Paar Vladimir, akademik

Datum rođenja:
- 1942.
Mjesto rođenja:
- Zagreb
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti HAZU: +385 01 4895 170
E-mail adrese:
Paar Vladimir, akademik
Akademske titule:
- akademik
- professor emeritus
- doktor znanosti
- redoviti profesor u miru – Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
- professor emeritus – Sveučilište u Zagrebu (17.09.2013. – …)
Funkcije u Akademiji:
- predsjednik Znanstvenog vijeća – Znanstveno vijeće za obrazovanje i školstvo (16.02.2016. – 28.03.2018.)
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (18.06.1992. – …)
- član suradnik – Razred za matematičke, fizičke i kemijske znanosti (19.05.1988. – 18.06.1992.)
Vladimir Paar je rođen 1942. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao je 1965. teorijsku fiziku na PMF-u u Zagrebu s temom iz teorijske fizike elementarnih čestica (mentor prof.dr. Dubravko Tadić). Magistrirao je 1969. i doktorirao 1971 s temom iz teorijske nuklearne fizike (mentor prof.dr. Gaja Alaga). Od 1966. do 1975. bio je asistent i znanstveni suradnik na Institutu Ruđer Bošković, a 1976. prelazi na Fizički odsjek PMF-a. Godine 1980. je izabran za redovitog profesora. Godine 1986. izabran je za člana suradnika i 1992. za akademika HAZU. Odlikovan je Ordenom Danice Hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića. Dobitnik je dviju državnih nagrada: za značajno znanstveno otkriće i za popularizaciju znanosti.
Područja znanstvenog rada Vladimira Paara obuhvaćaju sljedeće tematike:
- bozonsko-fermionski modeli strukture atomskih jezgri,
- otkriće novog bozonsko-fermionsko-fermionskog modela za atomske jezgre
- otkriće paraboličnog pravila za atomske jezgre,
- nuklearna teorija polja s fononima vibracija i sparivanja,
- supravodljivi modeli atomske jezgre,
- postanak atomskih jezgri kemijskih elemenata u svemiru,
- nelinearni dinamički sustavi i deterministički kaos,
- nelinearni model bioloških oscilatora i deterministički kaos,
- otkriće logističke jednadžbe s “rupama” za tranzijentni kaos,
- kaotičnost robota u nelinearnom dinamičkom modelu,
- patenti s metodom šifriranja pomoću kaotičnih sekvenci,
- primjena fraktala u biologiji, kemiji i geografiji,
- istraživanje periodičnosti i nelinearnosti u globalnim klimatskim promjenama,
- otkriće direktnog preslikavanja simboličkih sekvenci u frekventnu domenu i novog algoritma GRM za globalne DNA repeticijske i super-repeticijske mape,
- primjena GRM algoritma za identifikaciju regulatora u genomu čovjeka i drugih visokih primata,
- otkriće novih superperidičnih struktura u genomu čovjeka
- otkriće ideje novog genomskog “jezika”
Vladimir Paar je objavio 227 znanstvenih publikacija uključenih u Science Citation Index/ Web of Science (citiranost 2.700 puta), najpoznatiju svjetsku i američku bazu znanstvenih podataka. Znanstvene publikacije objavljivao je u koautorstvu sa članovima Fizičkog odsjeka PMF-a (Slobodan Brant, Dario Vretenar, Hrvoje Buljan, Nenad Pavin, Matko Glunčić, Denis Sunko, Ivica Picek, Jasna Rubčić, Antun Rubčić, Robert Pezer, Dražen Vorkapić, Maro Cvitan, Ines Vlahović te ranije Gaja Alaga i Dubravko Tadić), i sa suradnicima iz drugih hrvatskih institucija (Matematički odjel PMF-a, Institut Ruđer Bošković, Klinički bolnički centar Rebro, Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih znanosti i odgojnih područja u Splitu) te sa više stotina stranih znanstvenika iz trideset inozemnih institucija. Gostovao je ukupno sedam godina na inozemnim znanstvenim institutima i sveučilištima (dulji boravci: Niels Bohr Institute Kopenhagen; International institute for theoretical physics Trst; Technische Universität München; Centre de spectrometrie nucleaire Orsay; Institut für Kernphysik Jülich; Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro; JINR Dubna, Moskva; Free University Amsterdam; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley). Održao je preko pedeset pozvanih predavanja na međunarodnim znanstvenim konferencijama. Sudjelovao je u organiziranju deset međunarodnih znanstvenih i stručnih skupova. Bio je urednik tri zbornika međunarodnih znanstvenih konferencija. Koautor je triju registriranih patenata za kodiranje pomoću metode determinističkog kaosa.
Na Fizičkom odsjeku držao je dodiplomsku nastavu iz deset različitih kolegija na istraživačkom i profesorskom smjeru. Na poslijediplomskom studiju drži nastavu iz tri kolegija (ranije na smjeru Nuklearna fizika i sada dva kolegija na smjeru Biofizika). U dva mandata bio je pročelnik Fizičkog odsjeka. Na Fizičkom odsjeku uveo je studijski smjer profesor fizike i informatike. Bio je mentor preko 250 diplomskih radova, 25 magistarskih radova i 15 doktorata. Autor i su-autor je niza udžbenika za osnovnu školu i za gimnaziju. Objavio je preko pedeset stručnih publikacija u vezi kvalitete i uloge obrazovanja orjentiranog na razvoj. Bio je predsjednik Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva i urednik knjige Fizika i tehnološki razvoj Hrvatske (1980). Bio je organizator i urednik knjige USA-Croatia scientific cooperation (1995). Bio je urednik hrvatskog izdanja Međunarodne klasifikacije patenata G-Fizika (2001).
Vladimir Paar sudjeluje u javnim medijima (televiziji, radiju i tisku) četiri desetljeća na popularizaciji znanosti (fizike, biofizike, energetike, fizike klimatskih promjena, znanstvene interdisciplinarnosti, veze prirodnih i humanističkih znanosti, odnos znanosti i vjere). Sudjelovao je u televizijskim raspravama u vezi popularizacije znanosti i razvoja temeljenog na znanosti. Autor je tri televizijske serije iz popularizacije znanosti. Kao predstavnik HAZU bio je član Vijeća HRT-a. Napisao je više stotina novinskih članaka i četiri knjige iz popularizacije znanosti. Održao je više stotina predavanja iz popularizacije znanosti na školama i na raznim javnim skupovima. Godinama se zalaže za daleko značajniju ulogu fizike i prirodno-matematičkih znanosti u obrazovanju i osposobljavanju javnosti za izazove budućnosti te stvaranje pozitivne društvene klime za razvoj temeljen na znanju.
Sada je intenzivno je uključen u znanstveni rad iz biološke fizike i bioinformatike u HAZU i na Fizičkom odsjeku PMF-a. Predsjednik je Odbora HAZU za bioinformatiku i biološku fiziku te član Odbora HAZU za primijenjenu genomiku. Tijekom zadnje dvije godine koautor je pet znanstvenih publikacija objavljenih u svjetskim znanstvenim časopisima s vrlo visokim impact faktorima. U tijeku je publiciranje tri nove znanstvene publikacije: otkriće preslikavanjem DNA sekvence u frekventnoj domeni neočekivanih superperiodičnih (supersimetrijskih) struktura u vrsti Tribolium castaneum za kakve se dosad smatralo da karakteriziraju samo visoke primate; otkriće nove sistematike trinukleotida u genetskom kodu s postuliranjem generatorske uloge TGA stop-kodona na temelju analize trinukleotidnih frekvencija u alfa satelitu; identifikacija i interpretacija dominantnih perioda koristeći vremenske sekvence s podacima o temperaturi i CO2 koncentraciji na antarktičkoj lokaciji EPICA Dome 3. U tijeku je rad na: primjeni preslikavanja DNA sekvence u frekventnu domenu u NCBI genomima čovjeka, drugih visokih primata, i jednostavnijih organizama; izrada dijagrama kompletnih globalnih repeticijskih mapa i analiza u frekventnoj domeni; razvoj “novog jezika” za simboličke sekvence na temelju ekstendiranih klastera i usporedbom sa randomiziranim sekvencama i primjenama na biološke sustave; komparativna analiza GRM dijagrama u svrhu identifikacije regulatora s biološkim funkcijama.Gostovanje akademika Vladimira Paara na Hrvatskoj radioteleviziji na temu Kurikulna reforma, 25. 10. 2016.:
- V.Paar: Properties of 63Cu negative parity states in the semimicroscopic model. Nucl.Phys. A147 (1970) 369-384.
- R.A.Broglia, S.Landowne, V.Paar, B.Nilsson, D.R.Bes and E.R.Flynn: Coupling between inelastic and pair transfer degrees of freedom. The 208Pb(t,p)210Pb(3-) reaction analyzed in the coupled channel Born approximation. Phys.Lett. 36B (1971) 541-546.
- R.A.Broglia, V.Paar and D.R.Bes: Diagrammatic perturbation treatment of the effective interaction between two-phonon states in closed shell nuclei; J=0+ states in 208Pb, Phys.Lett. 37B (1971) 159-165.
- R.A.Broglia, V.Paar and D.R.Bes: Effective interaction between the 2+ two-phonon states in 208Pb. Evidence for existence of the isovector quadrupole mode. Phys.Lett. 37B (1971) 257-262.
- V.Paar: Diagrammatic method of the particle-vibration coupling model. Nucl.Phys. A164 (1971) 576-592.
- V.Paar: Diagrammatic method of the particle-vibration coupling model (II). Application to convergence and self-energy problems in 201T1. Nucl.Phys. A164 (1971) 593-611.
- V.Paar HRPA contributions to phonon-phonon interaction in the adiabatic limit. Nucl.Phys. A166 (1971) 341-348.
- R.A.Broglia, R.Liotta and V.Paar: Quadrupole moments of the 2+ state of proton-closed shell nuclei, Phys.Lett. 38B (1972) 480-484.
- V.Paar: 69Ga in the Alaga model. Phys.Lett. 39B (1972) 466-468.V.Paar: The solution of the I=j-1 anomaly for the 107,109Ag in the Alaga model. Phys.Lett. 39B (1972) 587-590.
- V.Paar: On single-particle fragments in 205Hg. Phys.Lett. 39B (1972) 591-593.
- V.Paar: Competition between three valence-shell neutrons and quadrupole vibration in 57Fe. Phys.Lett. 42B (1972) 8-12.
- V.Paar: 56Fe in the semimicroscopic model. Nucl.Phys. A185 (1972) 544-552.
- E.R.Flynn, G.J.Igo, R.A.Broglia, S.Landowne, V.Paar and B.Nilsson: An experimental and theoretical investigation of the structure of 210Pb. Nucl. Phys. A195 (1972) 97-118.
- G.Alaga, V.Paar and V.Lopac: A simple explanation of the sign and magnitude of quadrupole moments in even-A Fe, Zn, Cd, Te and Hg isotopes. Phys. Lett. 43B (1973) 459-462.
- V.Paar: Coupling of a three-particle (hole) valence-shell cluster to quadrupole vibrations (Alaga model): The Z=50 region: odd Ag and I isotopes; and the Z=28 region: odd Mn and Ga isotopes. Nucl. Phys. A211 (1973) 29-77.
- S. de Barros, M.J.Bechara, T.Borello-Lewin and V.Paar: Spectroscopic factors of negative-parity multiplet states in odd Sn isotopes. Phys.Lett 49B (1974) 113-117.
- V.Paar; Interplay of valence-shell clusters and the vibrational field in 94Mo and 95Mo. Z.Physik A271 (1974) 11-16.
- V.Paar: Coexistence of two-neutron-hole and vibrational degrees of freedom: 94Mo as an example. Rev.Bras.Fis. 4 (1974) 213-239.
- T.Fenyes, I.Mahunka, Z.Mate, R.V.Jolos and V.Paar: Excitation of light Hg nuclei in the decay of T1. Nucl.Phys. A247 (1975) 103-125.
- V.Paar: Semimicroscopic description of odd At isotopes. Phys.Rev. C11 (1975) 1432-1442.
- V.Paar: Generalized factorization theorem for the effective charge. Lett. Nuovo Cim. 2,13 (1975) 55-59.
- G.Alaga and V.Paar: Decoupled and strongly coupled band patterns in the particle-vibration coupling model. Phys.Lett. 61B (1976) 129-132.
- V.Paar: Asymptotic cancellation of the number-conserving set for E2 moments in the particle-vibration model (Ward identity). Phys.Lett. 60B (1976) 232-237.
- P.F.Bortignon, R.A.Broglia, D.R.Bes, R.Liotta and V.Paar: On the role of the pairing modes int he (h9/2×3-) multiplets of 209Bi. Phys.Lett. 64B (1976) 24-28.
- V.Paar, U.Eberth and J.Eberth: Nuclear structure of 69,71Ge in the semimicroscopic model. Phys. Rev. C13 (1976) 2532-2545.
- V.Paar, E.Coffou, U.Eberth and J.Eberth: The role of cluster vibration coupling in the nuclear structure of negative-parity states in 67Zn. J.Phys. G2 (1976) 917-928.
- V.Paar and B.K.S.Koene: Semi-microscopic description of 133Xe by GVISR and diagonalization. Z.Physik A279 (1976) 203-211.
- V.Paar: Interpretation of 53Mn by the cluster-vibration coupling. Nuovo Cim 32A (1976) 97-114.
- Ya.Ya.Berzin, M.R.Beitin, A.E.Kruminya, P.T.Prokofjev, H.Rotter, H.Heiser, F.Stary, V.Paar: Vysokospinovye urovni 144Nd vozbuzhdaemie v reakcii (alfa, 2n). Izv.Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.fiz. 40 (1976) 1193-1200.
- V.Paar, Ch.Vieu and J.S.Dionisio: Are decoupled bands in 193,195Au evidence for the rotation-aligned coupling to a triaxial shape? Nucl. Phys. A284 (1977) 199-208.
- Z.Roller-Ivanović, A.Ljubičić, V.Paar and B.A.Logan: Low-energy levels of 145Pm. Phys.Rev. C16 (1977) 2376-2380.
- R.A.Meyer, K.V.Marsh, D.S.Brenner and V.Paar: Cluster vibrational-field model for 95Mo and levels populated in the decay of 95Tcm,g. Phys.Rev. C16 (1977) 417-426.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: Asymptotic cancellation for the tensor M1 operator versus particle-vibration coupling away from doubly closed shell nuclei. Phys. Lett. 74B (1978) 297-301.
- V.Paar: A rule for the sign of the E2/M1 mixing ratio in the vibrational yrast band. Phys.Lett. 80B (1978) 20-22.
- W.H.A.Hesselink, J.Bron, P.M.A.Van der Kam, V.Paar, A.van Poelgeest and A.G.Zephat: Band sructure and hole-core coupling in 111In. Nucl.Phys. A299 (1978) 60-77.
- A.A.C.Klaasse and V.Paar: The paradoxical octupole-multiplet pattern in 63Cu. Nucl.Phys. A297 (1978) 45-51.
- K.Heyde, M.Waroquier, P.van Isacker, H.Vince, S.Gales and V.Paar: Study of isobaric analogue resonances in f-p shell nuclei: A unified description. Nucl. Phys. A303 (1978) 313-332.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: An exact selection rule for 1-forbidden M1-transitions in the particle-vibration coupling for degenerate single-particle oscillator shells. Nucl-Phys. A303 (1978) 96-111.
- V.Lopac and V.Paar: Even Zn isotopes in the cluster-vibration model. Nucl.Phys. A297 (1978) 471-488.
- V.Paar, I.Picek and D.Tadić: Upper limits on parity-violating terms in nuclear structure. Nucl. Phys. A308 (1978) 439-457.
- V.Paar: A parabolic rule for the energy dependence on x = I (I+1) for proton-neutron multiplets in odd-odd nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A331 (1979) 16-29.
- V.Paar and R.A.Meyer: A possible semimicroscopic mechanism to generate two 0+ bands and their band mixing; 110Cd as an example. J.Phys. G.Lett. 5 (1979) 75-78.
- S.K.Basu, A.P.Patro, S.Brant and V.Paar: Mean lifetime of 85Sr levels. J.Phys. G5 (1979) 585-594.
- V.Paar: A simple rule on parabolic Regge trajectories for proton-neutron multiplets in odd-odd nuclei. (I) Exchange of quadrupole phonon. Fizika 11 (1979) 209-224.
- H.Prade, L. Käubler, U.Hagemann, H.U.Jager, M.Kirchbach, L. Schneider, F.Stary, Z.Roller and V.Paar: Structure of high-spin states in 143Pm. Nucl.Phys. A333 (1980) 33-66.
- J.Kownacki, Z.Sujkowski, E.Hammaren, E.Liukkonen, M.Piiparinen, Th.Lindblad, H.Ryde and V.Paar: Excited states in 146Sm and 147Sm. Nucl.Phys A337 (1980) 464-492.
- M.Kortelahti, M.Piiparinen, A.Pakkanen, T.Komppa, R.Komu, S.Brant, Lj.Udovičić and V.Paar: In-beam study of 145Pm and the cluster-vibration model for odd Pm. nuclei. Nucl.Phys. A342 (1980) 421-436.
- V.Paar, G.Vanden Berghe, C.Barret, J.R.Leigh and G.D.Dracoulis: Experimental and theoretical investigation of a quasi-f 7/2 multiplet pattern in 147Sm. Nucl.Phys. A350 (1980) 139-149.
- R.A.Meyer, J.E.Fontanilla, N.L.Smith, C.F.Smith, R.C.Ragaini and V.Paar: Level properties of 85Rb from the decay of the 85Kr and 85Sr isomers and the cluster-vibration model. Phys.Rev. C21 (1980) 2590-2599.
- G.Vanden Berghe and V.Paar: The 142Ce (d,p) 143Ce Reaction and a Quasi- f7/2 Pattern in 143Ce in the Cluster-vibration model. Z.Physik A294 (1980) 183-189.
- V.Paar: A new generalized vibrational rule (GVR). Fizika 12 (1980) 145-148.
- L.F.Canto and V.Paar: Rotations as coherent states of SU(6) quadrupole phonons in the SU(3) limit. Phys. Lett. 102B (1981) 217-220.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: SU(6) Particle phonon model for odd system and the Dyson representation. Phys.Lett. 105B(1981) 81-83.
- V.Paar: An Energy-B(E2) Generalized vibrational rule for one-phonon multiplets in odd-A nuclei. Nucl.Phys.A351 (1981) 1-11.
- K.Allaart, P.Hofstra and V.Paar: A quasiparticle-cluster-vibration model (QCVM) for odd – A nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A366 (1981) 384-448.
- V.Paar and V.Lopac: Nuclear Ward identity for spectroscopic factors in the cluster-vibration model. Nucl.Phys. A372 (1981) 32-44.
- L.P.Ekström, G.D.Jones, F.Kearns, T.P.Morrison, A.Nilsson, V.Paar, P.J.Twin, R.Wadsworth, E.Wallander and N.J.Ward: Gama-ray spectroscopy on 87Sr and the energy – B(E2) rule. J.Phys. G7 (1981) 85-89.
- Z.Arvay, T.Fenyes, P.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, E. Koltay, A.Krasznahorkay, S.Laszlo, V.Paar, S.Brant and Z. Hloušek: Excited States of 100Tc from 100Mo (p,n gama) 100Tc Reaction and the Parabolic rule. Z.Physik A299 (1981) 137-147.
- A.van Egmond, P.Hofstra, E.Boeker, K.Allaart and V.Paar: Fermion-Boson Coupling Model (QCVM) Applied to Odd Zn Isotopes. Z.Physik A300 (1981) 323-327.
- V.Paar, S.Brant and H.Kraljević: Approximate Supersymmetries in Nuclei. Phys.Lett. 110B (1982) 181-184.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, L.F.Canto, G.Leander and M.Vouk: SU(6) quadrupole phonon model for even and odd nuclei and the SU(3) limit. Nucl.Phys. A378 (1982) 41-76.
- Z.Arvay, T.Fenyes, J.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, E.Koltay, A.Krasznahorkay, S.Laszlo, D.Novak, S.Brant and V.Paar: Excited states of 98Tc from 98Mo (p,n γ)98Tc Reaction. Phys.Scr. 26 (1982) 57-64.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Conformity between IBM and TQM (SU(6) quadrupole phonon model) in treating two-nucleon transfer reactions. Nucl.Phys. A395 (1983) 61-76.
- N.G.Puttaswamy, W.Oelert, A.Djaloeis, C.Mayer-Böricke, P.Turek, P.W.M. Glaudemans, B.C.Metsche, K.Heyde, M.Waroquier, P. van Isacker, G.Wenes, V.Lopac and V.Paar: Structure of the energy levels of 53,55,57Mn from the (d, 3He) reaction on iron isotopes at 80 MeV. Nucl.Phys. A401 (1983) 269-302.
- H.G.Hicks, J.H.Landrum, E.A.Henry, R.A.Meyer, S.Brant and V.Paar: Population of 133I from the beta decay of fission product 133Te and the cluster-vibration model. Phys. Rev. C27 (1983) 2203-2216.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: Microscopic derivation of transfer operator in PTQM – The missing term in IBFM? Phys.Lett. 143B (1984) 1-4.
- D.K.Sunko and V.Paar: New coupling limit for odd nuclei and truncated analog of Stephens basis. Phys. Lett. 146B (1984) 279-284.
- V.Paar and G.Kyrchev: Are three transition charge densities sufficient to test IBM wave functions? Phys. Lett. 148B (1984) 251-252.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, R.Mihu, D.Popescu, G.Semenescu, V.Paar and D.Vretenar: Coulomb Excitation of Levels in 143Nd and 145Nd. Nucl.Phys. A419 (1984) 148-162.
- T.Fenyes, J.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, A.Krasznahorkay, J. Timar, S.Brant and V.Paar: Excited States of the 70Ga Nucleus. Nucl. Phys. A419 (1984) 557-570.
- Y.Tokunaga, H.Seyfarth, O.W.B.Schult, S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vretenar, H.G.Börner, G.Barreau, H.Faust, Ch.Hofmeyr, K.Schreckenbach and R.A.Meyer: A study of 75Se by neutron capture and the SU(3) – SU(5) transition in the quadrupole-phonon representation. Nucl.Phys. A430 (1984) 269-300.
- B.D.Kern, T.Fenyes, A.Krasznahorkay, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant and V.Paar: Excited states of 96Nb from 96Zr (p,n ) 96Nb reaction. Nucl.Phys. A430 (1984) 301-319.
- A.Marinov, W.Oelert, S.Gopal, G.P.A.Berg, J. Bojowald, W. Hürlimann, J.Katayama, S.A.Martin, C.Mayer-Böricke, J.Meissburger, J.G.M.Römer, M.Rogge, J.L.Tain, P.Turek, L. Zemlo, R.B.M.Mooy, P.W.M.Glaudemans, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk and V.Lopac: Study of proton-hole states in 61Co using the 62Ni (d,3He) 61Co reaction at 78 MeV.Nucl.Phys. A431 (1984) 317-343.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, R.Mihu, D.Popescu, G.Semenescu, A.Velenik and V.Paar: Coulomb excitation of levels in 135Ba and 137Ba. J.Phys. G10 (1984) 1099-1114.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: Three Dynamical Boson-Fermion Symmetries for Odd-Odd Nuclei. Z.Physik (Short Note) A319 (1984) 111-112.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, R.A.Meyer and G.Kyrchev: New term in L=0 Two-Particle Transfer Operator of TQM/IBM. Z.Physik (Short Note) A319 (1984) 357-358.
- S.Brant, V.Paar and D.Vretenar: SU (6) Model for Odd-Odd Nuclei (OTQM/IBOM) and Boson-Aligned Phase Diagram in O (6) Model for Odd-Odd Nuclei (OTQM/IBOM) and Boson – Aligned Phase Diagram in O(6) Limit. Z.Physik (Short Note) A319 (1984) 355-356.
- V.Lopac and V.Paar: Is SU (3) pattern evidence for SU (3) symmetry? Z.Physik A319 (1984) 351-354.
- T.Fenyes, Z.Gacsi, J.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, A.Krasznahorkay, S.Laszlo, D.Novak, S.Brant and V.Paar: Excited states of 82Br from (p,nγ) Reaction. Phys.Scr. 29 (1984) 51-56.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Dyson Quadrupole Boson Representation of SU(6) Hamiltonian. Fizika 16 (1984) 291-295.
- T.Hübsch, V.Paar and D.Vretenar: Spin (6) boson-fermion dynamical symmetry for odd-odd nuclei. Phys.Lett. 151B (1985) 320-324.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: Extension of boson-fermion dynamical symmetry to hypernuclei. Phys.Lett. 151B (1985) 1-4.
- A.Marinov, W.Oelert, S.Gopal, G.Hlawatsch, C.Mayer-Böricke, J. Meissburger, D.Paul, J.G.M.Römer, J.L.Tain, P.Turek, L.Zemlo, P.B.M.Mooy, P.W.M.Glaudemans, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk: Proton-Hole States in 57Co studied with the 58Ni (d,3He)57Co Reaction at 78 Mev. Nucl.Phys. A438 (1985) 429-449.
- Y.Tokunaga, H.Seyfarth, R.A.Meyer, O.W.B.Schult, H.G.Börner, G.Barreau, H.R.Faust, K.Schreckenbach, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk and D.Vretenar: Low-lying levels of 77Se studied through thermal neutron capture and evidence for a new term in the E2 operator of TQM (IBM). Nucl.Phys. A439 (1985) 427-455.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: SpinBFπ,ϑ,λ (6) Boson-Fermion Dynamical Symmetry for hypernuclei. Z.Physik A320 (1985) 351-352.
- D.K.Sunko and V.Paar: Truncated strong-coupling basis states for the SU(3) limit of SU(6) particle-quadrupole phonon model (PTQM). Fizika 17 (1985) 201-210.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: The approach to hypernuclear structure based on boson-femion dynamical symmetry and supersymmetry. Fizika 17 (1985) 211-217.
- A.B.Balantekin and V.Paar: Realization of the parabolic rule in the Bose-Fermi symmetry schemes for odd-odd nuclei. Phys.Lett 169B (1986) 9-13.
- O.Scholten, S.Brant and V.Paar: A microsopic approach to the U (6/4) > Spin (6) Hamiltonian of the interacting boson-fermion model. Phys.Lett. 171B (1986) 335-338.
- K.Heyde and V.Paar: On the nature of low-lying 7/2+ states in odd-A Tc, Rh and Ag nuclei. Phys.Lett. 179B (1986) 1-3.
- J.Timar, T.Fenyes, T.Kibedi, A.Passoja, M.Luontana, W.Trzaska and V.Paar: Proton- -neutron multiplet states in 114In. Nucl. Phys. A455 (1986) 477-493.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vretenar and R.A.Meyer: Anomaly in spectra of 105Pd and 103Ru. Phys.Rev. C34 (1986) 341-344.
- A.B.Balantekin and V.Paar: Bose-Fermi symmetry chain for the description of odd-odd nuclei. Phys.Rev. C34 (1986) 1917-1919.
- V.Lopac, S.Brant, V.Paar, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth and A.B.Balantekin: Odd-Odd Nucleus 198Au as First Test of IBFFM (OTQM). Z.Physik (Short Note) A323 (1986) 491-492
- K.Sistemich, K.Kawade, H.Lawin, G.Lhersonneau, H.Ohm, U.Paffrath, V.Lopac, S.Brant and V.Paar: Structure of Low-Lying Levels in 91Rb and 93Rb. Z.Physik A235 (1986) 139-147.
- B.Pfeiffer, S.Brant, K.L.Kratz, R.A.Meyer and V.Paar: The K=3/2+ Side-Band in 99Y and its Description by the IBFM/PTQM Model. Z.Physik A325 (1986) 487-488.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Graded Schwinger realization for dynamical supersymmetry. Fizika 18 (1986) 413-416.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: IBFM form of SU (6/M) supergenerators for microscopic foundation. Phys.Lett. 195B (1987) 107-110.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vretenar, G.Alaga, H.Seyfarth, O.Schult and M.Bogdanović: IBFFM description of energy levels and electromagnetic properties of 134Cs. Phys.Lett. 195B (1987) 111-115.
- D.K.Sunko and V.Paar: A Coriolis-like effect of the dynamical boson-fermion interaction in the interacting boson-fermion model. Phys.Lett. 199B (1987) 482-488.
- R.V.Džolos, G.Kirčev, V.Paar: Kolektivnie modeli jadra osnovanie na dinamičeskoj SU (6) simetrii. Fiz. elementar. čast. i atom. jad. 18 (1987) 1174-1233.
- R.A.Meyer, E.Monnand, J.A.Pinston, F.Schussler, B.Pfeiffer and V.Paar: Pseudo-bands in Non-SU(3) Odd-Mass Nuclei and Coherent State Structure of Quadrupole Phonons. Z.Physik A327 (1987) 393-396.
- V.Paar, D.K.Sunko and D.Vretenar: Analogs of Gallagher-Moszkowski Bands in IBFFM – A Relation to Spectrum-Generating Supersymmetry? Z.Physik A327 (1987) 291-294.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: SpinBFpn(5) Boson-Fermion Dynamical Symmetry and Supersymmetry for Odd-Odd Nuclei Associated with U(5) Boson Limit and Examplification for 62Cu. Z.Physik A327 (1987) 287-289.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: Decomposition of boson-fermion group chain associated with symmetry/supersymmetry in the case jp=3/2, jn=3/2, SU(6)>SU(5). Fizika 19 (1987) 203-209.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić, D.Vretenar, V.Lopac, R.A.Meyer: d5/23- and s1/2 d3/2d5/2 – parametrization for 101Mo in IBFM/PTQM and electromagnetic properties of anomalous triplet. Fizika 19 (1987) 453-462.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, M.Ionescu-Bujor, A.Jordechescu, C.Petrache, V.Paar, S.Brant, D.Vorkapić, D.Vretenar, H.Ajazaj: High-spin spectroscopy of Pr nuclei. Rev.Roum.Phys. 32 (1987) 485-491.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, C.Petrache, D.Popescu, G.Semenescu, M.Duma, I.Gurgu, F.Baciu, S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić: Shape transition in Pr nuclei. Rev.Roum.Phys. 32 (1987) 947-950.
- V.Paar and D.Vorkapić: Abul-Magd-Weidenmüller chaoticity effect: Evidence for interacting boson model? Phys.Lett. B205 (1988) 7-10.
- V.Paar, D.Vorkapić and K.Heyde: Chaoticity and intruder states for 147Gd and 115In. Phys.Lett. B211 (1988) 265-268.
- K.Allaart, G.Bonsignori, M.Savoia and V.Paar: Construction of microscopic boson states and their relevance for IBM-2. Nucl. Phys. A458 (1988) 412-428.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Deductive inference of nuclear boson models (IBM, TQM, FQM). Ann.Phys. 170 (1988) 257-286.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Microscopic approach to enforced SU (6) symmetry in random phase approximation. Phys.Rev C37 (1988) 838-852.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.K.Sunko and D.Vretenar: Band structure and determination of K quantum numbers for odd-odd systems in the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model.Phys.Rev. C37 (1988) 830-837.
- T.Kibedi, Zs.Dombradi, T.Fenyes, A.Krasnahorkay, J.Timar, Z.Gacsi, A.Passoja, V.Paar and D.Vretenar: Structure of 112In nucleus. Phys. Rev. C37 (1988) 2391-2407.
- S.Brant and V.Paar: IBFFM Yrast States in Odd-Odd Nuclei Associated with O(6) and SU(3) Limits. Z.Physik A329 (1988) 151-159.
- S.Brant, G.Lhersonneau, M.L.Stolzenwald, K.Sistemich and V.Paar: Proton-neutron multiplets in 96Y. Z.Physik A329 (1988) 301-305.
- H.Seyfarth, S.Brant, P.Göttel, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić and D.Vretenar: Low-Lying States and Degree of Chaoticity of 40K in IBFFM. Z.Physik A330 (1988) 141-152.
- S.Brant, K.Sistemich, V.Paar and G.Lhersonneau: Nuclear Structure of 97Y in the interacting boson-fermion model. Z.Physik A330 (1988) 365-369.
- D.Čule and V.Paar: UBp(6) xUBn(6)xUFp(12)xUFn(12) and UBp(6)x UnB(6)x UpF(12)xUnF(10) dynamical symmetries in the 28-50 valence shell. Fizika 20(1988) 99-106.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, G.Semenescu, C.Petrache, D.Popescu, I.Gurgu, I.Ivascu, F.Baciu, M.Duma, V.Paar, S.Brant, D.Vretenar and D.Vorkapić: Nuclear structure of the neutron-defficient praseodymium nuclei. Rev.Roum.Phys. 33(1988) 541-548.
- V.Paar, D.Vorkapić, K.Heyde, A.G.M. van Hees and A.A.Wolters: Comment on Broken Symmetries and Chaotic Behaviour in 26Al, Phys.Rev. Lett. 62(1989) 2643.
- A.Krasznahorkay, Zs.Dombradi, J.Timar, Z.Gacsi, T.Kibedi, A.Passoja, R.Julin, J.Kumpulainen, S.Brant and V.Paar, Nuclear structure of 110In, Nucl. Phys. A503 (1989) 113-135.
- U.Mayerhofer, T.von Egidy, P.Dürner, G.Hlawatsch, J.Klora, H. Lindner, S.Brant, H.Seyfarth, V.Paar, V.Lopac, J.Kopecky, D.D.Warner, R.E.Chrien and S.Pospisil: Nuclear structure of 198Au studied with (n,gamma) and (d,p) reactions and interpreted with the IBFFM, Nucl. Phys. A492 (1989) 1-22.
- S.Brant, G.Lhersonneau, V.Paar, K.Sistemich: Nature of 93Rb Levels Studied in IBFM. Z.Physik A333 (1989) 1-4.
- G.Lhersonneau, S.Brant, H.Ohm, V.Paar, K.Sistemich and D.Wailer: Structure of the Neutron-Rich Nucleus 9437Rb57. Z.Physik A334 (1989) 259-267.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, G.Lhersonneau, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth and K.Sistemich: IBFFM Predictions for Low-Lying Spherical States in the Shape-Coexisting Odd-Odd Nucleus 98Y. Z. Physik A334 (1989) 517-518.
- W.Andrejtscheff, L.K.Kostov, P.Petkov, S.Brant, V.Paar, V.Lopac, G.Boehm, J.Eberth, R.Wirowski and K.O.Zell: Electromagnetic properties of some odd-odd nuclei in the A=100 region and IBFFM description of 106Ag. Nucl.Phys. A516 (1990) 157-188.
- D.Vretenar, S.Brant, V.Paar and D.K.Sunko: K representation for odd-odd nuclei in the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model. II.Band mixing in the normal and conflicting case and electromagnetic properties. Phys. Rev. C41 (1990) 757-770.
- R.A.Meyer, R.J.Nagle, S.Brant, E Frlež, V.Paar and P.K.Hopke: Interacting boson fermion model description for the levels of 71Ge39 populated in the beta decay of 65.30-h 71As. Phys. Rev. C41 (1990) 686-696.
- R.A.Meyer, K.V.Marsh, H.Seyfarth, S.Brant, M.Bogdanović and V.Paar: Interacting-boson-fermion-fermion model description of 140La83 and comparison with levels populated by beta decay and neutron capture. Phys.Rev. C41 (1990) 1172-1183.
- R.A.Meyer, O.Scholten, S.Brant and V.Paar: Mixed-symmetry states in 144Nd: Semi-microscopic accounting within the cluster vibration model and its mapping into the interacting boson model. Phys.Rev. C41 (1990) 2386-2396.
- V.Paar and D.Vorkapić: Quantum chaos for exact and broken K quantum number in the interacting-boson model. Phys.Rev. C41 (1990) 2397-2399.
- J.Rogowski, J.Alstad, S.Brant, W.R.Daniels, D.De Frenne, K.Heyde, E.Jacobs, N.Kaffrell, V.Paar, G.Skanemark and N.Trautmann: Intruder states in odd-mass Ag isotopes. Phys.Rev. C42 (1990) 2733-2736.
- D.Vretenar, V.Paar, G.Bonsignori and M.Savoia: Two-and four-quasiparticle states in the interacting boson model: Strong-coupling and decoupled band patterns in the SU(3) limit. Phys. Rev. C42 (1990) 993-1003.
- G.Lhersonneau, B.Pfeiffer, K.L.Kratz, H.Ohm, K.Sistemich, S.Brant and V.Paar: Structure of the N=59 nucleus 97Sr: Coexistence of Spherical and Deformed States. Z.Physik A337 (1990) 149-159.
- V.Lopac, S.Brant and V.Paar: Quantum Chaos for N=79 Nuclei in the IBFM model, Z.Physik A337 (1990) 131-137.
- H.Seyfarth, H.H.Güven, B.Kardon, G.Lhersonneau, K.Sistemich, S.Brant, N.Kaffrell, P.Maier-Komor, H.K.Vonach, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić and R.A.Meyer. Structure of the low-lying nuclear states of 101Mo, Fizika 22 (1990) 183-220.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Boson extended random phase approximation: New approach to the microscopic substantiation of interacting boson model. Fizika 22 (1990) 221-232.
- T.Fenyes, Z.Dombradi, A.Krasznahorkay, J.Gulyas, J.Timar and T.Kibedi S.Brant, V.Paar: Structure of odd-odd In nuclei. Fizika 22 (1990) 273-293.
- K.Sistemich, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth, S.Brant, V.Paar and G.Lhersonneau: The structure of 98Y from IBFFM calculations, Fizika 22 (1990) 323-332.
- D.Karadjov, V.V.Voronov, G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: On a new approach to the microscopic substantiation of the interacting boson model-1. Soobs. ob. inst. jad. is. Dubna E4-90-98(1990) 1-25.
- V.Paar, D.Vorkapić, K.Heyde, A.G.M. van Hees and A.A.Wolters: Broken isospin symmetry in the shell model and chaotic behavior. Phys. Lett. B271 (1991) 1-6.
- J. Kern, A. Raemy, W. Beer, J.C. Dousse, W. Schwitz, M.K. Balodis, P.T. Prokofjev, N.D. Kramer, L.I. Simonova, R.W. Hoff, D.G. Gardner, M.A. Gardner, R.F. Casten, R.L. Gill, R. Eder, T. von Egidy, E. Hagn, P. Hungeford, H.J. Scheerer, H.H. Schmidt, E. Zech, A. Chalupka, A.V. Murzin, V.A. Libman, I.V. Konenko, C. Coceva, P. Giacobbe, I.A. Kondurov, Yu.E. Loginov, P.A. Sushkov, S. Brant and V. Paar: Nuclear levels in 192Ir. Nucl. Phys. A534 (1991) 77-127.
- D.Vretenar, V.Paar, M.Savoia and G.Bonsignori: Two-quasiparticle states in the interacting boson model. II. Electromagnetic properties in the SU (3) limit. Phys. Rev. C44 (1991) 223-232.
- Z.Gacsi, Zs.Dombradi, T.Fenyes, S.Brant and V.Paar: Structure of 116Sb nucleus. Physical Review C44 (1991) 642-656.
- Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant and V.Paar: Proton-neutron multiplet structure of 104In. Physical Review C44 (1991) 1701-1704.
- V.Paar, D.Vorkapić and A.E.L.Diepernik: Asymptotic relization of the criterion for quantum integrability of a boson system with dynamical symmetry. J.Phys A: Math. Gen. 24 (1991) L901-L905.
- H.Seyfarth, H.H.Güven, B.Kardon, W.D.Lauppe, G.Lhersonneau, K.Sistemich, S.Brant, N.Kaffrell, P.Maier-Komor, H.K.Vonach, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić and R.A.Meyer: Structure of the triplet of low-lying states in 101Mo. Z.Physik A339 (1991) 269-278.
- U.Mayerhofer, T.von Egidy, J.Jolie, H.G.Börner, G.Colvin, S.Judge, B.Krusche, S.J.Robinson, K.Schreckenbach, S.Brant and V.Paar: The experimental structure of 199Au and the interacting boson-fermion model. Z.Physik A341 (1991) 1-8.
- V. Paar, D. Vorkapić and A.E.L. Dieperink: GOE-Type Energy Level Statistics and Regular Classical Dynamics for Rotational Nuclei in the Interacting Boson Model. Phys. Rev. Lett. 69(1992) 2184-2187.
- E. Dragulescu, M. Ivascu, C. Petrache, D. Popescu, G. Semenescu, I. Gurgu, M. Ionescu-Bujor, A. Iordachescu, G. Pascovici, R.A. Meyer, V. Lopac, S. Brant, V. Paar, D. Vorkapić and D. Vretenar: Nuclear structure and high-spin states of 137Pr. Nucl. Phys. A458 (1992) 435-452.
- V.Paar, D.Vretenar, C.De Coster, K.Heyde and O.Scholten: Microscopic approach to the U (6/4×4): spinBFF(6) Hamiltonian of the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model. Phys. Rev. C45 (1992) 284-292.
- V. Lopac, S. Brant and V. Paar: Dependence of chaotic behavior on the residual interaction in the odd-odd nucleus 106Ag. Phys. Rev. A45 (1992)3503-3507.
- V. Paar, D. K. Sunko and D. Vretenar: On a possible origin of identical superdeformed and normally deformed bands and absence of polarization in interacting boson-fermion model. J. Phys. G18 (1992) L191-196.
- V. Lopac and V. Paar: Level density fluctuations in the generalized interacting boson model. Z. Physik A344 (1992)155-158.
- Zs. Dombradi, T. Fenyes, J. Gulyas, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kibedi, J. Timar, S. Brant and V. Paar: Evidence for Core Polarization Interaction in Odd-Odd in Nuclei. Mod. Phys. Lett. A7 (1992)271-278.
- V. Paar: Chaotic and quasiperiodic solutions of robotic equation with one degree of freedom. Fizika B1(1992)33-49.
- V.A. Bondarenko, I.L. Kuvaga, P.T. Prokofjev, V.A. Khitrov, Yu. V. Kholnov, Le Hong Khiem, Y.P. Popov, A.M. Sukhovoj, S. Brant, V. Paar and V. Lopac: Thermal-neutron-capture studies on 135Ba, Nucl. Phys. A551 (1993) 54-72.
- P. Petkov, W. Andrejtscheff, S.J. Robinson, U. Mayerhofer, T. von Egidy, S. Brant, V. Paar and V. Lopac: Electromagnetic transition strengths in the transitional doubly odd nucleus 198Au, Nucl. Phys. A554 (1993) 189-208.
- J. Timar, T. X. Quang, Zs. Dombradi, T. Fenyes, A. Krasznahorkay, S. Brant, V. Paar and Lj. Šimičić: Structure of the 66Ga nucleus from (α,n γ) reaction, Nucl. Phys. A552(1993)170-192.
- R.E. Chrien, B.K.S. Koene, M.L. Stelts, R.A. Meyer, S. Brant, V. Paar and V. Lopac: Neutron capture gamma-ray study of levels in 135Ba and description of nuclear levels in interacting boson-fermion model. Phys. Rev. C47 (1993) 1-9.
- V. Paar, D. K. Sunko, S. Brant, M. G. Mustafa and R. G. Lanier: Gaussian polynomial method for spin-dependent level density and new formula for spin distribution. Z. Physik A345(1993)343-358.
- Marija Rosandić-Pilaš, Milivoj Kačić, Vladimir Šalamon, Roland Pulanić, Margareta Dujšin, Branko Radanović and Vladimir Paar: Sclerotherapy of bleeding oesophageal varices in children with prehepatic portal hypertension: a prospective evaluation over 7 years. Eur. J. of Gastroenterology and Hepathology 5(1993)533-539.
- J. Timar, T.X. Quang, T. Fenyes, Zs. Dombradi, A. Krasznahorkay, J. Kumpulainen, R. Julin, S. Brant, V. Paar, Lj. Šimičić, Structure of 66Ga from (p, n γ) reaction, Nucl.Phys. A573 (1994) 61-92.
- S. Brant, V. Paar, V.A. Bondarenko, L.L. Kuvaga, Particle-type states in 137Ba, Nucl.Phys. A576 (1994) 205-214.
- P.E. Garrett, D.G. Burke, Tao Qu, V. Paar, S. Brant, The nuclear structure of 194Ir studied with the 193Ir (d,p) 194Ir reaction, Nucl.Phys. A579 (1994) 103-124.
- M. Stipčević, S. Brant, V. Paar, A. Ljubičić, Calculation of nuclear structure of 205Pb relevant for the 205Tl solar neutrino detector, Z.Physik A 350 (1994) 319-325.
- V.A. Bondarenko, L.L. Kuvaga, P.T. Prokofjev, A.M. Sukhovoj, V.A. Khitrov, Yu. P. Popov, S. Brant, V. Paar, Levels of 137Ba studied with neutron-induced reactions. Nucl. Phys. A582 (1995) 1-22.
- A. Algora, D. Sohler, T. Fenyes, Z. Gacsi, S. Brant and V. Paar, Structure of 74As from the (p, n γ) reaction and interpretation within IBFFM, Nucl. Phys. A588 (1995) 399-430
- D. Bucurescu, D. Barneond, Gh. Cata-Danil, T. von Egidy, J. Genevey, A. Gizon, J. Gizon, C.F. Liang, P. Paris, B. Weiss, S. Brant, V. Paar and R. Pezer, Low-lying states in the doubly odd nucleus 132Pr from beta decay of 132Nd, Nucl. Phys. A587 (1995) 475-498
- Zs. Dombradi, Zs. Podolyak, S. Brant and V. Paar, Effective Proton-Neutron Interaction in the Singly Closed Shell Region, Phys. Scr. T56 (1995) 239-242.
- Zs. Dombradi, A. Algora, S. Brant and V. Paar, Proton-Neutron Multiplet States in 100,102In, Phys. Scr. T56 (1995) 236-238.
- Zs. Dombradi, D. Sohler, S. Brant and V. Paar, Micro-deformation in the Sn Region, Phys. Scr. T56 (1995) 98-102.
- V.A. Bondarenko, I.L. Kuvaga, P.T. Prokofjev, A.M. Sukhovoj, V.A. Khitrov, Yu.P.Popov, S.Brant, V.Paar, Lj.Šimičić, Particle – hole states in 138Ba, Nucl.Phys. A584 (1995) 279-314.
- T. Fenyes, A. Algora, Zs. Podolyak, D. Sohler, J. Timar, S. Brant, V. Paar and Lj. Šimičić, Structure of odd-odd Ga and As nuclei, dynamical symmetries and supersymmetries, Phys. Part. Nucl. 26 (1995) 831-872.
- Zs. Dombradi, I. Danko, S. Brant and V. Paar, Rearrangement of valence neutrons by proton excitation in odd-odd nuclei, Phys. Rev. 53 (1996) 1244-1247.
- V. Paar, S. Brant and D. Paar, Spin-dependent level density in interacting boson-fermion-fermion model, Z.Physik A355 (1996) 261-265.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, N. Paar and B. Novaković, Nonlinear regular dynamics of a single-degree robot model, Robotica 14 (1996) 423-431.
- D. Sohler, A. Algora, T. Fenyes, J. Gulyas, S. Brant and V. Paar, Structure of 72As nucleus, Nucl.Phys. A604 (1996) 25-52.
- V. Paar and N. Pavin, Sensitive dependence of lifetimes of chaotic transient on numerical accuracy for a model with dry friction and frequency dependent driving amplitude, Mod.Phys.Lett. 10 (1996) 153-159.
- U. Mayerhofer, T. Von Egidy, J. Klora, H. Lindner, H.G. Boerner, S. Judge, B. Krusche, S. Robinson, K. Schreckenbach, A.M. Sukhovoy, V.A. Khitrov, S.T. Boneva, V. Paar, S. Brant and R. Pezer, The nucleus 198Au investigated with neutron capture and transfer reactions. I. Experiments and evaluation, Fizika B5 (1996) 167-198.
- U. Mayerhofer, T. Von Egidy, J. Klora, H. Lindner, H.G. Boerner, S. Judge, B. Krusche, S. Robinson, K. Schreckenbach, A.M. Sukhovoy, V.A. Khitrov, S.T. Boneva, V. Paar, S. Brant and R. Pezer, The nucleus 198Au investigated with neutron capture and transfer reactions. II. Construction of the level scheme and calculation of level densities, Fizika B5 (1996) 229-253.
- R.A. Meyer, S.V. Jackson, S. Brant and V. Paar, Levels of 105Pd populated in the decay of 105Ag m,g and comparison with interacting boson-fermion model calculations, Phys.Rev. 54 (1996) 2935-2947.
- V. Lopac, S. Brant and V. Paar, Level density fluctuations and characterization of chaos in the realistic model spectra for odd-odd nuclei, Z.Phys. A356 (1996) 113-118.
- V.Paar and N.Pavin, Bursts in average lifetime of transients for chaotic logistic map with a hole, Phys. Rev. E55 (1997) 4112-4115.
- V.Paar and N.Pavin, Dependence of lifetimes of chaotic transients in the weakly dissipative Duffing oscillator on numerical precision and external noise, Physica A242 (1997) 166-174.
- V.Paar and N.Pavin, Discontinuous pattern of cummulative separation between orbits of chaotic transient, Phys.Lett. A235 (1997) 139-144.
- V.Paar and R.Pezer, Generalized Bethe formula for the total level density, Phys.Rev.55 Rapid Commun. (1997) R1737-1640.
- V.Paar and R.Pezer, Generalized Bethe formula (GBF) and combinatorial calculations for the systematics of Pb nuclei, Phys. Lett. B411 (1997) 19-25.
- D.Sohler, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, J.Cederkaell, M.Lipoglavšek, M.Palacz, V.Paar, J.Persson, A.Atac, C.Fahlander, H.Grawe, A.Johnson, A.Kerek, W.Klamra, J.Kownacki, A.Likar, L-O.Norlin, J.Nyberg, R.Schubart, D.Seweryniak, G.De Angelis, P.Bednarczyk, D.Foltescu, M.Fayez-Hassan, D.Jerrestram, S.Juutinen, E.Maekelae, B.M.Nyako, Poli, H.A.Roth, T.Shizuma, O.Skeppstedt, G.Sletten, S.Toermaenen, Spectroscopy of neutron deficient 65Ge, Z. Physik A357 (1997) 239-240.
- D.Sohler, Y.S.Podolyak, J.Gulyas, T.Fenyes, A.Algora, Zs. Dombradi, S.Brant and V.Paar, Structure of the 73As nucleus, Nucl. Phys. (1997) 35-54.
- V.Paar and N.Pavin, Missing preimages for chaotic logistic map with a hole, Fizika B6, 23-25 (1997).
- M.Fayez-Hassan, Zs. Dombradi, Z.Gacsi, J.Gulyas, S.Brant, V.Paar, W.B.Walters and R.A.Meyer, Positive-parity intruder levels in 116,118Sb, Nucl. Phys. A624 (1997) 401-414.
- G.Lhersonneau, S.Brant, V.Paar and D.Vretenar, Nuclear structure of 97Y in the interacting boson-fermion model plus broken pair model and the 3.523 MeV high spin isomer, Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 681-689.
- V.Paar and N.Pavin, Intermingled fractal Arnold tongues, Physical Review E57 (1998)1544-1549.
- V Paar, Slučaj Galilei – dvostruka revizija, Bogoslovska smotra Ephemerides theologicae Zagrabienses. 4 (1997) 503-513.
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- Vladimir Paar, Maro Cvitan, Nenad Ocelić, Miroslav Josipović, Fractal dimension of coastline of the Croatian island Cres, Acta Geographica Croatica 32 (1997) 21-34.
- M.Balodis, P.Prokofjevs, N.Kramer, L.Simonova, J.Berzins, T.Krasta, R.Georgii, T. von Egidy, J.Klora, H.Lindner, U.Mayerhofer, A.Walter, J.A.Cizewski, G.G.Colvin, H.G.Boerner, P.Geltenbort, F.Hoyler, S.A.Kerr, K.Schreckenbach, A.Raemy, J.C.Dousse, J.Kern, W.Schwitz, I.A.Kondurov, Yu.E.Loginov, P.A.Sushkov, S.Brant, V.Paar, V.Lopac, Study of 194Ir via thermal neutron capture and (d,p) reactions, Fizika B 7 (1998)15-36.
- Vladimir Paar, Suvremeni pogled na Petrićev planetni sustav, Filozofska istraživanja 68 (1998) 37-58.
- G.Lhersonneau, J.Suhonen, P.Dendooven,A.Honkanen, M.Huhta, P.Jones, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, M.Oinonen, H.Penttila, J.R.Persson, K.Perajarvi, A.Savelius, J.C.Wang, J.Aysto, S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Vretenar, Level structure of 99Nb, Phys. Rev. C 57 (1998) 2974-2990.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, A.Wolf, Interacting boson-fermion model calculation of the level scheme and electromagnetic properties of 99Zr, Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 1349-1351.
- M. Balodis, P. Prokofjevs, N. Kramere, L. Simonova, J. Berzins, T. Krasta, J. Kern, A. Raemy, J.C. Dousse, W. Schwitz, J.A. Cizewski, G.G. Colvin, H.G. Boerner, P. Geltenbort, F. Hoyler, S.A. Kerr, K. Schreckenbach, R. Georgii, T. von Egidy, J. Klora, H. Lindner, U. Mayerhofer, A. Walter, A.V. Murzin, V.A. Libman, I.A. Kondurov, Yu.E. Loginov, P.A. Sushkov, S. Brant, V. Paar and V. Lopac, Level scheme of 194Ir, Nuclear Physics A641 (1998) 133-188.
- D.Sohler, Z. Dombradi, S. Brant, J. Cederkall, M. Lipoglavsek, M. Palacz, V. Paar, J. Persson, A. Atac, C. Fahlander, H. Grawe, A. Johnson, A. Kerek, W. Klamra, J. Kownacki, A. Likar, L.O. Norlin, J. Nyberg, R. Schubart, D. Seweryniak, G. de Angelis, P. Bednarczyk, D. Foltescu, D. Jerrestam, S. Juutinen, Structure of As-68 studied via the C-12 (Ni-58, pn) reaction, Nuclear Physics A644 (1998) 141-161.
- C.M. Petrache, S. Brant, D. Bazzacco, G. Falconi, E.Fornea, S. Lunardi, V. Paar, Zs. Podolyak, R. Venturelli, D. Vretenar, Detailed spectroscopy and IBFFM interpretation of odd-odd nuclei of 132Pr and 130Pr, Nuclear Physics A635 (1998) 361-383.
- V. Paar, Problemi suvremene evaluacije Petrićeve prirodoznanstvene filozofije i Petrićev vacuum, Filozofska istraživanja 72-73 (1999) 97-110.M.
- D. Sohler, Z. Podolyak, Z. Dombradi, J. Gulyas, A. Algora, S. Brant, V. Krstić, V. Paar, Further evidence on shape coexistence in As 72, Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 1328-1333.
- Rosandić, M. Škegro, V. Paar, D. Paar, M. Šćukanec-Špoljar, M. Juričić, B. Vucelić, R. Pulanić, N. Rustemović, R. Ostojić, N. Ljubojević, Quantitative tissue carcinoembryonic antigen (T CEA) assay as a screening test for severe dysplasia in colorectal adenomas, Acta Medica Austriaca 26 (1999) 89-92.
- J. Gizon, A. Gizon, J. Timar, Gh. Cata-Danil, B. M. Nyako, L. Zolnai, A. J. Boston, D. T. Joss, E. S. Paul, A. T. Semple, N. J. O?Brien, C. M. Parry, D. Bucurescu, S. Brant, V. Paar, Low-lying levels and high-spin band structures in 102Rh, Nucl. Phys. A 473 (1999) 1-32.
- I. Danko, D. Sohler, Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant, V. Krstić, J. Cederkaell, M. Lipoglavšek, M. Palacz, J. Persson, A. Atac, C. Fahlander, H. Grawe, A. Johnson, A. Kerek, W. Klamra, J. Kownacki, A. Likar, L. O. Norlin, J. Nyberg, V. Paar, R. Schubart, D. Seweryniak, D. Vretenar, G. de Angelis, P. Bednarczyk, D. Foltescu, D. Jerrestam, S. Juutinen, E. Makela, B. M. Nyako, M. de Poli, H. A. Roth, T. Shizuma, O. Skeppstedt, G. Sletten, S. Tormanen, Collective and broken pair states of 65,67Ga, Phys. Rev. C 59 (1999) 1956-1974.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, N. Paar, B. Novaković, Nonlinear dynamics of a single-degree robot model Part 2: Onset of chaotic transients, Robotica 18 (2000) 201-208.
- G. Lhesonneau, S. Brant, V. Paar, Level structure of 100Nb, Physical Review C 6204 (2000) 4304-4310.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, Relation between uncertainty exponent and mean lifetime of chaotic transient for map on annulus, Modern Physics Letters B 14 (2000) 167-172.
- V. Paar, H. Buljan, Bursts in chaotic trajectory lifetimes preceding controlled periodic motion, Physical Review E 62 (2000) 4869-4872.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, Overlapped KAM patterns for linearly coupled asymmetric oscillators, Fizika A 9 (2000) 95-104.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, A. Rubčić, J. Rubčić, N. Trinajstić, Scale invariant power law and fractality for molecular weights, Chem. Phys. Lett. 336 (2001) 129-134.
- A. Gizon, J. Timar, J. Gizon, B. Weiss, D. Barneoud, C. Foin, J. Genevey, F. Hannachi, C.F. Liang, A. Lopez-Martens, P. Paris, B.M. Nyako, L. Zolnai, J.C. Merdinger, S. Brant, V. Paar, Low-lying levels and collective bands in doubly-odd Cs-124, Nucl. Phys. A694 (2001) 63-102.
- H. Buljan, V. Paar, Many-hole interactions and the average lifetimes of chaotic transients that precede controlled periodic motion, Phys. Rev. E 6306 (2001) 6205-6211.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, M. Rosandić, Link between truncated fractals and coupled oscillators in biological systems, J. Theor. Biol. 212 (2001) 47-56.
- J. Timar, J. Gizon, A. Gizon, D. Sohler, B. M. Nyako, L. Zolnai, Gh. Cata-Danil, D. Bucurescu, A. J. Boston, D. T. Joss, E. S. Paul, A. T. Semple, C. M. Parry, S. Brant, V. Paar, Three-quasiparticle rotational bands in 101Rh: IBFBPM description and signature inversion of the pi g9/2 orbital, Nucl. Phys. A696 (2001) 241-271.
- H. Buljan, V. Paar, Parry measure and the topological entropy of chaotic repellers embedded within chaotic attractors, Physica (Amsterdam) D 2994 (2002) 1-13.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, A. Rubčić, J. Rubčić, Fractality of abundance-weighted N,Z-chart of isotopes and systematics of atomic weights of chemical elements, Croat. Chem. Acta 75 (2002) 121-129.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, A. Rubčić, J. Rubčić, Power laws and fractal behavior in nuclear stability, atomic weights and molecular weights, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (Cambridge) 14 (2002) 901-916.
- H. Buljan, V. Paar, Naturally invariant measure of chaotic attractors and the conditionally invariant measure of embedded chaotic repellers, Phys. Rev. E 6503(2002) 036218
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, I. Basar, Key-string segmentation algorithm and higher-order repeat 16mer (54 copies) in human alpha satellite DNA in chromosome 7, J. Theor. Biology (Cambridge) 221 (2003) 29-37.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, M. Glunčić, I. Basar, N. Pavin, Key-string algorithm – Novel approach to computational analysis of repewtitive sequences in human centromeric DNA, Croat. Med. J. 44 (2003) 386-406.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, Regularity-partial chaos – regularity transition and overlapped KAM scenarios in a conservative system of two linearly coupled double-well oscillators, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 17 (2003) 941-948.
- Vladimir Paar, Ivan Golub, Granice znanstvenog determinizma – Nove dodirne točke znanosti i religije, Nova prisutnost 1/2 (2003) 193-209.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, I. Basar, M. Rosandić, I. Luketin, S. Durajlija Žinić, Spectral densities and frequencies in the power spectrum of higher order repeat alpha satellite in human DNA molecule, Croat. Chem. Acta 77 (2004) 73-81.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, Overlapping of two truncated crisis scenarios: Generator of peaks in mean lifetimes of chaotic transients, Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003) 036222 1-6.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, I.Basar, R. Pezer, S. Durajlija Žinić, ColorHOR – novel graphical algorithm for fast scan of alpha satellite higher-order repeats and HOR annotation for GenBank sequence of human genome, Bioinformatics 21 (2005) 846-852.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, I. Basar, M. Glunčić, N. Pavin, I. Pilaš, CENP-B box and pJ? sequence distribution in human alpha satellite higher-order repeats (HOR), Chromosome Res. 14 (2006) 735-753.
- M. Petrovečki, V. Paar, D. Primorac, Can Croatia join Europe as competitive knowledge-based society by 2010? Croat. Med. J. 47 (2006) 809-824.
- V. Paar, I. Basar, M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, Consensus Higher Order Repeats and Frequency of String Distributions in Human Genome, Curr. Genomics 8 (2007) 93-111.
- M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, V. Paar, I. Basar, The role of alphoid higher order repeats (HORs) in the centromere foldng, J. Theor. Biol. 254 (2008) 555-560.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, I. Basar, M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, N. Paar, Hierarchical structure of cascade of primary and secondary periodicities in Fourier power spectrum of alphoid higher order repeats, BMC Bioinformatics 9 (2008) 466 (BioMed Central), doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-9-466, 1-14.
- V. Paar, M. Glunčić, I. Basar, M. Rosandić, P. Paar, M. Cvitković, Large tandem, higher order repeats and regularly dispersed repeat units contribute substantially to divergence between human and chimpanzee Y chromosomes, J. Mol. Evol. 72 (2011) 34-55.
- V. Paar, M. Glunčić, M. Rosandić, I. Basar, I. Vlahović, Intragene higher order repeats in neuroblastoma breakpoint family genes distinguish humans from chimpanzees, Mol. Biol. Evol. 28 (2011) 1877-1892.
- M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, V. Paar, Start/stop codon-like trinucleotides (CLTs) and extended clusters as new language of DNA, Croat. Chem. Acta 84 (2011) 331-341.
- M. Glunčić, V. Paar, Direct mapping of symbolic DNA sequence into frequency domain in global repeat map algorithm, Nucleic Acids Res. 41 (2012) e17 doi:10.1093/nar/gks721.
- M. Glunčić, M. Rosandić, D. Jelovina, K. Dekanić, I. Vlahović, V. Paar, Global repeat map for higher order repeat alpha satellites in human and chimpanzee genomes (Build 37.2 assembly), Croat. Chem. Acta 85 (2012) 327-351.
- M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, V. Paar, Start/stop codon like trinucleotides extensions in primate alpha satellites, J. Theor. Biol. 317 (2013) 301-309.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, M. Glunčić, Fundamental role of start/stop regulators in whole DNA and new trinucleotide3 classification, Gene 531, 2 (2013) 184-190.
- Marija Rosandić, Vladimir Paar: Codon sextets with leading role of serine create “ideal” symmetry classification scheme of the genetic code. Gene 543, 45-52 (2014).
- Marija Rosandić, Ines Vlahović, Matko Glunčić, Vladimir Paar, Trinucleodide´s quadruplet symmetries and natural symmetry law of DNA creation ensuing Chargaff´s second parity rule, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 34 (2016) 1383-1394.
- Ines Vlahović, Matko Glunčić, Marija Rosandić, Đurđica Ugarković, Vladimir Paar, Regular Higher Order Repeat Structures in Beetle Tribolium Castaneum Genome, Genome Biol. Evol. 9, 10 (2017) 2668-2680.
- Marija Rosandić, Ines Vlahović, Vladimir Paar, Novel look at DNA and life – Symmetry as evolutionary forcing, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 483 (2019) 109985 1-13.
- Matko Glunčić, Ines Vlahović, Vladimir Paar, Discovery of 33mer in chromosome 21 – the largest alpha satellite higher order repeat unit among all human somatic chromosomes, Scientific Reports Nature Research 9 (2019) 12629 1-8.
- M. Glunčić, I. Martinjak, V. Paar, A dual of colored tilings terminating sums, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 50 (2020) 589-597.
- I. Vlahović, M. Glunčić, K. Dekanić, L. Mršić, H. Jerković, I. Martinjak, V. Paar, Global repeat map algorithm (GRM) reveals differences in alpha satellite number of tandem and higher order repeats (HORs) in human, Neanderthal and chimpanzee genomes – novel tandem repeat database, 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), Opatija, Croatia, (2020) 237-242, doi: 10.23919/MIPRO48935.2020.9245278 - M. Rosandić, V. Paar, The novel Ideal Symmetry Genetic Code table – Common purine-pyrimidine symmetry net for all RNA and DNA species, Journal of Theoretical Biology 524, 110748, (2021).
- V. Paar, I. Vlahović, M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, Global Repeat Map (GRM): Advantageous Method for Discovery of Largest Higher–Order Repeats (HORs) in Neuroblastoma Breakpoint Family (NBPF) Genes, in Hornerin Exon and in Chromosome 21, Satellite DNAs in Physiology and Evolution, Progress in Molecular Biology, Vol. 60, 203-234, 2021, Springer (978-3-030-74888-3, 500634_1_En).
- Marija Rosandić, Vladimir Paar, Standard Genetic Code vs. Supersymmetry Genetic Code – Alphabetical table vs. Physicochemical table, BioSystems 218 (2022) 104695
- Matko Glunčić,Ines Vlahović, Leo Mršić, Vladimir Paar, Global Repeat Map (GRM) application: finding all DNA tandem repeat units, Algorithms 15, 458, 2022.
- Marija Rosandić, Ines Vlahović, Ivan Pilaš, Matko Glunčić, Vladimir Paar, An explanation of exceptions from Chargaff՚s second parity rule/strand symmetry of DNA molecules, Genes 2022, 13, 1929,
- Matko Glunčić, Ines Vlahović, Marija Rosandić, Vladimir Paar, Tandemly repeated NBPF HOR copies (Olduvai triplets): Possible impact on human brain evolution, Life Science Allience 6, 1, e202101306 (2022),
- Marija Rosandić, Vladimir Paar, The evolution of life is a road paved with the DNA quadruplet symmetry and the supersymmetry genetic code, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 12029.
- Matko Glunčić, Ines Vlahović, Marija Rosandić, Vladimir Paar, Tandem NBPF 3mer HORs (Olduvai triplets) in Neanderthal and two novel HOR tandem arrays in human chromosome 1 T2T-CHM13 assembly, Scientific Reports (2023) 13, 14420 Nature portfolio
dodatne informacije i pristup tekstu na Resarch Gate stranici akademika Paara
- V.Paar: Selected topics on nuclear vibrations. Proc. of the XV International Summer Meeting on Nuclear Structure, Herceg-Novi, ed. by H.Kukoč (1970) 234-386.
- V.Paar: Coexistence of the shell-model and vibrational degrees of freedom in the neighbourhood of single-closed shell nuclei. In Heavy ions, High-spin states and nuclear structure. IAEA, Vienna, Vol.II (1975) 179-212.
- V.Paar: Cluster-vibration model and GVISR. In Problems of Vibrational Nuclei, ed. by G.Alaga, V.Paar and L.Šips, North-Holland. Amsterdam (1975) 15-54.
- V.Paar: Cluster-vibration model. In Coexistence of single particle and collective states, eds. I.Fodor-Lovas and G.Palla. Budapest (1976) 281-354.
- Ch.Vieu, V.Paar, J.S.Dionisio: Intermediate coupling vibrational descriptions of odd mass gold isotopes. Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclei Far from Stability. CERN 76-13, Geneva (1976) 451-455.
- V.Paar: Cluster-vibration coupling. Proc. Int. School on Nuclear Spectroscopy. The Netherlands Physical Society (1977) 139-149.
- Ch.Vieu, V.Paar, S.G.Larsson, G.Leander, I.Ragnarsson, W. de Wieclawik and J.S.Dionisio; The particle-cluster vibration and the particle asymmetric rotor descriptions of 193Au. Proc. Int.Symposium on high-spin states and nuclear structure. Dresden (1977) 47-50.
- V.Paar: Ward-like identities, cluster-vibration model and quasirotational pattern. In Selected topics in nuclear structure, Vol. 2, ed. by J.Styczen and R.Kulessa, Krakow (1978) 715-820.
- V.Paar: IBM versus quadrupole phonons. In Interacting bosons in nuclear physics, ed by F.Iachello, Plenum Press, New York (1979) 163-171.
- V.Paar: Quadrupole-phonon models and a cluster-vibration model for nuclei in the mass region 50-150. In Structure of medium-heavy nuclei, Inst.Phys. Conf.Ser. 49 (1980) 53-84.
- Ch.Vieu, V.Paar, S.E.Larsson, G.Leander, I.Ragnarsson, Wieclawik and J.S.Dionisio: Vibrational versus rotational descriptions of 105-109Ag negative-parity states. Structure of medium-heavy nuclei, Inst.Phys. Conf.Ser. 49 (1980) 262-263.
- V.Paar: New facets of quadrupole phonon. In Future Directions in Studies of Nuclei Far from Stability, ed. by J.H.Hamilton, E.H.Spejewski, C.R.Bingham and E.F.Zganjar, North-Holland, New York (1980) 15-36.
- V.Paar: On the equivalence between SU(6) quadrupole phonon model and IBA for even and odd nuclei. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingor (1981) 222-223.
- V.Paar: Is it possible to test the interacting boson approximation? Inst. Phys.Conf.Ser. 62 (1982) 52-53.
- K.Allaart, P.Hofstra and V.Paar: A quasiparticle cluster-vibration model (QCVM) and the particle-number projection rule, Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser. 62 (1982) 54-55.
- V. Paar and L.F. Canto: Asymptotic wave functions for particle-vibration coupling with the SU(3) limit of the SU(6) quadrupole phonon model. Inst. Phys.Conf.Ser. 64(1982)60-61.
- V.Paar: SU(6) Quadrupole Phonon Model and Particle-Quadrupole Phonon Coupling Model, Dynamical Symmetries and Supersymmetries. In Nuclear physics, ed. C.H.Dasso, North-Holland, Amsterdam (1982) 91-99.
- R.A.Meyer, N.Kaffrell, H.Lawin, G.Lhersonneau, E.Monnand. V.Paar, B.Pfeiffer, J.A.Pinston, I.Ragnarsson, F.Schussler, A.Schmitt, T.Seo, K.Sistemich and N.Trautmann: Symmetric deformation in A=100 odd and odd-odd nuclei and its influence on fission product beta-decay rates. In Proc. Meet. on Fission Product Data, Brookhaven National Laboratory (1983).
- V.Paar: A new model OTQM/OIBM for odd-odd nuclei and its two limits with parabolic rules and extension of supersymmetry to odd-odd nuclei. In In-Beam Nuclear Spectroscopy, ed. Zs.Dombradi and T.Fenyes, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest (1984), Vol.2, 675-687.
- V.Paar: New Coupling Limits, Dynamical Symmetries and Microscopic Operators of IBM/TQM. In Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, ed. S.Raman, American Institute of Physics, New York (1985) 70-88.
- V.Paar and T.Hübsch: Boson-fermion dynamical symmetry and supersymmetry for hypernuclei. In Atomic and nuclear heavy ion collisions, Eds, G.Semenescu, L.A.Dorobantu and N.V. Zamfir, Centr. Inst.Phys. Bucharest (1986) 49-59.
- E.Dragulescu, V.Paar, M.Ivascu, C.Petrache, D.Popescu, G.Semenescu, K.Allaart: Quasiparticle-Cluster-Vibration model (QCVM) interpretation of odd-mass N=82 nuclei. In Atomic and Nuclear Heavy Ion Interactions, Eds. G. Semenescu, I.A.Dorobantu and N.V.Zamfir, Centr. Inst. Phys., Bucharest (1986) 278-284.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, G.Semenescu, I.Gurgu, D.Popescu, C.Petrache, M.Jonescu-Bujor, A.Jordachescu, G.Pascovici, V.Paar, S.Brant, D.Vretenar: In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy studies in neutron deficient praseodymium nuclei. In Atomic and Nuclear Heavy Ion Interactions, Eds.G.Semenescu, I.A.Dorobantu and N.V. Zamfir, Centr. Inst. Phys., Bucharest (1986) 596-606.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, G.Semenescu, I.Gurgu, D.Popescu, C.Petrache, C.Wesselborg, V.Paar, D.Vretenar, A.Velenik: Investigation of the transitional nuclei around N=82 by means of Coulomb excitation. In Atomic and Nuclear Heavy Ion Interactions, Eds. G.Semenescu, I.A.Dorobantu and N.V.Zamfir, Centr. Inst.Phys., Bucharest (1986) 607-623.
- D.K.Sunko, S.Brant, D.Vretenar and V.Paar: Approximate Supersymmetry in Odd-Even and Odd-Odd Nuclei. In Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Vol.1. (Eds. R.A. Meyer and V.Paar, World Scientific, Singapore 1986) 240-245.
- K.Allaart, G.Bonsignori, M.Daman, M.Savoia and V.Paar: Pair Model States and the microscopic IBM. In Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Vol.2 (Eds. R.A.Meyer and V.Paar, World Scientific, Singapore, 1986) 837-844.
- A.B.Balantekin, T.Hübsch and V.Paar: Boson-Fermion Symmetries and Dynamical Superymmetries for Odd-Odd Nuclei. In Nuclei Off the Line of Stability. R.A.Meyer and D.S.Brenner, Eds., American Chemical Society, Washington D.C. (1986) 14-19.
- K.Allaart, G.Bonsignori, M.Savoia and V.Paar: Nucleon-pair states and the interacting boson model. In Microscopic Appproaches to Nuclear Structure Calculations (Italian Physical Society, Editrice Compositori,Bologna) (1987) 237-254.
- E.Dragulescu, M.Ivascu, M.Ionescu-Bujor, A.Iordachescu, C.Petrache, D.Popescu, G.Pascovici, G.Semenescu, I.Gurgu, F.Baciu, V.Paar, S.Brant and D.Vretenar: Rapid Shape Transition in Praseodymium Nuclei. In Nuclear Science Research Conference Series 13: Symmetries and Nuclear Structure, Harwood Academic Publishers (1987) 164-172.
- R.A.Meyer, S.Brant and V.Paar: The N=59 isotones as a test of fermion-boson models. Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser. 88 (1988) 454-457.
- S.Brant, K.Sistemich, H.Seyfarth. H.Ohm, M.L.Stolzenwald, V.Paar, D.Vretenar, D.Vorkapić, V.Lopac, R.A.Meyer, G.Lhersonneau, K.L. Kratz and B.Pfeiffer: IBM and IBFFM approach to nuclei in the A=100 region. In Nuclear Structure of the zyrconium region, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1988) 199-214.
- V.Paar, D.Vorkapić, S.Brant, H.Seyfarth and V.Lopac: Quantum chaos and the boson-fermion approach to Ag 100 region. In Nuclear Structure of the Zyrconium Region, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1988) 184-189.
- V.Paar: IBFFM approach to odd-odd nuclei. Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser. 88(1988) 477-478.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Microscopic substantiation of the interacting Boson-Fermion model by using enforced symmetry condition and SUSY Concepts. Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser. 105 (1989) 413-418.
- G.Kyrchev and V.Paar: Microscopic Substantiation of the Interacting Boson-Fermion Model by Using Enforced Symmetry Conditions and SUSY concepts. In Trudi Meždnarodnoj konferencii po izbranim voprosam strukturi jadra (Obedinenij Inst Jadernjih Isledovanija, Dubna, Moskva, 1989) 301-312.
- D.Vretenar, V.Paar, F.Iachello, G.Bonsignori and M.Savoia: Two-and four-quasiparticle states in the interacting boson model: Description of high spin states. In Understanding the variety of nuclear excitations, ed. A.Covello (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991) 661-671.
- V.Lopac, S.Brant and V.Paar: Quantum chaos in the nuclear IBFM and IBFFM models. In Quantum Chaos, eds. H.A.Cardeira, R.Ramaswamy, M.C.Gutzwiller and G.Casati (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991) 205-220.
- J.Kern, M.K.Balodis, W.Beer, S.Brant, R.F.Casten, A.Chalupka, C.Coveca, J.-C1. Dousse, R.Eder, T. von Egidy, D.G.Gardner, M.A.Gardner, P.Giacobbe, R.L.Gill, E.Hagn, R.W.Hoff, M.A.Hungerford, I.A.Kondurov, I.V.Konenko, N.D.Kramer, V.A.Libman, Yu. E.Loginov, A.V.Murzin, V.Paar, P.T.Prokofjev, A.Raemy, H.J.Scheerer, H.H.Schmidt, W.Schwitz, L.I.Simonova, P.A.Sushkov, and E.Zech: Intrinsic Excitations in 192Ir. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 238 (1991) 263-270.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, D.K.Sunko, M.G.Mustafa, and R.G.Lanier: New Formula for Spin-Dependent Level Density. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 238 (1991) 672-684.
- V. Paar: The 0+ states in O(6) and SU(3) limits of interacting boson model: A realistic counterexample to conjectured relations between chaos, dynamical symmetry and quantum level statistics. In From spectroscopic to chaotic features of nuclear systems. Ed. D. Seeliger, World Scientific, Singapore (1992)55-63.
- G. Kyrchev and V. Paar: Microscopic approach to IBFM exchange term using enforced symmetry conditions. In Symmetry in Science VII: Spectrum Generating Algebras and Dynamics in Physics (Plenum Press, New York, 1993).
- Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant, V. Paar, Core polarization induced and detected by quasiparticles in In and Sb nuclei, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editor Jean Kern, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 146-153.
- M. Balodis and the 194Ir Collaboration-Riga, Munich, Piscataway, Grenoble, Fribourg, Kiev, St. Petersburtg, Zagreb, Nuclear structure of 194Ir: Experimental and theoretical study, Capture gamma-ray spectrscopy and realted topics, editor Jean Kern, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 365-367.
- V.A. Bondarenko, I.L. Kuvaga, P.T. Prokofjev, A.M. Sukhovoj; V.A. Khitrov, Yu. P. Popov, S. Brant, V. Paar, Lj. Šimičić, Particle-hole states in 138Ba, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, editor Jean Kern, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 375-376.
- V.A. Bondarenko, I.L. Kuvaga, P.T. Prokofjev, A.M. Sukhovoj, V.A. Khitrov, Yu. P. Popov, S. Brant, V. Paar, Levels of 137Ba studied with neutron induced reactions, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, editor Jean Kern, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 372-374.
- T.Fenyes, A.Algora, Z.Podolyak, D.Sohler, J.Timar, V.Paar, S.Brant, Lj.Šimičić, Structure of odd-odd Ga and As nuclei, dynamical and supersymmetry, Perspectives for the interacting boson model, Eds. R.F.Casten et al, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 672-681.
- Z.Dombradi, T.Fenyes, Z.Gacsi, J.Gulyas, S.Brant, V.Paar: Structure of odd-odd Sb nuclei, Perspectives for the interacting boson model, Eds. R.F.Casten et al, Word Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 469-472.
- T. Fenyes, A. Algora, Zs. Podolyak, D. Sohler, J. Timar, S. Brant, V. Paar, Lj. Šimičić: Structure of odd-odd Ga and As nuclei, dynamical and supersymmetries, Fizika elementarnjih častic i atomnogo jadra 26 (1995) 831-871.
- V.Paar, Slučaj Galileo – dvostruka revizija, Kučerin zbornik (1995)71-81.
- V.Paar, D.Paar, Z.Penava, Podaci o znanstvenoj suradnji Hrvatska-SAD (1963-1993) i o strukturi jednog izbora znanstvenih publikacija hrvatskih znanstvenika (1990—1994), Zbornik radova simpozija o fundamentalnim istraživanjima, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, 229-238 (1993).
- D.Sohler, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, J.Cederkaell, M.Lipoglavšek, M.Palacz, V.Paar, J.Persson, A.Atac, C.Fahlander, H.Grawe, A.Johnson, A.Kerek, W.Klamra, J.Kownacki, A.Likar, L.O.Norlin, J.Nyberg, R.Schubart, D.Seweryniak, G. de Angelis, P.Bednarczyk, D.Foltescu, D.Jerrestam, S.Juutinen, E.Makela, B.M.Nyako, M. de Poli, H.A.Roth, T.Shizuma, O.Skeppstedt, G.Sletten, S.Tormanen, Structure of 68As, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 19-22.
- S.Brant, D.Vretenar, V.Paar, High-spin Delta J = 1 bands in IBFFM with O(6) core and a new term in dynamical boson-fermion interaction, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 233-234.
- D.Sohler, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, J.Cederkaell, M.Lipoglavšek, M.Palacz, V.Paar, J.Persson, A.Atac, C.Fahlander, H.Grawe, A.Johnson, A.Kerek, W.Klamra, J.Kownacki, A.Likar, L.O.Norlin, J.Nyberg, R.Schubart, D.Seweryniak, G. de Angelis, P.Bednarczyk, D.Foltescu, D.Jerrestam, S.Juutinen, E.Makela, B.M.Nyako, M. de Poli, H.A.Roth, T.Shizuma, O.Skeppstedt, G.Sletten, S.Tormanen, Structure of neutron defficient 65,67Ga and 65,67Ge nuclei, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 262-265.
- D.Sohler, A.Algora, Zs.Podolyak, J.Gulyas, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, V.Paar, J.Kern, P.Cejnar, Nearly complete level schemes of 72,73,74As, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 270-273.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, A.Wolf, Shape coexistence in the N = 59 isotone 99Zr, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 276-277.
- M.Fayez Hassan, Zs.Dombradi, J.Gulyas, Z.Gacsi, S.Brant, V.Paar, Normal and intruder multiplet states in odd-odd Sb nuclei, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 289-292.
- I.Danko, M.Fayez Hassan, J.Gulyas, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, V.Paar, Core polarization in odd-odd I nuclei, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 293-296.
- M.Balodis, P.Prokofjevs, N.Kramer, L.Simonova, J.Berzins, T.Krasta, R.Georgii, T.von Egidy, J.Klora, H.Lindner, U.Mayerhofer, A.Walter, J.A.Cizewski, G.G.Kolvin, H.G.Boerner, P.Geltenberg, F.Hoyler, S.A.Kerr, K.Schreckenbach, A.Raemy, J.Cl.Dousse, J.Kern, W.Schwitz, A.V.Murzin, V.A.Libman, I.V.Kondurov, Y.E.Loginov, P.A.Sushkov, S.Brant, V.Paar, V.Lopac, Evidence for strong mixing in 194Ir, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 323-324.
- V.Paar, R.Pezer, S.Brant, S.Galamić, Generalized Bethe formula for total level density and effect of exchange interaction on IBFFM level density, Capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Editors G.L.Molnar, T.Belgya, Zs.Revay, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 451-459.
- V.Paar, R.Pezer, Generalized Bethe formula (GBF) and applications to closed shell and open shell nuclei: A guide for users, Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Editors G.Reffo, A.Ventura, C.Grandi, Italian Physical Society, Bologna, 1997, 745-749.
- S. Brant, D. Vretenar, V. Krstić, V. Paar, Interacting boson model description of high-spin states in spherical and weakly deformed nuclei, in Nuclear structure, Bologna 2000: Structure of the nucleus at the dawn of the century, Editors G. C. Bonsignori, M. Bruno, A. Ventura, D. Vretenar, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001, 294-297.
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, A. Rubčić, J. Rubčić, Fractality for the nuclear line of stability, atomic weights and molecular weights, The nuclear Many-Body problem (W. Nazarewicz amnd D. Vretenar, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam (2002) 367-374.
- S. Brant, V. Paar, Supersymmetry Methods, interacting boson-fermion model, in Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry And noncommutative structures in mathematics and physics (Steven Duplij, Warren Siegel, Jonathan Bagger, eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London (2004) 472.
- Vladimir Paar, Odnos znanosti i vjere (Z paradoks), Teologija u dijalogu s drugim znanostima (uredio Pero Aračić), Radovi znanstvenog simpozija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem o 200. obljetnici filozofsko-teološkog studija u Đakovu Biblioteka Diacovensia, Studije 12, Đakovo (2008) 217-244.
- V. Paar, M. Rosandić, I. Basar, M. Glunčić, N. Pavin, Key String Algorithm – New Computational Method for Identification and Analysis of Very Long Repeats in Genomic Sequences, In: Application of Genomics and Bioinformatics in Plants, Eds. G.P. Rao, C. Wagner & R.K. Singh, Studium Press LLC, Houston, Texas, USA (2008) 91-120.
- V. Paar, Doprinos raspravi o paradigmi Galilei, u Thomas S. Kuhn, Struktura znanstvenih revolucija nakon 45 godina, ur. Tomislav Raukar, HAZU, Zagreb (2008) 62-71.
- Vladimir Paar, Suvremenost Stepinčevih pogleda na odnos znanosti i vjere, u Kardinal Alojzije Stepinac Svjedok vremena i vizionar za treće tusućljeće, ur. Nataša Bašić, Vladimir Horvat, Josip Mrzljak, Jasna Pavelić –Jureško, Glas Koncila, Zagreb (2009) 195-204.
- M. Rosandić, M. Glunčić, V. Paar, Extended start/stop codon like trinucleotides (CLTs) as regulators and “new language” in noncoding DNA, In: Bioinformatics and biological physics, Proc. Sci. Meet., ed. Vladimir Paar, ISBN 978-953-154-199-2,Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb (2013) pp. 117-138.
- M. Glunčić, V. Paar, I. Basar, I. Vlahović, M. Rosandić, K. Dekanić, M. Cvitković, D. Jelovina, P. Paar, A. Kelić, A. Pavić, J. Batista, Direct mapping of symbolic DNA sequence into frequency domain and identificaton of higher order repeats, In: Bioinformatics and biological physics, Proc. Sci. Meet., ed. Vladimir Paar, ISBN 978-953-154-199-2,Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb (2013) pp. 17-46.
- I. Vlahović, M. Glunčić, M. Rosandić, K. Dekanić, Đ. Ugarković, V. Paar, Pronounced repeat and higher order repeat structure in genome of insect Tribolium castaneum, In: Bioinformatics and biological physics, Proc. Sci. Meet., ed. Vladimir Paar, ISBN 978-953-154-199-2,Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb (2013) pp. 191-216.
- G.Alaga, V.Paar: Three particle states in semi-microscopic model. Fizika 4S (1972) 32-33.
- R.A.Broglia, B.Nilsson, S.Landowne, V.Paar, D.R.Bes, E.Flynn, G.Igo, P.D.Barnes: Application of the bootstrap on the states and processes around the doubly closed shell nuclei: The Pb case. Fizika 4S (1972) 29-30.
- G.Dussel, R.Liotta, R.A.Broglia, V.Paar: HRPA effects in even-even nuclei (microscopic and phenomenological approach). Fizika 4S (1972) 33-34.
- V.Paar: Coupling of a valence-shell three-particle (hole) cluster to the quadrupole vibrations (Mn,Ga,Ag,I,etc.). Proc. Int.Conf on Nuclear Physics, Munich (1973) 124.
- G.Alaga, V.Lopac and V.Paar: An explanation of quadrupole moments in odd (Mn,Cu,Ga,Ag,In,Sb,I,Au,etc.) and even (Fe,Zn,Cd,Te,Hg,Ni,Sn,Pb,etc.) vibrational nuclei. Proc.Congress du centenaire de la Societe francaise de physique, Vittel (1973) 83.
- G.Alaga, V.Lopac, V.Paar, F.Krmpotić, L.Šips: New types of selection and intensity rules in vibrational nuclei for E2 transitions and quadrupole moments. Proc. Int.Conf.on Nuclear Physics, Munich (1973) 278.
- V.Paar: Importance of the particle-vibration coupling and the Pauli principle in spherical and transitional nuclei. Proc.Int.Conf.Nuclear Structure and Spectroscopy, Amsterdam (1974) Vol.1,53.
- V.Paar, B.K.S.Koene and H.Postma: Investigation of 131,133Xe. Proc. Int.Conf.Nuclear Structure, Amsterdam, ed. H.P.Blok and A.E.L.Dieperink, Vol.1 (1974) 55.
- U.Eberth, J.Eberth and V.Paar: The Level structure of 69Ga and 71Ge in the semimicroscopic model. Fizika 7S (1975) 55-58.
- G.Alaga and V.Paar: Decoupled and strongly coupled bands for high spin states, Fizika 9, S1(1977)3.
- B.F.Bortignon, R.A.Broglia, D.R.Bes, R.Liotta and V.Paar: The role of the pairing modes in the multiplet structure of 209Bi. Fizika 9,S1 (1977) 5.
- J.S.Dionisio, Ch.Vieu, Wieclewik, M.Beiner, V.Paar, S.G.Larsson, G.Leander and I.Ragnarsson: Spherical and deformed descriptions of odd T1, Au, Ir and Re isotopes. Proc. Int. conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo (1977) 424.
- V.Lopac, V.Paar and G.G.Dussel: Investigation of the role of leading anharmonicities of potential energy surface for quadrupole degree of freedom. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 6.
- S.Brant, V.Paar and G.Leander: SU(6) Hamiltonian with spherical quadrupole phonons in the rotational limit for even nuclei. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 2.
- G.Leander, V.Paar and S.Brant: The effective potential energy surface for the CVM. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 7.
- V.Paar, S.Brant and H.Kraljević: Is there any evidence for the Interacting boson model (IBM)? Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 8.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, G.Alaga, G.Dodig, Lj.Udovičić and G.Leander: The Structure of Nilsson states and rotational bands generated by the spherical particle-vibration coupling in odd-A nuclei. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 9.
- S.Brant, G.Alaga, V.Paar and G.Leander: Nilsson states and rotational bands in odd nuclei from coupling of spherical single particles to spherical quadrupole phonons. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 10.
- J.Kownacki, Z.Sujkowski, V.Paar, E.Hammaren, E.Liukkonen, M.Piiparinen, H.Ryde and T.Lindblad: The decoupled-normal 7/2- – band and decoupled 13/2+ band in 147 Sm. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 11.
- V.Paar: Parabolic Regge trajectories for odd-odd nuclei. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 12.
- V.Paar: Vibrational versus rotational sign rule for the mixing ratio. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 13.
- V.Paar, A.Ljubičić and P.F.Bortignon: The inside-triplet E2 transition due to the leading HRPA process for a normal plus superfluid system. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 14.
- V.Paar: On the I=j-2 anomaly and the doublet-triplet condition. Fizika 11 S 1 (1979) 15.
- V.Paar and R.A.Meyer: g-band and p-band effective mixture in 0+-band heads. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 16.
- G.Dodig, S.Brant, V.Paar, B.K.S.Koene and R.Chrien: Systematics of N=79 nuclei. Fizika 11 (1979) 17.
- P.Hofstra, K.Allaart, V.Paar, S.Brant, P.J.Twin, P.R.Lornie, A.Kogan, G.D.Jones, M.R.Nixon, H.G.Price, R.Wadworth, G.H.Mustaffa, D.N.Simister and T.P.Morrison: QCVM for 61-67Zn. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 18.
- V.Paar and G.Vanden Berghe: Theoretical interpretation of the 142Ce(d,p) 143Ce reaction. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 19.
- R.A.Meyer, J.Fontanilla, N.Smith, C.F.Smith, R.C.Ragaini and V.Paar: Electromagnetic properties of 85Rb. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 20.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, S.K.Basu and A.P.Patro: Electromagnetic properties of 85Sr. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 21.
- V.Paar, Ya.Berzin, M.R.Beitin, A.E.Krumnja, P.T.Prokofjev, H.Rotter, H.Heiser and F.Stary: Investigation of 144Nd. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 22.
- Ch.Vieu, V.Paar, S.E.Larsson, G.Leander, I.Ragnarsson, Wieclawik and J.S.Dionisio: Vibrational versus rotational descriptions of 193Au. In Neutron Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy, ed. by R.E.Chrien and W.R.Kane, Plenum Press, New York (1979) 788-790.
- Z.Roller, V.Paar, H.Prade, U.Hagemann, L.Käubler, L.Schneider and F.Stary: Evidence for persistence of the Z=64 shell closure in the Z=61, N=82 nucleus. Fizika 11 S1(1979) 23.
- Lj.Udovičić, S.Brant, V.Paar, A.Pakkanen, M.Kortelahti, M.Piiparinen, T.Komppa and R.Komu: Systematics of odd Pm nuclei. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 24.
- S Brant, V.Paar and R.A.Meyer: Study of the decay of 133I and analogy to 95Mo. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 25.
- W.H.A.Hesselnik, J.Bron, P.M.A.Van Der Kam, A.van Poelgeest, A.G.Zephat and V.Paar: The 9/2+ band in 111In. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 26.
- K.Heyde, M.Waroquier, P.van Isacker, H.Vincx, S.Gales and V.Paar: Isobaric analogue resonances in A=40-50 nuclei. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 27.
- V.Paar, C.Garret, J.R.Leigh, G.D.Dracoulis and G.Vanden Berghe: The study of Coulomb excitation in 147Sm. Fizika 11 S1 (1979) 28.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, G.Alaga, G.Dodig, Lj.Udovičić and G.Leander: The structure of Nilsson states and rotational bands generated by spherical particle-vibration coupling in odd-A nuclei. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1979) 683.
- V.Paar: Equivalence between IBA and the quadrupole phonon model. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1979) 684-685.
- V.Paar: The parabolic rule for proton-neutron multiplets in odd-odd nuclei. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1979) 790.
- J.Eberth, L.Cleeman, W.Neumann, N.Wiehl, V.Zobel and V.Paar: Collective and single particle excitations in nuclei around A=70. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1979) 761.
- Ch.Vieu, V.Paar, S.E.Larsson, G.Leander, I.Ragnarsson, Wieclawik and J.S.Dionisio: Vibrational versus rotational descriptions of 105-109Ag negative parity states. In Proc. Int. Conf. on the Structure of medium-heavy nuclei, Rhodos (1979) 87.
- V.Paar: New facets of the quadrupole phonon. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1047-1048.
- P.Hofstra, K.Allaart and V.Paar: Quasicluster-vibration model (QCVM). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1078.
- S.Brant, V.Paar and G.Leander: The relation between Nilsson states and their analogs in the SU(6) quadrupole phonon model. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1101.
- V.Paar: Generalized vibrational rule (GVR) for one-phonon multiplet states in odd-A nuclei. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1119-1120.
- V.Paar, G.Vanden Berghe, C.Garrett, J.R.Leigh, J.Kownacki, Z.Sujkowski, E.Hammaren, E.Liukkonen, M.Piiparinen, Th.Lindblad, H.Ryde: Quasi-f7/2 multiplet pattern in the cluster-vibration model (CVM) for N=85 nuclei. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1163-1164.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, Lj.Udovičić, H.Prade, U.Hagemann, L.Käubler, L.Schneider, F.Stary, A.Pakkanen, T.Kompa, R.A.Meyer: Evidence for the persistence of the Z=64 shell-closure for Z=61 nuclei in the fremework of the cluster-vibration (CVM) model. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 9 (1980) 1186.
- V.Paar and L.F.Canto: Asymptotic wave functions for particle vibration coupling with SU(3) limit of SU(6) quadrupole phonon model. In Proc. IV Int. Symp. on Neutron-capture gamma ray spectroscopy and related topics, Grenoble (1981) 19-20.
- K.Allaart, P.Hofstra and V.Paar: A quasiparticle cluster vibration model (QCVM) and application to sequences of odd-A nuclei. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingor (1981) 226-227.
- V.Paar, S.Brant and G.Leander: How similar are analogs of Nilson states from the SU(6) particle-quadrupole phonon coupling model (PTQM) and true Nilsson states. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingor (1981) 228-229.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: SU(6) particle-quadrupole phonon coupling model in the SU(3) limit and signature effect. In Proc. IV Int. Symp. on Neutron-capture gamma-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Grenoble (1981) 17-18.
- V.Paar: Is it possible to test the interacting boson approximation? In Proc. IV Int. Symp. on Neutron-capture gamma ray spectroscopy and related topics, Grenoble (1981) 11-13.
- V.Paar, K.Allaart and P.Hofstra: The superfluid particle number projection rule. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 17.
- V.Paar and V.Lopac: Spectroscopic factors for one-nucleon transfer reactions in the cluster-vibration model. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 19.
- V.Paar: An Energy – B(E2) generalized vibrational rule for one-phonon multiplets in odd-A nuclei. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 20.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, H.Kraljević: Nuclear supersymmetry SU(3):SU(3)×SU (2j+1). Fizika 13 S2 (1981)22.
- H.Ajazaj, S.Brant and V.Paar: One parameter deviation from SU(3) limit of SU(6) quadrupole phonon Hamiltonian. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 24.
- Z.Arvay, T.Fenyes, J.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, E.Koltay, A.Krasznahorkay, S.Laszlo, B.D.Kern, V.Paar, S.Brant, Z.Hloušek: The structure of 100Tc and 96Nb from 100Mo(p,n gamma) 100Tc and 96Zr (p,n gamma) 96Nb reactions and the Parabolic rule. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 38.
- R.E.Chrien, B.K.S.Koene, L.Peker, R.A.Meyer, V.Paar, A.Velenik: Low-Spin States in the Isotones 131Te, 135Ba and 137Ce Studied with the (n,gamma) Reaction. Fizika 13A2 (1981) 26.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: Signature effect in the SU(6) particle quadrupole phonon model. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 26.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: Dyson representation and SU(6) symmetry for odd system. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 27.
- L.F.Canto, V.Paar: Rotations as coherent states of SU(6) quadrupole phonons in the SU(3) limit. Fizika 13S2 (1981) 23.
- L.P.Ekström, G.D.Jones, F.Kearns, T.P.Morrison, P.J.Twin, R.Wadsworth, N.J.Ward, A.Nilsson, E.Willander, V.Paar: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy on 87Sr and the energy-B(E2) rule. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 27.
- V.Paar, N.G.Puttaswami, W.Oelert, A.Djaloeis, C.Mayer-Böricke, P.Turek, K.Heyde, P.Van Isacker, P.W.M.Glaudemans and V.Lopac: Structure of the energy levels of 53,55,57Mn from the (d,3He) reaction on Fe isotopes at 80 MeV. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 18.
- S.Brant, V.Paar and G.Leander: SU(3) limit of SU(6) particle quadrupole phonon coupling model and Coriolis coupled Nilsson state. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 25.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: The proton-neutron parabolic rule for odd-odd nuclei. Fizika 13 S2 (1981) 21.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: Dyson representation and SU(6) symmetry for odd system. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingor (1981) 220-221.
- V.Paar and L.F.Canto: Nuclear rotational states as Gaussian wave pockets of spherical quadrupole phonons. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Nuclei Far from Stability, Helsingor (1981) 224-225.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: The parabolic rule (PR) for odd-odd nuclei (proton-neutron PR). Proc. IV Int.Symp. on Neutron capture gama-ray spectroscopy and related topics, Grenoble (1981) 14-16.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: The parabolic rule (PR) for odd-odd nuclei (proton-neutron PR and proton-phonon-neutron PR). Inst.Conf.Ser. 62 (1982) 56-58.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: The SU(6) particle-quadrupole phonon coupling model in the SU(3) limit and the signature effect. Inst.Phys.Conf.Ser. 62 (1982) 59-60.
- V. Lopac and V. Paar: The electromagnetic properties of nuclei in the quasi-SU(3) limit of the quadrupole phonon models STQM and LTQM. In Proc. Int.Conf.Nucl.Phys.Florence, Tipografia Compositori, Bologna (1983)99.
- D.Sunko and V.Paar: The coherent state and potential energy surface for quadrupole phonon model TQM. In Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Phys. Florence, Tipografia Compositori, Bologna (1983) 100.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.Sunko and D.Vretenar: The critical particle vibration coupling strength for the appearance of Nilsson like bands as a supersymmetric pattern. In Proc.Int.Conf.Nucl.Phys.Florence, Tipografia Compositori, Bologna (1983) 114.
- V.Paar and R.A.Meyer: The rule for I=j-1 and I=j-2 anomaly in the cluster-vibration model. In Proc. Int. Conf. Nucl. Phys. Florence, Tipografia Compositori, Bologna (1983) 120.
- T.Fenyes, Z.Gasci, J.Gulyas, T.Kibedi, A.Krasznahorkay, S.Laszlo, D.Novak, S.Brant and V.Paar: Excited states of 82Br from (p,n gamma) reaction. In Proc.Int.Conf.Nucl.Phys. Florence, Tipografia Compositori, Bologna (1983) 263.
- A.Marinov, G.P.A.Berg, J.Bojowald, S.Gopal, I.Katayama, S.A.Martin, C.Mayer-Böricke, J.Meissburger, W.Oelert, J.G.M.Römer, M.Rogge, J.L.Tain, P.Turek, L.Zemlo, R.B.M.Mooy, P.W.M.Glaudemans, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk and V.Lopac: Study of Proton-Hole States in 61Co. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1984) 1062.
- Y.Tokunaga, H.Seyfarth, O.W.B.Schult, H.G.Börner, G.Barreau, H.Faust, K.Schreckenbach, R.A.Meyer, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk, D.Vretenar: Low-lying Levels of 77Se Studied Through Thermal Neutron Capture and Evidence for a New Term in the E2 Operator of TQM(IBM). Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1984) 980.
- A.Marinov, W.Oelert, S.Gopal, G. Hlawatsch, C.Mayer-Böricke, J.Meissburger, D.Paul, J.G.M.Römer, J.L.Tain, P.Turek, L.Zemlo, R.B.M.Mooy, P.W.M.Glaudemans, S.Brant, V.Paar, M.Vouk and V.Lopac: Proton-hole states in 57Co. Zbornik, 8 sest.jug.fiz.jedra in osnovnih delcev (1985) 23.
- T.Hübsch and V.Paar: Extension of boson fermion dynamical symmetry and supersymmetry to hypernuclei. Zbornik 8. sest. jug fiz. jedra in osnovnih delcev (1985) 24-25.
- V.Paar and S.Brant: A new microscopic derivation of operators with SU(6) symmetry constraint. Zbornik 8. sest. jug. fiz. jedra in osnovnih delcev (1985) 26-27.
- V.Paar, D.Sunko and D.Vretenar: New model for odd-odd nuclei and truncated analog of Gallagher-Moszkowski bands. Zbornik 8. sest. jug. fiz. jedra in osnovnih delcev (1985) 28-29.
- D.K.Sunko, S.Brant, V.Paar, I.Dadić and H.B.Nielsen: Quantal limits of particle-core coupling associated with new approximate superymmetry. Zbornik, 8. sest. jug. fiz. jedra in osnovnih delcev (1985) 30-31.
- H.Seyfarth, K.Schreckenbach, R.A.Meyer, S.Brant and V.Paar: Struktur der niedrig-angeregten Kernzustände des 103Ru. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 3 (1985) 406.
- H.Seyfarth, P.Göttel, D.Vretenar, S.Brant, V.Paar: Investigation of 40K. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 21 (1986) 453.
- J.Timar, T.Kibedi, A.Krasznahorkay, T.Fenyes, A.Passoja and V.Paar: In-beam spectrosocopic study of odd-odd In nuclei. JYFL Ann. Rep. (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland). (1986) 50-51.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, D.Vretenar, D.K.Sunko, A.B.Balantekin and T. Hübsch: Algebraic and supersymmetric treatment of odd-odd nuclei. Symmetries and Semiclassical Features of Nuclear Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Physics. (Ed. A.A. Raduta, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987) 179-180.
- S.Brant, V.Lopac, and V.Paar: Calculation for odd-odd gold nuclei in IBFFM/OTQM. Proc.Int.Nuclear Physics Conference Vol.I, Harrogate U.K. (1988) 144.
- S.Brant, K.Sistemich, V.Paar, W.D.Lauppe, N.Kaffrell and R.A.Meyer: The structure of transitional N=59 nucleus 101Mo. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 4 (1987) 450.
- S.Brant, O.Schult, H.Seyfarth, V.Lopac, V.Paar, D.Vorkapić: Regularity vs. chaoticity in the IBFFM energy spectrum for 198Au. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 4(1987) 250.
- M.Bogdanović, J.Simić, M.P.Stojanović, R.Vukanović, M. Župančić, S.Brant, H.Seyfarth, H.G.Börner, G.Colvin, F.Hoyler, K.Schreckenbach and V.Paar: The level structure of 140La. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 23 (1988) 111-112.
- S.Brant, M.L.Stolzenwald, K.Sistemich, G.Lhersonneau and V.Paar: Proton-neutron multiplets in 96Y and the pg9/2-ng7/2 interaction. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 23 (1988) 180.
- R.A.Meyer, O.Scholten, V.Paar, A.Aprahamian, S.Brant, E.A.Henry, L.G.Mann and N.Roy: Mixed-symmetry states in 144Nd: a semimicroscopic accounting within the cluster-vibration model via mapping into the IBM and possible evidence for a 0+ mixed symmetry state. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 88 (1988) 464-466.
- R.A.Meyer, E.A.Henry, R.E.Chrien, S.Brant, V.Paar and V.Lopac: Level structure and level densities for N=79 nuclei within a fermion-boson model. Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. 88 (1988) 510-512.
- M.Bogdanović, J.Simić, M.P.Stojanović, R.Vukanović, M. Župančić, H.G.Börner, G.Colvin, F.Hoyler, K.Schreckenbach, H.Seyfarth, S. Brant and V.Paar: A multiplet structure study in doubly odd 140La. Inst. Phys.Conf. Ser. 88 (1988) 553-555.
- S.Brant and V.Paar: Yrast States in Odd-Odd Nuclei associated with SU(3) and 0(6) Limits of IBFFM. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 23 (1988) 43-44.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, D.K.Sunko and D.Vretenar: Determination of K Quantum Numbers for Bands in Odd-Odd Nuclei in IBFFM. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 6 (1988) 224.
- A.Krasznahorkay, Zs.Dombradi, J.Timar, Z.Gacsi. T.Kibedi, A.Passoja, R.Julin, J.Kumpulainen, S.Brant and V.Paar: Nuclear Structure of 110In, Selected Topics in Nuclear Structure. International Conference on Selected Problems in Nucleus Structure, Dubna Moscow (1989) 43.
- S.Brant, V.Lopac, V.Paar and D.Vorkapić: Quantum Chaos and Approximate Quantum Numbers in Nuclear Structure Models. Proceedings Int. Nucl. Phys. Conf., Sao Paulo (1989) 93.
- V.Paar and D.Vorkapić: Chaos and K-degeneracy in the SU(3) limit of interacting boson model. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 24 (1989) 69.
- G.Lhersonneau, W.Andrejtscheff, H.Gabelmann, K.Heyde, N.Kaffrell, K.L.Kratz, V.Paar, B.Pfeiffer: Ground-state deformation and level scheme of the very neutron-rich nucleus 100Sr. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 24 (1989) 26.
- S.Brant, V.Lopac, V.Paar and D.Vorkapić. Quantum chaos and approximate quantum numbers in nuclear structure models. Proc. 1989 Int. Nuclear Physics Conference (Sao Paulo, Brasil, 1989) Vol.1, p.93.
- M.Bogdanović, J.Simić, R.Vukanović, M. Župančić, H.G.Börner, G.Colvin, F.Hoyler, K.Schreckenbach, H. Seyfarth, S.Brant and V.Paar: The level scheme of 140La. Fizika 22 S1(1989) 9-13.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, M.Mustafa and D.K.Sunko: Exact calculation of nuclear level densities and spin distributions using the generating function method. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft VI, 25 (1990) 1599-1600.
- G.Lhersonneau, H.Gabelmann, N.Kaffrell, K.L.Kratz, B.Pfeiffer, H.Ohm, K.Sistemich, K.Heyde, S.Brant and V.Paar: Sudden onset and saturation of deformation in neutron-rich Sr isotopes. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft VI, 25 (1990) 1440.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, G.Lhersonneau, H.Ohm and K.Sistemich: Study of the Neutron-Rich Nucleus 94Rb in IBFFM. KFA IKP Julich, ISSN 0170-8937, Ann.Rep. 1989, p.24-25.
- S.Brant, V.Paar, G.Lhersonneau, O.W.B.Schult, H.Seyfarth and K.Sistemich: IBFFM Predicitons for Low-Lying Spherical States in the Odd-Odd Nucleus 98Y. KFA IKP Julich, ISSN 0170-8937, Ann.Rep. 1989, p.26-27.
- S.Brant, G.Lhersonneau, V.Paar and K.Sistemich: 93Rb Levels Studied in IBFFM. KFA IKP Julich, ISSN 0170-8937 Ann.Rep.1989. p.21.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, M.Mustafa nad D.K.Sunko: Exact calculation of nuclear level densities and spin distributions using the generating function method. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft VI, 25 (1990) 1599-1600.
- G.Lhersonneau, H.Gabelmann, N.Kaffrell, K.L.Kratz, B.Pfeiffer, H.Ohm, K.Sistemich, K.Heyde, S.Brant and V.Paar: Sudden onset and saturation of deformation in neutron-rich Sr isotopes. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft VI, 25 (1990) 1440.
- J. Kern, A. Raemy, W. Beer, J.C. Dousse, W. Schwitz, M.K. Balodis, L.I. Simonova, N.D. Kramer, P.T. Prokofjev, R.W. Hoff, D.G. Gardner, M.A. Gardner, R.F. Casten, R.L. Gill, R. Eder, T. von Egidy, E. Hagn, P. Hungerford, H.J. Scheerer, H.H. Schmidt, E. Zech, A. Chalupka, A.V. Murzin, V.A. Libman, I.V. Kononenko, C. Coceva, P. Giaccobbe, J.A. Kondurov, Y.E. Logunov, P.A. Sushkov, S. Brant and V. Paar: Configuration mixing in the Y-soft 192Ir nucleus, The Ir-192 collaboration (Bologna – Geel – Brookhaven – Fribourg – Kiev – Leningrad – Livermore – München – Riga – Zagreb collaboration). In Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Moments, Pittsburgh, USA (1990).
- Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant, V.Paar: Evidence for Core Polarization Interaction in the Single Closed Shell Region. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. 238 (1991) 150-152.
- Zs.Dombradi, T.Fenyes, S.Brant, V.Paar: Interacting Boson-Fermion-Fermion, Description of Odd-Odd Indium Nuclei. American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 238 (1991) 425-427.
- V.Paar, S.Brant, D.K.Sunko, M.G.Mustafa nad R.G.Lanier: New Formula for Spin-Dependent Level density, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 26 (1991) 562.
- U.Mayerhofer, T.von Egidy, J.Klora, H.Lindner, J.Jolie and V.Paar: The level-schemes of 196Au, 198Au and 199Au studied with transfer and (n, gamma) reactions, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 26 (1991) 460-461.
- V.Lopac, S.Brant, V.Paar: Dependence of chaos on the residual interactions for odd-odd Ag nuclei. Proc. fourth. Int.Conf.on Nucleus Nucleus Collisions (Kanazawa, Japan, 1991), p.326.
- V. Paar, D. Vorkapić, D. Paar, A.E.L. Dieperink: Poincare surfaces of section for classical limit of SU(3) dynamical symmetry and its breaking for rotational nuclei in the interacting boson model. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Reihe VI, Band 28 (1993) 635.
- M. Rosandić, D. Dubravčić, C. Dohocky, S. Brant, V. Paar, Indocyanine green clearance (ICG) in the upper gastrointestinal bleeding, 10th World Congress of Gastroenterology, Abstract Book 2, Los Angeles, California, 1994, Academy Professional Information Services, New York (1994), 1844.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, M. Juričić, M. Špoljar-Ščukanec, D. Paar, Study of tissue CEA in colorectal adenomas, Abstract Book of the 2nd International Conference on Colo-rectal tumours, Milan (1994),1.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, The new score for characteristics of colorectal adenomas and follow-up, Abstract Book of the 2nd International conference on colo-rectal tumours, Milan (1994), 12.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, D. Paar, M. Škegro, M. Juričić, M. Špoljar-Ščukanec, The role of serum and tissue CEA in colorectal adenomas, First Croatian Congress of Gastroenterology, Abstract Book Zagreb 1994, 60.
- M. Rosandić, V. Paar, The colorectal adenomas scoring system-Computer simulation in clinical medicine, First Croatian Congress of Gastroenterology, Abstract Book, Zagreb, 1994, 61.
- V. Paar, S. Brant, D. Sunko, M.G. Mustafa, R. G. Lanier, Microscopic calculation of angular momentum distribution using Gaussian polynomial method in large configuration spaces, Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Reihe 6, Band 29 (1994) 1915.
- V. Paar, R. Pezer, S. Brant and S. Galamic, Generalized Bethe formula for total level density and effect of exchange interaction on IBFFM level density, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 45.
- S. Brant, D. Vretenar and V. Paar, High-spin J=1 bands in O(6) niclei in IBFM and IBFFM, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 105.
- I. Danko, M. Fayez Hassan, J. Gulyas, Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant and V. Paar, Core polarization in odd-odd I nuclei, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 107.
- M. Fayez Hassan, Zs. Dombradi, J. Gulyas, Z. Gacsi, S. Brant and V. Paar, Normal and intruder multiplet states in odd-odd Sb nuclei, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 109.
- S. Brant, V. Paar and A. Wolf, Theoretical and experimental investigation of shape coexistence in N=59 isotones, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 126.
- P. Sohler, Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant, J. Cederkaell, M. Lipoglavsek, M. Palacz, V. Paar, J. Persson, A. Atac, C. Fahlander, H. Grawe, A. Johnson, A. Kerek, W. Klamra, J. Kownacki, A. Likar, L.-O. Norlin, J. Nyberg, R. Schubart, D. Seweryniak, G. De Angelis, P. Bednarczyk, D. Foltescu, D. Jerrestam, S. Juutinen, E. Maekaele, B.M. Nyako, M. De Poli, H.A. Roth, T. Shizuma, Oe. Skeppstedt, G. Sletten and S. Toermaenen, Structure of light odd Ga and Ge isotopes, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 134.
- D. Sohler, A. Algora, Zs. Podolyak, J. Gulyas, T. Fenyes, Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant, V. Paarm J. Kern and P. Cejnar, Nearly complete level schemes of 72,73,74As, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 135.
- P. Sohler, Zs. Dombradi, S. Brant, J. Cederkaell, M. Lipoglavsek, M. Palacz, V. Paar, J. Persson, A. Atac, C. Fahlander, H. Grawe, A. Johnson, A. Kerek, W. Klamra, J. Kownacki, A. Likar, L.-O. Norlin, J. Nyberg, R. Schubart, D. Seweryniak, G. De Angelis, P. Bednarczyk, D. Foltescu, D. Jerrestam, S. Juutinen, E. Maekaele, B.M. Nyako, M. De Poli, H.A. Roth, T. Shizuma, Oe. Skeppstedt, G. Sletten and S. Toermaenen, Structure of 68As, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 136.
- M. Balodis, P. Prokofjev, J. Berzins, N. Kramere, L. Simonova, R. Georgii, T. Von Egidy, J. Klora, H. Linder, U. Mayerhofer, A. Walter, J.A. Cizewski, G.G. Colvin, H.G. Boerner, P. Geltenbort, F. Hoyler, S.A. Kerr, K. Schreckenbach, A. Raemy, J.-Cl. Dousse, J. Kern, W. Schwitz, A.V. Murzin, V.A. Libman, I.V. Kondurov, Y.E. Loginov, P.A. Sushkov, S. Brant, V. Paar and L. Simicic, Evidence for strong mixing in 194Ir, Ninth International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Abstract Booklet, Edited by G. Molnar and T. Belgya (Institut of Isotopes, Budapest, 1996) 134.
- I.Danko, M.Fayez Hassan, J.Gulyas, Zs.Dombradi, S.Brant and V.Paar, In-beam nuclear spectroscopy of 124,126I nuclei, Proc. Int.Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Italian National Agency for new technology, anergy and environment, UNESCO and Internatinal Center for theoretical Physics (1997) 115.
- V.Paar and R.Pezer, Generalized Bethe formula and applications to closed shell and open shell nuclei, Proc. Int.Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Italian National Agency for new technology, anergy and environment, UNESCO and Internatinal Center for theoretical Physics, 119 (1997).
- Vladimir Paar, Franjo Petrić na razmeđi Platon-Kopernikove i Kepler-Newtonove paradigme nebeskoga gibanja, Dani Frane Petriša, Dies Francisci Patricii, 27-29 (1997), ISBN 953-164-057-2, Zagreb.
- M. Glunčić, M. Rosandić, I. Vlahović, M. Cvitković, V. Paar, Direktno preslikavanje simboličke sekvence u frekventnu domenu i primjena na istraživanje korelacija u genomima eukariota, Sedmi znanstveni sastanak Hrvatskog fizikalnog društva, Knjiga sažetaka, Hrvatso fizikalno društvo, Zagreb, 56 (2011).
- Vladimir Paar: Laserska termonuklearna fuzija – novi izvor energije. Matematičko fizički list 113 (1977) 58-60.
- V. Knapp i V. Paar: Termonuklearna fuzija; današnje stanje i procjena perspektive; (II) Laserska fuzija. Elektrotehnika 3-4 (1979) 216-228.
- V. Knapp and V. Paar: On some problems of large tokamak type fusion reactors. Fizika 11 S9 (1979) 62.
- V. Paar and V. Knapp: Laserska fuzija; današnje stanje i procjena perspektive. Fizika 11 S9 (1979) 111.
- V. Paar: Kvantna fizika – osnova nove industrijske revolucije. Prirodne znanosti i suvremeno obrazovanje, Zagreb (1979) 68-81.
- V. Paar: Značaj fundamentalnog znanstvenog odgoja kadrova za primjenu i razvoj vrhunske tehnologije. Znanstveni podmladak, Zagreb (1979) 89-94.
- V. Paar: Znanstveno-nastavni rad i prirodne znanosti, Naše teme 11 (1980) 1946-1952.
- V. Paar: Zvijezde-izvor energije i stvaranje kemijskih elemenata. Znanstveno-metodički bilten iz fizike 6 (1980)
- A. Dulčić i V. Paar: Fizika i njena uloga u tehnološkom i privrednom razvoju, Matematičko-fizički list 123 (1980) 11-13.
- V. Paar: Obnovljivi izvori energije, Nafta 31, 12 (1981) 621-623.
- V. Paar: Tehnologija i ekonomija energetike, Nafta 32,1 (1981) 75-79.
- V. Paar: Projekcije energetske budućnosti. Nafta 33,3 (1982) 149-154.
- V. Paar: Znanstveno-tehnološko osamostaljivanje privrede i prirodne znanosti. Pogledi 4 (1982) 40-46.
- V. Paar: Kakvo će nam biti energetsko sutra? Pitanja 3 (1983) 14-18.
- V. Paar: Tehničko-tehnološke i prirodoslovno matematičke znanosti i materijalni razvoj društva, Naše Teme 7-8 (1983) 1055-1065.
- V. Paar: Uloga znanstveno-popularne djelatnosti. Znanstvena i stručna knjiga ovdje i sada. Interliber 84, Zagreb (1984) 91.
- V. Paar: Nuklearna fizika. Tehnička enciklopedija 9 (1985) 448-464.
- V. Paar: Zakonitosti znanstveno-tehnološkog razvoja, Naše Teme 1-3 (1985) 43-46.
- V. Paar: Fizika u privrednom i društvenom razvoju Hrvatske. Scientia Yugoslavica 11, 1-2 (1985) 33-52.
- V. Paar: Zakonitosti znanstveno-tehnološkog razvoja. Jugoslavija i međunarodna podjela rada, Zagreb (1986).
- V. Paar: Energetska dohodovnost i efikasnost. Energija i razvoj, Jugoslavenska naučna tribina, Beograd (1986) 181-197.
- V. Paar: Eureka i Yureka, Naše Teme 1-2 (1986) 167-176.
- V. Paar: Fundamentalna prirodno-znanstvena istraživanja i privredni razvoj. Naše Teme 5-6 (1986) 653-659.
- V. Paar: Osnovna pitanja o Černobilskoj radioaktivnoj opasnosti kod nas. Naše Teme 10-11 (1986) 1812-1820.
- V. Paar: Znanstveno-tehnološki i kadrovski preduvjeti izvoza. Izvozna strategija i društveno-ekonomski razvoj, Zagreb (1987) 80-84.
- V. Paar: “Rat zvijezda” – ekonomska prijetnja na svjetskom tržištu. Naše Teme 31 (1987) 1528-1532.
- V. Paar: Za optimalni scenarij. Naše Teme 31 (1987) 1693-1698.
- V. Paar, Crne jame… mini, midi, maksi… svemirski svežderi. Zbornik trećeg programa radio Zagreba 15-16 (1987) 233-240.
- V. Paar: Prirodno-matematičko obrazovanje za razvoj. Pedagoški rad 42 (1987) 149-156.
- V. Paar: Obrazovanje u funkciji znanstveno-tehnološkog razvoja. Naše Teme 32 (1988) 55-60.
- V. Paar: Nastava fizike i znanstveno-tehnološki razvoj. Tehnološki razvoj i obrazovanje, Osijek (1990) 245-260.
- Z. Šeparović i V. Paar: Sveučilište i školstvo uopće. Zbornik radova 45. obljetnice kongresa kulturnih radnika Hrvatske, Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb (1989) 24-32.
- V. Paar i I. Šlaus: Fizika u znanstvenom razvoju sveučilišta. “Sveučilište u razvoju znanosti od 1669. do danas”, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Zagreb (1990) 145-152.
- Vladimir Paar: Fizika kaosa-nova revolucija u znanosti (I). Matematičko-fizički list 42 (1991) 1-10.
- V. Paar: Prilog izgradnji sustava osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja. Glasnik Ministarstva kulture i prosvjete Republike Hrvatske (26. 5. 1992) 24-30.
- Vladimir Paar: Stjepan Mohorovičić – otac pozitronija, Hrvatski znanstveni zbornik 2 (1993) 51-106.
- V. Paar, Neke mogućnosti korištenja komunikacijskog čvora Hrvatske akademije na mreži CARNET, Vjesnik HAZU 3-4 (1994) 33-64.
- V. Paar: Nature and deterministic chaos / Priroda i deterministički kaos, Plato-Platonism-Petrić Natural Philosophy, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 1994, 25.
- V. Paar: The limits of growth / Granice rasta, Plato-Platonism-Petrić Natural Philosophy, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 1994, 35.
- S.Kutleša, V.Paar i D.Tadić, Ruđer Bošković – znanstveni vizionar za 20. stoljeće, Znanost u Hrvata: prirodoslovlje i njegova primjena, MGC, 482-491 (1996).
- V.Paar, Razvoj hrvatske fizike od 1874. godine, Znanost u Hrvata: prirodoslovlje i njegova primjena, II. dio, MGC, 147-149 (1997).
- V.Paar, Stjepan Mohorovičić – “otac” pozitronija, Znanost u Hrvata: prirodoslovlje i njegova primjena, II. dio, MGC, 84-92 (1997)
- Vladimir Paar, Hrvatska znanost u sklopu svjetske znanosti: Što kažu činjenice, Državnost 1, 65-70 (1997).
- Vladimir Paar, Metodika i orijentacija suvremene nastave fizike u školi, Treći hrvatski simpozij o nastavi fizike – Perspektive nastave fizike, Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, Zagreb, 1997, 69-97.
- V. Paar, D. Paar, Z. Penava, Podaci o znanstvenij suradnji Hrvatska-SAD (1963.-1993.) i o strukturi jednog izbora znanstvenih publikacija hrvatskih znanstvenika (1990.-1994.), Zbornik radova simpozija o fundamentalnim istraživanjima, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 1997, 229-238.
- Vladimir Paar: Metodika i orijentacija suvremene nastave fizike u školi, Perspektive nastave fizike, Treći hrvatski simpozij o nastavi fizike, Novi Vinodolski, 2.-5. travnja 1997, Hrvatsko fizikalno društvo, Zagreb, 1997, 69-97.
- V. Paar: Novi razvoj akceleratorskih metoda za 21. stoljeće – alternativa nuklearnim reaktorima / New development of accelerator methods for the 21st century – an alternative for nuclear reactors, / Forum Dan energije u Hrvatskoj “Budućnost energetike nakon Kyota”, Hrvatsko energetsko društvo, World Enegy Council, Zagreb, 1998, 213-218.
- V. Paar, Suvremeni pogled na Petrićev planetni sustav, Zbornik o Frani Petriću, Ur. Lj. Schiffler, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 1999, 151-172.
- Amir Hamzić i Vladimir Paar (urednici), Međunarodna klasifikacija patenata, šesto izdanje, knjiga 7. Područje G: Fizika, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo, Zagreb, 1998.
- V. Paar, Hrvatski nacionalni interesi danas i sutra, Državnost III, 2 (1999) 63-70.
- Vladimir Paar, Obrazovanje prilagoditi znanju, Školske novine 32 (2357), 10-11 (2000)
- V. Paar, Načela obrazovanja u suvremenom društvu, Aktualni problemi prirodnih znanosti i obrazovanja u Hrvatskoj: Stanja, perspektive, prijedlozi, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Urednici Sibe Mardešić i Milan Meštrov, Posebna izdanja HAZU, Prilozi za strategiju hrvatskog razvoja, sv. 15, Zagreb, 9-17 (2001).
- Vladimir Paar, Nastava fizike u školi i pravo uvođenje pojma mase pomoću tromosti i težine u osnovnoj školi, Prvi hrvatski simpozij u nastavi fizike, Zbornik učenik-aktivni sudionik u nastavi fizike, Split, 109-121 (2001).
- Vladimir Paar, Hrvatska pred obrazovnim slomom? Hrvatski identitet u Europskoj Uniji (uredio Stjepan Baloban) Centar za promicanje socijalnog nauka crkve, Zagreb (2003), 139-178.
- Vladimir Paar, Prijedlog razvoja hrvatskog školstva po modelu srednjoeuropskog, austrijskog školskog sustava. Globalizacija u Hrvatskoj – Hrvatska u globalizaciji (uredio Vlatko Pavletić) «A.G. Matoš» d.d. – Udruga «11. siječnja 1972.», Zagreb (2003),122-133.
- Vladimir Paar, Ivan Golub, Granice znanstvenog determinizma – Nove dodirne točke znanosti i religije, Nova prisutnost (2003) Kršćanski akademski krug, 193-209.
- V. Paar, Prirodne znanosti u Hrvatskoj – osnovna statistika / Natural Sciences in Croatia – Basic Statistics, Prvi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva / 1st congress of Croatian scientistsfrom Croatia and abroad, Knjiga sažetaka voditelja sekcija / Book of Abstracts of Session Chairpersons, Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta / Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Zagreb (2004) 22-27.
- V. Paar, Tesla u fizici, Zbornik radova posvećenih 60. obljetnici smrti Nikole Tesle, ur. Dragutin Fleš i Sibe Mardešić, HAZU, Zageb (2004) 35-48.
- Vladimir Paar, Je li prioritetni cilj javne televizije komercijalizacija ili razvoj Hrvatske i nacionalni interesi, Republika 61 (2005)51-56.
- Tanja Rudež, Vladimir Muljević, Tomislav Petković, Vladimir Paar, Darko Androić, Nikola Tesla istraživač, izumitelj, genij, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (2006).
- Renato Filipin, Zvonimir Jakobović, Korado Korlević, Mihovil-Bogoslav Matković, Vladimir Paar, Dalibor Perković, Branimir Pofuk, Miroslav Radman, Davor Šišović (ur. Zoran Filipović) I bi svjetlo! Tesla, Naklada Zoro, Zagreb – Sarajevo (2006).
- Vladimir Paar, Okvir Hrvatskog nacionalnog obrazovnog standarda, Metodika 7 (2006) 7-24.
- Vladimir Paar, Komplementarnost znanosti i vjere, u: Zbornik radova – Promišljanja hrvatskih znanstvenika – Ivan Pavao II. poslanje i djelovanje, Uredili: Ines Sabotič, Željko Tanjić, Gordan Črpić. Izdavač: Glas Koncila, Zagreb (2007).
- Vladimir Paar, Tesla – vizionar 21. stoljeća, Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad HAZU Varaždin, ISSN 0352-9509, 18 (2007) 199-219.
- Vladimir Paar, Doprinos raspravi o paradigmi Galilei, Thomas S. Kuhn – Struktura znanstvenih revolucija nakon 45 godina, HAZU, Zagreb Svezak 82 (2008) 62-71.
- Vladimir Paar, «Proces Galilei», Vjesnik Đakovačke i Srijemske biskupije 2 (2008) 180-182.
- Vladimir Paar, HNOS je okvir za Nacionalni kurikulum (nacionalni nastavni plan), u: Hrvatski obrazovni sustav u odnosu prema obrazovnoj politici Europske unije, Europski referentni okvir temeljnih kompetencija, Zbornik radova 10. škole učitelja Hrvatske, Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Zagreb (2008)14-30.
- Vladimir Paar, Promjena odgojno-obrazovne paradigme – temelj HNOS-a i HNAK-a, u: Hrvatsko školstvo sadašnje stanje i vizija razvoja, ur. Stanko Popović, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb (2008)15-22.
- Vladimir Paar, Od HNOS-a do nacionalnog kurikula, Vukovarsko-srijemski učitelj, Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor Vukovarsko-srijemske županije 6 (2009) 7-14.
- Vladimir Paar, Što je istina o “slučaju Galilei”, Počeci 9 (2011)48-53.
- Vladimir Paar, O komplementarnosti znanosti i vjere, Vjesnik Đakovačko-osječke nadbiskupije 139 (2011) 956—964.
- Vladimir Paar, O komplementarnosti znanosti i vjere, Suvremena znanost i vjera, Fakultet prirodoslovno-matematičkih i odgojnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Mostaru i Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (2011) 19-38.
- Vladimir Paar, O budućnosti Hrvatske odlučit će kvaliteta školstva – što umjesto NOK-a? Razvoj hrvatskoga školstva u kontekstu Europske unije, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, i Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor (2012) 51-62.
- Vladimir Paar, Nevio Šetić (urednici), Hrvatsko školstvo u funkciji razvoja gospodarstva i društva – doprinos kurikulnim promjenama, Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Zagreb (2015) 353 str. ISBN 978-953-6134-82-3.
- Vladimir Paar, Nevio Šetić (urednici), Prilozi za raspravu o obrazovnoj i kurikulnoj reformi – kritike i vizije, Hrvatski pedagoško-književni zbor, Zagreb, 2017 ISBN 978-953-6134-71-7
Recenzije članova Znanstvenoga vijeća za obrazovanje i školstvo Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (“Crvena knjiga” – treći dio trilogije)
- G.Alaga, V. Paar and L. Šips (Editors): Problems of vibrational nuclei. (North-Holland, Amsterdam 1975) 1-458.
- G. Alaga, V. Paar and L. Šips (Editors): Problems of vibrational nuclei, Vol. II. Fizika Suppl., Zagreb (1975).
- G. Šindler, B. Mikuličić, B. Boranić, B. Eman, V. Paar i M. Babić: Zadaci, laboratorijske vježbe i radovi iz fizike. Zbirka za učenike VII. i VIII. razreda (Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1976).
- V. Paar: Što se zbiva u atomskoj jezgri. (Ilustracije N. Dragić) Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1980); II. izdanje (1987) 1-204.
- A. Dulčić i V. Paar (urednici): Fizika i tehnološki razvoj Hrvatske. Društvo matematičara i fizičara Hrvatske, Liber, Zagreb (1980) 1-393.
- V. Paar: Energetska kriza: Gdje (ni) je izlaz; (Ilustracije Oto Reisinger, Ivica Bednjanec i Željko Brnetić). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1984) 1-351.
- V. Paar i V. Šips: Fizika I. (Udžbenik za učenike I. razreda srednjeg obrazovanja) Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1986); II izdanje (1987); III. izdanje (1988); IV. izdanje (1989); V. izdanje (1990); VI. izdanje (1991); VII. izdanje (1992).
- M. Martinis, V. Vujnović i V. Paar: Fizika II. (Priručnik za učenike II. razreda srednjeg usmjerenog obrazovanja), Zagreb (1986); II. izdanje (1987); III. izdanje (1988).
- R.A.Meyer and V.Paar (Editors): Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Volume I. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1986) 1-564.
- R.A.Meyer and V.Paar (Editors): Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Volume 2. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1986) 567-1170.
- R.A. Meyer and V. Paar (Editors): Symmetries and Nuclear Structure (Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, 1987) 1-620.
- V. Paar: Elektromagnetizam (Priručnik za učenike srednjih škola). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1991); II. izdanje (1992); III. izdanje (1993); IV. izdanje (1994); V. izdanje (1995).
- V. Paar: Atomi, molekule, poluvodiči, supravodiči (Priručnik za učenike u srednjoj školi). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1989); II izdanje (1990); III. izdanje (1991).
- V. Paar: Titranja, uvod u kvantnu fiziku, poluvodiči (Priručnik za učenike u srednjoj školi) Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1991).
- V. Paar: Fizika – Valovi i čestice Priručnik – Atomi i atomske jezgre, Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1989); II izdanje (1990); III. izdanje (1991).
- V. Paar i V. Šips: Zbirka riješenih zadataka iz mehanike (Priručnik za I. razred gimnazije). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1993).
- V. Paar: Fizika – Gibanje i energija (Udžbenik za I. razred gimnazije). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1993); II.izdanje (1994); III izdanje (1995), IV.izdanje (1996).
- V. Paar i V. Šips: Zbirka riješenih zadataka iz topline (Priručnik za I. razred gimnazije). Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1993).
- V.Paar (Editor): USA-Croatia Scientific Cooperation 1963-1993. Školska knjiga, Zagreb (1995).
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 1, Udžbenik za I. razred gimnazije; Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997, 208 str.; V.izdanje (1997); VI.izdanje (1998).
- Vladimir Paar i Vladimir Šips, Fizika 2, Udžbenik za II. razred gimnazije; Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997, 231 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 4, Udžbenik za IV. razred gimnazije; Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997, 214 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Energetika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1997, 214 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 3, Udžbenik za III. razred gimnazije; Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1998, 216 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 8, Udžbenik za VIII. razred; Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1999, 144 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Zbirka riješenih zadataka Fizika 3, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1999, 111 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Zbirka riješenih zadataka Fizika 1, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1999, 171 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 7, udžbenik za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2001, 131 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Mile Mišura, Maja Šuveljak, Zbirka riješenih zadataka Fizika 7, za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2001, 86 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Štefanija Herman, Dubravko Sila, Fizika 8 Vježbenica, za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2001, 75 str.
- Amir Hamzić, Vladimir Paar (ur.), Međunarodna klasifikacija patenata, Izdanje na hrvatskom jeziku, Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo, Zagreb, 2001
- Vladimir Paar, Energetika, udžbenik za ekonomske škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2001, 122 str.
- Đurđa Vlaho, Zlatko Vlaho, Vladimir Paar, Fizika 3, Priručnik za nastavnike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 61 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Zbirka riješenih zadataka Fizika 2, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 117 str.
- Đurđa Vlaho, Zlatko Vlaho, Vladimir Paar, Fizika 3, Priručnik za nastavnike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 61 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Zbirka riješenih zadataka Fizika 2, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 117 str.
- Husteim Smailhodžić, Smajo Sulejmanović, Vladimir Paar, Udžbenik za drugi razred gimnazije, Sarajevo Publishing, Sarajevo, 2003, 131 str.
- Husteim Smailhodžić, Jugoslav Stahov, Vladimir Paar, Udžbenik za četvrti razred gimnazije, Sarajevo Publishing, Sarajevo, 2003, 147 str.
- Sonja Prelovšek-Peroš, Fizika 7 – Priručnik za nastavnike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 96 str.
- Đurđa Vlaho, Zlatko Vlaho, Vladimir Paar, Fizika 2 – Priručnik za nastavnike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 67 str.
- Đurđa Vlaho, Zlatko Vlaho, Vladimir Paar, Fizika 1 – Priručnik za nastavnike, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 51 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika za treći razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 216 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika za četvrti razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2003, 214 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 7, udžbenik za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004, 131 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 8, udžbenik za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004, 128 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Štefanija Herman, Dubravko Sila, Fizika 8 – Vježbenica,Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2004, 74 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 4, udžbenik za 4. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005, 214 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Mile Mišura, Zdeslav Hrepić, Maja Šuveljak, Fizika 8 – Zbirka riješenih zadataka, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005, 49 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 7, udžbenik za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005, 131 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 8, udžbenik za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2005, 128 str.
- Ivan Golub, Vladimir Paar, Skriveni Bog, Teovizija, Zagreb, 2006, 99 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Fizika 7, udžbenik za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 133 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Mile Mišura, Zdeslav Hrepić, Maja Šuveljak, Fizika 7 – Zbirka zadataka, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 60 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Mile Mišura, Zdeslav Hrepić, Maja Šuveljak, Fizika 7 – Radna bilježnica, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 77 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Fizika 8, udžbenik za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 143 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Štefanija Herman, Dubravko Sila, Mladen Klaić, Fizika 8 – Radna bilježnica, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 81 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 1, udžbenik za 1. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 162 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Fizika 2, udžbenik za 2. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 163 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 3, udžbenik za 3. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 183 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 4, udžbenik za 4. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2007, 163 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Ivana Katavić, Mladen Klaić, Fizika 7, Radna sveska za 7. razred osnovne škole, Prevod na srpski jezik, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 2007, 77 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Ivana Katavić, Mladen Klaić, Fizika 7, Radna bilježnica za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 2008, 77 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Štefanija Herman, Dubravko Sila, Mladen Klaić, Fizika 8, Radna bilježnica za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 2008, 81 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Štefanija Herman, Dubravko Sila, Mladen Klaić, Fizika 8, Radna sveska za 8. razred osnovne škole, Prevod na srpski jezik, Školska knjiga Zagreb, 2008, 77 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Fizika 7, udžbenik za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2008, 133 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Fizika 8, udžbenik za 8. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2008, 143 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Fizika 1, udžbenik za 1. razred gimnazije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2008, 162 str.
- Vladimir Paar, Vladimir Šips, Mile Mišura, Maja Šuveljak, Fizika 7, zbirka zadataka za 7. razred osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2008, 60. str.
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Tanja Ćulibrk, Fizika oko nas 7, udžbenik fizike u 7. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (145 str.)
- Vladimir Paar, Mladen Klaić, Sanja Martinko, Tanja Ćulibrk, Fizika oko nas 7, radna bilježnica za fiziku u 7. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (110 str.)
- Iva Petričević, Vjekoslav Jakopec, Snježana Stanin, Josipa Vlahović, Vladimir Paar, zbirka zadataka za fiziku 7. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (51 str.)
- Vladimir Paar, Sanja Martinko, Tanja Ćulibrk, Fizika oko nas 8, udžbenik fizike u 8. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (147 str.)
- Vladimir Paar, Mladen Klaić, Dubravko Sila, Tanja Ćulibrk, Sanja Martinko Fizika oko nas 8, radna bilježnica za fiziku u 8. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (106 str.)
- Emil Smerdel, Iva Petričević, Snježana Stanin, Vladimir Paar, zbirka zadataka za fiziku u 8. razredu osnovne škole, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2014 (92 str.)
- V. Paar, N. Pavin, N. Paar: PATENT P980607 “Metoda kriptozaštite na temelju neponovljenog selektivnog pridruživanja znakova kaotičnim rješenjima nelinearne robotske diferencijalne jednadžbe” Državni zavod za intelektualno vlasništvo, datum objavljivanja patenta: 30.06.2003.
- V. Paar, N. Paar, N. Pavin: PATENT P990240 “Šifriranje i dešifriranje teksta neponovljenom primjenom binarnog ASCII koda ovisno o parnosti znamenki kaotičnih rješenja nelinearne robotske jednadžbe”, Registar patenata Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo, oznaka MKP: G09C1/00, datum upis u Registar patenta: 19.12.2007.
- V. Paar, N. Paar, N. Pavin: PATENT P990248 “Kriptozaštita niza znakova selektivnom transformacijom binarnog ASCII koda rabeći kaotična rješenja nelinearne Duffingove jednadžbe”, Registar patenata Državnog zavoda za intelektualno vlasništvo, oznaka MKP: G09C1/00, datum upis u Registar patenta: 6.12.2007.