Jonjić Stipan, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 1953
Place of birth:
- Kupres, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Center for Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine University of Rijeka, Braće Branchetta 20, 51 000 Rijeka
- Center for Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka: +385 051 651 162
Jonjić Stipan, F.C.A.
- director – Center for Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine University of Rijeka
Functions in Academy:
- head of – Institute for Biomedical Sciences of CASA in Rijeka (7/6/2022 – … )
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Natural Sciences (05/19/2022 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
1985 PhD, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
1976 MD, University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
2006 – Professor and Chair, Center for Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka
1996 – 2021 Chair, Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka
1999 – 2003 Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka
Croatian National Science Award “Rudjer Boskovic” (1993)
Medal of Danica Hrvatska for services to the sciences awarded by the President of the Republic of Croatia (1995)
Annual Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for Scientific Achievements (2003)
Raine Foundation Visiting Professorship at the University of Western Australia (2007)
Award of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (2009)
Award for a Lifetime Achievement in Science of the Republic of Croatia (2013)
Award for a Lifetime Achievement in Science of the City of Rijeka (2017)
Croatian Science Foundation – Board of Directors (2010 – 2021)
Institute for Medical Research, Chair of the Governing Council (2012 – )
The National Science Awards Committee (2016 – )
The National Scientific Council (Croatia) (1994 – 2002)
The National Council for Higher Education (Croatia) (2000 – 2003)
EU FP6/ FP7 Programme Committee – Health (2006 – 2011)
University of Rijeka Science Council, chair (2013 – 2017)
Leibniz Institute of Virology (Heinrich Pette Institute), Hamburg, Scientific Advisory Board (2016 – )
2012 – German National Academy of Science – Leopoldina
2015 – European Academy of Microbiology
2021 – Academia Europea
1990 – 2022 23 Postdocs/ PhD and 11 master students;
Many of the ex-PhD students and co-workers are now university professors and leading scientists in Croatia and several of them are also distinguished scientists working abroad. Some of them play an important role in academic leaderships.
- Evidence that CD4 cells and IFN-γ are necessary for preventing the horizontal transmission of mouse CMV (MCMV) infection ( Exp. Med. 169:1199-1212, 1988; J. Virol. 66:1977-1984, 1992)
- Evidence that antibodies are not required for the resolution of primary CMV infection, but play a key role in limiting recurrent infection ( Exp. Med. 179:1713-1717, 1994)
- Evidence that CD8 and CD4 T cell subsets, IFN-γ as well as NK cells contribute in a hierarchical and redundant fashion to immunosurveillance of MCMV latency ( Exp. Med. 188:1047-1054, 1998)
- Evidence for the in vivo role of herpesviral immunoevasins involved in the downmodulation of MHC class I molecules ( Exp. Med. 190:1285-1295, 1999) and discovery and characterization of several MCMV inhibitors of cellular NKG2D ligands (Nat. Immunol. 3:529-535, 2002; J. Virol. 79:2920-30, 2005; J. Exp. Med. 201:211-220, 2005; J. Exp. Med. 203:1843-50, 2006)
- Establishment of the MCMV model to study congenital CMV infection in the developing CNS ( Exp. Med. 205:423-35, 2008; J. Virol. 82(24):12172-80, 2008) – together with WJ Britt, UAB, Alabama
- Discovery of inhibitory receptor (TIGIT) expressed on human NK cells and some subsets of T cells (PNAS USA. 106(42):17858-63, 2009) – together with O. Mandelboim, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
- Characterization of MCMV evasion of missing-self dependent NK cell activation ( Exp. Med. 207(12):2663-73, 2010; J. Exp. Med. 2019)
- Characterization of recombinant CMV vaccine vectors expressing ligands for the NKG2D receptor ( Clin. Invest. 120:4532-45, 2010; PNAS USA 110:16550-5, 2013; Eur. J. Immunol. 47:1354–1367, 2017; Front. Immunol. 9:991, 2018; Front. Immunol. 12:681380, 2021)
- Comprehensive analysis of MCMV transcriptome during infection (PLoS Pathog. 9(9):e1003611, 2013)
- Evidence that MCMV downregulates expression of PVR and affects virus control by inflammatory monocytes and NK cells in DNAM-1 dependent manner ( Exp. Med. 213(9):1835-50, 2016)
- Identification of the MCMV m02 family member, m12, as a functional decoy ligand that engages the mouse NKRP1B inhibitory receptor and inhibits NK cell cytotoxicity (Cell. 169:58–71, 2017) collaboration between
- Evidence that NK/ILC1 cells via IFN-γ play a key role in early inflammation and neurodevelopmental abnormalities in congenitally CMV-infected mice. ( Exp. Med. 3;218(5):e20201503, 2021)
- Characterization of innate immune mechanisms in ovaries that protect fertility in CMV infected animals (Immunity. 54(7):1478-1493.e6, 2021)
Editorial Boards: Cellular & Molecular Immunology – Assistant Editor-in-Chief (2017 – 2020; Current Immunology Reviews – Editorial Advisory Board Member; European Journal of Immunology; Frontiers in Microbial Immunity; Herpesviridae; Microbes and Infections; Medical Microbiology and Immunology; eLife – Reviewing Editor; PLOS Pathogens – Guest Editor; Viruses – Guest Editor, special issue)
Reviewer for journals: Blood, Cell Host & Microbe, Cell Reports, eLife, Infection and Immunity, Immunity, Nature Communication, Nature Immunology, Journal of Experimental Medicine, Journal of Virology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Biology, Science Immunology, Annual Reviews in Immunology, Journal of Clinical Investigation
Reviewer for grants: ERC Starting grant evaluation panel LS6 – Immunity and Infections (2014 – 2018), NIAID, Croatian Science Foundation, French Research Agency (FRA), Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi 2012, Austrian Academy of Sciences, The German Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development, European Science Foundation
Over the past ten years, he has worked on 23 funded projects as a PI (11) or Co-PI (12), including projects such as Centre of Excellence for Virus Immunology and Vaccines” (CerVirVac), in which several groups from the University of Zagreb, The University Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljevic” and the University of Rijeka obtained ERDF funding.
Ongoing projects include ”Advanced Concepts in Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus”, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), coordinator: Lars Dölken with 16 co-PIs, 2019-2025; ”New Cytomegaloviral vaccine vector concepts”, funded by Helmholtz European Partnering, coordinator: Luka Cicin-Sain, Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, 6 partners, 2019 – 2024; ”Inflammation and hearing loss following congenital CMV infection”, National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01, coPIs: William J Britt, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA and Stipan Jonjić; 2017 – 2022;
He had a key role in organizing and conducting the TransMedRi project, which was supported through the FP7 Capacity programme.
Completed projects (funding agencies): EU FP7; EU FP6; H2020 (ERC-2012-AdG StAdvInn, ERC-2018-PoC GLIOVACC, GLYCOVAX); NIH; Croatian Science Foundation; The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA); Croatia-Israel joint research program; UKF Fund, and several others.
Based on the discoveries and inventions made by his lab together with Prof. Ofer Mandelboim (Hebrew University Jerusalem), in cooperation with Integra Holdings & Yissum as key shareholders, in 2017 the academic company Nectin Therapeutics ( has been established. Nectin Therapeutics is developing novel therapeutics based on monoclonal antibodies directed towards members of the Nectin family of receptors and their ligands, which play major roles in the immune checkpoint mechanisms relevant for cancer immune therapy.
PATENTS (out of 15 submitted)
- Vaccine comprising beta-herpesvirus; U.S. Pat. No. 10,537,621, approved January 21, 2020 (sole inventor)
- Antibodies specific to T-Cell immunoglobulin and itim domain (TIGIT); Japanese Patent No. 6861418, approved April 1, 2021 and U.S. Pat. No. 10,946,095, approved March 16, 2021 (3 co-inventors)
- Anti-poliovirus receptor antibodies and the use of same for the treatment of tumors; U.S. Pat. No. 10906987, approved February 2, 2021 (4 co-inventors)
- Anti-NKp46 antibodies, toxin conjugates, and therapeutic use of same; U.S. Patent No. 10,716,864, approved July 21, 2020 (4 co-inventors)
Almost 30 meetings, including: Croatian – Israeli Kick-off Meeting on Viral Immunology and Pathogenesis, 2007, Rijeka; Marie Curie Summer School “NK Defense and Therapy”, and EPO Course, 2007, Božava; Advanced Laboratory Training Course “Viral Subversion of Immune Response”, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2009, Rijeka; 12th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity, 2010, Dubrovnik; Workshop on Congenital Infections, TransMedRi, University of Rijeka, 2012, Rijeka; Vaccination and immunotherapy in defense against infectious diseases and tumors symposium, coorganized by The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2015, Rijeka; Symposium ”Viral pathogenesis and immunity”, 10. anniversary of the Center for Proteomics, 2016, Rijeka
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (50 out of more than 230):
Citations (01.06.2022.): Web of Science: 11.245 (h-index: 56); Google Scholar: 15.986 (h-index: 66).
- Cokaric Brdovcak M, Materljan J, Sustic M, Ravlic S, Ruzic T, Lisnic B, Miklic K, Brizic I, Pribanic Matesic M, Juranic Lisnic V, Halassy B, Roncevic D, Knezevic Z, Stefan L, Bertoglio F, Schubert M, Cicin-Sain L, Markotic A, Jonjic S, Krmpotic A. ChAdOx1-S adenoviral vector vaccine applied intranasally elicits superior mucosal immunity compared to the intramuscular route of vaccination. European Journal of Immunology., doi: 10.1002/eji.202249823. 2022 (Impact factor (IF): 5.532)
- Kim Y, Zheng X, Eschke K, Chaudhry MZ, Bertoglio F, Tomic A, Krmpotic A, Hoffmann M, Bar-On Y, Boehme J, Bruder D, Ebensen T, Brunotte L, Ludwig S, Messerle M, Guzman C, Mandelboim O, Hust M, Pohlmann S, Jonjic S, Cicin-Sain L. MCMV-based vaccine vectors expressing full-length viral proteins provide long-term humoral immune protection upon a single-shot vaccination. Cellular & Molecular Immunology, 19(2):234-244. doi: 10.1038/s41423-021-00814-5. 2022 (IF: 11.53)
- Ružić T, Lisnić VJ, Lučin HM, Roviš TL, Železnjak J, Brdovčak MC, Vrbanović A, Oreb D, Kveštak D, Jerčić KG, Borovečki F, Lučin P, Adler B, Jonjić S, Lisnić B. Characterization of M116.1p, a murine cytomegalovirus protein required for efficient infection of mononuclear phagocytes. Journal of Virology, doi: 10.1128/JVI.00876-21. 2021 (IF: 5.103)
- Tomac J, Mazor M, Lisnić B, Golemac M, Kveštak D, Bralić M, Bilić Zulle L, Brinkmann MM, Dölken L, Reinert LS, Paludan SR, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S, Juranić Lisnić V: Viral infection of the ovaries compromises pregnancy and reveals innate immune mechanisms protecting fertility. Immunity, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.04.020. 54(7):1478-1493.e6. 2021 (IF: 31.745)
- Kveštak D, Juranić Lisnić V, Lisnić B, Tomac J, Golemac M, Brizić I, Indenbirken D, Cokarić Brdovčak M, Bernardini G, Krstanović F, Rožmanić C, Grundhoff A, Krmpotić A, Britt WJ, Jonjić S: NK/ILC1 cells mediate neuroinflammation and brain pathology following congenital CMV infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine, doi: 10.1084/jem.20201503. 218(5):e20201503. 2021 (IF: 14.307)
- Chaudhry MZ, Casalegno-Garduno R, Sitnik KM, Kasmapour B, Pulm A-K, Brizic I, Eiz-Vesper B, Moosmann A, Jonjic S, Mocarski ES, Cicin-Sain L: Cytomegalovirus Inhibition of Extrinsic Apoptosis Determines Fitness and Resistance to Cytotoxic CD8 T Cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1914667117. 117(23):12961-12968. 2020 (IF: 11.205)
- Berry R, Watson G, Jonjic S, Delgi-Esposti M, Rossjohn J: Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by Cytomegaloviruses. Nature Reviews in Immunology, doi:10.1038/s41577-019-0225-5. 20(2):113-127. 2020 (IF: 44.019)
- Železnjak J, Juranić Lisnić V, Popović B, Lisnić B, Babić M, Halenius A, L’Hernault A, Lenac Roviš T, Hengel H, Erhard F, Redwood A, Vidal S, Doelken l, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S: The complex of MCMV proteins and MHC class I evades NK cell control and drives the evolution of virus-specific activating Ly49 receptors. Journal of Experimental Medicine, doi: 10.1084/jem.20182213. 216(8):1809-1827. 2019 (IF: 10.892)
- Kučan Brlić P, Lenac Roviš T, Cinamon G, Tsukerman P, Mandelboim O, Jonjić S: Targeting PVR (CD155) and its receptors in anti-tumor therapy. Cellular and Molecular Immunology, doi: 10.1038/s41423-018-0168-y. 16(1):40-52. 2019 (IF: 8.213)
- Šestan M, Marinović S, Kavazović I, Cekinović Đ, Wueest S, Turk Wensveen T, Brizić I, Jonjić S, Konrad D, Wensveen FM, Polić B: Virus-Induced Interferon-γ Causes Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle and Derails Glycemic Control in Obesity. Immunity, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.05.005. 49(1):164-177. 2018 (21.522)
- Brizić I, Šušak B, Arapović M, Huszthy PC, Hiršl L, Kveštak D, Lisnić VJ, Golemac M, Pugel EP, Tomac J, Oxenius A, Britt WJ, Arapović J, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S: Brain-resident memory CD8+ T cells induced by congenital CMV infection prevent brain pathology and virus reactivation. European Journal of Immunology, doi: 10.1002/eji.201847526. 48(6):950-964. 2018 (IF: 4.695)
- Glasner A, Levi A, Enk J, Isaacson B, Viukov S, Orlanski S, Scope A, Neuman T, Enk CD, Hanna JH, Sexl V, Jonjic S, Seliger B, Zitvogel L, Mandelboim O: NKp46 Receptor-Mediated Interferon-y Production by Natural Killer Cells Increases Fibronectin 1 to Alter Tumor Architecture and Control Metastasis. Immunity, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2017.12.007. 48(1):107-119.e4. 2018 (IF: 21.522)
- Molgora M, Bonavita E, Ponzetta A, Riva F, Barbagallo M, Jaillon S, Popovic B, Bernardini G, Magrini E, Gianni F, Zelenay S, Jonjic S, Santoni A, Garlanda C, Mantovani A: IL-1R8 is a checkpoint in NK cells regulating anti-tumor and anti-viral activity. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature24293. 551(7678):110-114. 2017 (IF: 41.577)
- Miletic A, Lenartic M, Popovic B, Brizic I, Trsan T, Miklic K, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S: NCR1-deficiency diminishes the generation of protective murine cytomegalovirus antibodies by limiting follicular helper T-cell maturation. European Journal of Immunology, doi: 10.1002/eji.201646763. 47(9):1443-1456. 2017 (IF: 4.248)
- Popovic B, Golemac M, Podlech J, Zeleznjak J, Bilic-Zulle L, Lukic M, Cicin-Sain L, Reddehase M, Sparwasser T, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S: IL-33/ST2 pathway drives regulatory T cell dependent suppression of liver damage upon cytomegalovirus infection. PLOS Pathogens, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006345. 13(4):e1006345. 2017 (IF: 6.158)
- Aguilar AO, Berry R, Rahim MMA, Reichel JJ, Popovic B, Tanaka M, Fu Z, Balaji GR, Lau TNH, Tu MM, Kirkham CL, Mahmoud AB, Mesci A, Krmpotic A, Allan DSJ, Makrigiannis AP, Jonjic S, Rossjohn J, Carlyle JR: A Viral Immunoevasin Controls Innate Immunity by Targeting the Prototypical Natural Killer Cell Receptor Family. Cell, doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2017.03.002. 169(1):58-71.e14. 2017 (IF: 31.398)
- Tomic A,Varanas PR, Golemac M, Malic S, Riese P, Borst EM, Mischak-Weissinger E, Guzmán CA, Krmpotić A, Jonjic S, Messerle M: Activation of Innate and Adaptive Immunity by a Recombinant Human Cytomegalovirus Strain Expressing an NKG2D Ligand. PLoS Pathogens, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1006015. 12(12):e1006015. 2016 (IF: 6.608)
- Lenac Rovis T, Kucan Brlic P, Kaynan N, Juranic Lisnic V, Brizic I, Jordan S Tomic A, Kvestak D, Babic, Tsukerman P, Colonna M, Koszinowski U, Messerle M, Mandelboim O, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S: Inflammatory monocytes and NK cells play a crucial role in DNAM-1-dependent control of cytomegalovirus infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine, doi: 10.1084/jem.20151899. 213(9):1835-50. 2016 (11.991)
- Lisnic B, Juranic Lisnic V, Jonjic S: NK cell interplay with cytomegaloviruses. Current Opinion in Virology, doi: 10.1016/j.coviro.2015.07.001. 15:9–18. 2015 (IF: 6.064)
- Crouse J, Bedenikovic G, Wiesel M, Ibberson M, Xenarios I, Von Laer D, Kalinke U, Vivier E, Jonjic S, Oxenius A: Type I interferons protect T cells against NK cell attack mediated by the activating receptor NCR1. Immunity, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2014.05.003. 40(6):961-73. 2014 (IF: 21.561)
- Trsan T, Busche A, Abram M, Wensveen FM, Lemmermann NA, Arapovic M, Babic M,Tomic A, Golemac M, Brinkmann MM, Jäger W, Oxenius A, Polic B, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Jonjic S: Superior induction and maintenance of protective CD8 T cells in mice infected with mouse cytomegalovirus vector expressing RAE-1γ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1310215110. 110(41):16550-5. 2013 (IF: 809)
- Juranic Lisnic V, Babic Cac M, Lisnic B, Trsan T, Mefferd A, Mukhopadhyay CD, Cook CH, Jonjic S, Trgovcich J: Dual analysis of the murine cytomegalovirus and host cell transcriptomes reveal new aspects of the virus-host cell interface. PLoS Pathogens, doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003611. 9(9):e1003611. 2013 (IF: 8.057)
- Jordan S, Ruzsics Z, Mitrović M, Baranek T, Arapović J, Krmpotić A, Vivier E, Dalod M, Jonjić S, Döelken L, Koszinowski UH: Natural killer cells are required for extramedullary hematopoiesis following murine cytomegalovirus infection. Cell Host & Microbe, doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2013.04.007. 13(5):535-545. 2013 (IF:12.194)
- Lenac Rovis T, Bailer SM, Pothineni VR, Ouwendijk WJ, Simic H, Babic M, Miklic K, Malic S, Verweij MC, Baiker A, Gonzalez O, von Brunn A, Zimmer R, Früh K, Verjans GM, Jonjic S, Haas J: A comprehensive analysis of varicella zoster virus proteins using a new monoclonal antibody collection. Journal of Virology, 87(12):6943-6954; 2013 (IF: 4.648)
- van Gisbergen K, Kragten N, Hertoghs K, Wensveen F, Jonjic S, Hamann J, Nolte M, van Lier R: Mouse Hobit is a homolog of the transcriptional repressor Blimp-1 that regulates NKT cell effector differentiation. Nature Immunology, doi: 10.1038/ni.2393. 13(9):864-71. 2012 (IF:26.199)
- Mitrović M, Arapović J, Jordan S, Fodil-Cornu N, Ebert S, Vidal SM, Krmpotić A, Reddehase MJ, Jonjić S: The NK-cell response to mouse cytomegalovirus infection affects the level and kinetics of the early CD8(+) T-cell response. Journal of Virology, doi: 10.1128/JVI.06042-11. 86(4):2165-75. 2012 (IF:5.076)
- Slavuljica I, Busche A, Babić M, Mitrović M, Gasparović I, Cekinović Dj, Markova Car E, Pernjak Pugel E, Ciković A, Juranić Lisnić V, Britt WJ, Koszinowski U, Messerle M, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S: Recombinant mouse cytomegalovirus expressing a ligand for the NKG2D receptor is attenuated and has improved vaccine properties. Journal of Clinical Investigation, doi: 10.1172/JCI43961. 120(12):4532-45. 2010 (IF:14.152)
- Babic M, Pyzik M, Zafirova B, Mitrovic M, Butorac V, Lanier LL, Krmpotic A, Vidal SM Jonjic S: Cytomegalovirus immunoevasin reveals the physiological role of ”missing self” recognition in NK cell dependent virus control in vivo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, doi: 10.1084/jem.20100921. 207(12):2663-73. 2010 (IF:14.776)
- Lisnić VJ, Krmpotić A, Jonjić S: Modulation of natural killer cell activity by viruses. Current Opinion in Microbiology, doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2010.05.011. 13(4):530-9. 2010 (IF:7.714)
- Stanietsky N, Simic H, Arapovic J, Toporik A, Levy O, Novik A, Levine Z, Beiman M, Dassa L, Achdout H, Stern-Ginossar N, Tsukerman P, Jonjic S, Mandelboim O: The interaction of TIGIT with PVR and PVRL2 inhibits human NK cell cytotoxicity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, doi: 10.1073/pnas.0903474106. 106(42):17858-63. 2009 (IF:9.432)
- Arapovic J, Lenac T, Antulov R, Polic B, Ruzsics Z, Carayannopoulos LN, Koszinowski UH, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S: Differential susceptibility of RAE-1 isoforms to mouse cytomegalovirus. Journal of Virology, doi: 10.1128/JVI.02549-08. 83(16):8198-207. 2009 (IF:5.150)
- Zafirova B, Mandarić S, Antulov R, Krmpotić A, Jonsson H, Yokoyama WM, Jonjić S, Polić B: Altered NK cell development and enhanced NK cell-mediated resistance to mouse cytomegalovirus in NKG2D-deficient mice. Immunity, doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2009.06.017. 31(2):270-82. 2009 (IF:20.589)
- Cekinovic D, Golemac M, Pugel EP, Tomac J, Cicin-Sain L, Slavuljica I, Bradford R, Misch S, Winkler TH, Mach M, Britt WJ, Jonjic S: Passive immunization reduces murine cytomegalovirus-induced brain pathology in newborn mice. Journal of Virology, doi: 10.1128/JVI.01214-08. 82(24):12172-80. 2008 (IF: 5.308)
- Jonjić S, Babić M, Polić B, Krmpotić A: Immune evasion of natural killer cells by viruses. Current Opinion in Immunology, doi: 10.1016/j.coi.2007.11.002. 20(1):30-8. 2008 (IF:455)
- Koontz T, Bralic M, Tomac J, Pernjak-Pugel E, Bantug G, Jonjic S, Britt WJ: Altered development of the brain after focal herpesvirus infection of the central nervous system. Journal of Experimental Medicine, doi: 10.1084/jem.20071489. 205(2):423-35. 2008 (IF:15.463)
- Lenac T, Budt M, Arapovic J, Hasan M, Zimmermann A, Simic H, Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Ruzsics Z, Koszinowski UH, Hengel H, Jonjic S: The herpesviral Fc receptor fcr-1 down-regulates the NKG2D ligands MULT-1 and H60. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203(8):1843-50. 2006 (IF:14.484)
- Krmpotic A, Hasan M, Loewendorf A, Saulig T, Halenius A, Lenac T, Polic B, Bubic I, Kriegeskorte A, Pernjak Pugel E, Messerle M, Hengel H, Busch D, Koszinowski UH, Jonjic S: NK cell activation through the NKG2D ligand Mult-1 is selectively prevented by the glycoprotein encoded by mouse cytomegalovirus gene m145. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 201(2):211-220. 2005 (IF:13.965)
- Hasan M, Krmpotic A, Ruzsics Z, Bubic I, Lenac T, Halenius A, Loewendorf A, Messerle M, Hengel H, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Selective down-regulation of the NKG2D ligand H60 by mouse cytomegalovirus m155 glycoprotein. Journal of Virology, 79(5):2920-2930. 2005 (IF:178)
- Bubic I, Wagner M, Krmpotic A, Saulig T, Kim S, Yokoyama WM, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Gain-of-Virulence Caused by Loss of a Gene in Murine Cytomegalovirus. Journal of Virology, 78:7536-7544. 2004 (IF:398)
- Krmpotic A, Busch D, Bubic I, Gebhardt F, Hengel H, Hasan M, Scalzo A, Koszinowski UH, Jonjić S: MCMV glycoprotein gp40 confers virus resistance to CD8+T cells and NK cells in vivo. Nature Immunology, 3:529-35. 2002 (IF:199)
- Krmpotic A, Messerle M, Crnkovic-Mertens I, Polic B, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: The Immunoevasive Function Encoded by the Mouse Cytomegalovirus Gene m152 protects the Virus against T Cell Control in Vivo. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 190:1285-1295. 1999 (IF:214)
- Polic B, Hengel H, Krmpotic A, Trgovcich J, Pavic I, Lucin P, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Hierarchical and Redundant Lymphocyte Subset Control Precludes Cytomegalovirus Replication during Latent Infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 188:1047-1054. 1998 (IF:13.214)
- Crnkovic-Mertens I, Messerle M, Milotic I, Szepan U, Kucic N, Krmpotic A, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Virus Attenuation after Deletion of the Cytomegalovirus Fc Receptor Gene Is Not due to Antibody Control. Journal of Virology, 72(2):1377-1382. 1998 (IF:076)
- Jonjic S, Pavic I, Polic B, Crnkovic I, Lucin P, Koszinowski UH: Antibodies are not essential for the resolution of primary cytomegalovirus infection but limit dissemination of recurrent virus. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 179:1713-1717. 1994 (IF:214)
- Lucin P, Pavic I, Polic B, Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Gamma interferon‑dependent clearance of cytomegalovirus infection in salivary glands. Journal of Virology, 66:1977 – 1984. 1992 (IF:5.076)
- Koszinowski UH, Reddehase MJ, Jonjic S: The role of CD4 and CD8 T cells in viral infections Current Opinion in Immunology, 3:471 – 475. 1991 (IF:8.771)
- Jonjic S, Pavic I, Lucin P, Rukavina D, Koszinowski UH: Efficacious control of cytomegalovirus infection after long‑term depletion of CD8+ T lymphocytes. Journal of Virology, 64:5457‑5464. 1990 (IF:076)
- Jonjic S, Mutter W, Weiland F, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH: Site‑restricted persistent cytomegalovirus infection after selective long‑term depletion of CD4‑positive T lymphocytes. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 169:1199‑1212. 1989 (IF:214)
- Jonjic S, del Val M, Keil GM, Reddehase MJ, Koszinowski UH: A nonstructural viral protein expressed by a recombinant vaccinia virus protects against lethal cytomegalovirus infection. Journal of Virology, 62:1653‑1658. 1988 (IF:5.076)
- Jonjic S, Koszinowski UH: Monoclonal antibodies reactive with swine lymphocytes I. Antibodies to membrane structures that define the cytolytic T lymphocyte subset in the swine. Journal of Immunology, 133:647‑652. 1984 (IF:5.520)
INVITED TALKS (10 out of more than 170)
- Cluster of Excellence – ”From Regenerative Biology to Reconstructive Therapy”, Hannover Medical School, 2020, Hannover, Germany
- International Congress of Immunology IUIS2019, 2019, Beijing, China
- 7th International Congenital CMV Conference & 17th International CMV Workshop, 2019, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
- 17th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity NK2018, 2018, San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Immunology and Cancer Research Special Seminar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Hadassah Medical School, 2017, Jerusalem, Israel
- 5th International Congenital CMV Conference and 15th International CMV/Betaherpesvirus Workshop, 2015, Brisbane, Australia
- Immunology Seminar, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, 2014, Cambridge, Great Britain
- NK2013 – 14th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity, 2013, Heidelberg, Germany
- 15th International Congress of Immunology ICI2013, 2013, Milano, Italia
- European Congress of Immunology, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland