Grabovac Ivo

Date of birth:
- 8/28/1934
Place of birth:
- Split
- +385 021 393 542
Grabovac Ivo
Academic titles:
- professor emeritus
- doctor of Science
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Social Sciences (5/28/1998 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Ivo Grabovac, a Croatian lawyer, was born in Split, on August 28 in 1934. He completed his law studies in Zagreb in 1960 and received his Doctorate in Split in 1967. Since 1961, he has taught maritime and general transport law and insurance law at the Faculty of Law in Split. From 1976 he was a full professor until his retirement, since 2004 he is professor emeritus. He was dean (1978 – 1980 and 1994 – 1996) of the Faculty of Law in Split. He has been an associate member of CASA since 1998 and a member of Comité Maritime International, which encourages the unification of international law. Received the National Lifetime Achievement Science Award (2006).
Published works: Prijevoz stvari s više prijevoznika (1978), Konvencije pomorskog imovinskog prava (1986), Odgovornost poduzetnika multimodalnog prijevoza stvari (1986), Enciklopedija pojmova pomorskog prava (1991), Hrvatsko pomorsko pravo i međunarodne konvencije (1995), Pomorsko pravo Republike Hrvatske (1997), Prijevozno ugovorno pravo Republike Hrvatske (1999), Temelj odgovornosti u prometnom pravu (2000), Ograničenje odgovornosti u pomorskom poduzetništvu (2001).