Project Results

Anticipated Results of the Project

The project’s work plan anticipates several types of activities, inculding archival research, digitalization of archival material, and work on published sources, which should result in publications in scientific journals as well as in the publication of scientific monographs. The research conduted by the team members will be presented at the conferences and workshops in Croatia and abroad.


Papers Related to the Project

Dugac, Željko i Branka Grbavac. “The Wills of Dalmatian Physicians and Their Family Members From 14th and First Decade of 15th Century”. Acta historiae medicinae, stomatologiae, pharmaciae, medicinae veterinariae 37 (2018): 35–53.

Marotti, Bojan. “Markovićeva kritika Hegelove logike”. Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti: Razred za društvene znanosti 54 (2019): 33–96.

Duančić, Vedran. “Learning About Politics Through Science: Popular Science in Early Socialist Yugoslavia, 1945–1950”. Historyka: Studia Metodologiczne 49 (2019): 55–76.

Duančić, Vedran. “Lysenko in Yugoslavia, 1945–1950s: How to De-Stalinize Stalinist Science”. Journal of the History of Biology 53 (2020): 159–194.

Borić, Marijana. “Prelazak astrologije iz sfere znanosti u domenu pučke literature u tekstovima hrvatskih autora 18. i 19. stoljeća”. Obnovljeni život: časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti. Accepted, expected in 2020.

Grbavac, Branka i Željko Dugac. “Mobilnost liječnika u 14. stoljeću na području istočnojadranske obale—primjer Splita”. Zbornik Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti Zavoda za povijesne i društvene znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 38 (2020).

Duančić, Vedran. Geography and Nationalist Visions of Interwar Yugoslavia. Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

Marotti, Bojan. Marković’s Critique of Hegel’s Logic: Franjo Marković and the so-called “Austrian Realism”. Artresor naklada, Zagreb, 2020.


Conferences and Workshops

[Note: just a minority of attendances of conferences and workshops was financed by the Croatian Science Foundation, but in all listed cases results of research stemming from the project have been presented.]

1. Dr Bojan Marotti, “Markovićeva rukopisna Etika,” at the conference Hrvatska filozofija i znanost: jučer, danas, sutra 3, Zagreb, 25–26 May 2017

2. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Marksizam, prirodne i tehničke znanosti u Jugoslaviji u drugoj polovici 1940-ih,” at 3rd International Conference Socialism on the Bench: Communists and Communist Parties; Politics, Actions, and Debates, Pula, 28–30 September 2017

3. Dr Vedran Duančić, “The Forgotten Knowledge? Yugoslav Communists and the Epistemology of Natural Sciences, 1930–1950,” at the workshop Political Epistemologies of Eastern Europe, Erfurt, 24–25 November 2017

4. Dr Branka Grbavac, “Last Wills and Inventories of Goods of Doctors and other Medical Stuff as sources for Research of the History of Medicine in Dalmatia in the 14th and the 15th Century,” at 46th Congress of International Society for the History of Medicine, Lisabon, 3–7 September 2018

5. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Yugoslav Scientists Looking for a Role-Model in Achieving Modernity, 1944-1950,” at the workshop A time of openess and possible outcomes: New perspectives on “Postwar” Europe, 1944–1950s, Paris, 15–16 November 2018

6. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Together or separate? The issues of scale, research foci, and ‘common ground’ in the history and philosophy of science in Croatia,” at the workshop Historiography of Sciences in Central Europe: State of the Art, Vienna, 22–23 November 2018

7. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Learning and Forgetting About Lysenko in (Post-)Stalinist Yugoslavia,” at the Annual Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies, Cambridge, 12–14 April 2019

8. Prof. Željko Dugac, “Transferi ljudi i povijest emocija,” at the 9th Istrian History Biennale, Poreč, 23–25 May 2019

9. Prof. Zrinka Blažević, “How to make solid medical knowledge: the case of Georgius Baglivi (1668–1707),” at Scientiae: Early Modern Knowledge, 1400–1800, Belfast, 12–15 June 2019

10. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Cold Spring Harbor–Sarajevo–Moscow: An Unlikely Network in the Fight against Lysenkoism in Yugoslavia,” at the Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, Utrecht, 23–27 July 2019

11. Dr Vedran Duančić, “Dugi repovi Staljinizma i korištenje staljinističke znanosti protiv Staljina: biologija u Jugoslaviji 1950-ih,” at the 4th International Conference Socialism on the Bench: Continuities and Inovations, Pula, 26–28 September 2019

12. Prof. Željko Dugac and Dr Branka Grbavac, “Kritička analiza oporuka i inventara srednjovjekovnih liječnika kao izvora za povijest medicine i transfera medicinskih znanja,” at the 19th conference “Rijeka i Riječani u medicinskoj povjesnici,” Rijeka, 8 November 2019