Pečarić Josip, akademik

Datum rođenja:
- 02.09.1948
Mjesto rođenja:
- Kotor
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti HAZU: +385 01 4895 170
E-mail adrese:
Pečarić Josip, akademik
Akademske titule:
- akademik
- doktor znanosti
- redoviti profesor – Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (18.05.2000. – …)
- član suradnik – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (03.12.1992. – 18.05.2000.)
Akademik Josip Pečarić (Kotor, 2. rujna 1948.) hrvatski je matematičar i publicist. Završio je osnovnu i srednju školu u Kotoru. Diplomirao je 1972. na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Beogradu s radom iz područja nuklearne fizike, a magistrirao je na istome fakultetu 1975. godine. Doktorirao je 1982. matematičke znanosti disertacijom “Jensenove i povezane nejednakosti” (Jensen’s and related inequalities). Nakon studija radio je u Geomagnetskom institutu u Grocki, te na Građevinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, do 1987. godine, a iste godine s obitelji odlazi u Zagreb gdje se je zaposlio na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Redoviti je profesor na Tekstilno-tehnološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, voditelj seminara “Nejednakosti i primjene” na Matematičkom odjelu PMF-a i glavni istraživač istoimenoga projekta Republike Hrvatske. Osim što je redoviti član HAZU, aktivni je član The New York Academy of Science. Jedan je od vodećih svjetskih stručnjaka u području teorije nejednakosti, pa u svjetskim referativnim žurnalima (SAD i Njemačka) za njega kažu da je “veliko ime u teoriji nejednakosti”. Jedan je od deset svjetskih matematičara čiji broj radova danih na MathSciNet-u prelazi brojku 500.
Josip Pečarić od 28. ožujka 2016. godine dopisni je član Dukljanske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
Glavni je urednik časopisa Mathematical Inequalities and Applications.
Books – Monographs
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Konveksne funkcije: nejednakosti \ (Convex Functions: Inequalities), \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1987, 243 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Diferencijalne i integralne nejednadzbe\ (Differential and Integral Inequalities), \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1988, 168 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, and V. Volenec, \ Recent Advances in Geometric Inequalities,\ Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1989, 710 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Srednje vrednosti u matematici, \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1989, 394 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Monotone funkcije i njihove nejednakosti I, \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1990, 294 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Hoelderova i srodne nejednakosti, \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1990, 250 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, and A.M. Fink,\ Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives, \ Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1991, 587 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Ciklicke nejednakosti i ciklicne funkcionalne jednacine, \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1991, 165 pp
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric,\ Nejednakosti i norme, \ Naucna knjiga, Beograd, 1991, 196 pp
- J.E. Pecaric, F. Prochan and Y.L. Tong,\ Convex Functions, Partial Orderings, and Statistical Applications, \ Academic Press, New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco, 1992, 467 pp.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, and A.M. Fink\ Classical and new Inequalities in Analysis, \ Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1993
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Elementarne Nejednakosti, \ Hrvatsko Mat. Drustvo, Zagreb 1996, in print.
Text Books
- Rekalic, M. Simic, M. Ivankovic, J. Pecaric, V. Georgijevic,\ Zbirka zadataka iz fizike, Beograd, 1989, 263 pp
- M. Strunje, R. Roki,T. Bradic i J. Pecaric,\ Matematika za tehnoloske fakultete \ (Mathematics for technology students), 1992
- R. Roki, T. Bradi, J. Pecaric i M. Strunje, \ Matematika za tehnoloske fakultete \ Drugo prosireno izdanje \ (Mathematics for technology students), 1994\ Second Extended Edition
{till 1976}
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Magnetotelursko polje na povrsini n-slojne sredine sa nagnutim (ravnim) granicama, \ Magnetic Earth field on n-layered surface with inclined (smooth) edges,\ Vesnik-Geofizika (Beograd) (1975-1976), 61-67.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Magnetotelursko polje na povrsini n-slojne sredine sa nagnutom osnovom, \ Magnetic Earth field on n-layered surface with inclined base, \ Vesnik-Geofizika (Beograd) (1975-1976), 69-76.
- G.V. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On generalization of the inequality of A. Ostrowski and some related applications,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 544-576 (1976), 155-158.
- G.V. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Some consideration on Iyengar’s inequality and some related applications,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 544-576 (1976), 166-170.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Magnetotelursko polje na povrsini isklinjavajuceg sloja koji sadrzi nagnut homogeni sloj,\ Magnetic Earth field on surface of inclined layer which contains inclined homogenic layer,\ 21. Konf. ETAN. (Banja Luka) (1977), II 373-380.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Jedan prilog metodi premjestanja granicnih uslova na ravan,\ A remark on method of moving finite bounds on surface,\ 22. Konf. ETAN. (Zadar) (1978), II 414-422.
- R. Muijevic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Jedan prilog teoriji interpretacija krivih magnetotelurskog sondiranja,\ A remark on theory of false interpretation of magnetic Earth sonic measurements,\ Radio veze. (Beograd) (1978), No. 2 50-54.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an Inequality of T. Popoviciu I, \ Bul. Inst. Politehn. Timisoara 24 (38) 2 (1979), 9-15.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an Inequality of T. Popoviciu II, \ Bul. Inst. Politehn. Timisoara 24 (38) 2 (1979), 44-46.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Jensen inequality for monotone functions, \ Anal. Univ. Timisoara 1 (17) (1979), 95-104.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Jensen inequality,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 50-54.
- R.. Djordjevic, G.V. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Some estimates of Lnorm on the set of continuously-differentiable functions,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 57-61.
- G.V. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ The Steffensen inequality for convex function of order n ,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 97-100.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Jensen-Steffensen inequality,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 101-107.
- R.R. Janic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Some functional equations with several unknown functions,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 228-233.
- J.E. Pecaric and R.R. Janic,\ On a functional inequality,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 634-677 (1979), 234-235.
- J.E.Pecaric,\ Jedan prilog metodi premjestanja granicnih uslova na ravan II, \ A remark on method of moving finite bounds on surface, II,\ 23. Konf. ETAN. (Maribor) (1979), II 603-610.
- R. Muijevic, J.E. Pecaric and Lalovic,\ Jedan primer magnetsko-telurskog sondiranja iz Panonskog basena,\ An example of magnetic Earth sonic measurements in Panonic basin,\ 23. Konf. ETAN. (Maribor) (1979), II 617-625.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Chebysev inequality, \ Bul. Inst. Politehn. Timisoara 25 (39) (1980), 5-9.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Fuchs generalisation of the majorization theorem, \ Bul. Inst. Politehn. Timisoara 25 (39) (1980), 10-11.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Jensen inequality for monotone functions (II), \ Anal. Univ. Timisoara 1 (18) (1980), 95-104.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality of N. Levinson,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 678-715 (1980), 71-74.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A generalization of an inequality of Ky Fan,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 678-715 (1980), 75-84.
- J.E.Pecaric,\ Notes on some inequalities of P.M. Vasic,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 27 (41) (1980), 189-194.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality of P.M. Vasic and R.R. Janic,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 28 (42) (1980), 145-149.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Notes on some inequalities for convex sequences and for k-convex functions, \ Mat. Vesnik 4 (17) (32) (1980), 133-138.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities analogies to Gruess inequalit,\ Mat. Vesnik 4 (17) (32) (1980), 197-202.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Kolicnik geometrijske i aritmetike sredine kao neopadajuca funkcija,\ 7. Kong. MFA Jug., (Budva) (1980).
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Magnetotelursko polje na povrcini homogenog isklinjavajuceg sloja sa nagnutom visokootpornom povrcinom u proizvoljnom obliku,\ Magnetic Earth field on surface of homogen inclined layer with inclined highly resistant surface of arbitrary shape,\ Tehnika-Elektrotehnika 29 (1980), No. 12 , 1-6.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Certain inequalities for concave functions and concave sequences (Russian).\ Ukrain. Mat. . 33 (1981), 660-664. English Translation Ukrain. Math. J. 33 (1982), 505-507.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on an Integral Inequality of Ky Fan and G.G. Lorentz, \ Amer. Math. Monthly 88 (1981), 275-276.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A new proof of the Jensen-Steffensen inequality, \ Mathematica (Cluj) 23 (46) (1981), 73-77.
- B.D. Crstici and J.E. Pecaric,\ Generalizarea unei inegalitati a lui T. Popoviciu,\ Ses. “Ineg. mat.”, Sibiu (1981).
- B.D. Crstici and J.E. Pecaric,\ A further generalization of an inequality of Ky Fan,\ Itin. Sem. Func. Equat. Approx. Convexity. Cluj-Napoca (1981).
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Inverse of Jensen-Steffensen inequality, \ Glasnik Mathematiki 16 (36) (1981), 229-233.
- P.M. Vasic, R.R. Janic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On some functional equations of Pexider’s type, \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 25-31.
- J.E. Pecaric and R.R. Janic,\ On a class of cyclic functional equations, \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 41-49.
- J.E. Pecaric, R.R. Janic and M.S. Klamkin,\ Inequalities for polygons, \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 62-64.
- R.R. Janic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On some functional equations for functions of several variables, \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 73-79.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on the Steffensen inequality,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 80-82.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ The ebyev inequality as function of the index set, \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 716-734 (1981), 91-94.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities of quasi-monotone sequences,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 30 (44) (1981), 153-156.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ An inequality for m-convex sequences,\ Mat. Vesnik 5 (18) (33) (1981), 201-203.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Notes on two identities of D.D. Adamovi,\ Mat. Vesnik 5 (18) (33) (1981), 295-300.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Magnetotelursko polje na povrini n-slojne sredine sa nejednako nagnutim (ravnim) granicama,\ Magnetic Earth field on surface of n-layered media with inequally inclined (smooth) edges,\
- Konf. ETAN. (Mostar) (1981).
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A Short Proof of a Variant of Jensen’s Inequality,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 87 (1982), 278-280.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Bellman Generalization of Steffensen’s Inequality,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 88 (1982), 505-507.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ An Inequality for 3-convex function,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 90 (1982), 213-218.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Comments on Cebyev’s Inequality,\ Period. Math. Hung. 13 (3) (1982) 247-251.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Hoelder and some related inequalities,\ Mathematica (Cluj) 24 (47) (1982), 95-103.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Inverse of Steffensen’s inequality,\ Glasnik Mathematiki 17 (37) (1982), 265-270.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities for convex functions and some related applications, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje) 5-6 (1981-1982), 29-36.
- J.E. Pecaric, R.R. Janic and P.R. Beesack,\ Note on multidimensional generalizations Cebyev’s inequality ,\ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 735-762 (1982), 15-18.
- J.E. Pecaric and R.R. Janic,\ Note on a vector norm inequality , \ Univ. Beograd Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz. No. 735-762 (1982), 35-38.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities of D.C. Barnes,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 31 (45) (1982), 159-164
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Notes on some general inequalities,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 32 (46) (1982), 131-135.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Notes on some inequalities for convex functions,\ Mat. Vesnik 6 (19) (1982), 185-193.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the generalization of two Ozeki’s results,\ Mat. Vesnik 6 (19) (1982), 315-318.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Magnetotelursko polje na povrini n-slojne sredine sa nekoliko nagnutih (ravnih) stranica,\ Magnetic Earth field on surface of n-layer ed media with more of inclined (smooth) sides,\ Tehnika-Elektrotehnika 31 (1982), No. 2 , 185-193.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Petrovi inequality for convex functions, \ Glasnik Mathematiki 18 (38) (1983), 77-85.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On variants of Jessen’s inequality, \ Glasnik Mathematiki 18 (38) (1983), 281-289.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On Bernoulli’s inequality,\ Radovi ANUBIH, Odj. Pr. Mat. Nauka 74 (1983), 61-65.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ O jednoj nejednakosti L. Berwalda i nekim primjenama (Croatian),\ On L. Berwald’s inequality and applications,\ Radovi ANUBIH, Odj. Pr. Mat. Nauka 74 (1983), 123-128.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities for convex sequences,\ Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S. 33 (47) (1983), 173-178.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality of G. Gruss,\ Mat. Vesnik 7 (20) (1983), 59-64.
- D.D. Adamoviand J.E. Pecaric,\ Some inequalities obtained by elementary methods,\ Mat. Vesnik 7 (20) (35) (1983), 219-230.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. Savi,\ O uopstenoj Taylorovoj formuli,\ Zbor. Rad. AKoV (Beograd) (1983), 163-170.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. Savi,\ O novom postupku razvijanja funkcija u red i nekim primjenama,\ Zbor. Rad. AKoV (Beograd) (1983), 171-202.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ O osnovnom modelu u teoriji magnetotelurskog polja i nekim primjenama,\ On basic model in theory of magnetic Earth fields and applications,\ Tehnika-Elektrotehnika 32 (1983), No. 2 , 933-937.
- J.E. Pevcaric,\ A Simple proof of the Jensen-Steffensen Inequality, \ Amer. Math. Monthly 91 (1984), 195-196.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On Some Inequalities for Functions with Nondecreasing Increments,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 98 (1984), 188-197.
- P. R. Beesack and J.E. Pecaric,\ Inequalities Involving nth-Order Means,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 99 (1984), 127-149.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Concerning Extended Complete Tchebycheff System,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 102 (1984), 385-392.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Remarks on Some Inequalities of A.M. Fink,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 104 (1984), 428-431.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Bellman Generalization of Steffensen’s Inequality. II,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 104 (1984), 432-434.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Ostrowski Generalization of Cebyev’s Inequality,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 102 (1984), 479-487.
- P.M. Vasic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Sur une inegalite de Jensen-Steffensen,\ General Inequalities 4, Intern. Ser. Num. Math. (1984) 87-92.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Generalization of some results of H. Burkill and L. Mirsky and some related results,\ Period. Math. Hung. 15 (3) (1984) 241-247.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Inverse of Jensen-Steffensen’s inequality, (II),\ Glasnik Mathematiki 19 (39) (1984), 239-242.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On a generalization of Chong Kong Ming theorem, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje) 7-8 (1983-1984), 1-3.
- J.E. Pecaric and B.Savi,\ O generalizaciji nekih rezultata J. Karamate i nekim primjenama,\ On generalizations of J. Karamate results and their applications,\ Zbor. Rad. AKoV (Beograd) (1984), 245-268.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ O nekim nejednakostima za korjene jedne klase polinoma, \ On some inequalities for roots of one class of polynomials,\ Zbor. Fak. Pom. (Kotor) 9-10 (1983-1984), 123-129.
- P.M. Vasic, I. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ An estimation for remainder of analytical function in Taylor’s series,\ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. I (Ni) (1984) , 83-86.
- G.V. Milovanovic and J.E. Pevcaric,\ On an application of Hermite’s interpolation polynomial and some related results,\ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. I (Ni) (1984) , 93-98.
- M. Radojkovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Boundary element analysis of flow in aquifers, \ Finite El. in Water Resources (Proc) (1984), 723-736.
- M. Radojkovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Three-dimensional boundary element model of groundwater flow to Ranney wells, \ Hydrosoft’ 84 (1984),4-63-75.
- J.E. Pecaric and M. Radojkovic,\ Solution of potential problems with internal sources by boundary element method, \ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. I (Ni) (1984), 181-185.
- J.E. Pecaric and M. Radojkovic,\ Primjena metode graninih elemenata u elektrostatici,\ Applications of boundary element method in electrostatics, \ I Sr. Simp. Prim. Elektrost. (Ni) (1984), 18. 1-8.
- M. Radojkovic, J.E. Pecaric, Z. Milainovic and N. Klem,\ Primena metode graninih elemenata na probleme potencijalnih strujanja u anizotropnim sredinama,\ Applications of boundary element method to problems of potential flows in anisotropic media, \ 16 Jug. Kong. Teor. Prim. Mehanike (Beii) (1984), B 280-287.
- M. Radojkovic, J.E. Pecaric and M. Djukic,\ Matematiko modeliranje akvifera primenom metode graninih elemenata,\ Mathematical modelling of aquifers using boundary element method,\ 8. Jug. Simp. Hidrogeol. In. (Budva). 1.637-641
- J.E. Pecaric,\ The inductive proof of the Jensen-Steffensen inequality, \ Anal. Univ. Timisoara 23 (1985), 33-34.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A companion Inequality to Jensen-Steffensen’s Inequality, \ J. Approx. Theory 44 (1985), 289-291.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Multidimensional generalization of Slater’s inequality, \ J. Approx. Theory 44 (1985), 292-294.
- P. R. Beesack and J.E. Pecaric,\ On Jessen’s inequality for convex functions,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 111 (1985), 536-552.
- P. R. Beesack and J.E. Pecaric,\ Integral inequalities of ebyev Type,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 111 (1985), 643-659.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A generalization of Tchebycheff inequality, \ Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodovska (Lublin) 39 (1985), 131-134.
- I.. Milovanovic, J.E. Pecaricand Gh. Toader,\ On p,q-convex sequences, \ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 6 (1985), 127-130.
- Gh. Toader, J.E. Pecaric and I. . Milovanovic,\ On a general inequality for convex sequences,\ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 7 (1985), 57-58.
- J.E. Pecaric, Gh. Toader and B. Crstici,\ Note on some inequalities,\ Simp. Math. Appl. Timisoara (1985).
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on an integral inequality of M.S. Klamkin and D.J. Newman,\ Radovi ANUBIH, Odj. Pr. Mat. Nauka 78 (1985), 91-93.
- J.E. Pecaric and B.A. Mesihovic,\ The generalization of some integral inequalities of L. Gegenbauer,\ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. II (Novi Sad) (1985), 51-57.
- P.M. Vasic, Lj.R. Stankovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality of P. Mitra,\ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. II (Novi Sad) (1985) , 109-114.
- P.M. Vasic, Lj.R. Stankovic and J.E. Pevcaric,\ Notes on the ebyev inequality,\ Num. Meth. Approx. Th. II (Novi Sad) (1985), 115-120.
- J.E. Pecaric and P. R. Beesack,\ On Jessen’s inequality for convex functions II,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 118 (1986), 125-144
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Erds-Mordell Inequality for a Polygon,\ J. Coll. Arts Sci. Chiba Univ. B-19 (1986), 3-6.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Erds-Mordell’s and related inequalities,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 8 (1986), 381-386.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on Bottema’s inequality for two triangles,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 8 (1986), 141-144.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on the Gauss-Wincler Inequality,\ Anzeiger. Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse 123 (1986), 89-92.
- I. Milovanovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On some inequalities for delta-convex sequences of higher order,\ Period. Math. Hung. 17 (1) (1986) 21-24.
- J.E. Pecaric, B.A. Mesihovic, I. Milovanovic and N. Stojanovic,\ On some inequalities for convex and delta-convex sequences of higher order I,\ Period. Math. Hung. 17 (3) (1986) 235-239.
- J.E. Pecaric, B.A. Mesihovic, I. Milovanovic and N. Stojanovic},\ On some inequalities for convex and delta-convex sequences of higher order II,\ Period. Math. Hung. 17 (4) (1986) 313-320.
- I. Milovanovic, J.E. Pecaric and Gh. Toader,\ On an inequality of Nanson,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 15 (1986) 149-151.
- B.D. Crstici and J.E. Pecaric,\ About an inequality of T. Popoviciu for convex functions, \ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 7 (1986), 215-218.
- Gh. Toader, J.E. Pecaric and I. Milovanovic,\ On the representation of convex sequences,\ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 7 (1986), 219-222.
- D. Andrica and J.E. Pecaric,\ On some Gruess type inequalities, \ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 7 (1986), 211-214.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Modified version of a general result of Vasic-Adamovic-Kekic and some remarks concerning inequalities for convex functions, \ Glasnik Matematiki 21 (41) (1986), 331-341.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on some trigonometric identities of D.D. Adamovi,\ Punime Matematike (Pristina) 1 (1986), 13-16.
- J.E. Pecaric and D.S. Mitrinovic,\ An inequality for a polygon, \ Zbor. Fak. Pom. (Kotor) 11-12 (1985-1986), 73-74.
- J.E. Pecaric and R.R. Jani,\ Remark on an inequality for a 3-convex functions, \ Facta Univ. Ser. Math, Inf. (Ni) 1 (1986), 23-25.
- J.E. Pecaric, Gh. Tudor, B. Crstici and B. Savi,\ Note on the Taylor formula and some applications,\ J. Approx. Theory 51 (1987), 47-53.
- J.E. Pecaric and P.R. Beesack,\ Some Jessen-Beckenbach Inequalities, \ Rocky Mountain J. Math. 17 (1987), 629-641.
- J.E. Pecaric and P.R. Beesack,\ On Knopp’s inequality for convex functions\ Canad. Math. Bull. 30 (1987), 267-272.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Some further remarks on the Ostrowski Generalization of Cebyev’s Inequality. \ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 123 (1987), 18-33
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On some applications of Hermite’s interpolation polynomial,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 9 (1987), 55-58.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec,\ The generalized Fermat-Torricelli point and the generalized Lhuilier-Lemoine point,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 9 (1987), 95-100.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Method due to R. Bellman,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 196 (1987), 399-402.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Generalizations of the Jensen Inequality,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 196 (1987), 21-26.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec,\ History, variations and generalization of the Mbius-Neuberg theorem and the Mbius-Pompeiu theorem\ Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 31 (79), nr 1 (1987) 25-38.
- J.E. Pecaric and D. Andrica,\ Abstract Jessen’s inequality for convex functions and applications,\ Mathematica (Cluj) 29 (52) (1987), 61-65.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Popoviciu conversion of Jensen’s inequality,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 16 (1987) 65-68.
- J.E. Pecaric, S. Toader, and Gh. Toader,\ Generalized finite differences for functions of more variables,\ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. No. 6 (1987), 255-260.
- D.S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Neravenstva medu stranite na tri’g’lnici s dadeni lica,\ Obu. po Matematika (Sofia) 4, (1987), 39-40.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and W. Janous,\ Some trigonometric inequalities, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 428; Mat. znan., sv. 6 (1987), 103-127.
- P.T. Landsberg and J.E. Pecaric,\ Thermodynamics, inequalities, and negative heat capacities,\ Physical Review A 35 (1987), 4397-4403.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ About the Neuberg-Pedoe and the Oppenheim Inequalities,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 129 (1988), 196-210.\ Chinese translation with additions in references given by Zhang Zui-Ming published in\ Jurnal of Yuxi Teacher’s College (Natural Sci. Ed.), Vol.4, N0 2, 1988.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the Bellman Generalization of Steffensen’s Inequality, III,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 135 (1988), 342-345.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On the lemmas of N. Ozeki,\ J. Coll. Arts Sci. Chiba Univ. B-21 (1988), 19-21.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Remarks on some determinantal inequalities,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 10 (1988), 41-45.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Generalizations of Two Inequalities of Godunova and Levin,\ Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 36 (1988), 645-648.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Determinantal Inequalities of Jensen’s type,\ Anzeiger. Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse 125 (1988), 75-78.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. A. Mesihovic,\ On Vietoris’ Generalization of Cebyev’s Inequality,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 197 (1988), 469-475.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Unified Treatment of Some Inequalities for Mixed Means,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 197 (1988), 391-397.
- J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec,\ Interpolation of the Jensen Inequality with some Applications,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 197 (1988), 463-467.
- J.E. Pecaric and C.L. Wang,\ An extension of a Sierpinski inequality,\ Cong. Num. (Canada) 61 (1988), 35-38.
- J.E. Pecaric and M.S. Klamkin,\ Extensions of the Weierstrass product inequalities III,\ SEA Bull. Math. 11 (1988), 123-126.
- I.. Milovanovic, J.E. Pecaric, N.N. Stojanovic and B. A. Mesihovic,\ On some characteristics of generalized convex sequences,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 17 (1988) 153-156.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir, \ On some Gronwall type lemmas,\ Prep. Fonct. Equat. Sem. (Timisoara) 86 (1988), 1-10.
- D.S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, S.J. Bilev and E.A. Velikova, \ On an inequality of O. Kooi,\ Matem. i Matem. Obraz. (Sofia) BAN, (1988), 566-568.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, C. Tanasescu and V. Volenec,\ Inequalities involving R ,r and s for special triangles, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 435; Mat. znan., sv. 7 (1988), 75-106.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec,\ On the polar moment of inertia inequality, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 435; Mat. znan., sv. 7 (1988), 107-110.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality of W. Sierpinski,\ Punime Matematike (Pristina) 3 (1988), 9-11.
- J.E. Pecaric and R.R. Jani,\ Some remarks on the paper “Sur une inegalite de la norme” of D. Delbosco, \ Facta Univ. Ser. Math, Inf. (Ni) 3 (1988), 39-42.
- J.E. Pecaric and E.M. Agovic,\ On the starshaped sequences of higher order, \ Facta Univ. Ser. Math, Inf. (Ni) 3 (1988), 9-12.
- J.E. Pecaric and D. Zwick,\ n-Convexity and Majorization,\ Rocky Mountain J. Math. 19 (1989), 303-311.
- E. Neuman and J.E. Pecaric,\ Inequalities Involving Multivariate Convex Functions,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 137 (1989), 541-549.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ A general integral inequality for the derivative of an equimeasurable rearrangement,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 11 (1989), 201-205.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On Two-Place Completely Monotone Functions,\ Anzeiger. Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse 126 (1989), 85-88.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Connection among some inequalities of Gauss, Steffensen and Ostrowski,\ SEA Bull. Math. 13 (1989), 89-91.
- S.S. Dragomir and J.E. Pecaric,\ Refinements of some inequalities for isotonic functionals,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 18 (1989) 61-65.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir,\ A refinement of Jensen inequality and applications, \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Math. 34 (1989), 15-19.
- J.E. Pecaric, S.S. Dragomir and B. Crstici,\ On the Olovyaniskov-Schoenberg Theorem and Some similar Results, \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Math. 34 (1989), 34-39.
- S.S. Dragomir, J.E. Pecarica and J. Sandr,\ On some Gruess type inequalities,\ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. (1989), 155-158.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir, \ On an inequality of Godunova-Levin and some refinements of Jensen integral inequality,\ Babes-Bolyai. Univ. Fac. Math. Res. Sem. Prep. (1989), 263-268.
- D.D. Adamoviand J.E. Pecaric, \ On Nanson’s inequality and some inequalities related to it,\ Math. Balkanica. N.S. 5, (1989), 1, 3-11
- J.E. Pecaric,\ A note on Hadamard’s inequality,\ Prilozi MANU 10 (1989), 21-23.
- I.. Milovanovic, N.M. Stojanovic, Gh. Toader and J.E. Pecaric,\ On representation of a linear operator on the set of mean-convex sequences,\ Punime Matematike (Pristina) 4 (1989), 3-7.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir, \ Some inequalities for quasi-linear functionals,\ Punime Matematike (Pristina) 4 (1989), 37-41.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Konveksne funkcije i nejednakosti (in Croatian),\ Convex functions and inequalities,\ Mat. Fiz. List (Zagreb) 39, No. 4 (1988-1989), 121-131.
- H. Kraljevic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Some Landau’s type inequalities for infinitesimal generators,\ Aequationes Math. 40 (1990), 147-153.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On Levinson’s inequality,\ Real Anal. Exchange 15 (1989-90), 710-712.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on a class of functions of Godunova and Levin,\ C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 12 (1990), 33-36.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On an Extension of Hoelder’s Inequality,\ Bolletino U. M. I. (7) 4-A (1990), 405-408.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ A note on an inequality with non-conjugate parameters,\ Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. Sond. Sitzungsb. 199 (1990), 155-160.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ Remarks on the paper “A note on Everitt type integral inequality”, of B.G. Pachpatte\ Tamkang J. Math. 21 (1990), 169-170.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and V. Volenec,\ An elementary method for maximizing of some functions.\ Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 34 (82), (1990) 37-47.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir,\ Some remarks on Cebyev’s inequality,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 19 (1990) 59-65.
- J.E. Pecaric and M.V. Jovanovi,\ Some inequalities for a-convex functions,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 19 (1990) 67-70.
- S.S. Dragomir, J.E. Pecaric and J. Sandr,\ A note on the Jensen-Hadamard inequality,\ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. 19 (1990) 29-34.
- S.S. Dragomir, J.E. Pecaric and J. Sandr,\ The Chebyshev inequality in Prehilbertian spaces (II),\ Simp. Math. Appl, (Timisoara), (1990) 75-78 .
- J.E. Pecaric and R. Jani,\ Njakoi neravenstva za an’glite na tri’g’lnik,\ Obu. po Matematika (Sofia) 5, (1990), 27-29.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On an inequality for the ratio of two quadratic forms, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 450; Mat. znan., sv. 9 (1990), 93-95.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ History, variations and generalizations of the ebyev inequality and question of some priorities II, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 450; Mat. znan., sv. 9 (1990), 139-156.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on Hadamard’s inequalities for convex function of several variables, \ Rad JAZU, knj. 450; Mat. znan., sv. 9 (1990), 157-159.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Remark on an interpolation of Jensen’s inequality,\ Prilozi MANU 11 (1990), 5-7.
- D.S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric,\ On Bernoulli’s inequality, \ Facta Univ. Ser. Math, Inf. (Ni) 5 (1990), 55-56.
- R.R. Jani and J.E. Pecaric,\ Note on some nonlinear functional equations, \ Facta Univ. Ser. Math, Inf. (Ni) 5 (1990), 81-84.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ Nejednakosti za konveksne funkcije (in Slovenian),\ Inequalities for convex functions,\ Obz. za fiz. (Ljubljana) 37 (1990), 1-9.
- S.S. Dragomir, J.E. Pecaric and J. Sandr,\ Some generalizations of Cauchy-Buniakowski-Schwarz inequality for isotonic functionals,\ Bul. Univ. Brasov. Ser C, 32 (1990), 17-22.
- S. Selak and J.E. Pecaric,\ Does physics exhibit its negations,\ Astrophysics and Space Science 166 (1990), 331-332.
- J.E. Pecaric and M. Radojkovic, \ Primjena metode graninih elemenata u elektrostatici II,\ Applications of boundary element method in electrostatics II,\ Tehnika-Elektrotehnika 39 5-6, (1990) 1. 332-335.
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa,\ Inequalities for divided differences of n-convex functions, \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Math. 35,2 (1990), 7-10.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir\ On some integral inequalities for convex functions,\ Bul. Inst. Politehn. din. IASI 34 (40), Fasc. 1-4, Sect I (1990), 19-23.
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa, \ A linear operator preserving k-convex functions, \ Bull. Sti. Inst. Politehn. Cluj-Napoca. Math. Apl. Mec. 33 (1990), 23-26.
- J.E. Pecaric, M.S. Klamkin and R.R. Jani,\ Some cyclic inequalities. ,\ Stientia, Ser. A Math.Sci. 4 (1990/1991), 69-71.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On inequalities of Hilbert and Widder,\ Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 34 (1991), 411-414.
- J.E. Pecaric,\ On Jessen’s Inequality for Convex Functions, III,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 156 (1991), 231-239.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ On an Inequality of G. Szeg, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 158 (1991), 349-351.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalization of the power means and their inequalities,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 161 (1991), 395-404.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, Comments on an inequality of M. Masuyama,\ SUT J. Math. (Formerly TRU Math.) 27 (1991), 89-91.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On some Inequalities for Monotone Functions,\ Bolletino U. M. I. (7) 5-B (1991), 407-416.
- J.E. Pecaric and W. Janous, \ On an integral inequalities,\ Elem. Math. 46/2, (1991), 55-57.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On completely monotonic sequences,\ Anzeiger. Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse 128 (1991), 63-67.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Two integral inequalities, \ SEA Bull. Math. 15 (1991), 153-155.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Interpolations of determinantal inequalities of Jensen’s type,\ Tamkang J. Math. 22 (1991), 39-42.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Some inequalities for generalized convex functions of several variables,\ Period. Math. Hung. 22 (2) (1991) 83-90.
- S.S. Dragomir, J.E. Pecaric and J. Sandr,\ The Chebyshev inequality in Prehilbertian spaces (III), \ Simp. Math. Appl, (Timisoara), (1991).
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa, \ Some improved inequalities, \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Math. 36 , 2 (1991) 3-6.
- D.D. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On a problem of Sendov Involving an integral inequality,\ Math. Balkanica. N.S. 5, (1991), 1.
- J.E. Pecaric and S.S. Dragomir, \ A generalization of Hadamard’s inequality for isotonic linear functionals,\ Radovi Matematiki 7 (1991), 103-107.
- H. Alzer and J.E. Pecaric \ Bounds for the ratio of the moments of non-negative concave functions,\ Radovi Matematiki 7 (1991), 341-344.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Extension of an interpolation of Jensen’s inequality, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje) 15 (1991), 39-40.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, V. Volenec and J. Chen, \ Addenda to the Monograph “Recent Advances in Geometric inequalities” I, \ J. NINGBO Univ. , No. 2, (1991), 79-145.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On an identity of D. Z. Djokovic, \ Prilozi MANU, 12 (1991) 21-22
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ On an inequality of G.K. Lebed’, \ Prilozi MANU, 12 (1991) 15-19
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Notes on paper “A note on Copson’s inequality involving series of positive terms”\ by B. G. Pachpatte, \ Prilozi MANU, 12 (1991) 13-14
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Notes on convex functions, \ General Inequalities 6, Intern. Ser. Num. Math. (1992) 449-454.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Two remarks on Hossz’s functional inequality, \ Publ. Math. Debrecen 40 (1992), 243-244.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ An extension of an inequality for nondecreasing sequences, \ Rocky Mountain J. Math. 22 (1992), 329-330.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. Mond, \ An inequality for operators in a Hilbert space II, \ Houston J. Math., 18 (1992), 175-179.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. Mond, \ A matrix inequality including that of Kantorovich-Hermite II,\ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 168 (1992), 381-384
- J.E. Pecaric and S. Varoanec, \ Some remarks on inequalities of L. Iliev.,\ Math. Balkanica. 6 (1992), 183-186.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Remark on Pachpatte’s generalization of Hardy’s inequality, \ Indian J. Pure Appl. Math. 23 (1992), 129-130.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ On some classical inequalities in unitary spaces, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje) 16 (1992), 63-72
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Remarks on two interpolations of Hadamard’s inequality, \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje) 13 (1992), 9-12.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Remarks on the paper “Inequalities related to generalized means” by V. Lauhakosol nad \ P. Ubolski, \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje) 13 (1992), 5-8.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ A multidimensional generalization of Wright-convex functions, \ Comment. Math. 32 (1992), 123-131
- S.S. Dragomir and J.E. Pecaric, \ A generalization of Slater’s inequality, \ Zbornik PMF-a u Kragujevcu,13 (1992), 5-9
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and L.E. Persson, \ On a general inequality with applications, \ Zeitschrift fur Anal. Anwend. 2 (1992), 285-290.
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa, \ On Jessen’s inequality, \ Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 56 (1992), 305-309.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Hoelder, Minkowski and related operator inequalities, \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje), 13/2 (1992), 5-21.
- I.Z. Milovanovic, N.M. Stojanovic, Gh. Toader and J.E. Pecaric, \ On representation of a linear operator on the set of mean-convex sequences, \ Period. Math. Hung., 25 (1992), 127-131.
- S.S. Dragomir, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Some remarks on Bessel’s Inequality in inner product spaces, \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Mathematica (Cluj-Napoca) 37,4 (1992), 77-85.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Improvements of Hoelder’s and Minkowski’s Inequalities, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje) 17 (1993), 69-74.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities with weights for powers of generalized inverses, \ Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 48 (1993), 7-12.
- J.E. Pecaric and Th. M. Rassias, \ Variations and generalizations of Bohr’s inequality, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl. 178 (1993), 138-146.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ Bernoulli’s inequality, \ Rend. del Circolo Mat.Palermo. 42 (1993), 317-337.
- D. S. Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric, \ An application of the ebyev integral inequalities,\ In: Topics in Polynomials of one and several variables and their applications, \ Eds. Th. M. Rassias, H.M. Srivastava and A. Yanuashauskas. 1993, 457-461.
- J.E. Pecaric and S. Varoanec, \ Some remarks on inequalities of L. Iliev. II, \ Math. Balkanica 7 (1993), 333-338.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ On Jensen inequality for C-J-convex functions, \ Comment. Math. , 33 (1993), 111-118.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Matrix version of some means inequalities, \ The Australian Math. Soc. Gazette, 20 (1993), 117-120.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Convex Inequalities in Hilbert Space, \ Houston J. Math., 19 (1993), 405-420.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Convex Inequalities for several Self-adjoint Operators in a Hilbert Space, \ Indian J. Math., 35 (1993), 121-135.
- C. J. Eliezer, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalization and applications of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality II, \ Bull. Calcuta Math. Soc., 85 (1993), 473-478.
- I. Rasa and J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities for a class of means. \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai. Mathematica (Cluj-Napoca) 38, No. 1 (1993), 35-38.
- C. J. Eliezer, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalizations of the Cauchy-Schwarz and Hoelder inequality II,\ Anal. Univ. Timisoara, Ser. Math.,31 (1) (1993), 45-50.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On some operator inequalities, \ Indian J. Math., 35 (1993), 221-232.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A general matrix inequality for Commuting matrices. \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Mathematica ( Cluj-Napoca) 38, No. 4 (1993), 15-23.
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa, \ On some linear inequalities. \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Mathematica (Cluj-Napoca), 38, No.4 (1993), 31-33.
- J.E.Pecaric, \ On Stolarsky’s Quotient. \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje), 14, 2 (1993), 55-60.
- J.E.Pecaric and B. A. Mesihovic, \ On some complementary inequalities. \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje), 14, 2 (1993), 55-60.
- J.E.Pecaric, \ Remarks on Biernacki’s Generalizations of ebyev Inequality. \ Sin. Univ. Mariae Curie- Sklodowska (Lublin), Sec A, vol. XLVII, 12 (1993), 116-122.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ Remarks on Jensen’s Inequality for Operator Convex Functions. \ Ann. Univ. Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sec. A., 47, 10 (1993), 96-103.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ Converses of Jensen’s Inequality for Linear Maps of Operators. \ Anal. Univ. Timisoara, 31 (1993) (2) 223-228.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, \ Some properties of Bernstein polynomials. \ Prilozi MANU 14 2 (1993), 39-44.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric, \ Jensen’s Inequality for some non-convex functions. \ Prilozi MANU 14 2 (1993), 45-47.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ An integral inequality. \ In “Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann: A Mathematical Legacy”, \ Eds. Th. M. Rassias and H.M. Srivastava. pp.471-478. Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, Florida 1993.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Remark on a Recent Converse of Hoelder inequality, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 181 (1994), 280-281.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On an Operator Analogue of the Brenner-Newcomb-Ruehr Inequality, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 182 (1994), 19-21.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Remark on an inequality of S. Gabler, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 184 (1994), 19-21.
- J.E. Pecaric and B. Mond, \ An inequality for operator in a Hilbert space III, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 183 (1994), 385-390.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J.E. Pecaric, \ An Inequality for convex functions, \ J.Math. Anal. Appl., 183 (1994), 523-527.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A Matrix version of the Ky Fan Generalization of the Kantorovich Inequality, \ Lin. Multilin. Alg., 36 (1994), 217-221.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities involving Powers of Generalized Inverses, \ Lin. Alg. Appl., 199 (1994), 293-304.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities for semi-convex functions, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 185 (1994), 367-377.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ On an integral inequality of A. Lupas, \ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx., 23, No. 1 (1994), 101-102.
- J.E. Pecaric, S.S. Dragomir and J. Sandr, \ On some Gruess type inequalities for isotonic functionals, \ Rad HAZU, mat [467] 11 (1994), 41-47.
- M. Aliand J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities related to Hardy’s and Levin’s, \ Rad HAZU, mat. [467] 11 (1994), 111-117.
- H. Alzer and J.E. Pecaric, \ On an inequality of A.M. Mercer, \ Rad HAZU, mat [467] 11 (1994), 27-30.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Jensen’s inequality for operator monotone functions, \ Rend. del Circolo Mat.Palermo, 43 (1994), 16-24.
- S.S. Dragomir, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A functional inequality and it’s applications, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 187 (1994), 287-295.
- L. Maligranda, J.E. Pecaric and L.E.Persson, \ On same inequalities of the Gruess-Barnes and Borell type, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 187 (1994), 306-323.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J.E. Pecaric, \ A remark on the Lo-Keng Hua inequality, \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 188 (1994), 700-702.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ A reverse Stolarsky’s inequality, \ Amer. Math. Monthly, 101 (1994), 565-567.
- J.E. Pecaric and S. Varoanec, \ A Generalization of Polya’s Inequalities, \ WSIAA, 3 (1994), 501-504.
- J.E. Pecaric and I. Rasa, \ Some inequalities and identities for means. \ Conference of Appl. Math. and Mech. Univ. Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, June, 1994. \ Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, 39, No. 1 (1994).
- J.E. Pevcaric and I. Rasa, \ Inequalities for Wright-convex functions. \ Conference of Appl. Math. and Mech. Univ. Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, June, 1994.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Inequalities with weights for powers of generalized inverses II. \ Lin. Alg. Appl., 210 (1994), 265-272.
- B. Mond and J,E.Pecaric, \ Bounds for Jensen’s inequality for Several Operators. \ Houston J. Math., 20 (1994), 645-651.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J.E.Pecaric, \ Remarks on an integral inequality for concave functions, \ Acta Sci. Math.(Szeged)., 59 (1994), 575-578.
- J.E.Pecaric, \ A weighted version of Zagier’s inequality. \ Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 12 (1994), 125-127.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ Classical Inegualities for Matrix Functions. \ Utilitas Math., 46 (1994), 155-166.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ Difference and Ratio Operator Inegualities in Hilbert Space. \ Houston J. Math., 21 (1994), 103-108.
- J. Pecaric, \ On two integral inequalities. \ Bull. Polytechnic Inst. Iasi 4 (44) (1994), 45-50.
- S. Varoanec and J.E.Pecaric, \ On Polya’s Ineguality. \ Functional Analysis IV, Dubrovnik (1993), Proceedings . \ Univ. Math. Institut (1994), pp 275-278.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J.E. Pecaric, \ On the ratio of logarithmic means. \ Anzeiger. Oester. Akad. Wiss. Math. – Naturwiss. Klasse. 131 (1994), 39-44.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pev{c}ari'{c}, \ Hoelder and Minkowski Inequalities in Hilbert Space, \ Math. Balkanica, 8 (1994), 45-49.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pev{c}ari'{c}, \ Convenses of Jensen’s inequality for several operators. \ Revue Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx., 23 (1994), 179-183.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pev{c}ari'{c}, \ Hoelder and Minkowski Inequalities for commuting matrices. \ SEA Bull. Math., 18 (1994), 73-77.
- J.E. Pecaric, and Gh. Toader, \ The preservation of the convexity of Functions. \ Real analysis Exchange, 20 (1994/95), 736-740.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalization of a Matrix inequality of Ky Fan, \ J. Math. Anall. Appl., 190 (1995), 244-247.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ A simple proof of the Beckenbach-Lorentz inequality. \ Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 51 (1995), 417-420.
- B. Mond ,J.E. Pecaric and S. Saiton, \ History, variations and generalizations of an Inequality of Marcus. \ Riazi J. Karachi Math.Assoc., to appear 16 ( 1995).
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalized Power Means for Matrix Functions. \ Publ. Math. Debrecen, 46/1-2 (1995), 33-39.
- L. Maligranda, J.E. Pecaric and L.E. Persson, \ Weighted Farard and Bevarald inequalities \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 190 (1995), 248-262.
- J.E.Pecaric and S. Varoanec, \ Remarks on Gauss-Wincler’s and Stolarsky’s inegualities. \ Utilitas Math., 48, (1995), 233-241.
- B. Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ Reverse Forms of a convex matrix inequality. \ Lin. Alg. Appl., 220 (1995), 359-364.
- S. Varoanec and J.E.Pecaric, \ Gauss’ and related inequalities. \ Zeitschriff fur Anal. Anwend. 14 (1995), 175-183.
- J.E.Pecaric and H. Alzer, \ On Ky Fan’s inequality. \ Math. Panonica, 6/1 (1995), 85-93.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ An extension of the generalized Schur Inequality. \ Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 52 (1995), 341-344.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J.E.Pecaric, \ On an extension of Hoelder’s ineguality. \ Bull. Austral. Math.Soc.,51 (1995), 453-458.
- J.E. Pecaric, \ Remarks on some results of Alzer, Yang and Teng., \ Tamkang J. Math., 26 (1995), 9-11.
- J.E.Pecaric, \ The inequalities of Zagier and ebyev . \ Arch. Math., 64 (1995), 415-417.
- B.Mond and J.E.Pecaric, \ A matrix version of the Ky Fan Generalization of the Kantorovich inequality II. \ Linear and Multilin. Alg. 38 (1995), 309-313.
- L. Maligranda, J.E.Pecaric, and L.E. Persson, \ Stolarsky’s inequality with general weights, \ Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 123 (1995), 2113-2118.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ An integral inequality for convex functions, with application to teletraffic congestion problems,\ Mathematics of operations research, 20 (1995), 526-528.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ On an inequality relating to sum sets. \ J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser.B, 37 (1995), 208-211.
- B. Mond and J. Pecaric, \ Some matrix inequalities of Ky Fan type. \ Tamkang J. Math. 26 (1995), 321-326.
- J. Pecaric, and L.E. Persson, \ Note on an inequality of Hardy-Littlewood and P’ olya. \ Gazette Math. 79 (1995), 383-385.
- J. Pecaric \ On a recent sharpening of the arithmetic mean-geometric mean inequality. \ Utilitas Math., 48 (1995), 3-4.
- S. S. Dragomir, J. Pecaric and L.E. Persson, \ Some Inequalities of Hadamard Type. \ Soochow Math.J., 21 (1995), 335-341.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On converses of Remarks on Hoelder and Beckenbach inequality. \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 196 (1995), 795-799.
- J. Pecaric, and L.E. Persson, \ On Bergh’s Inequality for Quasi-monotone Functions. \ J. Math. Anal. Appl., 195 (1995), 393-400.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A short proof of alternative divergence criteria, \ Octogon Math. Mag. (Brasov), 3 (2) (1995), 14-15.
- S. S. Dragomir, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ On Jessen’s and related inequalities for isotonic sublinear fuctionals. \ Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 61 (1995), 373-382.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On Jensen’s Inequality for for operator Convex Functions. \ Houston J. Math., 21 (1995), 739-754.
- S. Abramovich, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Sharpening Hoelder’s inequality \ J. Math.Anal. Appl, 196 (1995), 1131-1134.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Remarks on quasi-mean functional inequality.\ Octogon Math. Magazine (Brasov) 3 (1) (1995), 18-20.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ Some improvments to the fundamental inequality for Lp norms. \ Houston J. Math., 21 (1995), 483-488.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ Some theorems of Jensen type for generalized logarithmic means. \ Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 40 (1995), 9-10, 789-795.
- C. J. Eliezer, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Artin’s theorem and related results, \ Bull. of the Technical Univ. of Timisoara, 40 (54) (1995), No. 1-2, 49-54.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A remark on Hoelder’s inequality for Commuting Matrices, \ SEA Bull. Math., to appear
- J.E. Pecaric, S. Puntanen and G.P.H. Styan, \ Some further matrix extensions of the Cauchy-Schwarz and Kantorovich inequalitie s with some statistical applications. \ Lin. Alg. Appl., 237/238 (1996), 455-476.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ A mixed Arithmetic-mean, Harmonic-mean matrix inequality. \ Lin. Alg. Appl., 237/238 (1996), 449-454.
- C.E.M. ~Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ A continuos analogue and an extension of Rado’s formulae. \ Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 53 (1996), 229-233.
- C.E.M. ~Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ On some inequalities of Brenner and Alzer for concave functions. \ J. Math.Anal.Appl., 198 (1996), 282-288.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On an Inequality for Spectrall Radius.\ Linear and Multilin.Alg. 40 (1996), 203-206.
- S. S. Dragomir, J. Pecaric, and L. E. Persson, \ Some Functionals related to Jensen’s Inequality. \ Acta Math. Hungarica., 70 (1996), 129-143.
- D. S. Mitrinovic, J.E. Pecaric and H. Kraljevic, \ On Landau’s theorem, \ Glasnik Mathematiki, in print
- J.E. Pecaric and E. R. Lowe, \ Still more Generalizations of Hardy’s Inequality, \ J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A., to appear
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Some inequalities for monotone sequences of operators, \ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Means for permutable operators in Hilbert space, \ Mat. Bilten (Skopje), to appear.
- J. Pecaric, and I. Rasa, \ An integral inequality \ Conference of Appl. Math. and Mech.Univ. Tehnica Cluj-Napoca, June, 1994. \ Anal. Numer. Theor. Approx. to appear
- J. Pecaric \ A weighted, discrete version of Zagier’s inequality, \ SEA Bull. Math., to appear.
- J. Pecaric \ Remark on Zagier and v{C}ebyv{s}ev Inequality. \ Prilozi MANU (Skopje), to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Applications of Spectral Theory to Inequalities in Hilbert Space. \ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- J. Pecaric, and C.E.M. Pearce, \ On an inverse to the H” older inequality. \ Int.J. of Math. and Math. Sci, to appear
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Matrix Inequalities for Commutative Matrices, \ Studia Babes-Bolyai, Math. (Cluj-Napoca), to appear.
- S. S. Dragomir, B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric \ On Jensen’s inequality for self-adjoint operators in Hilbert Space. \ Acta Univers Palackianae Olomucensis, to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Generalized power means for matrix functions II. \ Publ. Math. Debrecen, to appear.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric \ Meir’s inequality and some related results. \ Rocky Mount. J. Math., to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ On Matrix convexity of the Moore-Penrose Inverse. \ Int. J. of Math. and Math. Sci., to appear.
- S. Varosanec and J. Pecaric, \ Some Integral Inequalities, with Bounds for moments of Distribution. \ J. Austral. Math. Soc. B, to appear.
- S. S. Dragomir, B. Mond, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric \ Some converses of the triangle inequality in normal linear spaces and applicatio ns \ Studia Univ. “Babes-Bolyai” Mathematics (Cluj-Napoca), to appear.
- J. Pecaric, and Gh. Toader, \ Generalizations of some functional equations. \ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- M. Alic, J. Pecaric, \ On some inequalities of Madevski and Ostrowski. \ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- J. Pecaric, and S. Abramovich, \ On new majorization theorems. \ Rocky Mount J. Math., to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ mixed means inequality. \ Gazette Aust.Math.Soc. to appear.
- J. Pecaric, and D. Veljan, \ On Maligranda’s generalization of Jensen’s inequality. \ J.Math.Anal.Appl. to appear.
- I. Gusic, and J. Pecaric, On some inequalities of Maligranda and Orliz. \ Comment.Math. to appear.
- B. Mond and J.E. Pecaric, \ Szego and related inequalities for operator convex functions. \ Soochow J.Math. to appear.
- B. Guljas, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ An inequality for probability density functions arising from a distinguistability problem.\ J.Austral.Math.Soc. Ser.B to appear.
- B. Guljas, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ Some generalizations of the Beckenbach-Dresher inequality.\ Houston J.Math. to appear.
- C. Giordano, A. Laforgia and J. Pecaric, \ Supplements to known inequalities for some special functions.\ J.Math.Anal.Appl. to appear.
- B. Mond and J. Pecaric, \ A simple proof of generalized inequalities of Bhagwat and Subramanian and some converses.\ Indian J.Math. to appear.
- B. Mond and J. Pecaric, \ Some matrix inequalities of London type.\ Acta Univ.Paleckianae Olomucensis, to appear. tem J.~Pev{c}ari'{c} and L.E.~Persson,\ Some weighted multidimensional Berwald, Thunsdorff and Borell Inequalities. \ Math. Panonica, to appear.
- S.Varosanec and J.Pecaric, \ On Gauss type inequalities. \ Grazer Math. Berichte, to appear.
- B. Mond, J. Pecaric, J. Sunde and S. Varosanec, \ Inequalities of Polya type for positive linear operators.\ Houston J.Math. to appear.
- C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ Some unified results on logarithmic means,\ Intern.J.Math.Educat. in Sci. and Technology, to appear.
- M. Alic, B. Mond, J. Pecaric and V. Volenec, \ Bounds for the differences of matrix means.\ SIAM J.Matrix Anal.Appl., to appear.
- B. Mond, J. Pecaric and I. Peric,\ On a reverse mean inequality.\ J.Math.Anal.Appl. to appear.
- J. Pecaric and J. van der Hoek,\ An interesting inequality at the 1995 I.M.O.\ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- M. Alic, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ On some discrete Weyl-type inequalities of Pachpatte.\ Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Math. to appear.
- S. Barza, J. Pecaric and L.E. Persson, \ Reversed Holder Type Inequalities for Monotone Functions of Several Variabl es\ Math.Nachr. to appear.
- C. Giordano, B. Palumbo and J. Pecaric, \ Remarks on the Hankel determinantal inequalities.\ Rend.del Circolo Mat.Palermo to appear.
- J. Pecaric and S. Abramovich, \ A note on Holder’s type inequalities for concave functions.\ Revue Anal.Num.Th.Approx. to appear.
- J. Pecaric and B. Mond, \ The Arithmetic mean – the geometric mean and related matrix inequalities.\ Oberfolfach, General Inequalities 7, to appear. item B.~Mond, J.~Pev{c}ari'{c}, J.~v{S}unde and S.~Varov{s}anec,\ Polya’s inequality for positive linear operators.\ Rad HAZU, to appear.
- J. Pecaric, I. Peric and L.E. Persson, \ A Multidimensional Integral inequality for monotone functions of several Variables.\ Acta Math (Szeged), to appear.
- B. Guljas, C.E.M. Pearce and J. Pecaric, \ Some inequalities related to Hoelder’s inequality.\ Revue Roumaine de Math. Pure et Appl. to appear
- D. Veljan and J. Pecaric, \ On Generalizations of Jessen-Ingham’s inequality and Mikolas inequalities.\ Publ.Math.(Debrecen), to appear.
Number of D.S.Mitrinovic and J.E. Pecaric are published in CRUX MATHEMATICORUM (Canada) and Univ. Beograd, Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat.
Refereeing and Reviewing for Journals
- Pacific J. Math.
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
- J. Math. Anal. Appl.
- Real Analysis Exchange.
- Inter. J. Math. and Math. Sci.
- Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.
- The Southeast Asian Bull. Math.
- Math. Balkanica
- Zentralblat fur Mathematik
- Glasnik Matematiki
- Rad HAZU
- Facta Univ. Math. Inf. (Ni)
- Prilozi MANU (Skopje)
- Bilten Mat. (Skopje)
- Punime Matem.
- Zborn. Gradj. Fak. (Mostar)
- Zborn. PMF (Novi Sad)
- Radovi Matem.
- Aequationes Math.
- J. Austr. Math. Soc. Ser. A
- Period Math. Hung
- Rocky Mountain J. Math.
- Lin. Algebra Appl.
- J. Geometry
- Tamkang J. Math.
Refereeing for Books Publication
- Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Research Projects
- R.S. Muzijevic, Z.Lj. Lalovic, J.E. Pecaric, Prirodno elektromagnetsko polje i elektricna provodnost Zemlje, Natural Electromagnetic field end electrical conductivity of Earth, Institute for Geomagnetic research, Grocka (1977), 83 pages.
- M. Radojkovic, N. Klem, J.E. Pecaric, Primena Metode graninih elemenata u hidrotehnici, Application of Finite element method in Hydrodynamics, Civil Engineering Faculty, Belgrade (1983), 89 pages.
- M. Radojkovic, S. Dakovic,(in cooperation with J.E. Pecaric) Studija mogunosti prosirenja kapaciteta izvoriste “Adice” u Novom Sadu putem vetakog prehranjivanja izdani, Study on possibility to artificially increase capacity of spring “Adica” in Novi Sad, Civil Engineering Faculty, Belgrade (1983).
- M. Boreli, M. Radojkovic, D. Pokrajac,(in cooperation with J.E. Pecaric) Modelska ispitivanja antifiltracione zastite HE “Visegrad”, Modelling of antifilter protection of Hydroelectric station “Visegrad”, Civil Engineering Faculty, Belgrade (1983).
- M. Radojkovic, J.E. Pecaric, Primena Metode graninih elemenata u hidrotehnici, II, Application of Finite element method in Hydrodynamics, II, Civil Engineering Faculty, Belgrade (1984), 33+38 pages.
Other Articles
- J. Pecaric, \ Kako je poopcavana jedna moja nejednakost. \ In: USA-CROATIA Scientific cooperation 1963-1993. Ed. V.Paar. Zagreb, 1995.
- J. Pecaric, \ Hrvatska i Zaljev hrvatskih svetaca, \ Vjesnik HAZU, 1-3/1995, 75-87.
- J. Pecaric, \ Nacelo reprociteta – zahtjev Hrvata Vojvodine i Boke kotorske, \ Zov Srijema, No. 2, 1995. \
- J. Pecaric, \ Boka i Hrvati \ “Dubrovnik”, casopis za knjizevnost i znanost 4/1995, 255-262.
- J.Pecaric, \ Hrvati Boke Kotorske od 1918.godine do danas \ Zbornik radova s Medjunarodnog simpozija “Jugoistocna Europa 1918.-1995.” \ Zadar 28.-30.rujna 1995.\ “Mostarensija”, casopis za humanisticke znanosti Sveucilista u Mostaru, in print \ Iseljenicki zbornik 1995-1996, str.
- J. Pecaric, \ Hrvati u Boki kotorskoj, \ “Matica”, casopis Hrvatske matice iseljenika 11/1995, 7-9.
- J. Pecaric, \ Simbol Zaljeva hrvatskih svetaca \ “Stajalista”, Vjesnik, 9.11.1995. \
- J. Pecaric, \ Strossmayerova lekcija, \ “Stajalista”, Vjesnik, 5.1.1996. \
- J. Pecaric, \ Visenacionalna lavez smutljivaca, \ Facta Montenegrina 3, god. 5., 1995, str. 17. \
- J. Pecaric, \ O bastini je rijec, \ Vecernji list, 27.1.1996. \
- J. Pecaric, \ Sv.Sava uljez na Prevlaci, \ Nedeljna Dalmacija, 16.2.1996.
- J. Pecaric, \ Strossmayer protiv Strossmayera, \ Hrvatski Obzor, \
- D. Raffaelli and J. Pecaric, \ Tekstil u povijesti Hrvata Boke kotorske, \ Tekstil, \
- A. Pecaric and J. Pecaric, \ Biskup Strossmayer i knjaz Nikola, \ “Zadar”,
- A. Pecaric and J. Pecaric, \ Polozaj Hrvata i katolika u Crnoj Gori od svetojeronimske afere do danas \ Simpozij “Jugoistocna Europa u XX stoljecu, Dubrovnik, 23-25, svibnja, 1996.\ Referat je bio osnova za tekst:\ Zeljko Kruselj, \ Zaljev hrvatskih svetaca bez Hrvata,\ Hrvatski Obzor, 17.06.1996.
- J. Pecaric, \ Borba za Boku, \ Dom i Svijet, nr. 101, \ Spremnost, hrvatski tjednik Sydney, 2.4.1996, str. 10-11.
- J. Pecaric, \ Sramotni sud u Haagu, \ Dom i Svijet, nr. 102.
- J. Pecaric, \ Zapad i granica civilizacija, \ Dom i Svijet, nr. 104.
- J. Pecaric, \ Prevlaka zauvijek …\ Dom i Svijet, nr. 105.
- J. Pecaric, \ Diktatura proleterijata.\ Dom i Svijet, nr. 106.
- J. Pecaric, \ Vukovar i Galipolje, \ Dom i Svijet, nr. 111.