Tadić Marko, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 11/16/1953
Place of birth:
- Tomislavgrad
- Faculty of Science, Bijenička 30, 10000 Zagreb
- Phone +385 01 4605 786
Tadić Marko, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- doctor of Science
- Professor – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Functions in Academy:
- secretary – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (1/1/2023 – …)
- member of the Presidency – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1/1/2023 – …)
- member of Awards Committee (2/26/2023 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences (05/18/2000 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
Academic degrees:
- B.S. 1976, University of Zagreb
- M.S. 1979, University of Zagreb
- Ph.D. 1980, University of Zagreb
Professional experience at the University of Zagreb:
- 1976-1983, Instructor, University of Zagreb
- 1983-1986, Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb
- 1986-1987, Associate Professor, University of Zagreb
- 1987 – , Professor, University of Zagreb
Visiting positions:
- 1983 Summer, Visitor, University of Chicago
- 1983 November, Visitor, Universit´e Paris VII
- 1984-1985, Researcher, Max-Planck-Institute f¨ur Mathematik, Bonn
- 1986 Summer, Visiting Professor*, University of Chicago
- 1987 Summer, Visiting Professor*, Universit´e Paris-Orsay
- 1988 September/October, Visiting Professor*, University of Chicago
- 1989-1990, Visiting Professor, University of Utah
- 1992 February, Visiting Professor*, University of Chicago
- 1992-1994, Guest, Sonderforschungsbereich 170, Geometrie und Analysis, G¨ottingen
1995 August/September, Guest*, Sonderforschungsbereich 170, Geometrie und Analysis, G¨ottingen - 1996 Summer semester, Guest, Mathematisches Institut Der Universit¨at, M¨unster
- 1996 November/December, Visiting Professor*, University of Chicago
- 1997 March and April, Visiting Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 1997 June, Visiting Professor*, Universit´e Denis Diderot – Paris 7
- 2000 January/February, Guest, Sonderforschungsbereich 478, Geometrische Strukturen, M¨unster
- 2001-2002, Visiting Professor, University of Utah
- 2002 August, Senior Member* at Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NUS, Singapore
- 2003 May, Visiting professor* at Universit´e Denis Diderot – Paris 7
- 2005 February and March, Visiting Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- 2008 February and March, Visiting Scholar, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Full member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2000- )
- Member of Academia Europaea (2000- )
- Prize “Rudjer Bošković” 1989 (the highest annual prize for natural sciences in Croatia)
Additional information
- Editor in chief of ”Glasnik Matematički” (1998-2001)
Department Duties
- 1983-1984, 1986-1989, 1990-1992 and 1996-2000, 2003-2005, Head of the Division for Algebra and Logic (Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb)
- 1994-2000, Director of Graduate Study (Mathematics, University of Zagreb)
Ph.D. students:
- Ivica Gusić (finished in 1996)
- Goran Muić (finished in 1997)
- Siniša Zampera (finished in 1997)
- Dubravka Ban (finished in 1998)
- Marcela Hanzer (jointly with G. Muić; finished in 2005)
Research Interest:
- Representation theory and harmonic analysis on reductive groups, in particular
- over p-adic fields, and application of this theory to the modern theory of automorphic forms (through Langlands program).