aspects of the teaching programme at the Zagreb Faculty of Science, course: (Animal Physiology) Present status: professor. - Immunology
Participates in all aspects of the teaching programme carrying a full class load from 1986 up to now - Urology
Participates at lectures and seminars (theme Transplantation Immunology, Tissue Typing)
- Allergology and clinical immunology (holder of the courses):
1. Transplantation Immunology
2. Lab Methods in Clinical Immunolgoy - Urology (holder of the course: Immunology in Urology)
- Medical Genetics (holder of the course: Immunogentics)
- Oncology (holder of the course: Cancer Immunology)
- Neurology (holder of the course: Immunology in Neurology)
- Oftamology (lecturer)
- Scientific Postgradutate University Studies in Biomedicine, up to 1995
(holder of the course: Immunogenetics and Transplantation Immunology)
Educational texts
Translation of textbooks
- Gyton, A.C. Medical Physiology, Medicinska knjiga Zagreb-Beograd, ed. 1963, 1965, 1969, 1971, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991
Translation of the following chapters:
Resistence of the Organisms to Infections-Leucocytes, System of Macrophages and Inflammations (p. 10)
Contraction of the Skeleton Muscle (p. 21)
Neuromuscular Transmission. The Function of Smooth Muscles (p. 16)
Capillary Dynamics and Exchange of Liquid Between Blood and Intercellular Liquid (p. 16)
Lymph System, Dynamics of Intercellular Liquid, Edema and Lung Liquid (p. 16)
Special Physical Liquids – Cerebrospinal Liquor, Intravascular Liquid, Liquid in Pleural, Pericardial, Peritonic and Sinovic Cavity (p.10)
Educational articles
- Kaštelan, A., Određivanje antigena tkivne snošljivosti (tipizacija tkiva) (Determining the Antigen of Tissue Endurance (Tissue Typing)). In: Priručnik za vježbe iz fiziologije čovjeka. Medicinski fakultet u Zagrebu, 1988, pp. 109-121
- Kaštelan, A., Imunogentika (Immunogenetics). In: Humana genetika. Jumena, Zagreb, 1983,
- Kaštelan, A., Imunogenetika.(Immunogenetics). In: Humana genetika. Jumena Zagreb 1986, pp.190-250.
- Kaštelan, A., Imunogenetika (Immunogenetics). In: Humana genetika. Jumena, Zagreb, 1994, pp. 225-275
- Nada Kondić Mitin: Proces odabiranja u letalno ozračenih miševa liječenih miješanom koštanom srži alogenih i ksenogenih davalaca (The Process of Selection in Lethaly Radiated Mice Treated with Mixed Bone Marrow of Allogenic and Xenogenic Donors). Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1970.
- Oskar Springer: Učinak ALS-a na distribuciju singenih limfoidnih stanica (The Effect of ALS on Distribution of Singenic Lymphoid Cells). Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1971.
- Ivan Bašić: Utjecaj tumora na sadržaj hematopoetskih stanica u krvotvornim tkivima domaćina (The Influence of Tumor on the Content of Hematopoetic Cells in the Blood-Formative Tissues of the Host). Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1973.
- Dušan Volf: Kompeticija staničnih populacija u koštanoj srži limfoidnim organima radijacijskih kimera (The Competition of Cell Populations in Bone Marrow with Lymphoid Organs of the Radiation Chimeres). Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1973.
- Zvezdana Vuk-Pavlović: Djelovanje humoralnih aktora iz timusa i krvne plazme na sazrijevanje i imunološku reaktivnost T-limfocita (Acting of Humoral Actors from Timus and Blood Plasma on Ripening and Immunolgoical Reactivity of T-Lymphocytes), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1983.
- Vesna Kerhin-Brkljačić: Sustav HLA u pučanstvu Jugoslavije. Populacijska i obiteljska istraživanja (The HLA System in the Population of Yugoslavia. Researches in Population and Family), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1977.
- Ljerka Brkljačić-Šurkalović: Značenje i uloga genetskih faktora HLA u pojavljivanju i prepoznavanju kongenitalne adrenalne hiperplazije (The Importance and the Role of HLA Genetic Factors in Appearance and Recognition of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1985.
- Marijan Gerenčer: Povezanost između histokompatibilnosti majke i oca i neuspjelih trudnoća (The Connection between Histocompatibility of Mother and Father and Unsuccesful Pregnancies), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1985.
- Ivana Djurinović-Bello: Mehanizmi autoimunosti i geni glavnog sustava histokompatibilnosti u inzulin ovisnom dijabetesu (The Mechanisms of Autoimmunity and Genes of the Central System of Histocompatibility in Insulin Dependent Diabetes), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1998.
- Renata Žunec: Molekularna osnovica povezanosti gena HLA razreda II i autoagresivnih bolesti u čovjeka (The Molecular Basis of Connection between the II Class HLA Gene of the Atutoagressive Diseases in Man), Zagreb Faculty of Scinece, 1998.
- Zorana Grubić: Raspodjela gena razreda II sustava HLA u hrvatskoj populaciji – molekularna istraživanja (Distribution of the II Class HLA System in Croatian Population – Molecular Researches), Faculty of Science, Zagreb, 1997.
- Dušan Volf: Učinak preimunizacije inferiornog protiv superiornog davaoca na proces odabiranja u radijacijskih kimera (The Preimunization Effect of the Inferior against Superior Donor on the Selection Process in Radiation Chymeres?), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1971.
- Zvezdana Vuk-Pavlović: Djelovanje humoralnog faktora iz timusa na produkciju, diferencijaciju i recirkulacijiu limfoidnih stanica (The Effect of Humoral Factor from Timus on Production, Differentiation and Recirculation of Lymphoid Cells), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1976.
- Ivana Đurinović-Bello: Genetička ispitivanja sustava HLA u bolesnika s ankilozantnim spondilitisom (Genetic Researches in HLA System in Patients Suffering from Ankylosys Spondilitis), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1982.
- Selim Kuci: Glavni sustav histokompatibilnosti (HLA) u albanskoj populaciji Kosova (The Main System of Histocompatibility (HLA) in Albanian Population of Kosovo), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1982.
- Miroslav Mađarić: Kompjuterska obrada podataka u genetici sustava humanih leukocitnih antigena (HLA) (Data Computer Processing in Genetics of the Human Leukocyte Antigenes (HLA)), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1983.
- Vesna Balog: Genetička ispitivanja sustava HLA u bolesnika s bronhalnom astmom (Genetic Researches in HLA System in Patients with Bronchial Asthma), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1981.
- Vesna Mezulić: Sustav HLA kao najegzaktniji biljeg u dokazivanju roditeljstva (The HLA System as the most Exact Mark in Proving the Parental Relationship), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1998.
- Ines Humar: Odnos infertilnosti i genoma fetusa u ljudi (The Relationship between the Infertility and Foetus Genome in People), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1992.
- Marija Tomašković: Primarni i sekundarni testovi miješane kulture limfocita kao pokazatelji preživljavanja transplantiranog bubreaga (The Primary and Secondary Tests as the Indicators of the Survival of Transplanted Kidney), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1992.
- Renata Žunec: Mapiranje kraćeg kraka 6. kormosoma čovjeka (Maping of the Shorter Side of the Human Chromosome 6), Zagreb Faculty of Science, 1994.
- Oskar Springer: Uloga timusa u recirkulaciji limfoidnih stanica (The Role of Timus in Recirculation of Lymphoid Cells), Zagreb 1972.
- Ivan Bašić: Utjecaj Corynebacterium Granulosum na reaktivnost mišjih limfocita i makrofaga in vitro (The Impact of Corynebacterium Granulosum on Reactivity of Mice Lymphocites and Microphages in vitro).