Dikšić Mirko

Dikšić Mirko
Mirko DIKŠIĆ, hrvatski biokemičar, rođen je 1942. u Cvetkoviću kor Jastrebarskog. Studirao je kemiju na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu gdje diplomira 1966. i počinje znanstvenu karijeru na Institutu Ruđer Bošković kao asistent u Laboratoriju za nuklearnu kemiju Odjela za fizikalnu kemiju. Dikšić nastavlja obrazovanje na poslijediplomskom studiju kemije na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te postiže stupanj magistra znanosti 1968. a dvije godine kasnije doktorira s temom „Studij (n,He-3) i (n,t) reakcija srednje teških jezgara“. Nakon toga, u periodu 1971.-1973. radi kao post-doktorand na Odjelu za kemiju Sveučilišta McGill, Montreal, Kanada. Mirko Dikšić je hrvatski i kanadski državljanin, a većim dijelom svoju izuzetno uspješnu znanstvenu karijeru ostvario je radeći na Sveučilištu McGill do 2010. god. kada odlazi u mirovinu kao Professor Emeritus ovog poznatog sveučilišta. 1986. izabran je u zvanje izvanrednog profesora te 1992. u zvanje redovitog profesora na Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University u Montrealu. Od 1983. – 2008. obavljao je dužnost direktora Radiochemistry-Cyclotron Unit u McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University. Na istoj instituciji bio je ko-kordinator PET istraživanja u periodu1986.-1991. Dobitnik je više istaknutih priznanja i nagrada uključujući Killam (MNI) Scholar 1982.– 1991., Killam Scholar 2000.-2006. i Innovations in Neuropsycopharmacology Award 2000 koju dodjeljuje Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology. Njegov impresivan interdisciplinarni znanstveni opus pokriva određena područja prirodnih znanosti (radiokemija, organska kemija, nuklearna fizika) i nuklearne medicine i sadrži 374 objavljena znanstvena rada koji postižu preko 7200 citata (h indeks 42).
M. Dikšić se 1978. pridružuje skupini znanstvenika koja pokreće PET (Positron Emission Tomography) program na Montreal Neurological Institute u sklopu kojega se razvija korištenje kratko živućih radioizotopa, emitera pozitrona u obilježavanju izabranih organskih molekula i razvoj radiokemijskih sintetskih postupaka i metoda. Dikšić postaje direktorom ciklotronske jedinice na McConnell Imaging Centre 1983. god. i studira sintezu 18F- i 11C-obilježenih radiofarmaceutika koji se široko i uspješno primjenjuju u neuroznanosti. Dikšić je značajno pridonio pokretanju prve ciklotronske jedinice u Kanadi usmjerene isključivo prema medicinskim istraživanjima koja je vrlo uspješno radila od 1981. sve do današnjih dana. Njegov doprinos je posebno značajan u utemeljenju radiokemijskog laboratorija i razvoju efikasnih sintetskih metoda za 18F- i 11C-radioaktivno obilježavanje organskih i bioloških molekula primjenjivih u in vivo PET istraživanja procesa u humanom CNS (Central Nervous System) sustavu. Posebno treba istaknuti njegov doprinos u razvoju metode za efikasno dobivanje 77Kr iz broma koja je omogućila znanstvenicima s Montreal Neurological Institute da prvi u svijetu pomoću PET-a kvantitativno izmjere protok krvi u određenim regijama ljudskog mozga. U području onkoloških istraživanja mozga treba istaknuti njegov rad na radioaktivnom obilježavanju često korištenog lijeka za liječenje tumora mozga pod nazivom Carmustine (1,3-di(chloroetilen)-nitrozourea; BCNU). Primjenom PET metode Dikšić je ustanovio da efikasnost i toksičnost BCNU-a značajno ovise o načinu administracije (intra-arterijska ili intra-venozna) i utvrdio da intra-arterijska primjena lijeka inducira značajna toksična djelovanja u mozgu za razliku od intra-venske administracije. Veliki dio svojih znanstvenih istraživanja M. Dikšić je posvetio studiranju brzine sinteze neurotransmitera serotonina u CNS sustavu jer se smatralo da su promjene u serotonergijskom sustavu odgovorne za razvoj nekih čestih psihijatrijskih bolesti (depresija, šizofrenija, poremećaji u prehrani) i bolesti ovisnosti (alkoholizam). Posebno treba istaknuti Dikšćev uspjeh u razvoju autoradiografskih i PET metoda za in vivo mjerenje brzine sinteze serotonina u ljudskom mozgu. Za ovaj uspjeh Prof. Dikšić je primio nagradu Innovation in Neuropsycopharmacology Award 2000 koju dodjeljuje Canadian College of Neuropsycopharmacology. U seriji radova nastalih primjenom ove metode Dikšić i suradnici su prvi u svijetu pokazali da je brzina sinteze serotonina najveća u rafe regiji ali da postoji i u terminalnim dijelovima živaca serotonergjjskih neurona lokaliziranim u različitim regijama mozga. U suradnji s hrvatskim znanstvenicima s Instituta Ruđer Bošković te japanskim znanstvenicima, Dikšić je proučavao utjecaj psihotropnih lijekova na serotonergijski sustav i brzinu sinteze serotonina. Prema rezultatima objavljenim u nizu zajedničkih radova, utvrđeno je da lijek protiv anoreksije fenfluramin i poznati antidepresiv Prozac povećavaju brzinu sinteze serotonina u terminalnim regijama živaca i istovremeno smanjuju brzinu sinteze u serotonergijskom staničnom tijelu. M. Dikšić je jedan od prvih znanstvenika u svijetu koji je odredio brzinu sinteze serotonina u ljudskom mozgu in vivo koristeći 11C-alfa-metiltriptofan sintetiziran u njegovom laboratoriju. Najznačajnije otkriće proizašlo iz ovih istraživanja pokazuje različit utjecaj stresa uzrokovanog sniženjem koncentracije triptofana u organizmu na brzinu sinteze serotonina u mozgu zdravih muškaraca i žena. Značajniji pad brzine sinteze serotonina kod žena mogao bi biti uzrokom učestalije pojave depresije kod žena nego kod muškaraca. U nizu radova iz ovog područja pokazano je da postoje regionalne razlike u brzini sinteze serotonina kod muškaraca i žena oboljelih od depresije te da primjena antidepresiva ima specifičan regionalni utjecaj na brzinu sinteze. U vrlo značajnim PET istraživanjima epilepsije utvrđeno je da kod nekih vrsta epilepsije dolazi do pojačane akumulacije radiofarmaka čime se u mozgu identificira epileptogenično tkivo koje se može kirurški ukloniti.
Prof. Mirko Dikšić je nesumnjivo izuzetno uspješan znanstvenik velikog međunarodnog ugleda i svakako jedan od istaknutijih kanadskih znanstvenika hrvatskog porijekla. Njegov doprinos međunarodnoj znanosti jasno proizlazi iz impresivnog opusa i citiranosti njegovih radova te više od 130 pozvanih predavanja koja je održao na znanstvenim skupovima i institucijama u cijelom svijetu. Kao vrhunski ekspert ko-urednik je poznate knjige o principima i primjeni PET-a u različitim područjima istraživanja. Prof. Mirko Dikšić je kanadski i hrvatski državljanin. Posebno treba istaknuti njegovu intenzivnu suradnju sa hrvatskim znanstvenicima i ustanovama gdje je često boravio kao gostujući znanstvenik prenoseći svoje bogato znanje i iskustvo. Prof. Dikšić je Gost profesor na J.J. Strossmayer Sveučilištu, Osijek. Za dopisnog člana HAZU izabran je 2016.
Za više podataka: https://www.mcgill.ca/bic/mirko-diksic-phd
Objavljeno u recenziranim časopisima
- HRASTNIK B, LJUBICIC A, BASAR I, DIKSIC M, ILAKOVAC K, JURCEVIC M, KNAPP V and VOJNOVIC B: Directional gamma-gamma angular correlation of the 71.66 – 249.69 KeV cascade in 177Hf. Fizika 1:117-126, 1969.
- DIKSIC M, STROHAL P, PETO G, BORNEMISZA-PAUSPERTL P, HUNYADI I and KAROLYI J: Additional measurements of radiative capture cross sections for 3 MeV neutrons. Acta Phys Acad Sci Hung 28:257-261, 1970.
- HRASTNIK B, BASAR I, DIKSIC M, ILAKOVAC K, KOS V, and LJUBICIC A: Directional correlation studies in the decay of 177gLu. Z Physik 239: 25-29, 1970.
- HERAK MJ, DIKSIC M, and STROHAL P: Studies on precipitation and co-precipitation of tantalum and niobium from potassium fluoride solutions. Microchimica Acta, Wien 116-120, 1971.
- LULIC S and DIKSIC M: Isometric cross-section ratios for (n,p) reactions induced by 14.6 MeV neutrons in Te isotopes. Fizika 4: 251-252, 1972.
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: A new isomer – 84 min I-132m. Inorg Nucl Chem Letters 9: 1057-1060, 1973.
- DIKSIC M, McMILLAN DK, STEIN GE and YAFFE L: A search for Ni-55. J Inorg Nucl Chem (note) 35: 3954-3955, 1973.
- DIKSIC M, McMILLAN DK and YAFFE L: Nuclear charge dispersion in mass chains 130-135 from the fission of U-238 by medium energy protons. J Inorg Nucl Chem 36: 7-16, 1974.
- DIKSIC M, STROHAL P and SLAUS I: (n,3He) and (n,t) reaction cross section at 14 MeV. J Inorg Nucl Chem: 36: 477-485, 1974.
- DIKSIC M, YAFFE L and SARANTITIES DG: Identification and decay characteristics of 132Im. Phys Rev 10C: 1172-1180, 1974.
- MUGA ML and DIKSIC M: Refined model of luminescence production in plastic scintillators. Nucl Instr & Methods 122: 553-558, 1974.
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: Formation cross-sections of iodine and tellurium isomers produced in the fission of 238U by protons of energies 30-85 MeV. Can J Chem: 53: 3116-3120, 1975.
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: The distribution of oxidation states of iodine isotopes in the fission by protons of natural uranium. Can J Chem 53: 3801-3805, 1975.
- DIKSIC M, LEE JK and YAFFE L: A search for an isomer of 128I. J Inorg Nucl Chem 38: 365-366, 1976.
- DIKSIC M and MCCRADY MO: Fast determination of selenium in biological materials by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Radiochem Radioanal Letters 26: 89-94, 1976.
- BIRGUL O, DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: Activation analysis of turkish and canadian clays and turkish pottery. J Radioanal Chem 39: 45-62, 1977.
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: A study of 127I(p,xn) and 127I(p,pxn) reactions with special emphasis on production of 123Xe. J Inorg Nucl Chem 39: 1299-1302, 1977.
- GALINIER J-L, DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: Nuclear charge dispersion studies in the light-mass region formed in the fission of 238U by protons of energy 35-85 Me V. Can J Chem 55: 3609-3615, 1977.
- DIKSIC M and COLE TF: Fast determination of molybdenum and tellurium by neutron activation analysis. Anal Chem Acta 93: 261-266, 1977.
- DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L, MARSHALL H and YAFFE L: Preparation of carrier-free 77Kr by (p,xn) reactions on natural bromine. Int J Appl Radiat Isotopes 28: 885-888, 1977.
- DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L, MARSHALL H and YAFFE L: Charge dispersion studies of light-mass nuclides in the fission of 232Th by protons of energies 35-85 MeV. J Inorg Nucl Chem 41: 759-800, 1979.
- DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L, MARSHALL H and YAFFE L: 79Br and 81Br(p,xn) and (p,pxn) excitation functions in the energy range 10-85 MeV. Phys Rev 19C: 1753-1761, 1979.
- DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L, MARSHALL H, YAFFE L, MOORE RB and SANTRY DC: Absolute cross section for 64Cu and 61Cu produced by deuteron-induced reactions in copper. Nucl Instr & Methods 159: 171-175, 1979.
- BIRGUL O, DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: X-ray fluorescence analysis of turkish clays and pottery. Archeometry 21(2): 203-218, 1979.
- BIRGUL O, DIKSIC M AND YAFFE L: A comparison of the statistical treatment of results using concentrations of elements determined by neutron activation and x-ray fluorescence analysis methods. J Radioanal Chem 55(1): 101-109, 1980.
- TRIGGER BG, YAFFE L, DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L, MARSHALL H and PENDERGAST JF: Trace element analysis of iroquoian pottery. Can J Archaeology 4: 119-145, 1980.
- DIKSIC M, GALINIER J-L and YAFFE L: Barbados and the archeology of the caribbean. J of the Barbados Museum of Historical Society 36: 229-235, 1981.
- DIKSIC M, JOLLY D and FARROKHZAD S: An on-line synthesis of “no carrier added” 11C-phosgene. Int J Nucl Med & Biol 9: 283-285, 1982.
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO L and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of “no carrier added” 11C-labelled BCNU. J Nucl Med 23: 895-898, 1982.
- DIKSIC M and FARROKHZAD S: A new reagent for the visualization of n-alkylureas on TLC plates: Chromatographia 15: 665-666, 1982.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: New high yield synthesis of 18F-labelled 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose. Int J Appl Radiat Isot 34: 893-896, 1983.
- DIKSIC M and TODA Y: Production of 18F-labelled molecular fluorine with a medical minicyclotron. Can J Chem 61: 661-664, 1983.
- DIKSIC M and KODERY B: A simple method for the preparation of carrier free I-labelled 4-iodoantipyrine. J Label Compd’s Radiopharm 20: 339-349, 1983.
- DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: An on-line synthesis of 15O-N2O: new blood flow tracer for PET imaging. J Nucl Med 24: 603-607, 1983.
- SAKO K, DIKSIC M, KATO A, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Evaluation of 18F-4-fluoroantipyrine as a new blood flow tracer for multiradionuclide autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 4: 259-263, 1984.
- OUELLET R, ROUSSEAU J, BRASSEUR N, VAN LIER JE, DIKSIC M and WESTERA G: Synthesis, receptor binding and target issue uptake of [11C] labelled carbamate derivatives of estradiol and hexestrol. J Med Chem 27: 509-513, 1984.
- KATO A, MENON D, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Influence of the input function on the calculation of LCMRglu in the deoxyglucose method. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 4: 41-46, 1984.
- DIRADDO P, DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: The 18F-radiofluorination of aryl silanes. JCS, Chem Comm 159-160,1984.
- DIKSIC M, SAKO K, FEINDEL W, KATO A, YAMAMOTO YL, FARROKHZAD S and THOMPSON C: Pharmacokinetics of positron-labelled BCNU in human brain tumors using positron emission tomography. Cancer Res 44: 3120-3124, 1984.
- MENON D, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, SAKO K and YAMAMOTO YL: A method for measurement of arterial concentration of cerebral blood flow tracer for autoradiographic experiments. Can J Neurol Sci. 11: 380-382, 1984.
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: A simple synthesis of 18F-labelled 5-fluorouracil using acetyl hypofluorite. Int J Nucl Med Biol. 11: 141-142, 1984.
- DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of 11C-labelled choline. J Label Compd’s Radiopharm 21: 815-820, 1984.
- DIKSIC M and DI RADDO P: New syntheses of fluoro-compounds by fluorination in water. Tetrahedron Letters 25: 4885-4888, 1984.
- SAKO K, KATO A, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Use of short-lived 18F and long-lived 14C in double tracer autoradiography for simultaneous measurement of LCBF and LCGU. Stroke 15: 896-900, 1984.
- FARROKHAZAD S, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of 18F-labelled 2-fluoroethyl-nitrosoureas. Can J Chem 62: 2107-2112, 1984.
- YAMAMOTO YL, THOMPSON CJ, DIKSIC M, MEYER E and FEINDEL W: (Invited review) Positron emission tomography. J Radiat Phys Chem 24: 385-403, 1984.
- YAMAMOTO YL, THOMPSON CJ, DIKSIC M, MEYER E and FEINDEL W: (Invited review – reprinted) Positron emission tomography. Neurosurg Rev 7: 233-251, 1984.
- DIKSIC M, KODERY B, SAKO K, FEINDEL W and YAMAMOTO YL: Improved synthesis and low temperature autoradiographic evaluation of 18F-n-fluoro-propane as a myelin tracer. Eur J Nucl Med 9: 533-557, 1984.
- DIKSIC M: A new, simple, high yield synthesis of “no-carrier-added” 11C-labelled DMO. Int J Appl Radiat Isot 35: 1035-1037, 1984.
- KATO A, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, STROTHER SC and FEINDEL W: An improved approach for measurement of regional cerebral rate constants in the deoxyglucose method with positro emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 4: 555-563, 1984.
- SAKO S, KATO A, KOBATAKE K, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL: Quantitative double tracer autoradiographic technique for simultaneous measurement of LCBF and LCGU using 14C-IAP and 18F-FDG. Brain and Nerve 36(7): 649-656, 1984 (in Japanese).
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of “no carrier added” 11C-labelled nitrosoureas. J Radioanal Nucl Chem 89: 45-54, 1985.
- SAKO K, DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Pharmacokinetics of 11C-BCNU in experimental brain tumor. J Neuro-Oncology 3: 229-235, 1985.
- KATO A, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Quantification of glucose utilization in an experimental brain tumor model by the deoxyglucose method. J Cereb Blood Flow and Metab 5: 108-144, 1985.
- FARROKHZAD S and DIKSIC M: The synthesis of “no-carrier-added” and carrier-added 18F-labelled haloperidol. J Label Compd’s Radiopharm 22: 721-733, 1985.
- DI RADDO P and DIKSIC M: Mild and regiospecific syntheses of 18F-labelled vinyl fluoride using 18F-fluorine reacted with silane. Int J Appl Radiat Isot 36: 953-956, 1985.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: New synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-sugars by fluorination in water. J Carbohydr Chem 4: 265-271, 1985.
- KATO A, SAKO K, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Regional glucose utilization and blood flow measured in experimental brain tumors studied by double tracer autoradiography. J Neuro-Oncology 3: 271-283, 1985.
- SAKO K, KOBATAKE K, YAMAMOTO YL, and DIKSIC M: Correlation of local cerebral blood flow, glucose utilization, and tissue pH following a middle cerebral artery occlusion in rat. Stroke 16: 828-834, 1985.
- DIKSIC M and DI RADDO P: A convenient, high-yield synthesis of 4-[18F]-fluoro antipyrine using [18F]acetylhypofluorite. Int J Appl Radiat Isot 36: 643-645, 1985.
- DIKSIC M and FARROKHZAD S: New synthesis of 18F-labelled 6-fluoro-L-dopa by cleaving C-Si bond with fluorine. J Nucl Med 26: 1314-1318, 1985.
- KITAMURA S, KATO A, YAMAMOTO YL, HAKIM AM, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, TYLER J, THOMPSON C, AND POKRUPA R. Cerebral blood flow, cerebral oxygen metabolism, cerebral glucose metabolism, and tissue pH in human acute cerebral infarction using positron emission tomography. Noto Shinkei – Brain and Nerve 31(1): 56-64, 1985.
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S and COLEBROOKE D: Fluorination of uracil with acetylhypofluorite and fluorine in acidic acids: mechanistic investigation. Can. J. Chem 64: 424-428, 1986.
- RAVUSSIN P, ARCHER D, TYLER JL, MEYER E, ABOU-MADI M, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO L, TROP D: The effect of rapid mannitol infusion on cerebral blood volume and on hemodynamic and laboratory parameters: A positron emission study in dog and man. J Neurosurg 64(1): 104-113, 1986.
- TYLER JL, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, THÉRON J, VILLEMURE J-G, WORTHINGTON C, EVANS A and FEINDEL W: Pharmacokinetics of superselective intra-arterial and intravenous 11C-BCNU evaluated by PET. J Nucl Med. 27: 775-780, 1986.
- DI RADDO P and DIKSIC M: Fluorination of 3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal in water. Carbohyd Res (Note): 153: 141-145,1986.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-hexoses by fluorination of glycals in aqueous media. Carbohydr Res 153: 17-24, 1986.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Synthesis of no-carrier-added 11C-labelled methyl choline analogs. J Label Compds Radioph 23: 987-993, 1986.
- CHALY T and DIKSIC M: High yield synthesis of 6-[18F] fluoro-L-DOPA by regioselective fluorination of protected L-DOPA with [18F] acetylhypofluorite. J Nucl Med 27: 1896-1901, 1986.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Remotely operated synthesis of 2-deoxy-2-[18F] fluoro-D-glucose. J Appl Radiat Isot (Note), 37: 1159-1161, 1986.
- EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, KATO A, DAGHER A, REDIES C and HAKIM A: The effect of vascular activity in the determination of rate constants for the uptake of F-18 labelled 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose: Error analysis and normal values in older subjects. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 6: 724-738, 1986.
- HAKIM AM, POKRUPA RP, VILLANUEVA J, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, THOMPSON CJ, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, FEINDEL W: The effect of spontaneous reperfusion on metabolic function in early human cerebral infarcts. Ann Neurol 21: 279-289, 1987.
- NAKAI H, MATSUDA H, TAKARA E, DIKSIC M, MEYER E and YAMAMOTO YL: Simultaneous in vivo measurement of lumped constant and rate constants in experimental cerbral ischemia using 18F-FDG. Stroke 18: 158-167, 1987.
- MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, EVANS AC, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, FEINDEL W: Radiation dose to upper airways from inhaled oxygen-15 carbon dioxide. J Nucl Med 28: 234-239, 1987.
- MATSUDA H, NAKAI H, JOVKAR S, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, MEYER E, REDIES C and YAMAMOTO YL: Alternative approach for estimating lumped constant in the deoxyglucose model: simulation and validation. J Nucl Med 28: 471-480, 1987.
- OCHS RF, GLOOR P, TYLER JL, WALFSON T, WORSLEY K, ANDERMANN F, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, EVANS AC: Effect of generalized spike and wave discharge upon glucose metabolism measured by PET. Ann Neurol 21: 458-464, 1987.
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, GJEDDE A and YAMAMOTO YL: Double-label autoradiographic deoxyglucose method for sequential measurement of regional cerebral glucose utilization. Neuroscience 22: 601-619, 1987.
- REDIES C, MATSUDA H, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, and YAMAMOTO YL: In vivo measurement of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose rate constants in rat brain by external coincidence counting. Neuroscience 22: 593-599, 1987.
- ABOU-MADI MN, HAKIM AM, POKRUPA RP, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, TROP D: Evolution de l’ischémie cérébrale au cours des premières quarante-huit heures. Agresssologie 28(2): 205-208, 1987.
- MEYER E, TYLER JL, THOMPSON CJ, REDIES C, DIKSIC M AND HAKIM AM: Estimation of cerebral oxygen utilization rate by single bolus oxygen-15O inhalation and dynamic positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7: 403-414, 1987.
- TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, VILLEMURE J-G, EVANS AC, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL AND FEINDEL W: Metabolic and hemodynamic evaluation of gliomas using positron emission tomography. J Nucl Med 28: 1123-1133, 1987.
- LEBLANC R, TYLER JL, MOHR G, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, GAUTHIER S, AND HAKIM AM: Hemodynamic and metabolic effects of cerebral revascularization. J Neurosurg 66: 529-535, 1987.
- LEBLANC R, YAMAMOTO YL, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M AND HAKIM AM: Borderzone ischemia. Ann Neurol 22: 707-713, 1987.
- NAKAI H, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MATSUDA H, TAKARA E, MEYER E, REDIES C: Time-dependant changes of lumped and rate constants in the deoxyglucose method in experimental cerebral ischemia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7: 640-648, 1987.
- CHALY T AND DIKSIC M: Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan. J Nucl Med 29: 370-374, 1988.
- NAKAI H, DIKSIC M, AND YAMAMOTO YL: Validation of the triple-tracer autoradiographic method in rats. Stroke 19: 758-763, 1988.
- NAKAI H, YAMAMOTO YL AND DIKSIC M, WORSLEY KJ AND TAKADA E: Triple-tracer autoradiography demonstrates effects of hyperglycemia on cerebral blood flow, pH and glucose utilization in cerebral ischemia of rats. Stroke 19: 764-772, 1988.
- TYLER JL, STROTHER SC, ZATORRE R, ALIVISATOS B, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, WORSLEY KJ: Stability of regional cerebral glucose metabolism in the normal brain measured with PET. J Nucl Med 29: 631-642, 1988.
- KIRIKAE M, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL: The transfer coefficients for L-valine and the rate of incorporation of 1-[14C]-valine into proteins in normal adult rat brain. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 8: 598-605, 1988.
- NAKAI H, MATSUDA H, TAKARA E, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, MEYER E, and REDIES C: Changes in lumped and rate constants in experimental cerebral ischemia: Neurologia medico-chirurgica 28(1): 11-17, 1988.
- NAKAI H, MATSUDA H, DIKSIC M, TAKARA E, MEYER E, REDIES C, KIRIKAE M, and YAMAMOTO YL: Concomitant in vivo measurement of lumped and rate constants for F-18 FDG in cat brain. Neurologia medico-chirurgica 28(1): 1-10, 1988.
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, COLLIER B, GJEDDE A, THOMPSON CJ, GAUTHIER S and FEINDEL W: Influx of a choline analog to dog brain measured by PET. Synapse 2: 406-411, 1988.
- ANDREASEN N, CARSON R, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, FARDE L, GJEDDE A, HAKIM AM, LAL S, NAIR N, SEDVALL G, TUNE L, WONG D: Schizophrenia, Positron Tomography, and Dopamine D2 Receptors in the Human Neostriatum. Schizophrenia Bulletin 14: 471-484, 1988.
- CONWAY T and DIKSIC M: Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” N-(2-chloroethyl)- N’- (carboxamido- methylene)- N’-(methyl)-N-nitroso-[11C]-urea (SarCNU), the sarcosinamide analog of the chemotherapeutic agent BCNU. J Nucl Med 29: 1957-1960, 1988.
- TYLER JL, LEBLANC R, DAGHER A, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, FEINDEL W, HAKIM A: Hemodynamic and metabolic consquences of cerebral arteriovenous malformation studies by PET. Stroke 20: 890-898, 1989.
- DIKSIC M, TRANI M and NAGAHIRO S: Synthesis of 6-[18F]fluoropyridoxal and radioactivity distribution in rat at 60 min. Nucl Med Biol 16: 413-418, 1989.
- UEDA T, YAMAMOTO YL and DIKSIC M: Transvenous perfusion of the brain (TVPOB) with verapamil during focal cerebral ischemia in rats: New therapeutic approach. Stroke 20: 501-506, 1989.
- UEDA T, YAMAMOTO YL, TAKARA E and DIKSIC M: Tolerance of the cerebral venous system to retrograde perfusion pressure in focal cerebral ischemic rats. Stroke 20: 378-385, 1989.
- REDIES C and DIKSIC M: The deoxyglucose method in the ferret brain. I. Methodological Considerations. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: 35-42, 1989.
- JOVKAR S, EVANS A, DIKSIC M, NAKAI H and YAMAMOTO YL: Minimization of parameter estimation errors in dynamic PET: choice of scanning schedule. Phy. Med. Biol. 34: 895-908, 1989.
- REDIES C, HOFFER LJ, BEIL C, MARLISS EB, EVANS AC, LARIVIERE R, MARETT S, MEYER E, DIKSIC M and HAKIM AM: Generalized decreases in brain glucose metabolism during fasting in man study by PET. Am J Physiol 256 (Endocrinol Met. 19): E805-E810, 1989.
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: The deoxyglucose method in the ferret brain. II. Glucose utilization images and normal values. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: 43-52, 1989.
- KIRIKAE M, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Quantitative measurements of regional glucose utilization and rate of valine incorporation into brain proteins by double-tracer autoradiography in the rat brain tumor model. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: 87-95, 1989.
- HAKIM AM, EVANS AC, BERGER L, KUWABARA H, WORSLEY K, MARCHAL G, BEIL C, POKRUPA R, DIKSIC M and MEYER E: The effect of nimodipine on the evaluation of human cerebral infarction studied by PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9(4): 523-534, 1989.
- DYVE S, GJEDDE A, DIKSIC M, SHERWIN A and HAKIM AM: In vivo quantification of blood-brain transfer and binding of [125I]HEAT, and α1-adrenoceptor antagonist. Synapse 3: 205-212, 1989.
- BERKOVIC SF, CARPENTER S, KARPATI G, SHOUBRIDGE S, ANDERMAN F, MEYER E, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, ARNOLD DL, WOLFE L, ANDERMANN E, HAKIM AM: Myoclonus epilepsy and ragged-red fibres (MERRF): A clinical, pathological, biochemical magnetic resonance spectroscopy and positron emission tomographic study. Brain 112: 1231-1260, 1989.
- REDIES C and DIKSIC M: Tracer kinetic constants and simplified versions of the double-label deoxyglucose method. Neuroscience 30: 558-561, 1989 (Matters arising).
- NAGAHIRO S, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Non-invasive autoradiographic method for measurement of axonal transport in serotoninergic neurons in the rat brain. Brain Res 506: 120-128, 1990.
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, SOURKES TL, and YAMAMOTO YL: A new method to measure brain serotonin synthesis in vivo: I – Theory and basic data for a biological model. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 10: 1-12, 1990.
- NAGAHIRO S, TAKADA A, DIKSIC M, SOURKES TL, MISSALA K, and YAMAMOTO YL: A new method to measure brain serotonin synthesis in vivo: II – A practical autoradiographic method tested in normal and lithium-treated rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 10: 13-21, 1990.
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, and SOURKES T: Biological model for the in vivo measurement of rate of serotonin synthesis in the brain. J Neuronal Transmission Suppl. 29: 131-140, 1990.
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M and RIML H: Functional organization in the ferret visual cortex: A double-label 2-deoxyglucose study. J. Neurosci 10(8): 2791-2803, 1990.
- REITH J, DYVE S, KUWABARA H, GUTTMAN M, DIKSIC M and GJEDDE A: Blood-brain transfer and metabolism of 6-[18F]fluoro-L-DOPA in rat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 10: 707-719, 1990.
- ARCHER DP, LABRECQUE P, TYLER JL, MEYER E, EVANS AC, VILLEMURE JG, CASEY WF, DIKSIC M, HAKIM AM, TROP D: Measurement of cerebral blood flow and volume with positron emission tomography during isoflurance administration in the hypocapnic baboon. Anesthesiology 72(6): 1031-1037, 1990.
- MITSUKA S, DIKSIC M, CONWAY T, YAMAMOTO YL, J-G. VILLEMURE and FEINDEL W: Pharmacokinetics of 11C-labelled BCNU and SarCNU in gliomas studied by PET. J Neuro-Oncol 10: 47-55, 1991.
- RAJAGOPAL S and DIKSIC M: Synthesis of tritium labelled choline analogs. J. Label. Compds Radiopharm. 29: 231-236, 1991.
- NAGAHIRO S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S, SUGIMOTO S and FEINDEL W: Neurotoxicity after intracarotid 1,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea administration in the rat: Hemodynamic changes studied by double-tracer autoradiography. Neurosurgery 29(1): 19-26, 1991.
- CONWAY T and DIKSIC M: PET studies of potential chromatographic agents. X. Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” 11C-HECNU: The hydroxyethyl analog of the chemotherapeutic agent BCNU. Appl Radiat Isot, Part A 42: 441-446, 1991.
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, CHALY T, SOURKES TL, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: The serotonin synthesis rate measured in living dog brain by PET. J Neurochem 56: 155-162, 1991.
- YAMAMOTO YL, UEDA T, SHIMAUCHI M, DIKSIC M: Efficacy of by-pass between extracerebral artery and cerebral vein with retrograde verapamil infusion into focal cerebral ischemic tissue in rats. Neurosurgery 29: 719-725, 1991.
- GJEDDE A, REITH J, DYVE S, Leger G, Guttman M, DIKSIC M, EVANS A and KUWABARA H: DOPA decarboxylase acativity of the living human brain. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 88: 2721-2725, 1991.
- FERGUSON SSG, DIKSIC M and COLLIER B: Stereospecificity of high- and low-affinity transport of choline analogues into rat cortical synaptosomes. J Neurochem 57: 915-921, 1991.
- DIKSIC M and SOURKES TL: Autoradiographic measurement of the rate of serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. In: Kynurenine and Serotonin Pathways. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 294: 93-105, 1991.
- HOSAKA T, YAMAMOTO YL and DIKSIC M: Efficacy of retrograde perfusion of the cerebral vein with verapamil after focal ischemia in rat brain. Stroke 22: 1562-1566, 1991.
- DIKSIC M: Imaging of the serotoninergic neuronal system in the brain. Periodicum Biologorum 93(4): 525-532, 1991.
- MITSUKA S, DIKSIC M, TAKADA A, YAMAMOTO YL: Influence of the tumor mass on the valine rate constants and on valine incorporation into proteins in an experimental brain tumor model. Neurochem Int 20(4): 537-551, 1992.
- ALI H, ROUSSEAU J, DIKSIC M and VANLIER JE: Synthesis, receptor binding and target-tissue uptake of carbon-11 labelled carbamate derivatives of estradiol and hexestrol. Nucl Med Biol 19(2): 175-182, 1992.
- RAJAGOPAL S, VENKATACHALAM TK, CONWAY T and DIKSIC M: Synthesis of 14C-labelled α-methyl tyrosine. Appl Radiat Isotop 43: 979-987, 1992.
- TAKADA A, MITSUKA S, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Autoradiographic study of peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in animal brain tumor models and human gliomas. Eur J Pharmacol – Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 228: 131-139, 1992.
- GUTTMAN M, LEGER G, CEDARBAUM J, RECHES A, WOODWARD W, EVANS A, DIKSIC M and GJEDDE A: 3-O-Methyldopa administration does not alter fluorodopa transport into the brain. Ann Neurol 31: 638-643, 1992.
- TAKADA A, GRDISA M, DIKSIC M: Blood-brain barrier transfer of L-Trp and α-MTrp in Li-treated rats. Neurochem Int. 21: 513-519, 1992.
- DIKSIC M: Alpha-methyl tryptophan as a tracer for in vivo studies of brain serotonin system, from autoradiography to positron emission tomography. J Chemical Neuroanatomy 5: 349-354, 1992
- RAJAGOPAL S, DIKSIC M, FRANCIS B, SWAIN CJ, BURNS HD: Synthesis of a 11C-labeled novel, quinuclidine based ligand for the 5-HT3 receptor. Appl. Radioat Isot. Part A 43: 1369-1373, 1992.
- MZENGEZA S, VENKATACHALAM TK, RAJAGOPAL S, DIKSIC M: Synthesis of enantiomerically pure α-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan. Appl Radiat Isot 44(9): 1167-1172, 1993.
- TAKADA A, GRDISA M, DIKSIC M, GJEDDE A, YAMAMOTO YL: Rapid steady-state analysis of blood-brain transfer of L-Trp in rat, with special reference to the plasma protein binding. Neurochem Int 23(4): 351-359, 1993.
- VENKATACHALAM TK, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: An improved synthesis of 1-(t-butyloxycarbonyl)-3-(bromomethyl)indole. Organic Preparat. Proceed Int. 25(2): 249-251, 1993.
- SOURKES T, DIKSIC M: Alpha-methyltryptophan. Drugs of the Future 18(9): 799-801, 1993.
- VENKATACHALAM TK, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: Synthesis of α-[14C]methyl and α-[3H]methyl-L-tryptophan. J. Labeled Comp. Radiopharm 33: 1029-1038, 1993.
- KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, REITH J, LEGER G, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, GJEDDE A: Human striatal L-dopa decarboxylase activity estimated in vivo using 6-[18F]fluoro-dopa and positron emission tomography: error analysis and application to normal subjects. J. Cerebr. Blood Flow Metabol. 13(1):43-56, 1993.
- TSUIKI K, TAKADA A, GRDISA M, DIKSIC M: Effect of hypothalamic 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesion on the anterograde transport of serotonin as measured with labeled α-methyl serotonin. Neurochem Int 24:231-239, 1994.
- CUMMING P, VENKATACHALAM TK, RAJAGOPAL S, DIKSIC M, and GJEDDE A: Brain uptake of α-[14C]Methyl-Para-Tyrosine in the rat. Synapse 17:125-128, 1994.
- REITH J, BENKELFAT C, SHERWIN A, YASUHARA Y, KUWABARA H, ANDERMANN F, BACHNEFF S, CUMMING P, DIKSIC M, DYVE SE, ETIENNE P, EVANS AC, LAL S, SHEVELL M, SAVARD G, WONG DF, CHOUINARD G, GJEDDE A: Elevated DOPA Decarboxylase Activity in Living Brain of Patients with Psychosis. Proc Nat Acad Sci. 91:11651-11654, 1994.
- VANIER M, TSUIKI K, GRDISA M, WORSLEY K, DIKSIC M: Determination of the Lumped Constant for the α-methyltryptophan Method of Estimating the Rate of Serotonin Synthesis. J Neurochem 64:624-635, 1995.
- TSUIKI K, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M: Effect of acute fluoxetine treatment on the brain serotonin synthesis as measured by the α-methyl-L-tryptophan autoradiographic method. J Neurochem 65:250-256, 1995.
- TSUIKI K, TAKADA A, NAGAHIRO S, GRDIŠA M, DIKSIC M, PAPPIUS HM: Synthesis of serotonin in traumatized rat brain. J Neurochem. 64:1319-1325, 1995.
- TSUIKI K, MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. Autoradiographic Evaluation of the Influence of Hypothalamic 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine Lesion on Brain Serotonin Synthesis. Biochemical Pharmacology 49:633-642, 1995.
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, GRDIŠA M. The regional rate of serotonin synthesis estimated by the α-methyl-tryptophan method in rat brain from a single time point. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 15:806-813, 1995.
- MZENGEZA S, VENKATACHALAM TK, DIKSIC M. Asymmetric Radiosynthesis of α-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan for PET Studies. Nucl Med Biol 22:303-307, 1995.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. The acute effects of reserpine and NSD-1015 on the brain serotonin synthesis rate measured by an autoradiographic method. Neuropsychopharmacol 12:251-262, 1995.
- COHEN Z, TSUIKI K, TAKADA A, BEAUDET A, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E: In vivo synthesized radioactively labelled α-methyl serotonin as a selective tracer for visualization of brain serotonin neurons. Synapse 21:21-28, 1995.
- SUGIMOTO S, YAMAMOTO YL, NAGAHIRO S, DIKSIC M. Permeability change and brain tissue damage after intracarodit administration of cisplatin studied by double-tracer autoradiography in rats. J Neuro-Oncology 24:229-240, 1995.
- MIYAZAWA N, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL. Chronological study of peripheral benzodiazepine binding sites in the rat brain brain stab wounds using [3H]PK-11195 as a marker for gliosis. Acta Neurochirugica 137: 207-216, 1995.
- DIKSIC M, GRDIŠA M. (Review) α-Methyl-L-tryptophan as a tracer to study brain serotonergic system. Neurochem Research 20 (No.11), 1353-1360, 1995.
- CUMMING P., ASE A., DIKSIC M., HARRISON J., JOLLY D., KUWABARA H., LALIBERTE C, GJEDDE A. Metabolism and blood-brain clearance of L-3,4-dihydroxy-[3H]phenylalanine ([3H]DOPA) and 6-[18F]fluoro-L-DOPA in the rat. Biochem Pharmacol 50:943-946, 1995.
- KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, YASUHARA Y, LEGER GC, GUTTMAN M, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, GJEDDE A: Regional striatal DOPA transport and decarboxylase activity in Parkinson’s disease. J. Nucl. Med. 36(7):1226-31, 1995.
- INOUE N, YAMAMOTO YL, ITO Y, CLEMENS JA, PANETTA JK, DIKSIC M. The efficacy of retrograde infusion with LY231617 in a rat middle cerebral artery occlusion model. Can J Neurol Sci 23: 175-183, 1996.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, JEVRIC-CAUSEVIC A, DIKSIC M. Influence of fluoxetine on regional serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. J Neurochem 67: 2434-2442, 1996.
- JEVRIC-CAUSEVIC A, DIKSIC M. The rate of valine incorporation into proteins with correction for valine recycling, measured in two brain tumor models and the cortex. J Neurochem 66: 1574-1581, 1996.
- TAKEDA N, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL. The sequential changes in DNA synthesis, glucose utilization, protein synthesis, and pheripheral benzodiazepine receptor density in C6 brain tumors after chemotheraphy-to predict the response of tumors to chemotherapy. Cancer 77: 1167-1179, 1996.
- LJUBIĆ-THIBAL V, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E, RAISON S, PUJOL J-F, WEISSMAN D: Ipsilateral alterations in tryptophan hydroxylase activity in rat brain after hypothalamic 5,7-di-hydroxytryptamine lesion. Brain Res 724: 222-231, 1996.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. DL-Fenfluramine increases 5-HT synthesis rate in the terminals while decreasing it in the cell bodies of the rat brain. Brain Res 737: 45-50, 1996.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. Reserpine increases serotonin synthesis in terminals four days after injection: An autoradiographic study in rat brain. Neurochem Research 22: 11-26, 1997.
- CUMMING P, LJUBIC-THIBAL V, LALIBERTÉ C, DIKSIC M: The effect of unilateral neurotoxic lesions to serotonin fibres in the medial forbrain bundle on the metabolism of [3H]DOPA in the telencephalon of the living rat. Brain Res 747: 60-69, 1997.
- NISHIZAWA S, BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, DE MONTIGNY C, BLIER P, DIKSIC M. Differences between males and females in rates of serotonin synthesis in human brain. Proc Nat Acad Sci, USA 94: 5308-5313, 1997.
- DIKSIC M: In vivo measurements of the brain serotonin synthesis rate. ID Research Alert 2 (11): 511-518, 1997.
- MIYAZAWA N, HAMEL E, DIKSIC M: Assessment of the Peripheral Benzodiazepine Receptors in Human Gliomas by Two Methods. J Neuro-Oncology 38: 19-26, 1998.
- JEVRIC-CAUSEVIC A, DIKSIC M. The measurement and theoretical estimates of dilution factors for valine incorporation into proteins. J Tracer and Microprobe Techniques 16: 17-24, 1998.
- OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M:Image generation of the serotonin synthesis rates using α-methyl-L-tryptophan and PET. J Comp Assist Tomogr 25: 777-785, 1998.
- NISHIZAWA S, LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, BENKELFAT C, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: Validation of a less invasive method for measurement of serotonin synthesis rate with α-[11C]methyl-tryptophan. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 18: 1121-1129, 1998.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, S. TAKAHASHI, DIKSIC M: The effect of MDMA on the 5-HT synthesis rate in the rat brain: An autoradiographic study. Brain Res 810: 76-86, 1998.
- TAKEDA N, DIKSIC M: Relationship between drug delivery and the intra-arterial infusion rate of SarCNU in C6 rat brain tumor model. J Neuro-Oncology 41: 235-246, 1999.
- LJUBIC-THIBAL V., MORIN A., DIKSIC M., HAMEL E. Origin of the serotonergic innervation to the rat dorsolateral hypothalamus: retrograde transport of cholera toxin and upregulation of tryptophan hydroxylase mRNA expression following selective nerve terminals lesion. Synapse 32: 177-186, 1999.
- NISHIZAWA S.,MZENGEZA S., DIKSIC M. Acute effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine on brain serotonin synthesis in the dog studied by positron emission tomography. Neurochem Int 34: 33-44, 1999.
- OKAZAWA H.,YAMANE F.,BLIER P.,DIKSIC M. Effects of acute and chronic administration of the serotonin1a agonist buspirone on serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. J Neurochem 72: 2022-2031, 1999.
- BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN, OKAZAWA H, LEYTON M, DIKSIC M. The validity of the PET/α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan method for measuring rates of serotonin synthesis in the human brain. Neuropsychopharmacology 21: 153-155, 1999 (Letter to the Editor).
- YAMANE F, TOHYAMA Y, AND DIKSIC M. Acute and chronic d-fenfluramine treatments have different effects on serotonin synthesis rates in rat brain: An autoradiographic study. Neurochemical Research 24:1611-1620, 1999.
- DIKSIC M, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C. Is α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan a Good Tracer for Brain Serotonin Synthesis Measurements, and does the Lumped Constant Vary in Different Structures of the Rat Brain? J Neurochem 73:2621-2622, 1999.
- TSUIKI T, BLIER P, DIKSIC M. Effect of the β-adrenoreceptor agonist flerobuterol on brain serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. Bichemical Pharmacology 59:673-679, 2000.
- OKAZAWA H., LEYTON M., BENKELFAT C., MZENGEZA S., DIKSIC M. Statistical mapping analysis of serotonin synthesis images generated in healthy volunteers using positron emission tomography and α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan. J Psychiatry and Neuroscience 25: 359-370, 2000.
- MZENGEZA S, VENKATACHALAM TK, DIKSIC M. Stereospecific Synthesis of α-Methylated Amino Acids. Amino Acids 18: 81-88, 2000.
- DIKSIC M, TOHYAMA Y, TAKADA A. Brain Uptake and Trapping of α-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan (α-MTrp) and its Correlation with Regional Serotonin Synthesis, Tryptophan Incorporation into Proteins, and Permeability Surface Area Products of Tryptophan and α-MTrp. Neurochem Research 25: 1537-1546, 2000.
- DIKSIC M: Does Labelled α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan Images ONLY Blood Brain Barrier Transport of Tryptophan? J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab 20: 1508-1510, 2000.
- YAMANE F, OKAZAWA H, BLIER P, DIKSIC M. Reduction in Serotonin Synthesis Following Acute and Chronic Treatments with the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Paroxetine in the Rat Brain: Autoradiographic Study with α-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan. Biochemical Pharmacology 62: 1481-1489, 2001.
- LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M, PARIS J, MZENGEZA S, YOUNG SN, ROSA P, BLIER P, and BENKELFAT C. Brain regional α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan trapping in impulsive subjects with borderline personality disorder. Am J Psychiatry 158: 775-782, 2001.
- TOHYAMA Y, YAMANE F, MERID MF, and DIKSIC M Effects of Selective 5-HT1A Antagonists on Regional Serotonin Synthesis in the Rat Brain: An Autoradiographic Study with α-[14C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan. Europ Neuropsychopharmacol 11: 193-202, 2001.
- DIKSIC M: Labelled α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan as Tracer to Study Brain Serotonergic System. J Psychiatry & Neurosci 26(3):293-303, 2001.
- DIKSIC M, YOUNG SN: Study of the Brain Serotonergic System with Labelled α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan. J Neurochem 78: 1-17, 2001. (Review)
- FEDI M, REUTENS D, OKAZAWA H, ANDERMANN F, BOLING W, DUBEAU F, WHITE C, NAKAI A, GROSS DW, ANDERMANN E, DIKSIC M: Localizing value of a-Methyl-L-Tryptophan PET in Intractable Epilepsy of Neocortical Origin. Neurology 57: 1629-1636, 2001.
- TOHYAMA Y, YAMANE F, FIKRE-MERID M, BLIER P, DIKSIC M: Effects of serotonin receptor agonists, TFMP and CGS12066B, on regional serotonin synthesis in the rat brain: An autoradiographic study. J Neurochem 80:788-98, 2002.
- TOHYAMA Y, TAKAHASHI S, FIKRE-MERID M, WATANABE A, DIKSIC M: The inhibition of tryptophan hydroxylase, and not protein synthesis, reduces the brain trapping of -Methyl-L-Tryptophan: An autoradiographic study. Neurochem Int 40:603-10, 2002.
- LEYTON M, BOILEAU I, BENKELFAT C, DIKSIC M, BAKER G, DAGHER A: Amphetamine-Induced increases in extracellular dopamine, drug wanting, and novelty seeking: A PET/[11C]Raclopride study in healthy men. Neuropsychopharmacol 27: 1027-1035, 2002.
- FEDI M, REUTENS D, ANDERMANN F, OKAZAWA H, BOLING W, WHITE W, DUBEAU F, NAKAI A, GROSS DW, ANDERMANN E, DIKSIC M α-[11C]-Methyl-L-Tryptophan identifies the epileptogenic tuber and correlates with interictal spike frequency. Epilepsy Research 52: 203-213, 2003.
- PIVAC N, MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. Effects of desipramine on regional serotonin synthesis in the rat brain: acute and chronic autoradiographic studies. Neurochem Int 43: 611-619, 2003.
- NATSUME J, KUMAKURA Y, BERNASCONI N, SOUCY J-P, NAKAI A, ROSA P, FEDI M, DUBEAU F, ANDERMANN F, LISBONA R, BERNASCONI A, DIKSIC M: α-[11C]MTrp and [18F]FDG hippocampal uptake are negatively correlated in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 60(5):756-61; 2003.
- YAMANE F, TOHYAMA Y, DIKSIC M: Continuous ethanol administration influences rat brain 5-HT synthesis non-uniformly: α-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan Autoradiographic measurements. Alcohol and Alcoholism 38(2): 115-120; 2003.
- NAKAI A, KUMAKURA Y, BOIVIN M, ROSA P, DIKSIC M, D‘SOUZA D, KERSEY K: Gender differences of brain serotonin synthesis in patients with irritable bowel syndrome using α-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan, PET and Statistical Parametric Mapping. Can J Gastroenteriology 17(3): 191-196; 2003.
- PRINGSHEIM T, DIKSIC M, DOBSON C, NGUYEN K, HAMEL E: Selective decrease in serotonin synthesis in rat brain following chronic administration of low doses of amitryptiline: an effect compatible with an antimigraine effect. Cephalalgia, 23(5): 367-75 2003.
- WATANABE A, TOHYAMA Y, NGUYEN KQ, HASEGAWA S, DEBONNEL G AND DIKSIC M. Regional brain serotonin synthesis is increased in the olfactory bulbectomy rat model of depression: an autoradiographic study . J Neurochem 85(2): 469-475; 2003.
- BOILEAU I, ASSAAD J-M, PIHL RO, BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, TREMBLAY RE, DAGHER A: Alcohol promotes dopamine release in the human nucleus accumbens. Synapse 49(4): 226-31, 2003.
- DOBSON CF, TOHYAMA Y, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E. Effects of acute or chronic administration of anti-migraine drugs sumatriptan and zolmitriptan on serotonin synthesis in the rat brain. Cephalalgia. 24(1):2-11, 2004.
- XIE G, GUNN RN, DAGHER A, DALOZE T, PLOURDE G, BACKMAN SB, and DIKSIC M, FISET P. PET quantification of muscarinic cholinergic receptors with [N-11C-methyl]-benztropine and application to studies of propofol-induced unconsciousness in healthy human volunteers. Synapse. 51(2):91-101, 2004.
- LEYTON M, DAGHER A, BOILEAU I, CASEY K, BAKER GB, DIKSIC M, GUNN R, YOUNG SN, and BENKELFAT C. Decreasing Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release by Acute Phenylalanine/Tyrosine Depletion: A PET/[(11)C]Raclopride Study in Healthy Men. Neuropsychopharmacology. 29(2):427-32, 2004 .
- TOHYAMA Y, SIKIRIĆ P, and DIKSIC M. Effects of Pentadecapeptide BPC157 on Regional Serotonin Synthesis in Rat Brain: α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan Autoradiographic Measurements. Life Sciences 76: 345-357, 2004.
- ROSA-NETO P, DIKSIC M, OKAZAWA H, LEYTON M, GHADIRIAN N, MZENGEZA S, NAKAI A, DEBONNEL G, BLIER P, and BENKELFAT C. Measurement of Brain Regional -[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan Trapping, as a Measure of Serotonin Synthesis, in Medication-free Patients with Major Depression. Archives of General Psychiatry. 61:556-63, 2004.
- OKAZAWA H, NISHIZAWA S, TSUCHIDA T, YONEKURA Y, DIKSIC M: A simplified autoradiographic method with a-[14C]methyl-tryptophan to measure serotonin synthesis rate in the rat brain. Nucl Medicine and Biology 31: 1013-1019, 2004.
- NAKAI A, DIKSIC M, KUMAKURA Y, D’SOUZA D, KERSEY K. The Effects of the 5-HT3 antagonist, Alosetron, on Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Neurogastroenterology & Motility 17: 212-221, 2005.
- HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, NISHI K, NGUYEN KQ, and DIKSIC M. Selective 5-HT1B Receptor Agonist Reduces Serotonin Synthesis Following Acute, and not Chronic, Drug Administration: Results of an Autoradiographic Study. Neurochem Int 46: 261–272, 2005.
- HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, NGUYEN KQ, DEBONNEL G, DIKSIC M: Chronic administration of citalopram in olfactory bulbectomy rats restores brain 5-HT synthesis rates: an autoradiographic study. Psychopharmacology 179: 781-790, 2005.
- LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C. Brain regional a-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan trapping correlates with post-mortem tissue serotonin content and [11C]5-hydroxytryptophan accumulation. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 8:633-4, 2005.
- HASEGAWA S, KANEMARU K, GITTOS G, DIKSIC M: The tryptophan hydroxylase activation inhibitor, AGN 2979, decreases regional 5-HT synthesis in the rat brain measured with α-[14C]methyl-L-tryptophan: an autoradiographic study. Brain Research Bulletin 67 (2005) 248–255
- SAKAI Y, KUMANO H, NISHIKAWA M, SAKANO Y, KAIYA H, IMABAYASHI E, OHNISHI T, MATUSDA H, YASUDA A, SATO A, DIKSIC M, KUBOKI T: Cerebral glucose metabolism associated with a fear network in panic disorder. Neuro Report 16: 927-931, 2005.
- ROSA-NETO P, DIKSIC M, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, BENKELFAT C: Stability of alpha-[(11)C]methyl-L -tryptophan brain trapping in healthy male volunteers. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging. 32(10):1199-204, 2005
- NISHIKAWA M, KUMAKURA Y, YOUNG SN, FISET P, VOGELZANGS N, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C, DIKSIC M. Increasing the blood oxygen tensions increases an index of 5-HT synthesis in human brain as measured using α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and positron emission tomography. Neurochem Int 47: 556-564, 2005.
- LEYTON M, PAQUETTE V, GRAVEL P, ROSA-NETO P, WESTON F, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: α-[11C]Methyl–tryptophan trapping in the orbital and ventral medial prefrontal cortex of suicide attempters. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16:220-3, 2006.
- WATANABE A, HASEGAWA S, NISHI K, NGUYEN KQ, DIKSIC M. Chronic buspirone treatment normalizes regional serotonin synthesis in the olfactory bulbectomized rat brain: an autoradiographic study. Brain Research Bulletin 69:101-8, 2006.
- WATANABE A, NAKAI A, TOHYAMA Y, NGUYEN KQ, DIKSIC M. Effects of anpirtoline on regional serotonin synthesis in the rat brain: an autoradiographic study. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 33:325-32, 2006.
- HASEGAWA S, NISHI K, WATANABE A, OVERSTREET DH, DIKSIC M: Brain 5-HT synthesis in the Flinders Sensitive Line rat model of depression: An autoradiographic study. Neurochem Int 48:358-66, 2006.
- SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN, DIKSIC M: Cortical trapping of α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan, an index of serotonin synthesis, is lower in females than males. Neuroimage 33; 815-824, 2006.
- SAKAI Y, KUMANO H,NISHIKAWA M, SAKANO Y, KAIYA H, IMABAYASHI E, OHNISHI T, MATSUDA H, YASUDA A, SATO A, DIKSIC M, KUBOKI T: Changes in cerebral glucose utilization in patients with panic disorder treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy. NeuroImage 33(1):218-26, 2006.
- NISHI K, MÜCK-ŠELER D, HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, DIKSIC M: Acute Effects of Moclobemide and Deprenyl on 5-HT Synthesis Rates in the Rat Brain: An Autoradiographic Study. Brain Res Bull 70(4-6):368-77, 2006.
- BOILEAU I, DAGHER A, LEYTON M, GUNN RN, BAKER GB, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C. Modeling Sensitization to Stimulants in Humans: A [11C]raclopride/PET Study in Healthy Volunteers. Archive of General Psychiatry 63:1386-1395, 2006.
- ROSA NETO P, BENKELFAT C, SAKAI Y, LEYTON M,MORAIS JA, DIKSIC M: Brain regional α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan trapping in healthy adults: absence of an age effect. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging (2007) 34:1254–1264.
- SIBON I, STRAFELLA AP, GRAVEL P, KO JH, BOOIJ L, SOUCY JP, LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Acute prefrontal cortex TMS in healthy volunteers: effects on brain 11C-αTrp trapping. NeuroImage 34:1658-64, 2007.
- BOILEAU I, DAGHER A, LEYTON M, WELFELD K, BOOIJ L, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C. Conditioned dopamine release in humans: a positron emission tomography [11C]raclopride study with amphetamine. J Neuroscience. 27:3998-4003, 2007.
- PERREAU-LINCK E, BEAUREGARD M, GRAVEL P, PAQUETTE V, SOUCY JP, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C. In vivo measurements of brain trapping of C-labelled alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan during acute changes in mood states. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2007; 32(6):430-434.
- TOHYAMA Y, MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M: Acute flesinoxan treatment produces a different effect on rat brain serotonin synthesis than chronic treatment: An α-methyl-L-tryptophan autoradiographic study. Neurochem Int 2007, 51:486-95. Epub 2007 May 22. 2007.
- M a r c o Fedi, M i r k o Diksic, Frederick Anderrnann and D a v i d Reutens. Alpha [llC] Methyl-L-Tryptophan Positron Emission Tomography In Epilepsy. Med Vjesn 39: 31-34, 2007.
- SAKAI Y, DOBSON C, DIKSIC M, AUBÉ M, HAMEL E: Sumatriptan normalizes the migraine attack-related increase in brain serotonin synthesis. Neurology. 2008, 70(6):431-9 (included to the Highlights of the February 5 issue).
- BERNEY A, NISHIKAWA M, BENKELFAT C, DEBONNEL G, GOBBI G, DIKSIC M: An index of 5-HT synthesis changes during early antidepressant treatment: a–[11C]methyl–L-Tryptophan PET study. Neurochem Int 52 (2008)701-8.
- NATSUME J, BERNASCONI N, AGHAKHANI Y, KUMAKURA Y, NISHIKAWA M, FEDI M, SOUALMI L, DUBEAU F, ANDERMANN F, BERNASCONI A, DIKSIC M: a-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan uptake in patients with periventricular nodular heterotopia and epilepsy. Epilepsia, 49(5) (2008) 826–831.
- SATO H, SKELIN I, DEBONNEL G, DIKSIC M: Chronic buspirone treatment normalizes open field behavior in olfactory bulbectomized rats: assessment with a quantitative autoradiographic evaluation of the 5-HT1A binding sites. Brain Research Bulletin 75 (2008) 545–555.
- SKELIN I, YAMANE F, DIKSIC M: Flesinoxan challenge suggests that chronic treatment with paroxetine in rats does not desensitize receptors controlling 5-HT synthesis. Nerochem Inter 2008 ;53(6-8):236-43. (2008)
- SKELIN I, SATO S, DIKSIC M: Olfactory bulbectomy reduces cerebral glucose utilization: 2-[14C]deoxyglucose autoradiographic study. Brain Research Bulletin 2008;76(5):485-92.
- KANEMARU K, HASEGAWA S, NISHI K, DIKSIC M: Acute citalopram has different effects on regional 5-HT synthesis in FSL, FRL, and SDP rats; an autoradiographic evaluation. Brain Research Bulletin 2008; 77: 214-220.
- FREY BN, ROSA-NETO P, LUBARSKY S, DIKSIC M: Correlation between serotonin synthesis and 5-HT1A receptor binding in the living human brain: a combined α-[11C]MT and [18F]MPPF positron emission tomography study. NeuroImage 2008 Aug 15;42(2):850-7.
- NISHIKAWA M, DIKSIC M, SAKAI Y, KUMANO H, CHARNEY D, PALACIOS-BOIX J, NEGRETE J, GILL K: Alterations in Brain Serotonin Synthesis In Male Alcoholics Measured Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET). Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 2009;33(2):233-9.
- NISHI K, KANEMARU K, DIKSIC M: A genetic rat model of depression, Flinders Sensitive Line, have a lower density of 5-HT1A receptors, but a higher density of 5-HT1B receptors, compared to control rats. Neurochem Int 2009;54(5-6):299-307.
- NGUYEN KQ, TOHYAMA Y, SKELIN I, WATANABE A, HASEGAWA S, DIKSIC M: Acute effects of combining citalopram and pindolol on regional brain serotonin synthesis in sham operated and olfactory bulbectomized rats. Neurochem Int 54 (2009) 161–171.
- NISHI K, KANEMARU K, HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, DIKSIC M: Both acute and chronic buspirone treatments have different effects on regional 5-HT synthesis in Flinders Sensitive Line rats (a rat model of depression) than in control rats. Neurochem Int. 2009;54(3-4):205-14.
- KANEMARU K, NISHI N, DIKSIC M: AGN-2979, an inhibitor of tryptophan hydroxylase activation, does not affect serotonin synthesis in Flinders Sensitive Line rats, a rat model of depression, but produces a significant effect in the Flinders Resistant Line rats. Neurochem Int. 2009; 55(7):529-35.
- KANEMARU K, NISHI K, HASEGAWA S, DIKSIC M: Chronic citalopram treatment elevates serotonin synthesis in Flinders Sensitive and Flinders Resistant Lines of rats, with no significant effect on Sprague-Dawley rats. Neurochem Int 54 (2009) 363–371.
- SKELIN I, SATO H, KOVACEVIC’ T, DIKSIC M: Chronic therapy with citalopram decreases regional cerebral glucose utilization in OBX, and not sham-operated, rats: an autoradiographic study. Psychopharmacol 2009; 207(2):315-23.
- KANEMARU K, DIKSIC M: The Flinders Sensitive Line of rats, a rat model of depression, has elevated brain glucose utilization when compared to normal rats and the Flinders Resistant Line of rats. Neurochem Int. 2009; 55(7):655-61.
- MASSARWEH G, KOVACEVIC M, ROSA-NETO P, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, SCHIRRMACHER R. Time-efficient and convenient synthesis of [(18)F]altanserin for human PET imaging by a new work-up procedure. Appl Radiat Isot. 2009;67(11):2040-3.
- KOVACEVIC’ T, SKELIN I, DIKSIC M: Chronic fluoxetine treatment has a larger effect on the density of a serotonin transporter in the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat model of depression than in normal rats. Synapse. 2010;64(3):231-40; Erratum: 65: 832-832, 2011.
- SKELIN I, SATO H, DIKSIC M: Acute challenge with d-fenfluramine decreases regional cerebral glucose utilization in Sham, but not in OBX, rats: an autoradiographic study. Brain Res. 1310 (2010) 162-71.
- ELMENHORST1 D, MINUZZI L, ALIAGA A, ROWLEY J, MASSARWEH G, DIKSIC M, BAUER A, ROSA-NETO P. In vivo and in vitro validation of reference tissue models for the mGluR(5) ligand [(11)C]ABP688. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2010 Aug;30(8):1538-49.
- BOOIJ L, TREMBLAY RE, LEYTON M, SÉGUINC JR, VITARO F, GRAVEL P, PERREAU-LINCK E, LÉVESQUE ML; DURAND F, DIKSIC M, TURECKI G, BENKELFAT C: Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Adult Males Characterized by Physical Aggression During Childhood: a 21-year Longitudinal Study. Plos One 5(6) (2010) 1-9.
- FREY BN, SKELIN I, SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, DIKSIC M: Gender differences in α-[11C]MTrp brain trapping, an index of serotonin synthesis, in medication-free individuals with major depressive disorder: a positron emission tomography study. Psychiatry Research; Neuroimaging 183 (2010) 157–166.
- SATO H, SKELIN I, DIKSIC M. Chronic buspirone treatment decreases 5-HT1B receptor densities and the serotonin transporter but increases the density of 5-HT2A receptors in the bulbectomized rat model of depression: an autoradiographic study. Brain Res. 1345 (2010) 28-44.
- SKELIN I, KOVAČEVIĆ T, SATO H, DIKSIC M: Upregulated arachidonic acid signalling in the olfactory bulbectomized rat model of depression. Neurochem Int 58 (2011) 483–488.
- BERNEY A, LEYTON M, GRAVEL P, SIBON I, SOOKMAN D, ROSA NETO P, DIKSIC M, NAKAI A, PINARD G, TODOROV C, OKAZAWA H, BLIER P, NORDAHL TE, BENKELFAT C. Brain Regional α-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan Trapping in Medication-Free Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 68(7):732-41 (2011).
- SKELIN I, KOVAČEVI T, DIKSIC M: Neurochemical and Behavioural Changes in Rat models of Depression. Croatica Chem Acta 84:287-299, 2011.
- BOOIJ L, TURECKI G, LEYTON M, GRAVEL P, LOPEZ DE LARA C, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Gene Polymorphisms Predict Brain Serotonin Synthesis in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Humans. Molecular Psychiatry; (2011)1-9; doi: 10.1038/mp.2011.79.
- SATO H, SKELIN I, DIKSIC M: Acute desipramine treatment reduces regional serotonin synthesis rates, while chronic treatment elevates rates, in a rat model of depression: an autoradiographic study. Neurochem Int. 58: 759-766, 2011.
- PIVAC N, DIKSIC M: The lumped constant of α-methyl-L-tryptophan is not influenced by drugs acting through serotonergic system. Neurochem Int 58: 826-832, 2011.
- KUMAKURA Y, NATSUME J, TOUSSAINT P-J, NAKAI A, ROSA-NETO P, MEYER E, DIKSIC M: Generation of functional images of the brain trapping constant for α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan using constrained linear regression. The Open Medical Imaging Journal 5:14-25; 2011.
- NISHI K, TAKAHASHI S, DIKSIC M: The densities of the serotonergic projections as revealed by in situ synthesised labelled α-methyl-serotonin; an autoradiographic evaluation. Neurochem Res 36(8) (2011) 1353-9.
- KOVAČEVIĆ T, SKELIN I, MINUZZI L, ROSA-NETO P, DIKSIC M: Reduced Metabotropic Glutamate receptor 5 in the Flinders Sensitive Line of rats, an Animal Model of Depression: An Autoradiographic Study. Brain Res Bull. 87(4-5):406-12 (2012).
- HASEGAWA S, FIKRE-MERID M, DIKSIC M: 5-HT2A receptor antagonist M100907 reduces serotonin synthesis: an autoradiographic study. Brain Res Bull. 87(1):44-9 (2012).
- BOOIJ L, BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, VITARO F, GRAVEL P, LÉVESQUE ML, ARSENEAULT L, DIKSIC M, TREMBLAY RE: Perinatal effects on in vivo measures of human brain serotonin synthesis in adulthood: A 27-year longitudinal study. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 22: 419-423, 2012.
- SKELIN I, KOVAČEVIĆ T, SATO H, DIKSIC M: The opposite effect of a 5-HT(1B) receptor agonist on 5-HT synthesis, as well as its resistant counterpart, in an animal model of depression. Brain Res Bull. 88(5): 477-86, 2012.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, PIVAC N, DIKSIC M. Acute treatment with fluvoxamine elevates rat brain serotonin synthesis in some terminal regions: An autoradiographic study. Nucl Med Biol. 39(7):1053-7, 2012.
- BOOIJ L, TURECKI G, LEYTON M, GRAVEL P, LOPEZ DE LARA C, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Gene Polymorphisms Predict Brain Serotonin Synthesis in the Orbitofrontal Cortex in Humans. Molecular Psychiatry; 17(8):809-17, 2012.
- SKELIN I, FIKRE-MERID M, DIKSIC M: Both acute and subchronic treatments with pindolol, a 5-HT(1A) and β(1) and β(2) adrenoceptor antagonist, elevate regional serotonin synthesis in the rat brain: An autoradiographic study. Neurochem Int. 61(8):1417-23, 2012.
- SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, DIKSIC M, AUBÉ M. α-[11C] methyl-L tryptophan-PET as a surrogate for interictal cerebral serotonin synthesis in migraine without aura: Cephalalgia 34:165-173, 2014.
- BOOIJ L, SOUCY J-P, YOUNG S, REGOLI M, GRAVEL P, DIKSIC M, LEYTON M, PIHL R, BENKELFAT C: Brain serotonin synthesis in MDMA (ecstasy) polydrug users: an alpha-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan study; J Neurochem 131: 634-64, 2014.
- BOOIJ L, WELFELD K, LEYTON M, DAGHER A, BOILEAU I, SIBON I, BAKER GB, DIKSIC M, SOUCY J-P, PRUESSNER JC, CAWLEY-FISET E, CASEY KF, BENKELFAT C: Dopamine cross-sensitization between psychostimulant drugs and stress in healthy male volunteers; Translational Psychiatry 6 (2016) 1-8.
Urednik knjige
- Radiopharmaceuticals and Brain Pathology Studied with PET and SPECT. CRC Press Inc., Editors, M. Diksic and R.C. Reba., CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton, FL, 1991.
Pozvani članci
- YAMAMOTO YL and DIKSIC M: (Invited review) Positron emission tomography; studies of pharmacokinetics. In: Positron Emission Tomography. (Ed.) M. Reivich, Alan R. Liss Scientific, Medical and Scholarly Publisher. pp. 413-423, 1985.
- DIKSIC M: (Invited review) In vivo autoradiographic methods for the rate of serotonin synthesis and axonal transport measurements in brain. In: Current Aspects of the Neurosciences. Vol. 3, N.N. Osborne (Ed.) MacMillan Press, London, pp. 37-77, 1991.
- DIKSIC M: (Invited review: Mini review) Imaging of the serotoninergic neuronal system in the brain. Periodicum Biologorum 93(4): 525-532, 1991.
- DIKSIC M: Analogue for the measurement of brain serotonin synthesis rate. In: Frontiers in Nuclear Medicine: In vivo Imaging of Neurotransmitter Functions in Brain, Heart and Tumors. D.E. Kuhl (Ed.), The American College of Nuclear Physicians, Washington, DC, 1991, pp. 93-105.
- LACOMBE P and DIKSIC M: Methods of Investigation of Cerebral Circulation and Energy Metabolism: In: Neurophysiological Basis of Cerebral Blood Flow Control: An Introduction, (S. Mraovitch and R.Sercombe, Eds.),John Libbey & Co. Ltd., London, pp. 199-243, 1996.
- SHIRAISHI M, KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, DIKSIC M and GJEDDE A: Comparison of ratio and slope-intercept plot-based images of [18F]fluoro-L-DOPA uptake in human brain. In: Quantification of Brain Function Using PET; Myers R, Cunningham V, Bailey D and Jones T (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, 1996, pp. 237-242.
- NATSUME J, BERNASCONI, and DIKSIC M: Neocortical Epilepsy: α-Methyl-L-Tryptophan PET Studies. In: Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration; Eds.: Broderick PA, Rahni DN, Kolodny EH. Humana Press, 2004.
- Boileau I, Leyton M, Diksic M, Benkelfat C, Dagher A: Imaging vulnerability factors in addiction with PET and [11C]raclopride (Chapter 18): In: Beyond Nature & Nurture in Psychiatry: Genes, Environment & Their Interplay, MacCabe J, O’Daly O, Murray RM, McGuffin, Wright (eds), Taylor & Francis Medical Books, Informa Healthcare, 2006.
Objavljeno kao rasprave, sažetci, poglavlja u knjigama, itd.
Sažetci nakon 2010. nisu navedeni
- DIKSIC M (M.Sc. thesis) 1968. Nuclear-chemical study of (n, gamma) reactions (In Croatian). [1968]
- DIKSIC M (Ph.D. thesis) Study of (n,He-3) & (n,t) reactions upon middle weight nuclei. (In Croatian).[1970]
- HRASTNIK B, BASAR I, DIKSIC M, ILAKOVAC K, KOS V and LJUBICIC A: The M2/E1 mixing ratio for the anomalous K=1 71.6 keV transition in Hf-177. Proc Inter Conf Angular Correlations in Nuclear Desintegration, Delft:251-252, 1970.
- HRASTNIK B, BASAR I, DIKSIC M, ILAKOVAC K, KOS V and LJUBICIC A: Directional angular gamma-gamma correlations in the decay of Lu-177g V. Congress of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Yugoslavia Skopje: 2: 81-85, 1972. (In Croatian) (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: Production of carrier-free 77Kr and 123Xe by proton irradiation. J Compt Asst Tomograp:2: 640, 1978. (extended abstract)
- DIKSIC M and YAFFE L: Production of carrier-free 77Kr and 123Xe by proton irradiation. 1st Intern Symp Positron Emission Tomography. Montreal, June 2-3, 1978. Int J Nucl Med & Biol: 5: 285, 1978.
- YAMAMOTO YL, MATSUNAGA M, MEYER E, SHIBASAKI T, THOMPSON C, DIKSIC M and FEINDEL W: Evaluation and management of cerebral ischemia by positron emission tomography. In: Cerebrovascular Diseases: New Trends in Surgical and Medical Aspects, Barnett, H.J.M., Paoletti, P., Flamm, E.S., Brambilla, G. (Eds.), Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, p. 123-134, 1981. (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M: Re: Development of I-123 labelled amines for brain studies. Localization of I-123 iodophynylalkyl amines in rat brain. (letter to the editor) J Nucl Med: 22: 394, 1981.
- FEINDEL W, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON CJ, VILLEMURE J-G and MEYER E: Quantitative studies of pharmacokinetics of brain tumors by positron emission tomography. Ann Roy Col Phys & Surg, Can. 15(4): 321, 1982. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, THOMPSON CJ and FEINDEL W: Positron emission tomography (PET) for regional cerebral blood flow and brain tumor kinetic studies. In: MARIA Design Symposium IV: Positron Emission Tomography, pp. 130-145. Edmonton, Alb. April 21-23, 1982. (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Recent development of tracers for BCNU pharmacokinetics and regional cerebral blood flow measurements. In: MARIA Design Symposium IV: Positron Emission Tomography, pp. 163-180. Edmonton, Alb. April 21-23, 1982. (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: C-13 and N-13 labelled BCNU and its in vivo pharmacokinetical study with PET. Proceedings 45th Intern’l Symp on Radiopharm Chem: August, 23-27, 1982. Jülich. J Lab Comp Radioph 19:1394, 1982. (Extended Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Labelling of BCNU with C-11 and N-13 and its in vivo pharmacokinetics study with PET. Proceedings of 3rd World Congress on Nuclear Medicine and Biology. August 29-September 22, 1982. Paris: Pergamon Press, pp. 2285-2286.
- FEINDEL W, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and MEYER E: Quantitative imaging of BCNU in gliomas by positron emission tomography. 43rd Ann Meet Amer Acad Neurol Surg. 1982. October 10-13. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, SAKO K, ARITA A, FEINDEL W and THOMPSON CJ: Pharmacokinetics and metabolic studies in the human malignant glioma. In: Functional Radionuclide Imaging of the Brain. (Ed.) P. Magistretti. New York: Raven Press. pp. 327-335, 1983.
- YAMAMOTO YL, MEYER E, MENON D, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON CJ, MATSUNAGA M, SHIBASAKI T, SAKO K and FEINDEL W: Dynamic positron emission tomography for measurement of regional cerebral blood flow using 77Kr and 15O-labelled tracers. In: Functional Radionuclide Imaging of the Brain. (Ed.) P. Magistretti. New York: Raven Press. pp. 269-276, 1983. (Book Chapter)
- YAMAMOTO YL, MEYER E, MENON D, ROLAND P and DIKSIC M: Regional cerebral blood flow measurment and dynamic positron emission tomography. In: Positron Emission Tomography of the Brain. (Eds.) W.D. Heins and M.E. Phelps. New York: Springer-Verlag,pp. 78-84, 1983. (Book Chapter)
- WESTERA G, OUELLET R, van LIER JE and DIKSIC M: Some new derivations of estadiol and hexastrol Carbon-11-ethyl chloroformate as a synthon for C-11 labelling. Proceedings 185th ACS National Meeting. Seattle, WA March 20-25, 1983. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of F-18 labelled BFNU. Proc 30th Ann Meet Soc Nucl Med. St. Louis, Missouri. June 7-10, 1983. J Nucl Med: 24(5): P110, 1983. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, MATSUNAGA M, SAKO K, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON CJ and FEINDEL W: Influence of hypercapnia in focal cerebral ischemic studies by positron emission tomography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 3: S3-S4, 1983. (Extended Abstract)
- SAKO K, DIKSIC M, KATO A, MENON D, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Evaluation of 18F-4-fluoroantipyrine as a tracer for quantitative measurement of LCBF. 11th Cerebral Blood Flow Symposium, 20-24 June, 1983. Paris, France. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab: 3: S99-S100, 1983. (Extended Abstract)
- SAKO K, KATO A, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: An autoradiographic technique for the simultaneous measurement of cerebral blood flow and glucose metabolism. Proc 30th Ann Meeting Soc Nucl Med. St. Louis, Missouri. June 7-10, 1983. J Nucl Med 24(5): P108, 1983. (Abstract)
- FEINDEL W, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and THOMPSON CJ: Metabolic and pharmacologic imaging of human gliomas (PET). Amer Assn Neurolog Surg: April 24-28, 1983. pp. 4-5. (Abstract)
- KATO A, SAKO K, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Simultaneous measurement of regional glucose metabolism and blood flow in the rat brain with implanted tumor. Soc Nucl Med 30th Ann Meet. St. Louis, Missouri. June 7-10, 1983. J. Nucl Med 24: P107, 1983. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, KODERY B, SAKO K, FEINDEL W and YAMAMOTO YL: Synthesis and evaluation of myelin tracer. Soc Nucl Med 30th Ann Meet. St. Louis, Missouri. June 7-10, 1983. J Nucl Med 24: P119, 1983. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, MATSUNAGA M, SAKO K, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON CJ and FEINDEL W: Influence of hypercapnia in focal cerebral ischemia studies by positron emission tomography. 11th Cerebral Blood Flow Symposium, 20-24 June, 1983. Paris, France. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 3: S3-S4, 1983. (Extended Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, OCHS R, GLOOR P, AMMAN W, MEYER E, EVANS AC, COOKE B, SAKO K, GOTMAN J, FEINDEL W, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON CJ and ROBITAILLE Y: Patterns of rCBF and focal energy metabolism changes in relations to electroencephalographic abnormality in the inter-ictal phase of partial epilepsy. In: Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Epilepsy. (Eds.) M. Baldy-Moulinier, D.H. Ingram, B.C. Meldrum, London: John Libbey, pp. 51-62, 1983. (Book Chapter)
- YAMAMOTO YL, OCHS R, AMMAN W, MEYER E, EVANS AC, COOKE B, IZAWA M, KATO A, GLOOR P, FEINDEL WH, DIKSIC M and THOMPSON CJ: Changes of energy metabolism and regional cerebral blood flow studied by positron emission tomography in the interictal phase of partial epilepsy. Acta Neurochirurg Suppl.33: 35-46, 1984. (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” 18F-haloperidol, 187 ACS National Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 8-13, 1984. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, DIRADDO P, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: New synthesis for 18F-labelled 4-fluoroantipyrine by reacting silane with 18F-F2. 187th ACS National Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 8-13, 1984. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S, YAMAMOTO, YL and FEINDEL W: New synthesis of no-carrier-added 18F-haloperidol. Fifth Intern. Symp. Radiopharm. Chem., Tokyo, Japan, July 9-13, 1984. (Extended Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, FARROKHZAD S and DI RADDO P: Use of silane for introduction of 18F into organic compounds. Fifth Inter. Symp. Radiopharm. Chem., Tokyo, Japan, July 9-13, 1984. (Extended Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Synthesis of no-carrier-added 11C-labelled choline. Fifth Intern. Symp. Radiopharm. Chem., Tokyo, Japan, July 9-13, 1984. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, FEINDEL W, KATO A, YAMAMOTO YL , VILLEMURE J-G and THOMPSON C: Measurement of pathophysiological variables with PET in brain tumours. International rCBF Workshop. May 15-19, 1984, Supetar, Croatia. (Abstract)
- HAKIM AM, POKRUPA R, KITAMURA S, EVANS A, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: PET studies of circulation, energy metabolism and acid-base status after acute cerebral infarction in man. Presented at the XIX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Edmonton, Alberta, 1984. (Abstract)
- HAKIM AM, POKRUPA R, KITAMURA S, YAMAMOTO YL, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON C, EVANS A and FEINDEL W: Acute cerebral infarction in man: Studies of cerebral circulation, metabolism and acid-base status by PET. Presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Baltimore, MD, 1984. (Abstract)
- POKRUPA R, HAKIM A, YAMAMOTO YL, KITAMURA S, DIKSIC M, THOMPSON C, MEYER E, EVANS A and FEINDEL W: Acute cerebral infarction: PET, CT and pathological correlates. Presented at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Montreal. (Abstract)
- POKRUPA R, HAKIM A, YAMAMOTO YL, EVANS A, DIKSIC M, MEYER E and FEINDEL W: Disturbances of oxygen and glucose metabolism in acute human cerebral infarction studied by positron emission tomography. XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Montreal, Quebec, 1985. (Abstract)
- HAKIM A, POKRUPA R, DIKSIC M, EVANS A, THOMPSON C, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Correlation of the size of infarction with cerebral infusion and metabolism. A positron emission tomography (PET) study. XX Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Montreal, Quebec, 1985. (Abstract)
- STROTHER SC, TYLER JL, PETERS T, THOMPSON C, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: An Inter-center comparison of region of interest and resolution effects for normal F-fluorodeoxyglucose studies with PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 5: S607-S608, 1985. (Abstract)
- MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, EVANS AC, TYLER J, DIKSIC M and FEINDEL W: Radiation dose to the trachea from inhaled oxygen-15 labelled carbon dioxide. J Nucl Med 26: P62, 1985. (Abstract)
- KATO A, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, FEINDEL W, VILLEMURE J-G, THOMPSON CJ, MEYER E and SAKO K: Regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism in human malignant gliomas studied by PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 5: S49-S50, 1985. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, HAKIM AM, DIKSIC M, POKRUPA RP, MEYER E, TYLER J, EVANS AC, WORSLEY K, THOMPSON CJ, and FEINDEL W: Focal flow disturbances in acute strokes: Effects on regional metabolism and tissue pH. In: Functional Mapping of the Brain in Vascular Disorders. (Heiss W-D, Editor), Springer-Verlag, N.Y., 1985, pp.85-105. (Book Chapter)
- ALI H, ROUSSEAU J, LACROIX M-J, DIKSIC M and van LIER JE: 11C-labelled derivatives of estadiol and hexestrol: synthesis, receptor binding and target tissue uptake. Proceedings of the 4th Int. Symposium on Radiopharmacology, 1985. (Abstract)
- van LIER JE, ALI H, ROUSSEAU J and DIKSIC M: 11C-labelled derivatives of estradiol and hexestrol: synthesis, receptor binding and target tissue uptake. 4th Int. Symposium on Radiopharmacology, Sept. 11-14, 1985, Banff, Alberta, Canada. (Abstract)
- VILLEMURE J-G, THÉRON J, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, HAND R, WORTHINGTON C, TYLER J, TROP D, ABOU-MADI M, ARCHER D, MORIN L, RAVUSSIN P, LEBLANC R, LUNEAU C, PRESCOTT L, GAUTHIER S and FEINDEL W: Superselective arterial administration of BCNU in high grade gliomas: Clinical trial and positron emission tomography correlation (preliminary results). Can. J. Neurol. Sci. p. 172, 1985. (Abstract)
- GAUTHIER S, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, TYLER J and FEINDEL W: Positron emission tomography with 11C-choline in human subjects. Can. J. Neurol. Sci., p. 214, 1985. (Abstract)
- THÉRON J, TYLER JL, WORTHINGTON C, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MELANSON D, ETHIER R and VILLEMURE JG: Traitement des gliomes malins par injection intracerebrale superselective de BCNU: Comparison de la pharmacodynamie dans les techniques intraveineuses et intra-artèrielles supersélectives par camera a positron. Neurochirurgie 31: 230, 1985. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, TYLER J, EVANS AC, KIRIKAE M, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, VILLEMURE JG, FEINDEL W: FDG rate constants and oxidative metabolism in gliomas. Symposium on Metabolic Imaging with NMR, SPECT and PET. J. Nucl. Med. 27: 735, 1986. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and CHALY T: Regiospecific synthesis of 6-[18F] fluoro-L-Dopa. Symposium on Metabolic Imaging with NMR, SPECT and PET. J. Nucl. Med. 27: 734, 1986. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and CHALY T: Synthesis of no-carrier-added α-[11C] methyl-L-tryptophan. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, Turku, Finland, May 28-31, 1986.
- DIKSIC M, TYLER J, EVANS AC, KIRIKAE M, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, VILLEMURE J-G, and FEINDEL W: Metabolic studies of untreated brain glimomas with PET. Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on the Medical Application of Cyclotrons, May 28-31, Turku, Finland, 1986. (Book Chapter)
- DIKSIC M: Theoretical comparison of intra-arterial and intravenous infusion of BCNU. Canadian Meeting of Neuro-Oncology, June 5-7, 1986, Montreal, Canada. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, TYLER J, EVANS AC, KIRIKAE M, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, VILLEMURE J-G, and FEINDEL W: Measurement of the metabolism of primary gliomas with PET. Canadian Meeting of Neuro-Oncology, June 5-7, 1986, Montreal, Canada. Can J Neurol Sci 13: 281, 1986. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and CHALY T: The synthesis of no-carrier-added α-[11C] methyl-L-tryptophan. Soc. Nucl. Med. 33rd Annual Meeting, June 22-25, 1986, Washington, DC. (Abstract)
- TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, VILLEMURE J-G, EVANS AC, YAMAMOTO YL, FEINDEL W: Evaluation of human gliomas using positron emission tomography. Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, 1986. (Abstract)
- TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, VILLEMURE J-G, EVANS AC, YAMAMOTO YL, FEINDEL W: Metabolic and hemodynamic studies of gliomas using positron emission tomography. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, 1986. (Abstract)
- TYLER JL, VILLEMURE J-G, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, FEINDEL W: PET evaluation of high grade gliomas. Presented at the International Meeting on Brain Oncology, September 4-5, 1986, Rennes, France. (Abstract)
- FEINDEL W, TYLER JL, PAPPIUS H, PETERS T, CLARK J, DIKSIC M, ETHIER R, MELANSON R: Metabolic, tissue and fluid correlates in post-surgical cerebral edema studied by MRI/PET. Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1986. (Abstract)
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, MATSUDA H, EVANS AC, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL: Double-label deoxyglucose method for sequential measurement of cerebral glucose utilization. Theory, fluorodeoxyglucose rate constants, and validation in the whisker stimulated rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, vol. 12, November 1986 (Abstract).
- EVANS AC, REDIES C, GAUTHIER S, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, HAKIM AM: Study of metabolic and hemodynamic aspects of Huntington’s disease by positron emission tomography. Can J Neurol 13: 179-180, 1986. (Abstract).
- JOVKAR S, NAKAI H, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL: The influence of plasma sampling times on accuracy of estimation of the input function in the deoxyglucose method. J Nucl Med 27: 999, 1986. (Abstract).
- TYLER JL, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, THERON J, VILLEMURE JG, WORTHINGTON WC, FEINDEL W: Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of intra-arterial and intravenous BCNU using PET. Canadian Meeting of Neuro-Oncology 13: 289, 1986. (Abstract).
- BERKOVIC SF, TYLER JL, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, ANDERMANN F, KARPATI C, CARPENTER S, SHOUBRIDGE E, HILTON-JONES D, ARNOLD D, HAKIM AM: Cortical metabolic dysfunction in a mitochondrial encephalomyopathy (MERRF) demonstrated by positron emission tomography. American Academy of Neurology, 1987. (Abstract)
- ZATORRE RJ, ALIVISATOS B, MILNER B, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, HAKIM AM: Metabolic mapping of speech with (F-18)-fluorodeoxyglucose and positron emission tomography. American Academy of Neurology, 1987.(Abstract)
- NAKAI H, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, TAKARA E: Triple-tracer autoradiography for simultaneous measurement of LCBF, pHt, and LCGU. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S488, 1987. (Abstract)
- DYVE S, GJEDDE A, DIKSIC M, SHERWIN A, HAKIM AM: In vivo studies of rat brain showing regional uptake and reversible binding of [125I]-HEAT, an α-1 adrenoceptor ligand. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S347, 1987. (Abstract).
- TYLER JL, LEBLANC R, DAGHER A, MEYER E, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, FEINDEL W, HAKIM AM: Hemodynamic and metabolic consequences of arteriovenous malformations studied by PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S54, 1987. (Abstract).
- JOVKAR S, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL: Determination of optimal scan schedules and validation of an empirical tissue noise model in PET dynamic studies. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S454, 1987. (Abstract).
- WAGLE VG, VILLEMURE JG, TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, MELANSON D, FEINDEL W: PET, CT, angiographic correlation in untreated gliomas. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S462, 1987 (Abstract).
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, EVANS AC, GJEDDE A, YAMAMOTO YL: Theoretical basis for double-label autoradiographic deoxyglucose method. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S479, 1987 (Abstract).
- NAKAI H, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MATSUDA H, TAKARA E, MEYER E: Time-dependent changes of lumped and rate constants in the deoxyglucose method in experimental cerebral ischemia. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S487, 1987 (Abstract).
- KIRIKAE M, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, NAKAI H, JOVKAR S, REDIES C: Simultaneous measurements of protein synthesis and glucose utilization in an implanted brain tumor model. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 7(1): S505, 1987. (Abstract).
- CONWAY T AND DIKSIC M: Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” [11C] SarCNU. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine 34th Annual Meeting, June 2-5, 1987, Toronto, Ontario (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M AND TRANI M: Synthesis of 6-[18F] fluoropyridoxal. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine 34th Annual Meeting, June 2-5, 1987, Toronto, Ontario (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, SOURKES TL, NAKAI H, CHALY T, MISSALA K, YAMAMOTO YL: In vivo rate of serotonin synthesis in the dog brain measured by positron emission tomography. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 16-21, 1987 Abst. No. 224.5. (Abstract)
- TYLER JL, LEBLANC R, THÉRON J, DAGHER A, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, HAKIM AM: Treatment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations evaluated by positron emission tomography. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 16-21, 1987 Abst. No. 228.7 (Abstract)
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, COLLIER B, GJEDDE A, GAUTHIER S, THOMPSON CJ, FEINDEL WF: Influx of choline analog into dog brain measured by positron emission tomography (PET). Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 16-21, 1987 Abst.No. 308.18. (Abstract)
- DYVE S, GJEDDE A, DIKSIC M, SHERWIN A, HAKIM AM: In vivo measurements of rat brain Bmax and KD of (125I)HEAT, an α-1-adrenoceptor antagonist. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, November 16-21, 1987 Abst.No. 453.3. (Abstract)
- REDIES C, DIKSIC M, COLLIER B, GJEDDE A, THOMPSON CJ, GAUTHIER S, FEINDEL WH: Endothelial transport of choline analog measured by positron emission tomography (PET). Biology of Cerebral Endothelium, Satellite Symposium of the XIII International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, June 26-28, 1987, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: (Letter to the Editor, Reply). J Neuro-Oncol 4: 418-419, 1987.
- TYLER JL, DIKSIC M, VILLEMURE J-G, EVANS AC, MEYER E and YAMAMOTO YL: PET-FDG of untreated and treated cerebral gliomas. (Letter to the Editor; Reply). J Nucl Med 29: 422-423, 1988.
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Synthesis of 11C-labelled prazosin, an α-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist. Presented at the 17th International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Groningen, The Netherlands, July 4-8, 1988. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, NAKAI H, DIKSIC M, WORSLEY KJ: Regional cerebral blood flow threshold for metabolic changes in cerebral ischemia in rats studied by triple-tracer autoradiography. Presented at the 23rd Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences, Quebec City, June 16-18, 1988. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, SOURKES TL, NAGAHIRO H and MISSALA K: Preliminary results on measurement of the rate of serotonin synthesis in dog and human brain by PET. Presented at the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1988. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S, CONWAY T, VILLEMURE JG and FEINDEL W: Use of PET to evaluate in vivo pharmacokinetics of chemotherapeutic agents, BCNU and SarCNU in humans. Presented at the Symposium on Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Oncology, Heidelberg, May 12-14, 1988. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and JOLLY D: Synthesis of 11C-labelled prazosin, an α-1 adrenoreceptor antagonist. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, June 14-17, 1988. (Abstract)
- KUWABARA H, GJEDDE A, BEIL C, MEYER E, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M and HAKIM AM: Density of capillaries in regions of the living human brain affected by stroke. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine, San Francisco, June 14-17, 1988. (Abstract)
- NAGAHIRO S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S and FEINDEL W: Changes of blood brain barrier permeability and local cerebral blood flow following intracarotid administration of BCNU in rats. Can J Neurol Sci 15: 226-227, 1988. (Abstract)
- UEDA T, YAMAMOTO YL, TAKARA E, DIKSIC M: Tolerance of the cerebral venous system of focal cerebral ischemia rats to retrograde perfusion pressure studied by double-tracer autoradiography. Can J Neurol Sci 15: 193, 1988. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, UEDA T and DIKSIC M: Trans-cerebral venous perfusion of verapamil in the treatment of acute stroke. Can J Neurol Sci 15: 189, 1988. (Abstract)
- REDIES C and DIKSIC M: Double-label deoxyglucose method applied to ferret visual cortex. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, November 13-18, 1988. Abst. No. 371.7. (Abstract)
- HOFFER LJ, REDIES C, BEIL C, MARLISS EB, EVANS AC, LARIVIERE F, MARRETT S, MEYER E, DIKSIC M, HAKIM AM: Brain glucose metabolism during fasting in man studied by positron emission tomography. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Toronto, November 13-18, 1988. Abst. No. 371.5 (Abstract)
- NAGAHIRO S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S and FEINDEL W: Changes of blood-brain barrier permeability and local cerebral blood flow following intracarotid administration of BCNU in rats. Can J Neurol Sci 15: 227, 1988. Abst. No. 173. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Labelled chemotherapeutic drugs and neurotransmitter precursors. Presented at the American Chemical Society, Dallas, TX, April 9-14, 1989. (Abstract)
- NAGAHIRO S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S, SUGIMOTO S, FEINDEL W: Dose-realted changes of hemodynamics after intracarotid infusion of BCNU in rats by double-tracer autoradiography. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S70, 1989. (Abstract)
- WORSLEY KJ, TYLER JL, STROTHER SC, ZATORRE RJ, ALIVISATOS B, DIKSIC M, and YAMAMOTO YL: Modelling the spatial correlation structure of regional cerebral glucose metabolism from PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S729, 1989. (Abstract)
- MEYER E, FERGUSON S, ZATORRE R, DYKES RW, ALIVISATOS B, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, and HAKIM AM: Attention enhances human somatosensory CBF response to vibrotactile stimulation as measured by PET. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S579, 1989. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, UEDA T and DIKSIC M: Retrograde cerebral venous perfusion of verapamil during focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S559, 1989.(Abstract)
- UEDA T, YAMAMOTO YL and DIKSIC M: Bypass from extracerebral artery to cerebral vein and verapamil infusion for improvement of focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S10, 1989 (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Biological model for the in vivo measurement of serotonin synthesis in rat and human. Symposium in honour of Ted Sourkes, Algarve, Portugal, April 29-30, 1989. (Abstract)
- CONWAY T and DIKSIC M: Synthesis of “no-carrier-added” C-11-HECNU: the hydroaxyethyl anaolog of the chemotherapeutic agent BCNU. Society of Nuclear Medicine 36th Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, June 13-16, 1989. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, UEDA T and DIKSIC M: Retrograde cerebral venous perfusion of verapamil for treatment of acute stroke. Stroke 20(1): P148, 1989. (Abstract)
- FEINDEL W, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL, ARNOLD D, SHOUBRIDGE E, VILLEMURE J-G: Strategies for enhancing drug uptake in gliomas. In: Cerebral Gliomas, G. Broggi and M.A. Gerosa (Eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1989, pp. 241-250. (Book Chapter)
- GJEDDE A, REITH J, DYVE S, ETIENNE P, CHOUINARD G, DIKSIC M and HAKIM A: Striatal dopamine synthesis in vivo. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S592, 1989 (Abstract)
- GJEDDE A, EVANS A, TEITELBAUM J, DIKSIC M, ZATORRE R, CASHMAN N, and HAKIM A: Domoic acid intoxication in humans: An in vivo “model” of excitoxic destruction of brain glutamatergic pathways. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S517, 1989 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S and YAMAMOTO YL: Autoradiographic measurement of the rate of valine incorporation into proteins in a brain tumor model. J Nucl Med 30: 913, 1989 (Abstract)
- DELPLA D, MEYER E, ZATORRE R, MELANCON D, ALIVISATOS B, MARRETT S, EVANS AC, ETHIER R, PETRIDIES M, DIKSIC M, PTITO A, JONES-GOTMAN M, BES A and HAKIM A: Metabolic and neuropsychological correlates of periventricular lucencies. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 9: S569, 1989 (Abstract)
- SUGIMOTO S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, FEINDEL W: Neurotoxicity study following intracarotid administration of cisplatin in rats. Can J Neurol Sci 16: 151, 1989. (Abstract)
- MITSUKA S, DIKSIC M, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Quantification of protein synthesis in experimental brain tumor: rate constants for valine incorporation into protein. Can J Neurol Sci 16: 143, 1989. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, UEDA T, YURA S, HOSAKA T, DIKSIC M: Transvenous perfusion of the brain (TVPOB) with calciium channel blocker for treatment of acute stroke. Presented at the 1st International Stroke Congress, Japan, 1989. (Abstract)
- REDIES C and DIKSIC M: Reply to the Letter to the Editor. J Cereb Blood Flow and Metab 10: 148, 1990.
- COLLIER B, DIKSIC M, GJEDDE A, GAUTHIER S: Choline analogs as potential markers for central cholinergic neurons. Neurobiology of Aging 11(1): P76-77, 1990. (Abstract)
- DYVE S, REITH J, DIKSIC M, SHERWIN A and GJEDDE A: Dopamine synthesis in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy determined with 6-[18F]fluorodopa. North Europ Epilepsy Symposium, Halborg, Denmark, September 5-8, 1990.
- TAKADA A, MITSUKA S, DIKSIC M and YAMAMOTO YL: Peripheral type benzodiazepine binding sites in brain tumors. 5th Congress WFNMB, Montreal, 1990: Eur J Nucl Med 16: S127, 1990 (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, TAKADA A, and YAMAMOTO YL: Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor sites in human brain gliomas. Society for Neuroscience, 1990 Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MI, October 28-November 2, 1990 (Abstract 470.9)
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, CHALY T, SOURKES TL, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: The serotonin synthesis rate measured in dog brain by PET. Can J Neurol Sci 17: 237, 1990. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Radiopharmaceuticals for the measurement of in vivo brain enzyme activities. 2nd Meeting of the Canadian Chapter of the International Isotope Society, St. Jovite, Quebec, October 11-13, 1990 (Abstract)
- FERGUSON S, DIKSIC M AND COLLIER B: Stereo-selectivity of sodium-dependent high-affinity choline uptake system. Society for Neuroscience, 20th Annual Meeting (Abstract 91.10).
- YAMAMOTO YL, HOSAKA T, DIKSIC M: Effect of retrograde perfusion of the cerebral vein with verapamil in rats with focal cerebral ischemia. Presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Pharmacology of Cerebral Ischemia, Marburg, West Germany, July 15-18, 1990. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Labelled alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan as a tracer for the brain serotonin synthesis. 4th International Symposium on The Synthesis and Applications of Isotopes and Isotopically Labelled Compounds, Toronto, Ontario, September 3-7, 1991 (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, CONWAY T and RAJAGOPAL S: Rate-limiting enzymes as targets for assessment of the brain neurotransmitter synthesis. International Symposium on Nuclear Imaging in Drug Discovery Development and Approval, Baltimore, MD, June 17-19, 1991 (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Synthesis rate measured in living brain. 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hamilton, Ontario, June 2-5, 1991 (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, TAKADA A, HAMEL E and YAMAMOTO YL: Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in human gliomas. J Neurochem 57(Suppl) S523, 1991. (Abstract)
- GJEDDE A, KUWABARA H, REITH J, BENKELFAT C, LEGER G, RAJAGOPAL S, DIKSIC M and EVANS A: PET assays of enzyme activity in living human brain: Application to DOPA decarboxylase. J Neurochem 57(Suppl.) S385, 1991. (Abstract)
- YURA S, YAMAMOTO YL, DIKSIC M, and MITSUKA S: 2-Deoxyglucose rate and lumped constants in focal cerebral ischemia in awake rat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2) S162, 1991. (Abstract)
- BRUST P, RIIS ANDERSEN B, DIKSIC M, and GJEDDE A: Monoamine oxidase B activity in human brain measured with L-[11C]deprenyl. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2) S227, 1991. (Abstract)
- SERGENT J, ZUCK E, MORENO-CANTU J, MEYER E, EVANS AC, DIKSIC M, OHTA S and GJEDDE A: Combined PET and MRI investigation into the processing of faces. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2) S437, 1991. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S, TAKADA A and YAMAMOTO YL: Rate constants and the rate of valine incorporation into proteins in a brain tumor model. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2) S582, 1991. (Abstract)
- KUWABARA H, LEGER G, GUTTMAN M, DIKSIC M, and GJEDDE A: Decreased L-DOPA decarboxylase activity in the striatum of patients with Parkinson’s disease in vivo. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab Vol. 11 (Suppl. 2) S814, 1991. (Abstract)
- YAMAMOTO YL, TAKADA A and DIKSIC M: Advantages of PK-11195 peripheral benzodiazepine antagonist as tumor marker for diagnosis and therapy in gliomas. European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Vienna, Austria, September 1-5, 1991, Eur J Nucl Med 18(8); 616, 1991. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M and TAKADA A: Influence of 5,7-DHT hypothalamic lesion on anterograde transport of 5HT measured by in situ synthesized α-methyl serotonin. 21st Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, November 10-15, 1991 (Abstract No. 594.7).
- DIKSIC M and TAKADA A: Effect of Li-treatment on the brain tryptophan influx. ISTRY: Future Prospects of Tryptophan in Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany, November 22-23, 1991. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, TAKADA A and GJEDDE A: The blood-brain barrier transport of L-Trp measured at steady-state in rat. 22nd Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, Anaheim, CA, October 25-30, 1992. (Abstract No. 317.7).
- DIKSIC M, MITSUKA S, YAMAMOTO YL and FEINDEL W: Blood-brain and blood-tumor barrier uptake of two nitrosoureas in human gliomas and Ga-EDTA by PET. Second Craigie Conference on Brain Capillaries, Montreal, Quebec, June 25-26, 1992.
- GJEDDE AH, LEGER GC, GUTTMAN M, KUWABARA H, DIKSIC M, SPENCER DD, NAFTOLIN F, ROBINS RJ, ROTH RH, BUNNEY BS, LERANTH C, VOLLMER TL, KIER EL, MAREK KL, AND REDMOND DE, Jr.: FDOPA PET imaging and regional changes following fetal tissue implantation in Parkinsonian patients. Neurology 42 (Suppl. 3): 284, 1992.
- DIKSIC M, MIYAZAWA N, HAMEL E and YAMAMOTO YL: Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor densities in high and low grade gliomas. 2nd International Symposium on Clinical PET in Oncology, Sendai, Japan, May 16-18, 1993.
- DIKSIC M: Study of the brain serotoninergic system with labelled analog of tryptophan. 2nd Gauss Symposium, Munich, Germany, August 2-6, 1993.
- DIKSIC M: Study of the peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in brain tumors. 2nd Gauss Symposium, Munich, Germany, August 2-6, 1993.
- DIKSIC M, TSUIKI K and GRDISA M: Study of the serotoninergic system using α-methyl-L-tryptophan. 3rd International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Analogues, Vienna, Austria, August 23-27, 1993.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D and DIKSIC M: Influence of acute reserpine on the regional serotonin synthesis rate in rat brain. Annual Meeting for Society for Neuroscience, November 7-12, 1993, Washington, DC.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D and DIKSIC M: The influence of acute reserpine treatment on the regional serotonin synthesis rate in the rat brain. 1st Croatian Congress of Pharmacology, Zagreb, Croatia, October 6-8, 1993.
- DIKSIC M: Novel in vivo methods for measurement of the brain serotonin and dopamine synthesis rate. 1st Croatian Congress of Pharmacology, Zagreb, Croatia, October 6-8, 1993.
- MZENGEZA S, VENKATACHALAM TK, DIKSIC M: Asymetric synthesis of radiolabelled α-methyl-L-amino acids. Fourth Int Symp on Chiral Discrimin. Montreal, Que., September 19-22, 1993.
- MZENGEZA S, VENKATACHALAM TK, DIKSIC M, PORTER DN, JOLLY D: A stereospecific synthesis of α-[11C]methyl-l-tryptophan for positron emission tomography. The International Isotope Society Conference, Strasbourg, France, June 19-24, 1994.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D AND DIKSIC M. An acute effect of NSD-1015 on the regional serotonin synthesis rate measured by an autoradiographical method using labelled α-methyl-L-tryptophan. XIIth International Congress of Pharmacology, Montreal, Canada, July 24-29, 1994.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. The acute effects of NSD-1015 and pargyline on the brain 5-HT synthesis rate measured by the autoradiographic method. Third IUPHAR Satellite Meeting on Serotonin, Chicago, USA, July 30-Aug 3, 1994.
- DIKSIC M, TSUIKI K: Acute fluoxetine treatment has a profound, but nonuniform influence on the serotonin synthesis rate in rat brain. Third IUPHAR Satellite Meeting on Serotonin, Chicago, USA, July 30-August 3, 1994.
- DIKSIC M, TSUIKI K: Effect of 5,7-DHT hypothalamic lesion on the brain serotonin synthesis. 6th World Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Sydney, Australia, October 23-28, 1994.
- DIKSIC M, TAKEDA N, YAMAMOTO YL: Study of sarcosinenitroso urea effects on C6 Glioma in rat. 6th World Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Sydney, Australia, October 23-28, 1994.
- MURASE K, KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, LEGER G, DIKSIC M, GJEDDE A: Relative activity of dopa decarboxylase remained unchanged with age. 41st Annual Meeting of the Soc of Nucl Med, Orlando, Florida, June 5-8, 1994.
- LJUBIĆ V, RAISON S, HAMEL E, DIKSIC M,WEISSMANN D: Correlation between serotonin (5-HT) and tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) contents in 5-HT neurons and fibers: effects of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) lesion in the dorsolateral hypothalamus. 24th Ann Meet, Soc for Neurosc, 1994, Abstract 128.5.
- CUMMING P, ASE A, DIKSIC M, KUWABARA H, LALIBERTE C, GJEDDE A: The permeabitity of the bloo-brain to [3H]DOPA and 6-[18F]fluoro-DOPA. New Concepts of a Blood-Brain Barrier, Kings College, London, U.K., 4-5 July 1994.
- NISHIZAWA S, KUWABARA H, REUTENS D, DIKSIC M, GJEDDE A. The lumped constant during hyperglycemia: Prediction from the constrained fluoro-deoxyglucose method. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 42nd Ann Meet, June 12-15, 1995.
- NISHIZAWA S, KUWABARA H, DIKSIC M, SHIRAISHI M, GJEDDE A. FDOPA uptake is suppresed during motor task. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 42nd Ann Meet, June 12-15, 1995.
- SHIRAISHI M, KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, GJEDDE A, ASE A, PRTER D, DIKSIC M. Levodopa medication does not affect L-DOPA decarboxylase activity in striatum of Parkinson’s disease. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 42nd Ann Meet, June 12-15, 1995.
- SHIRAISHI M, KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, GJEDDE A, ASE A, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M.L-Deprenyl suppresses fluorodopamine metabolism in human putamen. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 42nd Ann Meet, June 12-15, 1995.
- KUWABARA H, SHIRAISHI M, JOLLY D, ASE A, CUMMING P, DIKSIC M, GJEDDE A. Estimating dopamine synthesis rate from exogenous l-dopa using 6-[18F]fluoro-L-DOPA and PET. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 42nd Ann Meet, June 12-15, 1995.
- DIKSIC M. Production and the use of short-lived radioisotopes in neuroscience research at the MNI. 4th Meeting of the Canadian Chapter, Int Isotope Society, Montreal, May 18-20, 1995.
- MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M: The effect of acute and short-term administration of fluoxetine on serotonin synthesis rate in the rat brain regions measured by an autoradiographic method. Pharmacol Research 31 (supplement) 282, 1995 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, NAGAHIRO S, GRDIŠA M. Influence of the 5,7-di-hydroxytryptamine lesion in the rat hypothalamus on the brain serotonin synthesis rate. 4th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Kyoto, Japan, July 9-14, 1995.
- JEVRIC-CAUSEVIC A, DIKSIC M: The rate of valine incorporation into proteins in two brain implanted tumor models and cortex and correction for valine recycling measured at different times after tumor inoculation. J Neurochem 64: (Supplement) S22C, 1995.
- ALONSO-VENEGAS MA, SADIKOT AF, JEVRIC-CAUSEVIC A, OLIVIER A, DIKSIC M: Functional evaluation of serotoninergic plasticity after neonatal dopaminergic denervation. 25th Ann Metting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, AL, November 11-16, 1995, abstract 342.2.
- LJUBIC-THIBAL V, MORIN AJ, HAMEL E, DIKSIC M: Origin of the serotonergic innervation to dorsolateral hypothalamus indentified by retrograde transport and double immunocytochemistry. 25th Ann Metting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 11-16, 1995, abstract 342.2.
- BENKELFAT C, NISHIZAWA S, YOUNG SN, LEYTON M, BLIER P, DE MONTIGNY C, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: Tryptophan depletion markedly reduces the rate of serotonin synthesis in healthy volunteers. Ann Meeting of the ACNP, San Juan, PR, Dec. 10-14, 1995 (Abstract).
- NISHIZAWA S, BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN, LEYTON M, DE MONTIGNY C, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: Serotonin synthesis in human brain measured by PET and α-[11C]methyl-tryptophan. Soc Nucl Medicine Meeting, Denver, CO, June 1-7, 1996.
- DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C, NISHIZAWA S, MZENGEZA S, LEYTON M, BLIER P, C. de MONTIGNY, AND YOUNG S: Brain serotonin synthesis is differentially affected in males and females by reduction in plasma tryptophan. Soc Nucl Medicine Meeting, Denver, CO, June 1-7, 1996.
- LJUBIC-THIBAL V, MORIN AJ, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E: Changes in tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) mRNA expression in the dorsal raphe nucleus following lesion of the dorsolateral hypothalamus (DHL) in the rat. Soc for Neuroscience, Ann Meeting, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 1996.
- CUMMNING P, LJUBIC-THIBAL V, LALIBERTE C, DIKSIC M: The effect of unilateral lesions to serotonin innervation on the uptake of [3H]DOPA in rat brain. Soc for Neuroscience, Ann Meeting, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 1996.
- DIKSIC M, NISHIZAWA S, MZENGEZA S: MDMA acutely increases brain serotonin synthesis while few hours latter synthesis falls bellow pre-MDMA injection: dog PET study. Soc for Neuroscience, Ann Meeting, Washington, DC, November 16-21, 1996.
- NISHIZAWA S, BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN, LEYTON M, BLIER P, DE MONTIGNY C, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: Serotonin synthesis in human brain regions: sex difference and the effect of acute tryptophan deplition. CCNP Ann Meeting, 1996.
- BENKELFAT, C., NISHIZAWA, S., KUWABARA, H., LAL, S., CHOUINARD, G., CUMMING, P., LABELLE, A., JOOBER, R., BRUCE, K., DIKSIC, M., GJEDDE, A: Brain DOPA-decarboxylase (DDC) activity in unmedicated schizophrenic patients. Ann Meeting of the ACNP, San Juan, PR, Dec. 1996 (Abstract).
- LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, YOUNG SN, OKAZAWA H, NISHIZAWA S, PARISJ, MZENGEZA S, BENKELFAT: PET study of brain 5HT synthesis in borderline personality disorder. Society Biolog Psychiat Ann Meeting, 1997.
- NISHIZAWA, S., KUWABARA, H., CUMMING, P., DIKSIC, M., GJEDDE, A, AND KONISHI, J: Changes in D1 dopamine receptor occupancy during a motor task. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, vol. 38, no. 5, 105p, May 1997 (Abstract).
- OKAZAWA, H., NISHIZAWA, S., DIKSIC, M: Serotonin synthesis rate images using α-methyl tryptophan and PET. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 5, 195p, May 1997 (Abstract).
- KUWABARA, H., CUMMING, P., NISHIZAWA, S., DIKSIC, M: Estimation of blood-brain clearance constant of (F-18) Fluoro-L-Dopa with a single blood sampling. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, Vol. 38, No. 5, 278p, May 1997 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC, M. AND MÜCK-ŠELER, D: Influence of the MDMA treatment on the brain serotonin synthesis; autoradiographic study in rat. Proceedings of SONA-97. Cape Town, South Africa. (Abstract)
- LEYTON, M., DIKSIC, M., YOUNG, S.N., OKAZAWA, H., NISHIZAWA, S., PARIS, J., MZENGEZA, S., BENKELFAT, C: Brain regional rates of serotonin synthesis in patients with borderline personality disorder: A PET study with α[11C]Methyl-L-tryptophan. Biological Psychiatry 42 (Supplement) 16S (10-7) 1997. (Abstract).
- DIKSIC, M. AND TSUIKI, K: Flerobuterol increases rate of serotonin synthesis: Autoradiographic study. 2nd Croatian Congress of Pharmacology. Periodicum Biologorum 99 (Supp. 1), 103, 1997. (Abstract)
- MÜCK-ŠELER, D. and DIKSIC, M: Acute effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on the 5-HT synthesis rate in the rat brain: An autoradiographic study. Periodicum Biologorum 99 (Supp. 1), 49, 1997. (Abstract).
- LEYTON, M., OKAZAWA, H., DIKSIC, M., YOUNG, S.N., BLIER P., PARIS, J.,NISHIZAWA, S., MZENGEZA, S., BENKELFAT, C: Rates of brain serotonin synthesis in impulsive patients with borderline personality disorder. CCNP, July 13-17, 1997, Cambridge, UK (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M: Serotonin synthesis rate measured in vivo: Autoradiographic and PET methods. Biological Psychiatry 42 (Supplement) 16S (10-8) 1997. (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, MÜCK-ŠELER D, and TAKAHASHI S: The MDMA influence on the brain serotonin synthesis in rat and dog brains. Periodicum Biologorum 99 (Supp. 1), 130, 1997. (Abstract).
- LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M, YOUNG SN, BLIER P, NISHIZAWA S MEZENGEZA S SOOKMAN D, TODOROV C PARIS J, and BENKELFAT C: Serotonin mechanisms in OCD vs BPD.Ann Meeting of the ACNP, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, Dec. 1997 (Abstract).
- KAPICZINSKI F, BENKELFAT C, CUMMING P, DAGER A, NISHIZAWA S, DIKSIC M, LAL S, and KUWABARA H: Differential effects of lorazepam on [11C]SCH 23390 binding potential in pre frontal cortex and ventral striatum: a PET study. British Association for Psychopharmacology, Cambridge, UK, July 1997 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M: Measurements of brain serotonin synthesis with labelled α-methyl-L-tryptophan. International Isotope Society, 6th Canadian Chapter Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, May 14-15, 1998, (Abstarct).
- YAMANE F and DIKSIC M: Decrease in 5-HT biosynthesis following an acute administration of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine. CCNP, June 1998, Montreal, Canada, (Abstarct).
- LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M, Young SN, and Benkelfat C: Measuring brain serotonin synthesis with PET and α-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan. CCNP, June 1998, Montreal, Canada, (Abstarct).
- OKAZAWA H, and DIKSIC M: Differences of regional serotonin synthesis rates in healthy controls with statistical parametrical mapping and serotonin synthesis rate images. J Nucl Med 39: (No.5 Supplement) 136P, 1998, (Abstarct).
- OKAZAWA H, BBENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, and DIKSIC M: Comparison of serotonin synthesis rates in normal controls and psychiatric disorders using serotonin synthesis rate images. J Nucl Med 39: (No.5 Supplement) 83P, 1998, (Abstarct).
- DIKSIC M: Serotonin synthesis measured in living brain. 21st CINP Meeting, July 12-16, 1998, Glasgow, Scotland, (Abstarct).
- KUWABARA H, CUMMING P, DIKSIC M, NISHIZAWA S, and GJEDDE A: Blood-to-brain transport of large neutral amino acids studied with [18F]fluoro-DOPA ([18F]FDOPA) and PET. J Nucl Med 39: (No.5 Supplement) 43P, 1998, (Abstarct).
- OKAZAWA H, LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, SOOKMAN D, BLIER P, PARIS J, and BENKELFAT C: Regional rates of brain serotonin synthesis in patients with borderline personality disorder vs obsesive-compulsive disorder: Analyses with statistical parametric mapping. Neuroimage 7: (No.4) S233, 1998 (Abstarct).
- DIKSIC M, OKAZAWA H,KAPICZINSKI F, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, ROSA P, BLIER P, AND BENKELFAT C: Regional serotonin synthesis evaluated in major depression. 28th Ann Meeting, Soc for Neurosc, Los Angeles, November 7-12, 1998, Abstract No. 692.2.
- ROSA P, BENKELFAT C, OKAZAWA H, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, BLIER P, DEBONNEL G and DIKSIC M: Regional rates of brain 5-HT synthesis in patients with current major depression. ACNP, Dec. 14-18, 1998, Puerto Rico (Abstract).
- BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, SOOKMAN D, TODOROV C, BARSOUM A, BLIER P, DEBONNEL G and DIKSIC M: Brain regional rates of 5-HT synthesis in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder. ACNP, Dec. 14-18, 1998, Puerto Rico (Abstract).
- LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M, MZENGEZA S, BLIER P, PARIS J and BENKELFAT C: Brain 5-HT synthesis in patients with borderline personality disorder: Region of interest and statistical parametric mapping analysis. ACNP, Dec. 14-18, 1998, Puerto Rico (Abstract).
- Thompson CJ, Sciascia P, Murthy K, Bergman AM, Kecani S, Nikkinen L, Pan M, Diksic M, and Cumming P. “ANIPET” a versatile PET scanner for imaging small animals. IEEE Annual Meeting, November 1999 (Abstract).
- LEYTON M, OKAZAWA H, DIKSIC M, YOUNG SN, AND BENKELFAT C. Serotonergic mechanisms of behavioral disinhibition in patients with impulsive aggressive personality disorders. Am Soc Criminology Meeting, Toronto, ON, November 1999 (Abstract).
- TOHYAMA Y, YAMANE F, DIKSIC M. Effect of 5-HT1A antagonist WAY100635 on regional serotonin synthesis in rat brain. Brain-99 XIXth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13-17, 1999 (Abstract).
- OKAZAWA H, YAMANE F, BLIER P, DIKSIC M.. Effects of the 5-HT1A agonist buspirone on serotonin synthesis in the rat brain: Acute and chronic treatment study. Brain-99 XIXth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13-17, 1999 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, ROSA P, OKAZAWA H, KAPCZINSKI F, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, DEBONNEL G, BLIER P, AND BENKELFAT C. Females with major depression exhibit lower serotonin synthesis in temporal lobe. 46th Ann Meeting of the SNM, Los Angeles, June 6-10, 1999 (Abstract).
- ROSA P, BEKELFAT C, DEBONNEL G, BLIER P, DIKSIC M. Paroxetine induced local modification of brain serotonin synthesis in depressed patients as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and positron emission tomography. J Nucl Med 41 (2000) Abstr. 536 (Abstract).
- MUCK-ŠELER D, PIVAC N, DIKSIC M. Acute effect of fluvoxamine on the serotonin synthesis rate in rat brain areas innervated by dorsal and median raphe nuclei: An autoradiographic study. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 3 (Supplement 1) S188, 2000.
- PIVAC N, MUCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M. Acute effects of noradrenaline and serotonin (5-HT) uptake inhibitors (desipramine and fluoxetine) on the 5-HT synthesis rate in the rat brain regions: An autoradiographic study. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 3 (Supplement 1) S188, 2000.
- BENKELFAT C. LEYTON M, SOOKMAN D, NAKAI A, BARSOUM A, ROSA NETO P, PINARD G, BLIER P, DIKSIC M. Serotonnergic mechanisms in OCD: A PET study using 11C-á-methyltryptophan (11C-AMT). Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 3 (Supplement 1) S4, 2000.
- BENKELFAT C. LEYTON M, ROSA NETO P, DEBONNEL G, PARIS J, DIKSIC M.. 11C-á-methyltryptophan (11C-AMT) brain uptake and trapping in medication-free patients with mood and impulse-control disorders. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 3 (Supplement 1) S73, 2000.
- DIKSIC M, TOHYAMA Y. Brain serotonin synthesis measured with 14C- and 11C-labelled á-methyl-L-tryptophan. 7th Int Isotope Society Symposium, Dresden, Germany, June 18-23, 2000.
- NATSUME J, FEDI M, ROSA P, BERNASCONI A, BERNASCONI N, NAKAI A, KUMAKURA Y, DUBEAU F, ANDERMANN F, LISBONA R, DIKSIC M. Temporal uptake of á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan in patients with intractable temporal lopbe epilepsy: Evaluation with positron emission tomography. Americ Epilepsy Society (Dec. 2000).
- DIKSIC M, TOHYAMA Y, MERID MF: Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Does not influence brain trapping of á-[14C]methyl-l-tryptophan. Int Chem Congress of Pacific Basin Soc, Honolulu, HI, Dec. 14-19, 2000, Abstract No. 50.
- BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, ROSA NETO P, NAKAI A, DEBONNEL G, PARIS J, DIKSIC M: 11C-á-Methyltryptophan (11C-AMT) brain uptake and trapping in frontal cortical pathways in medication-free patients with impulse-control disorders. ACNP, Dec. 4-10, 2000, Puerto Rico (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, NAKAI A, KUMAKURA Y, BOIVIN B, KERSEY K. Regional brain serotonin synthesis rates in male and female Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients. DDW 2000, San Diego, CA, May 21-24, 2000 (Abstract No. 592).
- DIKSIC M, FEDI M, NATSUME J, ROSA P, KUMAKURA Y, NAKAI A, OKAZAWA H, DUBEAU F, ANDERMANN F, REUTENS D. The use of á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan with positron emission tomography in the identification of the epileptic focus. World Congress of Neurosurgery, Septemeber 15-20, 2001, Sydney, Australia (Abstract).
- NAKAI A, KUMAKURA Y, BOIVIN M, NETO PR, DIKSICM, D’SOUZA D, KERSEY K. Gender Cerebral Regional Differences of Serotonin Synthesis in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Human Brain Mapping, June 10-14, 2001, Bringhton, England (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, NAKAI A, KUMAKURA Y, BOIVIN M, NETO PR, D’SOUZA D, KERSEY K. Regional Differences of Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome Revealed by Using a-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan, PET and Statistical Parametric Mapping. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, Napoli, Italy, August 25-29, 2001. Eur Nuclear Med 28(8): 1021, 2001.
- KUMAKURA Y, NATSUME J, TOUSSAINT PJ, ROSA P, NAKAI A, MZENGEZA S, MEYER E, DIKSIC M. Generation of Functional Images of the Tissue Trapping Constant for á-[11C]methyl-l-tryptophan Using Constrained Linear Regression and Venus Sinus Normalized Input Function. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress, Napoli, Italy, August 25-29, 2001. Eur Nuclear Med 28(8): 1107, 2001.
- DIKSIC M, ROSA P, KUMAKURA Y, LEYTON M, MZENGEZA S, BLIER P, YOUNG SN, ROBSON J, BENKELFAT C. Age Related Changes in Regional Brain Serotonin Synthesis. Soc. For Neursc. 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 10-15, 2001 (Abstract-780.3).
- TOHYAMA Y, YAMANE F, FIKRE-MERID M, DIKSIC M. Effects of 5-HT1B Agonists on Regional Serotonin Synthesis in Rat Brain. June 9-13, 2001 in Taipei, Taiwan.
- DOBSON CF, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E, Anti-migrane drugs reduce serotonin synthesis rate in rat brain. Soc. For Neursc. 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, November 10-15, 2001 (Abstract-701.1).
- TOHYAMA Y, DIKSIC M. 5-HT synthesis in the brain of Olfactory Bulbectomized (OB) rats. 13th Annual Meeting, the Japanese Society of the Cerebral Blood Flow and metabolism. Yokohama, Japan, October 18-19, 2001.
- DIKSIC M, ROSA P, NATSUME N, DEBONNEL G, BLIER P, BENKELFAT C, Evaluation of the Paroxetine Treatment on the Brain Serotonin Synthesis: á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan with Positron Emission Tomography Measurements. ACNP, Dec. 9-13, 2001, Waikolai, HI (Abstract).
- BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, YOUNG SN, PIHL RO, DIKSIC M: Impulsivity: serotonergic mechanisms ACNP, Dec. 9-13, 2001, Waikolai, HI (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, KUMAKURA Y, BENKELFAT C, FISET P, LEYTON M, YOUNG SN: Changes in blood oxygen alter human brain serotonin synthesis as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and PET Society Nucl Med Annual Meeting (June 2002).(Abstract).
- LEYTON M, BOILEAU I, DIKSIC M, BAKER G, DAGHER A: Amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Release, Drug Wanting, and Novelty Seeking a PET/[11C]Raclopride Study in Healthy Men. CPDD, June 8-13, 2002, Quebec City, QC, Canada.(Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, KUMAKURA Y, BENKELFAT C, FISET P, MZENGEZA S, LEYTON M, YOUNG SN: Only increases in blood oxygen from below normal levels has an effect on brain serotonin synthesis as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and PET. EANM Congress, Vienna, August 31-September 4, 2002.(Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, OKAZAWA H, NISHIZAWA S, LEYTON M, ROSA P, YOUNG SN: A decrease in blood tryptophan concentration produces regionally specific changes in brain serotonin synthesis in men and women: A PET study with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan. 15th ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain, October 5-9, 2002.(Abstract).
- NISHIKAWA M, KUMAKURA Y, GILL K, ROBSON J, DIKSIC M: Reduced Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Male Chronic Alcoholics Revealed by PET. SFN Ann Meeting, Orlando, FL, Novemebre 2-7, 2002.(Abstract).
- WATANABE A,. DIKSIC M: Brain Serotonin Synthesis is Increased in the Olfactory Bulbectomy Rat Model of Depression. SFN Ann Meeting, Orlando, FL, Novemebre 2-7, 2002.(Abstract).
- DIKSIC M, KUMAKURA Y, BENKELFAT C, FISET P, MZENGEZA S, LEYTON M, YOUNG SN: Increase in blood oxygen tension elevates brain serotonin synthesis as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and PET. SFN Ann Meeting, Orlando, FL, Novemebre 2-7, 2002.(Abstract).
- BENKELFAT C, ROSA P, LEYTON M, YOUNG SN, MZENGEZA S, DIKSIC M: In-Vivo measurement of 5HT synthesis capacity in the human brain, using the PET / 11C-a-methyltryptophan method: Clinical applications. 15th ECNP Congress, Barcelona, Spain, October 5-9, 2002. (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M: á-Methyl-L-tryptophan as a Tracer to Evaluate the Brain Serotonergic System. 8th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins, 5-9 September 2003, Rome, Italy
- NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, BENKELFAT C, DEBONNEL G, GOBBI G, DIKSIC M: Reduced Human Brain Serotonin (5-HT) Synthesis in Depression using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and á-[11C]Methyl-Tryptophan (á-MTrp), 26th Ann Meeting of CCNP, June 1-4, 2003, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, BENKELFAT C, DEBONNEL G, GOBBI G, DIKSIC M: The Evaluation of Brain Serotonin (5-HT) Synthesis in Major Depression Using Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and the alpha-[11C]Methyl-Tryptophan ( alpha-MTrp). XXVth International Symposium of the Centre for Research in Neurological Sciences (CRSN) of the Université de Montréal, May 4 and 5, 2003, Montreal, Canada.
- NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, BENKELFAT C, DEBONNEL G, ROSA P, KUBOKI T, DIKSIC M: Serotonin Synthesis in Depressed Patients is lower in the left hemisphere and shows gender dependence: PET with alpha-[11C]Methyl-Tryptophan Study, World Congress of Psychometric Medicine, Hawaii, 2003.
- HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, NISHI K, NGUYAN KQ, DIKSIC M: CP-93,129, 5-HT1B Receptor Agonist Reduces 5-HT Synthesis Acutely in the Rat Brain, But Has no Chronic Effect: An Autoradiographic Study. 26th Ann Meeting of CCNP, June 1-4, 2003, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- DIKSIC M, NGUYEN KQ, TOHYAMA Y, WATANABE A ROBSON J: Citalopram (CT) alone or in combination with pindolol (PD) have region specific effect on 5HT synthesis in a rat model of depression. SFN, November 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. (#460.16)
- NISHI K, HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, DIKSIC M: Acute treatment with moclobemide (MO) reduces serotonin synthesis in selective brain structures. 43rd International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposium , June 18-21, 2003, Pula, Croatia.
- LEYTON M, BOILEAU I, CASEY K, AAN HET ROT M, DIKSIC M, YOUNG SN, DAGHER A, BENKELFAT C . [11C]Raclopride and Dopamine Depletion Studies in Humans. 26th Ann Meeting of CCNP, June 1-4, 2003, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- DIKSIC M: Brain serotonin synthesis in affective disorders. 43rd International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposium , June 18-21, 2003, Pula, Croatia.
- DIKSIC M: Brain Serotonin Synthesis Measured with a-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan and PET.” 11th International Conference on Ulcer Research, September 15-18, 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia
- NISHI K, MÜCK-ŠELER D, DIKSIC M: Acute Effects of Monoamine Oxidases A and B Inhibitors on Serotonin Synthesis Rates in the Rat Brain. SFN, November 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. (#460.9)
- BOILEAU I, BENKELFAT C, LEYTON M, GUNN R, DIKSIC M, DAGHER A. Sensitization to psychostimulants persists after one year: A PET/ [11C]raclopride follow-up study in healthy volunteers. 10th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping, June 13-17, 2004, Budapest, Hungary.
- DIKSIC M. Identifying epileptic foci using positron emission tomography imaging. The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, October 5-8, 2004, Nagoya, Japan.
- DIKŠIC M, HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, NGUYEN KQ. Serotonin synthesis modulation with antidepressants in a rat model of depression. 4th Croation Pharmacological Congress with International Participation, September 15-18, 2004, Split, Croatia.
- KANEMARU K, HASEGAWA S, NISHI K, KRNJEVIC K, DIKSIC M. The Different Effects of Acute Citalopram (C) Treatment on 5HT Synthesis Rates in FSL, FRL, and SD Rats. SFN, October 23-26, 2004, San Diego, CA.
- NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, BENKELFAT C, GOBBI G, DEBONNEL G, KUMONO H, DIKSIC M. The Effect of Antidepressant Treatment on Brain Serotonin (5HT) Synthesis Measured using á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan (AMT) and PET. SFN, October 23-26, 2004, San Diego, CA.
- SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C, DIKSIC M. Female normal subjects show regionally lower cerebral serotonin synthesis than males: á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan positron emission tomography study. SFN, October 23-26, 2004, San Diego, CA.(Abstract)
- HASEGAWA S, WATANABE A, NGUYEN KQ, DEBONNEL G, DIKSIC M. Chronic administration of citalopram (CIT) in olfactory bulbectomized rats normalizes brain 5-HT synthesis rates: an autoradiographic study. SFN, October 23-26, 2004, San Diego, CA.(Abstract)
- PERREAU-LINCK E, BEAUREGARD M, GRAVEL P, SOUCY JP, DIKSIC M, ESSICK GK, BENKELFAT C. Serotonin metabolism during self-induced sadness and happiness in professional actors. SFN, October 23-26, 2004, San Diego, CA.
- DIKSIC M. Brain research with short lived cyclotron produces positron emitters. IBA Work Shop, May 1-3, 2005, Montreal, Canada.(Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: The study of serotonin synthesis in affective disorders using positron emission tomography, World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, August 21-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan.(Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Serotonin Synthesis and its Modulation with Drugs, the 28th CCNP Annual Meeting, July 2-5, 2005, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.(Abstract)
- ROSA-NETO P, GOERTZEN A L, DIKSIC M, SADIKOT A F, DAGHER A, EVANS A C, SOUCY J-P: Evaluation of the status of D2/D3 receptors in the striatum of the aphakia mouse model using 11C-raclopride imaging with microPET. The 35th Annual Meeting of SFN, Washington, DC, November 12-16, 2005.(Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C, YOUNG SN: Serotonin synthesis is lower in the cortical areas of female than male healthy participants as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan positron emission tomography. XXII International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function. June 7-11, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.(Abstract)
- ROSA-NETO P, GOERTZEN AL, GREEN J, DIKSIC M, MZENGEZA S, DAGHER A, SOUCY J-P, SADIKOT A, EVANS AC: Dopamine D2/3 receptor binding in aphakia mice measured by microPET. VII International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET. June 7-11, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.(Abstract)
- SAKAI Y, NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, BENKELFAT C, GOBBI G, DEBONNEL G, DIKSIC M: 5HT synthesis is reduced in depression after citalopram plus pindolol. 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry. June 30-July 3, 2005, Vienna, Austria.(Abstract)
- BOILEAU I, DAGHER A, WELFELD K, LEYTON M, BOOIJ L, SIBON1 I, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Drug-associated context increases Dopamine release during placebo administration: a PET [11C] raclopride study in healthy volunteers: 35th Annual Meeting of SFN, Washington, DC, November 12-16, 2005.(Abstract)
- GOERTZEN AL, ROSA-NETO P, SADIKOT AF, DIKSIC M, MZENGEZA S, SOURCY J-P, EVANS AC: Effect of reconstruction algorithm on distribution volume ratio estimates of the mouse striatum in [11C]raclopride imaging with the micropet R4. 52nd Annual Meeting of SNM, Toronto, June 2005.(Abstract)
- TOHYAMA Y, DIKSIC M: Pharmacological Effects on Serotonin Synthesis in Rat Brain. The 14th Hokkaido Brain PET/SPECT Research Meeting. October 15, 2005, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.(Abstract)
- SIBON I, LEYTON M, GRAVEL P, SOOKMAN D, PINARD G, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: CBT vs Sertraline in OCD: Effects on brain regional serotonin synthesis index. ACNP, Dec. 11-15, 2005, Waikolai, HI (Abstract)
- SIBON I, STRAFELLA A, GRAVEL P, KO JH, BOOIJ L, SOUCY JP, LEYTON M, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Acute prefrontal cortex TMS in healthy volunteers: effects on brain 11C-AMT trapping. Biological Psychiatry, 2005 (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M: PET identification of epileptic focus. The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, October 5-7, 2005, Yokohama, Japan.The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, October 5-7, 2005, Yokohama, Japan.(Abstract)
- DIKISIC M: Imaging Studies of the Brain Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems, World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, August 21-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan (Abstract).
- DIKSIC M: The study of serotonin synthesis in affective disorders using positron emission tomography, the 18th World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, August 21-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, NISHIKAWA M, BERNEY A, GOBBI G, DEBONNEL G, BENKELFAT C: Antidepressants effect the brain serotonin synthesis as measured with á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan and PET. American Psychosomatic Society, 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, , March 1-4, 2006, Denver, Co, USA. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, SAKAI Y, DOBSON C, AUBE M, HAMEL E: Acute sumatriptan reduces head pain concurrently with brain serotonin synthesis during spontaneous migraine attacks as measured by positron emission tomography (PET). The 8th European Headache Federation ( EHF) Congress, Valencia, Spain, April 26-29, 2006. (Abstract)
- SAKAI Y, DOBSON C, AUBE M, DIKSIC M, HAMEL E: Brain serotonin synthesis during spontaneous migraine attacks, after sumatriptan treatment, and interictally in migraine-free episodes: a PET study. 12th Annual Meeting, Human Brain Mapping, June 11-15, 2006, Florence, Italy. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: The Evaluation of Regional Serotonin Synthesis Control in the Living Brain. the 7th Bienniel Meeting of the Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry (APSN 2006), July 2-5, 2006, Singapore; J Neurochem 98 (Suppl. 1); 55, 2006. (Abstract)
- SKELIN I, SATO H, KRNJEVIC K, DIKSIC M: Olfactory bulbectomy changes regional cerebral glucose utilization in OBX rats. 36th Annual Meeting of SFN, Atlanta, GA, October 14-18, 2006. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M: Influence of age on serotonin synthesis in the human brain. The 6th International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP), October 3-6, 2006, Hiroshima, JAPAN (Abstract).
- SATO H, SKELIN I, DEBONNEL G, M. DIKSIC M: Buspirone normalization of open field behaviour is in the olfactory bulbectomized rats dose dependent. 36th Annual Meeting of SFN, Atlanta, GA, October 14-18, 2006. (Abstract)
- DIKSIC M, SIBON I, STRAFELLA A, GRAVEL P, KO JH, BOOIJ L, SOUCY J-P, LEYTON M, BENKELFAT C: Effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on serotonin synthesis. The 9th World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Congress, Seoul, S. Korea, October 21-27, 2006.
- DIKSIC M: Presidential Symposium presentation: á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan as tracer for identification of epileptic foci using positron emission tomography imaging. 2nd Congress of the Croatian Neuroscience. May 18-17, 2007.
- DIKSIC M: The regional serotonin synthesis investigated by positron emission tomography and á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan in normal and depressed subjects, the 3rd CINP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, March 12-15, 2007.
- BOILEAU I, DAGHER A, LEYTON M, BOOIJ L, WELFELD K, PRUESSNER J, BAKER G, DIKSIC M, BENKELFAT C: Neuroplasticity of the mesostriatal DA system in humans: 11C-Raclopride / PET studies; Dopamine 50 years’ Congres; May 30-June 2, 2007, Göteborg, Sweden
- I organized a Symposium “Changes in the human brain monoaminergic systems with age and Alzheimer’s disease” at the CINP Pacific-Asia Regional Meeting to be held in Kuala Lumpur from 2 – 5 March 2008.
- DIKSIC M: Age effect and the brain serotonergic system. Kuala Lumpur from 2 – 5 March 2008. (Abstract).
- Diksic M: Alteration of serotonin synthesis in alcoholics. IBRO meeting, Kuala Lumpur, March 4, 2008.
- Mirko Diksic, Yojiro Sakai, Masami Nishikawa, Edith Hamel and Michel Aubé: Female migraine patients exhibit lower brain serotonin (5-HT) synthesis interictally than female controls. VII.INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON HEADACHE IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS, Istanbul, Turkey, Nay 17-21, 2008.
- B.N. Frey, P. Rosa-Neto, S. Lubarsky, and M. Diksic: Correlation between serotonin synthesis and 5HT1A receptor binding: a combined á-[11C]MT and [18F]MPPF imaging study. XXVI CINP Congress – 50th Anniversary of the CINP, 13 – 17 July 2008, Munich, Germany.
- Kovacevic T, Skelin I, Kung HF, Diksic M. Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment has Significant Effect on the Density of 5-HT1A Receptors in FSL but not in FRL Rats. 2nd Ann Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Montreal, May 24-27, 2008.
- Kovacevic T, Skelin I, Diksic M: Chronic Fluoxetine Treatment has Significant Effect on the Density of Serotonin Transporters in FSL and FRL but greater in FSL rats. Society for Neuroscience 38th Annual Meeting 2008, November 15-18, 2008, Washington, DC.
- Skelin I, Kovacevic T, Sato H, Diksic M: The influence of acute treatment with citalopram on brain arachidonic acid turnover in OBX and Sham rats. 2nd Ann Canadian Neuroscience Meeting, Montreal, May 24-27, 2008.
- Skelin I, Kovacevic T, Sato H, Diksic M: The influence of the chronic treatment with citalopram on the density of the serotonin transporter in FSL and SD rats. Society for Neuroscience 38th Annual Meeting 2008, November 15-18, 2008, Washington, DC.
- Dikisc M: Neuroimaging of receptors and possible relationship between density and functionality. NEUROIMAGING OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, September 12 – 16, 2008 Dubrovnik / Croatia
- Frey BN, Skelin I, Sakai Y, Nishikawa M, Diksic M: Gender Differences in Brain Serotonin Synthesis in Individuals with Major Depressive Disorder: Á á-[11C]MT PET Imaging Study. 17th European Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal, January 24 – 28, 2009
- Diksic M: Imaging studies of serotonin (5-HT) synthesis with labelled á-methyl-L-tryptophan in rat models of depression and humans suffering from affective disorders; “Stress and Behavior” Conference, St-Petersburg, Russia, May 16-20, 2009.
- Diksic M: Imaging of serotonin synthesis as a factor of serotonergic transmission and brain serotonergic receptors and their relation to affective disorders; Drug Discovery and Development, June 1-3, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
- Diksic M: The use of tryptophan analog in studying the brain serotonergic system. The Third Croatian Neuroscience Meeting, Zadar, Croatia, 24-26 September, 2009.
- Diksic M: Imaging of serotonin synthesis as a factor of serotonergic transmission and brain serotonergic receptors and their relation to affective disorders; BIT’s 7 th Annual Congress 2009 International Drug Discovery Science and Technology; Oct. 22-25, 2009 Shanghai, China
- Diksic M: Imaging of serotonin synthesis as a factor of serotonergic transmission and brain serotonergic receptors and their relation to affective disorders” at the 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy, Dubai, February 1-4, 2010.
Pozvana predavanja i seminari
- Invited Lecture: Study of the interaction of heavy ions with organic material. Department of Radiology, NIH, Bethesda, January 1974.
- Invited Lecture: Identification of new isomer of I132m. Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri, October, 1975.
- Invited Lecture: Investigation of the fission of uranium with medium energy protons. Department of Chemistry, University of Missouri, November, 1975.
- Invited Lecture: Production of medically useful radionuclides with physics accelerators. Institute R. Boshovic, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, July, 1977.
- Invited Lecture: Investigation of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism with PET, University of Zagreb, Croatia. September 8, 1982.
- Invited Lecture: Use of short-lived positron emitting tracers in the investigation of the brain tumor metabolism and blood flow with PET. Clinc Rebro, Zagreb, Croatia. August 1982.
- Invited Lecture: Production of short-lived isotopes and their use for PET imaging. Medical Physics Seminar, McGill University, Montreal. May 22, 1982.
- Physical basis for positron emission tomography. Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute Neuroscience Seminars. McGill University, Montreal. January 11, 1982 (participation).
- Invited Lecture: Use of 18F in the blood flow and metabolic studies, Medical Physics Seminar, McGill University, Montreal. November 24, 1982.
- Synthesis and in vivo decomposition of positron labelled nitrosoureas. Montreal Neurological Hospital and Institute, McGill University. Monday Noon Neuroresearch Conference. February 28, 1983.
- Radioisotopes in nuclear medicine research, Neurosurgery/Neurology basic science seminar, McGill University, Montreal. June 2, 1983.
- New direction in brain tumor therapy, MNI/MNH, McGill University, Montreal, March 1, 1983 (participation in Grand Rounds).
- Invited Lecture: Radiochemistry of positron emitted radionuclides, Medical Physics Seminar, McGill University, Montreal. December 7, 1983.
- Invited Lecture: The use of compartmental modeling in the brain metabolic studies. Department of Mathematics, McGill University, Montreal, February 3, 1984.
- Metabolic studies of brain tumors using positron emission tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal. March 19, 1984 (participation in Neuroscience Seminar).
- Radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine; Synthesis, Purity Assessment and Their Use. Lectures to Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Residents – McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, April 19 and 26, 1984.
- Invited Lecture: In vivo study of patho-physiological parameters in human brain with PET. University of Zagreb, “Dr. Mladen Stojomovic” Hospital Zabreb, Croatia. May 24, 1984.
- Invited Lecture: Synthesis and use of positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals in neurological research. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. June 12, 1984.
- Invited Lecture: Synthesis and use of radiopharmaceuticals labelled with positron emitters for in vivo measurements of brain functional parameters in pathological conditions. At: Research Institute for Brain and Blood Vessels – Akita, Akita, Japan. July 16, 1984.
- Invited Lecture: Syntheses and use of radiopharmaceuticals labelled with positron emitters for in vivo measurements of brain functional parameters in pathological conditions. Gunma University, Gunma, Japan. July 20, 1984.
- Invited Lecture: Radiopharmaceuticals and biological models for PET, Medical Physics Seminar, McGill University, February 15, 1985.
- Radiopharmaceuticals and biological models, Neuroscience Seminars, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, March 4, 1985.
- Study of brain pathophysiology with PET: Moderator: Neurosciences Seminars, McGill University, March 4-25, 1985.
- Quantification of glucose utilization in an experimental brain tumor model by deoxyglucose method. Monday Noon Neuroresearch Conference, McGill University, April 22, 1985.
- Invited Lecture: (Heritage Foundation of Alberta, Visiting Lecturer): Synthesis and use of biologically active labelled compounds in neurological research with PET. University of Alberta, Edmonton, April 18, 1985.
- Invited Lecture: Radiopharmaceuticals labelled with short-lived positron emitting radionuclides and their use in neurological research. Cyclotron Center Sart, Université de Liège, Belgium, June 20, 1985.
- Invited Lecture: Short-lived positron emitting radiopharmaceuticals and their utilization in PET research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, September 10, 1986.
- Invited Lecture: PET evaluation of metabolism in epileptic brain, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland, September 3, 1986.
- In vivo biological model for the brain synthesis rate of serotonin. Monday Noon Neuroresearch Conference, McGill University, February 16, 1987.
- Moderator: Brain Tumor Metabolism. Neurosciences Seminars, McGill University, February 2- March 9, 1987.
- Radiopharmaceuticals and biological models for metabolic studies of brain tumors with PET. Neurosciences Seminar. McGill University, February 2, 1987.
- Invited Lecture: The use of tracers in in vivo metabolic studies of brain by PET and autoradiography, University of Zabreb, Croatia, April 19, 1987.
- Invited Lecture: PET studies of brain metabolism, University of Belgrade, Serbia, April 23, 1987.
- Invited Lecture: Brain metabolic studies, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, New York, March 3, 1987.
- Invited Lecture: Metabolic studies in brain tumors with PET, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre, New York, March 4, 1987.
- Invited Lecture: Preliminary results on measurement of rate of serotonin synthesis in dog and human brains by PET. Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 11th Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal, May 3-6, 1988.
- Invited Lecture: Evaluation of the brain pathology with PET. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, May 10, 1988.
- Invited Lecture: Drug delivery to brain tumors. William Guy Forbeck Research Foundation “Think Tank”, Hilton Head Island, SC, November 17-19, 1988.
- Invited Lecture: Biological model for in vivo measurements of the serotonin synthesis rate in leaving brain. NIH-PPET Centre, Bethesda, MD, November 15, 1988.
- Autoradiographic method for in vivo measurement of the rate of serotonin synthesis in the brain. Monday Noon Research Seminar, Montreal Neurological Institute, December 12, 1988.
- Invited Lecture: Biological model for in vivo measurements of the brain serotonin synthesis rate in rat and human. Algarve, Portugal, April 29-30, 1989.
- Invited Lecture: Measurement of the rate of serotonin synthesis. Inter-Study Group for Tryptophan Research, Baltimore, MD, May 9, 1989.
- Invited Lecture: Brain serotonin synthesis measured by autoradiography and PET. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, August 4, 1989.
- Biochemistry of Brain Tumors, Moderator: Neuroscience Seminars, McGill University, November 6th to December 4th, 1989.
- Brain tumors and peripheral benzodiazepine receptors, Neuroscience Seminars, McGill University, November 6, 1989.
- Peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in human brain tumors, January 10, 1990, Jewish General Hospital.
- Invited Lecture: In vivo measurement of the brain serotonin synthesis rate. St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, February 1, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: New autoradiographic method to measure brain serotonin synthesis in vivo. Centre de recherche clinique André-Viallet, Montreal, March 20, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Biological model for the measurement of the serotonin synthesis rate in living brain. University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, May 21, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Biochemical principles in radiopharmaceutical design and utilization, Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, July 14, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Common positron-emitter-labelled compounds: labelling methods of choice and problems. Veterans General Hospital, National Yang-Ming Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, July 14, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Radiopharmaceuticals for in vivo brain enzyme activity measurements. Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Lung-Tan, Taiwan, July 7, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Radiopharmaceuticals for the measurement of in vivo brain enzyme activities. 2nd Meeting of the Canadian Chapter of the International Isotope Society, St. Jovite, Quebec, October 11-13, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Brain enzyme evaluation by PET. University of Texas Health Sciences Center, San Antonio, TX, August 8, 1990.
- Invited Lecture: Labelled α-methyl-L-tryptophan as tracer to study brain serotoninergic system. Yale University, New Haven, CT, April 26, 1991.
- Invited Lecture: Serotonin synthesis rate measured in living brain. 14th Annual Scientific Meeting of Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Hamilton, Ontario, June 2-5, 1991.
- Invited Lecture: Imaging of Brain Enzymes. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 25, 1991.
- Invited Lecture: Brain Enzymes Imaged by PET. University of Melbourne, Australia, July 1991.
- Seminar: Brain Serotonergic System Studied with α-methyl-L-tryptophan. Douglas Hospital, Verdun, Quebec, November 1992.
- Tuesday Noon Research Seminar: Investigation of the brain serotoninergic system with labelled tryptophan analogue. Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, January 26, 1993
- Invited Lecture: Serotoninergic brain system studied with α-methyl-L-tryptophan. Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, May 20, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: In vivo assessment of the brain enzyme activity. Iwate Medical College, Morioka, Japan, May 22, 1993.
- Invited Lecture; 136th Lecturer: Imaging of brain enzyme activity. Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, May 25, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: 1) Brain serotonin synthesis; and 2) Brain tumor peripheral benzodiazepine receptors and protein synthesis. Kumamoto Brain Metabolism Meeting, Kumamoto University Medical School, Kumamoto, Japan, May 28, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: α-Methyl-tryptophan model for measurement of the serotonin synthesis rate. Yale University, September 23, 1993.
- Seminar: Labelled α-methyl serotonin as a tool in the study of the brain serotonergic system. Yale University, September 24, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: Evaluation of biochemical parameters of brain tumors. Institute R. Bosković, Zagreb, Croatia, October 5, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: Novel in vivo methods for measurement of the brain serotonin and dopamine synthesis rate. 1st Croatian Congress of Pharmacology, Zagreb, Croatia, October 7, 1993.
- Invited Lecture: The Brain Serotonergic System Investigated with Labelled alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PET Facility, April 19, 1994.
- Invited Lecture: In vivo measurement of the brain enzyme activity. West Virginia University, School of Medicine, April 20, 1994.
- Invited Lecture: Imaging with 18Fluorine radiopharmaceuticals. University of Sherbrooke, June 14, 1994.
- Invited Lecture: Production and the use of short-lived radioisotopes in neuroscience research at the MNI. 4th Meeting of the Canadian Chapter, Int Isotope Society, Montreal, May 18-20, 1995.
- Invited Lecture: Study of the brain serotonin synthesis control. Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, July 17, 1995.
- Invited lecture: Brain injury and the serotonin synthesis. Asahikawa Medical College. Asahikawa, Japan, July 20, 1995.
- Invited lecture: Tumor pathophysiological parameters and chemotherapy in rat model. Yamanashi Medical College, Yamanashi, Japan, July 21, 1995.
- Invited lecture: The evaluation of labelled α-methyl-L-tryptophan as a tracer for study of the brain serotonergic system. King Faisal Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 1, 1995.
- Invited lecture: In vivo measurements of the brain enzyme activities using PET. King Faisal Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 3, 1995.
- Invited lecture: Brain PET radiopharmaceuticals. Riyadh Nuclear Medicine Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, October 2, 1995.
- Seminar: Study of the control of serotonin synthesis in vivo. Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, December 5, 1995.
- Seminar: The differences in serotonin synthesis rates in male and female brains. Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, May 7, 1996.
- Invited seminar: “The control of the brain serotonin synthesis in vivo: From rats to men.” Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, October 8, 1996.
- Invited lecture: Biological medel for the measurement of the brain serotonin synthesis rate. Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, December 12, 1996.
- Invited lecture: Brain serotonin synthesis control: Autoradioagraphic studies. Institute Rudjer Bošković, Zagreb, Croatia, July 16, 1997.
- Invited lecture: Brain serotonin synthesis measurements in humans with PET. Poliklinik der TU München, München, Germany, July 21, 1997.
- Invited lecture: Serotonin synthesis in normal and affected brains. Institute Rudjer Bošković, Zagreb, Croatia, June 16, 1998.
- Invited lecture at the 18th Donau Symposium: Serotonin synthesis in affected human brain measured with PET. June 4-7, 1998.
- Invited lecture at Summer School: Serotonin synthesis measurements by autoradioagraphy and positron emission tomography. Plitvice, Croatia, June 6-8, 1998.
- Key note speaker at the opening of the Croatian Brain Institute: Study of the brain serotonin synthesis control. December 17, 1998.
- Invited lecture: Control of the brain serotonin synthesis :1st International Conference on Signal Transduction” (ICST), 8-11 October 1998, Dubrovnik-Cavtat
- Invited lecture: Brain monoaminergic system studied with PET. University of Zagreb Medical Clinic, Zagreb, Croatia, April 16, 1999.
- Invited lecture: Use of the PET imaging in Nuclear Medicine. Rebro Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, April 20, 1999.
- Innovations Award Lecture: Labelled á-methyl-L-tryptophan as tracer to study brain serotonergic system. Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Marrakech, Morocco, April 11, 2000.
- Invited lecture: Alteration in the brain serotonin and dopamine synthesis in patients with affective disorders. Department of Psychiatry, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. July 5, 2000.
- Invited lecture: “Changes in brain serotonin synthesis produced by serotonergic drugs: Imaging studies”, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, October 12, 2000:
- Invited lecture at FUKUI-2000: Brain serotonin synthesis studied with á-methyl-L-tryptophan imaging. Fukui, Japan, November 13, 2000.
- Invited lecture: Monoamines and the Brain Disorders. The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan. November 16, 2000.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin Synthesis and Brain Injury”, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan. November 20, 2000.
- Invited lecture: “Alteration in the Brain Monoamines Synthesis in some Disorders”, Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital, Yamagata, Japan, November22, 2000.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging of the Brain Serotonergic Function”, Tokyo Women’s Medical University. Tokyo, Japan. November 23, 2000.
- Invited lecture: “Brain serotonin synthesis control as revealed by imaging with alpha-methyl-L-tryptophan”, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, January 29, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “Effects of brain injuries on serotonin synthesis”, Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan, January 30, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “Monoaminergic Systems and Brain Disorders”, PET Unit, Research Institute, Shiga Medical Center, Moriyama, Shiga, Japan, January 29, 2001.
- Keynote Lecture: “The Study of Brain Serotonin Synthesis using Radioactive Tracer: The Effects of Different Drugs”, At 17th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Osijek, Croatia, June 10-13, 2001.
- Popular lecture: “Satisfactions from doing interdisciplinary research”, Croatian Association of Chemist, Zagreb, Croatia, June 29, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “á-Methyl-L-tryptophan as a tracer for brain serotonin synthesis”, Akita Research Institute of Brain and Blood Vessels, Akita, Japan, July 31, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin synthesis measurements using labelled á-methyl-L-tryptophan”, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, July 30, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “The regional alteration of serotonin synthesis as measured using PET and á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan”, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo, Japan, August 9, 2001.
- Invited lecture: “Relationship between brain lesions and the activation of the serotonergic system”, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, March 12, 2003.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin synthesis controls studied by PET and autoradiography”, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, March 13, 2003.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging of brain presynaptic monoaminergic functions”, The Association of Psycho-Somatic Research in Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, March 14, 2003.
- Invited lecture: “Recent advances in PET imaging of brain disease and disorders”, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan, March 18, 2003.
- Seminar: “Measurements of the brain serotonin synthesis with á-methyl-L-tryptophan in living brain”, Department of Psychiatry, Addiction Unit, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, April 14, 2003.
- Invited lecture: “Brain serotonin synthesis in affective disorders.” 43rd International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposium , June 19, 2003, Pula, Croatia
- Invited lecture: “Brain Serotonin Synthesis Measured with a-[11C]Methyl-L-Tryptophan and PET.” 11th International Conference on Ulcer Research, September 16, 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
- Key note lecture: The effect of drugs on serotonin synthesis in depressed subjects: A PET study. 4th Croation Pharmacological Congress with International Participation, September 15-18, 2004, Split, Croatia.
- Invited speaker at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society: “Identifying epileptic foci using positron emission tomography imaging”, Nagoya, Japan, October 6-9, 2004.
- Invited lecture: “A study of the brain monoaminergic systems using positron emission tomography”, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, October 8, 2004.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging of brain monoamines using positron emission tomography”, Saitama Medical University, Iruma-gun, Saitama, Japan, October 12, 2004.
- Invited lecture: “Positron emission tomography as a tool to study brain monoamines”, Daiichi Radioisotope laboratory, Inc., Tokyo, Japan, October 12, 2004.
- Special invited lecture: “Alterations in the brain serotonergic system produced by brain lesions”, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan, October 15, 2004.
- Invited lecture: “A study of brain serotonin synthesis in affective disorders using positron emission tomography”, The University of Tokyo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, October 18, 2004.
- Organizer and presenter at the Symposium Imaging Studies of Serotonergic System in Affective Disorders: Title: “Serotonin Synthesis and its Modulation with Drugs”, the 28th CCNP Annual Meeting, July 2-5, 2005, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.
- Invited Symposium lecture: 23rd Aug: “Imaging Studies of the Brain Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Systems”, World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, August 21-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan
- Key Note Lecture at the 18th World Congress of Psychometric Medicine: “The study of serotonin synthesis in affective disorders using positron emission tomography”, World Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine, August 21-26, 2005, Kobe, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin synthesis control studied by PET and autoradiography”, August 29, 2005, Hamamatsu Photonics, Hamamatsu City, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Clinical use of Positron Emission Tomography for brain disease management with comments on whole body scanning”, August 30, 2005, The Nayoro Central Hospital, Nayoro, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin Synthesis Measured in Living Brain”, October 3, 2005, SGI Japan Nuclear Mediciny Symposium, Ebisu, Shibuja, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Use of Positron Emission Tomographic Imaging for Brain Disease Management”, September 1, 2005, The Yamagata Prefectural Central Hospital, Yamagata, Japan.
- Invited speaker: “PET identification of epileptic focus”, The 64th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, October 5-7, 2005, Yokohama, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin Synthesis Modulation by Different Types of Drugs”, October 11, 2005, Department of Investigative Radiology, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Suita, Japan
- Invited lecture: “The Effects of Brain Lesions on Monoamines”, October 12, 2005, Department of Neurosurgery, Hyogo College of Medicine, Hyogo, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “Alteration of brain serotonin synthesis in affective disorders”, The University J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, June 12, 2006.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging studies of serotonin synthesis modulation in brain”, Department of Pharmacology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, October 2, 2006.
- Invited lecture: “Serotonin Synthesis Modulation by Different Types of Drugs Time Schedule”, Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Therapeutics, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, October 4, 2006.
- Invited lecture in the Panel organized by M. Diksic (Panel: Monoaminergic system and aging) at the 6th International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP), “Influence of age on serotonin synthesis in the human brain”, October 6, 2006, Hiroshima, JAPAN.
- Invited lecture: “Study of brain serotonin synthesis modulation using radioisotope imaging”, Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, October 12, 2006.
- Invited lecture in the Neuroscience Symposium Molecular imaging of neuropharmacology at the 9th World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology Congress, Seoul, S. Korea: “Effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on serotonin synthesis”, October 25, 2006.
- Invited lecture in a Symposium organized by M. Diksic: “Imaging of the Brain Serotonergic Functions”, Title: The regional serotonin synthesis investigated by positron emission tomography and á-[11C]methyl-L-tryptophan in normal and depressed subjects”, the 3rd CINP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, March 12-15, 2007.
- Special lecture at the 3rd CINP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand; Title: The study of serotonin synthesis in humans using positron emission tomography and rats by autoradiography”, March 13, 2007.
- Invited lecture: Modulation of brain serotonin synthesis with both an agonist and antagonist The University J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia, May 15, 2007.
- Invited lecture: Imaging studies of brain serotonin synthesis. National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Kodaira City, Tokyo, Japan, October 5, 2007.
- Invited lecture: Imaging studies of serotonin synthesis control through receptors. National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, JAPAN, October 1, 2007.
- Invited lecture: Study of brain serotonin synthesis modulation. Institute of Health Bioscience, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Tokushima, Japan, October 9, 2007.
- Invited lecture: Serotonin synthesis alteration and brain disorders. Biomedical Imaging Research Center,University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan , October 11, 2007.
- Invited lecture at the Meeting: The History of Epilepsy Surgery at the MNI. The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, Tokyo, Japan, October 3-5, 2007.
- Invited lecture at the Meeting: The Latest Diagnostic Methods for CNS (Utilization of PET Imaging for CNS), The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society, Tokyo, Japan, October 3-5, 2007.
- Symposium lecture: “Age effect and the brain serotonergic system”; Kuala Lumpur from 2 – 5 March 2008.
- Invited lecture: “Modulation of brain serotonin synthesis with both an agonist and antagonist”; The J.J. Strossmayer University, Osijek, Croatia, September 19, 2008.
- Invited lecture: “The Imaging of Brain Serotonergic Function in the Normal and Diseased Brain”; Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, June 18, 2008.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging studies of serotonin (5-HT) synthesis with labelled á-methyl-L-tryptophan in rat models of depression and humans suffering from affective disorders; “Stress and Behavior” Conference, St-Petersburg, Russia, May 16-20, 2009.
- Invited lecture: “Imaging of serotonin synthesis as a factor of serotonergic transmission and brain serotonergic receptors and their relation to affective disorders”; Drug Discovery and Development, June 1-3, 2009, Tokyo, Japan.
- Invited lecture: “The use of positron emission tomography for brain research and patient management”, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Tokushima, Japan, June 5, 2009.
- Invited lecture at the Meeting: “The use of tryptophan analog in studying the brain serotonergic system” The Third Croatian Neuroscience Meeting, Zadar, Croatia, 24-26 September, 2009.
- Invited lecture at the Meeting: “Imaging of serotonin synthesis as a factor of serotonergic transmission and brain serotonergic receptors and their relation to affective disorders” at the 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy, Dubai, February 1-4, 2010.
- Invited lecture at the Meeting: “The Behaviour and Pharmacological Modulation of Brain Serotonin Synthesis” CM1103 Action; COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) 1st WG4 Scientific Meeting, Monoamines and Drugs: New Insights into the Brain Disorders; 26-27 April 2012 Zagreb, Croatia