Kusić Zvonko, akademik

Datum rođenja:
- 14.06.1946
Mjesto rođenja:
- Zagreb
- Adresa: Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Zaklada HAZU: +385 01 4895 170
E-mail adrese:
Kusić Zvonko, akademik
Predsjednik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti od 2011. do 2018.
Akademske titule:
- akademik
- doktor znanosti
- professor emeritus Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
- posebni savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske za društvena pitanja – (01.05.2019. – …)
- predsjednik – Hrvatsko povjerenstvo za UNESCO (2019. – …)
- predsjednik Upravnog odbora – Zaklada HAZU (2019. – …)
- predsjednik Upravnog vijeća – Poliklinika Aviva (2016. – 2021.)
Funkcije u Akademiji:
- voditelj – Zavod za imunologiju i genetiku tumora (31.10.2012. – …)
- predsjednik Odbora – Odbor za genomiku i proteomiku u onkologiji
- predsjednik – Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti (01.01.2011. – 31.12.2018.)
- tajnik – Razred za medicinske znanosti (01.01.2004. – 31.12.2010.)
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- redoviti član – Razred za medicinske znanosti (18.05.2000. – …)
- član suradnik – Razred za medicinske znanosti (18.06.1992. – 18.05.2000.)
Zvonko Kusić, rođen 14. lipnja 1946. u Zagrebu, redoviti je član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti (HAZU) od 2000. g. (član suradnik od 1992.). Bio je tajnik Razreda za medicinske znanosti i član Predsjedništva HAZU u razdoblju 2004. – 2010. te predsjednik HAZU od 2011. do 2018. Liječnik je, diplomirao je i doktorirao na Medicinskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, specijalist je nuklearne medicine te specijalist radioterapije. Bio je ravnatelj Kliničke bolnice „Sestre milosrdnice“ i dekan Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Od 2021. je professor emeritus Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Posebni je savjetnik predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske za društvena pitanja od 2019. i predsjednik Hrvatskog povjerenstva za UNESCO. Predsjednik je Upravnog odbora Zaklade Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti od 2019. Voditelj je Odbora za tumore i voditelj Zavoda za imunologiju i genetiku tumora HAZU.
Kao međunarodno priznati stručnjak za bolesti štitnjače zaslužan je za iskorjenjivanje gušavosti u Hrvatskoj kao inicijator drugog Zakona o jodiranju soli 1996. Time je spriječeno zaostajanje u psihomotoričkom razvoju koje je bilo uzrokovano nedostatkom joda, što je neprocjenjivo važno za svaku populaciju. Time se Hrvatska uvrstila među države koje su najuspješnije riješile taj važni javnozdravstveni problem, što je međunarodno priznalo Međunarodno vijeće za kontrolu poremećaja uzrokovanih nedostatkom joda (International Council for Control of lodine Deficiency Disorders – ICCIDD).
Bio je predsjednik Vladinog Vijeća za suočavanje s posljedicama vladavine nedemokratskih režima koje je izradilo Dokument dijaloga: Temeljna polazišta i preporuke o posebnom normativnom uređenju simbola, znakovlja i drugih obilježja.
Vanjski je suradnik Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu za nastavu na integriranom preddiplomskom i diplomskom studiju Medicina (na engleskom jeziku) te na poslijediplomskom specijalističkom i/li doktorskom studiju. Bio je predsjednik Upravnog vijeća poliklinike “Aviva”, a bio je i predstojnik Klinike za onkologiju i nuklearnu medicinu Kliničkog bolničkog centra „Sestre milosrdnice“ u Zagrebu, pročelnik Katedre za kliničku onkologiju Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu te voditelj izbornog predmeta: Bolesti štitnjače – dijagnostka i liječenje, pročelnik i redoviti profesor onkologije na Stomatološkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Stručno se usavršavao i bio gostujući profesor u sljedećim institucijama: Guy’s Hospital, London; Michigan University, Ann Arbor; Cornell University, New York; Cincinnati Medical Center; National Institute of Health, Bethesda, SAD; M.S.Course in Nuclear Medicine, London; American Thyroid Association, postgraduate program, New York, i Mayo Clinic Endocrine Course.
Inicijator je osnivanja i predsjednik Hrvatskog društva za štitnjaču, voditelj Referentnog centra za bolesti štitnjače, predsjednik Komisije za suzbijanje gušavosti Ministarstva zdravstva. Predsjednik je Savjeta Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, Odbora “Nagrade Vladimir Nazor” i Natječajnog povjerenstva nacionalnog programa stipendiranja Žene u znanosti. Bio je i predsjednik Etičkog povjerenstva za izbor zastupnika u Hrvatski sabor, te za izbor zastupnika RH u Europski parlament, kao i predsjednik Državnog povjereništva za odlikovanja i priznanja Republike Hrvatske.
Član je sljedećih tijela: Upravnog odbora Hrvatskog onkološkog društva, Američko-hrvatske onkološke radne skupine (US-Croatian Oncology Task Force), Povjerenstva za izradu prijedloga modela restrukturiranja javnih znanstvenih instituta u RH, Povjerenstva za izradu Nacionalnog plana za borbu protiv zloćudnih bolesti, Gospodarskog savjeta Nastavnog zavoda za javno zdravstvo “Dr. Andrija Štampar” i Posebnog stručnog povjerenstva za provedbu Strategije obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije i koordinaciju strategija i djelovanja na području obrazovanja i znanosti.
Uz funkcije koje sada obnaša, akademik Kusić bio je: pomoćnik, zamjenik i ravnatelj KB-a „Sestre milosrdnice“ u Zagrebu; prodekan i dekan Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu; predsjednik Povjerenstva za izradu smjernica za strategiju odgoja, obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije Ministarstva znanosti; predsjednik Upravnog vijeća Sveučilišne klinike za dijabetes, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma Vuk Vrhovac; potpredsjednik Upravnog odbora Nacionalne zaklade za znanost, visoko školstvo i tehnologijski razvoj RH; član Nacionalnog koordinacijskog tijela za izradu Strategije obrazovanja, znanosti i tehnologije, član Upravnog odbora Nacionalne zaklade za potporu učeničkom i studentskom standardu, član Nacionalnog zdravstvenog vijeća, predsjednik Područnog vijeća za biomedicinske znanosti Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije, član Povjerenstva za nuklearnu medicinu Ministarstva zdravstva, savjetnik Ministarstva zdravstva, član Povjerenstva za organizaciju sustava zdravstva, član Matičnog povjerenstva Rektorskog zbora, član Upravnog vijeća Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, član Senata Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, predsjednik Upravnog vijeća Klinike za tumore, predsjednik Upravnog vijeća Visoke zdravstvene škole, član Upravnog vijeća Ustanove za hitnu medicinsku pomoć i član Povjerenstva za radioterapiju i onkologiju Ministarstva zdravstva.
Područje stručnog i znanstvenog rada akademika Kusića jest nuklearna medicina i onkologija, a uže područje etiologija, dijagnostika, liječenje i prevencija bolesti štitnjače, osobito malignih tumora. U tom području međunarodno se afirmirao i ostvario suradnju s najprestižnijim medicinskim centrima i organizacijama te vodećim stručnjacima i znanstvenicima u svijetu koji su postavili temelje tireoidologije (William Beierwaltes, David Becker, Eugen Saenger, Richard Benua, Francois Delange i dr.).
Akademik Kusić rukovodio je klinikom Medicinskog fakulteta u kojoj djeluju 4 katedre i 3 referentna centra Ministarstva zdravstva: za melanom, za bolesti štitnjače te za imunodijagnostiku i imunoterapiju zloćudnih solidnih tumora; bio je glavni istraživač u nizu domaćih i važnih međunarodnih znanstvenoistraživačkih projekata (u suradnji s Upravom za hranu i lijekove Ministarstva zdravlja SAD-a / Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration – FDA, USA, Međunarodnom agencijom za atomsku energiju / International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, Europskom organizacijom za istraživanje i liječenje raka / European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer – EORTC, UNICEF-om, ICCIDD-om i dr.). Sada je voditelj znanstvenoistraživačkog projekta Genetski i epigenetski biljezi kao pokazatelji agresivnosti diferenciranog karcinoma štitnjače Hrvatske zakade za znanost. Bio je mentor 29 obranjenih magisterija i doktorata, kao i mentor u istraživačkom radu niza uglednih znanstvenika i stručnjaka koji su postali sveučilišni profesori i voditelji različitih odjela i katedri; održao je niz pozivnih predavanja na međunarodnim skupovima; osnovao je jedno stručno društvo Hrvatskog liječničkog zbora, inicijator je osnivanja tri referentna centra Ministarstva zdravstva i jednog istraživačkog instituta te je sudjelovao u osnivanju dviju katedri; bio je 15 godina glavni urednik međunarodno indeksiranoga časopisa Acta Clinica Croatica na engleskom jeziku (Medline i Science Citation Index Expended); glavni je urednik Glasnika Hrvatskog društva za štitnjaču, zamjenik glavnog urednika časopisa Libri Oncologici i član izdavačkog odbora publikacije The Tyroid Gland – Clinical and experimental te Uredničkog odbora časopisa Annals of Thyroid Research. Objavio je više od 800 stručnih i znanstvenih publikacija koje su citirane u najprestižnijim časopisima; autor je ili urednik više stručnih i znanstvenih knjiga, enciklopedijskih izdanja i udžbenika.
Član je brojnih stručnih i znanstvenih udruženja u zemlji i inozemstvu te Povjerenstva za znanstvenoistraživački rad Medicinskog fakulteta; predstavnik je Hrvatske u Međunarodnome vijeću za kontrolu poremećaja uzrokovanih nedostatkom joda (International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders), Governing Council European Science Foundation iAll European Academies.
Primio je odlikovanje predsjednika Republike – Red Danice Hrvatske za osobite zasluge u znanosti; Nagradu HAZU za doprinos od osobitog i trajnog značenja za Republiku Hrvatsku u području medicinskih znanosti; Državnu nagradu za znanost za životno djelo; Spomenicu domovinske zahvalnosti; Odlikovanje Reda hrvatskog trolista, Nagradu za životno djelo u onkologiji Hrvatskog onkološkog društva, Nagradu Grada Zagreba i Zlatnu počasnu medalju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Kvalifikacijski radovi
- Kusić Z. Mjerenje stabilnog joda i n v i v o u štitnjači hipertireoidnih bolesnika fluorescentnom metodom. Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb, 1983. Magistarski rad, 70 str.
- Kusić Z. Predviđanje brzine učinka tireostatika u liječenju hipertireoze. Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb, 1984. Disertacija, 114 str.
Znanstveni i stručni radovi
Radovi objavljeni u časopisima i knjigama koji se indeksiraju u Current Contentsu
- Kusić Z, Ratcliffe GE, Maisey MN, Saunders AJS. An assessment of the potential role of routine radionuclide thyroid scanning in the differentiation between solid and cystic lesions in the solitary thyroid nodule. Eur J Nucl Med 1983; 8:321-324.
- Lukinac Lj, Dermol A, Nothig-Hus D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. The “in house” T3-RIA method using polyethylene glycol 4000. Period Biol 1986; 88: 325-330.
- Kusić Z. Endemic goiter and iodine deficiency in Yugoslavia. J Endocrinol Invest 1989;12:441-442.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. “In house” TBG-RIA method in various physiological and pathological conditions. Period Biol 1989; 91:431-432.
- Labar Ž, Kusić Z, Djaković N, Spaventi Š. Thyroid carcinoma in hyperthyroidism. Period Biol 1989; 91:459-460.
- Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. SHBG concentration in hyperthyroid patients. Period Biol 1989; 91:457-458.
- Kusić Z, Mesaroš Šimunčić E, Đaković N, Kaić Rak, A, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Endemic goiter with adequate iodine intake. Lancet 1990; 335: 1229-1230.
- Kusić Z, Becker DV, Saenger EL, Paras P, Gartside P, Wessler T, Spaventi Š. Comparison of 99m-Tc and 123-I Imaging of Thyroid Nodules: Correlation with Pathologic Findings. J Nucl Med 1990; 31:393-399.
- Kusić Z et al. Correlation of pathologic findings of thyroid nodules with technetium-99m and I-123 scintigraphic findings. Clinical Thyroidology 1990;3:10-11.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Kes P. False-positive titres of thyroid autoantibodies in patients undergoing hemodialysis? Clin Chem 1991;37:2153-2154.
- Lukinac L, Kusić Z, Nöthig-Hus D, Sonicki Z. Increased cortisol-binding globulin in a patient with subacute thyroiditis. Clin Chem 1992;38:1922-1923.
- Dujić Ž, Eterović D, Tocilj J, Kusić Z, Čapkun V. About mechanisms of prostaglandin E1 induced deterioration of pulmonary gas exchange in COPD patients. Clinical Physiology 1993;13:497-506.
- Lukač J, Kusić Z, Kordić D, Končar M, Bolanča A. Natural killer cell activity, phagocytosis and number of peripheral blood cells in breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1994;29:279-285.
- Ikić D, Padovan I, Pipić N, Đaković N, Kusić Z. Local interferon therapy for lip carcinoma. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1994;251:293-296.
- Kusić Z, Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Staničić A, Đaković N. Disparate immunoscintigraphic appearance of liver metastases of rectal carcinoma. In R.S. Rao, M.G. Deo, L.D. Sanghvi, eds. Proceedings of the XVI International Cancer Congress. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, 1994:1877-1880.
- Lukač J, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z, Bolanča A, Đaković N. Prognostic significance of phagocytic functions in breast cancer patients. Eur J Cancer 1994;30A(14):2185-2186.
- Ikić D, Padovan I, Pipić N, Čajkovac V, Kusić Z, Đaković N, Gregurek-Novak T, Soldo-Belić A, Spaventi Š, Belicza M, Ferenčić Ž. Interferon reduces recurrences of basal cell and squamous cell cancers. Int J Dermatol 1995;34:1;58-60.
- Kovačić K, Alač M, Trnski D, Kusić Z. I-131 MIBG and bone scintigraphy in a patient with MEN. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 1995;20(7):623-625.
- Ikić D, Spaventi Š, Padovan I, Kusić Z, Čajkovac V, Ivanković D, Đaković N, Nola P. Local interferon therapy for melanoma patients. Int J Dermatol 1995;34:872-874.
- Lukač J, Kusić Z, Kovačević D, Soldić Ž, Troskot B. Neutrophil and monocyte phagocytic functions in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma during fluorouracil therapy. Anticancer Research 1995;15:2805-2810.
- Franceschi M, Kusić Z, Franceschi D, Lukinac Lj, Rončević S. Thyroglobulin determination, neck ultrasonography and iodine-131 whole-body scintigraphy in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. J Nucl Med 1996;37(3):446-451.
- Kusić Z, Đaković N, Kaić-Rak A, Karner I, Lechpammer S, Mesaroš-Šimunčić E, Petrović I, Rončević S, Smoje J, Staničić A, Valent I, Delange F. Current status of endemic goiter in Croatia: The results of a nationwide study (1995). J Endocrinol Invest 1996;19:210-214.
- Lukinac Lj, Franceschi M, Nöthig-Hus D, Lechpammer S, Tomašić J, Vranešić B, Pape E, Kusić Z. Endogenously labeled thyroid hormones (131I-T3/T4) in sera of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid 1996;6:201-206.
- Sali D, Cardis E, Sztanyik L, Auvinen A, Bairakova A, Dontas N, Grosche B, Kerekes A, Kusić Z, Kusoglu C, Lechpammer S et al. Cancer consequences of the Chernobyl accident in Europe outside the former USSR: a review. Int J Cancer. 1996;67:343-352.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Delange F. Progress against endemic goiter in Croatia – mandatory salt iodination increased after 40 years of implementation. J Endocrinol Invest 1997;20;346-347.
- Grce M, Husnjak K, Magdić L, Ilijaš M, Zlački M, Lepušić D, Lukač J, Hodek B, Grizelj V, Kurjak A, Kusić Z, Pavelić K. Detection and typing of human papillomaviruses by polymerase chain reaction in cervical scrapes of Croatian women with abnormal cytology. Eur J Epidemiology 1997;13:645-651.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S. Successful struggle against iodine deficiency disorders (I.D.D.) in Croatia. Coll Antropol 1997;21;499-506.
- Mravak-Stipetić M, Gall-Trošelj K, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Pavelić K, Pavelić J. Detection of Helicobacter pylori in various oral lesions by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). J Oral Pathol Med 1998;27:1-3.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Lukinac Lj, Petrović I, Nöthig-Hus D. First beneficial results of the implementation of Croatian new law on salt iodination. J Endocrinol Invest 1999;22:747-751.
- Mesaroš-Kanjski E, Kontošić I, Kusić Z, Kaić-Rak A, Đaković N, Kušer J, Antonić K. Endemic goitre and plasmatic levels of vitamins A and E in the school-children on the island of Krk, Croatia. Coll Antropol 1999;2:729-736.
- Pavelić K, Spaventi Š, Glunčić V, Matejčić A, Pavičić D, Karapandža N, Kusić Z, Lukač J, Dohoczky C, Čabrijan T, Pavelić J. The expression and role of insulin-like growth factor II in malignant hemangiopericytomas. J Mol Med 1999;77:865-869.
- Lukinac Lj, Kalafatić D, Nöthig-Hus D, Lechpammer S, Solter M, Franceschi D, Kusić Z. Ferritin concentrations in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. J Endocrinol Invest 2000;23:65-66.
- Mateša N, Tabain I, Dabelić N, Petric V, Kusić Z. Diagnostic Relevance of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology for Follicular Lesions of the Thyroid: Retrospective Study. Croat Med J 2002;43(5):606-609.
- Sistig S, Vučićević-Boras V, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Salivary IgA and IgG subclasses in oral mucosal diseases. Oral Diseases 2002;8:282-286.
- Tarle M, Kraus O, Trnski D, Reljić A, Ružić B, Katušić J, Spajić B, Kusić Z. Early Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer in Finasteride Treated BPH Patients. Anticancer Research 2003;23:693-696.
- Lukač J, Mravak-Stipetić M, Knežević M, Vrček J, Sistig S, Ledinsky M, Kusić Z. Phagocytic functions of salivary neutrophils in oral mucous membrane diseases. J Oral Pathol Med 2003;32:271-4.
- Dabelić N, Jukić T, Labar Ž, Novosel SA, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Riedel’s Thyroiditis Treated with Tamoxifen. Croat Med J 2003;44(2):239-241.
- Kusić Z. IDD status in Croatia. J Endocrinolo Invest 2003;26(Suppl. 9):12-13.
- Sistig S, Lukač J, Vučićević-Boras V, Delić D, Kusić Z. Salivary immunoglobulin A and G subclasses in HIV positive patients. Eur J Med Res 2003;8:1-6.
- Kusić Z, Novosel SA, Dabelić N, Punda M, Rončević S, Labar Ž, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig Hus D, Staničić A, Kaić-Rak A, Mesaroš-Kanjski E, Karner I, Smoje J, Milanović N, Katalenić M, Jureša V, Sarnavka V. Croatia has reached iodine sufficiency. J Endocrinol Invest 2003;26:738-742.
- Lechpammer M, Lukač J, Lechpammer S, Kovačević D, Loda M, Kusić Z. Humoral immune response to p53 correlates with clinical course in colorectal cancer patients during adjuvant chemotherapy. Int J Colorectal Dis 2004;19:114-120.
- Sistig S, Lukač J, Vučićević-Boras V, Delić D, Kusić Z. Salivary Immunologlobulin A and G Subclasses in HIV positive Patients. Eur J Med Res 2003;8(12):543-548.
- Kaštelan Ž, Lukač J, Derežić D, Pasini J, Kusić Z, Šošić H, Kaštelan M. Lymphocyte subsets, lymphocyte reactivity to mitogens, NK cell activity and neutrophil and monocyte phagocytic functions in patients with bladder carcinoma. Anticancer Research 2003;23: 5185-5190.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J, Kusić Z. Microphtalmia-associated Transcription Factor and Tyrosinase as Markers of melanoma Cells in Blood of Patients with Melanoma. Croat Med J 2004;45(2):142-148.
- Kaštelan Ž, Pasini J, Derežić D, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Mrazovac D, Šošić H, Kaštelan M. Immunocompetence in Non-seminomatous Tesitcular Cancer Patients Before any Treatment and One Year After Completion of Therapy. Anticancer Research 2004;24:3251-3256.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T. History of Endemic Goiter in Croatia: From Severe Iodine Deficiency to Iodine Sufficiency. Coll Antopol 2005;29(1):9-16.
- Lukač J, Brozović S,Vučičević-Boras V, Mravak-Stipetić M, Malenica B, Kusić Z. Serum autoantibodies to desmogleins 1 and 3 in patients with oral lichen planus. Croat Med J 2006;47(1):53-8.
- Pavelić K, Dedivitis RA, Kapitanović S, Čačev T, Guirado CR, Danić D, Radošević S, Brkić K, Pegan B, Križanac S, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š, Bura M. Molecular genetic alterations of FHIT and p53 genes in benign and malignant thyroid gland lesions. Mutat Res 2006;599(1-2):45-57.
- Balenović A, Vlašić M, Sonicki S, Bodor D, Kusić Z. Pregnancy Outcome after Treatment with Radioiodine for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. Coll Antropol 2006;30(4):315-319.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Kusić Z. Galectin-3 and CD44v6 positivity by RT- PCR method in fine needle aspirates of benign thyroid lesions. Cytopathology 2007;18:112-116.
- Kovačić K, Hajnžić FT, Rončević S, Hat J, Markičević-Ružičić K, Kusić Z. Mandibular Caffey’s Disease-Case Report. Coll Atropol 2007;31(1):359-361.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Šitum M, Šamija M. Detection of Disseminated Melanoma Cells by Reverse-Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction. Coll Antropol 2007;31(4):1187-94.
- Kovačević D, Sonicki Z, Kusić Z, Bolanča A, Grubišić G, Lukač M, Lukač J. Preoperative serum levels of c-erbB-2 do not seem to be useful in management of patients with rectal cancer. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2007;22(7):827-31.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Samples Inadequate for Reverse Transcriptase-polymerase Chain Reaction Analysis. Cancer (Cancer Cytopathology) 2008;114(3):187-195.
- Eggermont AMM, Suicu S, Santinami M, Testori A, Kruit WHJ, Marsden J, Punt CJA, Sales F, Gore M, MacKie R, Kusić Z, Dummer R, Hauschild A, Musat E, Spatz A, Keilholz U. Adjuvant therapy with pegylated interferon alfa-2b versus observation alone in resected stage III melanoma: final results of EORTC 18991, a randomised phase III trial. Lancet 2008;372:117-126.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Rogan SA, Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Ljubičić M, Kusić Z. The Story of the Croatian Village of Rude after Fifty Years of Compulsory Salt Iodination in Croatia. Coll Antropol 2008;32(4):1251-1254.
- Murgić J, Salopek D, Prpić M, JukićT, Kusić Z. Clinical Guidelines Development and Usage: A critical Insight and Literature Review: Thyroid Disease Diagnostic Algorithms.Coll Antropol 2008;32(4):1283-1290.
- Buljan M, Rajačić N, Vurnek Živković M, Blajić I, Kusić Z, Šitum M. Melanoma Epidemiological Data on Melanoma from the Referral Centre in Croatia (2002-2007). Coll Antropol 2008;32(Suppl 2):47-51.&
- Ladika-Davidović B, Čorić M, Bura M, Brčić L, Kusić Z, Seiwerth S. Heterogeneity of DNA content in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma in relation to histopathological variables. Acta Otolaryngol. 2008 2:1-6.
Sažeci kongresnih priopćenja objavljeni u časopisima koji se indeksiraju u Current Contentsu
- Kusić Z, Senjanović M, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Serum Tg concentration in follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 1983; A29.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Very sensitive RIA TSH method as a substitution for TRH test. Eur J Nucl Med 1983; 8: A28.
- Kusić Z, Senjanović M, Lukinac Lj, Franceschi D, Spaventi Š. Thyroglobulin measurement in management of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 1984; 9: A32.
- Lukinac Lj, Juras N, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. A sensitive TSH-RIA assay: A reliable thyroid test in pregnancy. Eur J Nucl Med 1984; 9:A65.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Franceschi M, Spaventi Š. Tumor markers in monitoring of patients with thyroid carcinoma. J Steroid Biochem 1987;28:1335.
- Kusić Z, Becker DV, Saenger EL, Paras P, Spaventi Š. Comparative imaging of thyroid nodules with 123I and technetium. J Nucl Med 1988;29:753.
- Kusić Z, Becker DV, Saenger EL, Paras P, Labar Ž, Prpić H, Đaković N, Spaventi Š. Discrepancy between 99mTc and 123I thyroid scintigraphy. Eur J Nucl Med 1989; 15:522.
- Franceschi D, Prpić H, Franceschi M, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Functional imaging in the diagnosis of right ventricular involvement in inferior myocardial infarction. Eur J Nucl Med 1990;16:468.
- Kusić Z, Becker DV, Saenger EL, Paras P, Benua RS, Labar Ž, Lee PW, Gartside P, Spaventi Š. Evaluation of 99m-Tc pertechnetate and 123-I images by several observers. Eur J Nucl Med 1990;16:485.
- Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. A decade of experience in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma by thyroglobulin determination. Eur J Nucl Med 1990;16:S103.
- Zanzonico PB, Becker DV, Hurley JR, Kusić Z, Sanderson L, Go S, Tsen O, Strauss A. Enhancement of radioiodine therapy of hyperthyroidism in “small pool” patients: dosimetric methodology and results. J Nucl Med 1991;32:1017.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Lacić M, Nöthig-Hus D. Prevalence of TPO over TMA and TGA autoantibodies in patients with Graves’ and Hashimoto disease. Eur J Nucl Med 1992; 19:681.
- Franceschi M, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Rončević S, Labar Ž, Franceschi D. Thyroglobulin determination, Tl-201 scintigraphy and neck ultrasonography in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 1992;19:700.
- Demarin V, Rundek T, Podobnik S, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Correlation between cerebro-vascular reactivity and plasma 5-HT level in migraine. Stroke 1993;24:515.
- Kusić Z, Lukač J, Kordić D. Phagocytic functions in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma treated with fluorouracil. EJC 1993:29A(Suppl. 6):S91.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Kusić Z, Kovačić K, Lukač J, Đaković N. Disparity of bone scan and bone marrow scintigraphy with Tc-labeled antigranulocyte BW 250/183 antibody in patients with breast cancers. Eur J Nucl Med 1994;21:832.
- Bokulić T, Lacić M, Kusić Z, Lukač J, Rončević S, Đaković N. Radioimmunoscintigraphy with Tc-labeled anti-CEA BW 431/26 antibody in follow up of colorectal carcinoma. Eur J Nucl Med 1994;21:856.
- Lechpammer S, Đaković N, Bošnjak B, Kusić Z. Radioiodine-131 treatment of metastatic differentiated thyroid cancer. Nuklearmedizin 1994;33(6):53.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Vizner B, Posavec Lj, Bečejac B, Kusić Z. Thyroid hormones as inhibitors of prolactin secretion after TRH stimulation in hyper-thyroidism. Nuklearmedizin 1994;33(6):54.
- Kašuba V, Konrady A, Köteles GJ, Kusić Z. Detection of radioiodine-induced cytogenetic alterations in circulating lymphocytes of thyroid patients. Nuklearmedizin 1994;6:55.
- Franceschi M, Weber DA, Ivanović M, Franceschi D, Strand SE, Erlandsson K, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Pinhole SPECT: high resolution imaging of brain tumors in small laboratory animals. Nuklearmedizin 1994;6:55.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Lechpammer S, Nöthig-Hus D, Đaković N. Determination of labeled thyroid hormones (131I-T3/T4) in the follow-up of a patient with papillary thyroid cancer. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1995;55(Suppl. 223):736.
- Kordić D, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Reduced TNF-a production and phagocytosis, but elevated II-1a release by monocytes isolated from colon carcinoma patients. Immunobiol 1995;194(1-3):290.
- Lukač J, Ladika B, Kordić D, Kovačević D, Galić S, Kusić Z. Altered phagocytosis and oxidative burst and their interrelationships in patients with colorectal cancer. Immunobiol 1995;194(1-3):292.
- Kusić Z, Bolanča A, Đaković N, Lukač J. Tamoxifen alters immunocompetence in breast cancer patients. EJC 1995;31A(Suppl. 5):217.
- Bokulić T, Lacić M, Kusić Z. Absorbed fraction estimates for beta and electron emitting radionuclides in spherical sources. Eur J Nucl Med. 1996;23(1):S18.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Kovačić K, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Bone marrow immunoscintigraphy and bone scan in detection of skeletal metastasis in patients with breast cancer. Eur J Nucl Med 1996;23:1146.
- Krušlin B, Lukač J, Kovačević D, Kordić D, Čupić H, Kusić Z, Belicza M. C-erbB-2 oncoprotein levels in serum and tissue of patients with colorectal carcinomas. Pathol Res Pract 1997;193(5-6): p. 401.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Soldić Ž, Jurman D, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Alveolar permeability and lung ventilation before and after radiotherapy of patients with breast cancer. Nuklearmedizin 1998;37:A57.
- Krušlin B, Čupić H, Lechpammer M, Tomasović Č, Kusić Z, Belicza M. Expression of proliferative antigens (PCNA and Ki-67), c-erbB-2, p53 and bcl-2 in encapsulated follicular thyroid tumors. EJC 1998;34(suppl. 2):S33.
- Lechpammer S, Dabelić N, Višnjić A, Rončević S, Kusić Z. Treatment and follow-up of metastatic thyroid carcinoma: Experience of the Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital 1969-1999. Nuklearmedizin 1999;38:A124.
- Čabrijan T, Sharma M, Karapandža N, Kusić Z, Altabas V, Čabrijan Z, Pavelić J, Vrkljan M, Pavelić K. The expression and role of insulin-like growth factor II in hemangiopericytomas with severe hypoglycemia. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2000;Suppl 1:S 73.
- Lacić M, Kusić Z. The pattern of color and power doppler sonography in scintigraphicaly confirmed liver hemangiomas. Eur J Nucl Med 2000;27(8):1073.
- Lacić M, Stanec M, Ivkić M, Stanec Z, Kusić Z. Sonographic caracteristics of sentinel Lymph nodes in patients with malignant melanoma. Eur J Nucl Med 2001; 28:8-PS 270.
- Lukač J, Vrsalović M, Ladika B, Kovačević D, Kusić Z. Indomethacin Stimulates Neutrophil and Monocyte Intracellular Killing. EJC 2002;S39.
- Novosel SA, Lacić M, Stanec M, Ivkić M, Stanec Z, Kusić Z. Lymphoscintigraphic mapping of sentinel lymph node in patients with malignant melanoma. Nuklearmedizin 2002;41:61-119(A-11).
- Lechpammer S, Dabelić N, Lechpammer M, Ladika B, Šeparović V, Lukač J, Kusić Z. DNA ploidy, clinical behavior and ¹³¹I uptake in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Nuclear Medicine, 2002: A-14.
- Lacić M, Stanec M, Ivkić M, Stanec Z, Kusić Z. Scintigraphic and sonographic characteristics of sentinel lymph node in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma. J Nucl Med 2002;43(5):293P.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Evaluation of I-131 whole body scintigraphy, thyroglobulin and ultrasonography in recurrent thyroid carcinoma. Eur J of Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2002;29(Suppl. 1):p. S233.
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Nöthig-Hus, Kusić Z. A reliable thyroglobulin autoantibodies method is important for clinical interpretation of thyroglobulin. Eur J of Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2002; 29(Suppl. 1):p. S365.
- Žigman M, Balenović A, Planinc D, Štrok B, Kusić Z. Quantification of Ventricular Function: An Approach by Second Derivation Analysis of Radionuclide Ventricular Volume Curves. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2003;30(Suppl.2):S264.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma; comparison of thyroglobulin measurment in serum and fine needle aspirates. J Nucl Med 2006;5(Suppl.1):2114 .
- Grazio S, Balenović A, Grubišić F, Nemčić T, Kusić Z. Functional ability, disease activity and bone mineral density in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Osteoporosis Int 2007; 18(Suppl 1): S168.
- Mateša N, Kusić Z. Risk of malignancy in Adenomatoid Nodules and Suspicius Follicular Lesions of the Thyroid. Cytopathology 2008;19(Suppl 1):44.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Jukić T, Kusić Z. detection of Thyreoglobulin (Tg) in Needle Aspirates of Cervical Masses in Patients with Operated Thyroid Carcinoma in the presence of Serum ant-Tg Antibodies. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2008;35(Suppl 2):S197-198.
- Bouffette P, Buhić S, Kusić Z, Kraljić I, Tarle M. Circulating LDH Value in HRPC Patients After Ten Cycles of Chemotherapy: A Marker of Soft Tissue Lesions. Urology. 2008;72(Suppl 5A):S64.
Ostali sažeci
- Kralj K, Kusić Z. Scintigrafske promjene na kostima u hipertireozi. Radiol Iugosl 1979; 13:275.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž. Tireoidni hormoni i tireotropin u bolesnika s eutireoidnom difuznom strumom U: Zbornik rezimea III Jugoslovenskog kongresa za nuklearnu medicinu, Skopje, 1982;145.
- Đokić D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Euthyroid goiter therapy control by ultrasonography. U: Abstracts of the 5th Congress of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology. Strasbourg, 1984:14.
- Horgas G, Kusić Z, Knešaurek K, Spaventi Š. Sister chromatid exchanges in lymphocyte cultures of patients receiving radioiodine treatment of thyroid cancer. U: Abstracts of the 17th symposium and annual meeting of the cytogenetic section of the Czechoslovak biological society on application of cytogenetics in medical practice and research. Brno, 1984:13.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Thyroid hormones and thyrotropin in the serum of euthyroid goiter patients in Yugoslavia. U: Extended synopses, International Symposium on Nuclear Medicine and Related Medical Applications of Nuclear Techniques in Developing Countries, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1985:102.
- Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Five years experience in the folow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma by determination of thyroglobulin. Thyroid carcinoma EORTC Study Group. Copenhagen, 1986;23.
- Nöthig-Hus D, Dermol A, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Utjecaj različitih koncentracija ANSA u T3-RIA i T4-RIA metodama vlastite izvedbe. U: Knjiga sažetaka XXI Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Nova Gorica, 1987;100.
- Kusić Z, Spaventi Š, Lukač J. Limfocitni markeri u nekih bolesti štitnjače. U: Knjiga sažetaka XXI Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Nova Gorica, 1987;86.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. TBG-RIA metoda vlastite izvedbe. U: Knjiga sažetaka XXI Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Nova Gorica, 1987; 101.
- Becker DV, Hurley JR, Zanzonico PB, Kusić Z. Antithyroid drugs given during 131I treatment maintain clinical control of hyperthyroidism and reduce whole body radiation. U: Abstracts of the 63rd Annual meeting of the American thyroid association. Montreal, 1988; T-12.
- Kusić Z, Maisey MN, Spaventi Š, Šimonović I. X-ray fluorescence determination of thyroid 127-I in Graves’ disease. Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College. Peking, 1988; 3:123.
- Kusić Z, Spaventi Š, Šimonović I. Estimation of response to methimazole therapy of Graves’ disease. Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College. Peking, 1988; 3:124.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Juras N, Nöthig D, Spaventi Š. TBG abnormalities measured by in-house TBG-RIA method. Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Peking Union Medical College. Peking, 1988; 3:153.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Određivanje tireoglobulina kod karcinoma štitnjače. U: Padovan I, Grčević N, ur. Tumori glave i vrata i središnjeg živčanog sustava; suvremena dostignuća i stremljenja u dijagnostici i terapiji. Sažeci JAZU. Zagreb, 1988: 22.
- Juras N, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Spaventi Š. TSH-IRMA u trudnoći. U: Knjiga sažetaka XXII Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Mavrovo, 1988; 41.
- Lukač J, Kusić Z, Kordić D, Spaventi Š. Utjecaj medikamentoznog liječenja na broj CD4+ i CD8+ limfocita u bolesnika s Gravesovom bolesti. U: Knjiga sažetaka 2. Kongresa imunologa Jugoslavije. Savez imunoloških društava Jugoslavije. Vrnjačka Banja, 1989;10.42.R3.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D, Spaventi Š. Serum concentrations of CA 19-9, TPA and IAP in patients with gastrointestinal carcinoma. U: Abstracts of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Immunometric Assays. Napulj, 1989:63.
- Pokrajac B, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Spaventi Š. Determination of tumor markers CA 15-3, TPA and IAP in patients with breast carcinoma. U: Abstracts of the 1st Mediterranean Symposium on Immunometric Assays. Napulj, 1989:56.
- Bolanča A, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Spaventi Š. Funkcija štitnjače u bolesnica sa karcinomom dojke.U: Knjiga sažetaka XXIII Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Zadar, 1989; 203-P.
- Đaković N, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Labar Ž, Spaventi Š. Antitijela TSH receptora u praćenju liječenja bolesnika s Gravesovom bolesti. U: Knjiga sažetaka XXIII Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu. Zadar, 1989; 187-R.
- Miloš D, Miloš K, Kusić Z. Prognostički faktori regionalnog metastaziranja u bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. Libri Oncol 1991; 20:55.
- Bolanča A, Đaković N, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Povezanost raka dojke i testova funkcije štitnjače. Libri Oncol 1991; 20: 23.
- Franceschi M, Franceschi D, Kusić Z. Usporedba Tl-201 i Tc-99m MIBI u procjeni defekata perfuzije u bolesnika s koronarnom bolesti. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 22P.
- Miloš D, Kusić Z. Prognostički faktori u bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 47P.
- Đokić D, Đaković N, Kusić Z. Ultrasonografska usporedba homogenih, cistično promijenjenih te kalcificiranih nodusa štitnjače. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 48P.
- Vrkljan M, Milinović D, Kusić Z, Đaković N. PRL i TSH u hipotireozi. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 50P.
- Kusić Z, Sarapa N, Đaković N, Nöthig-Hus D, Vrkljan M, Lukinac Lj. Određivanje supresivne doze tiroksina u bolesnika sa rakom štitnjače. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 51P.
- Vrkljan M, Kusić Z, Đaković N, Milinović D. Klinička usporedba novog antiprolaktinskog lijeka dihidroergokristina. U: Zbornik sažetaka XXIV Jugoslavenskog sastanka za nuklearnu medicinu, Kopaonik 1991; 57P.
- Kordić D, Lukač J, Končar M, Kusić Z. Natural killer and monocyte functions in breast carcinoma. EACR-XI: Symposium no. 1: Effector Cells against Cancer. EJC, Genova, 1991;27(3):S18.
- Kusić Z. Endemic goiter in Croatia. Abstract Book, Iodine Deficiency in Europe. A Continuing Concern, Workshop. Brussels, 1992:66.
- Pokrajac B, Lokner V, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Treatment of the penis cancer with Ir-192. 95. U: Abstracts of the Annual Brachytherapy Meeting GEC-ESTRO, Nancy 1992: 16.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D. Six years follow-up of patients with rectal carcinoma by tumor markers determination. Journal of Tumor Marker Oncology 1992;3:99.
- Končar Mubrin M, Kusić Z. Chromosomal instability in patients with benign and malignant breast disease. Abstracts Book of the 12th Biennial Meeting of the EACR, Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Nice, 1993;503:517.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D. SHBG concentration in the follow-up of patients with Graves disease on methimazole therapy. Abstract Book of the 10th IFCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Nice, 1993;503:517.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Nöthig-Hus D, Kes P. Serum concentration of SHBG in patients with chronic renal failure. Abstract Book of the 10th IFCC European Congress of Clinical Chemistry, Nice, 1993;506:517.
- Bolanča A, Čulig Z, Kusić Z, Lež C, Belicza M. Adjuvant therapy effect in N(+) breast cancer patients regarding histological grading. Zbornik sažetaka IV međunarodnog znanstvenog sastanka “Ljudevit Jurak”, Zagreb, 1993;9.
- Pokrajac B, Lokner V, Kusić Z. Carcinoma of the lip interstitial brachytherapy with iridium-192. Abstracts of the Annual Brachytherapy Meeting, GEC-ESTRO, Venezia, 1993:58.
- Sarapa N, Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Titracija supresivne doze levotiroksinom u bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:1.
- Đokić D, Kusić Z. Mogućnost primjene dopler sonografije u hipertireozi. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:18.
- Lacić M, Rončević S, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Ultrasonografija scintigrafski “toplog” čvora u štitnjači. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:19.
- Lokner V, Kusić Z. Profesionalne doze u nuklearnoj medicini. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:24.
- Sarapa N, Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Značaj mjerenja koncentracije SHBG u serumu u praćenju bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače na supresivnoj terapiji levotiroksinom. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:28.
- Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Da li je moguće scintigrafski pratiti prilagodbu natkoljenih bataljaka na protezu. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:29.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Đaković N, Bolanča A, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Imunoscintigrafija metastaza karcinoma rektuma u jetri. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:30.
- Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Naša iskustva i zapažanja vezana za scintigrafiju sa 131-J MIBG. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog sastanka Hrvatskog društva za nuklearnu medicinu, Zagreb, 1993:31.
- Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D. AFP-Negative in Patients with Liver Metastases of Gastrointestinal Carcinoma. Abstracts of the XXIst Meeting of the International Society for Oncodevelopmental Biology and Medicine, Jerusalem, 1993;72.
- Kordić D, Čala S, Lukač J, Kusić Z. In vitro production of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin -1α by monocytes cultured from dialysis patients. Abstracts of the Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie, Graz, 1993:24.
- Končar-Mubrin M, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Chromosomal instability in patients with breast invasive ductal carcinomas (BIDC). Abstracts of the 4th European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Human Solid Tumors, Noordwijkerhout (The Netherlands), 1994; P85.
- Kusić Z, Pokrajac B, Grah J, Lokner V. Carcinoma of the oesophagus treatment with manual afterloading using iridium-192. Abstracts of the Annual Brachytherapy Meeting GEC-ESTRO, Linz 1994:P-107.
- Kusić Z, Đaković N, Delange F, Mesaroš-Šimunčić E, Kaić-Rak A, Rončević S, Staničić A, Karner I, Smoje J, Jureša V, Sonicki Z, Matovinović J. Croatia: Endemic Goiter. U: Iodine Deficiency Persists in Europe. IDD Newsletter, 1993;9:5.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Đaković N, Bošnjak B, Sonicki Z. Radioiodine therapy for distant metastases in well differentiated thyroid cancer. Turkish Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 1994;2(4);Abs 30.
- Bergovec M, Prpić H, Žigman M, Vukosavić Đ, Sjerobabski V, Kusić Z, Mihatov Š. The effects of thrombolytic therapy on global left ventricular function in patients with first acute myocardial infarction. Abstracts Book of the 2nd Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting, Brijuni, 1994:p-8.
- Žigman M, Prpić H, Bergovec M, Lokner V. Mihatov Š, Kusić Z. Factor analysis: better approach to heart function after myocardial infarction? Abstracts Book of the 2nd Alpe Adria Cardiology, Meeting, Brijuni, 1994:p-25.
- Kusić Z, Sarapa N, Lechpammer S, Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Lukač J, Đaković N. Individual adjustment of levothyroxine (L-T4) TSH-suppressive dose in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. Eur J Endocrinol 1994;130(Suppl. 2):240.
- Kusić Z, Đaković N, Rončević S, Delange F, Staničić A, Mesaroš-Šimunčić E, Kaić-Rak A, Karner I, Smoje J. Goiter and iodine deficiency in Croatia. U: Szybinski Z. ed. Investigations on Iodine Deficiency and Model of Iodine Prophylaxis in Poland, The Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (PCCIDD) 2nd Scientific Conference, Krakow, 1993;44:397-398.
- Kaštelan M, Konja J, Kusić Z. Investigation of CD38 positive pre pre B acute lymphocytic leukemia in children-description of a group with poor prognosis. Medical and Pediatric Oncology 1994;23:194.
- Lukač J, Bolanča A, Lechpammer S, Ladika B, Đaković N, Kusić Z. Phagocytic functions in breast cancer patients. 2nd European Congress of the Senologic International Society,Vienna, 1994. Abstract book, 1994:31.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S. Bolanča A, Đaković N, Lukač J. Prognostic significance of phagocytic functions in breast cancer patients. 2nd European Congress of the Senologic International Society,Vienna, 1994. Abstract book, 1994:32.
- Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Rončević S, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Serum thyroglobulin determination, neck ultrasonography and I-131 whole body scintigraphy in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, 1994. Book of Abstracts, 1994;V11.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Posavec Lj. Solter M, Vizner B, Kusić Z. Thyroid hormone autoantibodies in a patient with Hashimoto thyroiditis. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V19.
- Kovačić K, Ćepulić M, Kusić Z. Therapeutical effects on blood-flown in three-phase bone scanning in primary malignant tumors and acute osteomyelitis. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V33.
- Pichler E, Bišćan M, Mihajlović L, Stojanović J, Kusić Z. Ultrasound in patients treated for sarcoma by radiotherapy. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V35.
- Kašuba V, Kusić K, Vlatković M, Horvat Đ. Micronucleus induction as a measure of 131I radiation exposure. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V37.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Đaković N, Rončević S, Kusić Z. Comparison of SPECT and whole-body planar imaging in radioimmunoscintigraphy with Tc-labeled antibodies. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V40.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Kovačić K, Lukač J. Kusić Z. Correlation between bone scan and bone marrow immunoscintigraphy of the skull. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;V41.
- Horvat T, Lechpammer S, Rončević S, Franceschi M, Čulig Z, Kusić Z. Post-operative follow up of patients with well differentiated thyroid carcinoma by ultrasound guided biopsy. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P7.
- Labar Ž, Vrkljan M, Solter M, Kusić Z. Long term effect of I-131 therapy of hyperthyroidism. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P8.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Posavec Lj, Vizner B, Sekso M, Kusić Z. Regeneration of pituitary lactotrophs and thyrotrophs after levothyroxine therapy in patients with hypothyroidism. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P10.
- Lokner V, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Experimental determination of the total source response function and scatter fraction. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P13.
- Lukinac Lj, Zubčić A, Krilić D, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. In-house radial immunodiffusion method for determination of thyroxine binding globulin. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P17.
- Lukinac Lj, Dermol A, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. In-house IRMA-TSH method – preliminary results. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P18.
- Lukinac Lj, Franceschi M, Nöthig-Hus D, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Endogenously labeled thyroid hormones (131I – T3/T4) in serum of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. First Croatian International Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1994;P20.
- Kašuba V, Kusić Z, Vlatković M, Horvat Đ. Kromosomske aberacije kod bolesnika pod 131I terapijom. Peti kongres biologa Hrvatske, Pula, Zbornik sažetaka priopćenja, 1994;135.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Vizner B, Sekso M, Kusić Z, Rešetić J, Gnjidić Ž, Vilibić M. Case report of a patient with post-traumatic stress disorder and pituitary apoplexy. Proceedings of the 25th Congress of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Seattle, 1994. Abstract no 011: 69A.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Đaković N, Rončević S, Kusić Z. Comparison of 4-6 h and 20-24 h SPECT and whole-body imaging in radioimmunoscintigraphy with 99Tcm-labelled anti-CEA antibody. Nuclear Medicine Communications 1995;16:219.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Kovačić K, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Qualitative and semi-quantitative radioimmunoscintigraphic evaluation of bone marrow expansion in the skull: Correlation with bone scan. Nuclear Medicine Communications 1995;16: 251-252.
- Trnski D, Alač M, Kovačić K, Bedeković V, Pegan B, Kusić Z. MEN II sindrom: prikaz bolesnika s bilateralnim tumorima adrenalne srži i medularnim karcinomom štitnjače. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl.1):83.
- Vrkljan M, Vizner B, Karapandža N, Pavelić K, Rešetić J, Vilibić T, Sekso M, Kusić Z. Prikaz bolesnika s hormonski aktivnim abdominalnim tumorom. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl.1):99.
- Pichler E, Kralj Z, Radetić M, Kusić Z. Ultrazvuk štitnjače u bolesnika zračenih zbog tumora područja vrata. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl.1):92.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Vizner B, Gnjidić Ž, Sekso M, Bečejac B, Talan-Hranilović J, Kusić Z. Prikaz bolesnika s karcinomom pluća i hipopituiratizmom. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl. 1):75.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Vizner B, Gnjidić Ž, Rešetić J, Bečejac B, Sekso M, Kusić Z.Uloga posttraumatskoga stresnog poremećaja u nastanku hipopituitarizma. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl. 1):70.
- Kovačić K, Misjak M, Petric V, Kusić Z. Scintigrafija paratireoidnih žlijezda u bolesnika s primarnim hiperparatireoidizmom. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl. 1):65.
- Kovačić K, Alač M, Kusić Z, Karapanđa N, Trnski D. Scintigrafija cijelog tijela sa 131-J-MIBG u bolesnika sa sumnjom na feokromocitom. Liječ Vjesn 1995;117(suppl. 1):25.
- Končar-Mubrin M, Fišter H, Kusić Z. Kromosomske promjene u cirkulirajućim limfocitima bolesnika s tumorom mokraćnog mjehura. Knjiga sažetaka Prvog hrvatskog urološkog kongresa, Zagreb;1995:94.
- Kordić D, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Reduced tumor necrosis factor-α but elevated interleukin-1α and nitric oxide release by monocytes isolated from colon carcinoma patients. Period biolog 1995;97(Suppl. 1):76.
- Lukač J, Ladika B, Kordić D, Kovačević D, Galić S, Troskot B, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Oxidative burst and phagocytosis in colorectal adenocarcinoma patients before and following surgery. Period biolog 1995;97(Suppl 1):77.
- Kaštelan Ž, Mareković Z, Mažuran R, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Kaštelan M. Immuno-competence in testicular cancer patients. Period biolog 1995;97(Suppl. 1):78.
- Lukinac Lj, Kalafatić D, Kusić Z. Serum feritin in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Proceedings of the UK National External Quality Assessment Schemes (NEQAS) Endocrinology Meeting, Cardiff, 1996;2:138-139.
- Končar-Mubrin M, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients with breast carcinoma. 5th European Workshop on Cytogenetics and Molecular Genetics of Human Solid Tumours. Baveno – Stresa, 1996. Book of Abstracts, p. 89.
- Vrkljan M, Thaller V, Vizner B, Juras A, Sekso M, Kusić Z. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). Abstracts of the ISPNE XXVIIth Congress, Cascais, Portugal, 1996:p.99.
- Lukač J, Kordić D, Ladika B, Kusić Z. Fagocitne funkcije neutrofila u zdravlju i bolesti. Biochemica medica 1996;6(1):43.
- Lukač J, Kordić D, Ladika B, Kovačević D, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Neutrophil phagocytosis in colorectal adenocarcinoma patients during fluororuacil therapy. Period biol 1996;98(1):20.
- Kordić D, Lukač J, Kusić Z. The release of TNF-α and IL-α by monocytes of colorectal adenocarcinoma patients during fluorouracil therapy. Period biol. 1996;98(1):20.
- Ćepulić M, Kusić Z, Kaštelan M. Immunocompetence in children with solid malignant tumors before, during and following anticancer therapy. Period biol 1996;98(1):21.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Đaković N, Kaić-Rak A, Karner I, Mesoaroš E, Petrović I, Rončević S, Smoje J, Staničić A. Epidemiology of endemic goiter in Croatia. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;5.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Kovačić K, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Bone marrow immunoscintigraphy and HAMA response in patients with breast cancer. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;9.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Lacić M, Kusić Z. An approach to absorbed fraction determination for radioimmunotherapeutic radionuclides in spherical sources. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;17:O-37.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Immunoscintigraphy with BW 431/26 anti-CEA antibody in patients with colorectal carcinoma: a per patient, per region and per lesion analysis. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;18:0-40.
- Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Rončević S, Mateša N, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Serum thyroglobulin determination in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma: comparison with radioiodine scintigraphy and neck ultrasonography. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;18:0-41.
- Lechpammer S, Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Thyroglobulin during the radioiodine therapy for metastatic thyroid cancer. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;18:0-42.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Mateša N, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Neck ultrasonography in the follow-up of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts. 1996;19:0-44.
- Žurić M, Lechpammer S, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Immunocompetence in thyroid cancer patients treated with radioiodine (I-131). Second International Congress of Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;20:0-47.
- Lukinac Lj, Jurman D, Nöthig-Hus D, Novosel Lj, Kusić Z. Tumor marker CYFRA 21-1 in lung cancer patients. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;21:P-4.
- Kalafatić D, Lechpammer S, Strnad M, Kusić Z. Croatian long term follow-up of Chernobyl accident and it’s influence on thyroid cancer incidence. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;22:P-8.
- Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Problems in evaluation of urine iodine concentration. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;23:P-12.
- Lukinac Lj, Kalafatić D, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Ferritin and haemoglobin in differentiated thyroid cancer. Second International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1996;27:P-31.
- Kusić Z. Progress against iodine deficiency in Croatia. IDD Newsletter. 1996;12:66.
- Kovačić K, Franceschi D, Kusić Z. Scintigram kostiju i scintigram cijeloga tijela galijem u postavljanju dijagnoze, procjeni proširenosti i praćenju bolesnika s rakom pluća. Libri Oncol 1996;25(suppl.1):77.
- Franceschi D, Lacić M, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Novije nuklearnomedicinske metode u evaluaciji karcinoma pluća. Libri Oncol. 1996;25(suppl.1):78.
- Žurić M, Šimunović D, Čupić H, Plasaj T, Kusić Z. Distribution of thyroid carcinomas accordig to age, sex and pathological diagnosis – comparison of two five-year periods. The Eight “Ljudevit Jurak” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1997;35.
- Vučić M, Žurić M, Brezovečki D, Belicza M, Periz R, Plasaj T, Kusić Z. “Thanatos” pathological data pool as a part of the hospital cancer register. The Eight “”Ljudevit Jurak”” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1997;34.
- Žurić M, Vučić M, Čupić H, Krušlin B, Belicza M, Periz R, Plasaj T, Zurak K, Ivkić M, Kusić Z. Capabilities of “Thanatos” computer system in creating of specific register for thyroid diseases. The Eight “Ljudevit Jurak” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1997;33.
- Krušlin B, Lukač J, Kovačević D, Kordić D, Čupić H, Kusić Z, Belicza M. C-erbB-2 oncoprotein levels in serum and tissue of patients with colorectal carcinomas. The Eight “Ljudevit Jurak” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, Book of Abstracts, 1997;22.
- Kordić D, Lukač J, Kusić Z. In vivo production and serum levels of TNF-a and IL1-a in colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. Period biol. 1997;99(suppl. 2):14;17.
- Ćepulić M, Kusić Z, Kaštelan M. Discrimination analysis of some immunological parameters in prediction of final outcome of disease in children with solid malignant tumors. Period biol 1997;99(suppl. 2):22;29.
- Lukač J, Ladika B, Kordić D, Kovačević D, Troskot B, Kusić Z. Possible prognostic significance of phagocytosis in patients with solid tumors. Period biol 1997;99(suppl. 2):23;30.
- Vrsalović M, Kovačević D, Ladika B, Kusić Z, Lukač J. Effects of indomethacin on phagocytosis in vitro. Period biol. 1997;99(suppl. 2):24;30.
- Hajnžić T, Kaštelan M, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Hajnžić TF. The effect of levamisole therapy on some parameters of cellular immunity in children with brain tumor. Period biol 1997;99(suppl.2):25;31.
- Lukinac Lj, Franceschi D, Kusić Z. Commentary on article by Rudavsky and Freeman. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1997; 82:4277.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Thyroid hormones (131I-T3/T4) in serum and urine of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Proceedings of the UK National External Quality Assessment Schemes (NEQAS) and the European Lignad Assay Society (ELAS) Meeting, Edinburgh, 1998;228-229.
- Pape E, Jazvić M, Đaković N, Čajkovac V, Kusić Z, Ikić D. Interferon therapy in melanoma of the skin. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 1998;6(1):54.
- Krušlin B, Čupić H, Lukač J, Kusić Z, Belicza M.Correlation of c-erbB-2 protein and PCNA, p53 and bcl-2 in colorectal carcinomas. Digestion 1998;59(suppl):715.
- Lukač J, Kovačević D, Kordić D, Ladika B, Ferenčić Ž, Spaventi R, Kusić Z. NK cell activity correlates with cellular and soluble ERB-2 oncogene in colorectal cancer patients. Period biol 1998;Suppl. 3:58.
- Lukač J, Kovačević D, Kordić D, Ladika B, Končar M, Ferenčić Ž, Spaventi R, Kusić Z. Serum levels of erb-2 in colorectal cancer patients. Paediatr Croat 1998;42(suppl.3):34.
- Končar-Mubrin M, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Chromosome instability in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients affected by colorectal cancer. Paediatr Croat 1998;42(suppl.3):34.
- Lukač J, Kovačević D, Kordić D, Ladika B, Ferenčić Ž, Spaventi R, Kusić Z. Preoperative serum levels of erbB-2 in colorectal cancer patients. Tumor Biol 1998;19(suppl. 2):56.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Tumor markers CA 19-9 and CEA in follow-up of patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Međunarodni simpozij “Laboratorijska dijagnostika gastroenteroloških bolesti”, Atomske Toplice, 1998. Sažeci,str.40,P 3.
- Gall-Trošelj K, Pavelić J, Smoje J, Kusić Z, Pavelić K. Genetic analysis in distinguishing sporadic and familial forms of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Congress Abstract Book: Malformations and Rare Tumors of the Head and Neck, Zagreb, 1998;p.9.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Petrović I, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D. Initial results of increased salt iodination in Croatia. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;O-28: p.14.
- Sonicki Z, Kern J, Gamberger D, Kusić Z. Inductive algorithms in thyroid function diangosis. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;O-30: p.14.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Vekić B, Lacić M, Kusić Z. The use of the “Alara” dosimeter in personal dose assessment in nuclear medicine procedures. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;O-40: p.17.
- Budanec M, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. The wipe test monitoring of designated areas at our department. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;O-41: p.17.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S. Endemic goiter in Croatia. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;O-a: p.18.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Immunoscintigraphy with Tc-99m labeled anti-CEA fragments in follow-up of patients with colorectal carcinoma. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-3: p.19.
- Čupić H, Lechpammer M, Krušlin B, Lechpammer S, Soldić Ž, Petric V, Bedeković V, Belicza M, Kusić Z. Case report of a primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of thyroid with extensive metastases. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-10: p.21.
- Mateša N, Rončević S, Kusić Z. Spontaneous disappearance of a Hürthle cell tumor of the thyroid following fine needle aspiration. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-11: p.21.
- Novosel SA, Rončević S, Herman R, Kusić Z. Ultrasonographic analysis of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-18: p.23.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Dabelić N, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Detection of thyroid hormones produced by thyroid remnant or thyroid metastases. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-22: p.24.
- Lechpammer S, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Serum thyroglobulin (Tg) in detection of regional DTC metastases off- and on- hormone suppression therapy. Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-27: p.25.
- Dabelić N, Lechpammer S, Mateša N, Gall-Trošelj K, Pavelić K, Kusić Z. Clinical utility of the genetic analysis in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Third International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Book of Abstracts, Opatija 1999;P-28: p.25.
- Šimunović D, Cvjetko I, Krušlin B, Čupić H, Lechpammer M, Kusić Z, Belicza M. Thyroid cancer in hospital’s tyroid disease registry. The 10th “Ljudevit Jurak” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, 1999. Book of Abstracts, 63.
- Cvjetko I, Gladić V, Elez M, Šimunović D, Glasnović M, Leniček T, Vučić M, Krušlin B, Čupić H, Kusić Z, Belicza M. Hospital’s thyroid disease registry 80-98. The 10th “Ljudevit Jurak” International Symposium on Comparative Pathology, Zagreb, 1999. Book of Abstracts, 64.
- Gall-Trošelj K, Pavelić K, Kusić Z, Pavelić J. Molekularna genetika multiple endokrine neoplazije tipa 2. Liječ Vjesn 1999;121(suppl. 2):UI 2.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Vekić B, Kusić Z. Results of personal dose and contamination monitoring in nuclear medicine department. Physica Medica 1999;15(3):181.
- Mirt M, Kovačević D, Pavlinović N, Sović D, Kusić Z, Lukač J. Transfusion as a factor of immunomodulation after cancer therapy. Abstract of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Zagreb, 1999;P 19.
- Ladika-Davidović B, Kusić Z, Lukač J. Differentiation between attached and ingested particles by fluorescence quenching in phagocytosis. Abstract of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Zagreb, 1999;P 27.
- Servis D, Kusić Z, Lukač J. WST-1 colorimetric assay does not seem to be appropriate for evaluation of human lymphocyte proliferation. Abstract of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Zagreb, 1999;P 28.
- Vrsalović M, Ladika B, Kovačević D, Kusić Z, Lukač J. The role of lipoxygenation on phagocytosis in vitro. Abstract of the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Zagreb, 1999;P 29.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Baum RP, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinoma. Abstract of the Meeting: Modern Aspects in the Management of Colorectal and Anal Carcinoma, Zagreb, 1999;13.
- Fröbe A, Zovak M, Doko M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Adjuvant intraportal chemotherapy for colorectal cancer. Abstract of the Meeting: Modern Aspects in the Management of Colorectal and Anal Carcinoma, Zagreb, 1999;22.
- Lacić M, Kusić Z. Color and power doppler sonography in evaluation of liver metastases. Ultrasound in medicine and biology 2000; 26(suppl. 2):A147.
- Belicza M, Čupić H, Krušlin B, Šimunović D, Leniček T, Gladić V, Lechpammer M, Kusić Z. Possible effects of Chernobyl accident (1986) and war aggression on Croatia (1991-1995) on thyroid and breast cancer epidemiology. XXIII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and 14 World Congress of Academic and Environmental Pathology, Nagoya 2000.
- Lukinac Lj, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Gastrointestinalni tumorski biljezi. Knjiga sažetaka sa Stručno-znanstvenog simpozija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem: Dijagnostika i liječenje tumora jednjaka i želuca, Zagreb, 2000. Knjiga sažetaka, str. 11.
- Sonicki Z, Morin A, Plasaj T, Sonicki D, Kusić Z. Problem of incomplite record classification by diagnostic modules in thyroid laboratory information system. Medinfo 2001; 582.
- Novosel SA, Lacić M, Stanec M, Ivkić M, Stanec Z, Kusić Z. Scintigrafija limfnog čvora čuvara (sentinela) kod melanoma. Zbornik radova I kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2001;194.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Mammoscintigraphy as the part of multimodality diagnostic approach to the patients with breast disorders. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-11, p. 26.
- Balenović A, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. 99m Tc- HMDP bone scan findings compared to the CA 15-3 values in patients treated for breast cancer. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-12, p.27.
- Novosel SA, Kovačić K, Janaček M, Kusić Z. Ventilation /perfusion scintigraphy in the patient with bronchogenic carcinoma. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002;P- 7, p.31.
- Punda M, Novosel SA, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Radioiodine therapy of Graves’ hyperthyroidism: one year follow-up study. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-25, p.59.
- Kovačić K, Orlić D, Kusić Z. Bone/gallium scintigraphy in patients with total hip and knee prostheses. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-29, p.77.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Kusić Z. Monte Carlo simulations of a convolution cross talk correction technique in the simultaneous Tc-TI dual-isotope spect imaging. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-36, p.92.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Lacić M, Kusić Z. The physical performance measurements on the multispect 2HD gamma camera. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; P-29, p.93.
- Bokulić T, Budanec M, Lacić M, Kusić Z. A detailed information on energy spectra for the dual-isotope imaging obtained by Monte Carlo EGS4 simulation. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; P-30, p.94.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Novosel S, Lacić M, Lukinac Lj, Mateša N, Tabain I, Punda M, Kusić Z. Role of ultrasonography associated with aspiration biopsy in management of thyroid carcinoma. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; O-41, p.100.
- Punda M, Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Rončević S, Franceschi M, Novosel SA, Dabelić N, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Goiter prevalence and urinary iodine excretion in Croatia four years after introduction of a new law on salt iodination. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; P-32, p.107.
- Tabain I, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Fine needle aspiration of Hürthle cell neoplasms of the tyroid: a cytomorphologic and clinical review. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; P-35, p.110.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Labar Ž, Novosel S, Kusić Z. Riedel’s thyroiditis: treatment with tamoxifen. Book of Abstracts of the Fourth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2002; P-36, p.111.
- Šamija I, Hraščan R, Jazvić M, Kusić Z, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J. Detection of melanoma cells in peripheral blood by reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction. Book of Abstracts of the 1st Croatian Congress on Molecular Life Sciences 2002; P74, p 174.
- Ladika-Davidović B, Lukač J, Lechpammer S, Šeparović V, Kusić Z. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in thyroid neoplasms. Book of Abstracts of the 1st Croatian Congress on Molecular Life Sciences 2002; P13, p. 113.
- Lacić M, Kusić Z, Clarke SEM. Contribution of quantitative Bull’s eye analyses to the evaluation of TI-201 SPECT scan in one-day Stress-Redistribution-Reinjection protocol. World Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2002;1(Suppl.1):p. S8-S9.
- Tabain I, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of the thyroid: value of the technique in nodular thyroid disease. Abstracts of the 28th European Congress of Cytology; Antwerp, Blackwell Publishing, 2002;153-154.
- Novosel S, Kovačić K, Zaky Ahel M, Kraljić I, Kusić Z, Tarle M. Chromogranin A as a Marker of Osteolysis in Stage D3 Prostate Caner Patients. Abstract 13th International Prostate Cancer Update, 2003:1-2.
- Jukić T, Labar Ž. Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Supklinička hipotireoza u osoba starije životne dobi. Knjiga sažetaka s Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa 2003;OP/08:29.
- Kusić Z, Novosel SA, Dabelić N, Punda M, Jukić T, Rončević S, Labar Ž, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Staničić A, Kaić-Rak A, Mesaroš-Kanjski E, Karner I, Smoje J, Milanović N, Katalenić M, Jureša V. Hrvatska postigla dostatan unos joda. Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2003;OP/09:30.
- Kovačić K, Misjak M, Petric V, Novosel SA, Kusić Z. Minimalno invazivna sondom vođena paratireoidektomija. Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2003;OP/12:33.
- Vrsalović M, Misjak M, Solter M, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Pokazatelji opće imunosti u bolesnika s autoimunom poliendokrinopatijom-kandidijazom-ektodermalnom distrofijom. Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2003;OP/23:44.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Dabelić N, Mateša N, Tabain I, Lukinac Lj, Punda M, Kusić Z. Značaj ultrazvuka u praćenju bolesnika s karcinomom štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2003;P/19:74.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Krilić D, Kusić Z. Poteškoće u određivanju protutijela štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka Trećeg hrvatskog endokrinološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2003;P/24:79.
- Balenović A, Dabelić N, Novosel S, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Influence of I-131Therapy on Pregnancies in Patients Treated for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. Eur J of Nucl Med and Mol Imaging 2003;30(Suppl. 2):S221.
- Plasaj T, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Laboratorijski informacijski sustav u izgradnji. Biochemia Medica 2003;13(Suppl.1-2):107.
- Žigman M, Lukinac Lj, Balenović A, Planinc D, Kusić Z. Srčani natrijuretski peptidi (ANP, BNP) kao indikatori funkcije desne i lijeve klijetke. Biochemia Medica 2003;13(Suppl.1-2):68.
- Jukić T, Lukinac Lj, Franceschi M, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Dijagnostika karcinoma štitnjače, Biochemia Medica 2003;13(Suppl.1-2):18-19.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Hrašćan R, Tabain I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Ekspresija gena za Galectin-3 i CD44V6 u punktatima promijenjenog tkiva štitnjače. Zbornik 8. Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa 2003; 110:P-35.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Dabelić N, Tabain I, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Ultrasonography in the follow-up of patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma. 15th European Congress of Ultrasound 2003; P 161:137.
- Jukić T, Labar Ž, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Supklinička hipotireoza, kolesterol i kardiovaskularne bolesti: Istraživanje u domu za starije osobe grada Zagreba. II Simpozijum o bolestima štitne žlijezde, Hipotireoza, Zbornik sažetaka, Banja Luka 2003;7:6.
- Fröbe A, Budanec M, Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Kusić Z. Intrakavitarna brahiterapija velikom brzinom doze u liječenju karcinoma cerviksa. Knjiga sažetaka Kongresa Hrvatskog društva za radioterapiju i onkologiju, 2003;18-19.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Mammoscintigraphy in evaluation of the patients with breast disorders. World Journal of Nuclear medicine 2004;3(Suppl. 1):S78-S79.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Multy-modality diagnostic approach to the patients with breast disorders. Book of abstracts of 2nd congress of Croatian senologic society 2003;55:27.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Tabain I, Hraščan R, Lukač J, Kusić Z. RT-PCR analysis of galectin –3 and CD44V6 expression in fine-needle aspirates of thyroid lesions. Abstracts of XV Internations Congress of Cytology 2004; p. 175.
- Dabelić N, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Medularni karcinom štitnjače- Dijagnostika i terapija. Knjiga sažetaka 2. kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2004;57.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Labar Ž, Solter M, Petric V, Kusić Z. Carcinoma treatment results at the Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Oncological Society 2004;58.
- Marić Brozić J, Đaković N, Bolanča A, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Adjuvantna terapija melanoma kože. Knjiga sažetaka 2. kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2004.;91.
- Balenović A, Kovačić K, Sonicki Z, Kusić Z. Early bone metastatic disease and CA 15-3 values in breast cancer patients. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Oncological Society 2004;97.
- Kovačić K, Stepan-Giljević J, Bokulić T, Balenović A, Čepulić M, Kusić Z. “In situ” radioterapija sa I-131-MIGB-om. Knjiga sažetaka 2. kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2004;118.
- Bekavac-Bešlin M, Balenović A, Seni B, Mijić A, Vučetić B, Jukić T, Kos M, Ivanec Z, Kusić Z. Sentinel lymph node detection in gastric cancer: a preliminary report. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Oncological Society 2004;132.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Marić Brozić J, Jazvić M, Đaković N, Šokčević M, Lukač J, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Efficacy of ultrasonography in follow up of patients with melanoma. Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Oncological Society 2004;156.
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Brozić J, Đaković N, Delalle N, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Određivanje tumorskih biljega S100 i MIA proteina u serumu bolesnika s melanomom. Knjiga sažetaka 2. kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2004;157.
- Vučetić B, Novosel S, Matejčić A, Đaković N, Marić Brozić J, Šitum M, Nola I, Krušlin B, Čupić H, Kusić Z. Biopsija sentinel limfnog čvora vođena gama sondom u bolesnika s malignim melanomom. Knjiga sažetaka 2. kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2004;158.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Hraščan R, Tabain I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Ekspresija gena za Galectin-3 i CD44V6 u punktatima promjenjivog tkiva štitnjače. Zbornik 8. Hrvatskog biološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem. 2004: str. 35.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Lukač J, Hraščan R, Tabain I, Kusić Z. Galectin-3 and CD44V6 as Markers for Preoperative Diagnosis of Thyroid Lesions. Croatian Immunological Society, Annual Meeting 2004:26.
- Tarle M, Petek I, Novosel S, Ahel Z, Kusić Z. Latent Hazard in PC and BPH Patients Referred to Antiandrogens: Pc Aggressiveness and Ne Differentiation.Abstracts of the Seventh International Conference of Anticancer Research 2004;24(5D):501.
- Tarle M, Novosel S, Kovačić K, Ahel Z, Kusić Z. Chromogranin A as a Marker of Osteolysis in Stage D3 Prostate Cancer Patients. Abstracts of the Seventh International Conference of Anticancer Research 2004;24(5D):504.
- Tarle M, Kraljić I, Spajić B, Kusić Z. Prostate Cancer Progression and CgA Elevation in Patients With Gleason Scores 3+4, 4+3, and 3+3. 15th International Prostate Cancer Update, Vail, Colorado, 2005:165.
- Balenović A, Punda M, Bodor D, Sonicki Z, Jurčić Z, Kusić Z. Utjecaj poremećaja ishrane na gustoću kosti u adolescentnih bolesnika. Sažetak 3. Hrvatskog kongresa o osteoporozi, 2005; 22.
- Grazio S, Balenović A, Jajić Z, Nemčić T, Grubišić F, Paar-Puhovski M, Kusić Z. Utjecaj medicinske gimnastike na mineralnu gustoću kosti u bolesnika s ankilozantnim spondilitisom. Sažetak 3. hrvatskog kongresa o osteoporozi 2005;65.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Tabain I, Kusić Z. Cytomorphological Changes and Positivity by RT-PCR Method in Benign Thyroid Lesions. 3rd Croatian Congress of Clinical Cytology, Opatija, Book of Abstracts 2005;148.
- Žigman M, Lukinac Lj, Balenović A, Žigman T, Kusić Z. ANP and BNP values compared to the scintigraphic parameters as indicators of left and right ventricles failure. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;2:P 86.
- Bokulić T, Vastenhouw B, Beekman FJ, De Jong H.W.A.M, Kusić Z. Monte Carlo Based Down-Scatter Correction of Spect Attenuation Maps. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;46:O-16.
- Vrkljan M, Dabelić N, Balenović A, Kusić Z. Prognostic Factors in Patients with Thyroid Cancer. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;59:O-27.
- Labar Ž, Vlašić M, Punda M, Balenović A, Kusić Z. Results of 131-I Therapy of Graves’ Hyperthyreoidism. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;60:P-13.
- Lukinac Lj, Vlašić M, Nöthig-Hus D, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Characteristics of the Third Generation TSH Immunoassay. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;75:P-20.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Mateša N, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Follow-up of Patients with Benign Nodular Thyroid Disease. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;84:O-38.
- Balenović A, Sonicki Z, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Salivary Gland Scintigraphy in Xerostomia Patients with Sublingual Gland Visualisation. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005; 91:O-40.
- Punda M, Balenović A, Bodor D, Jurčić Z, Kusić Z. Possible Diagnostic Mistakes due to Misinterpretation of DEXA in Pediatric Patients. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;92:O-41.
- Pavlović M, Pažur V, Golem H, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Serum Bone Markers and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;93:P 28
- Balenović A, Punda M, Bodor D, Sonicki Z, Jurčić Z, Kusić Z. Bone Mineral Density in Lumbar and Femoral Regions-Normative Data Problem in Adolescent Patients. Fifth International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, Opatija, Book of abstracts 2005;94:O-42.
- Žigman M, Rogan SA, Bonić I, Car B, Žigman T, Kusić Z. Scintigrafski znaci periferne angiopatije u bolesnika s dijabetesom. Liječnički vijesnik, Peti hrvatski kongres o aterosklerozi s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Abstracts, 2005;71-72.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J, Šitum M, Končar Mubrin M, Kusić Z. Microphtalmia-Associated Transcription Factors and Tyrosinase as Markers of Melanoma Cells in Blood of Patients with Melanoma. Croatian Immunological Annual meeting 2005;30.
- Žigman M, Balenović A, Žigman T, Car B, Kusić Z. Angioscintigraphic Characteristics of Microcirculation Disturbances in Diabetic Leg Ischemia. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2005; 32(Suppl. 1):P 222, P 20.
- Gjergja R, Žigman M, Cvitanović-Šojat L, Balenović A, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Evaluation of Regional Cortical Brain Perfusion with Tc 99m HMPAO SPECT in Children with Epilepsy and Headache. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2005;32(Suppl. 1):P 296, P 28.
- Balenović A, Punda M, Bodor D, Sonicki Z, Jurčić Z, Kusić Z. Bone Mineral Density in Lumbar and Femoral Regions of Adolescent Patients with Eating Disorders. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2005;32(Suppl. 1):P 536, P 45.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Dabelić N. Evaluacija čvora u štitnjači i problem karcinoma. Zbornik sažetaka III simpozijuma o bolestima štitne žlijezde-Tumori štitne žlijezde, Banja Luka 2005;5.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Tabain I, Hraščan R, Kusić Z. Cytomorphological Changes and Galectin-3 and CD44v6 Positivity by RT-PCR Method in Benign Thyroid Lesions. J Cytopathology 2005;16(Suppl.2):3.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Dabelić N, Rogan SA, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Karner I, Staničić A, Punda M, Smoje J. Fifty Years of Struggle Against Iodine Deficiency in Croatia: the Battle is Won. Thyroid 2005;15(Suppl 1):P364.
- Žigman M, Rogan SA, Martinčić Popović I, Žigman T, Jukić T, Kusić Z. 99m Tc-HAMPAO Scintigraphic Parameters – Quantitative Assesment of Regional Cerebral Perfusion. Book of abstracts 4th Congress of the Croatian Neurosurgical Society 2005;74.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Mateša N, Jukić T, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Role of Ultrasonography and Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy in the Management of Thyroid Nodules. European Journal of Ultrasound 2005;26:P068.
- Kovačić K, Balenović A, Stepan J, Mose J, Grbac I, Kusić Z. Nuklearnomedicinska dijagnostika primarnog/sekundarnog limfoma kosti. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006;34.
- Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Određivanje razine CA 19-9 u bolesnika s gastrointestinalnim karcinomom praćenih tijekom petnaestogodišnjeg razdoblja. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006; 22.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Ultrazvuk limfnih čvorova vrata i značaj određivanja tireoglobulina u punktatu. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006;41.
- Radić J, Jazvić M, Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Adjuvantno liječenje raka želuca-naša iskustva. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006; 24.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Eksperimentalni lijekovi za melanom. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006;80.
- Marić-Brozić J, Šamija I, Lukač J, Bolanča A, Ikić D, Kusić Z. Interferon alpha u adjuvantnoj terapiji melanoma. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006;78.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Prpić M, Kusić Z. Papilarni mikrokarcinom štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb, 2006;76.
- Dabelić N, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Unos joda i karcinomi štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka 3. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Zagreb 2006;77.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Correlation between proportions of different lymphocyte subsete and presence of melanoma cells in blood of patients with melanoma. Book of abstracts 16th European Congress of Immunology 2006;338.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Ultrasonography of the neck in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma and the role of thyroglobulin measurement in fine needle aspirates. Book of abstracts 18th European Congress of Ultrasound in conjunction with XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIUMB 2006;41.
- Žigman M, Rogan SA, Planinc D, Žigman T, Kusić Z. The second derivation of the ventricle volume curves-an advantage in cardiac diagnostic modalities. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2006;33(Suppl.2):P074.
- Fröbe A, Grbac I, Jakšić B, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Mrčela I, Šokčević M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. High dose rate intraluminal brachytherapy in lung cancer. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Kongresa hrvatskih pulmologa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Dubrovnik, 2006;4.
- Lukinac Lj,Buljan M, Krilić D, Brozić J, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Tumorski biljezi S 100 i MIA u praćenju bolesnika s malignim melanomom. Biochemia Medica 2006;16(Suppl 1):P14-4.
- Prpić M, Lukinac Lj, Jukić T, Krilić D, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Poremećaji funkcije štitnjače u bolesnika na terapiji amiodaronom. Biochemia Medica 2006;16(Suppl 1):P13-4.
- Krilić D, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Balenović A, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Koncentracija specifične alkalne fosfataze (BAP) u bolesnica na terapiji metimazolom. Biochemia Medica 2006;16(Suppl 1):P8-5.
- Grubišić F, Balenović A, Grazio S, Jajić Z, Nemčić T, Matijević V, Bodor D, Vrkić-Grus L, Ghersinich D, Kusić Z. Osteoporoza bolesnika s psorijatičnim artritisom-pilot studija. Reumatizam 2006;53(2):119.
- Žigman MZ, Planinc D, Rogan SA, Lukinac LJ, Kusić Z. Influence of different diagnostic variables on cardiac nutriuretic peptides level in follow-up of patiants with heart failure-a multivariate analysis.World Congress of Cardiology Abstracts 2003-2006; P 3275.
- Balenović A, Franulović M, Jurčić Z, Vrkić N, Punda M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Gustoća kosti i vrijednosti koštanih biljega, IGF-I I hormona štitnjače u adolescentica sa anoreksijom nervozom. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog kongresa o osteoporozi 2007;24:O-4.
- Murgić J, Jazvić M, Milošević M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z.Quality of life assessment in breast cancer patients – a pilot survey. Proceedings book of 1st Interconference Breast Cancer Meeting, 2007.;51;P-131.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Kusić Z. Causes and Solutions in Inadequate Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Samples for Reverse Transcriptase Polymer Chain Reaction Analysis. Acta Cytologica 2007;51(Suppl.2):P-142.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Tyrosinase as Marker for Detection of Melanoma Cell in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Melanoma: Association with Clinical Stage and Prognostic Factors. Abstract book, 5th Central European Oncology Congress 2007; 94.
- Balenović A, Vlašić M, Sonicki Z, Bodor D, Kusić Z. The influence of radioiodine dose on pregnancy outcome in patients treated for differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 105.
- Demirović A, Radulović P, Vučić M, Čupić H, Kusić Z, Belicza M. Occurence and epidemiological features of different histologic types of thyroid cancer in the 1980-2006 period . Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 109.
- Đokić D, Prpić M, Staničić J, Kusić Z. The prevalence of thyroid nodules in working population of Zagreb. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 112.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Halec T, Dermol V, Kusić Z. Ultrasonography of the neck in patients operated for differentiated thyroid carcinoma and value of thyroglobulin determination in node aspirate. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):113.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Prpić M, Znaor A, Sonicki Z, Kusić Z. Incidence and mortality of thyroid cancer in Croatia from 1968 to 2004.Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):116.
- Jukić T, Staničić J, Franceschi M, Prpić M, Vukić T, Petric V, Čupić H, Kusić Z. Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma – clinical presentation and prognosis. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46 (Suppl 2):117-118.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Prpić M, Salopek D, Znaor A, Kusić Z. No increase in childhood thyroid cancer in Croatia due to Chernobyl accident. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):118 -119.
- Labar Ž, Prpić M, Punda M, Jukić T, Staničić J, Kusić Z. Hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):121-122.
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Nöthig-Hus D, Staničić J, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Calcitonin in follow-up of patients with medullary thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):124.
- Lukinac Lj, Nothig-Hus D, Krilić D, Franceschi M, Kusić Z. Twenty five years of thyroglobulin measurement. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):125.
- Mateša-Anić D, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Coexistence of papillary carcinoma and Hashimoto thyroiditis: a study of cytologic and histologic material. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2): 126.
- Murgić J, Prpić M, Katinić K, Kusić Z. Anxiety in thyroid cancer patients. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2) : 129-130.
- Prpić M, Dabelić N, Bolanča A, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. MEN 2B syndrome in three generations of one family – from palliation to prevention. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2) : 132-133.
- Prpić M, Staničić J, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Clinical features of papillary thyroid cancer in patients with familial occurrence of thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):134.
- Punda M, Balenović A, Gladić-Nenadić V, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Risk factors for osteoporosis in female patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):135.
- Staničić J, Dabelić N, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Axillary lymph node metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma – a case report. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):140.
- Staničić J, Jukić T, Čupić H, Belicza M, Kusić Z. Clinical and histopathologic features of thyroid carcinoma in patients treated at Department of oncology and nuclear medicine, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia, Acta Clin Croat 2007;46 (Suppl 2) : 141.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Galectin-3 expression in fine needle aspirates of cytologically indeterminate lesions of the thyroid. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):142.
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Lukač J, Kusić Z. CD44v6 as a marker for preoperative diagnosis of cytologically indeterminate lesions of the thyroid. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(Suppl 2):143.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T. Čvor u štitnjači – nova epidemija. Abstract book – 40 godina nuklearne medicine u Osijeku, 2007:55-57.
- Bouffette P, Čustović Z, Fröbe A, Kovačić K, Kusić Z, Tarle M. Chemotherapy combination after docetaxel refractioness in HRPC patientc: NED used as a discriminator. Book of Abstract – 7th World Basic research Congress Joint Meeting of the European Society for Urological Research and the Society for Basic Urologic Research Dublin 2007:40.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Šokčević M, Halec T, Kusić Z. Značaj ultrazvuka vrata u otkrivanju metastaza u bolesnika s karcinomom pluća, Knjiga sažetaka IV. Kongresa Hrvatskog društva za ultrazvuk u medicini i biologiji s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2008:66.
- Grubišić F, Grazio S, Balenović A, Nemčić T, Kusić Z. No association of osteoporosis whit peripheral arthritis or enthesitis in patients with ankylosing spodylitis, Osteoporosis Int 2008; 19(Suppl 1): P149.
- Franceschi M , Rončević S , Lukinac Lj, Jukić T, Halec T, Kusić Z. Tg measurement in needle aspirates in detection of recurrences and neck metastases in patients whit differentiated thyroid carcinoma: Significance of anti- Tg antibodies. Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;18:O-8.
- Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Budanec M, Balenović A, Kusić Z. Application of the AAPM formalism for calculating PET-CT shielding, Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;33:O-14.
- Jukić T, Labar Z, Bedek D, Ivkić M, Kusić Z. Pemberton’s sing in patient whit substernal goiter, Book of Abstracts 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;50:P-2.
- Lukinac Lj, Plasaj T, Krilić D, Labar Ž, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Report of abnormal thyroid tests results obtained in period 1990-2007, Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;53:P-5.
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Franceschi M, Kusić Z. Reliability of TG determination by ELISA methods, Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;57:P-9.
- Jukić T, Staničić J, Dabelić N, Prpić M, Koprivanac A, Kusić Z. Clinical features of papillary thyroid carcinoma and microcarcionoma, Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;59:P-11.
- Žigman M, Punda M, Planinc D, Kusić Z. Evaluation of regional myocardial function using the second derivation of the ventricular volume curves, Book of Abstracts ,6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;68:P-20.
- Punda M, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Bone mineral density in postmenopausal patients whit breast cancer, Book of Abstracts 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;70:P-22.
- Rogan SA, Kovačić K, Tarle M, Kusić Z. Prostate cancer bone metastases and neuroendocrine differentiation. Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008; 87 : O-29.
- Prepelec A, Rukavina B, Kunović Ž, Kovačić K, Špehar Ž, Kusić Z. Uloga tehnologa u analizi mineralne gustoće kosti (DEXA), Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008;128:T-16.
- Rukavina B, Kunović Ž, Prepelec A, Punda M, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Uloga tehnologa u izvođenju IVA-e (Instant vertebral assessment), Book of Abstracts, 6th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine 2008; 129: T-17.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Liječenje diferenciranog karcinoma štitnjače radioaktivnim jodom. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2008;76-78.
- Dabelić N, Radić J, Kusić Z. Onkološko liječenje raka štitnjače-standardni postupci i novi terapijski pristupi. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2008;79-81.
- Marić Brozić J, Bolanča A, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Terapija PEG Intronom u adjuvantnom liječenju bolesnika sa stadijem III melanoma. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2008; 83-84.
- Prpić M, Jukić T, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Dijagnostika i liječenje karcinoma štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2008; 172.
- Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Budanec M, Fröbe A, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Dosimetric characteristics of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters for in-vivo dosimetry and phantom measurements. Book of abstract 3rd Austrian, Italian, Slovenian and Croatian medical Physics meeting (AISCMP) 2008. ;54-55.
- Grazio S, Kusić Z, Grubišić F, Nemčić T, Matijević V, Maričić G, Punda M, Skala H, Kern I, Matić A. Osteoporosis in Psoriatic Arthritis: is there any?. Osteoporos Int. 2009;20:(Suppl 1):S63.
- Drača N, Giljević Z, Kusić Z, Šimić P, Tikvica A, Jovančević M, Vukičević S. TSH i vitamin D sinergistički utječu na gubitak kosti u štakora sa uklonjenom štitnom i paratiroidnim žlijezdama. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog kongresa o osteoporozi. 2009:35.
- Giljević Z, Jukić T, Koršić M, Kusić Z, Vukičević S. Učinak endogenog TSH na serumske biljege koštane pregradnje u bolesnica s tireoidektomijom. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog kongresa o osteoporozi. 2009:56.
Radovi objavljeni u časopisima koji se indeksiraju u drugim međunarodnim indeksnim publikacijama (Medline, Excerpta Medica i dr.)
- Kusić Z. Tireoidni hormoni i tireotropin u bolesnika s eutireoidnom nodoznom strumom. Acta Med Iug 1979; 33:321-329.
- Senjanović M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Značenje određivanja tireoglobulina u praćenju bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. Radiol Iugosl. 1984; 18(2):143-147.
- Senjanović M, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Franceschi D, Spaventi Š. Koncentracija tireoglobulina u serumu bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. Radiol Iugosl 1984; 18(4):377-380.
- Kusić Z, Horgas G, Knešaurek K, Spaventi Š. Određivanje terapijske doze J-131 u liječenju karcinoma štitnjače. Radiol Iugosl 1984; 18:385-387.
- Franceschi D, Senjanović M, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Dinamička scintigrafija slinovnica u bolesnika s karcinomom štitnjače liječenih radioaktivnim jodom. Radiol Iugosl 1984; 18(4):369-371.
- Kusić Z, Šimonović I. Mogućnost primjene fluorescentne metode u dijagnostici bolesti štitnjače. Radiol Iugosl 1984; 18(4): 405-408.
- Kusić Z, Šimonović I. Brzina učinka tireostatika u liječenju hipertireoze. Radiol Iugosl 1984; 18(4):393-394.
- Franceschi D, Senjanović M, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Impairment of salivary glands function in patients with thyroid carcinoma treated with radioiodine. Nuklearmedizin 1984: 856-859.
- Kusić Z, Maisey M, Ng Tang Fui, Šimonović I. Thyroid stable iodine measurement in patients with hyperthyroidism. Acta Med Iug 1985; 39: 345-355.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Šimonović I. Basal TSH determination instead of TRH test. Acta Med Iug 1986;40:115-120.
- Đokić D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Kontrola ultrasonografa i utvrđivanje granica pouzdanosti operatera kod mjerenja dimenzija štitne žlijezde. Radiol Iugosl. 1986; 20(1): 43-46.
- Kusić Z, Šimonović I. Predviđanje trajanja latentnog razdoblja u liječenju hipertireoze tireostaticima. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:51-54.
- Spaventi Š, Kusić Z, Paras P, Saenger EL, Becker DV. Usporedba 123-I i 99m-Tc pertehnetata u scintigrafiji nodozne strume. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:47-49.
- Franceschi M, Franceschi D, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž, Spaventi Š. Scintigrafija cijeloga tijela s 201 Tl u bolesnika s karcinomom štitnjače. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:117-119.
- Labar Ž, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Dugoročni učinak liječenja toksičnog adenoma štitnjače radioaktivnim jodom. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:121-123.
- Prpić H, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. Koncentracija hormona štitnjače i TSH u serumu bolesnika nakon operacije eutireoidne nodozne strume. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:113-116.
- Žmire J, Čabrijan T, Banovac K, Alač M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Vrijednost FT4 u akutnom pankreatitisu. Radiol Iugosl 1986; 20:109-111.
- Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. TSH-RIA metoda vlastite izvedbe. Radiol Iugosl 1987; 21:139-140.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. TSH-IRMA u usporedbi s osjetljivom TSH-RIA metodom vlastite izvedbe. Radiol Iugosl 1987;21:17-18.
- Kusić Z, Prpić H, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž, Spaventi Š. Antitijela TSH receptora u kliničkoj praksi. Radiol Iugosl 1987; 21:47-48.
- Prpić H, Kusić Z, Lang B, Hudolin V, Lukinac Lj, Spaventi Š. TRH test u alkoholičara u fazi apstinencije. Radiol Iugosl 1987; 21:59-61.
- Đokić D, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š. Terapija eutireoidne strume kontrolirana ultrasonografijom. Radiol Iugosl 1987;21:165-166.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Spaventi Š, Šimonović I. An evaluation of IRMA-TSH kits and a very sensitive RIA-TSH method. Acta Med Iug 1988;42:201-206.
- Đaković N, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Lukač J, Nöthig-Hus D, Labar Ž, Smičiklas-Franić N, Spaventi Š. TSH receptor antibodies in follow-up of patients with Graves´ disease during antithyroid drug therapy. Radiol Iugosl 1990;24:151-152.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Franceschi M, Pokrajac B, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D. Tumor markers determinations. Acta Med Iug 1991;45:245-250.
- Lacić M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Juras N, Nöthig-Hus D. In vitro thyroid tests in pregnancy. Acta Med Croat 1992;46:155-159.
- Lukač J, Kusić Z. Određivanje fagocitnih funkcija. Acta Clin Croat 1993;32:75-84.
- Lukač J, Burek B, Kusić Z. Peripheral blood lymphocyte populations and phagocytic functions in patients with active alopecia areata. Acta Med Croat 1993;47:113-118.
- Sonicki Z, Kern J, Kusić Z, Lukinac Lj, Đaković N. Induktivni pristup rutinskoj laboratorijskoj dijagnostici disfunkcije štitnjače. Liječ Vjesn 1993;115:306-309.
- Šešo-Šimić Đ, Lukač J. Kusić Z. Višestruki zloćudni tumori. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:131-137.
- Valent B, Miškov S, Lang B, Kusić Z. Utjecaj antiepileptika na os hipotalamus-hipofiza-štitnjača. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:87-91.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Nöthig-Hus D, Kes P. Thyroid peroxidase prevails over thyroid microsomal and thyroglobulin antibodies in thyroidal and nonthyroidal illnesses. Acta Med Croat 1994;48:63-66.
- Kusić Z, Lacić M, Bokulić T, Kovačić K, Đaković N, Lukač J. Radioimmuno- scintigraphy – a new, specific procedure in nuclear oncology. Acta Med Croatica 1994;48:151-157.
- Vrkljan M, Kusić Z, Vilibić T, Posavec Lj, Ratković D, Veir Z, Vizner B. Hormoni štitnjače kao inhibitori sekrecije prolaktina nakon stimulacije s TRH u hipertireozi. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:149-154.
- Golem H, Lukač J, Lechpammer S, Đaković N, Kusić Z. Number of immuno-competent cells and phagocytic functions in breast cancer patients after surgery. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:155-159.
- Lacić M, Rončević S, Valent I, Sonicki Z, Đaković N, Kusić Z. Study of morphological characteristics of scintigraphically “warm” thyroid nodules. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:181-189.
- Vrkljan M, Vilibić T, Posavec Lj, Kusić Z, Solter M, Alač M, Klancir S, Ratković I, Galešić K, Vizner B. Autoantitijela na hormone štitnjače u bolesnice s Hashimotovim tireoiditisom i kroničnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom. Acta Clin Croat 1994;33:191-198.
- Lukač J, Šešo Đ, Đaković N, Ferenčić Ž, Čajkovac V, Belicza M, Šooš E, Ikić D, Kusić Z. Interferon u liječenju solidnih tumora. Liječ Vjesn 1994;116:303-307.
- Kusić Z, Lukač J, Đaković N, Čajkovac V, Belicza M, Spaventi Š, Padovan I, Ikić D. Immunotherapy of melanoma with recombinant interferon alpha 2c. Acta Clin Croat 1995;34(2):67-72.
- Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z, Kes P, Nöthig-Hus D. Effects of chronic hemodialysis on thyroid function tests in patients with end-stage renal disease. Acta Med Croat 1996;50:65-68.
- Kusić Z, Lechpammer S, Đaković N, Kaić-Rak A, Karner I, Mesaroš-Šimunčić E, Petrović I, Rončević S, Smoje J, Staničić A, Delange F. Endemska gušavost u Hrvatskoj. Liječ Vjesn 1996;118:103-107.
- Kusić Z. Iskorjenjivanje gušavosti u Hrvatskoj. Liječ Vjesn 1996;118:143.
- Lechpammer S, Kalafatić D, Herman R, Kusić Z. Papillary thyroid carcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 1996;35:13-16.
- Kusić Z. Novi hrvatski propis o jodiranju soli. Liječ Vjesn. 1996;118:306.
- Lukinac Lj, Bolanča A, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. Follow-up of patients with gastrointeestinal cancer by tumor marker determination. Acta Med Croat 1997;51:73-77.
- Kovačić K, Šušković T, Kusić Z, Lacić M. Naša prva iskustva s ventilacijsko- perfuzijskim scintigramom u bolesnika sa sumnjom na plućnu emboliju. Liječ Vjesn 1997;117:27-31.
- Lacić M, Maisey MN, Kusić Z. Positron emission tomography in oncology: the most sophisticated imaging technology. Acta Med Croat 1997;51:1-9.
- Roić D, Ljubičić N, Roić G, Vrkljan M, Kusić Z, Gaćina P. Celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery blood flow in patients with chronic pancreatitis: ultrasonic duplex-doppler analysis. Acta Clin Croat 1997;36:71-76.
- Vrkljan M, Kusić Z, Juras N, Tomac A, Zadro Z, Milinović D, Čabrijan T. Dihydroergocristine in the treatment of postpartal hyperprolactinemia. Acta Clin Croat 1997;36:99-100.
- Balenović A, Kusić Z. Pregnancies in patients treated with I-131 for differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 1997;36:161-164.
- Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Đaković N, Pape E, Kusić Z. Bilateral breast cancer. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:11-16.
- Mateša N, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Cytomorphologic Changes and Antithyroglobulin antibodies in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:21-25.
- Fröbe A, Zovak M, Doko M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Locoregional adjuvant chemotherapy for colorectal adenocarcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:55-56.
- Pape E, Soldić Ž, Đaković N, Kusić Z, Ikić D. Current approach in melanoma therapy. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:93-97.
- Fröbe A, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Brachytherapy. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:105-113.
- Lechpammer M, Belicza M, Krušlin B, Čupić H, Kusić Z. New computerized hospital register for thyroid pathology. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:140.
- Kovačić K, Alač M, Trnski D, Rončević T, Matanović B, Karapandža N, Kusić Z. Our experience with the use of 131I-MIBG in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:219-223.
- Đokić D, Kusić Z. Duplex-doppler ultrasonography of the thyroid. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:229-234.
- Kovačić K, Tarle M, Kusić Z. The role of bone scanning in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with prostatic cancer. Acta Clin Croat 1998:37:265-267.
- Lechpammer S, Lukač J, Cook GJR, Lechpammer M, Kusić Z. Phagocytic functions in thyroid cancer patients treated with radioiodine-131. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:249-253.
- Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Clinical use of the recombinant human thyrotropin (TSH) in the treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer: perspectives and problems. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:325-326.
- Novosel SA, Kusić Z. Nodular thyroid disease effect of age on the prevalence of thyroid nodules. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:255-258.
- Budanec M, Bokulić T, Fröbe A, Kusić Z. Radiobiological aspects of brachytherapy. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:307-313.
- Bolanča A, Bokulić T, Fröbe A, Pape E, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Interstitial brachytherapy in oral cavity tumors. Acta Clin Croat 1998;37:285-288.
- Lukač J, Kovačević D, Krušlin B, Spaventi R, Ferenčić Ž, Belicza M, Desyo D, Kusić Z. Relationship between natural killer (NK) cell activity and erbB-2 expression in colorectal cancer patients. Period biol 1998;100:537-539.
- Katinić K, Kusić Z. Psychological and psychotherapeutic approach to cancer patients. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:39-43.
- Nöthig-Hus D, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Colorimetric method for determination of urine iodine concentration – A simple and reliable method. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:51-54.
- Fröbe A, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Prevention of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angiography with endovascular brachytherapy. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:65-66.
- Kašuba V, Kusić Z, Garaj-Vrhovac V. Micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes of patients following iodine-131 radiotherapy. Radiol Oncol 1999;33:35-41.
- Jazvić M, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Granulocyte and monocyte phagocytosis, NK cell activity and peripheral blood cell count in patients with malignant melanoma. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:77-82.
- Soldić Ž, Pape E, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Male breast cancer. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:125-128.
- Lacić M, Bokulić T, Lukač J, Baum RP, Kusić Z. Immunoscintigraphy with 99Tcm-labelled monoclonal anti-CEA BW 431/26 antibodies in patients with suspected recurrent and metastatic colorectal carcinoma: Two-year follow-up. Nuclear Medicine Communications 1999;20:859-865.
- Novosel AS, Rončević S, Kusić Z. High-resolution real-time ultrasonography of the thyroid gland. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:195-202.
- Kovačić K, Bolanča A, Bokulić T, Solarić M, Kusić Z. Quadramet in the treatment of painful bone metastases. Case report. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:209-211.
- Jazvić M, Fröbe A, Pape E, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Adjuvant glanglioside GM2-KLH-QS-21 vaccination after resection of primary cutaneous melanoma. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:213-214.
- Dabelić N, Mateša N, Gall-Trošelj K, Krušlin B, Pavelić J, Pavelić K, Kusić Z. Medullary thyroid carcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:227-239.
- Mateša N, Dabelić N, Rončević S, Kusić Z. Spontaneous disappearance of a Hürthle cell tumor of the thyroid following fine needle aspiration. Acta Clin Croat 1999;38:241-243.
- Novosel SA, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Herman R, Kusić Z. Ultrasonographic analysis of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. Acta Clin Croat 2000;39;71-75.
- Šimunović D, Cvjetko I, Gladić V, Elez M, Glasnović M, Leniček T, Vučić M, Lechpammer M, Čupić H, Strnad M, Kusić Z, Krušlin B, Belicza M. Possible effects of the 1990-1995 war in Croatia on thyroid cancer epidemiology. Acta Clin Croat 2000;39(3):155-160.
- Tabain I, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Follicular adenoma of the thyroid: retrospective review of the cytomorphologic characteristics in 104 cases. Acta Clin Croat 2000;39(4):221-225.
- Jukić T, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Acta Clin Croat 2001;40:313-317.
- Mateša N, Dabelić N, Tabain I, Kusić Z. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid. Acta Clin Croat 2002; 41:123-131.
- Lechpammer M, Lukač J, Lechpammer S, Kusić Z. Antithyroid drug-induced immunomodulation in Graves’ diesase patients. Acta Med Croat 2002;56(1):21-26.
- Tabain I, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Fine needle aspiration of Hürthle cell neoplasms of the tyroid. Acta Clin Croat 2002;41:335-339.
- Belicza M, Leniček T, Glasnović M, Elez M, Gladić V, Marton I, Žutekovič S, Jurlina H, Kusić Z, Cvrtila D, Strnad M, Tomas D, Čupić H, Krušlin B. Promjene u pojavnosti raka dojke u bolničkom registru (1980-2000). Liječ Vjesn 2002;124:347-353.
- Toromanović A, Tahirović H, Kusić Z. Učestalost strume, urinarna jodna ekskrecija i neonatalni TSH u Tuzlanskom kantonu. Med Arh 2003;57(2):75-80.
- Jurman D, Lukinac Lj, Nöthig-Hus D, Krilić D, Cvrtila D, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Tumor marker Cyfra-21-1 in serum and pleural effusions of patients with lung cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2003;42:23-28.
- Tabain I, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Accuracy of ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration in patients with nodular thyroid disease. Acta Clin Croat 2004;43:21-26.
- Lacić M, Lukač J, Bokulić T, Kusić Z. Evaluation of Breast Disorders With Different Diagnostic Techniques. Liječ Vjesn 2004;126(suppl.2):157-158.
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Nöthig-Hus D, Kusić Z. The Problem of Thyroid Antibodies Testing. Acta Clin Croat 2004;43:355-359.
- Kovačić K, Misjak M, Petric V, Novosel S, Kusić Z. Minimalno invazivna paratiroidektomija vođena sondom. Liječ Vjesn 2004; 126:250-253.
- Mateša N, Tabain I, Kusić Z. The risk of Thyroid Malignancy in Patients with Solitary Thyroid Nodule Versus Patients with Multinodular Goiter. Acta Clin Croat 2005;44:7-10.
- Demarin V, Lovrenčić-Huzjan A, Vargek-Solter V, Vuković V, Miškov S, Mikula I, Perić M, Gopčević A, Kusić Z, Balenović A, Klanfar Z, Bušić M. Consensus Opinion on Diagnosis Brain Death-Guidelines for use of Confirmatory Tests. Acta Clin Croat 2005; 44:65-79.
- Fröbe A, Jakšić B, Bokulić T, Bolanča A, Budanec M, Kusić Z. Brachytherapy in the Treatment of prostate Cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2004;43(Suppl. 1):53-59.
- Vučetić B, Rogan SA, Balenović A, Ivkić M, Šitum M, Hudorović N, Kusić Z. The role of preoperative lymphoscintigraphy in surgery planning for sentinel lymph node biopsy in malignant melanoma. Wien Klin Wochenschr 2006;118(9-10):286-293.
- Rogan SA, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Sentinel Lymph Node Concept and Its Role in the Management of Melanoma Patients. Acta Clin Croat 2007;46(2):175-185.
- Bonefačić Z, Smokvina A, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Thyroid cancer risk factors. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 16 – 18.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Iodine intake and thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 19-21.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Molecular diagnostics of thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 47-49.
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Kusić Z. Radioiodine treatment of metastatic thyroid carcinoma. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 63 – 65
- Dabelić N, Radić J, Kusić Z. Oncological treatment of thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 91 – 94.
- Balenović A, Kusić Z. Pregnancy and thyroid cancer. Acta Clin Croat 2007; 46 (Suppl 2): 97-100.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Dabelić N, Franceschi M. Croatian Thyroid Society Guidlines for the Management of Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Liječ Vjesn 2008;130:213-227.
Knjige ili poglavlja u knjigama
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Ostali radovi
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- Lukač J, Šamija I, Hraščan R, Jazvić M, Bolanča A, Brozić J, Kusić Z. Molekulski biljezi malignog melanoma. Zbornik radova I kongresa Hrvatskog onkološkog društva 2001;191-193.
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- Mrčela I, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Kusić Z. Diode in-vivo dosimetry for external, beam radiotherapy: patient data analysis. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of the Croatian Radiation Protection Association 2008;190-197.
- Balenović A, Kusić Z. Pozitronska emisijska tomografija kod raka dojke-dostignuća i kliničke perspektive. Zbornik radova XIII. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke”, HAZU, Zagreb 2008;3-9.
- Budanec M, Knežević Ž, Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Vrtar M, Kusić Z. Comparison of doses calculated by the Monte Carlo method and measured by LiF TLD in the buildup region for a 60Co photon beam. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 2008;66(12);1925-1929.
- Kusić Z. Život i djelo Andrije Štampara. Predavanja održana u HAZU. Svezak 83. 2009:9-21.
Doktorske disertacije:
- Maja Franceschi, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1989.
- Darije Đokić, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1989.
- Ksenija Kovačić, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991.
- Boris Pokrajac, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1993.
- Eva Pichler, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1995.
- Elika Mesaroš-Kanjski, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1998.
- Miodrag Lacić, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1998.
- Milan Vrkljan, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000.
- Radoslav Herman, Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002.
- Stanislav Lechpammer, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002.
- Ivan Mihaljević, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Osijeku, 2005.
- Neven Mateša, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008.
- Tomislav Jukić, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008.
Magistarski radovi:
- Ante Bolanča, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1990.
- Dražen Miloš, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991.
- Miodrag Lacić, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1993.
- Nenad Sarapa, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1993.
- Tatjana Voskresensky-Horvat, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1995.
- Ethem Brković, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1995.
- Filip Filipović, Stomatološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1996.
- Eduard Missoni, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1996.
- Stanislav Lechpammer, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1998.
- Tomislav Jukić, Prirodoslovno matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004.
- Irena Tabain, Medicinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2008.
- Murgić J, Jukić T, Tomek-Roksandić S, Ljubičić M, Kusić Z. The Ageing of Croatian Population. Coll. Antropol.2009;32(Suppl 2):701-705.
- Salopek D, Murgić J, Tomas D, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Paget’s Disease in Contralateral Breast Occuring 11 Years after Mastectomy for Invasive Ductale Carcinoma. Coll. Antropol.2009;33(Suppl 1):327-329.
- Frobe A, Jones G, Jakšić B,Bokulić T, Budanec M, Mrčela I, Stančić-Rokotov D, Hrabar D, Bolanča A, Rosenblatt E, Kusić Z. Intraluminal brachytherapy in the management of squamous carcinoma of the esophagus. Diseases of the Esophagus 2009.;22:513-518.
- Dabelić N, Radić J, Jazvić M, Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Dileme u redosljedu adjuvantnog sustavnog liječenja i radioterpije raka dojke.Zbornik radova XIX. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke”, HAZU, Zagreb 2009;203-216.
- Tarle M, Spajić B, Kraljić I, Kusić Z. Continuos Finasteride Therapy for Benign Prostate Hypertrophy Upgrades Both Neuroendocrine Differentiation and Aggresive Prostate Cancer. Anticancer Research 2009;29:1797-1802
- Rogan SA, Kovačić K, Tarle M, Štimac G, Kusić Z. Bone Metastases in Prostate Cancer Patients Refractory to Hormonal Control. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;36(Suppl2):S281-S496.
- Rogan S A, Žigman M, Gjerga Juraški R, Šojat Cvitanović L, Hrabac P, Kusić Z. Differences in Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Children with Headache, Epilepsy and Anorexia Nervosa using 99m Tc-HMPAO.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;36(Suppl2):S281-S496.
- Žigman M, Rogan SA, Planinc D, Punda M, Kusić Z. Regional Changes in Systolic and Diastolic Function Using Ventricular Volume Curves Analysis. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;36(Suppl2):S281-S496.
- Žigman M, Punda M, Planinc D, Rogan SA, Kusić Z. Validation of Blood-Pool SPECT Heart Atria Measurements. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;36(Suppl2):S281-S496.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Halec T, Kusić Z. Calcitonin Measurement in Needle Washout of Cervical Masses in Patients with Medullary Carcinoma.Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2009;36(Suppl2):S281-S496.
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Kusić Z. Do Tumor Markers Help? Results With and Without the Use of Tumor Markers in Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid lesions. Journal of Cytopathology 2009; 20 (Suppl. 1), 112.
- Dabelić N, Kovačić K, Radić J, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Uloga radioterapije i radioaktivnih izotopa u liječenju karcinomske boli. Knjiga sažetaka Drugog hrvatskog simpozija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem.Brijuni 2009;31-32.
- Moslavac S, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration in Patients Under 18 Years: A Clinico-Cytologic Study. Knjiga sažetaka 4. Hrvatskog kongresa Kliničke citologije s međunarodnim sudjeovanjem.2009:96.
- Žigman M, Rogan S A, Planinc D, Punda M, Kusić Z. Evaluation of Diastolic and Systolic Heart Function in Hypertensive Patients Using Radionuclides. Kidney Blood Press Res 2009; 32:309-333.
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Borić M. Thyroid Diseases: Epidemiology, Phatophysology and Classification. Handbook of the 9th EFCC Continous Postgraduate Course in Clinical Chemistry, New Trends in Classification, Diagnosis and Management of Thyroid Diseases. 2009:11-17.
- Bottomley A, Coens C, Suciu S, Santinami M, Kruit W, Testori A, Marsden J, Punt C, Sales F, Gore M, MacKie R, Kusic Z, Dummer R, Patel P, Schadendorf D, Spatz A, Keilholz U, Eggermont A. Adjuvant Therapy With Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b-Versus Observation in Resected Stage III Melanoma: A Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial of Health-Related Quality of Life and Symptoms by the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cacncer Melanoma Group.J Clin Oncol.2009;27:2916-2923.
- Grazio S, Kusić Z, Grubišić F, Vlak T, Nemčić T, Matijević V, Punda M, Skala H, Kern I, Matić A. No correlation of psoriasis with clinical features, measures of severity and activity in psoriatic arthritis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2009;27:703-746
- Kusić Z. Josip Matovinović Scientific Symposium with International Participation Iodine Prophylaxis-Experiences and Dilemmas. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:383-387.
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Šokčević M, Halec T, Kusić Z. Značenje ultrazvuka u otkrivanju metastaza u bolesnika s karcinomom pluća. Acta Med Croatica 2009;63 (Supl. 3):11-14
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Franceschi M, Dabelić N, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Labar Ž, Mateša N, Solter M, Dodig D, Koršić M, Bence-Žigman Z. Smjernice Hrvatskog društva za štitnjaču za racionalnu dijagnostiku poremećaja funkcije štitnjače. Liječ Vjesn 2009;131:328-338
- Kusić Z, Fatović Ferenčić S. Od kupališnog liječnika do bolnice: Razvoj zdravstva u Varaždinu do početka 20. stoljeća. Zbornik radova Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti
- Rogan S A, Kusić Z. Pediatric nephrology in nuclear medicine. Book of abstract 4th Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists 2009;42
- Prepelec A, Jurković D, Rogan S A, Kusić Z. Dinamic 99m Tc-DTPA Scintigraphy of Kidnes in Children. Book of abstract 4th Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists 2009;46
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Frobe A, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Plasma Natriuretic Peptides in Carcinoma Patients.Abstract book of the 2nd International Conference on Drug Discovery&Therapy. 2010: 231
- Mateša N, šamija I, Kusić Z. Accuracy of Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy with and without the Use of Tumor Markers in Cytologically Indeterminate Thyroid Lesions. Coll.Antropol. 2010;34 (1):53-57
- Borić M, Staničić J, Dabelić N, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Iodine Supplementation in Pregnancy. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:469-473
- Soldić Ž, Salopek D, Jazvić M, Radić J, Marić-Brozić J, Tomas D, Kirac P, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Parenchymal Post-Irradiation Angiosarcoma: a Case Report. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:433-437
- Staničić J,Prpić M, Jukić T, Borić M, Kusić Z. Thyroid Nodularity-True Epidemic or Improved diagnostics. Acta Clin Croat 2009;48:413-418
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Molekularna dijagnostika melanoma. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;27.
- Marić Brozić J, Bolanča A, lukač J, Kusić Z. Novi lijekovi u liječenju melanoma.Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;28-29.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Monoklonska protutijela u liječenju raka: najnovija dostignuća i inovacije.Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;32.
- Jukić T, Staničić J, Dabelić N, Borić M, Kusić Z. Klinička obilježja papilarnih karcinoma štitnjače u starijih osoba. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;70-71.
- Staničić J, Borić M, Granić R, Kusić Z. Hormonsko supresijsko liječenje diferenciranih karcinoma štitnjače.Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;71.
- Borić M, Jukić T, Dabelić N, Staničić J, Granić R, Kusić Z. Praćenje bolesnika s diferenciranim karcinomom štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;72.
- Radić J, Murgić J, Marić Brozić J, Jazvić M, Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Konkomitantna kemoradioterapija u bolesnika s glioblastomom-naša iskustva. Knjiga sažetaka 5. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa. 2010;116.
- Šamija I, Šamija M, Kusić Z. Određivanje stanica raka prostate u krvotoku. U: Šamija M i sur. (ur.)Rak prostate-najvarijabilniji zloćudni tumor. Medicinska naklada. Zagreb, 2010;113-118
- Moslavac S, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Children and Adolescents. Coll. Antropol. 2010;34 (1): 197-200
- Prepelec A, Punda M, Rukavina B, Dršković M, Sabolek N, Kusić Z. Bone mineral density measurement in patients after total hip replacement. Abstract book of the Annual Meeting of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine Technologists. 2010;46
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Marić-Brozić J, Buljan M, Alajbeg I, Kovačević D, Šitum M, Kusić Z. Prognostic value of microphthalmia-associated transcription factor and thyrosinase as markers for circulating tumor cells detection in patients with melanoma. Melanoma research 2010;20:293-309
- Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Budanec M, Frobe A, Soldić Ž, Kusić Z. Clinical application of diodes and optically stimulated luminescence detectors for in-vivo dosimetry in Co-60 beams. Book of abstract Proceedings of the 4th Austrian, Italian, slovenian and Croatian Medical Physics meeting2010;24-25
- Dabelić N, Jazvić M, Radić J, Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Je li potrebna adjuvantna radioterapija raka dojke u starijih bolesnica?. Zbornik radova XX. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke”, HAZU, Zagreb 2010;205-219.
- Dabelić N, Mateša N, Mateša-Anić D, Kusić Z. Malignancy Risk Assessment in Adenomatoid Nodules and Suspicious Follicular Lesions of the Thyroid Obtained by Fine Needle Aspiration.Coll. Antropol. 2010; 34(2):349-354
- Jukić T, Kusić Z. Pemberton, s Sign in Patient with Substernal Goiter. J Clin Endocrinol Matab, September 2010; 95(9):4175
- Kusić Z, Jukić T, Dabelić N, Rogan S A, Staničić J, Borić M, Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Jureša V, Smokvina A, Punda A, Mihaljević I, Katalenić M. Iodine Intake in Croatia-The Results of a Nationwide Survey 2009. Abstracts of the 14th International Thyroid Congress 2010; P-0064
- Lukinac L, Krilić D, Jukić T, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Evaluation of basal thyrotropin in response to thyrotropin-releasing hormone stimulation. Abstracts of the 14th International Thyroid Congress 2010; P-1052
- Lukinac L, Franceschi M, Krilić D, Rončević S, Kusić Z. The problem of thyroglobulin, calcitonin and parathormon determination in fine needle aspirates. Abstracts of the 14th International Thyroid Congress 2010; P-0630
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Granić R, Borić M, Staničić J, Kusić Z. Clinical Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Elderly Patients (Over 65 Years). Abstracts of the 14th International Thyroid Congress 2010; P-0472
- Jukić T, Dabelić N, Prpić M, Čupić H, Sonicki Z, Kusić Z. Iodine Intake and Thyroid Cancer in Croatia. Abstracts of the 14th International Thyroid Congress 2010; P-0063
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Cytokeratin 20 as a Marker Detection of Tumor Cells in Peripheral Blood of Colorectal Cancer Patients by Reverse transcription Polymerase-Chain Reaction. Book of Abstracts Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society 2010; 21
- Franceschi M, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Jukić T, Punda M, Gladić Nenadić V, Kusić Z. Detection of Thyroglobulin in Needle Aspirates of Neck Masses in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma before Initial Operation. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;37 (Suppl 2):S283
- Žigman M, Rogan S A, Planinc D, Kusić Z. Regional Left Ventricular Myocardial Mass Assessment by Scintigraphy in Coronary Artery Disease. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;37 (Suppl 2):S373
- Punda M, Franceschi M, Rončević S, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Intrathyroid Metastasis of Malignant Melanoma: a Case Report. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2010;37 (Suppl 2):S333-481
- Kusić Z, Jukić T. Bolesti štitnjače. U:Bukovec-Megla Ž, Posavec Lj (ur.). Bolesti štitnjače – racionalna dijagnostika. Zagreb, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara,Medicinska naklada , 2010;1-16.
- Posavec Lj, Jukić T, Kusić Z. Smjernice za racionalnu dijagnostiku bolesti štitnjače. U:Bukovec-Megla Ž, Posavec Lj (ur.). Bolesti štitnjače – racionalna dijagnostika. Zagreb, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara,Medicinska naklada , 2010;81-85.
- Jukić T, Kusić Z. Fiziologija štitnjače. U:Bukovec-Megla Ž, Posavec Lj (ur.). Bolesti štitnjače – racionalna dijagnostika. Zagreb, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara,Medicinska naklada , 2010;23-34.
- Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. Molekularna dijagnostika raka štitnjače. U:Bukovec-Megla Ž, Posavec Lj (ur.). Bolesti štitnjače – racionalna dijagnostika. Zagreb, Hrvatska komora medicinskih biokemičara,Medicinska naklada , 2010;55-64.
- Jukić T, Staničić J, Petric V, Kusić Z. Radioaktivni Jod-131 ili kirurški zahvat u liječenju Gravesove hipertireoze. Liječ Vjesn 2010;132:355-360
- Spaventi Š, Kusić Z. The Latest Achievements in Diagnostics and Therapy-the Era of Global Analytical Methods. Rad 508. Medical Sciences 358) 2010:9-12
- Frobe A, Jakšić B, Jones G, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Mrčela I, Hrabar D, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy alone versus intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy plus external beam radiotherapy for palliation of advanced squamous cell esophageal cancer. Knjiga sažetaka 1. simpozija Hrvatskog onkološkog društva HLZ-a sa međunarodnim sudjelovanjem 2011; 19
- Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Budanec M, Vekić B, Fröbe A, Kusić Z. Kalibracija brahiterapijskog izvora Ir-192 velike brzine doze: analiza rezultata i nepouzdanosti. Zbornik radova 8. Simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja. Zagreb, 2011:113-118
- Mrčela I, Bokulić T, Budanec M, Soldić Ž,Fröbe A, Kusić Z. Kalibracija optički stimuliranih luminiscentnih dozimetara (OSL) za in-vivo dozimetriju u radioterapiji. Zbornik radova 8. Simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja. Zagreb, 2011:309-314
- Jukić T, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Diffuse uptake of 131-I in long bones of upper and lower extremities detected by whole body scintigraphy in two patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma.Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011;P-5
- Jukić T, Staničić J, Rogan S A, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Usefulness of SPECT/CT in the management of retrosternal goiter. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011;P-6
- Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Jukić T, Labar Ž, Kusić Z. Thyroid hormones and thyrotropin during pregnancy.Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011;P-9
- Punda M, Vidović D, Matejčić A, Kusić Z. Periprosthetic femoral bone mineral density following joint replacement surgery after femoral neck fracture. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011;P-17
- Žigman M, Punda M, Car B, Kusić Z. Assessment of lower-LIMB lymphedema by scintigraphy. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011;P-28
- Mihaljević I, Šnajder D, Poljak N K, Mulić R, Topuzović N, Kusić Z. Differences in thyroid cancer incidence increase in eastern and southern Croatia. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear medicine 2011; O-34
- Prepelec A, Rukavina B, Jurković D, Kovačić K, Kusić Z. Djeca kao bolesnici u nuklearnoj medicini. Knjiga sažetaka 6. sastanka Hrvatskog društva tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini 2011; T-5
- Stipić M, Kovačić K. Paget’s disease of bone as incidental finding. Nuklearmedizin 2011;50:49-92
- Franceschi M, Jukić T, Rončević S, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Follow-up of the patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma.Nuklearmedizin 2011;50:49-92
- Jukić T, Labar Ž, Lukinac Lj, Krilić D, Franceschi M, Kusić Z. Amiodarone induced thyroid dysfunction. Nuklearmedizin 2011;50:49-92
- Lukač J, Kovačević D, Šamija I, Kirac I, Kusić Z. Cytokeratin 20by Reverse transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction as a Marker of Tumor Cells in Peripheral Venous and Mesenteric Blood of Colorectal Cancer Patients. U: Helen C. Kristoff (ur.) Cancer Biomarkers. Nova Science Published, Inc. New York, 2011;189-202
- Zec I, Tišlarić-Medenjak D, Bukovec-Megla Ž, Harni V, Kusić Z. Serum levels of Antimüllerian hormone in women with regular menstrual cycles. Acta Clin Croat 2010;49:405-406
- A. Fröbe, B. Jakšić, G. Jones, T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, I. Mrčela, D. Hrabar, A. Bolanča, Z. Kusić, Intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy alone versus intraluminal high dose rate brachytherapy plus external beam radiotherapy for palliation of advanced squamous cell esophageal cancer, Knjiga sažetaka 1. simpozija Hrvatskog onkološkog društva HLZ-a s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2011., 19;
- T. Bokulić, I. Mrčela, M. Budanec, B. Vekić, A. Fröbe, Z. Kusić, Kalibracija brahiterapijskog izvora Ir-192 velike brzine doze: analiza rezultata i nepouzdanosti, Zbornik radova 8. simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja, Zagreb, 2011., 113-118;
- I. Mrčela, T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, Ž. Soldić, A. Fröbe, Z. Kusić, Kalibracija optički stimuliranih luminiscentnih dozimetara (OSL) za in vivo dozimetriju u radioterapiji, ibid., 309-314;
- T. Jukić, K. Kovačić, Z. Kusić, Diffuse uptake of 131-I in long bones of upper and lower extremities detected by whole body scintigraphy in two patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma, Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine, 2011., P-5;
- T. Jukić, J. Staničić, S. A. Rogan, Ž. Labar, Z. Kusić, Usefulness of SPECT/CT in the management of retrosternal goiter, ibid., P-6; Lj. Lukinac, D. Krilić, T. Jukić, Ž. Labar, Z. Kusić, Thyroid hormones and thyrotropin during pregnancy, ibid., P-9; M. Punda, D. Vidović, A. Matejčić, Z. Kusić, Periprosthetic femoral bone mineral density following joint replacement surgery after femoral neck fracture, ibid., P-17;
- M. Žigman, M. Punda, B. Car, Z. Kusić, Assessment of lower-LIMB lymphedema by scintigraphy, ibid., P-28;
- I. Mihaljević, D. Šnajder, N. K. Poljak, R. Mulić, N. Topuzović, Z. Kusić, Differences in thyroid cancer incidence increase in eastern and southern Croatia, O-34;
- A. Prepelec, B. Rukavina, D. Jurković, K. Kovačić, Z. Kusić, Djeca kao bolesnici u nuklearnoj medicini, Knjiga sažetaka 6. sastanka Hrvatskog društva tehnologa u nuklearnoj medicini, 2011., T-5;
- M. Stipić, K. Kovačić, Z. Kusić, Paget’s disease of bone as incidental finding, Nuklearmedizin, 50, 2011., 49-92; M. Franceschi, T. Jukić, S. Rončević, Lj. Lukinac, Z. Kusić, Follow-up of the patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma, ibid., 49-92; T. Jukić, Ž. Labar, Lj. Lukinac, D. Krilić, M. Franceschi, Z. Kusić, Amiodarone induced thyroid dysfunction, ibid., 49-92;
- J. Lukač, D. Kovačević, I. Šamija, I. Kirac, Z. Kusić, Cytokeratin 20by Reverse transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction as a Marker of Tumor Cells in Peripheral Venous and Mesenteric Blood of Colorectal Cancer Patients, u: H. C. Kristoff (ur.), Cancer Biomarkers, Nova Science Published Inc., New York, 2011., 189-202;
- I. Zec, D. Tišlarić-Medenjak, Ž. Bukovec-Megla, V. Harni, Z. Kusić, Serum levels of Antimüllerian hormone in women with regular menstrual cycles, Acta Clin. Croat., 49, 2010., 405-406;
- I. Mrčela, T. Bokulić, J. Izewska, A. Fröbe, Z. Kusić, Optically stimulated luminescence in vivo dosimetry for radiotherapy. Physical characterization and clinical measurements in 60-Co beams, Phys. Med. Biol., 2011., 6065-6082; M. Prpić, T. Jukić, J. Murgić, M. Borić, J. Staničić, Z. Kusić, Postoperative Use of Radioiodine (131-I), Review of Recommendations and Guidelines, Coll. Antropol., 35, 2, 2011., 587-594;
- S. Grazio, Z. Kusic, S. Cvijetić, F. Grubišić, A. Balenović, T. Nemčić, V. Matijević Mikelić, M Punda, J. Sieper, Relationship of bone mineral density with disease activity and functional ability in patient with ankylosing spondylitis, A cross-sectional study, Reumatol. Int., DOI. 10.1007/soo296-011-2066-9;
- N. Dabelić, M. Jazvić, J. Radić, Ž. Soldić, A. Bolanča, Z. Kusić, Liposomalni antraciklini u liječenju raka dojke, Zbornik radova XXI. znanstvenog sastanka Bolesti dojke, HAZU, Zagreb, 2011., 129-142;
- I. Šamija, J. Lukač, D. Kovačević, Z. Kusić, Detection of Cancer Cells in Peripheral and Mesenteric Blood of Colorectal Cancer Patient Using Cytokeratin 20 as a Marker, Book of Abstract 2011 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, Rabac, 2011., 36;
- S. Grazio, T. Vlak, F. Grubišić, V. Matijević-Mikelić, D. Šošo, T. Nemčić, H. Skala, Z. Kusić, SF-36 is Associated with Measures of Disease Activity in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis, Book of Abstract Mediterranean Congress of Rheumatology 2011, Sorrento, 2011., 24;
- Z. Kusić, T. Jukić, S. A. Rogan, V. Jureša, N. Dabelić, J. Staničić, M. Borić, Lj. Lukinac, D. Krilić, I. Mihaljević, A. Punda, A. Smokvina, Z. Topalović, M. Katalenić, Croatia ICCIDD National Data 2011, Book of Abstract Satelite to 35th Annual ETA Meeting 2011, Krakow, 2011.;
- T. Jukić, Ž. Labar, Lj. Lukinac, M. Franceschi, J. Staničić, D. Krilić, Z. Kusić, Thyroid Dysfunction and Treatment Strategy in Patients in Amiodarone Therapy, ibid., 175-176;
- T. Jukić, M. Punda, Lj. Lukinac, Z. Sonicki, Z. Kusić, Thyroid dysfunction and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women, ibid., 177; I. Šamija, N. Mateša, J. Lukač, Z. Kusić, Galectin-3 and CD44v6 as Markers for preoperative Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer py RT-PCR, Diagn. Mol. Pathol., 20, 4, 2011., 233-241;
- T. Jukić, Z. Kusić, A 62-year-old Man with a Long History of Goiter, u: L. Wartofsky (ur.), Diagnostic Dilemmas – Images in Endocrinology, The Endocrine Society, Chevy Chase, Maryland, 2011., 173-175.
- Z. Kusić, T. Jukić, S. A. Rogan, V. Jureša, N. Dabelić, J. Staničić, M. Borić, Lj. Lukinac, I. Mihaljević, A. Punda, A. Smokvina, Z. Topalović, M. Katalenić, Current Status of Iodine Intake in Croatia – The Results of 2009 Survey, Coll. Antropol., 36, 1, 2012., 123-128;
- J. Murgić, M. Prpić, I. Kirac, A. M. Camino-Varela, A. Bolanča, Z. Kusić, Dermatomyositis as Paraneoplastic Syndrome of Peritoneal and Ovarian Relapse after Long-Term Complete Remission in Patient with Metastatic Bilateral Breast Cancer, ibid., 325-329;
- I. Šamija, J. Lukač, Z. Kusić, Novosti u istraživanju i
primjeni monoklonskih protutijela u liječenju raka, Knjiga sažetaka 6. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa, 2012.; - T. Bokulić, M. Budanec, I. Mrčela, M. Gregov, Z. Kusić, A Phantom
Evaluation of the Reconstruction Strategies in Cardiac Spect-CT Tc 99m Perfusion Studies, Book of Abstract V Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting 2012, Trieste, 109-110; - I. Šamija, J. Lukač, M. Končar-Mubrin, I. Kirac, D. Kovačević, Z. Kusić, Cytokeratin-20 as a Marker for Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells in Preoperative and Postoperative Blood Samples from Colorectal Cancer Patients, European Journal of Cancer, 48, Suppl. 5, 2012., S178;
- F. Grubišić, S. Grazio, M. Punda, J. Kovačević, Z. Kusić, Morphometric X-ray absorptiometry in the assessment of vertebral fractures in patients with psoriatic arthritis and their relationship
to disease activity and functional ability, Ann. European Congress of Rheumatology, 71 (Suppl. 3), 2012., 573; - N. Mateša, I. Šamija, J. Lukač, Z. Kusić, HMGA2 Expression in non-neoplastic thyroid lesions and thyroid papillary carcinoma by quantitive real-time RTPCR, Journal of Cytopathology, 23 (Suppl. 1), 2012., 59-78;
- I. Šamija, J. Lukač, D. Kovačević, Z. Kusić, Detection of Circulating Cancer Cells in Pheripheral Blood Samples Obtained Before and During Surgery for Colorectal Cancer Using Cytokeratin-20 as a Marker, Book of abstract 2012 Annual Meeting of the Croatian Immunological Society, 2012., 44;
- M. Đaković, M. Vinković, S. Roca, Z. Popović, I. Vicković, D. Vikić-Topić, J. Lukač, N. Đaković, Z. Kusić, Structural study of picolinamide complexes of Ni(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), and Hg(II) nitrates in solid state and solution, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, Vol. 65, No. 6, 2012., 1017-1032;
- J. Herak, Z. Kusić, Josip Matovinović – Scientist and Educator, u: J. Herak (ur.), Ugledni hrvatski znanstvenici u svijetu, VI. dio, Zagreb, 2012.,175-182;
- I. Šamija, J. Lukač, J. Marić-Brozić, M. Šitum, Z. Kusić, ST6: Microphthalmia – associated transcription factor as marker for detection of circulating melanoma cells in patients with stage I-III melanoma, Periodicum Biologicum, 114 (Suppl. 1), 2012., 36;
- M. Prpić, N. Dabelić, J. Staničić, T. Jukić, M. Milošević, Z. Kusić, Adjuvant thyroid remnant ablation in patients with differentiated
thyroid carcinoma confined to the thyroid: a comparison of ablation success with different activities of raioiodine (I-131), Ann. Nucl. Med., 26, 2012., 744-751; D. Dodig, Z. Kusić (ur.), u: Klinička nuklearna medicina, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2012. - Zimmermann M B, Aeberli I, Andersson M, Assey V, Jara Yorg J A, Jooste P, Jukic T, Kartono D, Kusic Z, Pretell E, San Luis Jr. T O L, Untoro J, Timmer A. Thyroglobulin is a Sensitive Measure of Both Deficates and Excess Iodine Intakes in Children and Indicates No Adverse Effects on
Thyroid Function in the UIC Range of 100-299 µg/L: A UNICEF/ICCIDD Study Group Report. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2013, 98(3):0000-0000
Kusić Z, Bolanča A, Frobe A (ur) U:Onkologija za studente dentalne medicine. Medicinska naklada 2013 - Moslavac S, Mateša-Anić D, Mateša N, Kusić Z. When to Repeat Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology?. Acta Clin Croat 2013;51:549-554
- Frobe a, Jakšić B, Murgić J, Prpić M, Bokulić T, Mrčela I, Gregov M, Bolanča a, Kusić Z. Rak vagine. Knjiga sažetaka 1. Hrvatskog onkološkog urogenitalnog simpozija. Zagreb 2013;63
- Vrdoljak E, Šamija M, Kusić Z, Petković M, Gugić D, Krajina Z. (ur) U:Klinička onkologija. Medicinska naklada 2013
- Mateša N, Šamija I, Lukač J, Kusić Z. QRT-PCR Analysis of HMGA2 Expression in FNA Samples of Thyroid Papillary Carcinoma and Non-Neoplastic Thyroid Lesions. Book of Abstracts of 18th International Congress of Cytology, 2013; 32
- Kovač Z i sur. Klinička patofiziologija – Etiopatogenetski čvorovi. Knjiga Treća (prvi, drugi, treći i četvrti dio); Matrična metodologija proučavanja i integrativni etiopatogenetski čvorovi – nov pristup za studij kliničke
patofitiologije u postgenomskoj eri. Medicinska naklada 2013; 69-70 - Kusić Z. Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i pristup Hrvatske u Europsku uniju. Mef.hr, srpanj 2013; 32 (1):22-23
- Kusić Z. Maytrična metodologija proučavanja i integrativni etiopatogenetski čvorovi- nov pristup za studij kliničke patofiziologije u postgenomskoj eri. Mef.hr, srpanj 2013; 32 (1):69-70
- Dabelić N, Jazvić M, Radić J, Soldić Ž, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. Uloga radioterapije kod oligometastaskog raka dojke.Zbornik radova XXIII. Znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke” 2013 HAZU, Zagreb;95-106
- Sisko Markos I, Franceschi M, Jukić T, Staničić J, Petranović Ovačariček P, Granić R, Punda M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Preoperative ultrasound, fine needle aspiration citology and Tg in aspirates in the assessement of lateral lymph nodes in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. Eur Thyroid j 2013;2(suppl 1): 75-194
- Franceschi M, Jukić T, Granić R, Staničić J, Šiško Markoš I, Dabelić N, Punda M, Lukinac Lj, Kusić Z. Foolow-up of children with differentiated thyroid cancer: an institutional experience.Eur Thyroid j 2013;2(suppl 1): 75-194
- Petranović Ovčaričrk P, Jukić T, Franceschi M, Čupić H, Kusić Z. Hyalinising trabecular tumor in adenomatoid goiter-a case of 59-year old man with HIV disease.Eur Thyroid j 2013;2(suppl 1): 75-194
- Jukić T, Franceschi M, Lukinac Lj, Granić R, Staničić J, Šiško Markoš I, Punda M, Dabelić N, Mateša N, Sonicki Z, Kusić Z. Survival r4ates and prognostic features of 1167 papillary thyroid carcinoma patients with long-term follow up. Eur Thyroid j 2013;2(suppl 1): 75-194
- Grazio S, Razdorov G, Erjavec I, Grubišić F, Kusić Z, Punda M, Antičević D, Vukičević S, Grgurević L. Differential expression of proteins with heparin affinity in patients with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis: a preliminary study. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2013;31:665-617
- Fröbe A., Čičin-Šain L., Jones G., Soldić Ž., Lukač J., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Plasma Free Serotonin as a Marker for Early Detection of Breast Cancer Recurrence. Anticancer Research 34, 2014: 1167-1170;
- Prpić M., Kust D., Jazvić M., Murgić J., Jakšić B., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Conversion from hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism associated with long term response in patient treated with sunitinib. Knjiga sažetaka 7. hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2014: P32;
- Tabain A., Balenović Stipić M., Solarić M., Fröbe A., Kovačić K., Kusić Z. 18F-FCH PET/CT comparated with standard diagnostic imaging procedures in restarting of prostatae cancer patients .Nuklearmedizin 53, 2014: 19-69;
- Punda M., Staničić J., Stipić M., Ivkić M., Kos M., Pastorčić Grgić M., Gršić K., Kusić Z. Discordant sentinel lymph nodes in head and neck melanoma patients. Nuklearmedizin 53, 2014: 19-69;
- Franceschi M., Jukić T., Rončević S., Granić R., Staničić J., Punda M., Dabelić N., Gladić Nenadić V., Petranović Ovčariček P., Šiško Markoš I., Soniki Z., Kusić Z. Differentiated thyroid cancer: comparison between papillary and follicular cancer in one institution. Nuklearmedizin 53, 2014: 19-69;
- Jukić T., Granić R., Franceschi M., Krilić D., Jureša V., Zimmermann M. B., Kusić Z. The value of thyroglobulin as a biomarker for iodine deficiency. Nuklearmedizin 53, 2014: 19-69;
- Kust D., Prpić M., Murgić J., Jazvić M., Jakšić B., Krilić D., Bolanč A., Kusić Z. Hypothyroidism as a Predictive Clinical Marker of Better Treatment Response to Sunitinib Therapy. Anticancer research 34, 2014: 3177-3184;
- Fröbe A., Jones G., Bokulić T., Mrčela I., Budanec M., Murgić J., Jakšić B., Prpić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. High-dose Brachytherapy and Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Followed by Surgery for Stage Ib-Iib Cervical Cancer: Single Institution Experience. Anticancer research 34, 2014: 3861-3866;
- Dabelić N., Radć J., Jazvić M., Soldić Ž., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Personalizirana adjuvantna radioterapija raka dojke prema molekulskim podtipovima. Zbornik radova XXIV. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke” 2014, HAZU, Zagreb, 2014: 173-188;
- Kust D., Prpić M., Murgić J., Jazvić M., Jakšić B., Krilić D., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Thyroid disorders as potential predictive clinical markers of better treatment response to Sunitnib therapy. Anticancer Research 34, 2014: 6018-6019; Kusić Z., Jukić T., Granić R. Izazov moderne medicine: epidemija tumora štitnjače. Knjiga sažetaka Međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija “Tumori štitnjače u kliničkoj praksi” 2014: 6-8;
- Fröbe A., Jakšić B., Prpić M., Murgić J., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Implications of Prostate Cancer Radiotherapy on Overall Survival. Zbornik radova 2. znanstvenog sastanka “Tumori prostate” 2014: 61-67.
- Dabelić, N., Marić Brozić, J., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Novosti u liječenju melanoma. Knjiga sažetaka 8. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2015: 56;
- Prpić, M., Jazvić, M., Jakšić, B., Kusić, Z. Novosti u liječenju raka mokraćnog mjehura. Knjiga sažetaka 8. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2015: 30;
- Radić, J., Jazvić, M., Soldić, Ž., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Novosti u liječenju raka želuca. Knjiga sažetaka 8. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2015: 16;
- Jukić, T., Punda, M., Franceschi, M., Staničić, J., Granić, R., Kusić, Z. Amiodaron i funkcija štitnjače. Liječ. vjesn. 2015; 137: 181-188;
- Prpić, M., Fröbe, A., Zadravec, D., Pažanin, L., Jakšić, B., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Initial symptomatic Pituitary metastasis is a patient with prostate foamy gland cacrcinoma: Tailoring safe and effective therapy. Acta Clin. Croat. 2015; 54: 243-248;
- Žitnjak, D., Soldić, Ž., Kust, D., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Demographic and clinicopathologic features of patients with primary breast cancer treated between 1977 and 2010: a single institution experience. Acta Clinica Croat. 2015; 54: 395-302;
- Jazvić, M., Radić, J., Soldić, Ž., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Novosti u liječenju rala testisa. Knjiga sažetaka 8. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2015: 32; Fröbe, A., Soldić, Ž., Budanec, M., Mrčela, I., Gregov, M., Jakšić, B., Prpić, M., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Primjena brahiterapije u liječenju karcinoma dojke. XXV. znanstveni sastanak Bolesti dojke, 2015: 175-184;
- Jazvić, M., Prpić, M., Jukić, T., Murgić, J., Jakšić, B., Kust, D., Prgomet, A., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Sunitinib-induced thyrotoxicosis – a not so rare entity. Anticancer Res. 2015; 35(1): 481-5;
- Kust, D., Mateša, N., Kusić, Z. Clinical Significance of Multinodularity in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2015; 35(11): 6335-9; Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Melanom nepoznata primarnog sijela, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 128-133;
- Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Molekularni biljezi za personalizirano liječenje bolesnika s melanomom, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 232-237; Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Tumorski biljezi melanoma, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 238-248;
- Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Limfoscintigrafija i biopsija limfnog čvora stražara u bolesnika s melanomom, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 249-262;
- Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Uloga radioterapije u liječenju melanoma, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 274-286;
Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Sustavno liječenje metastatskog melanoma – standardna kemoterapija, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 288-292; - Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Sustavno liječenje metastatskog melanoma – ciljana terapija, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 294-304;
- Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Sustavno liječenje metastatskog melanoma – imunoterapija, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 306-319;
- Mirna Šitum i sur. Melanom. Udžbenik i atlas. Sustavno adjuvantno liječenje melanoma, HAZU i Medicinska naklada 2015: 320-323; Jazvić, M., Radić, J., Soldić, Ž., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Novosti u liječenju raka testisa. Knjiga sažetaka 8. Hrvatskog onkološkog kongresa 2015: 32;
- Fröbe, A., Soldić, Ž., Budanec, M., Mrčela, I., Gregov, M., Jakšić, B., Prpić, M., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Primjena brahiterapije u liječenju karcinoma dojke. XXV. znanstveni sastanak Bolesti dojke, 2015; 175-184;
- Kust, D., Mateša, N., Kusić, Z. Clinical Significance of Multinodularity in Patients with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. Anticancer Res. 2015; 35(11): 6335-6340; Jazvić, M., Prpić, M., Jukić, T., Murgić, J., Jakšić, B., Kust, D., Prgomet, A., Bolanča, A., Kusić, Z. Sunitinib-induced thyrotoxicosis – a not so rare entity. Anticancer Res. 2015; 35(1): 481-486;
- Mlinarić, M., Budanec, M., Gregov, M., Mrčela, I., Bokulić, T., Kusić, Z. Određivanje atenuacije sustava za postavljanje bolesnika u radioterapiji. Zbornik radova desetog simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja, Zagreb, 2015; 219-224;
- Gregov, M., Bokulić, T., Budanec, M., Mrčela, I., Mlinarić, M., Kusić, Z. Analiza odstupanja položaja pacijenta u radioterapiji glave i vrata. Zbornik radova desetog simpozija Hrvatskog društva za zaštitu od zračenja, Zagreb, 2015; 225-231.
- Prpić M., Kruljac I., Kust D., Kirigin Lora S., Jukić T., Dabelić N., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Re-ablation I-131 activity does not predict treatment success in low-and intermediate-risk patinets with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Endocrine 2016; 50(3);
- Jukić T., Zimmermann M. B., Granić R., Prpić M., Krilić D., Jureša V., Katalenić M., Kusić Z. Sufficient Iodine Intake in School Children from the Zagreb Area: Assessment with Dried Blood Spot Thyroglobulin as a New Functional Biomarker for Iodine Deficiency. Acta Clin. Croat. 2015; 54:424–431;
- Kust D., Mateša N., Kusić Z. The relationship between thyroid volume and thyroid cytopathology. Endocrine Oncology and Metabolism 2016; 18–23;
Dabelić N., Mateša N., Jukić T., Soldić Ž., Kust D., Prgomet A., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Primary Fibrosarcoma of the Thyroid Gland Case Report. Acta Clin. Croat. 2016; 55: 172–175; - Prpić M., Kust D., Kirigin L. S., Jukić T., Dabelić N., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Prediction of radioactive iodine remant ablation failure in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer: A chort study of 740 patients. Head&Neck, doi 10.1002/hed.24550; 2016;
- Prpić M., Murgić J., Gregov M., Jakšić B., Budanes M., Mrčela I., Mlinarić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Frobe A. 3D-Image guided brachytherapy in the treatment of patients with nasopharyngeal cancer. Book of Abstracts. 12th Central Euripean Oncology Congress A Best of ASCO Meeting, 2016; 1;
- Kust D., Prpić M., Kruljac I., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Thyrosime kinase inhibitors and hypothyroidism – an intriguing link. Endocrine Oncology and Metabolism 2016: 102–113; Punda M., Franceschi M., Staničić J., Kusić Z. Limfadenektomija limfnog čvora čuvara kod raka dojke – Pogled specijalista nuklearne medcine. XXVI. znanstveni sastanak Bolesti dojke, 2016; 33–44; Katinić K., Kostanjšak L., Čavrag A., Peco M., Kusić Z. Psihoonkološko zbrinjavanje žena oboljelih od raka dojke. XXVI. znanstveni sastanak Bolesti dojke, 2016; 117–120;
- Jazvić M., Soldić Ž., Miletić M., Radić J., Dabelić N., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Zbrinjavanje simptoma i potporno liječenje bolesnica s rakom dojke. XXV. znanstveni sastanak Bolesti dojke, 2016; 121–134;
- Völzke H., Caron P., Dahl L., de Castro J. J., Erlund I., Gaberšček S., Gunnarsdottir I., Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A., Ittermann T. L., Ivanova L., Karanfilski B., Khattak R. M., Kusić Z., Laurberg P., Lazarus J. H., Markou K. B., Moreno-Reyes R., Nagy E. V., Peeters R. P., Pīrāgs V., Podoba J., Rayman M. P., Rochau U., Siebert U., Smyth P. P., Thuesen B. H., Troen A., Vila L., Vitti P., Zamrazil V., Zimmermann M. B. Ensuring Effective Prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disorders. Thyroid. 2016 Feb; 26(2): 189–196;
- Prpić M., Kruljac I., Kust D., Kirigin L. S., Jukić T., Dabelić N., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Postoperative Stimulated Thyroglobulin Cut off, Levels and Radioiodine Ablation Outcome in Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma Patients. Book of Abstracts. 7th European Congress on Head and Neck Onkology ECHNO 2016; PP–136; Mlinarić M., Budanec M., Gregov M., Mrčela I., Kusić Z. Analysis of Daily and Weekly Linac Dosimetric Checks. Book of Abstracts. 7th AAMP Meeting Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting 2016; 207–211;
- Gregov M., Mlinarić M., Mrčela I., Budanec M., Kusić Z. Setup Errors in Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer Patients with and without Pelvic Immobilization Mask. Book of Abstracts. 7th AAMP Meeting Alpe-Adria Medical Physics Meeting 2016; 197–201; Punda M., Grazio S., Grubišić F., Skala Kavanagh V., Doko I., Bolić L., Bosak Butković M., Kusić Z. Fracture Risk Prediction Using “Trabecular Bone Score (Tbs)” Analysis And Frax-Algorithm in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Reumatizam 2016; 63 (Suppl. 1): 115–131; Dabelić N., Marić Brozić J., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Novosti u ciljanoj terapiji melanoma. Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 26; Marić Brozić J., Dabelić N., Kusić Z. Novosti u imunoterapiji melanoma.
Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 27; - Jakšić B., Prpić M., Murgić J., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Frobe A. Novosti u liječenju raka vrata maternice. Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 35;
- Radić J., Soldić Ž., Jazvić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Novosti u onkološkom liječenju raka gušterače. Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 53;
- Jakšić B., Gregov M., Mlinarić M., Prpić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Frobe A. Sigurnost i učinkovitost sekvencijske primjene intraluminalne brahiterapije velike brzine doze, radioterapije vanjskim snopom i kemoterapije u bolesnika s uznapredovalim karcinomom jednjaka liječenih palijativno. Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 76;
- Gregov M., Budanec M., Mrčela I., Mlinarić M., Jakšić B., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Frobe A. Reporting vaginal dose point in cervical cancer patients treated with combined EBRT and HDR brachytherapy. Knjigasažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 65;
- Kust D., Šamija I., Marić Brozić J., Svetec B., Miletić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Frobe A. Proširenost upotrebe alternativne i komplementarne medicine u onkoloških bolesnika i budući trendovi. Knjiga sažetaka 9. Onkološkog kongresa s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, 2016; 63;
- Urch K., Miletić M., Jazvić J., Jakšić B., Murgić J., Prpić M., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Svijetlostanični karcinom bubrega – iskustva jednog centra. 8. simpozij i Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog društva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a, 10. radni sastanak Sekcije za onkološku farmaciju FHD-a, 2016; 90;
- Miletić M., Urch K., Marić Brozić J., Dabelić N., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Pravo lice melanoma, 8. simpozij i Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog društva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a, 10. radni sastanak Sekcije za onkološku farmaciju FHD-a, 2016; 79;
- Urch K., Miletić M., Radić J., Jazvić M., Soldić Ž., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Uspješna istovremena primjena antineoplastičnog liječenja i tuberkulostatika kod bolesnice s metastatskim kolorektalnim karcinomom i diseminiranom tuberkulozom tankog crijeva – prikaz slučaja. 8. simpozij i Godišnji sastanak Hrvatskog društva za internističku onkologiju HLZ-a, 10. radni sastanak Sekcije za onkološku farmaciju FHD-a, 2016; 90;
- Kim T. W., Elme A., Kusic Z., Park J. O., Udrea A. A., Kim S. Y., Ahn J. B., Valencia R. V., Krishnan S., Bilic A., Manojlovic N., Dong J., Guan X., Lofton-Day C., Jung A. S., Vrdoljak E. A phase 3 trial evaluating panitumumab plus best supportive care vs best supportive care in chemorefractory wild-type KRAS or RAS metastatic colorectal cancer. Br. J. Cancer. 2016; 115(10): 1206-1214;
- Stinca S., Andersson M., Weibel S., Aeberli-Herter I., Fingerhut R., Gowachirapant S., Hess S. Y., Jaiswal N., Jukić T., Kusic Z., Mabapa N. S., Nepal A. K., San Luis T. O., Zhen J. Q., Zimmermann M. B. Dried blood spot thyroglobulin as a biomarker of iodine status in pregnant women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2016;
- Kim T. W., Elme A., Kusic Z., Park J. O., Udrea A. A., Kim S. Y., Ahn J. B., Valencia R. V., Srinivasan K., Bilic A., Manojlovic N., Dong J., Guan X. S., Lofton-Day C., Jung A. S., Vrdoljak E. An open label, randomized phase III trial evaluating the treatment (tx) effects of panitumumab (pmab) plus best supportive care (BSC) versus BSC in chemorefractory wild-type (WT) KRAS exon 2 metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and in WT RAS mCRC. J. Clin. Oncol. 2016; 34(4): S642; Kust D., Šamija I., Kirac I., Radić J., Kovačević D., Kusić Z. Cytokeratin 20 positive cells in blood of colorectal cancer patients as an unfavorable prognostic marker. Acta Clin. Belg. 2016; 71(4): 235–243;
- Fröbe A., Murgić J., Rauh S. Single institution long-term efficacy and safety analysis of abiraterone acetate (AA) in the treatment of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) in a named patient programme (NPP). ESMO Open. 2016.; Radić J., Krušlin B., Šamija M., Ulamec M., Milošević M., Jazvić M., Šamija I., Grah J. J., Bolanča A., Kusić Z. Connexin 43 Expression in Primary Colorectal Carcinomas in Patients with Stage III and IV Disease. Anticancer Res. 2016; 36(5): 2189–2196;
- Punda M., Grazio S., Vidovic D., Grubisic .F, Kusic Z. Development and validation of the osteoporosis risk score (ORS) tool to enhance targeting women with low bone mineral density. Osteoporos. Int. 2016; 27: S246; Kožaj S., Ulamec M., Vučić M., Dabelić N., Marić-Brozić J., Haramustek S., Mileta T., Bukovec Megla Ž., Kusić Z., Šamija I. BRAF V600E and V600K mutations in Croatian patients with melanoma. Libri Oncologici 2016; 44(1): 41–41;
- Prpic M., Franceschi M., Kusic Z. Use of SPECT/CT lymphoscintigraphy in the management of chylous Ascites. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging (2016) 43 (Suppl. 1): S1–S734; Sisko Markos I., Romić M., Petranovic Ovcaricek P., Gladic Nenadic V., Franceschi M., Kusic Z. Multiple Non Ossifying Fibromas in 20 year old patient with Speckled Lentiginous Nevus syndrome / Jaffe-
- Kusić Z., Govor na Colloquium Academicum Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac – katolički uzor čovjekoljublja, U: T. Matulić, prir. Blaženi Alojzije Stepinac – katolički uzor čovjekoljublja. Glas Koncila i Katolički bogoslovni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb 2016 ;33-35.
- Staničić J., Jukić T., Dabelić N., Kusić Z. Thyroid Cancer in Croatia: Changes in clinical and histopathological features observed in the Croatian referral center during 25 years. Book of abstracts 9th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine – EANM 2017, O-06;
- Jukić T., Staničić J., Vidranski V., Andersson M., Zimmermann M. B., Dold S., Topalović Z., Francesci M., Kusić Z. Iodine intake in Croatia – the results of simplify study. Book of abstracts 9th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine – EANM 2017, O-06;
- Dold S., Bruce Zimmermann M., Jukić T., Kusić Z., Jia Q., Sang Z., Quirino A., San Luis T. O., Fingerhut R., Kupka R., Timmer A., Gerrett G. S. Universal Salt Iodization provides sufficient dietary iodine to achieve adequate iodine nutritition during the first 1000 days: A cross-sectional multicenter study. The Journal of Nutrition;
- Jukić T., Anderson M., Dold S., Zimmerman M., Vidranski V., Jakšić I., Granić R., Staničić J., Topalović Z., Franceschi M., Kusić Z. Universal Salt Iodination in Croatia Meets Iodine Requirements of the Population – the Result of SIMPLIFY Study. Book of abstracts 40th Annual meeting of the European Thyroid Association, 2017, OP-08-55;
- Dold S., Zimmermann M. B., Aboussad A., Cherkaoui M., Jia Q., Jukić T., Kusić Z., Quirino A., Sang Z., San Luis T. O., Vandea E., Andersson M. Breast Milk Iodine Concentration is a More Accurate Biomarker of Iodine Status than Urinary Iodine Concentration in Exclusively Breastfeeding Women. J. Nutr. 2017, 147(4): 528-537;
- Kust D., Šamija I., Marić-Brozić J., Svetec B., Miletić M., Mamić G., Bolanča A., Kusić Z., Fröbe A. Use of alternative and complementary medicine in patients with malignant diseases in high-volume cancer center and future aspects. Acta Clin. Croat. 2016, 55(4): 585-592;
- Jukić T., Prpić M., Granić R., Dabelić N., Franceschi M., Kusić Z. Radioiodine Therapy of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. Book of Abstracts International Meeting on Molecular Imaging and Molecular Therapy – From Nuclear to Newclear Medicine, Novi Sad, Srbija, 2017.;
- Punda M., Grazio S., Grubišić F., Skala Kavanagh H., Doko I., Bolić L., Bosak Butković M., Kusić Z. Trabecular bone score in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis – association with bone mineral density and clinical risk factors. Book of Abstracts OF-ESCEO World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Firenze, Italija, 2017.;
- Punda M., Grazio S., Grubišić F., Skala Kavanagh H., Doko I., Bolić L., Bosak Butković M., Kusić Z. Trabecular bone score and frax in addition to bone mineral density in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Book of Abstracts OF-ESCEO World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases, Firenze, Italija, 2017.; Endokrinološka onkologija, urednici Zvonko Kusić i Milan Vrkljan, izdavač V.B.Z., Biblioteka Posebna izdanja, 2017., 239 str. (sveučilišni priručnik).
- Klinička onkologija, 3. obnovljeno i dopunjeno izdanje, urednici: E. Vrdoljak, I. Belac Lovasić, Z. Kusić, D. Gugić, A. Juretić, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2018., 316 str.;
- Zvonko Kusić i Drago Prgomet, Tumori štitnjače i doštitne žlijezde (str. 262–277), u: Drago Prgomet i suradnici, Tumori glave i vrata, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2018., 421 str.;
- Dold S., Zimmermann M. B., Jukić T., Kusić Z., Jia Q., Sang Z., Quirino A., San Luis T., Fingerhut R., Kupka R., Timmer A., Garrett G. S., Andersson M. Universal salt iodization provides sufficient dietary iodine to achieve adequate iodine nutrition during the first 1000 days: A cross-sectional multicenter study. J. Nutr. 2018; 148(4): 587–598, doi: 10.1093/jn/nxy015;
- Jukić T., Punda M., Vidranski V., Franceschi M., Kusić Z. The Outcome of Radioiodine Therapy for Graves’ Hyperthyroidism: a Single Institution Experience with Calculated Dose Regimen. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging (2018) 45 (Suppl. 1): S114–15;
- Blažeković I., Jukić T., Granić R., Punda M., Franceschi M. An Unusual Case of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Iodine-131 Avid Metastasis to the Adrenal Gland. Acta Clin. Croat. 2018 Jun; 57(2): 372–376, doi: 10.20471/acc.2018.57.02.20;
- Prpić M., Franceschi M., Romić M., Jukić T., Kusić Z. Thyroglobulin as a Tumor Marker in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer – Clinical Considerations. Acta Clin. Croat. 2018; 57: 518–527, doi:10.20471/acc.2018.57.03.16; Punda M., Grazio S., Grubisic F., Koopmans K. P., Mustapic M., Kusic Z. Application of vertebral fracture assessment in addition to bone mineral density measurements using dual X-ray absorptiometry in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Osteoporosis Int. 2018; 29, Suppl. 1;
- Vukičević S., Kusić Z., Grgurević L. Science communication to the public. Croat. Med. J. 2018; 59(2): 43–45.
- Prpic M, Franceschi M, Jukic T, Kust D, Dabelic N, Varjacic T, Lucijanic M, Bolanca A, Kusic Z. Differentiated thyroid cancer in pediatric population (≤18 years): Postoperative treatment with radioactive iodine (I-131). Acta Clin Croat. 2019; 58: 119-27.;
- Vidranski V, Franceschi M, Krilić D, Jukić T, Mihaljević I, Kusić Z Analytical evaluation of the new Seal Autoanalyzer 3 High Resolution for urinary iodine determination. Biochem Med 2019;29(2):020711;
- Staničić J, Kust D, Mateša N, Kusić Z. Malignancy risk with atypia of undetermined significance finding on thyroid nodule FNA: clinical experience from a tertiary institution. Acta Clin Croat. 2019 Jun;58(2):333-336. doi: 10.20471/acc.2019.58.02.17.;
- Šamija I, Mateša N, Kožaj S, Majstorović I, Bolanča A, Kusić Z. HMGA2 Gene Expression in Fine needle Aspiration. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. July 2019; Vol. 27, Number 6:471-476
- Franceschi M, Romić M, Jukić T, Vidranski V. Kusić Z. Ultrazvučna dijagnostika čvorova i karcinoma štitnjače. ur V.Vidranski. Štitnjača-u lovu na leptira.Medicinska naklada 2020.
Jukić T. Vidranski V. Franceschi M, Kusić Z. Poremećaji funkcije štitnjače i smjernice za racionalnu dijagnostiku. ur V.Vidranski. Štitnjača-u lovu na leptira.Medicinska naklada 2020.
Prpić M, Franceschi M, Vidranski V, Andersson M, Zimmermann MB, Hunziker S, Milošević M, Kusić Z, Jukić T. Iodine status and thyroid function in lactating women and infants – survey in the Zagreb region of Croatia. Acta Clin Croat vol. 59/2020 - Jukić T, Franceschi M, Blažeković I, Punda M, Staničić J, Granić R, Petranović-Ovčariček P, Gladić-Nenadić V, Šiško-Markoš I, Bosak-Butković M, Sonicki Z, Mihaljević I, Bedeković V, Fröbe A, Kusić Z. Long-term Outcome and Prognostic Features of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients Treated at Croatian Referral Centre. Abstract of the 33rd Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM’20, October 22 – 30, 2020 Vienna, Austria. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2020;47[Suppl 1]:S431(OP-873). DOI:10.1007/s00259-020-04988-4
- Ittermann T, Albrecht D, Arohonka P, Bilek R, de Castro JJ, Dahl L, Filipsson Nystrom H, Gaberšček S, Garcia-Fuentes E, Gheorghiu ML, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Hunziker S, Jukić T, Karanfilski B, Koskinen S, Kusić Z, Majstorov V, Makris KC, Markou KB, Meisinger C, Milevska Kostova N, Mullen KR, Nagy EV, Pirags V, Rojo-Martinez G, Samardžić M, Šaranac Lj, Strele I, Thamm M, Top I, Trofimiuk-Müldner M, Ünal B, Koskinen S, Vila L, Vitti P, Winter B, Woodside JV, Zaletel K, Zamrazil V, Zimmermann M, Erlund I, Völzke H. Standardized Map of Iodine Status in Europe. Thyroid 2020 Sep;30(9):1346-1354. doi: 10.1089/thy.2019.0353. Epub 2020 Jul 15
- Bolesti dojke, zbornik radova XXX. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke” održanog 30. 9. 2021. u Zagrebu u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti (urednici Zvonko Kusić i Josip Unušić)
- Zvonko Kusić, Matrična metodologija proučavanja i integrativni etiopatogenetski čvorovi – nov pristup za studij kliničke patofiziologije u postgenomskoj eri (str. 111-113); Prikaz dviju knjiga iz patologije (str. 348-350); u: Zdenko Kovač i suradnici: Pavlovo poslanje, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2021.
- Møllehave LT, Eliasen MH, Strele I, Linneberg A, Moreno-Reyes R, Ivanova LB, Kusić Z, Erlund I, Ittermann T, Gunnarsdottir I, Arbelle JE, Troen AM, Pīrāgs V, Dahl L, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Trofimiuk-Müldner M, de Castro JJ, Marcelino M, Gaberscek S, Zaletel K, Puig Domingo M, Manousou S, Nyström HF, Zimmermann MB, Mullan KR, Woodside JV, Volzke H, Thuesen BH. Register-based information on thyroid diseases in Europe: lessons and results from the EUthyroid collaboration. Endocr Connect. 2022 Jan 1:EC-21-0525.R2.
- Prpić M, Franceschi M, Vidranski V, Andersson M, Zimmermann MB, Hunziker S, Milošević M, Kusić Z, Jukić T. IODINE STATUS AND THYROID FUNCTION IN LACTATING WOMEN AND INFANTS – A SURVEY IN THE ZAGREB AREA, CROATIA. Acta Clin Croat. 2021 Jun;60(2):259-267. Dabelić N, Jukić T, Fröbe A. Medullary Thyroid Cancer – Feature Review and Update on Systemic Treatment. Acta Clin Croat. 2020 Jun;59(Suppl 1):50-59.
- Long-Term Outcome of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Patients—Fifty Years of Croatian Thyroid Disease Referral Centre Experience, Tomislav Jukić, Ivan Blažeković, Maja Franceschi, Petra Petranović Ovčariček, Marija Bosak Butković, Nina Dabelić, Roko Granić, Marija Punda, Zdenko Sonicki, Davor Vagić, Ana Fröbe and Zvonko Kusić
- Bolesti dojke, zbornik radova XXXI. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke” održanog 29. 9. 2022. u Zagrebu u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti (urednici Zvonko Kusić i Josip Unušić)
- Recent data on iodine intake in Croatian schoolchildren: results of 2014–2019 survey, Dorotea Filipan, Valentina Vidranski, Marija Bosak Butković, Ivan Blažeković, Matija Romić, Ivan Mihaljević, Tatjana Bogović Crnčić, Zvonko Kusić, Ivan Šamija, Ana Fröbe and Tomislav Jukić, European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2023.
- Bolesti dojke, zbornik radova XXXII. znanstvenog sastanka “Bolesti dojke” održanog 28. 9. 2023. u Zagrebu u Hrvatskoj akademiji znanosti i umjetnosti (urednici Zvonko Kusić i Josip Unušić)
- Huić, D, Dodig D, Kusić Z, urednici. Klinička nuklearna medicina (treće, obnovljeno i dopunjeno izdanje). Zagreb, Medicinska naklada Zagreb 2023.