Senjanović Ivo, akademik

Datum rođenja:
- 04.06.1940
Mjesto rođenja:
- Split
- Zavod za brodogradnju i pomorsku tehniku, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
- Razred za tehničke znanosti: +385 01 4895 170
E-mail adrese:
Senjanović Ivo, akademik
Akademske titule:
- akademik
- doktor znanosti
- redoviti profesor u miru – Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagreb
- professor emeritus – Sveučilište u Zagrebu (13.09.2011. – …)
Funkcije u Akademiji:
- predsjednik – Znanstveno vijeće za pomorstvo (02.04.2004. – …)
- član Nadzornog odbora – Zaklada Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (29.05.2013. – …)
- glavni i odgovorni urednik časopisa Rad HAZU – tehničke znanosti (2019. – …)
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za tehničke znanosti (16.05.2002. – …)
- član suradnik – Razred za tehničke znanosti (30.01.1997. – 16.05.2002.)
Ivo Senjanović, diplomirani inženjer brodogradnje (Split, 4. VI. 1940). Diplomirao na Strojarsko-brodograđevnom fakultetu u Zagrebu 1967., gdje je i doktorirao 1970. Zaposlen na Brodarskom institutu u Zagrebu od 1967., a od 1969. radi na Fakultetu strojarstva i brodogradnje u Zagrebu. Na tom je fakultetu postao redoviti profesor 1983., bio pročelnik Zavoda za brodogradnju i pomorsku tehniku (1979–81. i 1998–2000), pročelnik Katedre za konstrukciju plovnih objekata (1994–2005) te uveo kolegije teorija ploča i ljuski i vibracije broda. Radio je i kao gostujući istraživač na Kalifornijskom sveučilištu u Berkeleyu (1973), te u konzultantskoj tvrtki Det norske Veritas u Oslu (1974–75). Autor je mnogobrojnih znanstvenih radova te šest monografija. Dobitnik je Nagrade za znanstvenoistraživački rad »Nikola Tesla« (1974) i Državne nagrade za životno djelo (2009); redoviti je član HAZU od 2002.
Senjanović, Ivo. Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2020.
Opširniji podaci: Tko je tko u hrvatskoj znanosti
Knjige i udžbenici – Books and textbooks
- 1972. Senjanović, Ivo: Theory of Shells of Revolution, Brodarski institut, Zagreb, 1972.
- 1974. Senjanović, Ivo: Vibracije broda I dio, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1974.
- 1976. Senjanović, Ivo: Vibracije broda II dio, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1976.
- 1981. Senjanović, Ivo: Vibracije broda III dio, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1981.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo: Metoda konačnih elemenata u analizi brodskih konstrukcija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1998.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo: Teorija ploča i ljuski, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1998.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Moving load and beam response, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbruecken, Germany, 2014.
Uredničke knjige – Edited books
- 2007. Malenica, Šime; Bureau Veritas, France; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.): Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plitvice, Croatia, 2007.
- 2010. Malenica, Šime; Debrane, Quentin; Bureau Veritas, France; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Springing and Whipping of Ships, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2010.
- 2012. Malenica, Šime; Bureau Veritas, France; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Springing & Whipping of Ships, Split, Croatia, 2012.
- 2015. Malenica, Šime; Bureau Veritas, France; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Split, Croatia, 2015.
Poglavlja u knjizi – Book chapters
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Derivation of the Complete Differential Equation of the Torodial Shell under Uniform Loading and its Solution by means of Digital Computer, Hydromechanically Loaded Shells, Szilard, R. (Ed.), The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1971, 711-726.
- 1979. Kendrick, S.; Koniezny, L.; Liu, D.; Mansour, A.; Moan, T.; Senjanović, I.; Squassafichi, N.; Van Katwijk, P.A.; Yamakoshi, M.: Linear Structural Response, Proceedings of the 7th International Ship Structure Congress (ISCC), Paris, France, 1979.
- 1982. Ward, G.; Jensen, J.J.; Johnsson, C.A.; Mano, M.; Nizery, B.; Price, W.G.; Sani, G.; Senjanović, I.; Skaar, K.T.; Wereldsma, R.; Vandiver, J.K.: Steady-State Loading and Response, Proceedings of the 8th ISSC, Palaiseau, France, 1982.
- 1985. Ward, G.; Catley, D.; Faresi, R.; Gnone, E.; Hakala, M.; Hylarides, S.; Jensen, J.J.; Johnsson, C.A.; Mano, M.; Nizery, B.; Senjanović, I.; Skaar, K.T.: Vibration and Noise, Proceedings of the 9th ISSC, St. Margherita, Italy, 1985.
- 1988. Faresi, R.; Hakala, M.; Hsiung, C.C.; Hylarides, S.; Kaleff, P.; Kaplan, P.; Larsen, C.M.; Maclean, W.M.; Ohtsubo, H.; Orsero, P.; Senjanović, I.; Yoshida, K.: Dynamic Load Effects, Proceedings of 10th ISSC, Lyngby, Denmark, 1988.
- 1991. Ziliotto, F.; Andersson, L.; Ebert, J.; Hakala, M.; Hong, D.P.; Isnard, J.L.; Ivanov, L.D.; Pegg, N.G.; Sakato, T.; Senjanović, I.; Wang, W.H.; Xirouchakis, P.C.: Quasi-Static Load Effects, Proceedings of 11th ISSC, Wuxi, China, 1991.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying; Francescutto, A: Nonlinear Deterministic and Random Oscillations of Cubic Dynamical Systems, Structural Dynamics – EURODYN ‘93, Moan, T. (Ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1993, 681-688.
- 1994. Smiljanić, Branimir; Bobanac, Nenad; Senjanović, Ivo: Bending Moment of Ship Hull Girder Caused by Pulsating Bubble of Underwater Explosion, Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Faltinsen, O. (Ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1994, 149-156.
- 1994. Pegg, N.G.; Cervetto, D.; Das, P.K.; Frohling, W.; Hakala, M.; Loseth, R.; Senjanović, I.; Sielski, R.A.; Sumi, Y.; Waeghter, J.; Wang, W.H.: Dynamic Response, Proceedings of 12th ISSC, St. John’s, Canada, 1994.
- 1997. Chung, T.Y.; Asmussen, I.; Baatrup, J.; Engle, A.; Farnes, K.A.; Miyamoto, T.; Morel, P.; Porcari, R.; Senjanović, I.; Sun, F.: Dynamic Response, 13th ISSC, Moan, T; Berge, S. (Eds.), Pergamon, 1997, 187-232.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Uršić, Josip: Vibracije broda, Tehnička Enciklopedija, Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb, 1997.
- 1998. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Review of statistical models for ship reliability analysis, Practical Design of Ships and Mobile units, Oosterveld, M. W. C.; Tan, S. G. (Eds.), Elsevier Science B. V., Haag, the Netherlands, 1998, 273-280.
- 2000. Temarel, P.; Asmussen, I.; Damonte, R.; Farnes K. A.; Jin, X.; Lee, H. Y.; Motter, L. E.; Morel, P.; Murakami, A.; Senjanović, I.; Woegter, J.: Dynamic response, 14th ISSC, Nagasaki, Japan, 2000, Otsubo, H.; Sumi, Y. (Eds.), Elsevier, 2000, 195-252.
- 2003. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Incorporating Model Uncertainty in Ship Reliability Analysis, SNAME Transactions 111 (2003) 377-408.
- 2003. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Influence of the wave steepness on extreme ship hull vertical wave bending moments, Marine Technology 5, Brebbia, C.A. (Eds.), WIT Press, Southampton, UK, 2003, 283-292.
- 2005. Rudan, Smiljko; Senjanović, Ivo: Fatigue strength assessment of a weld connection misalignment in LPG bilobe cargo tanks, Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources, Guedes Soares, C.; Garbatov, Y. (Eds.). Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2005, 521-526.
- 2005. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Reinforcement of imperfect bilobe cargo tanks in liquefied gas carriers, Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Ocean and Coastal Resources, Guedes Soares, C.; Garbatov, Y. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2005, 527-534.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Malenica, Šime: Application of an advanced beam theory to ship hydroelastic analysis, Advanced Ship Design for Pollution Prevention, Guedes Soares, C.; Parunov, J. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2010, 31-42.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko: Beam structural modelling in hydroelastic analysis of ultra large container ships, Recent Advances in Vibration Analysis, Baddour, Natalie (Ed.), InTech, Rijeka, Croatia, 2011, 193-222.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Malenica, Šime: A sophisticated beam model for hydroelastic analysis of ultra large container ships, Marine Technology and Engineering, Guedes Soares, C.; Garbatov, Y.; Fonseca, N.; Teixeira, A.P. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2011, 639-652.
- 2011. Parunov, Joško; Ćorak, Maro; Senjanović, Ivo: Environmental and operational uncertainties in long- term prediction of slamming loads of container ships, Advances in Marine Structures, Guedes Soares & Fricke (Eds.) Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2011, 67-74.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko: On the linear stiffness of tension leg platforms, Sustainable Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources, Enrico, Rizzuto; Carlos Guedes Soares (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2011, 1081-1088.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: Restoring stiffness formulations and their influence on ship hydroelastic response, Developments in Maritime Transportation and Exploitation of Sea Resources, Carlos Guedes Soares & Fernando Lopez Pena (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2013, 381-393.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Simplified formulations of mass and geometric stiffness matrices in vibration and stability analyses of thin-walled structures, Analysis and Design of Marine Structures, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Marine Structures – MARSTRUCT 2013, Romanoff, J.; Guedes Soares, C. (Eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, UK, 2013, 79-87.
- 2018. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Tomašević, Stipe; Cho, Dae-Seung: Strength assessment of an aged single hull tanker grounded in mud and used as port oil storage, Progress in Maritime Engineering and Technology – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering MARTECH 2018, Guedes Soares, C.; Santos, T.A. (Eds.), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, Leiden, 2018, 345-356.
- 2023. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Jovanović, Ivana; Tomašević, Stipe; Jurišić, Paul. Assessment of structural integrity of an aged ship during towing in waves. Sustainable Development and Innovations in Marine Technologies, Selma Ergin, Carlos Guedes Soares (Eds.), Taylor & Francis group, 2023, pp. 115-122.
Znanstveni radovi u časopisima – Scientific papers
- 1969. Senjanović, Ivo: Teorija tankih ljuski rotacionog oblika opterećenih jednolikim pritiskom, Strojarstvo 11(9-10) (1969) 129-139.
- 1970. Senjanović, Ivo: Proračun spoja polubeskonačnih orebrenih koničnih ljuski, Strojarstvo 12(3-4) (1970) 53-61.
- 1970. Senjanović, Ivo: Usporedba klasične i kompleksne teorije tankih rotacionih ljuski, Strojarstvo 12(9-12) (1970) 145-147.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Jedno rješenje problema rotacione sferične ljuske, Strojarstvo 13(9-12) (1971) 129-134.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Utjecajni koeficijenti rotacione cilindrične ljuske, Strojarstvo 13(5-8) (1971) 79-84.
- 1972. Senjanović, Ivo: Osnove potencijalne teorije tankih elastičnih ljuski, Naše građevinarstvo 26(1) (1972) 25-33.
- 1975. Senjanović, Ivo; Skaar, Knut Torfinn: Problems of coupling between ship hull and substructure vibration, Hansa 112(20) (1975) 1574-1578.
- 1981. Senjanović, Ivo, Buoy Motion in Seaway, Schiffbauforschung 2(20) (1981) 1-1.
- 1982. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Analiza poprečnih vibracija brodskog diesel motora, Brodogradnja 30(5) (1982) 257-267.
- 1982. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Analiza bočnih vibracija brodskog diesel motora na ispitnom stolu, Strojarstvo 24(2) (1982) 67-73.
- 1982. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Vibration analysis of marine diesel engine on test bed, International Shipbuilding Progress 29 (1982) 154-160.
- 1983. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Vibration analysis of marine diesel engine on board, International Shipbuilding Progress 30 (1983) 30-40.
- 1983. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Grubišić, Rajko: An integral approach to vibration problems of passenger-rail ferries, International Shipbuilding Progress 30 (1983) 188-199.
- 1983. Senjanović, Ivo: Harmonic acceleration method for dynamic structural analysis, Teorijska i primjenjena mehanika 1(9) (1983) 1-1.
- 1984. Senjanović, Ivo: Harmonic acceleration method for dynamic structural analysis, Computers and Structures 18(1) (1984) 71-80.
- 1986. Senjanović, Ivo; Ljubetić, M.; Vukman, Š: Investigation of launching of ships and offshore structures from horizontal berth by tipping table principle, International Shipbuilding Progress 33(388) (1986) 218-230.
- 1989. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: A higher-order flexural beam theory, Computers and Structures 32(5) (1989) 973-986.
- 1989. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Investigation of effective bending and shear stiffness of thin-walled girders related to ship hull vibration analysis, Journal of Ship Research 33(4) (1989) 298-309.
- 1990. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: On modelling of thin-walled girders and accuracy of vibration analysis performed by the finite element technique related to ship structures, Computers and Structures 34(4) (1990) 603-614.
- 1990. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: The bending and shear coefficients of thin-walled girders, Thin-Walled Structures 10 (1990) 31-57.
- 1991. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: On torsional and warping stiffness of thin-walled girder, Thin-Walled Structures 11 (1991) 233-276.
- 1991. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Pontoon torsional strength analysis related to ships with large deck openings, Journal of Ship Research 35(4) (1991) 339-351.
- 1991. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko: Coupled horizontal and torsional vibration of ship hull with large hatch openings, Computers and Structures 41(2) (1991) 213-226.
- 1991. Ziliotto, F.; Ebert, J.; Hakala, M.; Hong, D.P.; Ivanov, L.D.; Peeg, N.G.; Sakato, T.; Senjanović, I.; Wang, W.H.: Comparison of different finite element analyses of the transverse frame of a 350000 TDW tanker, Marine Structures 4 (1991) 231-255.
- 1992. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Begonja, D: Structure design of a catamaran crane vessel, Brodogradnja 40(1-2) (1992) 21-34.
- 1992. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: A higher-order theory of thin-walled girders with application to ship structures, Computers and Structures 43(1) (1992) 31-52.
- 1992. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime: Longitudinal strength analysis of ship in a floating dock, Strojarstvo 34 (1992) 41-48.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: A finite element formulation of initial ship cross-section properties, Brodogradnja 41(1) (1993) 27-36.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Nonlinear oscillations of cubic dynamical systems, Part 1: Theoretical consideration, Brodogradnja 41(2) (1993) 99-107.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Nonlinear oscillations of cubic dynamical systems, Part 2: Illustrative examples, Brodogradnja 41(3) (1993) 163-170.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Lozina, Željan: Application of the harmonic acceleration method for nonlinear dynamic analysis, Computers and Structures 47(6) (1993) 927-937.
- 1994. Grubišić, Rajko; Bobanac, Nenad; Senjanović, Ivo: An integral procedure for ship vibration prediction, Part 1 – Vibration analysis, Brodogradnja 42(2) (1994) 140-149.
- 1994. Grubišić, Rajko; Bobanac, Nenad; Senjanović, Ivo: An integral procedure for ship vibration prediction, Part 2 – Vibration Measurements, Brodogradnja 42(3) (1994) 221-231.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo: Harmonic analysis of nonlinear oscillations of cubic dynamical systems, Journal of Ship Research 38(3) (1994) 225-238.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Dynamic analysis of ship capsizing in regular waves, Brodogradnja 42(1) (1994) 51-60.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Nonlinear oscillations of quadratic nonlinear systems and its application to mooring analysis, International Shipbuilding Progress 41(426) (1994) 147-177.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Numerical simulation of ship capsizing, Brodogradnja 42(3) (1994) 214-220.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko; Fan, Ying; Smiljanić, Branimir: Vibration analysis of ship’s hull with modal parameters, Journal of Structural Engineering 21 (1994) 25-36.
- 1995. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Numerical simulation of ship capsizing in irregular waves, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5(5) (1995) 727-737.
- 1995. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Deterministic and random chaotic oscillations, Machine Vibration 4 (1995) 125-129.
- 1996. Donkov, Ivica; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Primjena metode harmonijskog ubrzanja u analizi gibanja usidrene konstrukcije, Radovi Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 20(1) (1996) 107-115.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Nonlinear Ship Rolling and Capsizing in Rough Sea, Brodogradnja 44(1) (1996) 19-24.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Some advances of the harmonic balance method, Journal of Sound and Vibration 191(2) (1996) 295-307.
- 1996. Sumi, Y.; Cervetto, D.; Das, P.K.; Hakala, M.; Loseth, R.; Pegg, N.; Senjanović, I.; Sielski, R.; Wang, W.: Two-phase finite element comparative study of a side structure of a middle size tanker, Marine Structures 9 (1996) 151-179.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: A higher-order torsional beam theory, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 10(1-4) (1997) 25-40.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško: Dynamic analysis of tower buoy in regular waves, Brodogradnja 45(2) (1997) 123-132.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško: Statička i dinamička analiza toranj-plutače, Radovi Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 21 (1997) 53-62.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Ciprić, Goran: Safety analysis of ship rolling in rough sea, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 8(4) (1997) 659-680.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo: Launching of ships and floating structures from horizontal berth by tripping table, Journal of Ship Production 14(4) (1998) 265-276.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo: Launching theory of ships from horizontal berth by tipping table arrangement, Brodogradnja 46(4) (1998) 359-369.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo: Numerical and experimental investigation of side launching of tanker by tipping table principle, Brodogradnja 46(3) (1998) 264-270.
- 1999. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Združena razdioba vjerojatnosti značajnih valnih visina i nultih valnih perioda, RADOVI FSB 23 (1999) 25-33.
- 1999. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Izvor: Side launching of ships from horizontal berth by tipping table arrangement, Brodogradnja 47(2) (1999) 135-143.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo: Numerical simulation and model test of side launching of a 260000 dwt tanker by tipping table principle, International Shipbuilding Progress 47(450) (2000) 161-181.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Survival analysis of fishing vessel rolling in rough seas, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A – Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences 358(1771) (2000) 1731-1981.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Tomašević, Stipe: Contribution to ship slamming and whipping analysis, Brodogradnja 48(3) (2000) 203-214.
- 2001. Senjanović, I.; Rudan, S.: Odziv dinamičkog sustava na impulsnu uzbudu, Transactions of FAMENA 25(2) (2001) 59-64.
- 2001. Senjanović, I.; Tomašević, S.; Parunov, J.: Numerical procedure for ship whipping analysis, Brodogradnja 49(2) (2001) 171-180.
- 2001. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Parunov, Joško: Analytical solution of pontoon transient vibration related to investigation of ship slamming due to whipping, International Shipbuilding Progress 48(4) (2001) 305-331.
- 2002. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Parunov, Joško: Strength analysis of cylindrical tanks in LPG carrier, Brodogradnja 50(1) (2002) 67-76.
- 2002. Senjanović, Ivo; Mravak, Zoran; Slapničar, Vedran; Gospić, Ivan: Structure design of bilobe cargo tanks in Liquefied Gas Carriers, Brodogradnja 50(3) (2002) 323-334.
- 2003. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Parunov, Joško: Ship slamming and whipping analysis in rough seas, Brodogradnja 51(1) (2003) 45-56.
- 2004. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Pavičević, Miloš: Use of vertical wave bending moment from hydrostatic analysis in design of oil tankers, International Journal of Maritime Engineering 146 (2004).
- 2004. Radić Rossi, Irena; Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Indof, Janez: Podrijetlo i funkcija šiljatog dna amfora, Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 21 (2004) 91-107.
- 2004. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Remedy for misalignment of bilobe cargo tanks in liquefied Petroleum Gas Carriers, Journal of Ship Production 20(3) (2004) 133-146.
- 2004. Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko; Senjanović, Ivo: Fatigue life assessment of welded ship structural details – Part 2: Numerical example, Brodogadnja 52(4) (2004) 307-314.
- 2005. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Reinforcement of imperfect bilobe cargo tanks in liquefied gas carriers, Brodogradnja 55(2) (2005) 123-140.
- 2005. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Stress concentration in cylindrical tanks of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carriers, International Shipbuilding Progress 52(2) (2005) 149-167.
- 2006. Pedišić Buča, Marta; Senjanović, Ivo: Nonlinear ship rolling and capsizing, Brodogradnja 57(4) (2006) 321-331.
- 2006. Senjanović, Ivo; Ljuština, Ana Maria; Parunov, Joško: Analytical procedures for natural vibration of tensioned risers, International Shipbuilding Progress 53(3) (2006) 155-182.
- 2006. Senjanović, Ivo; Ljuština, Ana Maria; Parunov, Joško: Natural vibration analysis of tensioned risers by segmentation method, Oil and Gas Science and Technology – Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole 61(5) (2006) 647-659.
- 2007. Jurišić, Paul; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Assessment of Aframax Tanker Hull-Girder Fatigue Strength According to New Common Structural Rules, Brodogradnja 58(3) (2007) 262-267.
- 2007. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Guedes Soares, Carlos: Hull-girder reliability of new generation oil tankers, Marine Structures 20(1-2) (2007) 49-70.
- 2007. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Tomašević, Stipe: Coupled flexural and torsional vibrations of ship-like girders, Thin-Walled Structures 45(12) (2007) 1002-1021.
- 2007. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Tomašević, Stipe: Coupled flexural and torsional vibrations of thin-walled girders, Transaction of FAMENA (2007)(XXXI) 1-24.
- 2007. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Grubišić, Rajko: Coupled horizontal and torsional vibrations of container ships, Brodogradnja 58(4) (2007) 365-379.
- 2007. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko: Methodology of ship hydroelasticity investigation, Brodogradnja 58(2) (2007) 133-145.
- Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Remedy for misalignment of hemispherical head of bilobe cargo tank in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carrier, International Shipbuidling Progress 55(4) (2008) 253-279.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Tomašević, Stipe: Coupled horizontal and torsional vibrations of a flexible barge, Engineering Structures 30(1) (2008) 93-109.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Tomašević, Stipe: Investigation of ship hydroelasticity, Ocean Engineering 35(5-6) (2008) 523-535.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Senjanović, Tanja; Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko: Contribution of transverse bulkheads to hull stiffness of large container ships, Brodogradnja 59(3) (2008) 228-238.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko; Senjanović, Tanja: Role of transverse bulkheads in hull stiffness of large container ships, Engineering Structures 30(9) (2008) 2492-2509.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Tomašević, Stipe: An explicit formulation for restoring stiffness and its performance in ship hydroelasticity, Ocean Engineering 35(13) (2008) 1322-1338.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Tomašević, Stipe: Hydroelasticity of large container ships, Marine Structures 22(2) (2009) 297-314.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Vladimir, Nikola: Influence of shear on the torsion of thin-walled girders, Transactions of FAMENA 33(2) (2009) 35-50.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Vladimir, Nikola: An advanced theory of thin-walled girders with application to ship vibrations, Marine Structures 22(3) (2009) 387-437.
- 2010. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Guedes Soares, C: Case studies of structural reliability of oil tankers, RAD Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Tehničke znanosti 506(14) (2010) 59-80.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Tomašević, Stipe; Tomić, Marko: Hydroelastic response of large container ships, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, BILTEN Razreda za tehničke znanosti 14(506) (2010) 7-36.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: Some aspects of geometric stiffness modelling in the hydroelastic analysis of ship structures, Transactions of FAMENA 34(4) (2010) 1-10.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: The contribution of the engine room structure to the hull stiffness of large container ships, International Shipbuilding Progress 57(1-2) (2010) 65-85.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko: Investigation of restoring stiffness in the hydroelastic analysis of slender marine structures, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 133(3) (2011) 1-10.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola: Restoring stiffness in the hydroelastic analysis of marine structures, Brodogradnja 62(3) (2011) 265-279.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: Effective stiffness of the engine room structure in large container ships, Brodogradnja 62(1) (2011) 15-27.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: Investigation of torsion, warping and distortion of large container ships, Ocean Systems Engineering 1(1) (2011) 73-93.
- 2012. Parunov, Joško; Pestelli, Carlo; Rudan, Smiljko; Hadžić, Neven; Senjanović, Ivo: Review of methods for structure born noise prediction on ships, Brodogradnja 63(2) (2012) 134-139.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: A simplified geometric stiffness in stability analysis of thin-walled structures by the finite element method, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 4(3) (2012) 313-321.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Application of 1D FEM & 3D BEM hydroelastic model for stress concentration assessment in large container ships, Brodogradnja 63(4) (2012) 307-317.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: Formulation of consistent restoring stiffness in ship hydroelastic analysis, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 72(1) (2012) 141-157.
- 2013. Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Hydro structural issues in the design of ultra large container ships, Brodogradnja 64(3) (2013) 323-347.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Bigot, Fabien: Finite element formulation of different restoring stiffness issues and their influence on response, Ocean Engineering 59 (2013) 198-213.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Cho, Dae-Seung: Influence of different restoring stiffness formulations on hydroelastic response of large container ships, Brodogradnja 64(3) (2013) 279-304.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Formulation of consistent nonlinear restoring stiffness for dynamic analysis of tension leg platform and its influence on response, Marine Structures 30 (2013) 1-32.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Rudan, Smiljko: Investigation of nonlinear restoring stiffness in dynamic analysis of tension leg platforms, Engineering Structures 56 (2013) 117-125.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Analytical solution for free vibrations of a moderately thick rectangular plate, Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2013) 207460-1-207460-13.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Physical insight into Timoshenko beam theory and its modification with extension, Structural Engineering and Mechanics 48(4) (2013) 519-545.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: A shear locking-free beam finite element based on the modified Timoshenko beam theory, Transactions of FAMENA 37(4) (2013) 1-16.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven; Cho, Dae-Seung: Shear locking-free finite flement formulation for thick plate vibration analysis, Brodogradnja 64(3) (2013) 256-278.
- 2013. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: An advanced theory of moderately thick plate vibrations, Journal of Sound and Vibration 332(7) (2013) 1868-1880.
- 2014. Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Senjanović, Ivo: Harmonic loading of horizontal axis tidal turbines due to non-uniform stream profile, Ocean Engineering 91 (2014) 196-207.
- 2014. Liščić, Božidar; Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Kozmar, Hrvoje; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Offshore wind power plant in the Adriatic Sea: an opportunity for the Croatian economy, Transactions on Maritime Science 3(2) (2014) 103-110.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Natural vibrations of thick circular plate based on the modified Mindlin theory, Archives of Mechanics 66(6) (2014) 389-409.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Xing, Yufeng: Potential theory of in-plane vibrations of rectangular and circular plates, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 27 (2014) 69-84.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Nonlocal vibration of a carbon nanotube embedded in an elastic medium due to moving nanoparticle analysed by modified Timoshenko beam theory – parametric excitation and spectral response, Journal of Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 23(3-4) (2014) 109-128.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: Modified Mindlin plate theory and shear locking-free finite element formulation, Mechanics Research Communications 55 (2014) 95-104.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: On the mass modelling in vibration analysis of thin-walled structures using the finite element method, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 27(1-2) (2014) 1-9.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven; Malenica, Šime: Some aspects of structural modelling and restoring stiffness in hydroelastic analysis of large container ships, Ships and Offshore Structures. 9(2) (2014) 199-217.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven; Malenica, Šime: Global hydroelastic analysis of ultra large container ships by improved beam structural model, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 6(4) (2014) 1041-1063.
- 2015. Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Ostojić, Siniša; Senjanović, Ivo: Current state and perspectives of the Croatian Shipbuilding industry, Journal od Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 12 (2015) 33-42.
- 2015. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: An approximate analytical procedure for natural vibration analysis of free rectangular plates, Thin-Walled Structures 95 (2015) 101-114.
- 2015. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: A new finite element formulation for vibration analysis of thick plates, International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 7(2) (2015) 324-345.
- 2015. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Timoshenko beam theory 93 years later – over bridges to nanotubes and ultra large ships, RAD Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Tehničke znanosti 521(17) (2015) 1-49.
- 2016. Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo: Some aspects of mega-floating airport design and production, Pomorski zbornik 51/52 (2016) 81-99.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola: Static and dynamic rectangular finite elements for plate vibration analysis, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 29(1-4) (2016) 1-25.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: An analytical solution to free rectangular plate natural vibrations by beam modes – ordinary and missing plate modes, Transactions of FAMENA 40(3) (2016) 1-18.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko: New first order shear deformation beam theory with in-plane shear influence, Engineering Structures 110 (2016) 169-183.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko: On new first-order shear deformation plate theories, Mechanics Research Communications 73 (2016) 31-38.
- 2016. Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime; De Lauzon, Jérôme; Senjanović, Ivo; Im, Hong-Il; Choi, Byung-Ki; Cho, Dae-Seung: Structural design of ultra large ships based on direct calculation approach, Pomorski zbornik, Special Issue (2016)(1) 63-79.
- 2017. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola: Vibration analysis of thin circular plates with multiple openings by the assumed mode method, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment 231(1) (2017) 70-85.
- 2017. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola: Dynamic finite element formulations for moderately thick plate vibrations based on the modified Mindlin theory, Engineering Structures 136 (2017) 100-113.
- 2017. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Rudan, Smiljko; Hadžić, Neven: Nonlinear restoring stiffness of triangular tension leg platforms, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 30(1/4) (2017) 1-18.
- 2017. Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; De Lauzon, Jérôme; Im, Hong-Il; Cho, Dae-Seung: Evaluation of structural design of ultra large container vessel, RAD Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Tehničke znanosti 531(18) (2017) 27-47.
- 2018. Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola: Vibration analysis of rotating toroidal shell by the Rayleigh-Ritz method and Fourier series, Engineering Structures 173 (2018) 870-891.
- 2018. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Alujević, Neven; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola: Free in-plane and out-of-plane vibrations of rotating thin ring based on the toroidal shell theory, Archives of Mechanics 70(5) (2018) 429-455.
- 2018. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Alujević, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Čakmak, Damjan: A finite strip for the vibration analysis of rotating cylindrical shells, Thin-Walled Structures 122 (2018) 158-172.
- 2018. Vladimir, Nikola; Lončar, Ivan; Ančić, Ivica; Senjanović, Ivo: Prediction of noise performance of Ro-Ro passenger ship by the hybrid statistical energy analysis, Pomorski zbornik, Special Issue (2018)(2) 29-45.
- 2019. Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Ship roll control and energy absorption using a U-tube anti-roll tank, Ocean Engineering 172 (2019) 857-870.
- 2019. Alujević, Neven; Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Vladimir, Nikola: The absence of reciprocity in active structures using direct velocity feedback, Journal of Sound and Vibration 438 (2019) 251-256.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Buckling analysis of toroidal shell by Rayleigh-Ritz method, ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 141(4) (2019) 041204-14.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Čakmak, Damjan; Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Pressure and rotation induced tensional forces of toroidal shell and their influence on natural vibrations, Mechanics Research Communications 96 (2019) 1-6.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Alujević, Neven; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola: A finite strip for the vibration analysis of rotating toroidal shell under internal pressure, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 141(2) (2019) 021013-17.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Murawski, Lech; Vladimir, Nikola; Alujević, Neven; Cho; Dae-Seung: Analytical procedures for torsional vibration analysis of ship power transmission system, Engineering Structures 178 (2019) 227-244.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Ančić, Ivica; Magazinović, Gojko; Alujević, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Validation of analytical methods for the estimation of the torsional vibrations of ship power transmission systems, Ocean Engineering 184 (2019) 107-120.
- 2019. Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola; Lozina, Željan: Some dilemmas in energy approach to vibration and stability analysis of pressurized and rotating toroidal shells, International Journal for Engineering Modelling 32(1) (2019) 59–76.
- Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Čakmak, Damjan; Vladimir, Nikola: Semi-analytical methods for vibration and stability analysis of pressurized and rotating toroidal shells based on energy approach, RAD Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 541, Tehničke znanosti 20, Zagreb, 2019.
- Senjanović, I.; Katavić, J.; Vukčević, V.; Vladimir, N.; Jasak, H.: Launching of ships from horizontal berth by tipping tables – CFD simulation of wave generation, Engineering Structures (accepted).
- Alujević, N.; Ćatipović, I.; Malenica, Š; Senjanović, I; Vladimir, N.: Stability, performance and power flow of active U-tube anti-roll tank, Engineering Structures (accepted).
- Senjanović, I.; Alujević, N.; Ćatipović, I.; Čakmak, D.; Vladimir, N.: Natural vibration analysis of pressurised and rotating simply supported toroidal shell by Rayleigh-Ritz method, Engineering Modelling (submitted) 32(2) (2019).
- Senjanović, I.; Čakmak, D.; Alujević, N.; Ćatipović, I.; Vladimir, N.: Ring buckling analysis based on toroidal shell theory, FAMENA (accepted).
- I. Senjanović, N. Alujević, I. Ćatipović, D. Čakmak, N. Vladimir, D. S. Cho: Natural vibration analysis of pressurized and rotating toroidal shell segment by Rayleigh-Ritz method. Engineering Modelling 32 (2019) 2-4, 57-81.
- Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Čakmak, Damjan: Structural integrity of diesel generator set subjected to dynamic loads. Engineering Modelling, 33 (2020) 3-4, pp. 1-26.
- Vladimir, Nikola; Bakica, Andro; Malenica, Šime; Im, Hong-Il; Senjanović, Ivo; Cho, Dae Seung: Numerical method for the vibration analysis of pre-swirl stator. Ships and Offshore Structures, 16 (2021) Sup 1, pp. 256-265.
- Bakica, Andro; Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo: Hydroelastic analysis of pre-swirl stator. Marine structures, 85 (2022) 103267.
- I. Senjanović, D. Čakmak, N. Alujević, N. Vladimir, I. Ćatipović: Mathematical model for the simulation of contact-induced standing waves in tyres by rotating ring based on experiment. Engineering Modelling 35 (2022) 2, 91-121.
- D. Čakmak, Z. Tomičević, I. Senjanović, H. Wolf, Ž. Božić, D. Semenski: A study on cylindrical coil spring deflection and stress done using analytical and numerical methods. Engineering Modelling 35 (2022) 1, 57-81.
- I. Senjanović, D. Čakmak, N. Alujević, N. Vladimir, I. Ćatipović: On the theory of contact-induced standing waves in rotating tyres. Engineering Modelling 36 (2023) 2, 1-17.
- Bakica, Andro; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo: Hydro-structural issues in the design of energy saving devices for ships. RAD HAZU 557, Tehničke znanosti 23, Zagreb, 2023, pp. 91-108.
- Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Jovanović, Ivanka; Tomašević, Stipe; Jurišić, Paul: Direct strength calculation of an aged single-bottom tanker during its towing in waves. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment. 238 (2024) 2, pp. 417-430.
Stručni radovi u časopisima – Professional papers
- 1967. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje putanje pramca nakon pada s vlake kod uzdužnih porinuća, Brodogradnja 18(6) (1967) 291-294.
- 1969. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje naponskog stanja u cilindričnoj ljusci na bazi statističke obrade izmjerenih progiba, Građevinar: časopis Hrvatskog saveza građevinskih inženjera 21(6) (1969) 209-212.
- 1969. Senjanović, Ivo: Prikaz nekih direktnih metoda za rješavanje sistema linearnih algebarskih jednadžbi na digitalnom elektronskom računaru, Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i komunikacije 10(5-6) (1969) 259-267.
- 1969. Senjanović, Ivo: Utjecaj presipavanja sipkog tereta na početni stabilitet broda, Brodogradnja 20(2) (1969) 111-120.
- 1969. Senjanović, Ivo: Utjecaj presipavanja sipkog tereta na početni stabilitet za veće nagibe broda, Brodogradnja 20(3) (1969) 241-250.
- 1970. Senjanović, Ivo: Rješavanje sistema homogenih linearnih algebarskih jednadžbi na digitalnom elektronskom računaru, Zbornik radova FSB 1(1) (1970) 221-230.
- 1970. Senjanović, Ivo: Statistička analiza rezultata mjerenja deformacija elektrootpornim tenzometrima i njihova obrada na digitalnom elektronskom računaru, Brodogradnja 21(4-5) (1970) 247-252.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Jedno partikularno rješenje diferencijalne jednadžbe torisferične ljuske opterećene jednolikim pritiskom, Naše građevinarstvo 25(3) (1971) 441-448.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje naprezanja u jednoliko opterećenom čelu sastavljenom od toroidalne i sferične ljuske sa orebrenim koničnim nastavkom, Naše građevinarstvo 25(11) (1971) 1897-1905.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje slobodnih vibracija konzolnih konstrukcija na digitalnom elektronskom računaru, Zbornik radova FSB 2(1) (1971) 213-232.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Proračun uzdužne čvrstoće broda kod dokovanja i porinuća, Brodogradnja 22(1) (1971) 1-6.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Rješenje homogene diferencijalne jednadžbe torisferične ljuske metodom asimptotske integracije, Građevinar 23(4) (1971) 93-100.
- 1971. Senjanović, Ivo: Rješenje problema rotacione konične ljuske velikog koniciteta opterećene jednolikim pritiskom, Naše građevinarstvo 25(1) (1971) 40-43.
- 1972. Senjanović, Ivo: Izvod potpune diferencijalne jednadžbe tanke rotacione torisferične ljuske, Građevinar 24(2) (1972) 49-52.
- 1972. Senjanović, Ivo: Jedno rješenje problema torzije kod brodova za prijevoz kontejnera, I dio, Teorija, Brodogradnja. 23(1) (1972) 2-8.
- 1972. Senjanović, Ivo: Jedno rješenje problema torzije kod brodova za prijevoz kontejnera, II dio: Primjena, Brodogradnja 23(2) (1972) 67-77.
- 1973. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje naprezanja i deformacija brodskog trupa uvjetovanih promjenom temperature, Brodogradnja 24(5) (1973) 247-251.
- 1973. Senjanović, Ivo: Torzija tankostijenih nosača, Brodogradnja 24(1) (1973) 3-14.
- 1974. Senjanović, Ivo: Potencijalna teorija savijanja cilindrične ljuske, Brodogradnja 25(1-2) (1974) 138-145.
- 1975. Senjanović, Ivo: Proračun roštiljne konstrukcije dvodna za uvjete porinuća, Brodogradnja 26(1) (1975) 3-11.
- 1976. Senjanović, Ivo: Rješavanje diferencijalne jednadžbe torisferične ljuske metodom konačnih diferencija uz primjenu elektroničkog računala, Zbornik radova FSB 3(1) (1976) 85-98.
- 1980. Senjanović, Ivo: Određivanje hidrodinamičke mase u analizi vibracija pomorskih konstrukcija, Zbornik radova FSB. 6(1) (1980) 69-100.
- 1983. Jaluba, C.; Senjanović, Ivo: Analiza čvrstoće vodne komore kondenzatora turbine, Strojarstvo 25(3-4) (1983) 205-213.
- 1986. Senjanović, Ivo; Ljubetić, Marijan; Vukman, Špiro: Istraživanje porinuća brodova i pomorskih objekata s horizontalnog ležaja pomoću zakretnih saonika, Brodogradnja 34(4-5) (1986) 203-218.
- 1987. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Analiza čvrstoće priveznog sistema broda u plitkim lukama, I dio, Teorija, Brodogradnja 35(4-5) (1987) 203-211.
- 1987. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav: Analiza čvrstoće priveznog sistema broda u plitkim lukama, II dio, Primjena, Brodogranja 35(6) (1987) 271-284.
- 1987. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Grubišić, Rajko; Grgić, Aleksandar: Analiza čvrstoće riječno-morskog kontejnerskog broda, Brodogradnja 35(1) (1987) 21-35.
- 1990. Senjanović, Ivo; Martinović, Iljo; Pavičević, Miloš: Analiza vibracija putničkog trajekta “Amorella”, Brodogradnja 38/39(38) (1990) 39-51.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo: Ship structures analyses for Croatian shipyards, Brodogradnja 42(4) (1994) 303-310.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Mravak, Zoran: Statička analiza lančanice sidrenog sustava, Zbornik radova FSB 18 (1994) 1-10.
- 1995. Senjanović, Ivo; Pušić, Velimir; Grubišić, Izvor; Donkov, Ivica: Analiza čvrstoće kompozitnih strukturnih elemenata brodica, Brodogradnja 4(43) (1995) 303-310.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Večeslav; Parunov, Joško; Ljulj, Andrija; Mravak, Zoran; Donkov, Ivica: Strength analysis of lower derrick substructure of jack-up drilling unit “Labin”, Brodogradnja 44(2) (1996) 127-134.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo: 13. međunarodni kongres o brodskim i pomorskim konstrukcijama – ISSC, Brodogradnja 45(4) (1997) 336-337.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Večeslav; Parunov, Joško; Ljulj, Andrija; Mravak, Zoran; Donkov, Ivica: Analiza čvrstoće donje potkonstrukcije tornja samopodizne bušeće platforme “Labin”, Hrvatska akademija tehničkih znanosti 4 (1997) 121-143.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo; Donkov, Ivica; Ciprić, Goran: Strenght analysis of swash bulkhead in cylindrical tank of LPG carrier, Brodogradnja 46 (1998) 40-45.
- 1999. Senjanović, Ivo: Razvoj brodskih konstrukcija, Bilten br. 4, Razred za tehničke znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (1999) 34-53.
- 1999. Senjanović, Ivo; Goran, Ciprić; Lajtner, Marko: Pontonska platforma za gradnju pilota, Građevinar 51(4) (1999) 281-287.
- 1999. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Donkov, Ivica: Strength analysis of a cruise ship hull in initial design stage, Brodogradnja 47(3) (1999) 264-254.
- 1999. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe: Longitudinal strength analysis of a cruise vessel in early design stage, Brodogradnja 47(4) (1999) 350-355.
- Senjanović, Ivo: Zavod za brodogradnju i pomorsku tehniku. Uz 80. obljetnicu Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Brodogradnja 47(4) (1999) 369-372.
- 1999. Tomašević, Stipe; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Procjena zamorne čvrstoće uzdužnjaka palube FPSO brodova, RADOVI FSB 23 (1999) 35-44.
- 2000. Čorić, Većeslav; Senjanović, Ivo: Activities on the development of offshore technology facilities, Nafta 51(10) (2000) 349-353.
- 2000. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Približni postupci za procjenu nelinearnih valnih opterećenja brodske konstrukcije, Transactions of FAMENA 24(1) (2000) 75-84.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Parunov, Joško: Review of ship and offshore structures analysis, Annual of Croatian Academy of Engineering (2000) 41-48.
- 2003. Senjanović, Ivo: Znanstvena suradnja s razvijenim zemljama, Brodogradnja 51(1) (2003) 15.
- 2004. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Indof, Janez; Radić Rossi, Irena: Strength analysis of the Mediterranean amphorae (an outing into the past), Brodogradnja 52(2) (2004) 149-153.
- 2004. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Kramar, Miroslav; Jurišić, Paul: Vibration analysis of triplex mud pumps on drilling rig Zagreb I, Brodogradnja 52(1) (2004) 35-42.
- 2004. Tomašević, Stipe; Senjanović, Ivo: Dinamička izdržljivost zavarenih brodskih konstrukcijskih detalja: Dio 1: Teorijske osnove, Brodogradnja 52(3) (2004) 223-239.
- 2007. Rudan, Smiljko; Tomašević, Stipe; Senjanović, Ivo: Fatigue analysis of structural details of an oceangoing LPG ship, Key Engineering Materials 348-349 (2007) 573-576.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Rudan, Smiljko: Remedy for misalignment of bilobe tank heads in liquefied petroleum gas carrier, Brodogradnja 60(3) (2009) 290-297.
- 2010. Parunov, Joško; Uroda, Tomislav; Senjanović, Ivo: Structural analysis of a general cargo ship, Brodogradnja 61(1) (2010) 28-33.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Werner, Andreja; Vladimir, Nikola: O propulziji motornoga čamca MAESTRAL 700, Brodogradnja 61(3) (2010) 251-254.
- 2011. Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; Derbanne, Quentin; Vladimir, Nikola: On the EU FP7 Project: Tools for ultra large container ships – TULCS, Brodogradnja 62(2) (2011) 177-187.
- 2018. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven: Contribution of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts to the Development of Marine Technology in Croatia, Pomorski zbornik, Special edition 2 (2018) 15-28.
- 2019. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven; Cho, Dae-Seung; Mantari Laureano, Jose Luis: Structural integrity of an aged oil tanker converted into the port oil storage, Transactions of FAMENA 43(1) (2019) 65-77.
- 2023. Bolkovac, Jelena; Zabjan Bogut, Andrea; Alfirević, Ivo; Senjanović, Ivo: Povijesni pregled razvoja hrvatskih tehničkih časopisa. RAD HAZU 557, Tehničke znanosti 23, Zagreb, 2023, pp. 1-30.
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova – Scientific conference papers
- 1976. Senjanović, Ivo: Numerical methods for harmonic analysis of ship vibration by finite elements, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium “Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture” (SORTA), Zagreb, Croatia, 1976.
- 1976. Senjanović, Ivo; Skaar, Knut Torfinn: Problems of ship vibration, present solutions and further investigations, Proceedings of the SNAME Spring Meeting, Philadelphia, 1976.
- 1981. Grubišić, Rajko; Senjanović, Ivo: Correlation analysis of calculated and measured coupled horizontal and torsional vibration of ship model with large deck openings, Proceedings of the 2nd IMAEM Congress, Trieste, Italy, 1981.
- 1984. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko; Čorić, Većeslav: Vibration problems of contemporary ships, Proceedings of the 3rd IMAEM Congress, Athens, Greece, 1984.
- 1984. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko; Čorić, Većeslav: Vibration problems of contemporary ships, Proceedings of the 6th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture” (SORTA), Beograd, Serbia, 1984.
- 1987. Grubišić, Rajko; Žanić, Vedran; Senjanović, Ivo: Advanced approach to ship hull vibration analysis, Proceedings of the 4th IMAEM Congress, Varna, Bulgaria, 1987.
- 1993. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying; Francescutto, Alberto: Nonlinear deterministic and random oscillations of cubic dynamical systems, Proceedings of EURODYN 93, Trondheim, Norway, 1993.
- 1994. Fan, Ying; Senjanović, Ivo: Finite element strength analysis of tanker side structure, Proceedings of the 11th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Naval Architecture” (SORTA), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1994.
- 1994. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying; Parunov, Joško: Transition from regular to chaotic oscillations of cubic dynamical systems, Proceedings of the 1st Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Pula, Croatia, 1994, 340-350.
- 1995. Grubišić, Rajko; Senjanović, Ivo; Donkov, Ivica: Modelling of ship structure in vibration analysis, Proceedings of the 7th Congress of International Maritime Association of Mediterranean: IMAM, 854-862, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1995.
- 1995. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Deterministic and random chaotic oscillations, Proceedings of the Symposium “Vibration and Noise”, Venice, Italy, 1995.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Nonlinear ship rolling and capsizing in rough sea, EUROMECH, Pust, L.; Peterka, F. (Eds.), Publishing House of Czeh Technical University, Prague, 1996, 387-390.
- 1997. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Dynamic behaviour of articulated tower in waves, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Marović, P.; Sorić, J.; Vranković, N. (Eds.), Supetar, Croatia, 1997, 447-456.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Probability of ship survival in rough sea, the 6th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Varna, 1997, 307-312.
- 1997. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Survival analysis of fishing vessel rolling in rough sea, Technics and Technology in Fishing Vessels, Ancona, 1997, 80-113.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško: Dynamic analysis of tower buoy in irregular waves, Proceedings of the 8th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Chung, J.S. (Eds.), International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, Montreal, 1998, 309-316.
- 1999. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko: Correlation analysis of calculated and measured response of articulated tower model in waves, Proceedings of International Conference on Vibration, Noise and Structural Dynamics 1999, Godwin, Michael J. (Eds.), Venice, 1999, 54-60.
- 2000. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe: On the modelling uncertainty of the linear wave bending moment, Proceedings of International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research, NAV2000, Venice, 2000.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Tomašević, Stipe: Investigation of ship slamming and whipping, Proceedings of Marine-Technology-Industry & Simulation, SIM.OUEST, Nantes, 2000.
- 2001. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško: Slamming and whipping analysis of large container ship, Proceedings of the 11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2001, Stavanger, Norway, 2001.
- 2001. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško: Tipping table principle for ship launching from horizontal berth, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium “Technics and Technology in Fishing Vessels”, Ancona, Italy, 2001.
- 2002. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko: Harmonic acceleration method and application, The 5th World Congress on Computation Mechanics, Wienna, Austria, 2002.
- 2002. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Vundać, Marin: Slamming and whipping analysis of a frigate, Proceedings of the 10th International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean 2002, Rethymnon, Crete, Greek, 2002.
- 2002. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Brekalo, Bruno: Strength analysis of stiffening rings of bilobe cargo tanks in Liquefied Gas Carriers, Proceedings of the 14th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding” (SORTA), Trogir, Croatia, 2002, 417-426.
- 2003. Ljuština, Ana Maria; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Dynamic behaviour of deep water marine riser, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovec, Croatia, 2003, 449-458.
- 2003. Malenica, Šime; Molin, Bernard; Remy, Fabien; Senjanović, Ivo: Hydroelastic response of a barge to impulsive and non-impulsive wave loads, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Oxford, Great Britain, 2003, 107-115.
- 2003. Malenica, Šime; Molin, Bernard; Remy, Fabien; Senjanović, Ivo: Response a la houle d’ une barge elastique, Travaux des 9emes Journnees de l’ Hydrodynamique, Poitiers, France, 2003, 399-412.
- 2004. Ljuština, Ana Maria; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Static and dynamic analysis of marine riser, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding” (SORTA), FSB, Zagreb, 2004.
- 2004. Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; Chen, Xiao-Bo: Automatic mesh generation for naval and offshore hydrodynamic simulations, Proceedings of the 16th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding” (SORTA), FSB, Zagreb, 2004.
- 2004. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Pavičević, Miloš: Determination of design wave bending moments by hydrodynamic analysis, Proceedings of 16th Symposium “Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding” (SORTA), FSB, Zagreb, 2004.
- 2005. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Wave loads on oil tankers in the Adriatic Sea, Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Marine Technology in memoriam of the academician Zlatko Winkler, Rožanić, Igor (Eds.), Rijeka, 2005, 98-111.
- 2005. Senjanović, Ivo; Slapničar, Vedran; Mravak, Zoran; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana-Maria: Structure design of cargo tanks in liquefied gas carriers, Proceedings of the International Congress of Marine Research and Transportation – ICMRT 2005, Cassella, Pasquale; Cioffi, Pasquale (Eds.), Napoli, Italy, 2005, 1-12.
- 2006. Malenica, Š.; Stumpf, E.; Delafosse, V.; Chen, X. B.; Senjanović, I.: Some aspects of hydro-structure interfacing in seakeeping, The Proceedings of the 16th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, San Francisco, USA, 2006, 312-317.
- 2006. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Slapničar, Vedran: Design and construction of bilobe cargo tanks, International Conference: Design, Construction & Operation of Natural Gas Carriers & Offshore Systems, RINA ICSOT, Busan, Korea, 2006.
- 2007. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo; Donkov, Ivica: Structural analysis of asphalt carriers, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Structures : PRADS 2007, Roger I. Basu, Vadim Belenky, Ge (George) Wang, Qing Yu (Eds.), Houston, USA, 2007, 724-730.
- 2007. Malenica, Š.; Senjanović, I.; Tomašević, S.; Stumpf, E.: Some aspects of hydroelastic issues in the design of ultra large container ships, Proceedings of the 22nd IWWWFB, Plitvice, Croatia, 2007.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Tomašević, Stipe; Tomić, Marko: Hydroelastic aspects of large container ships, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Polar Engineering, ASME, Estoril, Portugal, 2008.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola: Some structural aspects of LPG cargo tank design and construction, Proceedings of the International Conference Design and Operation of LPG Ships, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2008, 79-96.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Rudan, Smiljko; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime: Hydroelasticity of very large container ships, Proceedings of Conference: Design and Operation of Container Ships, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2008, 51-70.
- 2009. Kim, Yooil; Kim, Yonghwan; Malenica, Šime; Bigot, Fabien; Senjanović, Ivo: Linear springing model – comparisons of different numerical models, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Temarel, Pandeli; Hirdaris, Spyros E. (Eds.), University of Southampton & Lloyd`s Register, Southampton, UK, 2009, 361-372.
- 2009. Malenica, Š.; Molin, B; Tuitman, J. T; Bigot, F; Senjanović, I.: Some aspects of hydrostatic restoring for elastic bodies, Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plotnikov, Pavel; Korobkin, Alexander (Eds.), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009, 141-144.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime: Numerical procedure for ship hydroelastic analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering – Marine 2009, Kvamsdal, T; Pettersen, P; Bergan, P; Onate, E; Garcia, J (Eds.), International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 2009, 259-264.
- 2009. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomašević, Stipe; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Malenica, Šime: Ship hydroelastic analysis with sophisticated beam model and consistent restoring stiffness, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Temarel, Pandeli; Hirdaris, Spyros E. (Eds.), University of Southampton & Lloyd`s Register, Southampton, UK, 2009, 69-80.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Malenica, Šime: Advanced beam model for hydroelastic analysis of container ships, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Springing and Whipping of Ships, Malenica, Š.; Derbanne, Q.; Senjanović, I. (Eds.), Bureau Veritas, Paris, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2010, 110-119.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Malenica, Šime: On consistency of actual restoring stiffness formulations in hydroelastic analysis of marine structures, Proceedings of the 26th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Mavrakos, S.A.; Chatjigeorgiou, I. K. (Eds.), Athens, Greece, 2011, 165-168.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola: Investigation of linear springing of large container ships, the 2nd Annual World MarineTech Summit – 2011, Mei, X. (Eds.), BIT, Busan, South Korea, 2011, 54-54.
- 2011. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime; Tomić, Marko: Improvements of beam structural modelling in hydroelasticity of ultra large container ships, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering – OMAE 2011, Riggs, H.R.; Buchner, B. (Eds.), ASME, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2011, 219-228.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Bigot, Fabien: Comparative study of hydroelastic response of large container ships determined by different formulations of restoring stiffness in FEM technique, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Springing & Whipping of Ships, Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.), Bureau Veritas, Paris; Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, Split, Croatia, 2012, 117-122.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola: Improved methodology of ship hydroelastic analysis, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Takagi, K.; Ogawa, Y. (Eds.), The University of Tokyo & National Maritime Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 2012, 115-124.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Assessment of stress concentrations in large container ships using beam hydroelastic model, the 7th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics – Book of Abstracts, Virag, Z.; Kozmar, H.; Smojver, I. (Eds.), Zadar, Croatia, 2012, 99-100.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime: Hydroelastic loading and response of ultra large container ships, Proceedings of the 22nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference – ISOPE 2012, Chung, J.S. (Eds.), The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), Rodos, Greece, 2012, 784-791.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Hydroelastic analysis of large container ships by beam structural model, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Springing & Whipping of Ships, Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.), Bureau Veritas, Paris; Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb; Split, Croatia, 2012, 171-177.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung: Analytical and numerical methods for vibration analysis of thick rectangular plates by modified Mindlin theory, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2014), Simos, T.E.; Kalogiratou, Z.; Monovasilis, T. (Eds.), AIP Proceedings, Athens, Greece, 2014, 33-36.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven; Malenica, Šime: Hydroelasticity of very large container ships analysed by coupling of 1D structural model and 3D hydrodynamic model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Design & Operation of Container Ships, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2014, 33-51.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung; Choi, Tae Muk: Vibration analysis of thick plates – analytical and numerical approaches, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2014, Yeung, R.W. (Eds.), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), San Francisco, California, USA, 2014, 1-10.
- 2015. Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Choi, Young Myung; Senjanović, Ivo; Kwon, Sun Hong: Global hydroelastic model for liquid cargo ships, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.), Split, Croatia, 2015, 493-505.
- 2015. Senjanović, Ivo; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola: An advanced procedure for hydroelastic analysis of very large floating airport exposed to airplane load, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Malenica, Šime; Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo (Eds.), Split, Croatia, 2015, 161-176.
- 2015. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Cho, Dae-Seung; Jokić, Marko; Choi, Tae Muk: Comparative analysis of new shear locking-free finite element with other commonly used approaches in vibration analysis of Mindlin plates, Proceedings of the 1st Pan-American Congress on Computational Mechanics – PANACM 2015 and XI Argentine Congress on Computational Mechanics – MECOM 2015, Idelsohn, S., Sonzogni, V., Coutinho, A., Cruchaga, M., Lew, A., Cerrolaza, M. (Eds.), International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Barcelona, Spain, 2015, 375-388.
- 2016. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Malenica, Šime; Ouled Housseine, Charaf; Choi, Byung-Ki; Im, Hong-Il: Spectral fatigue analysis of liquefied natural gas carrier structural detail, Proceedings of the International Conference on Design & Construction of LNG Ships, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), London, UK, 2016, 57-64.
- 2018. Alujević, Neven; Ćatipović, Ivan; Malenica, Šime; Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Ship roll control and energy harvesting using a U-tube anti-roll tank, Proceedings of the International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA2018) and the International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics (USD2018), Desmet, W; Pluymers, B; Moens, D; Rottiers, W (Eds.), KU Leuven – Departement Werktuigkunde, Leuven, Belgium, 2018, 1621-1634.
- 2018. Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan; Alujević, Neven; Vladimir, Nikola; Čakmak, Damjan: Sophisticated finite strip for vibration analysis of a rotating cylindrical shell, Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV 2017) – MATEC Web of Conferences, Manoach, E.; Stoykov, S.; Wiercigroch, M. (Eds.), MATEC Web of Conferences, Sofia, Bulgary, 2018.
- 2018. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo; Alujević, Neven: Use of aged tankers as offshore and port oil storages, Offshore Korea Technical Conference 2018 “New Normal: Challenge and Response”, Lim, Seon Mook (Ed.), Busan, Korea, (2018) 83-95.
- 2020. Vladimir, Nikola; Bakica, Andro; Malenica, Šime; Im, Hong-Il; Senjanović, Ivo; Cho, Dae Seung: Investigation of vibration characteristics of an energy saving device of pre-swirl stator type. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures (ICSOS). Glasgow, UK; 2020. pp. 340-351.
- 2021. Senjanović, Ivo ; Vladimir, Nikola: Seismic design of emergency machinery foundation for nuclear power plants. Proceedings of the 1st Croatian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (1CroCEE), Stjepan Lakušić, Josip Atalić (Eds), Zagreb, 22-24 March 2021, pp. 1427-1430.
- 2022. Malenica, Šime; Novaes, Thiago; De Lauzon, Jérôme; Bigot, Fabien; Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Choi, Byung-Ki: Accounting for the nonlinearities of tank supports in structural assessment of the vessels equipped with independent tanks. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, (PRADS 2022), Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 9th-13th 2022.
- 2022. I. Senjanović, D. Čakmak , I. Ćatipović, N. Alujević, N. Vladimir: Vibration analysis of pressurized and rotating cylindrical shells by Rayleigh-Ritz method. The 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations, WMVC, Lisbon, Portugal, July 2022, 189-198.
- 2022. I. Ćatipović, N. Alujević, I. Senjanović, D. Čakmak , N. Vladimir: A finite strip for free vibration analysis of rotating cylindrical shells under internal pressure. Conference on Noise and Vibrations, ISMA-USD, Leuven, Belgium, September 2022, 1512-1526.
- 2022. M. Jalšić, N. Alujević, I. Ćatipović, I. Senjanović: Active metamaterial cell using non-collocated velocity feedback. DAGA 2022. – 48. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, Stuttgart 2022, pp. 244-247.
Stručni radovi u zbornicima skupova – Professional conference papers
- 1974. Senjanović, Ivo: Potencijalna teorija cilindrične ljuske, Zbornik 1. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Zagreb, Croatia, 1974.
- 1978. Senjanović, Ivo: Spregnute horizontalne i torzione vibracije brodova sa širokim palubnim otvorima, Zbornik 3. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Zagreb, Croatia, 1978.
- 1979. Grubišić, Rajko; Senjanović, Ivo: Primjena metode konačnih elemenata u analizi vibracija brodskih konstrukcija, Zbornik “Jugoslavenski simpozij MKE”, Maribor, Slovenia, 1979.
- 1979. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko: Coupled horizontal and torsional vibration of ship hull with large deck openings, Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 122 “Numerical Analysis of the Dynamics of Ship Structures”, Paris, France, 1979.
- 1980. Grubišić, Rajko; Senjanović, Ivo: Analiza vibracija brodskih konstrukcija primjenom metode konačnih elemenata, Zbornik znanstvenog skupa “Numeričke metode u tehnici”, Stubičke toplice, Croatia, 1980.
- 1980. Senjanović, Ivo: Gibanje plutače na valovima, Zbornik 4. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Opatija, Croatia, 1980.
- 1981. Senjanović, Ivo: Analiza vibracija brodskih konstrukcija primjenom elektroničkih računala, Zbornik Simpozija “Kompjuter na sveučilištu”, Cavtat, Croatia, 1981.
- 1982. Čorić, Većeslav; Božinović, Ranko; Senjanović, Ivo: Problemi vibracija novih tipova brodskih diesel motora, Zbornik 5. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Split, Croatia, 1982.
- 1988. Čorić, Većeslav; Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying: Analiza čvrstoće katamaranske dizalice, Zbornik 8. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Zagreb, Croatia, 1988.
- 1988. Senjanović, Ivo; Medja, Boris; Katalinić, Marin: Problemi vibracija tankera 33800/39600 tdw, Zbornik 8. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Zagreb, Croatia, 1988.
- 1989. Senjanović, Ivo: Analiza vibracija brodske konstrukcije pobuđenih radom glavnog stroja, Zbornik Simpozija “Vibracije rotacionih strojeva i sistema”, IFTOMM, Karlovac, Croatia, 1989.
- 1990. Senjanović, Ivo; Fan, Ying; Ljubetić, Marijan: Analiza čvrstoće putničkog broda u uvjetima porinuća, Zbornik 9. Simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1990.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Grubišić, Rajko; Parunov, Joško; Donkov, Ivica: Strukturna analiza kotla energetskog transformatora, Energetska i procesna postrojenja, Dubrovnik, 1996, 256-258.
- 1996. Senjanović, Ivo; Pušić, Velimir; Grubišić, Izvor; Donkov, Ivica: Strength analysis of vessel composite structural elements, 12. simpozij “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Gamulin, Antun (Eds.), Zagreb, 1996, 389-411.
- 1998. Mavrić, Ivan; Senjanović, Ivo: Osvrt na izvještaj Kongresa o brodskim i pomorskim konstrukcijama o proizvodnoj tehnologiji, Zavarivanje u pomorstvu, Kralj, S.; Kožuh, Z. (Eds.), Malinska, 1998, 1-15.
- 1998. Senjanović, Ivo; Mravak, Zoran; Donkov, Ivica; Ciprić, Goran; Rudan, Smiljko: Analiza čvrstoće tankova u krmenom peaku brodova za prijevoz rasutog tereta, 13. simpozij “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Barišić, Zdenko (Eds.), Zadar, 1998, 301-312.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Ciprić, Goran; Parunov, Joško: Simuliranje nelinearnog njihanja i posrtanja broda na uzburkanom moru, Zbornik simpozija “Modeliranje u znanosti, tehnici i društvu”, Božičević, J.; Caharija, A. (Eds.), Rijeka, 2000, 161-167.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Bućan, Boris: Uzdužna čvrstoća putničkog broda za kružna putovanja, Zbornik 14. simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Rožanić, I. (Eds.), Rijeka, 2000, 237-246.
- 2000. Senjanović, Ivo; Parunov, Joško; Tomašević, Stipe: Strength analysis of a cruise ship in early design stage, Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Maritime Association of Mediterranean, Vol. 2, Casella, P.; Scamardella, A.; Festinese, G. (Eds.), Ischia, Italy, 2000, 7-14.
- 2002. Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Osvrt na IACS-ov zahtjev S11 za uzdužnu čvrstoću brodskog trupa, Zbornik radova 15. simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Trogir, Croatia, 2002.
- 2003. Senjanović, Ivo; Slapničar, Vedran: Pomorski promet i ekološka zaštita Jadrana, Zbornik sa skupa Ekološki problemi suvremenog prometa, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina, 2003, 81-87.
- 2004. Ljuština, Ana Maria; Parunov, Joško; Senjanović, Ivo: Statička i dinamička analiza morskog podizača, Proceeding of 16th Syposium “Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding” (SORTA), Plitvice, Croatia, 2004.
- 2004. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Reinforcement of imperfect bilobe cargo tanks in liquefied gas carriers, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference “Welding in Maritime Engineering”, Hvar, Croatia, 2004, 99-108.
- 2007. Senjanović, Ivo; Rudan, Smiljko; Ljuština, Ana Maria: Reinforcement of imperfect hemispherical head of bilobe cargo tank in Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carrier, Proceedings of Special Workshop: Advanced Numerical Analysis of Shell-like Structures, Jurica Sorić (Eds.), Croatian Society of Mechanics, Zagreb, Croatia, 2007, 269-278.
- 2008. Senjanović, Ivo; Šošić, Marijana; Brajević, Duje; Vladimir, Nikola; Žiha, Kalman: Valno opterećenje i odziv plutajućeg doka s betonskim kesonima, Zbornik radova XVIII simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Sladoljev, Želimir; Jambrošić, Denis (Eds.), Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2008, 279-288.
- 2008. Vladimir, Nikola; Senjanović, Ivo: Analiza zapljuskivanja u tankeru nove generacije, Zbornik radova XVIII simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Sladoljev, Želimir; Jambrošić, Denis (Eds.), Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2008, 505-512.
- 2008. Žiha, Kalman; Senjanović, Ivo; Prelas, Ivica; Franelić, Karlo: Provjera izvedivosti gradnje i zaplivavanja hidrograđevinskih kesona s plovnog doka, Zbornik radova XVIII simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Sladoljev, Želimir; Jambrošić, Denis (Eds.), Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2008, 311-319.
- 2010. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven: Hidroelastični odziv velikog kontejnerskog broda, Zbornik radova XIX simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Markovina, R.; Žiha, K.; Blagojević, B. (Eds.), FESB, Split, 2010, 1-10.
- 2010. Vladimir, Nikola; Ćatipović, Ivan; Čorić, Većeslav; Senjanović, Ivo: Zaštitna konstrukcija za komunikacijski most između dvaju pomorskih objekata, Zbornik radova III Savjetovanja o morskoj tehnologiji in memoriam akademiku Zlatku Winkleru, Rožanić, Igor (Eds.), HAZU – Znanstveno vijeće za pomorstvo, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2010, 270-283.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Čorić, Većeslav; Vladimir, Nikola: Razvoj i dostignuća hrvatske brodogradnje – brodovi i pomorske konstrukcije, Zbornik radova IV savjetovanja o morskoj tehnologiji in memoriam akademiku Zlatku Winkleru, Rožanić, Igor (Ed.) HAZU – Znanstveno vijeće za pomorstvo, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2012, 28-44.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Vladimir, Nikola: Stiffness of tension leg platforms, Zbornik radova IV Savjetovanja o morskoj tehnologiji in memoriam akademiku Zlatku Winkleru, Rožanić, Igor (Eds.), HAZU – Znanstveno vijeće za pomorstvo, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2012, 94-107.
- 2012. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Hadžić, Neven: Strength analysis of large container ships by using a beam model according to the classification rules, Zbornik radova XX simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Žiha, K. (Eds.), Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Brodarski institut, Zagreb, 2012, 1-10.
- 2012. Žuvela, Domagoj; Varda, Nenad; Senjanović, Ivo: Konceptualno projektiranje cilindričnog dijela čvrstog trupa podmornice, Zbornik radova XX simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Žiha, K. (Eds.), Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Brodarski institut, Zagreb, 2012.
- 2014. Hadžić, Neven; Tomić, Marko; Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: An overview of offshore renewable energy resources, Zbornik radova 21. simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Dejhalla, R.; Degiuli, N.; Matulja, D.; Mrakovčić, T.; Zamarin, A. (Eds.), Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac, Rijeka, 2014, 547-554.
- 2014. Tomić, Marko; Senjanović, Ivo; Ćatipović, Ivan: Floater-tether semi-coupled dynamic response analysis of tension leg platforms, Zbornik radova 21. simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Dejhalla, R.; Degiuli, N.; Matulja, D.; Mrakovčić, T.; Zamarin, A. (Eds.), Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac, Rijeka, 2014, 387-396.
- 2014. Šabalja, Tomislav; Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven: Structural design of a typhoon class submarine, 21. simpozij “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), knjiga sažetaka = 21st Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding Book of abstracts, Dejhalla, Roko.; Degiuli, N.; Matulja, D.; Mrakovčić, T.; Zamarin, A. (Eds.), Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Brodogradilište Viktor Lenac, Rijeka, 2014, 397-406.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Hadžić, Neven: Potencijali hrvatske brodogradnje, Razvojni potencijali hrvatskog gospodarstva, Družić Gordan; Družić, Ivo (Eds.), Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2014, 175-213.
- 2014. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Malenica, Šime; Cho, Dae-Seung; Kwon, Sun Hong; Choi, Young Myung: Advanced studies on the hydroelasticity of ships and offshore structures within project GCRC-SOP Korea, Zbornik radova V Savjetovanja o morskoj tehnologiji in memoriam akademiku Zlatku Winkleru, Dobrinić, J. (Ed.), Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2014, 9-25.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola: Submarine pressure hull design and the application of gained experience to the design of other pressure structures, Proceedings of the Potential Possibilities of the Croatian Shipbuilding Industry in the Past and Today on the Development and Production of Underwater Objects, Korbar, A. (Eds.), International Community of Submariners Associations, Pula, 2016, 15-27.
- 2016. Senjanović, Ivo; Vladimir, Nikola; Tomić, Marko; Hadžić, Neven; Šoda-Cotić, Stipan: An integral procedure for ship vibration analysis, Zbornik radova 22. simpozija “Teorija i praksa brodogradnje” (SORTA), Degiuli, Nastia; Žiha, Kalman; Flesch, Nenad; Šoda-Cotić, Stipan; Kokeza, Vesna (Eds.), Trogir, 2016, 257-269.
Informativni članci – Information papers
- Senjanović: Međunarodni kongres o brodskim i pomorskim konstrukcijama, Brodogradnja 43 (1995) 1, 3-66.
- Senjanović:13. međunarodni kongres o brodskim i pomorskim konstrukcijama – ISSC, Brodogradnja 45 (1997) 4, 36-337.
- Senjanović: Europska zajednica za europsku brodogradnju, Brodogradnja 46 (1998) 4, 349-350.
- Senjanović, Z Barišić: Hrvatska brodogradnja u HAZU, Okrugli stol „Brodogradnja – strategija razvoja“, Brodogradnja 47 (1999) 1, 7.
- Senjanović: Zavod za brodogradnju i pomorsku tehniku, Monografija FSB, Zagreb, 1999.
- Senjanović: Zavod za brodogradnju i pomorsku tehniku, Brodogradnja 47 (1999) 4, 369-372.
- Senjanović: Prvih 80 godina FSB – Od Rooseveltova trga do Lučićeve aleje, Brodogradnja 47 (1999) 4, 336-337
- Senjanović, V. Čorić: Prikaz strukturnih analiza konstrukcija, EGE br. 5, 1999.
- Senjanović: O strategiji razvoja hrvatske brodogradnje u publikaciji HAZU, Brodogradnja 48 (2000) 1, 11-12.
- Senjanović: Znanost – bitna sastavnica Brodogradnje, Okrugli stol: Časopis „Brodogradnja“ – potpora i praćenje hrvatske brodograđevne znanosti i prakse; Brodogradnja 48 (2000) 3, 243-251.
- Senjanović: Predstavnici Bureau Veritasa posjetili Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje i Brodarski institut, Brodogradnja 49 (2001) 4, 391-392.
- Senjanović: Razmjena znanstvenih i tehnoloških informacija s razvijenim zemljama, Brodogradnja 50 (2002) 3, 302-303.
- Senjanović: Znanstvena potpora razvoju konstrukcije podmornica – Sto godina podmorničarstva u svijetu i Hrvatskoj, Brodogradnja 50 (2002) 4, 471-474.
- Senjanović: Znanstvena suradnja s razvijenim zemljama, Brodogradnja 51 (2003) 1.