Lökös István, prevoditelj

Date of birth:
- 1933.
Place of birth:
- Eger, Hungary
Lökös István, prevoditelj
Membership in the Academy:
- corresponding member – Department of Literature (5/18/2000 – …)
Curriculum Vitae
István Lökös, István Lökös, Hungarian scholar, professor of literature and translator, was born on November 10, 1933, in Eger. Since completing his studies in the late 1950s, he has been involved in Croatian literature, as a researcher of its history and translator of croatian writers’ works in Hungarian.
As a researcher of Croatian literature, Prof. Lökös dealt with a particularly attractive period of renaissance and baroque, the Siget tradition and the anti-Turkish epic tradition in Croatian literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, followed by the Croatian novel and creativity of Miroslav Krleža, as well as croatian-Hungarian literary and cultural connections. A large number of papers have been published on all these thematic units, in Hungarian, German and Croatian.
He confirmed the integrity of his knowledge of Croatian literature with his work Povijest hrvatske književnosti in Hungarian (A horvát irodalom története, 1996), and chieved the scope of his translation by translating Marulić’s Judith into Hungarian (Marko Marulić: Judith, 1999) with an extensive study and comprehensive review at the end of the book.
He is the most prominent researcher of the Croatian language, literature and culture, who enters the circle of the most active and distinguished Croatists in the world.