Erdmann Elisabeth

Erdmann Elisabeth
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- corresponding member – Department of Philological Sciences (5/28/1998 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Elisabeth von Erdman, a German philologist, was born in Frankfurt am Main on November 5, 1956. She studied Slavic philology, Eastern European history and philosophy in Bonn, Zagreb and Freiburg im Breisgau, where she received her Doctorate in 1986. She is Professor of Slavic Literature and The History of Ideas at Friedrich-Alexander University, based in Erlangen and Nürnberg.
In 1988 she launched the only series outside Croatia on Croatian culture (Springs and yields for Croatian cultural history – Quellen und Beiträge zur kroatischen Kulturgeschichte), which has 10 volumes in 11 books. New editions of works by J. Dragišić, B. Kasić, R. Džamanjić, I. Bandulavić and F. Petrić were published here, accompanied by studies on them, as wel as a selection from the works of Ž. Muljačić on Croatian-Roman ties on the Adriatic – Dalmatski (Das Dalmatische, 2000). She was the first in German Slavic studies to advocate the thesis on the uniqueness of the Croatian language in a series of papers in scientific periodicals. In Zagreb, in 1997, she published a collection of texts by Bartol Kašić, Izabrana štiva.
She is a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 1998.