Jelaković Bojan, F.C.A.

- Department for Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Medical Sciences: +385 01 4895 171
Jelaković Bojan, F.C.A.
- Head, Department for Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, University Hospital Center Zagreb
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Medical Sciences (11/16/2020 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
1994-1999 Ph.D. University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Clinical medicine, nephrology and immunology, “Antibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein in endemic nephropathy”
1990-1993 M.Sc. University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Clinical medicine, nephrology and immunology, “Antibodies to Tamm-Horsfall protein in patients with acute pyelonephritis”
1998-2000 Subspecialty studies in nephrology, Zagreb University Hospital Center
1992-1996 Residency in internal medicine, Zagreb University Hospital Center
1988 Postgraduate study in Abdominal ultrasound, Inter University Center
1987-1989 Postgraduate study in allergology and clinical immunology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
1981-1987 M.D. University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
- 2015 – present European Society of Hypertension. officer-at-large
- 2013 – present European Socitey of Hypertension, council member
- 2011 – present Head, Department of Nephrology, Hypertension, Dialysis and Transplantation, University Hospital Center Zagreb
- 2010 – present Director Center for Hypertension University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Hypertension Centre of Excellence of the ESH
- 2009 – present Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
- 2004 – 2009 Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
- 2001-present Subspecialist in nephrology, Department of Nephrology and Arterial Hypertension Zagreb University Hospital Center
- 1996 – present Specialist in internal medicine, Department of Nephrology and Arterial Hypertension, Zagreb University Hospital Center
- 1992-1996 Resident in internal medicine, Department of Internal medicine, Zagreb University Hospital Center
- 1995 -1999 Scientific assistant, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
- 1988-1992 Young researcher, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
Professional, research, academic experience and achievements
- 2012 – Hypertension Specialist of the European Society of Hypertension
- 2008-2012 Mentor/supervisor to three colleagues awarded the Jiri Widimsky Award for young researchers by the ESH (Živka Dika, Ivan Pećin, Sandra Karanović)
- 2011-present Principal investigator in the scientific project of the Croatian Foundation for Science (Molecular prifilinig of urothelial caricnima)
- 2006-present Principal investigator in the scientific project (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport Republic of Croatia): Endemic nephropathy in Croatia – epidemiology and etiology (00329)
- 2005-2009 Co-PI in FIRCA Project with Arthur P.Grollman Etiology of endemic (Balkan) nephropathy 5R03TW7042-3
- 2003-2006 Principal investigator in the scientific project (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport Republic of Croatia): Epidemiology of Hypertension in Croatia EHUH study (0108109)
- 2008-present Co-PI Croatian national programme for salt reduction (Ministry of Health Republic of Croatia)
- 2003-present Co-worker Molecular Toxicology of DNA Adducts. Project 3. Toxicogenomics of Endemic Nephropathy (PI Arthur P.Grollman) P01 ES04068 (NIH/NIEHS)
- 2003-2005 Principal investigation on project: Awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in Croatia (BEL-AH study)
Other acitivities
- President of the Croatian Society of Hypertension, 2008-present
- President of the Working group for hypertension Croatian Cardiology Society 2008-present
- Vice President of the Croatian Society of Hypertension, 2004-2008
- Vice-president, Croatian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation, 2008-2012
- Member, Executive Board of Croatian Action on Health and Salt (CRASH), 2006-present
- President “Prof.Dr. Milovan Radonić Society for Nephrology Development”, 2011-present
- Secretary, “Prof.Dr. Milovan Radonić Society for Nephrology Development”, 1996-2011
- Chair of the Croatian National Executive Board for Endemic Nephropathy, 2004-present
- Founder and editor in chief of “Hineka”, official journal of the Croatian Society of Hypertension,1998-present
- Co-director of the ESH Summer School 2010, Rovinj, Croatia
- Co-president of the 5th Central European Meeting on Hypertension and 2nd Croatian Congress in Hypertension, October, 2009, Zagreb, Croatia
- President of the International Symposium on diagnostic c criteria of endemic nephropathy (under auspicies of the WHO, Office for Croatia), April 2008, Bol, Croatia
- Co-president of the International symposium on etiology of endemic nephropathy, October 2006, Zagreb, Croatia
- Editorial Board member Journal of Hypertension 2010-present
- Editorial Board member Kidney Blood Pressure Research journal 2010-2012
- Reviewer Journal of Hypertension, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Blood Pressure Research, Transplantation, International Journal of Urology, Collegium Antrolopologicum, Acta Medica Croatica, Liječnički vjesnik
Croatian Medical Assembly, Croatian Society of Hypertension, Croatian cardiology society, Croatian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis
and Transplantation, Society for Nephrology Development “Professor Milovan Radonić”, European Society of Hypertension, European Cardiology Society, European Renal Association, International Society of Hypertension, Amercian Heart Association, International Society of Nephrology, WASH member, CRASH member