Trinajstić Nenad, akademik

- 26. listopada 1936. u Zagrebu
- 27. kolovoza 2021. u Zagrebu
Trinajstić Nenad, akademik
Akademske titule:
- akademik
- doktor znanosti
- znanstveni savjetnik u miru – Institut Ruđer Bošković
- redoviti profesor u miru – Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
- počasno znanstveno zvanje zaslužni znanstvenik – Institut Ruđer Bošković (2005. – 2021.)
Funkcije u Akademiji:
- član Predsjedništva – Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (17.12.2015. – 31.12.2018.)
- tajnik – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (01.01.2011. – 31.12.2014.)
- član Predsjedništva – Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (01.01.2004. – 31.12.2010.)
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (18.06.1992. – 27.08.2021.)
Akademik Nenad Trinajstić, istaknuti hrvatski kemičar, rodio se 26. listopada 1936. u Zagrebu. Sedmogodišnju školu je pohađao u Voloskom, Trstu i Zagrebu (1944.-1951.). Gimnazijsko obrazovanje (1951.- 1956.) stekao u Zagrebu, gdje je studirao (1956. – 1960.) i diplomirao (1960.) na Tehnološkom fakultetu s diplomskim radom, izrađenim pod nadzorom Ivana Filipovića.
Magistrirao je 1966. uz Milana Randića s radom Metoda maksimalnoga prekrivanja i primjena na izračunavanje hibrida nekih metil-supstituiranih ciklopropana, a doktorirao 1967. s disertacijom Elektronska struktura nekih višeatomnih molekula na Prirodoslovno matematičkom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Disertaciju je izradio pod voditeljstvom Johna N. Murrella FRS na University of Sheffield i University of Sussex (Brighton). To su bili prvi magistarski rad i prva disertacija iz područja kvantne kemije u Hrvatskoj.
Boravio je na poslijedoktorskome usavršavanju na Department of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin (1968.-1970.) kod Michaela J.S. Dewara FRS. Nakon diplomiranja radio je u Istraživačkome institutu Plive (1960. – 1962.), a potom prelazi u Institut Ruđer Bošković u Laboratorij za fizikalno-organsku kemiju, a sredinom 1966. prelazi u Grupu za teorijsku kemiju u Odjelu za fizičku kemiju. Na IRB-u bio je pripravnik (1962.), znanstveni asistent (1963.), znanstveni suradnik (1967.), viši znanstveni suradnik (1971.) i od 1977. znanstveni savjetnik (reizabran 1998). Istodobno je djelovao i na PMF-u kao docent (1970.), izvanredni (1973.) i redoviti profesor (1977.), a od 1998. kao naslovni redoviti profesor. Umirovljen je 2001. Zaslužnim je znanstvenikom Instituta Ruđer Bošković postao 2005.
1992. godine izabran je za redovitog člana HAZU u Razredu za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti. Bio je član Predsjedništva HAZU 2004. – 2010 i 2015. – 2018. te tajnik Razreda za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti 2011. – 2014. godine.
Objavio je preko 550 znanstvenih radova, više stotina preglednih i stručnih članaka te 12 knjiga. Autor je prve knjige o kemijskoj teoriji grafova Chemical Graph Theory (CRC Press, Boca Raton 1983, drugo izdanje 1992.). Citiranost te monografije je vrlo velika, preko 2200 citata. Jedan je od najcitiranijih hrvatskih kemičara, njegov h-faktor je 59.
Bavio se razvojem i primjenom kvantno-kemijskih, kompjutorskih i matematičkih metoda u kemiji te s osobama i događajima iz hrvatske kemije. U području kvantne kemije bavio se razvojem MO i VB teorija primjenjivim na velike molekule. U području matematičke kemije radi na razvoju i primjeni kemijske teorije grafova. Mnogi autori smatraju da članak A. Graovac, I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić, T. Živković, Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. Application of Sachs Theorem, THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 26, 67-78 (1972) predstavlja početak moderne kemijske teorije grafova.
U području kompjutorske kemije radi, u suradnji s kolegama sa Sveučilišta u Düsseldorfu, na razvoju algoritama za karakteriziranje, generiranje i prebrojavanje kemijskih struktura (npr. Computational Chemical Graph Theory: Characterization Enumeration and Generation of Chemical Structures by Computer Methods).
Najcitiraniji članak je Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XIX. Non-Parametric Resonance Energies of Arbitrary Conjugated Systems (507 citata do početka 2014.) u kojem je predložen novi pristup računanju rezonancijskre energije kao mjere aromatičnosti konjugiranih molekula. Objavio je i dvije knjige o hrvatskoj znanosti i hrvatskim kemičarima: Ogledi o znanosti i znanstvenicima, Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb, 1998. i 100 hrvatskih kemičara, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Bio je od 1990. do 1993. glavni suurednik časopisa Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, od 1994. do 2005. glavni urednik časopisa Croatica Chemica Acta i od 2001. do 2008. glavni urednik, a od 2009. bio je počasni urednik časopisa Prirodoslovlje, koji izdaje Matica Hrvatska.
Akademik Trinajstić bio je član brojnih znanstvenih i kulturnih društava i udruženja, kao npr. Matice hrvatske od 1955., Hrvatskoga kemijskoga društva od 1960., Hrvatskoga centra PEN-kluba od 1987., Družbe Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja od 1991. (sa zmajskim imenom Zmaj Primorski), od 1992. redoviti je član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, a od 2005. International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry.
Dobitnik je Nagrade grada Zagreba (1972.) Republičke nagrade za znanost Rugjer Bošković (1982.), američke nagrade Mid-America State Universities Association Distinguished Foreign Scholar (1986.), Državne nagrade za životno djelo (2004.) i Medalje Božo Težak (2005.).
Nekoliko časopisa posvetili su mu specijalne brojeve: Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design (2003./2004.), Croatica Chemica Acta (2004.), Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (2007.) i International Journal of Chemical Modelling (2014.).
rođen je 26. listopada 1936. u Zagrebu. Sedmogodišnju školu je pohađao u Voloskom, Trstu i Zagrebu (1944.-1951.). Gimnazijsko obrazovanje (1951.-1956.) stekao u Zagrebu, gdje je studirao (1956.-1960.) i diplomirao (1960.) na Tehnološkom fakultetu s diplomskim radom, izrađenim pod nadzorom Ivana Filipovića.
Magistrirao je 1966. uz Milana Randića s radom Metoda maksimalnoga prekrivanja i primjena na izračunavanje hibrida nekih metil-supstituiranih ciklopropana, a doktorirao 1967. s disertacijom Elektronska struktura nekih višeatomnih molekula na PMF-u. Disertaciju je izradio pod voditeljstvom Johna N. Murrella FRS na University of Sheffield i University of Sussex (Brighton). To su bili prvi magistarski rad i prva disertacija iz područja kvantne kemije u Hrvatskoj.
Boravio je na poslijedoktorskome usavršavanju na Department of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin (1968.-1970.) kod Michaela J.S. Dewara FRS. Nakon diplomiranju radio je godinu i pol u Istraživačkome institutu Plive (1960.-1962.), a 1. ožujka 1962. prelazi u IRB na nagovor svoga prijatelja Krešimira Humskoga u Laboratorij za fizikalno-organsku kemiju, koji je vodio Dionis Emerik Sunko. Sredinom 1966. prelazi u Grupu za teorijsku kemiju u Odjelu za fizičku kemiju, koju je vodio Randić. Na IRB-u je pripravnik (1962.), znanstveni asistent (1963.), znanstveni suradnik (1967.), viši znanstveni suradnik (1971.) i od 1977. znanstveni savjetnik (reizabran 1998). Istodobno djeluje i na PMF-u kao docent (1970.), izvanredni (1973.) i redoviti profesor (1977.), a od 1998. kao naslovni redoviti profesor. Umirovljen je 2001. Zaslužnim je znanstvenikom Instituta Ruđer Bošković postao 2005.
Objavio je preko 550 znanstvenih radova, više stotina preglednih i stručnih članaka te 12 knjiga. Autor je prve knjige o kemijskoj teoriji grafova Chemical Graph Theory (CRC Press, Boca Raton 1983, drugo izdanje 1992.). Citiranost te monografije je vrlo velika, preko 2200 citata. Dvije su mu knjige u tisku: Hrvatska kemija u XX, stoljeću-Ljudi i događaji (Školska knjiga i HAZU) i Život u znanosti (HAZU).Jedan je od najcitiranijih hrvatskih kemičara, njegov h-faktor je 52.
Bavi se razvojem i primjenom kvantno-kemijskih, kompjutorskih i matematičkih metoda u kemiji te s osobama i događajima iz hrvatske kemije. U području kvantne kemije bavi se razvojem MO i VB teorija primjenjivim na velike molekule. U području matematičke kemije radi na razvoju i primjeni kemijske teorije grafova. Mnogi autori smatraju da članak A. Graovac, I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić, T. Živković, Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. Application of Sachs Theorem, THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 26, 67-78 (1972) predstavlja početak moderne kemijske teorije grafova.
U području kompjutorske kemije radi, u suradnji s kolegama sa Sveučilišta u Düsseldorfu, na razvoju algoritama za karakteriziranje, generiranje i prebrojavanje kemijskih struktura (npr. Computational Chemical Graph Theory: Characterization Enumeration and Generation of Chemical Structures by Computer Methods).
Najcitiraniji članak je Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XIX. Non-Parametric Resonance Energies of Arbitrary Conjugated Systems (507 citata do početka 2014.) u kojem je predložen novi pristup računanju rezonancijskre energije kao mjere aromatičnosti konjugiranih molekula. Objavio je i dvije knjige o hrvatskoj znanosti i hrvatskim kemičarima: Ogledi o znanosti i znanstvenicima, Matica Hrvatska, Zagreb, 1998. i 100 hrvatskih kemičara, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
Bio je od 1990. do 1993. glavni suurednik časopisa Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, od 1994. do 2005. glavni urednik časopisa Croatica Chemica Acta i od 2001. do 2008. glavni urednik, a od 2009. je počasni urednik časopisa Prirodoslovlje, koji izdaje Matica Hrvatska.
Član je brojnih znanstvenih i kulturnih društava i udruženja, kao npr. Matice hrvatske od 1955., Hrvatskoga kemijskoga društva od 1960., Hrvatskoga centra PEN-kluba od 1987., Družbe Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja od 1991. (sa zmajskim imenom Zmaj Primorski), od 1992. redoviti je član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, a od 2005. International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry.
Dobitnik je Nagrade grada Zagreba (1972.) Republičke nagrade za znanost Rugjer Bošković (1982.), američke nagrade Mid-America State Universities Association Distinguished Foreign Scholar (1986.), Državne nagrade za životno djelo (2004.) i Medalje Božo Težak (2005.).
Nekoliko časopisa posvetili su mu specijalne brojeve: Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design (2003./2004.), Croatica Chemica Acta (2004.), Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (2007.) i International Journal of Chemical Modelling (2014.).
Znanstveni radovi
- N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “Maximum Overlap Hybridisation in Methyl Substituted Cyclopropanes”. J. CHEM SOC., 5621-5624 (1965).
- N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Orbital Calculations for [18]Annulene Trioxide”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 37, 307-311 (1965).
- A. Hinchliffe, J.N. Murrell and N. Trinajstić: “Calculation on the Energy Levels of Alterant Hydrocarbon Anions”. TRANS. FARADAY SOC. 62, 1362-1369 (1966).
- J.N. Murrell, J.G. Stamper and N. Trinajstić: “Localized Orbitals of Water”. J. CHEM. SOC. A, 1624-1627 (1966).
- N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Orbital Calculations for Tetracene Monopositive Ion”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 38, 283-286 (1966).
- N. Trinajstić: “Equivalent Orbitals of NH, NH2 and NH3”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 38, 287-291 (1966).
- S. Carter, J.N.Murrell, E.J. Rosch, N. Trinajstić and P.A.H. Wyatt: “The Kinetics of Unsymmetrical Quinone-Hydroquinone Redox Reactions”. J. CHEM. SOC. B, 477-484 (1967).
- M. Randićand N. Trinajstić: “Semiempirical Calculation of Bond Lengths in Cyclopentadienyl Ligands”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 46, 1469-1474 (1967).
- J.G. Stamper and N. Trinajstić: “Localized Orbitals for Some Simple Molecules”. J. CHEM. SOC. A, 782-784 (1967).
- K. Blažević and N. Trinajstić: “A Discussion of the Absorption Spectra of Substituted 4-Pyridones and Their 4-Thio Analogues”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 39, 25-28 (1967).
- N. Trinajstić and A. Hinchliffe: “Molecular Orbital Calculations for the Three Isomeric Thiophthenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 39, 119-124 (1967).
- N. Stojanac and N. Trinajstić: “Elektronenspektren einiger Thioamide und Ihrer S- und N-Derivate”. MONAT. CHEM. 98, 2263-2271 (1967).
- N. Trinajstić: “Heterocyclische Sauerstoff- und Schwefelanaloge des [18]Annulens”. MONAT. CHEM. 98, 2077-2081 (1967).
- N. Trinajstić: “Equivalent Orbitals for C2H2, C2H4, and C2H6”. Z. PHYS. CHEM. (Leipzig) 236, 369-371 (1967).
- N. Trinajstić and Z. Majerski: “Reactivity of Thiophthenes: A Theoretical Study”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 22a, 1475-1476 (1967).
- N. Trinajstić and A. Hinchliffe: “Molecular Orbital Calculations for the Benzothiophenes and Naphthothiophenes”. Z. PHYS. CHEM. (Frankfurt) 59, 271-281 (1968).
- L. Klasinc, Z. Majerski and N. Trinajstić: “Reactivity Indices for Benzotropones”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 23a, 192-194 (1968).
- N. Trinajstić: “Calculation of Carbon-Sulphur Bond Lenghts”. TETRAHEDRON LETT., 1529-1532 (1968).
- J.N. Herak and N. Trinajstić: “Free Valence Indices of Carbon in Heterocyclic Compounds”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 9, 333-335 (1968).
- L. Klasinc, Z. Majerski and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Orbital Calculations for Some Furotropones”. Z. PHYS. CHEM. (Leipzig) 239, 262-267 (1968).
- A. Hinchliffe and N. Trinajstić: “Calculation of Proton Coupling Constants for Dibenzothiophene Radical Anion”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 10, 458-460 (1968).
- N. Trinajstić and A. Hinchliffe: “Molecular Orbital Calculation for Some Bithiophenes and Bifurans”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 40, 163-169 (1968).
- A. Hinchliffe and N. Trinajstić: “Electronic Properties of Conjugated Ions”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 11, 271-273 (1968).
- A. Kornhauser, J.N.Herak and N. Trinajstić: “Mechanism of Photosensitized Dimerization of Pyrimidines”. CHEM. COMM., 1108-1109 (1968).
- T. Živković and N. Trinajstić: “Novel Expression for Electronic Density Distribution Calculations”. CHEM. PHYS.LETT. 2, 369-370 (1968).
- E. Gey, Z.B. Maksić and N. Trinajstić: “Localized Molecular Orbitals in Simple Polyatomic Molecules”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 3, 21-26 (1969).
- T. Živković and N. Trinajstić: “Calculation of the Bond Lengths in Sulphur-Containing Heterocyclic Systems”. CAN. J. CHEM. 47, 697-699 (1969).
- N. Trinajstić and R.J. Wratten: “A Semiempirical Investigation of Annulenes”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 3, 395-402 (1969).
- N. Trinajstić: “Reactivity of Maleic Anhydride With Polycyclic Hydrocarbons with ‘Open’ Ends”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 41, 47-48 (1969).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Cyclazines”. J. CHEM. SOC. A, 1754-1755 (1969).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Aromaticity in Polycyclic Annulenes”. TETRAHEDRON LETT., 2129-2132 (1969).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XIV. Redox Potentials of Quinones”. TETRAHEDRON 25, 4529-4534 (1969).
- M.J.S. Dewar, A.J. Harget and N. Trinajstić: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XV. Bond Localization and Resonance Energies in Compounds Containing Nitrogen or Oxygen”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 91, 6321-6325 (1969).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “A SCF MO Treatment of Some Tropone Derivatives. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 42, 1-12 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XX. SCF MO Treatment of Compounds Containing Bivalent Sulphur”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 92, 1453-1459 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Quantum Chemical Data. I. SCF Molecular Orbitals for Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 35, 3137-3189 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Quantum Chemical Data. II. SCF Molecular Orbitals for Non-Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 35, 3484-3518 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XVIII. Azepines and Oxepines”. TETRAHEDRON 26, 4269-4276 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance Energies of Some Compounds Containing Nitrogen or Oxygen”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 17, 235-238 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar, A.J. Harget, N. Trinajstić and S.D. Worley: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XXI. Benzofurans and Benzopyrroles”. TETRAHEDRON 26, 4505-4516 (1970).
- Z. Majerski and N. Trinajstić: “Tautomerism of Phenols – Theoretical Study”. BULL. CHEM. SOC. JAPAN 43, 2648-2649 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Triplet States of Aromatic Hydrocarbons”. CHEM. COMM., 646-647 (1970).
- N. Bodor and N. Trinajstić: “Valence-Shell MO Calculations for Formamide and Related Compounds”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 15, 1807-1811 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar, J.A. Hashmall and N. Trinajstić: “Ground States of Conjugated Molecules. XXII. Polarographic Reduction Potentials of Hydrocarbons”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 92, 5555-5559 (1970).
- M.J.S. Dewar and N. Trinajstić: “Semiempirical SCF MO Treatment of Excited States of Aromatic Compounds”. J. CHEM. SOC. A, 1220-1237 (1971).
- M.J.S. Dewar, D.H. Lo, D.B. Patterson, N. Trinajstić and G.E. Peterson: “MINDO/2 Calculations of Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Chlorobenzenes”. J. CHEM. SOC. CHEM. COMM., 238-239 (1971).
- M.J.S. Dewar, M.C. Kohn and N. Trinajstić: “Cyclobutadiene and Diphenylcyclobutadiene”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 93, 3437-3440 (1971).
- N. Trinajstić: “An SCF MO Treatment of Tropone Radical Anion”. BULL. CHEM. SOC. JAPAN 44, 3208-3209 (1971).
- N. Trinajstić π-Electron Systems”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 8, 236-239 (1971).
- N. Bodor, M. Farkas and N. Trinajstić: “SCF MO Calculations for 1,3-Thiazole and 2-Phenyl-1,3-Thiazole and Rotational Barriers in 2-Phenyl-1,3-Thiazole and Its Protonated Form”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 43, 107-111 (1971).
- N. Bodor, E. Pop and N. Trinajstić: “Valence-Shell and π-Electron SCF MO Calculations for the Isomerism of the 21-Benzylidene-20-Oxo-Pregnane Derivatives”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 16, 1427-1433 (1971).
- N. Bodor, I. Schwartz and N. Trinajstić: “SCF MO Study of the Tautomerism of Anilino-Thiazole and Related Compounds”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 26b, 400-402 (1971).
- N. Trinajstić: “The Spin Density Distribution in the Benzyl Radical”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 10, 172-173 (1971).
- L. Klasinc and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Isocondensed Thienopyrroles”. TETRAHEDRON 27, 4045-4052 (1971).
- N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Orbital Calculations of Aromatic Stabilization of Polycyclic Conjugated Molecules”. RECORD CHEM. PROGRESS 32, 85-97 (1971).
- Z. Majerski and N. Trinajstić: “Tetra-cycloalkanes. I.”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 43, 199-203 (1971).
- N. Zambelli and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Furotropones”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 26b, 1007-1010 (1971).
- N. Trinajstić: “The Spin Density Distribution in the Hydrocarbon Radical Ions”. SPECTROSCOPY LETT. 4, 85-89 (1971).
- M. Milun, Ž. Sobotka and N. Trinajstić: “Hückel Molecular Orbital Calculations of Index of Aromatic Stabilization of Polycyclic Conjugated Molecules”. J. ORG. CHEM. 37, 139-141 (1972).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Hückel Molecular Orbital Calculations of Aromatic Stabilization of Annulenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA. 44, 207-213 (1972).
- V. Galasso and N. Trinajstić: “Conformational Analysis and Electronic Structure of Phenylthiazoles and Teir Protonated Forms”. TETRAHEDRON 28, 2799-2804 (1972).
- L. Klasinc, E. Pop, N. Trinajstić and J.V. Knop: “Theoretical Studies of Positional Isomers Obtained by Annelation of Benzene and 5-Membered Ring Heterocyclics Containing Nitrogen, Oxygen, or Sulphur”. TETRAHEDRON 28, 3465-3474 (1972).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. Application of Sachs Theorem”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 26, 67-78 (1972).
- I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Comments on the PMO Method”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 14, 342-345 (1972).
- V. Galasso and N. Trinajstić: “A Quantum-Mechanical Study on the Stereochemistry of the Isomeric Bipyrroles, Bifurans, Bithiophenes, Thienylfurans, Biselenophenes”. TETRAHEDRON 28, 4419-4429 (1972).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. II”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA. 44, 365-374 (1972).
- I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Theoretical Studies on Radialenes and Related Molecules”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 44, 501-505 (1972).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulé Structures and Topology”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 16, 614-616 (1972).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. III. Total π-Electron Energy of Alternant Hydrocarbons”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 17, 535-538 (1972).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Comments on the Paper: ‘Properties of the Latent Roots of a Matrix, Estimation of π-Electron Energies’ by B.J. McClelland”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 59, 2772-2774 (1973).
- L. Klasinc, E. Pop and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Isomeric Thienylfurans”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 18, 89-98 (1973).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulé Index for Valence Bond Structures of Conjugated Polycyclic Systems”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 95, 6267-6273 (1973).
- E. Pop, L. Klasinc and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Studies of Some Furocoumarin Isomers”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 18, 1249-1257 (1973).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals”. TOPICS CURR. CHEM. 42, 49-93 (1973).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. IV. Further Application of Sachs Formula”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 45, 423-429 (1973).
- V. Galasso, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Thienopyrroles. Theoretical Studies on the Preferred Conformation and Electronic Structure”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 28b, 464-467 (1973).
- M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Cyclobutadiene, Benzocyclobutadiene, and Biphenylene”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 28b, 478-482 (1973)
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. V. The Loop Rule”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 20, 257-260 (1973).
- I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Graph Theory Molecular Orbitals. VI. A Discussion of Non-Alternant Hydrocarbons”. TETRAHEDRON 29, 3449-3454 (1973).
- M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Studies on the Electronic Spectra of Isomeric Bifurans, Bipyrroles, Bithiophenes, Thienylfurans, Thienylpyrroles, and Furylpyrroles”. SPECTROSCOPY LETT. 6, 329-346 (1973).
- V. Galasso and N. Trinajstić: “Application of the INDO-MO Method to the Calculation of Hyperfine Coupling Constants of Sulphur-Containing Radicals. I. Thiophen Radicals”. J. CHIM. PHYS. 70, 1489-1492 (1973).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “A Graph-Theoretical Classification of Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. NATURWISS. 60, 475 (1973).
- J.V. Knop, N. Trinajstić, I. Gutman and L. Klasinc: “A Graph-Theoretical Study of Positional Isomers”. NATURWISS. 60, 475-476 (1973).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. VIII. Kekulé Structures and Permutations”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 45, 539-545 (1973).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “On the Dewar Definition of Resonance Energy”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 23, 284-286 (1973).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. VII. The Role of Resonance Structures”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 61, 2700-2706 (1974).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. IX. On the Stability of Cata-Condensed Hydrocarbons”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 34, 129-136 (1974).
- I. Gutman, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “A Graph-Theoretical Analysis of the HOMO-LUMO Separation in Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. Z.. NATURFORSCH. 29b, 80-82 (1974).
- J. Koller, A. Ažman and N. Trinajstić: “Some Ab Initio Calculations on Indole, Isoindole, Benzofuran and Isobenzofuran”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 29a, 624-632 (1974).
- J.V. Knop, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “A Graphical Study of Positional Isomers Containing Bivalent Sulphur”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 39, 2431-2448 (1974).
- R.B. Mallion, A.J. Schwenk and N. Trinajstić: “A Graphical Study of Heteroconjugated Molecules”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 46, 171-182 (1974).
- R.B. Mallion, N. Trinajstić and A.J. Schwenk: “Graph Theory in Chemistry. Generalization of Sachs’ Formula”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 29a, 1481-1484 (1974).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Violation of the Dewar-Longuet-Higgins Conjecture”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 29a, 1238 (1974).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Conjugated Molecules Having Integral Spectra”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 29, 65-68 (1974).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XIII. On the Stability of Annelated Tropylium Cations”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 46, 243-248 (1974)
- I. Gutman, N. Trinajstić and C.F. Wilcox, Jr.: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. X. The Number of Kekulé Structures and the Thermodynamc Stability of Conjugated Systems”. TETRAHEDRON 31, 143-146 (1975).
- C.F. Wilcox, Jr., I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbital. XI. Aromatic Substitution”. TETRAHEDRON 31, 147-152 (1975).
- I. Gutman, B. Ruščić, N. Trinajstić and C.F. Wilcox, Jr.: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XII. Acyclic Polyenes”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 62, 3399-3405 (1975).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “On the Parity of Kekulé Structures”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 47, 35-39 (1975).
- D. Cvetković, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graphical Studies on the Relations Between the Structure and Reactivity of Conjugated Systems: The Role of Non-Bonding Molecular Orbitals”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 28, 289-303 (1975).
- T. Živković, N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “On Conjugated Molecules With Identical Topological Spectra”. MOL. PHYS. 30, 517-533 (1975).
- A. Graovac and N. Trinajstić: “Möbius Molecules and Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 47, 95-104 (1975).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “On the Coulson Integral Formula for TotalπElectron Energy”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 35, 555-557 (1975).
- N. Trinajstić and I. Gutman: “Some Aspects of Graph Spectral Theory of Conjugated Molecules”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 1, 71-82 (1975).
- A. Graovac and N. Trinajstić: “Graphs in Chemistry”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 1, 159-170 (1975).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Definition of Resonance Energy”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 1, 171-175 (1975).
- J.V. Knop, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Graphical Study of Positional Isomers”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 1, 177-181 (1975)
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Spectral Theory of Conjugated Molecules”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 47, 507-533 (1975).
- A. Graovac, O.E. Polansky, N. Trinajstić and N. Tyutyulkov: “Graph Theory in Chemistry. II. Graph-Theoretical Description of Heteroconjugated Molecules”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 30a, 1696-1699 (1975).
- A. Graovac and N. Trinajstić: “Graphical Description of Möbius Molecules”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 30, 416-420 (1976)
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “A Linear Relationship Between Total πElectron Energy and the Characteristic Polynomial”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 37, 471-474 (1976).
- J.V. Knop, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Studies of Fused Tricyclic and Tetracyclic Molecules Having Planar Conjugated Perimeter”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 21, 749-755 (1976).
- M. Randić, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Molecular Graphs Having Identical Spectra”. J. CHEM. SOC. FARADAY TRANS. II, 244-256 (1976).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XIV. On Topological Definition of Resonance Energy”. ACTA CHIM. ACAD. SCI. HUNGARICAE 91, 203-209 (1976).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XV. The Hückel Rule”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 64, 4921-4925 (1976).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XVI. On-Electron Charge Distribution”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 48, 19-24 (1976)
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XVII. On the Self-Polarizability of the Atom”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 65, 3796-3797 (1976).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XVIII. On Topological Resonance Energy”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 48, 87-95 (1976).
- A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić, J.V. Knop, J. Koller and A. Ažman: “Ab Initio Study of Methyl Substituted Allyl Cations”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 33, 145-150 (1976).
- J.V. Knop, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “On Aromatic Stability of Oxygen-, Imino-, and Sulphur-Bridged [18]Annulenes”. J. HETEROCYCL. CHEM. 13, 505-508 (1976).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “On the Extension of the Hückel Rule to Polycyclic Non-Alternant Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. CAN. J. CHEM. 54, 1789-1794 (1976).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Simple Topological Formula for Dewar Resonance Energies of Benzenoid Molecules”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 48, 297-299 (1976).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “On Structural Features Characterizing Conductivity in Polymeric Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. COLLOID POLYMER SCI. 255, 480-487 (1977).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XIX. Non-Parametric Resonance Energies of Arbitrary Conjugated Systems”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 99, 1692-1704 (1977).
- T. Živković, N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “On Topological Spectra of Composite Molecular Systems”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 49, 89-100 (1977).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Applications of the Cauchy Inequalities in Simple Molecular Orbital Theory”. J. CHEM. SOC. FARADAY TRANS. II, 435-437 (1977).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Factors Contributing to the Stability of Conjugated Heterocycles Containing a Single Heteroatom”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 46, 591-593 (1977).
- N. Trinajstić: “New Developments in Hückel Theory”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. S 11, 469-477 (1977).
- D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Information Theory, Distance Matrix, and Molecular Branching”. J. CHEM. PHYS. 67, 4517-4533 (1977).
- M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance Energy as a Criterion for Reactivities of Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 49, 101-105 (1977).
- M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “On Aromatic Stability of Positional Isomers Consisting of Bicyclic Systems Composed Entirely of Five-Membered Heterocycles”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 49, 107-113 (1977).
- I. Gutman, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Annulenes”. CROAT. CHEM ACTA 49, 441-452 (1977).
- .N. Trinajstić: “Computing the Characteristic Polynomial of a Conjugated System Using the Sachs Theorem”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 49, 593-633 (1977).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “Graph-Theoretical Study of Conjugated Hydrocarbons. Total π-Electron Energies and Their Differences”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 12 (Suppl 1), 153-155 (1977).
- J.V. Knop, N. Trinajstić, M. Milun and S. Pejaković: “Conformational Analysis and Electronic Structure of Thienylpyridines”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 23, 103-110 (1978).
- I. Gutman, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulé Structures and Topology. III. On Inseparability of Kekulé Structures”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 23, 383-395 (1978).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulé Index for Valence Bond Structures of Conjugated Systems Containing Cyclobutadiene”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 43, 1375-1392 (1978).
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Azacyclazines”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 49, 415-420 (1978).
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of Triafulvene, Fulvene, Heptafulvene, and Their O- and N-Heteroanalogs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 51, 249-257 (1978).
- I. Gutman, S. Bosanac and N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals. XX. Local and Long Range Contributions to Bond Order”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 51, 293-298 (1978).
- D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “On Topological Characterization of Molecular Branching”. NT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. S 12, 293-303 (1978).
- P. Ilić, B. Jerman-Blažič-Džonova, B. Mohar and N. Trinajstić: “On Normalization of Topological Resonance Energy”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA. 52, 35-42 (1979).
- D. Bonchev, Ov. Mekenyan, G. Protić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Topological Indices to Gas Chromatographic Data : Calculation of the Retention Indices of Isomeric Alkylbenzenes”. J. CHROMATOGR. 176, 149-156 (1979).
- M. Hannoun, N. Blažević, D. Kolbach, A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić, A. Sega, A. Lisini, F. Kajfež and V. Šunjić: “Friedel-Crafts Acylation of 3-Carboxymethylbenzo[b]thiophenes : LIS-NMR and HMO Study of Regioselectivity”. J. HETEROCYCL. CHEM. 16, 1029-1034 (1979).
- D. Bonchev, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Mathematical Models of Branching”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 6, 21-47 (1979).
- Ov. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Rules for Spirocompounds”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 6, 93-115 (1979).
- L. Klasinc, B. Ruščić, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Biologically Active Molecules and Their Constituent Parts. VI. Opiate Narcotics”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 101, 7477-7482 (1979).
- L.J. Schaad, B.A. Hess, Jr., J.B.. Nation, N. Trinajstić and I. Gutman: “On the Reference Structure for the Resonance Energy of Aromatic Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 52, 233-248 (1979).
- D. Bonchev, Ov. Mekenyan, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “On Characterization of Monocyclic Structures”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 52, 361-367 (1979).
- D. Bonchev, G. Lickomannov and N. Trinajstić: “Information Theory Analysis of the Nodal Properties of π-Molecular Orbitals”. ACTA CHIM. ACAD. SCI. HUNGARICAE 102, 321-332 (1979).
- B.M. Gimarc and N. Trinajstić: “Aromatic Inorganic Rings”. PURE APPL. CHEM. 52, 1443-1458 (1980).
- P. Ilić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energy Approach to Homoaromaticity”. PURE APPL. CHEM. 52, 1495-1508 (1980).
- P. Ilić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Conjugated Ions, Radicals and Ion-Radicals”. J. ORG. CHEM. 45, 1738-1748 (1980).
- P. Ilić, B. Sinković and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Conjugated Structures”. ISRAEL J. CHEM. 20, 258-269 (1980).
- D. Bonchev, Ov. Mekenyan and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Characterization of Cyclic Structures”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 17, 845-893 (1980).
- K. Tabaković, I. Tabaković, M. Trkovnik, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “Studies on Novel Heterocyclic Ring Systems. Reaction of 4-Hydroxylcoumarin with o-Aminobenzaldehyde and 2-Mercaptoaniline”. J. HETEROCYCL. CHEM. 17, 801-803 (1980).
- Ž. Jeričević, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Spin Labels in Membranes: A Simple MO Study of Some Methyl Substituted Polyene Radicals”. INT. J. BIOL. MACROMOL 2, 266-267 (1980).
- A. Graovac, N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “Graph-Theoretical Search for Benzenoid Polymers with Zero Energy Gap”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 53, 571-579 (1980).
- P. Ilić, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “On Topological Resonance Energy of Coumarin and Its Derivatives”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 53, 587-590 (1980).
- P. Ilić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Topological Resonance Energy of Porphins and Related Structures”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 53, 591-599 (1980).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory: Modeling of Thermodynamic Properties of Molecules”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 18, 369-380 (1980).
- J.V.Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory. II. On the Graph Theoretical Polynomials of Conjugated Structures”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.; QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 14, 503-520 (1980).
- L. Klasinc, N. Trinajstić and J.V. Knop: “Application of Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Biologically Active Molecules and Their Constituent Parts. VIII. Thalidomide”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.; QUANTUM BIOL. SYMP. 7, 403-409 (1980).
- S.S. D’Amato, B.M. Gimarc and N. Trinajstić: “Isospectral and Subspectral Molecules”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 54, 1-52 (1981).
- A. Graovac, D. Kasum and N. Trinajstić: “On Acyclic Polynomials of [N]-Heteroannulenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 54, 91-95 (1981).
- V. Galasso, L. Klasinc, A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić, G.C. Pappalardo and W. Steglich: “Conformation and Photoelectron Spectra of 2-(2-Furyl)pyrrole and 2-(2-Thienyl)pyrrole”. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. II, 127-131 (1981).
- D. Bonchev, Ov. Mekenyan and N. Trinajstić: “Isomer Discrimination by Topological Information Approach”. J. COMPUT. CHEM.2, 127-148 (1981).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, Ž. Jeričević and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Enumeration and Generation of Trees and Rooted Trees”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 21, 91-99 (1981).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Algebraic Characterization of Bridged Polycyclic Compounds”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 19, 929-955 (1981).
- A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić and D. Maysinger: “Molecular Connectivity and Biological Activity in a Series of Isatin Derivatives”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 31, 71-76 (1981).
- Ov. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “A Topological Characterization of Cyclic Structures with Acyclic Branches”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 11, 145-168 (1981).
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Aromatic Stability of Bridged Annulenes”. J. ORG. CHEM. 46, 3457-3461 (1981).
- M. Randić, B. Ruščić and N. Trinajstić: “Herndon’s Structure Resonance Theory. On the Valence Structure Count for Conjugated Radical Cations”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 54, 295-308 (1981).
- T. Živković, N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “On Additivity of Heats of Atomization of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 54, 309-320 (1981).
- D. Kasum, N. Trinajstić and I. Gutman: “Chemical Graph Theory. III. On the Permanental Polynomial”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 54, 321-328 (1981).
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships: The Role of Topological Indices”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 31, 189-214 (1981).
- B. Mohar and N. Trinajstić: “On Computation of the Topological Resonance Energy”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 3, 28-36 (1982).
- B.M. Gimarc and N. Trinajstić: “Inorganic Aromatic Rings: TheπElectronic Structure of B6S16”. INORG. CHEM. 21, 21-25 (1982).
- P. Ilić, B. Mohar, J.V. Knop, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “The Topology and the Aromaticity of Coumarins”. J. HETEROCYCL. CHEM. 19, 625-631 (1982).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič and N. Trinajstić: “Computer-Aided Enumeration and Generation of the Kekulé Structures in Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. COMPUT. CHEM. 6, 121-132 (1982).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič and N. Trinajstić: “Applications of Reduced Graph Model to the Enumeration of Kekulé structures and Conjugated Circuits of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 55, 347-369 (1982).
- D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Information Theory: Structural Aspects”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.; QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 16, 463-480 (1982).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “On Isomeric Variations in Decanes”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 13, 271-290 (1982).
- Ž. Trgovčević, D. Petranović, E. Salaj-Šmic, M. Petranović, N. Trinajstić and Ž. Jeričević: “DNA Replication Past Pyrimidine Dimers in the Absence of Repair” MUTATION RES. – DNA REPAIR REPORTS 112, 17-22 (1983).
- N. Trinajstić, Ž. Jeričević, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller and K. Szymanski: “Computer Generation of Isomeric Structures”. PURE APPL. CHEM. 55, 379-390 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, Ž. Jeričević and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Generation and Identification of Carcinogenic Bay Regions in Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 23, 713-722 (1983).
- L. Klasinc, B. Ruščić, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Photoelectron Spectroscopy to Biologically Active Molecules and Their Constituent Parts. IX. 1,4-Benzodiazepin-2-ones”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 23, 1667-1676 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, Ž. Jeričević and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Enumeration and Generation of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons and Identification of Bay Regions”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 4, 23-32 (1983).
- J. Seibert and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory. IV. On the Cyclic Polynomial”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 23, 1829-1841 (1983).
- J. Debicki-Pospišil, T. Lovrić, N. Trinajstić, and A. Sabljić: “Anthocyanin Degradation in the Presence of Furfural and 5-Hydroxy-methylfurfural”. J. FOOD SCIENCE 48, 411-416 (1983).
- P. Ilić and N. Trinajstić: “Structural Normalization of Topological Resonance Energy”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 203-213 (1983).
- A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Thiocoumarins”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 215-219 (1983).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Structural Complexity and Molecular Properties of Cyclic Systems with Acyclic Branches”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 237-261 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, M. Randićand N. Trinajstić: “Note on Acyclic Structures and their Self-returning Walks”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 405-409 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, D. Plavšić, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory. V. On the Classification of Topological Biradicals”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 411-441 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, G. Jashari, and N. Trinajstić: “The Connection Between the Adjacency Matrix and the Boundary Code of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 56, 443-450 (1983).
- P. Krivka and N. Trinajstić: “On the Distance Polynomial of a Graph”. APPL. MATH. 28, 357-363 (1983).
- A.H. Stollenwerk, B. Kanellakopulos, H. Vogler, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “Magnetic Susceptibilities and Resonance Energies of Annelated [14]- and [18]annulenes”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 102, 377-389 (1983).
- K. Tabaković, I. Tabaković, M. Trkovnik and N. Trinajstić: “Chemistry of Coumarins. Nucleophilic Substitutions of 4-Chloro-3-nitrocoumarin with Hard and Soft Nucleophiles”. LIEBIGS ANN. CHEM. 1983, 1901-1909.
- M. Barysz, N. Trinajstić and J.V. Knop: “On the Similarity of Chemical Structures”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 17, 441-451 (1983).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “Computers of Tomorrow”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 17, 629-642 (1983).
- A. Jurić, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Aromaticity in Bridged Heteroannulenes”. J. HETEROCYCL. CHEM. 21, 273-282 (1984).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Conjugation and Aromaticity of Corannulenes”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 106, 4428-4434 (1984).
- S. El-Basil, P. Krivka and N. Trinajstić: “Application of the Dualist Model. Generation of Kekulé Structures and Resonant Sextets of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 57, 339-353 (1984).
- S. El-Basil and N. Trinajstić: “Application of the Reduced Graph Model to the Sextet Polynomial”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 110, 1-14 (1984).
- J.V.Knop, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “A Note on Trees with Polyhexagonal Supervertices”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 16, 103-118 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, Ž. Jeričević and N. Trinajstić: “On the Total Number of Polyhexes”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 16, 119-134 (1984).
- A. Velenik, T. Živković and N. Trinajstić: “On Bond Orders and Bond Energies in Conjugated Systems”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 29, 737-740 (1984).
- S. El-Basil, G. Jashari, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Note on the Application of the Reduced Graph Model in Conjunction with Search Trees to the Enumeration of Kekulé Structures”. MONAT. CHEM. 115, 1299-1312 (1984).
- Ž. Jeričević, N. Trinajstić, D. Petranović and Ž. Trgovčević: “Mathematical Modelling of DNA Replication in UV-Irradiated Bacteria”. STUDIA BIOPHYSICA 102, 97-106 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, L. Klasinc and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Enumeration of Substituted Polyhexes”. COMPUT. CHEM. 8, 107-115 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, N. Trinajstić and P. Krivka: “Computer Generation of All 1-factors for a Class of Graphs With All Vertices of Degree Two or Three”. COMPUT. MATH. APPL. 10, 369-382 (1984).
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “Hückel Rules and Electron Correlation”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 106, 8050-8056 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “Price-performance Relationship of Microcomputers and Main Frames for Calculations in Theoretical Chemistry”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 18, 639-645 (1984).
- M. Barysz and N. Trinajstić: “A Novel Approach to the Characterization of Chemical Structures”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 18, 661-673 (1984).
- M. Grzonka, J. V. Knop, L. Klasinc and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Studies on Small Ring Heteropropellanes. Oxapropellanes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 57, 1629-1632 (1984).
- P. Křivka and N. Trinajstić: “Parity of Kekulé Structures Revisited”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 50, 291-299 (1985).
- M. Randić, N. Trinajstić, J.V. Knop and Ž. Jeričević: “Aromatic Stability of Heterocyclic Conjugated Systems”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 107, 849-859 (1985).
- B.M. Gimarc, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “Sulphur-Nitrogen Rings: Relative Stabilities and Structures”. INORG. CHIM. ACTA 102, 105-112 (1985).
- N. Adler, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Calculation of the HPLC Parameters for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons”. FRESENIUS Z. ANAL. CHEM. 322, 426-429 (1985).
- S. El-Basil, P. Křivka and N.Trinajstić: “Fibonacci Graphs Possessing Identical Matching Polynomials”. J. MATH. PHYS. 26, 2396-2398 (1985).
- I. Tabaković, K. Tabaković, R. Grujić, N. Trinajstić and Z. Meić: “Chemistry of Coumarins – Synthesis of Some 3,4-substituted Coumarins Using the HSAB Principle”. HETEROCYCLES 23, 2539-2542 (1985).
- K. Szymanski, W.R. Müller, J. V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “On Randić’s Molecular Identification Numbers”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 25, 413-415 (1985).
- M. Barysz, J.V. Knop, S. Pejaković and N. Trinajstić: “Characterization of Branching”. POLISH J. CHEM. 59, 405-432 (1985).
- B. Pavlović and N. Trinajstić: “On Symmetry and Asymmetry in Literature”. COMPUT. MATH. APPLS. 12B, 197-227 (1986).
- P. Ilić, B. Sinković and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Topology in Excited States”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 136, 155-164 (1986).
- B. Ruščić, P. Křivka and N. Trinajstić: “On the Generalized Approach to the Structure Count”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 69, 107-117 (1986).
- M. Barysz, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “A Note on Topological Indices”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 19, 89-116 (1986).
- M. Barysz, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A Note on the Characteristic Polynomial”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 19, 117-126 (1986).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Peitchev, D. Bonchev, N. Trinajstić and I. Bangov: “Modelling the Interaction of Small Organic Molecules with Biomacromolecules. I. Interaction of Substituted Pyridines with Anti-3-azopyridine Antibody”. DRUG RES. 36, 176-183 (1986).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev, N. Trinajstić and D. Peitchev: “Modelling the Interaction of Small Organic Molecules with Biomacromolecules. II. A Generalized Concept for Biological Interactions”. DRUG RES. 36, 421-424 (1986).
- O.Mekenyan, D. Peitchev, D. Bonchev, N. Trinajstić and J. Dimitrova: “Modelling the Interaction of Small Organic Molecules with Biomacromolecules. III. Interaction of Benzoates with Anti-p-(p’-azophenylazo)-benzoate Antibody”. DRUG RES. 36, 629-634 (1986).
- P. Křivka, Ž. Jeričevič and N. Trinajstić: “On the computation of the Characteristic Polynomial of a Chemical Graph”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 19, 129-147 (1986).
- M. Randić, B.M. Gimarc and N. Trinajstić: “On the Aromatic Stabilities of Polyacenes and Helicenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 59, 345-358 (1986).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, H.W. Kroto and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory. VII. Enumeration and Generation of the Non-ionic/Radical Members of Cyanopolyyne Family”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 59, 359-367 (1986)
- A. Jurić, N. Trinajstić and G. Jashari: “Aromatic Stability of Bridged Polyenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 59, 717-633 (1986).
- P. Křivka, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Applications of the Reduced Graph Model. Enumeration of Kekulé Structures for Certain Classes of Large Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 59, 659-668 (1986).
- K. Szymanski. W. R. Müller, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular ID Numbers”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 59, 719-724 (1986).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “On the Enumeration of 2-factors of Polyhexes”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 7, 547-564 (1986).
- N. Trinajstić, M. Randić and D.J. Klein: “On the Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Research”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 36, 267-279 (1986).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, N. Trinajstić, A. Kleiner and M. Randić: “On Irreducible Endospectral Graphs”. J. MATH. PHYS. 27, 2601-2612 (1986).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Relative Stabilities of Conjugated Heterocycles Containing Divalent Sulfur”. SULFUR REPORTS 6, 379-430 (1986).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “A Note on the Number of Circulenes”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 20, 197-208 (1986).
- K. Szymanski, W.R. Müller, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “On the Identification Numbers for Chemical Structures”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 20, 173-183 (1986)
- N. Trinajstić, D.J. Klein and M. Randić: “On Some Solved and Unsolved Problems of Chemical Graph Theory”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 20, 699-742 (1986).
- J. August, H.W. Kroto, and N. Trinajstić: “Interstellar Polyynes and Related Species”. ASTROPHYS. SPACE SCI. 128, 411-419 (1986).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “An Algorithm for Construction of the Molecular Distance Matrix”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 8, 170-173 (1987).
- O. Mekenyan, D. Bonchev, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Topological Indices to QSAR. The Use of the Balaban Index and the Electropy Index for Correlations with Toxicity of Ethers on Mice”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 37, 75-86 (1987).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “On the Benzenoid Character of Polycyclic Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. GAZZ. CHIM. ITAL. 117, 69-73 (1987).
- M. Randić, H. Hosoya, N. Ohkami and N. Trinajstić: “The Generalized Wheland Polynomial”. J. MATH. CHEM. 1, 97-122 (1987).
- S. Carter, N. Trinajstić and S. Nikolić: “A Note on the Use of ID Numbers in QSAR Studies”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 37, 37-42 (1987).
- T.P. Živković and N. Trinajstić: “On the Number of Kekulé Structures of Unbranched Cata-condensed Benzenoid Chains”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 136, 141-144 (1987).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, W.R. Müller, H.W. Kroto and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Enumeration and Generation of Physical Trees”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 8, 549-554 (1987).
- M. Randić, V. Solomon, S.C. Grossman, D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance Energies of Large Conjugated Hydrocarbons by a Statistical Method”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 32, 35-59 (1987).
- S. Nikolić, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Aromatic Stability of Azulenofurans, Azulenopyrroles and Azulenothiophenes”. HETEROCYCLES 26, 2025-2036 (1987).
- A.T. Balaban, J. Brunvoll, J. Cioslowski, B.N. Cyvin, S.J. Cyvin, I. Gutman, WC. He, WJ. He, J.V. Knop, M. Kovačević, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, R. Tošić and N. Trinajstić: “Enumeration of Benzenoid and Coronoid Hydrocarbons”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 42a, 863-870 (1987).
- Ž. Saničanin, A. Jurić, I. Tabaković and N. Trinajstić”Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Benzothiazine and Phenothiazine Derivatives”. J. ORG. CHEM. 52, 4053-4057 (1987).
- D.J. Klein, T. Živković and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance in Random -Electron Polymers”. J. MATH. CHEM. 1, 309-334 (1987).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Critical Test for Resonance Energies”. J. AMER. CHEM. SOC. 109, 6923-6926 (1987).
- B. Bogdanov, S. Nikolić, A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić and S. Carter: “On the Use of the Weighted Identification Numbers in the QSAR Study of the Toxicity of Aliphatic Ethers”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM BIOL. SYMP. 14, 325-330 (1987).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “On the Aromatic Stability of a Conjugated C60 Cluster”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 60, 595-604 (1987).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Composition as a Method for Data Reduction: Application to Carbon-13 NMR Chemical Shifts”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 73, 233-246 (1988).
- H. Vogler and N. Trinajstić: “Phenanth- and Anth-Fused Benzannelated Annulenes : A Graph-Theoretical Study”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 164, 325-334 (1988).
- P. Křivka, R.B. Mallion and N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory. Part VII. The Use of Ulam Subgraphs in Obtaining Characteristic Polynomials”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 164, 363-377 (1988).
- S. Carter, N. Trinajstić and S. Nikolić: “On the Use of ID Numbers in Drug Research: A QSAR of Neuroleptic Pharmacophores”. MED. SCI. RES. 16, 185-186 (1988).
- H. Vogler and N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated Circuits Model: On the Geometries of Annelated[N]annulenes”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 73, 437-448 (1988).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Compact Molecular Codes for Polycyclic Systems”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 165, 213-228 (1988).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Characterization of Local Benzenoid Features in Polycyclic Conjugated Hydrocarbons”. GAZZ. CHIM. ITAL. 118, 441-446 (1988).
- M. Randić, Ž. Jeričević, A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Molecular Connectivity and πElectronic Energy in Polycyclic Hydrocarbons”. ACTA PHYS. POLON. 74, 317-330 (1988).
- N. Trinajstić: “The Characteristic Polynomial of a Chemical Graph”. J. MATH. CHEM. 2, 197-215 (1988).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “Aromaticity in Heterocyclic Molecules Containing Divalent Sulfur”. COLL. CZECH. CHEM. COMM. 53, 2023-2054 (1988).
- D.J. Klein, T.G. Schmalz, S. El-Basil, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulé Count and Algebraic Structure Count for Unbranched Alternant Cata-Fusenes”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 179, 99-107 (1988).
- M. Randić, B.M. Gimarc, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “On the Aromatic Stabilities of Thiophene Analogues of Helicenes”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 181, 111-140 (1988).
- M. Randić, A. Sabljić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “A Rational Selection of Graph-Theoretical Indices in the QSAR”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM BIOL. SYMP. 15, 267-285 (1988).
- M. Randić, L.L. Henderson, R. Stout and N. Trinajstić: “Conjugation and Aromaticity of Macrocyclic Systems”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 22, 127-141 (1988).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Enumeration of Kekulé Structures for Helicenic Systems”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 61, 821-831 (1988).
- M. Randić, B.M. Gimarc, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “On the Aromatic Stability of Helicenic Systems”. GAZZ. CHIM. ITAL. 119, 1-11 (1989).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Conjugated Circuits in Excited Valence Structures”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 183, 29-43 (1989).
- M. Randić, M. Barysz, J. Nowakowski, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “Isospectral Graphs Revisited”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 185, 95-121 (1989).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić<: “Aromaticity in Polycyclic Conjugated Hydrocarbon Dianions”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 185, 249-274 (1989).
- S. Nikolić, M. Randić, D.J. Klein, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model: Application to Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 198, 223-237 (1989).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On Counting Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 62, 481-483 (1989).
- N. Trinajstić, D. Plavšić and D.J. Klein: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model Revisited”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 62, 709-716 (1989).
- D. Plavšić, N. Trinajstić, M. Randić and C. Venier: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model: Application to Benzenoid Hydrocarbon Radicals”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 62, 717-738 (1989)
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “Foundations of Conjugated-Circuits Models. PURE APPL. CHEM. 61, 2107-2115 (1989).
- B. Bogdanov, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Three-dimensional Wiener Number”. J. MATH. CHEM. 3, 299-309 (1989).
- S. Carter, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A Novel Algorithm for QSAR”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM BIOL. SYMP. 16, 323-330 (1989).
- D. Amić, A. Jurić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Some Forms of the Flavylium Chromophoric System”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 63, 19-26 (1990).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “A Note on the Classification and Enumeration of Coronoid Hydrocarbons”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 205, 361-365 (1990).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Enumeration and Generation of Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 11, 223-235 (1990).
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “Pascal Recurrence Algorithm for Kekulé-Structure Counts of Benzenoid and Coronoid Hydrocarbons”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 206, 135-142 (1990).
- N. Trinajstić: “On the Classification of Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. J. MATH. CHEM. 5, 171-176 (1990).
- J. Brunvoll, B.N. Cyvin, S.J. Cyvin, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “Enumeration and Classification of Coronoid Hydrocarbons: Note to a Note”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 207, 131-139 (1990).
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Compact Molecular Codes for Annulenes, Aza-annulenes, Annulenoannulenes, Aza-annulenoannulenes, Cyclazines and Aza-cyclazines”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 63, 155-169 (1990).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Difference in Bond Orders Between HMO and PPP Methods”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 37, 437-448 (1990).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “Use of Small Computers for Large Computations: Enumeration of Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 30, 159-160 (1990).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Topological Index”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 30, 160-163 (1990).
- M. Randić, B. Jerman-Blažič and N. Trinajstić: “Development of 3-Dimensional Molecular Descriptors”. COMPUT. CHEM. 14, 237-246 (1990).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller and K. Szymanski: “On the Concept of the Weighted Spanning Tree of Dualist”. J. MATH. CHEM. 4, 357-375 (1990).
- B. Bogdanov, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Three-Dimensional Wiener Number. A Comment”: J. MATH. CHEM. 5, 305-306 (1990).
- D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Lack of Reactivity of Buckminsterfullerene. A Theoretical Study”. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. II, 1595-1598 (1990).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and D.J. Klein: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model”. COMPUT. CHEM. 14, 313-322 (1990).
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “Valence Bond Theory and Chemical Structure”. J. CHEM. EDUC. 67, 633-637 (1990).
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A Theoretical Study of Fully Arenoid Systems”. GAZZ. CHIM. ACTA 120, 685-689 (1990).
- D. Plavšić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated-Circuits Model: On the Selection of the Parameters”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 63, 683-692 (1990).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “Enumeration of Planar Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. REPORTS IN MOLECULAR THEORY 1, 95-98 (1990).
- N. Trinajstić: “The Role of Graph Theory in Chemistry”. REPORTS IN MOLECULAR THEORY 1, 185-213 (1990).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolićand S. Carter: “Mathematical Modelling of Structure-Activity Relationships”. PERIOD. BIOL. 92, 431-432 (1990).
- N. Trinajstić, T.G. Schmalz, T.P. Živković, S. Nikolić, G.E. Hite, D.J. Klein and W.A. Seitz: “[N]phenylenes: A Theoretical Study”. NEW J. CHEM. 15, 27-31 (1991).
- N. Bošnjak, Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Topographic Indices to Chromatographic Data: Calculation of the Retention Indices of Alkanes”. J. CHROMATOGR. 540, 430-440 (1991).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and N. Trinajstić: “On the Determinant of the Adjacency-Plus-Distance Matrix as the Topological Index for Characterizing Alkanes”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 31, 83-84 (1991).
- B. Jerman-Blažič, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “The Reduced Graph Model Revisited”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 227, 79-86 (1991).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, Z. Mihalić and S. Carter: “On the Geometric-Distance Matrix and the Corresponding Structural Invariants of Molecular Systems”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 179, 21-28 (1991).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić and D.J. Klein: “Quantum-Mechanical and Computational Aspects of the Conjugated-Circuit Model”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 229, 63-89 (1991).
- D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “A Theoretical Study of Flavylium Salts”. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. II, 891-895 (1991).
- D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Activation Hardness as an Index for Predicting the Orientation of Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution: Application to Flavylium Salts”. BULL. CHEM. SOC. BELG. (European Section) 100, 527-532 (1991).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller and K. Szymanski: “On the Classification and Enumeration of Planar Polyhex Hydrocarbons”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 231, 219-225 (1991).
- Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “The Algebraic Modelling of Chemical Structures: On the Development of Three-Dimensional Molecular Descriptors”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 232, 65-78 (1991).
- D. Plavšić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model: The Optimum Parameters for Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. J. MATH. CHEM. 8, 113-120 (1991).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Relative Stability of Nonbenzenoid Alternant Hydrocarbons”. POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC COMPOUNDS 2, 183-194 (1991).
- M. Randić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Maximum Valence Structures in Nonbenzenoid Polycyclic Hydrocarbons”. STRUCT. CHEM. 2, 543-554 (1991).
- M. Ivanušević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A QSAR Study of Antidotal Activity of H-Oximes”. REV. ROUM. CHIM. 36, 389-398 (1991).
- Z. Mihalić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Comparative Study of Molecular Descriptors Derived from the Distance Matrix”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 32, 28-37 (1992).
- N. Trinajstić: “On the Classification of Polyhexes”. J. MATH. CHEM. 9, 373-380 (1992).
- S. Nikolić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Z-counting Polynomial for Edge-Weighted Graphs”. J. MATH. CHEM. 9, 381-387 (1992).
- D.J. Klein, Z. Mihalić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Topological Index: A Relation with the Wiener Index”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 32, 304-305 (1992).
- D. Plavšić, N. Trinajstić and D.J. Klein: “Clar Structures in Fractal Benzenoids”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 65, 279-284 (1992).
- A. Jurić, M. Gagro, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Molecular Topological Index: An Application in the QSAR Study of Toxicity of Alcohols”. J. MATH. CHEM. 11, 179-186 (1992).
- Z. Mihalić, D. Veljan, D. Amić, S. Nikolić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “The Distance Matrix in Chemistry”. J. MATH. CHEM. 11, 223-258 (1992).
- D. Amić, N. Trinajstić and D. Davidović-Amić: “Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Styrylbenzopyrilium Chromophore”. J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. II, 1933-1938 (1992).
- Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “A Graph-Theoretical Approach to Structure-Property Relationships”. J. CHEM. EDUC. 69, 701-712 (1992).
- D. Horvat, A. Graovac, D. Plavšić, N. Trinajstić and M. Strunje: “On the Intercorrelation of Topological Indices in Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 26, 401-408 (1992).
- D. Plavšić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated-Circuit Model: Application to Non-alternant Hydrocarbons and a Comparison With Some Other Theoretical Models of Aromaticity”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 277, 213-237 (1992).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance Energy of Conjugated Hydrocarbons Derived by Cluster Expansion”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 65, 881-892 (1992).
- B. Mohar, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “A Novel Definition of the Wiener Index for Trees”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 33, 153-154 (1993).
- D. Juretić, B. Lee, N. Trinajstić and R.W. Williams: “Conformational Preference Functions for Predicting Helices in Membrane Proteins”. BIOPOLYMERS 33, 255-273 (1993).
- W. R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop, Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “The Walk ID Number Revisited”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 33, 231-233 (1993).
- D. Plavšić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and Z. Mihalić: “On the Harary Index for the Characterization of Chemical Graphs”. J. MATH. CHEM. 12, 235-250 (1993).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and Z. Mihalić: “Molecular Topological Index: An Extension to Heterosystems”. J. MATH. CHEM. 12, 251-264 (1993).
- D. Plavšić, D. Babić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “A Comparative Study of Several Simple Aromaticity Models for Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. GAZZ. CHIM. ITAL. 123, 243-249 (1993).
- D. Juretić, N. Trinajstić and B. Lučić: “Protein Secondary Structure Conformations and Associated Hydrophobic Scales”. J. MATH. CHEM. 14, 35-45 (1993).
- D. Babić, A. Graovac and N. Trinajstić: “On the HOMO-LUMO Separation in Fullerenes”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 66, 35-47 (1993).
- D. Juretić, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Predicting Membrane Protein Secondary Structure: Preference Functions Method for Finding Optimal Conformational Parameters”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 66, 201-208 (1993).
- N. Trinajstić: “The Magic of the Number Five”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 66, 227-254 (1993).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “On the Number of Square-Cell Configurations”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 86, 269-278 (1993).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Viewpoint 4 – Comparative Structure-Property Studies: The Connectivity Basis”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 284, 209-221 (1993).
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K.Szymanski, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Concept of Fully-Arenoid Hydrocarbons”. MATH. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 29, 81-106 (1993).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Pyracylene Rearrangement Classes of Fullerene Isomers”. COMPUT. CHEM. 17, 271-275 (1993).
- M. Randić, N. Trinajstić, L.L. Henderson and R.P. Stout: “A Note on the Enumeration of Kekulé Structures in a Class of Coronoids”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 285, 121-128 (1993).
- D. Plavšić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and D.J. Klein: “Relation between the Wiener Index and the Schultz Index for Several Classes of Chemical Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 66, 345-353 (1993).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Topological Indices to Chromatographic Data : Calculation of the Retention Indices of Anthocyanins”. J. CHROMATOGR. A 653, 115-121 (1993).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “In Search for Graph Invariants of Chemical Interest”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 300, 551-572 (1993).
- M. Randić, Z. Mihalić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Graph-Theoretical Correlations – Artfacts or Facts”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 66, 411-434 (1993).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “On the K(4n + 2) Rule for Fullerenes”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 303, 283-286 (1994).
- N. Trinajstić, D. Babić, S. Nikolić, D. Plavšić, D. Amić and Z. Mihalić: “The Laplacian Matrix in Chemistry”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 34, 368-376 (1994).
- M. Randić, Z. Mihalić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Graphical Bond Orders: Novel Structural Descriptors”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 34, 403-409 (1994).
- Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Number of Spanning Trees in Fullerenes”. FULLERENE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2, 89-95 (1994).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Isomeric Variations in Alkanes: Boiling Points of Nonanes”. NEW J. CHEM. 18, 179-189 (1994). INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 50, 369-384 (1994).
- D.J. Klein, M. Randić, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “On Conjugated-Circuit Polynomials” .INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 50, 369-384 (1994).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Theoretical Study of the 5,6-Benzoflavylium Chromophore”. GAZZ. CHIM. ITAL. 124, 53-56 (1994).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Bit-tuple Notation for Trees”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 34, 960-961 (1994).
- Z. Mihalić, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Benzenoid Graphs with Equal Maximum Eigenvalues”. J. MATH. CHEM. 15, 407 (1994).
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Notes on Some Less Known Early Contributions to Chemical Graph Theory”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 67, 1-35 (1994).
- D. Babić, N. Trinajstić and D.J. Klein: “A Note on a Variant of the Leapfrog Transformation of Chemical Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 67, 37-44 (1994).
- D. Davidović-Amić, D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “4-Carboxyflavylium Salts: Stable Red Dyes?”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 67, 163-170 (1994).
- M. Randić, D.J. Klein, H. Zhu, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Aromatic Properties of Fully-Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. FIZIKA A 3, 61-75 (1994).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “On Assembling Fullerenes from Identical Fragments”. FULLERENE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2, 343-356 (1994).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Kekulene and Antikekulene”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 314, 321-327 (1994).
- N. Trinajstić, Z. Mihalić and F.E. Harris: “A Note on the Number of Spanning Trees in Buckminsterfullerene”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM.: QUANTUM CHEM. SYMP. 28, 525-528 (1994).
- S. Nikolić, M. Medić-Šarić, S. Rendić and N. Trinajstić: “Toxic Effects and a Structure-Property Study of Organic Explosives, Propellants and Related Compounds”. DRUG METABOLISM REV. 26, 717-738 (1994).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić and Z. Mihalić: “On the Complexity of Platonic Solids”. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMISTS TECHNOLOGISTS OF MACEDONIA 13, 61-68 (1994).
- M. Randić, D.J. Klein, H.-Y. Zhu, N. Trinajstić and T. Živković: “Comparative Study of Large Molecules. Highly Accurate Calculation of a Limit for Infinite Systems from Data on Finite Systems”. THEORET. CHIM. ACTA 90, 1-26 (1995).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Calculation of Retention Times of Anthocyanins with Orthogonalized Topological Indices”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 136-139 (1995).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “A Comparison between the Matula Numbers and Bit-tuple Notation for Rooted Trees”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 211-213 (1995).
- T. Živković, M. Randić, D.J. Klein, H.-Y. Zhu and N. Trinajstić: “Analytical Approach to Very Large Benzenoid Polymers”. J. COMPUT. CHEM. 16, 517-526 (1995).
- D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Detour Matrix”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 53-62 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski and J.V. Knop: “On the Complexity of Square-Cell Configurations”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 91-98 (1995).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and Z. Mihalić: “The Wiener Index: Development and Applications”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 105-129 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić, M. Randić, D.J. Klein, D. Babić and Z. Mihalić: “On Mathematical Properties of Buckminsterfullerene”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 241-267 (1995).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Stability of Fullerenes with Four-Membered Rings”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 237, 239-245 (1995)
- H. Vančik, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “C60 – An Abiotic Terpenoid?”. FULLERENE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 3, 305-312 (1995).
- M. Randić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Compact Codes: On Nomenclature of Acyclic Chemical Compounds”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 357-365 (1995).
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and D. Juretić: “The Structure-Property Models Can Be Improved Using the Orthogonalized Descriptors”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 532-538 (1995).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Resonance Energies of Fullerenes with 4-Membered Rings”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 55, 309-314 (1995).
- W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “A Remark on the Naming of Cata-Condensed Benzenoids with Base 5 Numbers”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 759-760 (1995).
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, A. Jurić and Z. Mihalić: “A Structure-Property Study of the Solubility of Aliphatic Alcohols in Water”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 417-434 (1995).
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, D. Juretić and A. Jurić: “A Novel QSPR Approach to Physicochemical Properties of the α-Amino Acids”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 68, 435-450 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić: “On Theoretical Research in Biology”. PERIOD. BIOL. 97, 177-182 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić: “Ethics in Genetics. A Comment”. PERIOD. BIOL. 97, 249-250 (1995).
- D. Juretić, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Secondary Structure Prediction Quality for Naturally Occurring Amino Acids in Soluble Proteins”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 338, 43-50 (1995).
- D.J. Klein, A. Graovac, Z. Mihalić and N. Trinajstić: “Excitation Spectra for Degenerate Rearrangements”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 341, 157-164 (1995).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, A. Jurić, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Structure-Activity Correlation of Flavone Derivatives for Inhibition of cAMP Phosphodiesterase”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 35, 1034-1038 (1995).
- M. Šoškić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “2-Difluoromethylthio-4,6-bis(monoalkylamino)-1,3,5-triazines as Inhibitors of Hill Reaction:A QSAR Study with Orthogonalized Descriptors”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 36, 146-150 (1996).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Assembling of Fullerenes from Cyclocarbons”. J. MOL. STRUCT. 376, 507-511 (1996).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Symmetric Decomposition of Buckminsterfullerene”. COMM. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 33, 17-24 (1996).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Möbius Inversion on a Poset of a Graph and Its Acyclic Subgraphs”. DISCRETE APPL. MATH. 67, 5-11 (1996).
- M. Šoškić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Link between Orthogonal and Standard Multiple Linear Regression Models”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 36, 829-832 (1996).
- B. Kiralj, B. Kojić-Prodić, M. Žinić, S. Alihodžić and N. Trinajstić: “Bond Length-Bond Order Relations and Calculated Geometries for Some Benzenoid Aromatics, Including Phenanthridine. Structures of 5,6-Dimethylphenanthridinium Triflate,[N-(6-Phenanthridinylmethyl)-aza-18-crown-6-κ5 O,O’,O”,O”’,O””](picrate-κ2 O,O’)potassium, and [N,N’-Bis(6-phenanthridinyl-κN-methyl)-7,16-diaza-18-crown-6-κ4 O,O’,O”,O”’]sodium Iodide Dichloromethane Solvate”. ACTA CRYST. B 52, 823-837 (1996).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, A. Jurić, Z. Mihalić and G. Krilov: “Complexity of Some Interesting (Chemical) Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 69, 883-897 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić: “On the Nature of Theoretical Research”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 69, 1013-1022 (1996).
- D. Plavšić, M. Šoškić, I. Landeka and N. Trinajstić: “On the Relation between the P’/P Index and the Wiener Number”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 36, 1123-1126 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, B. Lučić and D. Amić: “On QSAR Modeling”. ACTA PHARM. 45, 24-263 (1996).
- S, Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, A. Jurić and Z. Mihalić: “The Detour Matrix and the Detour Index of Weighted Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 69, 1577-1591 (1996).
- M.V. Diudea, O. Ivanciuc, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Matrices of Reciprocal Distance, Polynomials and Derived Numbers”. MATCH – COMM. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 35, 41-64 (1997).
- D.J. Klein, M. Randić, D. Babić, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Hierarchical Orthogonalization of Descriptors”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 63, 215-222 (1997).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “The Use of the Ordered Orthogonalized Multivariate Linear Regression in a Structure-Activity Study of Coumarin and Flavonoid Derivatives as Inhibitors of Aldose Reductase”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 37, 581-586 (1997).
- M. Šoškić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “Inhibition of the Hill Reaction by 2-Methylthio-4,6-bis(monoalkylamino)-1,3,5-triazines. A QSAR Study”. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 394, 57-65 (1997).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, D. Babić and Z. Mihalić: “The Vertex- and Edge-Connectivity Indices of Platonic and Archimedean Molecules”. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OF MACEDONIA 16, 43-51 (1997).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, B. Lučić. D. Amić and Z. Mihalić: “The Detour Matrix in Chemistry”. J: CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 37, 631-638 (1997).
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Concept of a Chemical Model”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 70, 777-786 (1997).
- A. Jurić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Resonance Energies of Thienopyrimidines”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 70, 841-846 (1997).
- B. Jurišić, M. Flögel, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Kinetic and Thermodynamic Characterisation of Nα-Acetyl Microperoxidase-8 Interaction with Hydrogen Peroxide and Acetyl Hydroperoxide”. ACTA PHARM. 47, 149-158 (1997).
- I.M. Tolić and N. Trinajstić: “What Is Life? Is It Just a Physico-Chemical Process of High Complexity?”. PERIOD. BIOL. 99, 295-302 (1997).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “A Simple QSAR Model for Trypsin Aminopeptidase Inhibitory Flavonoids”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 70, 905-911 (1997).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić and Z. Mihalić: “On Computing the Molecular Detour Matrix”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 65, 415-419 (1997).
- M. Randić, W.R. Müller, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “The Characteristic Polynomial as a Structure Discriminator”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 37, 1072-1077 (1997).
- M. Vedrina, S. Marković, M. Medić-Šarić and N. Trinajstić: “TAM: A Program for the Calculation of Topological Indices in QSPR and QSAR Studies”. COMPUT. CHEM. 21, 355-361 (1997).
- B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “New Developments in QSPR/QSAR Modeling Based on Topological Indices”. SAR QSAR ENVIRON. RES. 7, 45-62 (1997).
- S. Nikolić, N: Trinajstić and I. Baučić: “Comparison between the Vertex- and Edge-Connectivity Indices for Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 38, 42-46 (1998).
- B. Kiralj, B. Kojić-Prodić, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “Bond Lengths and Bond Orders in Benzenoids: A Comparison of the Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Treatments”. J. MOL. STRUCT. – THEOCHEM 427, 25-37 (1998).
- D. Juretić, D. Zucić, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Preference Functions for Prediction of Membrane-buried Helices in Integral Membrane Proteins”. COMPUT. CHEM. 22, 279-294 (1998).
- M. Randić, S. El-Basil, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Clar Polynomials of Large Benzenoid Systems”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 38, 563-574 (1998).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “QSAR of Flavylium Salts as Inhibitors of Xanthine Oxidase”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 38, 815-818 (1998).
- D. Amić, D. Bešlo, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “The Vertex-Connectivity Index Revisited”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 38, 819-822 (1998).
- M.V. Diudea, G. Katona, I. Lukovits and N. Trinajstić: “Detour and Cluj-Detour Indices”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 71, 459-471 (1998).
- D. Plavšić, N. Trinajstić, D. Amić and M. Šoškić: “Comparison between the Structure-Boiling Point Relationships with Different Descriptors for Condensed Benzenoids”. NEW J. CHEM. 22, 1075-1078 (1998).
- I. M. Tolić and N. Trinajstić: “The Number Five in Biology”. PERIOD. BIOL. 100, 259-265 (1998).
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Modeling the Aqueous Solubility of Aliphatic Alcohols”. SAR QSAR ENVIRON. RES. 9, 117-126 (1998).
- I. M. Tolić and N. Trinajstić: “Origin of Life: Earth or Outer Space?”. PERIOD. BIOL. 100, 405-410 (1998).
- B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Multivariate Regression Outperforms Several Robust Architectures of Neural Networks in QSAR Modeling”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 39, 121-132 (1999).
- I. Lukovits, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Resistance Distance in Regular Graphs”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 71, 217-225 (1999).
- B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić, S. Sild, M. Karelson and A.R. Katritzky: “A New Efficient Approach for Variable Selection Based on Multiregression : Prediction of Gas Chromatographic Retention Times and Response Factors”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 39, 610-621 (1999).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and S. Ivaniš: “The Connectivity Indices of Regular Graphs”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 72, 875-883 (1999).
- S. Nikolić, I.M. Tolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Complexity of Molecular Graphs”. MATCH – COMM. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 40, 187-201 (1999).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Prediction of pK Values, Half-Lives and Electronic Spectra of Flavylium Salts from Molecular Structure”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 39, 967-973 (1999).
- S.C. Basak, B.D. Gute, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A Comparative QSAR Study of Benzamidines Complement- Inhibitory Activity and Benzene Derivatives Acute Toxicity”. COMPUT. CHEM. 24, 181-191 (2000).
- A.R. Katritzky, K. Chen, Y. Wang, M. Karelson, B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić, T. Suzuki and G. Schüürmann: “Prediction of Liquid Viscosity for Organic Compounds by a Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship.. J. PHYS. ORG. CHEM. 13, 80-86 (2000).
- B. Lučić, D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Nonlinear Multivariate Regression Outperforms Several Concisely Designed Neural Networks on Three QSPR Data Sets”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 40, 403-413 (2000).
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo and N. Trinajstić: “Vitisin-Type Pigments: Possible novel Food Colors”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 73, 511-516 (2000).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and I.M. Tolić: “Complexity of Molecules”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 40, 920-926 (2000).
- S.C. Basak, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, D. Amić and D. Bešlo: “QSPR Modeling: Graph Connectivity Indices versus Line Graph Connectivity Indices”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 40, 927-933 (2000).
- S. Nikolić, I.M. Tolić, N. Trinajstić and I. Baučić: “On the Zagreb Indices as Complexity Indices”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 73, 909-921 (2000).
- I. Lukovits, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Note on the Resistance Distances in the Dodecahedron”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 73, 957-967 (2000).
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and M. Randić: “Wiener Index Revisited”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 333, 319-321 (2001).
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, A. Rubčić, J. Rubčić and N. Trinajstić: “Scale-Invariant Power Law and Fractality for Molecular Weights”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 336, 129-134 (2001).
- D. Amić, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Predicting Inhibition of Microsomal p-Hydroxylation of Aniline by Aliphatic Alcohols: A QSAR Approach Based on Weighted Path Numbers”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 74, 237-250 (2001).
- D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Planar Rearrangements of Fullerenes”. J. MOL. GRAPHICS MODELLING 19, 210-215 (2001).
- B. Lučić, I. Lukovits, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Distance-Related Indexes in the Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship Modeling”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 41, 527-535 (2001).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, S.C. Basak and I. Lukovits: “Distance Indices and Their Hyper-Counterparts: Intercorrelation and Use in the Structure-Property Modeling”. SAR QSAR ENVIRON. RES. 12, 31-54 (2001).
- D. Bonchev and N. Trinajstić: “Overall Molecular Descriptors. 3. Overall Zagreb Indices”. SAR QSAR ENVIRON. RES. 12, 213-236 (2001).
- S. Nikolić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Balaban-Like Topological Indices”. MATCH – COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 44 (2001) 361-386.
- D. Amić, S.C. Basak, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Structure-Water Solubility Modeling of Aliphatic Alcohols Using the Weighted Path Numbers”. SAR QSAR ENVIRON. RES. 13 (2002) 281-295.
- I. Lukovits, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On Relationship Between Vertex-Degrees, Path-Numbers and Graph Valence-Shells in Trees”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 354 (2002) 417-422.
- B. Lučić, I. Bašic, D. Nadramija, A., Miličević, N. Trinajstić, T. Suzuki, R. Petrukhin, M. Karelson and A.R. Katritzky: “Correlation of Liquid Viscosity with Molecular Structure Using Different Variable Selection Methods”. ARKIVOC 2002 (IV), 45-49.
- D. Babić, D.J. Klein, I. Lukovits, S. Nikolićand N. Trinajstić: “Resistance-Distance Matrix: A Computional Algorithm and Its Application”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 90 (2002) 166-176.
- I. Lukovits, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On Walk Counts and Complexity of General Graphs”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 1 (2002) 388-400.
- B. Lučić, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Harary Index – Twelve Years Later”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 75 (2002) 847-868.
- R.B. Mallion and N. Trinajstić: “Reciprocal Spanning-Tree Density: A New Index Characterising the Intricacy of (Poly)cyclic Molecular-Graph”. MATCH – COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 48 (2003) 97-116.
- I. Lukovits, A. Graovac, E. Kálmán, G. Kaptay, P. Nagy, S. Nikolić, J. Sytchev and N. Trinajstić: “Nanotubes: Number of Kekulé Structures and Aromaticity”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 43 (2003) 609-614.
- A. Miličević, S. Nikolić, D. Plavšić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Hosoya Z-Index of General Graphs”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 2 (2003) 160-178.
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo and N. Trinajstić: “Structure-Radical Scavenging Activity Relationship of Flavonoids”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 76 (2003) 55-61.
- S. Nikolić, G. Kovačević, A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “The Zagreb Indices 30 Years After”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 76 (2003) 113-124.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “Modified Zagreb Index M2 — Comparison with the Randić Connectivity Index for Benzenoid Systems”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 76 (2003) 183-187.
- B. Lučić, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On Variable Wiener Index”. INDIAN J. CHEM. 42A (2003) 1279-1282.
- B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić, Bašic and D. Nadramija: “Toward Generating Simpler QSAR Models: Nonlinear Multivariate Regression versus Several Neural Network Ensembles and Some Related Methods”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 43 (2003) 1094-1102.
- I. Lukovits and N. Trinajstić: “Atomic Walk Counts of Negative Order”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 43 (2003) 1110-1114.
- T. Piližota, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Use of Variable Selection in Modeling the Secondary Structural Content of Proteins from Their Composition of Amino Acid Residues”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 44 (2004) 113-121.
- A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Coding and Ordering Kekulé Structures”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 44 (2004) 415-421.
- L. Pogliani, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “What Can Be Said About the Number 13 Beyond the Fact That It Is a Prim Number?”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 77 (2004) 447-456.
- A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On Reformulated Zagreb Indices”. MOLECULAR DIVERSITY 8 (2004) 393-399.
- D.J. Klein, J. L. Palacios, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Random Walks and Chemical Graph Theory”. J. CHEM. INF. COMPUT. SCI. 44 (2004) 1521-1525.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “Wiener Indices of Benzenoid Graphs”. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS OF MACEDONIA 23 (2004) 113-129.
- S. Nikolić, A. Miličević, N. Trinajstić and A. Jurić: “On the Use of the Variable Zagreb vM2 Index in QSPR: Boiling Points of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. MOLECULES 9 (2004) 1208-1221.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “On the Discriminatory Power of the Zagreb Indices for Molecular Graphs”. MATCH COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 53 (2005) 111-138.
- D. Vukičević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Schultz Index of Thorn Graphs”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 4 (2005) 501-514.
- D. Vukičević, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić, J. Sedlar and N. Trinajstić: “Paths and Walks in Acyclic Structures: Plerographs versus Kenographs ”. ARKIVOC 2005 (X), 33-44. a href=””>
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “Comparison of the Hosoya Z-Index for Simple and General Graphs of the Same Size”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) 223-239.
- S Nikolić, A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “On Graphical Matrices. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) 241-250.
- B. Hollas, I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “On Reducing Correlations between Topological Indices”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) 489-492.
- D. Juretić, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “Why Focusing on Bioinformatics?”. PERIOD. BIOL. 107 (2005) 379-383.
- I. Lukovits, A. Miličević, N. Trinajstić and D. Vukičević: “Kekulé-Structure Counts in Damaged Benzenoid Parallelograms”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 5 (2006) 144-149.
- S.M. Rajtmajer, A. Miličević, N. Trinajstić, M. Randić and D. Vukičević: “On the Complexity of Archimedean Solids”. J. MATH. CHEM. 39 (2006) 119-132.
- D. Vukičević, D. Veljan and N. Trinajstić: “Thorny Graphs. I. Valence Connectivities”. MATCH – COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 55 (2006) 73-82.
- S. Nikolić, A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “QSPR Study of Polarographic Half-Wave Reduction Potentials of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CROAT: CHEM: ACTA 79 (2006) 155-159.
- D. Janežič, B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “Boiling Points of Alcohols – A Comparative Study”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 5 (2006) 192-200.
- A. Miličević S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Toxicity of Aliphatic Ethers: A Comparative Study”. MOLECULAR DIVERSITY 10 (2006) 95-99.
- I. Gutman, S. Radenković, N. Trinajstić and A. Vodopivec: “On the Relation between π-Electron Energy and Topological Resonance Energy”. Z. NATURFORSCH. 61a (2006) 345-348.
- D. Vukičević, I. Lukovits and N. Trinajstić: “Counting Kekulé Structures of Benzenoid Parallelograms Containing One Additional Benzene Ring”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 79 (2006) 509-512.
- D. Amić, D. Davidović-Amić, D. Bešlo, V. Rastija, B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: “SAR and QSAR of the Antioxidant Activity of Flavonoids”. CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 14 (2007) 827-845.
- D. Janežič, B. Lučić, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and D. Vukičević: “Hosoya Matrices as the Numerical Realization of Graphical Matrices and Derived Structural Descriptors”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) 271-276.
- D. Vukičević, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Altered Wiener Indies of Thorn Trees”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) 283-285.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “On the Anti-forcing Number of Benzenoids”. J. MATH. CHEM. 42 (2007) 575-583.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On the Largest Eigenvalue of the Distance Matrix of a Connected Graph”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 447 (2007) 384-387.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Further Results on the Largest Eigenvalue of the Distance Matrix and Some Distance-Based Matrices of Connected (Molecular) Graphs”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 6 (2007) 375-384.
- D. Janežič, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and D. Vukičević: “Zagreb Indices: Extension to Weighted Graphs Representing Molecules Containing Heteroatoms”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) 541-545.
- N. Trinajstić and D. Vukičević: “Mathematical Studies of Kekulé Structures”. STRUCT. CHEM. 18 (2007) 807-812.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Maximum Eigenvalues of the Reciprocal Distance Matrix and the Reverse Wiener Number”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 108 (2008) 858-864.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: “On the Anti-Kekulé Number and Anti Forcing Number of Cata-Condensed Benzenoids”. J. MATH. CHEM. 43 (2008) 719-726.
- D. Vukičević, S.M. Rajtmajer and N. Trinajstić: “Trees with Maximal Second Zagreb Index and Prescribed Number of Vertices of the Given Degree”. MATCH COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 60 (2008) 65-70.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “A note on Kirchhoff Index”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 455 (2008) 120-123.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Bounds on the Balaban Index”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 81 (2008) 319-323.
- F. Wei, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Minimal Spectrum-Sums of Bipartite Graphs with Exactly Two Vertex-Disjoint Cycles”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 81 (2008) 363-367.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Reciprocal Molecular Topological Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 44 (2008) 235-243.
- B. Zhou, X. Cai and N. Trinajstić: “On Harary Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 44 (2008) 611-618.
- B. Zhou, Z. Du and N. Trinajstić: “Harary Index of Landscape Graphs”. INT. J. CHEM. MODEL. 1 (2008) 35-44.
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Distance-Related Molecular Descriptors”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 7 (2008) 195-206.
- D. Vukičević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Path-Zagreb Matrix”. J. MATH. CHEM. 45 (2009) 538-543.
- D. Amić, B. Lučić, G. Kovačević and N. Trinajstić: “Bond Dissociation Enthalpies Calculated by the PM3 Method Confirm Activity Cliffs in Radical Scavenging of Flavonoids”. MOL. DIVERSITY 13 (2009) 27-36; erratum 13 (2009) 37.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Resistance-Distance and Kirchhoff Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 46 (2009) 283-289.
- B. Zhou, X. Cai and N. Trinajstić: “On Reciprocal Complementary Wiener Index”. DISCR. APPL. MATH. 157 (2009) 1628-1633.
- B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić and B. Zhou: “Comparison between the Sum-connectivity and Product-connectivity Indices for Benzenoid Hydrocarbons”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 475 (2009) 146-148.
- Z.Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Randić Indices of Chemical Trees and Chemical Unicyclic Graphs”. MATCH COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. 62 (2009) 131-142.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “The Kirchhoff Index and the Matching Number”. INT. J. QUANTUM CHEM. 109 (2009) 2978-2981.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Reciprocal and Reverse Balaban Indices”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 82 (2009) 537-541.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Extended Connectivity Indices” J. MATH. CHEM. 46 (2009) 1172-1180.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On a Novel Connectivity Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 46 (2009) 1252-1270.
- K.C. Das, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Bounds on Harary Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 46 (2009) 1369-1376.
- N. Trinajstić, and B. Zhou: “Estrada Index of Bipartite Graphs”. INT. J. CHEM. MODEL. 1 (2009) 387-394.
- B. Zhou, Y. Yang and N. Trinajstić: “On Reciprocal Reverse Wiener Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 47 (2010) 201-209.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On General Sum-Connectivity Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 47 (2010) 210-218.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Reverse Degree Distance”. J. MATH. CHEM. 47 (2010) 268-275.
- Y. Yuan, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Geometric-Arithmetic Index”. J. MATH. CHEM. 47 (2010) 833-841.
- Z. Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Minimum Sum-Connectivity Indices of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs of a Given Matching Number”. J. MATH. CHEM. 47 (2010) 842-855.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Mathematical Properties of Molecular Descriptors Based on Distances”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 83 (2010) 227-242.
- K.C. Das and N. Trinajstić: “Comprison Between the First Geometric-Arithmetic Index and Atom-Bond Connectivity Index“ CHEM. PHYS. LETT. 497 (2010) 149-151.
- R. Xing, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Sum-Connectivity Index of Molecular Trees”. J. MATH. CHEM. 48 (2010) 583-591.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Minimun General Sum-Connectivity Index of Unicyclic Graphs”. J. MATH. CHEM. 48 (2010) 697-703.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Some Properties of the Reformulated Zagreb Indices”. J. MATH. CHEM. 48 (2010) 714-719.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Sum-Connectivity Matrix and Sum-Connectivity Energy of (Molecular) Graphs”. ACTA CHIM. SLOVEN. 57 (2010) 518-523.
- D. Vukičević, N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, B. Lučić and B. Zhou: “Master Connectivity Index and Master Connectivity Polynomial”. CURRENT COMPUTER-AIDED DRUG DESIGN 6 (2010) 235-239.
- D. Vukičević and N. Trinajstić: «Bond-Additive Modeling. 3. Comparison between the Product-connectivity Index and Sum-connectivity Index». CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 83 (2010) 349-351.
- Z. Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: «A Note on General Sum-Connectivity Index». APPL. MATH. LETT. 24 (2011) 402-405
- K. Xu and N. Trinajstić: “Hyper-Wiener and Haray Indices of Graphs with Cut Edges“. UTILITAS MATHEMATICA 84 (2011) 153-163.
- S. Wang, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On the sum-connectivity index”. FILOMAT 25 (2011) 29-42.
- S. Feretić and N. Trinajstić: “The Area Generating Function for Simple-2-column Polyominoes with Hexagonal Cells”. INT. J. CHEM. MODEL. 3 (2011) 115-129.
- W. Luo, B. Zhou, N. Trinajstić and Y. Du: “Reverse Wiener Indices of Graphs with Exactly Two Cycles”. UTILITAS MATHEMATICA, in press.
- B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Altered Wiener Indices of Trees and Chemical Trees”. INT. J. CHEM. MODEL., in press.
- Z. Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On Geometric-Arithmetic Index of (Molecular) Trees, Unicyclic Graphs and Bicyclic Graphs”. MATCH COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM., in press
- Z. Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: «On Eccentric Connectivity Index of Trees». J. MATH. CHEM., submitted
- Z. Du, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “Sum-Connectivity Indices of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs of Fixed Maximum Degree”. MATH. COMPUT. MODELL., submitted
- D. Vukičević, D. Veljan and N. Trinajstić: “Thorny Graphs. II. Vertex-Degrees”. MATH. COMM., submitted
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and S. Ivaniš Turk: “On an Additive Version of the Connectivity Index”. ICCME 2009
- T. Mansour and N. Trinajstić: “Connectivity Indices of Molecular Graphs”. J. MATH. CHEM., submitted
- R. Xing, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: “On the Zagreb Eccentricity Indices”. J. MATH. CHEM., submitted
- K.C. Das and N. Trinajstić: “Comparison between the Geometric-Arithmetic Indices”. CHEM. PHYS. LETT., submitted
- H. Dong, B. Zhou and N. Trinajstić: A novel version of the edge-Szeged index,. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA, submitted.
- N. Trinajstić: “Molekularne orbitale u kemiji” (Molecular Orbitals in Chemistry). Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1974, 120 str.
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Approach to the Chemistry of Conjugated Molecules”. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977, 123 str.
- L. Klasinc, Z.B. Maksić, i N. Trinajstić: “Simetrija molekula” (Symmetry of Molecules). Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1979, 131 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory”, Volume I. Chemical Rubber Company (CRC) Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1983, 147 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory”, Volume II. Chemical Rubber Company (CRC) Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1983, 166 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “Orbitalet moleculare në kimi” (revised translation into Albanian language of “Molecular Orbitals in Chemistry). Sveučilište, Prishtinë, 1984, 120 str..
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, and N. Trinajstić: “Computer Generation of Certain Classes of Molecules”. SKTH/Kemija u industriji, Zagreb, 1985, 253 str.
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, and K. Szymanski: “Computational Chemical Graph Theory : Characterization, Enumeration and Generation of Chemical Structures by Computer Methods” Simon & Schuster/Horwood, Chichester, 1991, 356 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “Chemical Graph Theory”, second revised edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1992, 322 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “Ogledi o znanosti i znanstvenicima” (Essays on Science and Scientists). Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1998, 188 str.
- N. Trinajstić: “100 hrvatskih kemičara” (100 Croatian Chemists). Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2002.
- D. Janežič, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Graph-Theoretical Matrices in Chemistry”. University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, 2007.
- N. Trinajstić (Editor): “Mathematics and Computational Concepts in Chemistry”. Horwood/Wiley, New York, 1986, str. 365.
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić (Editors): “Valence Bond Theory and Chemical Structure”. Elsevier, New York, 1990, str. 629.
Stručni radovi
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. I. Elementi teorije grafova”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 22, 75-79 (1973).
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. II. Veza između teorije molekularnih orbitala i teorije grafova”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 22, 237-240 (1973).
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. III. Alternantni ugljikovodici i njihova svojstva”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 23, 329-333 (1974).
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. IV. Predviđanje stabilnosti velikih policikličkih konjugiranih molekula”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 23, 381-386 (1974).
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. V. Pravilo modula 4”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 23, 641-645 (1974).
- I. Gutman and N. Trinajstić: “The Modulo 4 Rule”. SCIENTIA YUG. 1, 1-2 (1974).
- I. Gutman i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. VI. Predviđanje termodinamičkih svojstava alkana”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 24, 25-29 (1975).
- J.V. Knop, I. Gutman, i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. VII. Prikazivanje kemijskih struktura u dokumentaciji”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 24, 505-510 (1975).
- N. Trinajstić: “Od prirodoslovca do kemičara, od kemičara do prirodoslovca”, “Simpozij prirodne znanosti i njihovo značenje u suvremenom društvu”. Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo, Zagreb 1975, str. 49-50.
- N. Trinajstić i T. Živković: “A gráfemélet az elméleti kémiában”. KÉMIAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (Budapesti) 44, 460-466 (1975).
- A. Graovac, I. Gutman, i N. Trinajstić: “Primjena teorije grafova u kemiji. VIII. Möbiusove strukture”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 25, 229-233 (1976).
- N. Trinajstić: ”Elektronska struktura benzena”. PRIRODA 65, 39-41 (1976).
- N. Trinajstić: “Prognoziranje kemijske reaktivnosti”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 25, 339-343 (1976).
- N. Trinajstić: “Profesor Vladimir Prelog, sudobitnik Nobelove nagrade za kemiju 1975”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 25, 295-298 (1976).
- N. Trinajstić: “Some Graph-Theoretical Results of the Zagreb Group in 1975”. MATCH COMMUN. MATH. COMPUT. CHEM. (Mülheim/Ruhr) 2, 3-15 (1976).
- M. Milun i N. Trinajstić: “Teorija aromatičnosti”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 25, 559-570 1976).
- N. Trinajstić i R. Trinajstić: “Prirodni spojevi. O strukturnim svojstvima porfirina”. PRIRODA 65, 132-133 (1976).
- H. Bilinski, M. Marković, i N. Trinajstić: “Živa u okolišu. I.”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 25, 521-527 (1976).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič, N. Trinajstić, i B. Mohar: “Računalniško generiranje acikličnega polinoma molekularnih grafov”. INFORMATICA 77, 6233 1-4 (1977).
- M. Protić i N. Trinajstić: “Prirodni spojevi. II. Alkaloidi”. PRIRODA 65, 268-270 (1976).
- Z. Bačić, N. Trinajstić i V. Žganec: “O metadonu i opijatskim analgeticima”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 26, 639-645 (1977).
- K. Horvatić i N. Trinajstić: “Matematička kemija. Primjena teorije skupova u kemiji”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 27, 127-135 (1978).
- N. Trinajstić: “Na granici između bioorganske kemije i biokemije”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 27, 160-162 (1978).
- E. Rachin, M. Milun and N. Trinajstić: “PCILO Conformational Analysis of Phenylimidazoles”. IZVESTIJA PO HIMIJA (Sofija) 11, 313-318 (1978).
- H. Bilinski i N. Trinajstić: “Živa u okolišu. II. O metil-živi”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 28, 59-65 (1979).
- A. Sabljić, N. Trinajstić i J.V. Knop: “O molekularno-orbitalnoj teoriji u kvantnoj biokemiji i kvantnoj farmakologiji”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 28, 113-122 (1979).
- A. Sabljić i N. Trinajstić: “Odnos strukture i biološke aktivnosti”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 28, 467-477 (1979).
- N. Trinajstić, G. Protić, V. Švob i Deur-Šiftar: “Izračunavanje indeksa zadržavanja u plinskoj kromatografiji pomoću strukturnih faktora. Alkil-benzeni”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 28, 527-537 (1979).
- H. Bilinski, N. Trinajstić i M. Zelić: “Živa u okolišu. III. O akumulaciji žive i metil-žive u organizmima”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 29, 53-58 (1980).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič i N. Trinajstić: “Topološki modeli za predstavitev rezonančnih oblik molekulskih struktur”. Zbornik radova “BIOMEDICINSKA KIBERNETIKA”, Skopje 1980, str. 136-149.
- P. Ilić i N. Trinajstić: “Neklasična aromatičnost. Aromatičnost konjugiranih iona”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 29, 417-423 (1980).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič i N. Trinajstić: “Kemijski informacijski sistemi. II. Algoritmi za obravnavo in obdelavo kemijsko-strukturnih informacij”. INFORMATICA 80, 47-54 (1980).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kemija”. TEHNIČKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, Leksikografski zavod, Zagreb 1980, Vol. 7, str.1-33.
- W. Müller, N. Trinajstić, and J.V. Knop: “GEPORT – Generation, Enumeration, and Plotting of Rooted Trees”. QCPE BULL. 1, 15 (1981).
- N. Trinajstić: “Noviji rezultati Zagrebačke grupe u kemijskoj teoriji crteža, 1977-1981”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 30, 387-397 (1981).
- N. Trinajstić: “Nobelove nagrade za kemiju godine 1981. Teorijska kemija”. PRIRODA 70, 101-102 (1981).
- B. Ruščić i N. Trinajstić: “Molekula”. TEHNIČKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, Leksikografski zavod, Zagreb 1982, Vol. 8, 627-643.
- G.Q. Jashari dhe N. Trinajstić: “Teorija e Grafave dhe Energjia Rezonante Topologjike e Molekuleve Benzenoide”. BULL. CHEM. TECHN. KOSOVO 2, 193-198 (1982).
- N. Trinajstić: “O prirodi kemijske strukture”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 33, 311-320 (1984).
- N. Trinajstić: “Povratak povjerenja u teoriju valentnih struktura”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 33, 499-514 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, N. Trinajstić: “Future Developments in Computer Architecture”. INFORMATICA 1, 48-56 (1984).
- J.V. Knop, K. Szymanski, G. Jashari and N. Trinajstić: “Computer-Assisted Generation of Aza-Benzenoids”. BULL. CHEM. TECHN. KOSOVO 3, 7-18 (1984).
- D. Kasum i N. Trinajstić: “Matematička kemija. II. O Polyinom teoremu”. 34, 245-251 (1985).
- G. Jashari, A Veseli, A. Graovac, dhe N. Trinajstić: “Shqyrtimi i spektreve të largësisë së disa llojeve të grafeve molekularë (On the Distance Spectra of Some Classes of Molecular Graphs)”. BULL. CHEM. TECHN. KOSOVO 4, 177-242 (1985).
- K. Humski, V. Imper, i N. Trinajstić: “O stereizometriji i kiralnosti”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 35, 151-160 (1986).
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “On the Chemical Structure-Biological Activity Relationships” in: The First Yugoslav Symposium on Molecular Sciences “Modelling of Structure and Properties of Molecules and Materials”. Zagreb 1986, pp. 113-120.
- N. Trinajstić: “Znanstveni rad Vladimira Preloga”. PRIRODA 75, 7-8 (1986).
- N. Trinajstić i T. Tóth: “Interakcija korisnika i sekundarnih izvora informacija prikazana na primjeru Chemical Abstract Sevice-a”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 35, 527-550 (1986).
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) in Drug Research”. ACTA PHARM. JUGOSL. 36, 79-80 (1986).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Ugljikova molekula: poput nogometne lopte”. PRIRODA 75, 115-117 (1986/87).
- N. Trinajstić, J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller and K. Szymanski: “Chemical Graph Theory. VIII. On the 2-factors of Polyhexes”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 35, 671-674 (1986).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “O kavezastoj ugljikovoj molekuli C60”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 36, 107-111 (1987).
- A. Jurić, D. Kitan, M. Kuleš, M. Trkovnik,i N. Trinajstić: “O aromatičnosti kumarina i nekih njegovih derivata i o odnosu između p- elektronskog naboja i protonskog pomaka u njihovim NMR spektrima”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 36, 233-238 (1987).
- N. Trinajstić: “Graphs as General Models” in: Research, Science and Technology. Edited by V. Muljević and G. Macesich. Center for Yugoslav-American Studies, Tallahassee, Florida, 1987, pp. 168-185.
- N. Trinajstić: “Informacija i vrijednost informacije”. POLITIČKA MISAO 24, 12-15 (1987).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić i D. Horvat: “O prirodi kemijske strukture”. PRIRODA 76, 51-53 (1987/88).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić i D. Horvat: “Matematički modeli strukture molekula”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 36, 493-502 (1987).
- N. Trinajstić: “Teorija na grafite i molekulnite orbitali” u: “Teorija na grafite i priloženieto i v himijata”, uredili N. Tyutyulkov i D. Bonchev. Nauka i iskustvo, Sofija 1987, treće poglavlje, str. 86-120.
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “O velikim kavezastim molekulama”. ACTA CHIM. KOSOVICA 7, 75-92 (1987).
- N. Trinajstić: “How I Met Michael Dewar” in: “Michael J.S. Dewar – A Group Memoir”, Edited by Nathan L. Bauld. Austin, 1988, 135-138.
- A. Sabljić and N. Trinajstić: “A Formula for Rating Scientists”. PERIOD. BIOL. 90, 397-399 (1988).
- N. Trinajstić: “O prirodi kemijske strukture”. SCI. YUGOSL. 14, 119-124 (1988).
- N. Trinajstić, S. Nikolić, and S. Carter: “QSAR: Theory and Application”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 38, 469-484 (1989).
- N. Trinajstić: ” ‘If you want to be leader, think!’ “. J. MOL. STRUCT. (THEOCHEM) 200, 219-224 (1989).
- D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić: “An Introduction” Valence Bond Theory and Chemical Structure Edited by D.J. Klein and N. Trinajstić. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990, pp. 1-10
- D. Amić i N. Trinajstić: “O reaktivnosti i stabilnosti flavilijevog kromofornog sustava”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 41, 345-359 (1992).
- N. Trinajstić: “Božo Težak (1907-1980)”. HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENI ZBORNIK 2, 27-49 (1993).
- N. Trinajstić: “Uvodno slovo”. SPOMENICA o devedesetoj obljetnici postojanja Agrikulturnog-kemijskog zavoda u Križevcima. Poljoprivredni institut i Ogranak Matice hrvatske, Križevci, 1993, str. 1-3.
- N. Trinajstić: “Zdenko Majerski (1937-1988) – rani odlazak tihog čovjeka”. RADOVI Leksikografskog zavoda “Miroslav Krleža” 3, 115-121 (1993).
- N. Trinajstić: “On the Evaluation of the Quality of Scientific Research”. ENCYCLOPAEDIA MODERNA 14, 256-261 (1993).
- N. Trinajstić: “Experimental and Theoretical Research in the Natural Sciences”. ENCYCLOPAEDIA MODERNA 14, 359-360 (1993).
- N. Trinajstić: “Hoffmann, Roald (1937 -) – Primijenjena teorijska kemija” u: “VELIKANI NAŠE EPOHE”. Uredio Ratko Vince. Hrvatski radio, Zagreb 1994, 317-322.
- M. Pavlović, A. Alebić-Juretić, L. Klasinc, N. Trinajstić, R. Turk i N. Kezele: “Čovjek, okoliš i ozon”. ARHIV ZA HIGIJENU RADA I TOKSIKOLOGIJU 45, 275-284 (1994).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kemija – moćna znanost budućnosti”. HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENI ZBORNIK 3, 65-73 (1994).
- N. Trinajstić: “My Twenty Years of Cooperation with American Scientists in Theoretical Chemistry”. USA-Croatia Scientific Cooperation 1963-1993. Edited by V. Paar. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1995, pp. 317-322.
- N. Trinajstić: “Mladen Deželić – zaboravljeni hrvatski kemičar”. POLIMERI 16, 167-170 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić: “O filozofiji prirodnih znanosti”. POLIMERI 16, 275-279 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kemija – moćna znanost budućnosti”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 44, 519-524 (1995).
- N. Trinajstić: “Mladen Deželić – zaboravljeni hrvatski kemičar”. PRIRODA 86, 28-31 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić i Đ. Težak: “Život i djelo Mladena Deželića- zmaja Klokočkog IV.” u: Znameniti prirodoslovci članovi Družbe ‘Braća Hrvatskog Zmaja’. Urednik Alojz Getliher. Družba “Braća Hrvatskog Zmaja” i Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996, str. 14-27.
- N. Trinajstić: “Institut Rugjer Bošković i Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet”. POLIMERI 17, 98-100 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić: “Hrvatski velikani znanosti” – predgovor u: Katalozi izložbe “Znanost u Hrvata: prirodoslovlje i njegova primjena”. Urednica Greta Pifat-Mrzljak. Muzejsko-galerijski centar, Zagreb, 1996, str. 366-368.(prvi dio) i 16-18 (drugi dio).
- B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić i D. Juretić: “Od sekvencije do konformacije proteina. I.”. POLIMERI 17, 119-128 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić: “Prelogov znanstveni rad”. RUGJER 1 (#2), 5-6 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić: “Uoči sedamdesete obljetnice časopisa ‘Croatica Chemica Acta’ ”. RUGJER 1 (#4), 16-19 (1996).
- N. Trinajstić: Ljepota se ipak nagraðuje – Nobelova nagrada za kemiju 1996. POLIMERI 17, 269-270 (1996).
- S. Paušek-Baždar i N. Trinajstić: “Kratki pregled hrvatske kemije u XX. stoljeću”. RUGJER 2 (#6), 3-10 (1997).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Milutin Cihlar Nehajev kao kemičar“. RUGJER 2 (#7), 11-12 (1997).
- N. Trinajstić: “The 70th Anniversary of CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA 1927-1997”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 70, I-IV (1997).
- N. Trinajstić: “Prirodne znanosti i opće dobro”. PRIRODA 87 (#838), 3 (1997).
- N. Trinajstić, N. Brničević, M. Herceg i S. Nikolić: “Suvremena anorganska, strukturna i teorijska kemija u Hrvatskoj” u: Zbornik radova Simpozija o fundamentalnim istraživanjima, urednik: Dubravko Tadić. HAZU, Zagreb, 1997, str. 124-134.
- I. Piljac, N. Trinajstić i H. Vančik: “Ugljik”. TEHNIČKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, Leksikografski zavod, Zagreb 1997, Vol. 13, 293-315.
- N. Trinajstić i S. Nikolić: “Profesor Milan Randić- znanstvenik nemirnog duha” u: ISTAKNUTI HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENICI U AMERICI”, urednici: J. Herak i S. Nikolić. Hrvatsko-američko društvo i Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1997, str. 1-21.
- N. Trinajstić: “U spomen – znanstveni rad nobelovca Dr. Sc. Vladimira Preloga : (23. 7. 1906. – 7. 1. 1998.)”. PRIRODA 88 (#849-850), 6-7 (1998).
- N. Trinajstić i S. Nikolić: “O broju pet u prirodi, kemiji i drugdje”. POLIMERI 19, 97-98 (1998).
- N. Trinajstić: “Mnogo vike o ničemu”. POLIMERI 19, 99-100 (1998).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kako vrednovati znanstveni rad i znanstvenike?” u: “VIDLJIVA I NEVIDLJIVA AKADEMIJA”, uredio: Darko Polšek. Institut društvenih znanosti IVO PILAR, Zagreb, 1998, str.101-110.
- L. Pogliani, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Is Zero Something Rather than Nothing”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 47, 387-396 (1998).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kemija u Hrvatskoj: osvrt na Ružičku i pogled unaprijed”. POLIMERI 19, 216-217 (1998).
- B. Lučić i N. Trinajstić: “Citiranosti hrvatskih kemičara od početka 1981. do lipnja 1997.”. POLIMERI 19, 224 (1998).
- N. Trinajstić: “Hrvatski časopis za kemiju Croatica Chemica Acta”. SVEUČILIŠNI GLASNIK 44, 89-92 (1998).
- L. Pogliani, M. Randićand N. Trinajstić: “Much Ado about Nothing – An Introductory Inquiry about Zero”. INT. J. MATH. EDUC. SCI. TECHNOL. 29, 729-744 (1998).
- B. Lučić i N. Trinajstić: “Citiranosti hrvatskih kemičara od početka 1981. do lipnja 1997.”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 48, 33 (1999).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Sjećanje na Krešimira Humskoga (1939.-1997.) i Zdenka Majerskoga (1937.-1988.)”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 48, 81-84 (1999).
- N. Trinajstić: “Božo Težak and Croatica Chemica Acta”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 72, A1-A4 (1999).
- N. Trinajstić: “Dopisivanje s profesorom Vladimirom Prelogom”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 48, 151-157 (1999).
- N. Trinajstić: “Felix Klein’s Commemorative Plague in Düsseldorf”. MATH. INTELL. 21, 50 (1999).
- N. Trinajstić: “Kemija – središnja prirodna znanost”. HRVATSKA REVIJA XLIX, 85-93 (1999).
- N. Trinajstić: “Dopisivanje s profesorom Vladimirom Prelogom”. GAZOPHYLACIUM IV, 117-124 (1999).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Milutin Cihlar Nehajev – hrvatski književnik i kemičar”. HRVATSKA REVIJA XLIX, 582-590 (1999).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Milutin Cihlar Nehajev kao kemičar” KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 49, 111-117 (2000).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “O znanosti i znanstvenoj metodi”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 49, 265-273 (2000).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “O vremenu i računanju vremena”. GAZOPHYLACIUM V, 82-86 (2000).
- L. Pogliani, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “About One – An Inquiry About the Meaning and Uses of the Number One”. INT. J. MATH. EDUC. SCI. TECHNOL. 31, 811-824 (2000).
- N. Trinajstić: “Quantum Theory in Chemistry – Early Developments”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 50, 421-425 (2001).
- N. Trinajstić: “Quantum Chemistry in Croatia – Beginnings”. KEM. IND. (Zagreb) 50, 427-429 (2001).
- N. Trinajstić: “Smiljko Ašperger – Curriculum Vitae”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 74, VII-X (2001).
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Milutin Cihlar Nehajev – kemičar s doktoratom Sveučilišta u Beču i hrvatski književnik”. GAZOPHYLACIUM VI, 33-42 (2001).
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Milan Randić— Life and Work”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 75, 319-327 (2002).
- N. Trinajstić and I. Gutman: “Mathematical Chemistry”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 75, 329-356 (2002).
- D. Amić i N. Trinajstić: “Antioksidacijska aktivnost vina”. GAZOPHYLACIUM VII (2002) 88-93.
- N. Trinajstić: “Quantum Theory in Chemistry” in: HUNDRED YEARS OF QUANTUM THEORY. Edited by D. Tadić. Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, 2002, pp. 55-65.
- N. Trinajstić: “O Ružičkinom imenu”. KEM. IND. 52 (2003) 122.
- N. Trinajstić: “A Life in Science”. INTERNET ELECTRONIC J. MOL. DESIGN 2 (2003) 413-434.
- S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Complexity of Molecules” in: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 2003. Edited by T.E. Simos. World Scientific, Singapore, 2003, pp. 454-456.
- N. Trinajstić, S. Turina i J. Varljen: “Želimir Procházka (1921.-2003.) – hrvatski đak, češki znanstvenik”. KEM. IND. 52 (2003) 527-529.
- N. Trinajstić: “Zanimljivosti o broju 13”. GAZOPHYLACIUM VIII (2003) 23-26.
- N. Trinajstić: Virtualni razgovor s Vladimirom Katovićem. GLASNIK AMACIZ-a 31 (2003) 17-18.
- N. Trinajstić: “Kako se zvao Ružička”. PRIRODA 94 (2004) 19
- N. Trinajstić: Krešimir Balenović (1914.-2003.) – životni put, u: Krešimir Balenović (1914.-2003.), uredio N. Trinajstić, Spomenica preminulim akademicima, HAZU, Zagreb, 2004., svezak 120, str. 9-16.
- N. Trinajstić: “Dr. Krešimir Balenović – sveučilišni profesor i akademik”. LIČKA REVIJA 5, 46-39 (2005).
- N. Trinajstić: “More on Felix Klein in Düsseldorf”. MATH. INTELL. 27 (3) (2005) 4-5.
- S Nikolić, A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “Graphical Matrices in Chemistry”. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS 2 (issue 11), 1739-1742 (2005)
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Leopold Ružička – prvi Hrvat dobitnik Nobelove nagrade” u: UGLEDNI HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENICI U SVIJETU, urednik: Janko Herak. Hrvatsko-američko društvo i Hrvatska matica iseljenika, Zagreb, 2005. Hrvatski tekst – str. 110-118; Engleski prijevod – str. 238-246.
- N. Trinajstić: “Sjećanje na Akademika Miroslava Karšulina” u: SPOMENICI POSVEĆENOJ MIROSLAVU KARŠULINU (1904.-1984.), urednik: N. Trinajstić. HAZU, Zagreb, 2005, str. 7-12.
- N. Trinajstić: “Mladen Deželić (1900.-1989.) – Zmaj Klokočki IV. : Znanstveni rad i sveučilišna karijera u Zagrebu” u: MLADEN DEŽELIĆ (3. I. 1900. – 28. XI. 1989.), urednik: Žarko Dadić. Družba “Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja”, Zagreb, 2005, str. 11 23.
- B. Pavlović i N. Trinajstić: “O simetriji i asimetriji u književnosti” u: LJEPOTA RIJEČI, urednik: Josip Pandurić. Disput d.o.o., Zagreb. 2005., str. 97-149.
- N. Trinajstić: “Vladimir Prelog (1906.-1998.)”. HRVATSKO SLOVO 11 (20. 12. 2005.) 15.
- N. Trinajstić: “O nekim zanimljivim rezultatima postignutim u Hrvatskoj u području matematičke kemije”. KEM. IND. 55 (2006) 223-227.
- S. Paušek-Baždar i N. Trinajstić: “Hrvatska kemija u 19. stoljeću”. KEM. IND. 55 (2006) 333-339.
- N. Trinajstić: “Sjećanje na godine studija 1956.-1960.”. GLASNIK 37 (2006) 19-21.
- N. Trinajstić: “Vladimir Prelog – treći Hrvat dobitnik Nobelove nagrade“ u: SPOMENICI POSVEĆENOJ VLADIMIRU PRELOGU (1906.-1998.), urednik: K. Ilakovac. HAZU, Zagreb, 2006, str. 11-23.
- N. Trinajstić: “Leopold Ružička (1887.-1978.) – prvi Hrvat dobitnik Nobelove nagrade” u: PERIVOJ HRVATSKIH VELIKANA – RONDEL UČENIKA GIMNAZIJE U OSIJEKU, urednici: A. Tucak, A. Mutnjaković, G. Kralik. Družba “Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja” – Zmajski stol u Osijeku, Osijek, 2007., 44-52.
- N. Trinajstić: “Leopold Ružička (1887.-1976.) – the First Croat Nobel Prizewinner” in: THE PUBLIC GARDEN OF CROATIAN GREAT MEN – THE ROUNDEL OF OSIJEK GRAMMAR SCHOOL STUDENTS”. Editors: A. Tucak, A. Mutnjaković, G. Kralik. The Brothers of the Croatin Dragon Society – Dragon Seat in Osijek, Osijek, 2007, 122-123.
- N. Trinajstić: “Kako vrednovati znanstvenike?”. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 61-62.
- N. Trinajstić: “Manje znani hrvatski kemičari. I. Božidar Rogina”. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 345-351.
- N. Trinajstić: “Rani dani Instituta Rugjera Boškovića i Profesor Božo Težak” u PROFESOR BOŽO TEŽAK, LUČONOŠA ZNANOSTI, urednica Gjurgjica Težak. Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb, 2007., 97-102.
- N. Trinajstić i S. Paušek-Baždar: “Hrvatska kemija u XX. stoljeću. I. dio. Razdoblje od 1901. do 8. svibnja 1945.”. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 403-416.
- N. Trinajstić: “Pogled na hrvatsku kemiju kroz skupove kemičara i kemijskih inženjera (1969.-2007.)”. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 501-509.
- S. Nikolić i N. Trinajstić: “Milutin Cihlar Nehajev – hrvatski književnik i kemičar”. SENJSKI ZBORNIK 33 (2006/2007) 271-292.
- N. Trinajstić: “Znanstveni skupovi Hrvatski prirodoslovci”. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 610-611.
- N. Trinajstić: “Leopold Ružička (1887.-1976.) – Vukovarac i prvi Hrvat dobitnik Nobelove nagrade”. VUKOVARSKI ZBORNIK 2 (2007) 155-168.
- N. Trinajstić: “Hirschov indeks h nekih sadašnjih i bivših članica i članova Grupe za teorijsku kemiju Instituta “Rugjer Bošković”. KEM. IND. 57 (2008) 465-479.
- N. Trinajstić, N. Raos, S. Paušek-Baždar i D. Škare: “Hrvatska kemija u XX. stoljeću. IV. Hrvatski kemijski časopisi”. KEM. IND. 57 (2008) 447-448.
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić: “Távolságfüggő molekuláris deszkriptorok”. MAGYAR KEMIAI FOLYÓIRAT – ÖSSZEFOGLALÓ KÖZLEMÉNYEK (Budapesti) 114, 171-175 (2008).
- N. Trinajstić: “O životnome putu i znanstvenome djelu Leopolda Ružičke, prvoga Hrvata dobitnika Nobelove nagrade”. GAZOPHYLACIUM XIII (svezak 3-4) (2008) 23-27.
- B. Hanžek, I. Soljačić i N. Trinajstić: “Hrvatski kemičari. II. Karlo Weber“. KEM. IND. 58 (2009) 1-10.
- N. Trinajstić, M. Kaštelan-Macan, S. Paušek-Baždar i H. Vančik: “Hrvatska kemija u XX. stoljeću. II. dio. Razdoblje od sloma Nezavisne Države Hrvatske 8. svibnja 1945. do uspostave Republike Hrvatske 25. lipnja 1991. KEM. IND. 58 (2009) 315-336.
- N. Trinajstić: “Najcitiraniji radovi hrvatskih terijskih kemičara”. KEM. IN D. 58 (2009) 343.
- N. Trinajstić: “Iz života i znanstvenoga rada Leopolda Ružičke, prvoga Hrvata dobitnika Nobelove nagrade”. PRIRODOSLOVLJE 9 (2009) 3-24.
- S. Paušek-Baždar i N. Trinajstić: “Hrvatska kemija u XIX. stoljeću”. HRVATSKA I EUROPA – KULTURA.ZNANOST I UMJETNOST Svezak IV: Moderna hrvatska kultura od Preporoda do Moderne (XIX. stoljeće). Urednici: Josip Bratulić, Josip Vončina i Antun Dubravko Jelčić. Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2009., str. 715-720.
- N. Trinajstić: “Ein Buch, das es wert ist, gelesen zu werden” aus “Betrachtung über Wissenschaft und Wissenschatler“. Članak je stavljen na web stranicu Profesora Helmutha Moritza u svibnju 2010.
Prijevod Norberta Zsifkovitsa s hrvatskoga članka Knjiga koju valja pročitati, koji je preuzet iz knjige Ogledi o znanosti i znanstvenicima, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 1998., str. 160-176. - N. Trinajstić: “Ivan Gutman – kemičar i matematičar” u: UGLEDNI HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENICI U SVIJETU – peti dio, urednik: Janko Herak. Hrvatsko-američko društvo i Hrvatska matica iseljenika, Zagreb, 2010. Hrvatski tekst – str. 87-102. Engleski prijevod – str. 247-262
- N. Trinajstić: “Pedeseta obljetnica izlaženja časopisa Američkoga kemijskoga društva Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling”. KEM. IND. 59 (2010) 402.
- N. Trinajstić, S.Nikolić, A. Miličević, I. Gutman,: “O Zagrebačkim indeksima”. KEM. IND. 59 (2010) 577-589.
- N. Trinajstić: “Zlatko Meić – dobitnik Godišnje državne nagrade za znanost 2006.”. KEM. IND. 59 (2010) 599-605.
- N. Trinajstić: “Božo Težak i Croatica Chemica Acta” u: GODINA BOŽE TEŽAKA, Zagreb, 2010., str. 28-30;
- I. Soljačić, B. Hanžek, N. Trinajstić: “Karlo Weber (1902.-1978.) – istaknuti hrvatski kemičar, žrtva komunističke represije”. GODIŠNJAK NJEMAČKE ZAJEDNICE 17 (2010) 163-176,
- B. Lučić and N. Trinajstić: «Most Cited Papers in Croatica Chemica Acta». CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 83 (2010) CCCVII-CCCXII.
- N. Trinajstić: “In memorian – Akademik Dionis Emerik Sunko (1922.-2010.). PRIRODA 101 (1) (2011) 46-47.
- N. Trinajstić: “Dionis Emerik Sunko (26. rujna 1922. – 16. srpnja 2010.“. AMAC UNIVERSITATIS ZAGREBIENSIS 12 (17) (2010) 15.
- N. Trinajstić: “Dionis Emerik Sunko )1922.-2010.)“. LJETOPIS HRVATSKE AKADEMIJE 114 (2011) 829-831.
- N. Trinajstić, S. Paušek-Baždar, V. Flegar: “150 godina Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti i 125 godina prisutnosti kemičara u Akademiji”. KEM. IND.
Papers in Books and Proceedings
- R.B. Mallion, A.J.Schwenk and N. Trinajstić: “On the Characteristic Polynomial of a Rooted Graph”, in: RECENT ADVANCES IN GRAPH THEORY. Proceedings of the Second Czechoslovak Symposium on Graph Theory. Editor M. Fiedler. Academia, Prague, 345-350 (1975).
- N. Trinajstić: “Calculation of Spin Density Distribution in Planar Radicals” in: MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY. Edited by J.N. Herak and K.J. Adamić. Dekker, New York, 97-125 (1975).
- H. Güsten, L. Klasinc, J.V. Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Application of Photoelectron Spectrometry to Biologically Active Molecules and Their Constituent Parts. I. Indoles” in: EXCITED STATES OF BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES. Edited by J.B. Birks. Wiley, Chichester, Sussex, 45-49 (1975).
- J. Koller, A. Ažman and N. Trinajstić: “Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Studies in Quantum Biology. Electronic Characteristics if Indole and Benzofuran” in: QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS,. Proceedings of the Conference on Chemical Structure-Biological Activity Relationships : Quantitative Approach. Edited by M. Tichy. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, 205-209 (1976).
- N. Trinajstić: “Hückel Theory and Topology” in: Semiempirical Methods of Electronic Structure Calculation. Part A : Techniques. Edited by G.A. Segal. MODERN THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 7. Plenum, New York, 1-27 (1977).
- A. Graovac, M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “Graph-Theoretical Approach to the Estimation of the Energy Gap of Polymeric Conjugated Hydrocarbons” in: Quasi One-Dimensional Conductors II., LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICS, Vol. 96. Edited by S. Barišić, A. Bjeliš, J.R. Cooper, and B. Leontić. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 450-455 (1979).
- B. Džonova-Jerman-Blažič, B. Mohar and N. Trinajstić: “Algorithms for Symbolic Computation in Chemistry: Computing the Acyclic Polynomial of Molecular Graph” in: APPLICATIONS OF INFORMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS. Edited by D.G. Lainiotis and N.S. Tzannes. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland, 395-402 (1980).
- M. Randić, V. Katović and N. Trinajstić: “Symmetry Properties of Chemical Graphs. VII. Enantiomers of a Tetragonal-Pyramidal Rearrangement” in: SYMMETRIES AND PROPERTIES OF NON-RIGID MOLECULES : A COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY. Edited by J. Maruani and J. Serre. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1983, pp. 399-408.
- M. Barysz, G. Jashari, R.S. Lall, V.K. Srivastava and N. Trinajstić: “On the Distance Matrix of Molecules Containing Heteroatoms” in: CHEMICAL APPLICATIONS OF TOPOLOGY AND GRAPH THEORY. Edited by R.B. King. Elsevier, Amsterdam 1983, pp. 222-230.
- N. Trinajstić and P. Krivka: “On The Reduced Graph Model” in: MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL CONCEPTS IN CHEMISTRY. Edited by N. Trinajstić. Horwood, Chichester 1986, pp. 328-345
- N. Bošnjak, N. Adler, M. Perić and N. Trinajstić: “On the Structural Origin of Chromatographic Retention Data: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes” in: MODELLING OF STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF MOLECULES. Edited by Z.B. Maksić, Horwood, Chichester 1987, pp. 103-122.
- M. Randić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “The Conjugated Circuits Model: On the Selection of the Parameters for Computing the Resonance Energies” in: “GRAPH THEORY AND TOPOLOGY IN CHEMISTRY”. Edited by R.B. King and D.H. Rouvray. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1987, pp. 429-447
- N. Trinajstić: “Of Models and Graphs” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1987. Edited by R.C. Lacher. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988, pp. 83-100.
- M. Randić and N. Trinajstić: “On Conjugated Chains” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1987. Edited by R.C. Lacher. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1988, pp. 109-123.
- K. Kovačević D. Plavšić, N. Trinajstić and D. Horvat: “On the Intercorrelation of Topological Indices” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1988. Edited by A. Graovac. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989, pp. 213-224.
- N. Adler, L. Kovačić-Beck and N. Trinajstić: “On the Correlation Between Graph-theoretical Indices and Physical Properties of Hydrocarbons. Prediction of Densities of n-Alkane Mixtures” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1988. Edited by A. Graovac. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989, pp.225-234.
- S. Carter, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “A QSAR Study of the Anti-tumouric Activity of Phenyltriazines” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1988. Edited by A. Graovac. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989, pp. 255-264.
- N. Trinajstić: “On the Scientific Method” in: MATH/CHEM/COMP 1988. Edited by A. Graovac. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989, pp. 557-568.
- J.V. Knop, W.R. Müller, K. Szymanski, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Computer-Oriented Molecular Codes” in: COMPUTATIONAL CHEMICAL GRAPH THEORY. Edited by D.H. Rouvray. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 1990, pp. 9-32
- N. Trinajstić: “Graph Theory and Molecular Orbitals” in: CHEMICAL GRAPH THEORY: INTRODUCTION AND FUNDAMENTALS. Edited by D. Bonchev and D.H. Rouvray. Abacus Press – Gordon & Breach, New York, 1991, 235-279.
- N. Trinajstić: “Fivefold Symmetry in the Literature” in: FIVEFOLD SYMMETRY. Edited by I. Hargittai. World Scientific, Singapore, 1992, 395-405
- N. Trinajstić, D. Babić, S. Nikolić and Z. Mihalić: “Symmetry of Molecules” in: CHEMICAL GROUP THEORY: INTRODUCTION AND FUNDAMENTALS. Edited by D. Bonchev and D.H. Rouvray. Gordon & Breach, Amsterdam, 1994, 133-158.
- N. Trinajstić, Z. Mihalić and A. Graovac: “The Interplay Between Graph Theory and Molecular Orbital Theory” in: GRAPH-THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO CHEMICAL REACTIVITY. Edited by D. Bonchev and O. Mekenyan. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1994, 37-72.
- S. Rendić, M. Medić-Šarić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: Organic Explosives as Dangerous Environmental Xenobiotics – QSAR Study” in: ENVIRONMENTAL XENOBIOTICS. Edited by Mervyn Richardson Taylor & Francis, London, 1996, pp. 289-312.
- N. Trinajstić: “Mathematics and Chemistry – the Unlikely Partners” in: CONCEPTS IN CHEMISTRY – A CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGE. Edited by D.H. Rouvray. Wiley, New York, 1997, pp. 17-39.
- B. Lučić, N. Trinajstić and D. Juretić: “Recognition of Membrane Protein Structure from Amino Acid Sequence” in: FROM CHEMICAL TOPOLOGY TO THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY. Edited by A.T. Balaban. Plenum Press, New York, 1997, pp. 117-158.
- D. Juretić, B. Lučić, D. Zucić and N. Trinajstić: “Protein Transmembrane Structure: Recognition and Prediction by Using Hydrophobicity Scales through Preference Functions” in: THEORETICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Edited by C. Párkányi. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998, pp. 405-445.
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and Z. Mihalić: “The Detour Matrix and the Detour Index” in: TOPOLOGICAL INDICES AND RELATED DESCRIPTORS IN QSAR AND QSPR. Edited by J. Devillers and A.T. Balaban. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, The Netherlands, 1999, 279-306.
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, D. Amić, D. Bešlo and S.C. Basak: “Modeling Solubility of Aliphatic Alcohols in Water. Graph Connectivity Indices versus Line Graph Connectivity Indices” in: QSPR/QSAR STUDIES BY MOLECULAR DESCRIPTORS. Edited by M.V. Diudea. Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, 2001, pp. 63-81.
- D.J. Klein, D. Babić and N. Trinajstić: “Enumeration in Chemistry” in: CHEMICAL MODELLING: APPLICATIONS AND THEORY. Edited by A. Hinchliffe. The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2002., Vol. 2, pp. 56-95.
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, I.M. Tolić, G. Rücker and C. Rücker: “On Molecular Complexity Indices” in: COMPLEXITY – INTRODUCTION AND FUNDAMENTALS. Edited by D. Bonchev and D.H. Rouvray. Taylor & Francis, London, 2003, pp. 29-89.
- D. Babić, D.J. Klein, J. von Knop and N. Trinajstić: “Combinatorial Enumeration in Chemistry” in: CHEMICAL MODELLING: APPLICATIONS AND THEORY. Edited by A. Hinchliffe. The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2004, Vol. 3, pp. 126-170.
- A. Miličević and N. Trinajstić: “Combinatorial Enumeration in Chemistry” in: CHEMICAL MODELLING: APPLICATIONS AND THEORY. Edited by A. Hinchliffe. The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 2006, Vol.4, pp. 405-469.
- N. Trinajstić: “Božidar Rogina (1901.-1967.) – pionir prehrambene kemije u Hrvatskoj” u: RADOVI ZAVODA ZA ZNANSTVENOISTRAŽIVAČKI I UMJETNIČKI RAD U BJELOVARU. Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Slobodan Kaštela. Zagreb – Bjelovar, 2007., str. 191-204.
- 36.N. Trinajstić: “Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký: putovanje od Splita i Zagreba do Berlina preko Baltimorea i New Yorka” u: UGLEDNI HRVATSKI ZNANSTVENICI U SVIJETU, IV. dio, urednik: Janko Herak. Hrvatsko-američko društvo, Hrvatska matica iseljenika i Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet, Zagreb, 2008. Hrvatski tekst – str. 9-16, Engleski prijevod – str. 87-95.
- B. Lučić, D. Amić and N. Trinajstić: “Antioxidant QSAR Methodology as Exemplified on Polyphenols” in: SPRINGER PROTOCOLS – METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, Vol. 477: ADVANCED PROTOCOLS IN OXIDATIVE STRESS I. Edited by D. Armstrong. Humana Press, New York, 2008, Chapter 16, pp. 207-218.
- N. Trinajstić: “Životni put Akademika Vinka Škarića” u: SPOMENICI PREMINULIM AKADEMICIMA – VINKO ŠKARIĆ 1923.-2006., urednik: K. Ilakovac. HAZU, Zagreb, 2008, str. 9-12.
- S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić and B. Zhou: “On the Eigenvalues of the Ordinary and Reciprocal Resistance-Distance Matrices” in: COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Edited by G. Maroulis and T.E. Simos. American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2009, Vol. 1, pp. 205-214.
- D. Janežič, A. Miličević, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Topological Complexity of Molecules” in: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COMPLEXITY AND SYSTEMS SCIENCE. Editor: Robert Meyers. Section: COMPLEXITY IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY. Section editor: Danail Bonchev. Springer, New York, 2009., Vol. 10, pp. 9210-9224.
- S. Paušek-Baždar i N. Trinajstić: “Prirodoslovni rad Ivana Leopolda Payera” u 800 GODINA SLOBODNOGA KRALJEVSKOGA GRADA VARAŽDINA : 1209.-2009. Glavni urednici Miroslav Šicel i Slobodan Kaštela. HAZU, Grad Varaždin i Vraždinska županija, 2009., str. 831-838.
- N. Trinajstić: “On Models and Modeling in Chemistry” u: MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND MODELLING FOR STUDENTS OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY. Editors: Ante Graovac, Ivan Gutman and Damir Vukičević. University of Dubrovnik, University of Split, Rugjer Bošković Institute and Hum naklada d.o.o., Zagreb, 2009, pp. 1-11.
- N. Trinajstić: “Božo Težak i Croatica Chemica Acta” u: GODINA BOŽE TEŽAKA 2007. Zagreb 2010., str. 28-30.
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić, N. Trinajstić, B. Zhou, S. Ivaniš Turk: “Sum-Connectivity Index,” in: Novel Molecular Structure Descriptors – Theory and Applications, I. Gutman, B. Furtula, eds., University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2010., pp. 101-136.
- B. Lučić, S. Nikolić and N. Trinajstić: “Zagreb Indices“ in: Chemical Information and Computational Challenges.
- Bono Lučić, Ante Miličević, Sonja Nikolić and Nenad Trinajstić: “Coding and Ordering Benzenoids and Their Kekulé Structures”
- Bono Lučić, Ivan Sović, Dejan Plavšić and Nenad Trinajstić: “Harary Matrices: Definitions, Properties and Applications”
Uvodnici, prikazi knjiga, nekrolozi i drugi članci
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Drago Grdenić: Povijest kemije (The History of Chemistry). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 75 (2002) A33-A37.
- N. Trinajstić: Nova knjiga Drage Grdenića: Povijest kemije. POLIMERI 23 (2002) 26-27.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – Janko Herak (urednik): Istaknuti hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu. – I. dio. KEM IND. 51 (2002) 299.
- N. Trinajstić: Prvi broj časopisa Prirodoslovlje. KEM IND. 51 (2002) 300.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review — Drago Grdenić: Povijest kemije. AMBIX 50 (2003) 123-124.
- N. Trinajstić, S. Turina i J. Varljen: Nekrolog — Želimir Procházka (Dubrovnik, 1921, – Prag, 2003.). GLASNIK AMACIZ-a 31 (2003) 24-25.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary — Krešimir Balenović (1914-2003). ACTA PHARM. 53 (2003) 239-240.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary — Krešimir Balenović (1914-2003). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 76 (2003) A3-A4.
- N. Trinajstić: Nekrolog — Krešimir Balenović (1914.-2003.). FARMACEUTSKI GLASNIK 59 (2003) 129-130.
- N. Trinajstić, S. Turina and J. Varljen: “Obituary – Želimir Procházka (1921.-2003.)”. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 76 (2003) A33-A35.
- N. Trinajstić: Nekrolog — Krešimir Balenović (1914.-2003.). LJETOPIS HRVATSKE AKADEMIJE 107 (2004) 417-420.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – Janko Herak (urednik): Istaknuti hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu. – II. dio. KEM IND. 53 (2004) 35.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Smiljko Ašperger: Chemical Kinetics and Inorganic Reactions Mechanisms. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 77 (2004) A9.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Chemistry and Mathematics: Two Scientific Languages of the 21st Century. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 77 (2004) A11.
- N. Trinajstić: Proslov: Novi broj časopisa Prirodoslovlje s novim Uredništvom. PRIRODOSLOVLJE 5 (2005) 1.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary – Marko Branica (1931-2004). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) A1-A2.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – M. Kaštelan-Macan: Vizionari kemijsko-tehnološkoga studija (Visionaries of Chemical Technological Studies). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) A13-A14.
- M. Herceg-Rajačić and N. Trinajstić: Obituary – Boris Matković (1927-2005). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) A27-A28.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary – Dragutin Fleš (1921-2005). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) A29-A30.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary – Zdravko Pusko Ježić (1931-2005). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 78 (2005) A31-A32.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary – Vinko Škarić (1923-2006). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 79 (2006) A3-A4.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – X. Li, I. Gutman: Mathematical Aspects of Randić-type Molecular Structure Descriptors. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 79 (2006) A31-A32.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Reviews – M. Mintas, S. Raić-Malić, N. Raos: Načela dizajniranja ljekova i M. Mintas, S. Raić-Malić, N. Raos: Lijekovi u prostoru – farmakofori i receptori. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) A1.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – L. Pogliani: Numbers Zero, One, two and Three in Science and Humanities. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) A25-A26.
- N. Trinajstić: Obituary – István Lukovits (1945-2007). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) A27.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – Vladimir Prelog i hrvatska kemija. Zbornik radova. Urednik: D. Škare. HKDI/Kema u industriji, Zagreb, 2007., VI + 90 stranica. KEM. IND. 56 (2007) 468-469.
- N. Trinajstić: Hrvatski prirodoslovci 16. PRIRODOSLOVLJE 7 (2007) 1-2.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Vladimir Prelog i hrvatska kemija (Vladimir Prelog and Croatian Chemistry). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 80 (2007) A33-A34.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Shinsaku Fujita: Diagrammatical Approach to Molecular Symmetry and Enumeration of Stereoiosomers. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 81 (2008) A27-A28.
- N. Trinajstić: Proslov – Hrvatski prirodoslovci 17. PRIRODOSLOVLJE 8 (2008) 1.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – B. Pignataro (Editor): Tomorrow’s Chemistry Today. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 81 (2008) A33-A34.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – Đ. Težak (Editor): Professor Božo Težak, the Torchbearer of Science. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 81 (2008) A35-A36.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – D. Amić: Organska kemija za studente agronomske struke. KEM. IND. 58 (2009) 417-418.
- N. Trinajstić: Pozdravni govor u ime predsjednika HAZU na proslavi devedesete obljetnice Kemijsko-inženjerskoga studija. KEM. IND. 58 (2009) 608-609.
- N. Trinajstić: Vladimir Prelog’s Heritage (Živa baština Vladimira Preloga). CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 82 (2009) CXXXIII-CXXXIV.
- N. Trinajstić: Festival znanosti u Sinju. PRIRODA 100 (2010) 18-19.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige M. Mintas, S. Raić-Malić: Medicinska kemija. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 83 (2010) CCVII.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – M. Dumić, K. Kovačević: Ogledi o Vladimiru Prelogu. ACTA PHARM. 60 (2010) 369-372.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – M. Dumić, K. Kovačević: Ogledi o Vladimiru Prelogu. FARMACEUTSKI GLASNIK 66 (2010) 513-516.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – M. Dumić, K. Kovačević: Ogledi o Vladimiru Prelogu. KEM. IND. 59 (2010) 512-514.
- N. Trinajstić: In Memoriam – Dionis Emerik Sunko (26. rujna 1922. – 16. srpnja 2010.). AMAC UNIVERSITATIS ZAGREBIENSIS 12 (2010) 15.
- N. Trinajstić: Bez premca među hrvatskim tiskovinama. MERIDIJANI 150 (2010) 18.
- N. Trinajstić: Book Review – M. Dumić, K. Kovačević: Ogledi o Vladimiru Prelogu – Homage to Vladimir Prelog. CROAT. CHEM. ACTA 83 (2010) CCCCIX-CCCCXII.
- N. Trinajstić: Prikaz knjige – O. Carević, D. Vikić-Topić,:Znanost, humanost i ekologija. FARMACEUTSKI GLASNIK 66 (2010) 703-704.