Denegri Danijel
Academic titles:
- Doctor of Science
Membership in the Academy:
- correspondent member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences 1/30/1997 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Danijel Denegri, a Croatian physicist, was born in Split on July 1, 1940. Graduated in physics from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb (1964), Doctorate (1969) from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. Worked at the Faculty of Science in Zagreb (1964–66), johns hopkins university (1969–71), in France in CEN (Centre d’études nucléaires, 1971–75) and CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1975–86) in Saclay, associate at CERN (from 1986) in Geneva. Since 1983 he has been teaching elementary particle physics at the University of Split, full professor (since 1986).
He’s into elementary particle physics. He is a participant in the famous UA1 experiment at CERN, so he contributed to the discovery and research of W-bosons and Z-bosons, for which the Nobel Prize in Physics went to Carlo Rubbia and Simon van der Meer. Worked on an experimental find of cannon quarks and Higgs particles at the LHC. He contributed to building a calorimetric particle detector and introducing a new approach to separate rare studied events from a complex backdrop.
He received the “Joliot-Curie” Award in 1989.
Since 1997 he is a correspondent member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.