Goles Chacc Eric

Date of birth:
- 1951
Place of birth:
- Antofagasta, Chile
Goles Chacc Eric
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- corresponding member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (5/18/2006 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Eric Goles Chacc, a Chilean mathematician of Croatian descent, was born in Antofagasta in 1951. He is a professor in the Department of Engineering Mathematics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the University of Chile in Santiago. He is a member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences.
The field of scientific work of Prof. Goles is mathematical models of complex dynamic systems, and the most significant are in the application to neural networks in biology and informatics, on nonlinear models in biology and ecology and on models of nonlinear phenomena of granular systems (“sandpile systems”) in physics and technology. His papers are at a high mathematical level, with a series of new relevant mathematical theorems and complex computer simulations. He is the author of “Neural nad Cellular Networks” (Kluwer), and editor of ten proceedings and scientific monographs.
Some of the highlights of scientific papers are as follows: Bifurcation structure of discrete neuronal equation, Discrete Applied Mathematics (1988). The one-site distribution of Gibbs states on Bethe lattice are probability vectors of period less or equal 2 for a nonlinear transformation, Journal of Statistical Physics (1988); Dynamic behavior of cyclic automata networks, Granular Matter (1998); Prime number selection of cycles in a predator-prey model, Complexity (2002); Intermingled basins due to finite accuracy, Phyical Review E (2000); Swiriling granular solide-like clusters, Physical Review E (2000); Shell structures with magic numbers of spheres in a swirled dish, Physical Review E (2000); Reaction-diffusion automata: three states implies universality. Theory of Comput. Systems (1997); Universality of the chip-firing game, Theoretical Computer Science (1997); Dynamical behavior of Kaufmann networks with AND-OR gates, Journal of Biological Systems (2000); Energy and attractors in parallel Potts dynamics, Journal of Physics A (1989); Lyapunov functionals for automata networks defined by cyclically monotone functions, SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics (1992).
Prof. Goles is also exceptionally active in social affirmation of science and its role in society, popularizing science, especially on Chilean television.
Since 2006, he has been a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.