Degan Vladimir-Đuro

Date of birth:
- 07/02/1935
Place of birth:
- Bosanski Brod
- March 27, 2022, in Zagreb
Degan Vladimir-Đuro
Academic titles:
- Professor
- Professor Eemeritus
- professor emeritus – Faculty of Law University of Rijeka
- member – Institut de droit international
- fellow – Marco Polo Fellow of the Silk Road Institute of International Law, Xian Jiaotong University (Chine)
Functions in Academy:
- head – Adriatic Institute
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Social Sciences (05/17/1990 – 03/27/2022)
Curriciulum Vitae
Vladimir-Djuro Degan, Croatian lawyer (July 2, 1935, Bosanski Brod – March 27, 2022, Zagreb)
He was member of the Institute of International Law; Marco Polo Fellow of the Silk Road Institute of International Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University (China), and Emmeritus Professor of the University in Rijeka.
Having finished his studies at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo, he lectured Comparative Government and Public International Law at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Sarajevo University between 1969 and 1981. In 1981, he moved to Croatia.
Between 1979 and 1991, he organized three-week courses in International Law and International Relations at the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik, each year alternately in English and French.
In 1984, he was professeur associé to l’Université du Maine (Le Mans); and in 1990 and 1993 professeur invité to: l’Université de Nanterre (Paris XIII) and l’Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II).
In 1988 and 1992, he lectured at the Helsinki Summer School of International Law.
In 1999, he lectured at the Hague Academy of International law on the topic of “Création et disparition de l’Etat (à la lumière du démembrement de trois fédérations multiethniques en Europe)”.
In 2008 he presented postgraduate courses on various topics of international law at the Silk Road Institute of International Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University in China.
In 2009, with a series of lectures during six weeks, he took part in the “Advanced Studies in International Law” in Wuhan (China) in the capacity of Expert in Residence of the Wuhan University Institute of International Law.
He occasionally lectured at the Asser Instituut (The Hague), Leiden, and Tilburg Universities, as well as at various universities in the former Yugoslavia.
In 1983 he was elected associé, and since 1989 he has been full member of the Institute of International Law.
Between 1991 and 1995, he was a Croatian member at the Expert Groups on Human and Minority Rights, and on State Succession at the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia. Between 1996 and 2001, he was a Member of the Croatian delegation in the negotiations on Succession issues of the former Yugoslavia.
Awards: by the French Republic, dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques chevalier in 1988; officier in 1997; commandeur in 2004. National Science Award for lifetime achievement in 2013 for the year 2012 for Social Sciences