Bačić Arsen, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 01/03/1951
Place of birth:
- Vela Luka, otok Korčula
- Office: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, Domovinskog rata 8, 21000 Split
- +385 01 4895 169
- +385 021 393 594
Bačić Arsen, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (06/14/2018 – …)
- Professor – Faculty of Law , University of Split
- Scientific counsellor – The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
- Executive Committee Member – International Association of Constitutional Law
- President – Croatian Association of Constitutional Law
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Social Sciences (05/10/2018 – …)
- associate member – Department of Social Sciences (05/29/2008 – 05/10/2018)
Curriculum Vitae
Arsen Bačić was born in Vela Luka at the island of Korčula on January 3 in 1951, but he frequented both elementary and grammar school in Split. He graduated in 1974 at the Faculty of Law, University of Split. He received the M.Sc. degree (LL.M.) in 1980 with the thesis on the freedom of the press at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade where he also received the Ph.D. degree with the dissertation on the constitutional principles of the separation and unity of powers (1988). He has been employed at the Faculty of Law, University of Split since 1974. He was named a Full Professor of Constitutional Law for the first time in 1997. At the beginning of 2003 he was named a permanent Full Professor of the Constitutional Law. He is Head of the Department for Constitutional Law and Political System, and holder of the course European Public Law, Parliamentary Law, Political Ideas and Public Law, European Human Rights Law. He was Dean of the Faculty of Law (2000-2002).
He specialized in comparative constitutional law, comparative political systems, comparative law and european public law in Amsterdam, at the University of Amsterdam, and Leyden (1975); in Norwich, at East Anglia University (1982); in London, at the School of Economics and Political Science (1983); in South Band, at Notre Dame School of Law, Notre Dame University (1988); in Budapest, at the Central European University (1996); and in Oxford, at Ruskin College (1997). He was member of the Constitutional Commission of the Croatian Parliament which participated in drafting of the Croatian Constitution from 1990; member of the Croatian President’s Team of Experts which prepared nomotechnical basis for the Constitution amendments in 2000; member of the Croatian Government team of Experts which prepared nomotehnical basis for the Constitution amendments in 2009.
President of the Croatian Association for Constitutional Law (2002, 2007); member of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL), IACL Executive Committee Member elected at the 6th IACL Congress, 12th – 17th January 2004, Santiago de Chile; member of the Croatian Law Centre and of the National Political Science Association. Associate Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2008. Chief editor of the Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Law in Split. President of the Commission for Publishing of the Faculty of Law in Split.
He published following books: Principles of the Separation and Unity of Powers in Yugoslavia (1990); Constitution and Constitutional Dictatorship (1992); Constitutionalists Old and Modern (1996); Constitutional Law of the Republic of Croatia (1997); Lexicon of the Croatian Constitution (2000); The Commentary of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (2001); Croatia and the Challenges of Constitutionalism (2002); Croatian Parliamentary Procedures – Sources (2003); Parliamentary Law Dictionary – Croatian, English, French and German Terminology of Parliamentary Law (2003); Legislatures and Parliamentarism (2007). He translated the classical study by F. A. Hayek Political Ideal of the Rule of Law (1994). Among the editors of the Legal Lexicon of the Miroslav Krleža Lexicographical Institute (2007).