Kapetanić Davor

Date of birth:
- 1928
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
Date od death:
- 2023
Place of death:
- Seattle
Kapetanić Davor
Akademske titule:
- professor emeritus
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- dopisni član – Razred za književnost (18.05.2000. – 13.02.2023.)
Curriculum Vitae
Davor Kapetanić, a Croatian literary historian, was born in Zagreb on June 28, 1928. He completed his studies in Slavic studies in 1953 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb, where in 1972 he received his Doctorate in dissertation The literary work of Silvio Strahimir Kranjčević in Sarajevo’s Nada 1894–1903. He was an assistant and senior research associate of the Institute of Literature and Theatrology of Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts 1957-1973 (today the Institute for the History of Croatian Literature, Theatre and Music of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts).
From 1973 he was an associate professor and then full professor in the Department of Slavic Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle until 1993, since when is a professor emeritus. As a guest, he held lectures at universities in the USA and Canada. He distinguished himself by numerous textological and bibliographic works by Croatian writers (I. Mažuranić, S. S. Kranjčević, A.G. Matos, V. Vidric, A. Cesarc, etc., especially the bibliography of Miroslav Krleža’s work and literature about him) and theoretical contributions on research and preparation of critical publications.
In 2000 he was elected as a correspondent member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Department of Literature. He died in Seattle on February 13, 2023.