Pichler Goran, akademik

Datum rođenja:
- 24.02.1946
Mjesto rođenja:
- Zagreb
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Institut za fiziku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu: +385 01 4698 807
- Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti HAZU: +385 01 4895 170
E-mail adrese:
Pichler Goran, akademik
Akademske titule:
- doktor znanosti
- akademik
- znanstveni savjetnik u trajnom zvanju – Institut za fiziku (1987. – …)
Funkcije u Akademiji:
- tajnik – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (01.01.2019. – 31.12.2022.)
- član Predsjedništva – Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (01.01.2019. – 31.12.2022.)
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (20.05.2010. – …)
Goran Pichler, znanstveni savjetnik u trajnom zvanju na Institutu za fiziku (IF) u Zagrebu, rođen je 1946. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je i magistrirao fiziku na PMF-u u Zagrebu, a doktorirao na Sveučilištu u Kielu s temama iz atomske i molekulske fizike. Bio je direktor IF-a i voditelj Odjela za fiziku ioniziranih plinova. Isto tako bio je i jest voditelj niza međunarodnih (SAD, Njemačka, Austrija) i domaćih projekata ostvarivši prepoznatljiva znanstvena postignuća u femtosekundnim laserskim istraživanjima te stvaranju i detekciji ultrahladnih molekula. Član je Američkog društva za fiziku (American Physical Society) (član od 2000.; uvršten u vršnih 0,5 % članova), engleskog Instituta za fiziku(Institute of Physics), Europskog društva za fiziku (Europhysics Society), Njemačkog društva za fiziku (Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft), Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva (čiji je predsjednik bio u dva mandata). G. Pichler bio je i član niza odbora međunarodnih i domaćih znanstvenih skupova. Ostvario je plodnu međunarodnu suradnju ( von Humboldt fellow, višekratno kao gostujući profesor). Izvodio je i izvodi dodiplomsku i poslijediplomsku nastavu na PMF-u u Zagrebu. Bio je mentor pri izradi 25 magistarskih i doktorskih disertacija; neki njegovi doktorandi sada su znanstveni savjetnici u trajnom zvanju. Održao je 40 pozvanih predavanja na skupovima najviše razine. Recenzent je niza znanstvenih časopisa. Dobitnik je državne nagrade za znanost RH. Objavio je 160 znanstvenih radova s velikim odjekom (oko 1900 citata ) u vrlo priznatim međunarodnim časopisima. Glavni interesi G. Pichlera u kojima je ostvario međunarodno prepoznatljiva postignuća jesu: femtosekundna laserska spektroskopija; ultrahladne molekule; stvaranje plazme laserom ili u električnom izboju u molekulskom plinu miješanom s alkalijskim parama s primjenom u energetici; laserom vođeni procesi u atomskim parama i molekulskim plinovima te većim nakupinama čestica i živih stanica; laserska medicina i stomatologija; međudjelovanje laserskog zračenja sa živim tkivom; sudarni i radijativni procesi u čistim i miješanim metalnim parama i plazmi pomoću linearne i nelinearne spektroskopije; laserska spektroskopija međumetalnih eksimera i njihovih iona kao kandidata za nove lasere i naprave za pretvorbu energije. G. Pichler dokazao se kao vodeći znanstvenik u laserskoj, atomskoj i molekulskoj fizici u Hrvatskoj. Vrlo je aktivan u akademskoj sredini, održao je niz predavanja u društvima fizičara, surađuje sa Zavodom za školstvo, sudjeluje u seminarima i drugim oblicima usavršavanja nastavnika fizike.
Za više podataka: Grupa dr. Pichler
Znanstveni radovi
Znanstveni radovi (1.6.2010., citati na dan 17.1.2010. Ukupno: 1764 citata iz Web of Science)
162. Mario Rakić and Goran Pichler, Comparison between the visible and infrared spectrum of high-pressure Cs and Na light sources, prepared for publication in Optics Communications (2010).
161. Danijela Matošević, Zrinka Tarle, Snežana Miljanić, Zlatko Meić, Lana Pichler, Goran Pichler, Laser induced fluorescence of carious lesion porphyrins, Acta Stomatol Croat. accepted for publication (2010).
160. D. Bicanic, H. Skenderović, K. Marković, O. Dóka, L. Pichler, G. Pichler and S. Luterotti, Quantification of lycopene in the processed tomato-based products by means of the light-emitting diode (LED) and compact photoacoustic (PA) detector, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 214 (2010) 012021 (5 pages).
159. Ban, Ticijana; Aumiler, Damir; Vdović, Silvije; Vujičić, Nataša; Skenderović, Hrvoje; Pichler, G.
Coherent population dynamics in rubidium atoms excited by resonant 0π pulses. // Physical Review A – Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 80, 023425-1-023425-9 (2009). Citata: 0
Ban, Ticijana; Damir, Aumiler; Goran, Pichler, Coherent accumulation effects in atoms excited by a train of femtosecond pulses, New Trends in Quantum Coherence & Nonlinear Optics / Drampyan, Rafael (editor).
Hauppauge NY, US : Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp 173-197 (2009).
Pichler, G.; Aumiler, Damir; Ban, Ticijana; Vujičić, Nataša; Vdović, Silvije; Skenderović, Hrvoje.
Recent development of direct femtosecond laser frequency comb spectroscopy // Modern Trends in Mathematics and Physics / Prof. Dr. Savcho Tinchev (editor), Sofia : Heron Press, 2009. 31-38.
158. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, N. Vujičić, S. Vdović, H. Skenderović and G. Pichler, Characterization of the optical frequency comb using modifed direct frequency comb spectroscopy, Appl.Phys.B 97, No. 3, 553-560 (2009). Citata: 0
157. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, and G. Pichler, Time dynamics of a multilevel system excited by a train of ultrashort pulses, Phys. Rev. A 79, 063403 (2009). Citata: 2
156. A. Knežević, Z. Tarle, G. Pichler, T. Ban, V. Negovetic Mandic, Temperature rise in Resin Composite Samples Polymerised with Different Curing Modes of LEDs, The Chinese Journal of Dental Research, 11, 125 (2008). Citata:
155. T. Varzhapetyan, A. Nersisyan, V. Babushkin, D. Sarkisyan, S. Vdović, G. Pichler, Study of atomic transition self-broadening and shift with the help of a nano-cell, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 185004 (2008). Citata: 1
154. H. Skenderović, T. Ban, N. Vujičić, D. Aumiler, S. Vdović, and G. Pichler, Cone emission induced by femtosecond excitation in rubidium vapor, Phys. Rev. A 77, 063816 (2008). Citata: 2
153. A. Knežević, M. Ristić, Z. Tarle, G. Pichler, S. Musić: Degree of Conversion and Temperature Increase During Composite Polymerisation with LED Units of Different Intensity Acta Stomatol Croat. 42, 19 (2008). Citata:
152. T. Ban, D. Aumiler, H. Skenderović, S. Vdović, N. Vujičić, G. Pichler: Cancellation of the coherent accumulation in rubidium atoms excited by a train of femtosecond pulses Phys. Rev. A 76, 043410 (2007). Citata: 5
151. R. Beuc, M. Movre, B. Horvatić, M. Čopor, S. Vdović, A. Nevsesyan, T. Varzhapetyan, D. Sarkisyan, G. Pichler: RbCs bands observation and interpretation
Appl. Phys. B 88, 111 (2007). Citata: 0
150. M. Pichler, D. Azinović, S. Milošević, G. Pichler: Complex Resonance Energy Transfer in the LiH-Li System Chem. Phys. Lett. 438, 178 (2007). Citata:
149. S. Vdović, T. Ban, D. Aumiler, G. Pichler: EIT at 5 2S1/2 – 6 2P3/2 transition in a mismatched V-type rubidium system Opt. Commun. 272, 407 (2007). Citata: 0
148. N. Vujičić, S. Vdović, D. Aumiler, T. Ban, H. Skenderović, G. Pichler: Femtosecond laser pulse train effect on Doppler profile of cesium resonance lines
Eur. Phys. J. D 41, 447 (2007). Citata: 4
147. R. Beuc, M. Movre, B. Horvatić, G. Pichler: Predictions of absorption bands for RbCs on helium clusters Chem. Phys. Lett. 435, 236 (2007). Citata: 1
146. M. Laškarin, H. Brkić, G. Pichler, D. Buković: The influence of age on tooth root colour changes Coll. Antropol. 30, 315 (2006). Citata: 0
145. S. Vdović, D. Sarkisyan, G. Pichler: Absorption spectrum of rubidium and cesium dimers by compact computer operated spectrometer Opt. Commun. 268, 58 (2006). Citata: 2
144. R. Beuc, M. Movre, T. Ban, G. Pichler, M. Aymar, O. Dulieu, W. E. Ernst: Predictions for the observation of KRb spectra under cold conditions J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, S1191 (2006). Citata: 5
143. M. C. Castex, C. Olivero, G. Pichler, D. Ades, A. Siove: Fluorescence, room temperature phosphorescence and photodegradation of carbazole compounds in irradiated poly(methyl methacrylate) matrices Synthetic Metals 156, 699 (2006). Citata: 3
142. T. Ban, D. Aumiler, H. Skenderović, G. Pichler: Mapping of the optical frequency comb to the atom velocity comb Phys. Rev. A 73, 043407 (2006). Citata: 12
141. M. Pichler, J.Qi, W. C. Stwalley, R. Beuc, G. Pichler: Observation of blue satellite bands and photoassociation at ultracold temperatures Phys. Rev. A 73, 021403(R) (2006). Citata: 2
140. Z. Tarle, A. Knežević, N. Demoli, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Unterbrink, M. Ristić, G. Pichler: Comparison of Composite Curing Parameters: Effect of Light Source and Curing Mode on Conversion, Temperature Rise and Polymerization Shrinkage Operative Dentistry 31, 219 (2006). Citata: 7
139. N. Vujičić, H. Skenderović, T. Ban, D. Aumiler, G. Pichler: Low-density plasma channels generated by femtosecond pulses Appl. Phys. B 82, 377 (2006). Citata: 1
138. W. E. Ernst, R. Hauber, S. Jiang, R. Beuc, M. Movre, G. Pichler: Cesium dimer spectroscopy on helium droplets J. Chem. Phys. 124, 024313 (2006). Citata: 9
137. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, H. Skenderović, G. Pichler: Velocity selective optical pumping of Rb hyperfine lines induced by a train of femtosecond pulses Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 233001 (2005). Citata: 17
136. S. Vdović, R. Beuc, D. Aumiler, T. Ban, G. Pichler: Absorption spectrum of Na-K-He mixture: experiment and theory J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38, 3107 (2005). Citata: 1
135. A . Knežević, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler: Influence of light intensity from different curing units upon composite temperature rise Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 32 , 362 (2005). Citata: 18
134 . A . Knežević, N. Demoli, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler: Measurement of Linear Polymerization Contraction Using Digital Laser Interferometry Operative Dentistry, 30 , 346-352 (2005). Citata: 2
133. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, G. Pichler: Femtosecond laser-induced cone emission in dense cesium vapor Phys. Rev. A 71, 063803 (2005). Citata: 9
132. T. Ban, D. Aumiler, G. Pichler: Rubidium dimer destruction by a diode laser Phys. Rev. A 71, 022711 (2005). Citata: 3
131. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, G. Pichler: High-resolution measurements of the pressure broadening and shift of the rubidium 5S1/2-6P3/2 line by argon and helium
Phys. Rev. A 70, 032723 (2004). Citata: 7
130. T. Ban, D. Aumiler, R. Beuc, G. Pichler: Rb2 diffuse band emission excited by diode lasers Eur. Phys. J. D 30, 57 (2004). Citata: 8
129. T. Ban, R. Beuc, H. Skenderović, G. Pichler: Rubidium pure long-range ion-pair molecules Europhys. Lett., 66 485 (2004). Citata: 3
128. M . Pichler, W. C. Stwalley, R. Beuc and G. Pichler: Formation of ultracold Cs2 molecules through the double minimum Cs2 3 1 S + u state Physical Review A, 69 (2004) 013403 (-1-5). Citata: 6
127. N. Demoli , A. Knezević, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler Digital interferometry for measuring of the resin composite thickness variations during blue light polymerization Optics Communications, 231 (2004) 45-51. Citata: 9
126. D. Aumiler, T. Ban, R. Beuc, G. Pichler: Simultaneous temperature and density determination of rubidium vapor Appl. Phys. B. 76, 859 (2003). Citata: 9
125. G. Pichler, V. Živčec, R. Beuc, Z. Mrzljak, T. Ban, H. Skenderović, K. Günther, J. Liu: UV, Visible and IR Spectrum of the Cs High Pressure Lamp Physica Scripta Vol. T105, 98 (2003). Citata: 4
124. A . Knežević, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler, M. Ristic: Photopolymerization of composite resin with plasma light Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 29 (2002) 782-786. Citata: 13
123. Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, A. Knežević, J. Šutalo, M. Ristic, G. Pichler: Composite conversion and temperature rise using a conventional, plasma arc, and an experimental blue LED curing unit Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 29 (2002) 662-667. Citata: 53
122. H. Skenderović, R. Beuc, T. Ban, G. Pichler: Blue Satellite Bands of KRb Molecule: Intermediate Long-Range States Eur. Phys. J. D. 19, 49 (2002). Citata: 11
121. C . M. Dion, O. Dulieu, D. Comparat, W. de Souza Melo, N. Vanhaecke, P. Pillet, R. Beuc, S. Milosevic, and G. Pichler: Photoionization and detection of ultracold Cs2 molecules through diffuse bands European Physical Journal D, 18 (2002) 365-370. Citata: 19
120. T. Ban, H. Skenderović, R. Beuc, I. Krajcar Bronić, S. Rousseau, A.R. Allouche, M. Aubert-Frécon, G. Pichler: Pure long-range ion-pair Cs2 molecules Chem. Phys. Lett. 345, 423 (2001). Citata: 10
119. M.-L. Almazor, F. Masnou-Seeuws, O. Dulieu, R. Beuc and G. Pichler: Ultracold molecules formation via intermediate long-range molecules European Physical Journal D, 15, 355 (2001). Citata: 10
118. R. Beuc, H. Skenderović, T. Ban, D. Veža, G. Pichler, W. Meyer: Cesium satellite band at 875.2 nm stemming from the Cs2 0g+ (6p 2P1/2+6s 2S1/2) state Eur. Phys. J. D 15, 209 (2001). Citata: 10
117. A . Knežević, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler, M. Ristic: Degree of conversion and temperature rise during polymerization of composite resin samples with blue diodes Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 28 586-591, (2001). Citata: 63
116. D. Azinović, S. Milošević and G. Pichler: Resonance 2s-2p excitation of lithium in the Li-Cd system Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34 2715-2724 (2001). Citata: 2
115. M . C. Castex, C. Olivero, G. Pichler, D. Ades, E. Cloutet, A. Siove: Photoluminescence of donor-acceptor carbazole chromophores Synthetic Metals, 122, 59-61 (2001). Citata: 13
Title: Microcavities with carbazole polymers: Development of blue plastic lasers Author(s): Olivero C, Castex MC, Pichler G, Ades D, Cloutet E, Siove A, Source: JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 11, 61 ( 2001) Citata: 2
114. T. Ban, H. Skenderović, S. Ter-Avetisyan, G. Pichler: Absorption measurements in dense cesium vapor using UV-violet light emitting diode App. Phys. B 72, 337 (2001). Citata: 7
113. H. Skenderović, I. Labazan, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Laser ignited glow discharge in lithium vapor Physical Review A, 62 052707(-1-7) (2000). Citata: 1
112. D. Azinovic, I. Labazan, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Energy transfer in Li-Cd vapor mixture: Li(3d) + Cd -> Li(2s) + Cd(5 3P J) Optics Communications, 183, 425-435 (2000). Citata: 7
111. S. Milosevic, D. Azinovic, I. Labazan and G. Pichler: Quasiresonant excitation of lithium 2p-4d and 2p-4s transitions in Li+Cd vapor mixture Physica Scripta, 62, 137-140 (2000). Citata: 2
110. D. Ades, V. Boucard, E. Cloutet, A. Siove, C. Olivero, M. C. Castex and G. Pichler: Photoluminescence of donor-acceptor carbazole-based molecules in amorphous and powder forms Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 7290-7294 (2000). Citata: 10
109. H. Skenderović, T. Ban, G. Pichler: LiH emission spectrum from the glow discharge in the heat-pipe oven J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 33, 396 (2000). Citata: 4
108. T. Ban, S. Ter-Avetisyan, R. Beuc, H. Skenderović and G. Pichler: Photoassociation of cesium atoms into the double minimum Cs 2 3 1 S + u state Chemical Physics Letters, 313, 110 (1999). Citata: 11
107. T. Ban, H. Skenderović, R. Beuc and G. Pichler: Photoassociation of cesium atoms into Cs 2 3 3 P g state at 543.5 nm Europhysics Letters, 48, 378 (1999). Citata: 13
106. D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic, G. Pichler, M.C. van Hemert, R. Düren: LiAr, LiKr and LiXe excimers: photochemical formation of the 3 2 S + – X 2 S + band The European Physical Journal D 6, 333 (1999). Citata: 2
105. H. Skenderović, T. Ban and G. Pichler: Constriction in lithium glow discharges in a heat-pipe oven Optics Communications, 161, 217 (1999). Citata: 6
104. A . Knežević, Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler, M. Ristić:
Polymerization of Composite Materials with Blue Superbright Light Emitting Diodes Acta Stomatologica Croatica 33, 337 (1999). Citata:
103. A . Knežević, A. Meniga, Z. Tarle, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler: Measurement of Light-Curing Unit Intensity in Clinical Practice Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 33, 35 (1999). Citata:
102. A . Meniga, Z. Tarle, J. Šutalo, G. Pichler, M. Ristić: Some properties of composite resins samples cured by excimer laser pumped dye laser at 468 nm Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 33, 11 (1999). Citata:
101. Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, M. Ristic, J. Sutalo and G. Pichler: Possible Improvements of Clinical Properties od Dental Composite Materials with Pulsed Blue Laser Curing Croatica Chemica Acta, 71, 777 (1998). Citata: 6
100. M . Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa, P. Hering: Vibrationally induced formation of NaH in the Na(3p)+H2 collision system: Rate equation model and comparison with experimental results J. Chem. Phys., 108, 9291 (1998). Citata: 6
99. L. Lehr, M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: Determination of the reaction dynamics of sodium hydride in a hydrogen atmosphere with degenerate four-wave mixing Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 29, 273 (1998). Citata: 1
98. D. Veza, R. Beuc, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Cusp satellite bands in the spectrum of Cs2 molecule European Physical Journal D, 2, 45 (1998). Citata: 13
97. J. Flieser, K. Iskra, T. Neger, G. Pichler, A. Morozov: Combustion flame diagnostics using degenerate four-wave mixing: the dipole moment power law and rotational temperature for nitric oxide Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 31, 402 (1998). Citata: 3
96. Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, M. Ristic, J. Sutalo, G. Pichler, C. L. Davidson: The effect of photopolymerization method on the quality of composite resin sample Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 25, 436 (1998). Citata: 35
95. T. Ban, H. Skenderović, B. Resan and G. Pichler: Laser Induced Fluorescence of Li2 A 1 S u + State FIZIKA A, 6, 161 (1997). Citata:
94. O. Dulier, R. Kosloff, F. Masnou-Seeuws and G. Pichler: Quasibound states in long-range alkali dimers: Grid method calculations Journal of Chemical Physics 107, 10633 (1997). Citata: 16
93. A . Meniga, Z. Tarle, M. Ristic, J. Sutalo and G. Pichler: Pulsed blue laser curing of hybrid composite resins Biomaterials, 18, 1349 (1997). Citata: 25
92. M . Dillmann, M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: New technique for the measurement of reaction constants of photochemically produced NaH Z. Phys. D: At. Mol. Clusters, 41, 35 (1997). Citata: 2
91. M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: Comparison of Na(4p)+H2 and Na(3p)+H2 reactive systems studied by resonance CARS and DFWM methods J. Chem. Phys. 106, 9507 (1997). Citata: 10
90. S. Lochbrunner, M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, P. Hering and K. L. Kompa: New Dunham coefficient of the A 1 S + -state of NaH and NaD Z. Phys. D, 38, 35 (1996). Citata: 4
89. L. Lehr, M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P.Hering: Temperature determination of transient species by degenerate four wave mixing. Application of the independently determined power law of the transition dipole moment and geometric factors. Journal of Chemical Physics, 104, 9698 (1996). Citata: 9
88. V. Henc-Bartolic and G. Pichler: Satellite bands in the quasi-static wings of Tl and In resonance lines broadening by Hg FIZIKA A, 5, 1 (1996). Citata:
87. D. Gruber, X. Li, L. Windholz, M. M. Gleichmann, B. A. Hess, I. Vezmar and G. Pichler: The LiHg (X 1/2) ground state Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100, 10062 (1996). Citata: 5
86. D. Azinovic, X. Li, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Photoassociation and bound- bound excitation into 2 2 P state of LiZn, LiCd and NaZn molecules Phys. Rev. A, 53, 1323 (1996). Citata: 6
85. D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Cross section for the photochemical formation of the NaZn (2 2 P ) excimer Z. Phys. D: At. Mol. Clusters, 36, 147 (1996). Citata: 2
84. M. Motzkus, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering Local laser superheating due to quenching determined by degenerate four-wave-mixing and absorption thermometry Chemical Physics Letters, 257, 181 (1996). Citata: 9
83. D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Photochemical production of LiCd from Cd and otical-optical double resonance excited Li2 into F 1 g + state FIZIKA A, 5, 167 (1996). Citata:
82. Z. Tarle, A. Meniga, M. Ristic, J. Sutalo and G. Pichler: Polimerization of Composites Using Pulsed Laser European Journal of Oral Sciences, 103, 394 (1995). Citata: 20
81. D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Photochemical population of the KHg excimer 2 2 state Chemical Physics, 196, 267 (1995). Citata: 1
80. D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Photochemical production of KCd excimer Chemical Physics Letters, 233, 477 (1995). Citata: 3
79. A. Klamminger, M. Motzkus, S. Lochbrunner, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: Rotational and vibrational temperature determination by DFWM spectroscopy Applied Physics B, 61, 311 (1995). Citata: 11
78. F. de Tomasi, M. Allegrini, E. Arimondo, L. Windholz, G. Pichler: Lineshape changes in an optically thick Na vapour with a buffer gas Optics Communications, 112, 289 (1994). Citata: 4
77. X. Li, S. Milosevic, D. Azinovic, G. Pichler, R. Düren and M. C. van Hemert: Spectral Simulation and Interpretation of LiZn and LiCd Blue- Green Emission Z. Phys. D: At. Mol. Clusters,30, 39 (1994). Citata: 11
76. Z. Sutalo, A. Meniga, J. Sutalo, D. Azinovic and G. Pichler: Comparison Between Standard and Pulsed Coherent Light Polymerization Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 27, 87 (1993). Citata:
75. A . Meniga, J. Sutalo, G. Pichler: Argon-ion Laser Simulating Compact Photopolymerization Device for Curing Composite Resins in Dentistry Period. Biolog., 95, 141 (1993). Citata:
74. M . Motzkus, G. Pichler, M. Dillmann, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: Degenerate Four Wave Mixing spectroscopy in NaH Appl. Phys. B, 57, 261 (1993). Citata: 14
73. V. Dzimbeg-Malcic, R. Beuc and G. Pichler: KCd Spectral Features in K+Na+Cd+Ar High Pressure Lamp FIZIKA A ( Croatia), 2, 123 (1993). Citata:
72. G. Pichler, D. Azinovic and R. Beuc: Satellite Bands in InHg Excimer FIZIKA A ( Croatia), 2, 1 (1993). Citata:
71. X. Li, D. Azinovic, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Observations and Spectral Simulations of the 7Li 2 2 1 u + – X 1 g + Transition Z. Phys. D.: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 28, 135 (1993). Citata: 4
70. A . Meniga, J. Sutalo, D. Azinovic and G. Pichler: Blue Laser Curing of Composites Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 26, 93, (1992). Citata:
69. M. C. Hemert, D. Azinovic, X. Li, S. Milosevic, G. Pichler and R. Düren: Blue-Green Bands of LiCd Chem. Phys. Lett. 200, 97 (1992). Citata: 17
68. D. Azinovic, X. Li, S. Milosevic, G. Pichler, M. C. van Hemert and R. Düren: The NaZn Excimer: Blue-Green Band J. Chem. Phys. 98, 4672 (1992). Citata: 23
67. G. Pichler, M. Motzkus, S. L. S. Cunha, R. R. B. Correia, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: CARS Investigations of Quenching and Photochemical Reactions in the Na+H2 Collision System Il Nuovo Cimento, 14 D, 1065 (1992). Citata: 16
66. R. R. B. Correia, S. L. S. Cunha, M. Motzkus, G. Pichler and P. Hering: Study of Nascent NaH in Sodium-Hydrogen Mixture Using Resonant CARS and FWM Processes Brazilian Journal of Physics 22, 11 (1992). Citata:
65. G. Pichler, R. R. B. Correia, S. L. Cunha, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering: P-R Doublet Enhanced CARS Lines of NaH Optics Communications, 92, 346 (1992). Citata: 14
64. S. Milosevic, X. Li, D. Azinovic, G. Pichler, M. C. van Hemert, A. Stehouwer and R. Düren: Study of the LiZn Excimer: Blue-Green Bands J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7364 (1992). Citata: 23
63. X. Li, S. Milosevic, G. Pichler, J. T. Bahns and W. C. Stwalley: Quantum Simulation of Bound-Free Spectra: Lithium Dimer 2 3 P g -1 3 S u + Transition Z. Phys. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 23 (1992) 165-170. Citata: 4
62. J. Sutalo, A. Meniga, J. Rukavina, D. Azinovic and G. Pichler: Indium Light Source for Curing Composite Resins Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 25, 77 (1991). Citata:
61. R. R. B. Correia,, S. L. Cunha, R. de Vivie-Riedle, G. Pichler, K. L. Kompa and P. Hering Resonance CARS overtones of NaH in a Na(3p)+H2 gas mixture Chem. Phys. Lett. 186, 531 (1991). Citata: 13
60. L . Windholz, M. Musso, G. Pichler and B. Hess: UV-Laser-Induced Chemiluminescence of NaCd and NaHg Excimers J. Chem. Phys. 94, 3366 (1991). Citata: 26
59. L . Windholz, G. Zerza, G. Pichler and B. Hess: Visible-Laser-Induced Chemiluminescence of NaHg red Excimer Bands Z. Phys. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 18, 373 (1991). Citata: 17
58. A . Meniga, J. Sutalo, J. Rukavina, D. Azinovic and G.Pichler: Zinc and Sodium High pressure Lamps for Curing Composite Resins Acta Stomatologica Croatica, 24, 233 (1990). Citata:
57. R. R. B. Correia, G. Pichler, S. L. Cunha and P. Hering: The Role of Nuclear Spin in Inelastic Na(3p)+H2 Collisions Chem. Phys. Lett. 175, 354 (1990). Citata: 10
56. D. Azinovic and G. Pichler: Ultraviolet and Blue NaHg and NaCd Excimer Bands Appl. Phys. B 51, 427 (1990). Citata: 2
55. V. Dzimbeg, D. Veza and G. Pichler: Violet and Red KHg Excimer Bands in the Spectrum of the High Pressure K-Hg-Ar Discharge Lamp
FIZIKA (YU), 22, 381 (1990). Citata:
54. D. Azinovic, J. Rukavina, G. Pichler and D. Veza: Plasma Diagnostics of High-Pressure Sodium-Cadmium and Sodium-Mercury Discharges FIZIKA (YU),22, 469 (1990). Citata:
53. D. Modric, D. Veza and G. Pichler: Sodium Diffuse Bands in Low-Pressure Hollow Cathode Discharge Spectra FIZIKA (YU), 21, 355 (1989). Citata:
52. P. Kowalczyk, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Collisional population of the 2 3P g state in K2 Z. Phys. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 11, 213 (1989). Citata: 5
51. J. T. Bahns, W. L. Stwalley and G. Pichler: The 458 nm diffuse band of lithium dimer J. Chem. Phys. 90, 2841 (1989). Citata: 17
50. D. Fijan, D. Veza and G. Pichler: Photochemical production of electronically excited NaCd excimer Chem. Phys. Lett. 154, 126 (1989). Citata: 13
49. G . Pichler, M. Lyyra, P. Kleiber, W. C. Stwalley, R. Hammer, K. M. Sando and H.H. Michels Laser induced chemiluminiscence of LiMg excimer Chem. Phys. Lett. 156, 467 (1989). Citata: 11
48. G. Pichler, D. Veza and D. Fijan NaCd excimer emission bands Optics Communications, 67, 45 (1988). Citata: 13
47. G. Pichler, D. Fijan, D. Veza, J. Rukavina and J. Schlejen Satellite and diffuse bands of KHg excimer Chem. Phys. Lett., 147, 497 (1988). Citata: 8
46. J. Schlejen, J. P. Woerdman and G. Pichler: The NaHg Spectrum Revisited: An Analysis of the NaHg A 2 State and Double Well B 2 + State J. Mol. Spectroscopy, 128, 1 (1988). Citata: 19
45. D. W. Jones, W. L. Wiese and G. Pichler: Asymmetries in spectral lines due to plasma-ion broadening: Some unusual cases and possible test for plasma homogeneity Phys. Rev. A, 35, 2585 (1987). Citata: 19
44. S. Milosevic, P. Kowalczyk and G. Pichler: A study of structured continua in K2 excited by the 457.9 nm Ar-ion laser line J. Phys .B: At. Mol. Phys., 21, 2231 (1987). Citata: 6
43. W. T. Luh, J. T. Bahns, K. M. Sando, W. C. Stwalley, S. P. Henneghan, K. P. Chakravorty, G. Pichler and D. D. Konowalow: Interference continuum of K2 Chem. Phys. Lett., 131, 335 (1986). Citata: 13
42. T. Gegaj, V. Henc-Bartolic, G. Pichler, J. Rukavina and T. Setinc: Spectroscopic studies of InI-Hg high-pressure arc FIZIKA (YU), 18, 221 (1986). Citata: 2
41. S. Milosevic, R. Beuc and G. Pichler: Superheating in the heat-pipe oven Appl. Phys. B, 41, 135 (1986). Citata: 6
40. M. Palle, S. Milosevic, D. Veza and G. Pichler: The absoption and emission observation of the sodium near-infra red spectrum Optics Communications, 57, 394 (1986). Citata: 7
39. C. Vadla, K. Niemax and G. Pichler: Direct excitation of potassium diffuse bands by single mode laser radiation Z. Phys. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 2, 233 (1986). Citata: 2
38. S. Milosevic, G. Pichler, R. Düren and E. Hasselbrink: Fluorescence studies of the K2 diffuse band at 572.5 nm Chem. Phys. Lett., 128, 145 (1986). Citata: 7
37. G. Pichler, J. T. Bahns, K. M. Sando, W. C. Stwalley, D. D. Konowalow, L. Li, R.W. Field and W. Müller: Electronic assignment of the violet bands of sodium Chem. Phys. Lett., 129, 425 (1986). Citata: 48
36. S. Milosevic and G. Pichler A study of Na2 diffuse bands in violet by excitation through self-broadened D-lines Z. Phys. D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1, 233 (1986). Citata: 5
35. D. Veza, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Discharge studies of lithium dimer diffuse bands Optics Communications, 56, 172 (1985). Citata: 8
34. N. N. Bezuglov, A. N. Klucharev, G. Pichler and D. Veza: The influence of reflection of light quanta from the boundary of an absorbing medium on the effectiveness of resonance radiation capture J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 34, 1(1985). Citata: 1
33. D. D. Konowalow, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: On the shape of the yellow diffuse band of potassium J. Mol. Spectr., 110, 256 (1985). Citata: 15
32. R. Beuc, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: New diffuse bands in the KRb molecule J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Phys.17, 739 (1984). Citata: 21
31. G. Pichler, S. Milosevic, D. Veza and D.D. Konowalow Observation and interpretation of Li2 diffuse band at 422.5 nm Chem. Phys. Lett.103, 352 (1984). Citata: 11
30. G. Pichler, S. Milosevic, D. Veza and D. Vukicevic: Interference and diffuse continua in the Rb2 spectrum J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys.16, 4633 (1983). Citata: 20
29. G. Pichler, S. Milosevic, D. Veza and R. Beuc: Diffuse bands in the visible absorption spectra of dense alkali vapours J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 16, 4619 (1983). Citata: 59
28. D. Veza and G. Pichler: Peculiar asymmetry in the wings of self-broadened Li and Na first resonance lines Optics Communications, 45, 39 (1983). Citata: 4
27. R. Beuc, S. Milosevic, M. Movre, G. Pichler and D. Veza Satellite bands in the far blue wing of the potassium first resonance doublet FIZIKA (YU),14, 345 (1982). Citata:
26. D. Veza, S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Triplet satellite band in the very far blue wing of the self-broadened lithium resonance line Chem. Phy. Lett., 93, 401 (1982). Citata: 13
25. R. Düren, E. Hasselbrink, S. Milosevic, G. Pichler and H. Tischer: On the 2 + potentials for the interaction of K(4P) and K(5P) with argon Chem. Phys. Lett., 89, 218 (1982). Citata: 12
24. S. Milosevic and G. Pichler: Investigation of absorption spectra of pure dense potassium vapour FIZIKA (YU), 13, 377 (1981). Citata:
23. N. N. Bezuglov, B. V. Dobrolez, A. N. Klucharev, L. P. Razumovskaya and G. Pichler: Opticeskie vozbuzdenie v rezime perenosa izlucenija s ucetom tusenija vozbuzdenih sostojanija Optika i spektroskopija, 49, 844 (1980). Citata:
22. J. Tellinghuisen, G. Pichler, W. L. Snow, M. E. Hillard and R. J. Exton: Analysis of the diffuse bands near 6100 A in the fluorescence spectrum of Cs2 Chem. Phys., 50, 313 (1980). Citata: 43
21. D. Veza, M. Movre, and G. Pichler: Shape of the inner-wing satellites of self- broadened first resonance lines of caesium and rubidium J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Phys.13, 3605 (1980). Citata: 12
20. D. Veza, J. Rukavina, M. Movre, V. Vujnovic and G. Pichler: A triplet band in the very far blue wing of the self-broadened sodium D lines Optics Communications, 34, 77 (1980) 77-80. Citata: 20
19. M . Movre and G. Pichler: Resonance interaction and self-broadening of alkali resonance lines II. Quasi-static wing profiles J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 13, 697 (1980). Citata: 43
18. K. Niemax, M. Movre and G. Pichler: Near-wing asymmetries of the self- broadened first Rb and Cs resonance lines J. Phys. B:At. Mol. Phys.,12, 3503 (1979). Citata: 32
17. M. G. Raymer, J. L. Carlsten and G. Pichler: Comparison of collisional redistribution and emission line shapes J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 12, L119 (1979). Citata: 20
16. W. C. Stwalley, Y. H. Uang and G. Pichler: Pure long-range molecules Phys. Rev. Lett., 41, 1164 (1978). Citata: 119
15. G. Pichler and J. L. Carlsten Self-broadening of Tl 377.6 nm resonance line J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 11, L483 (1978). Citata: 1
14. M. Movre and G. Pichler: Resonance interaction and self-broadening of alkali resonance lines I. Adiabatic potential curves J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 10, 2631 (1977). Citata: 133
13. A. N. Klucharev, A. V. Lazarenko, G. Pichler and M. Movre: Emission measurements in the wing of the self-broadened Cs resonance lines Physics Letters, 61A, 104 (1977). Citata: 3
12. G. Pichler: Measurements of the oscillator strengths of principal series lines of cesium J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 28, 147 (1976). Citata: 40
11. K. Niemax and G. Pichler Determination of van der Waals constants from the red wings of self-broadened Cs principal series lines
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 8, 2718 (1975). Citata: 9
10. K. Niemax and G. Pichler: New aspects in the self-broadening of alkali resonance lines J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 8, 179 (1975). Citata: 60
9. K. Niemax and G. Pichler: Asymmetric self-broadening of Cs resonance lines J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys.7, 2355 (1974). Citata: 20
8. K. Niemax and G. Pichler: Asymmetric self-broadening of Cs principal lines J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys., 7, 1204 (1974). Citata: 24
7. D. Vukicevic, G. Pichler and D. Müller: Partition function of B I and B II FIZIKA (YU),5, 213 (1973). Citata:
6. D. Müller, G. Pichler and C. Vadla: Determination of the Stark width of the C I 2478 spectral line Physics Letters, 46A, 247 (1973). Citata: 7
5. V. Vujnovic, G. Pichler, A. M. Tonejc, K. Acinger and D. Müller: Absolute and relative line intensity measurements when spectral lines are not optically thin J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 13, 1465 (1973). Citata: 2
4. G. Pichler and V. Vujnovic: Determination of critical electron density for the establishment of LTE in argon plasma Physics Letters, 40A, 397 (1972). Citata: 3
3. G. Pichler: Quadratic Stark constants of neutral copper and silver spectral lines in the Coulomb approximation FIZIKA (YU), 4, 235 (1972). Citata:
2. G. Pichler, V. Vujnovic, A. M. Tonejc and K. Acinger: A Study of excitation conditions in a free-burning arc between Cu electrodes with currents from 1 to 15 amps Spectrochimica Acta, 278, 273 (1972). Citata: 4
1. G. Pichler:
Properties of the oscillator strengths of CuI and Ag I spectral lines FIZIKA (YU), 4, 179 (1972).